#Hirana artz
monstersofsilence · 3 years
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I am finally done! @w@
I... do not know how long I was at this. a week? I think???? I think this whole week? .w.
either way
I’m finally done
and I’m happy with the final results of all six! you have no idea how every time I was doing each phase that I was getting happier with how it was coming out and just... it’s not normal for me feeling confident in my art .w.
so here they are! I love how they all came out! each and every one and also thank you for those that inspired me for the sea dwellers. it’s a small thing but it literally gave me some ideas for my owns with their fins. simple thing but was something that was VERY helpful in the long run!
from left to right!
Rinous Iinabe | Cirrus (C1-RS) | Hirana Niirio
Galenu Corfee | Mnacro Tahirr | Elanti Atonia
so fun little fact: with all your help, it gave me an idea with Mnacro and Elanti’s fins that I literally looked into what their lusii are because I forgot... don’t question that .w.
Mnacro’s is an anglerfish and their fins are FUNKY looking. and they are thing of nightmares anyway and, you know what, it makes sense giving him that. Elanti’s was a different story. her lusus is a squid and I literally thought “wait... do squids have fins?” ...they do owo;;;;;;
though they are very
and they vary but still look plain. so I just decided to make hers the way it is because no way was I just gonna design a plain-looking fin
overall... I am happy with how these all came out!
some I have wanted to redo and some I haven’t drawn in forever. Mnacro and Elanti were the two I have not drawn in quite a while. Elanti with some sketches here and there but never a full on new ref. and they needed an update at least art-wise ;v;
so yeah!
I am finally done and taking a break from these committing artwork for now so I can just do random sketches and rping, interacting with you all! ;u;
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
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finally done!
all the characters, except for one which I’ll do later on, are revamped!
god my hand hurts ;;
redid Axxiom and Salemm. mostly wanted to do Salemm ‘cause I know I wasn’t going to be able to replicate her hair like I did the first time around, so I didn’t bother and just decided with something simple
Anyssa got a FULL ON revamp and, looking at it now, she looks like what people thought kids look like if they go to skate parks with their skateboards or roller blades (which she does own and uses them around the cafe she works at. roller blades I mean uwu). I’m very proud of how she turned out!
Hirana was a different story. she’s one of those OCs where you have a concept but you can never execute it how you want it to no matter how many times you redo them. and I’m happy with how she turned out and even decided to giving her an alternate outfit since I decided she would be goth a while back. I can finally rest easy knowing it looks great and how I wanted because she is difficult for some reason ;u;
and finally Alexandra! both her troll disguise and regular human form. I haven’t drawn and fully colored a human character in FOREVER (with the exception of one thing I did for someone but that was part of the reason I was motivated to drawing Alex). I always have trouble with coloring human skin. it’s either it comes out too light or too dark and I’m trying to find a balance or just finding another set of colored pencils which has the right color for SKIN. it doesn’t look all that great but I’m gonna take it for now. OVERALL, Alexandra looks great and I’m surprised how well I drew her troll form like wow. I accidentally drew a smokin’ babe
I’m happy with how these all turned out ;w;
I can rest easy uwu
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
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last night I was busy cause Hirana’s and Leanie’s previous refs
especially Leanie’s. GOD I hated seeing it so much
I knew I needed to redraw them but I just never had the motivation because Hirana’s outfit is complicated, at least to me
ANYWAY, here are my only subjugs because every other indigo blooded troll I have are not or never became subjugs
OH YEAH, in case you don’t who is who, Hirana is the one on the left and Leanie is the one on the right c:
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