#His best friends are a Monmon and a vegiemon
dazzlingskydreams · 10 months
I made a fan kid!
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So this is Takahiko, my Arukenimon/Mummymon fan kid at about 7 years old. He's pretty sulky and doesn't smile much with people he doesn't know. This boy is much happier reading in a quiet room than dealing with new people. He's not a bad kid though; if he cares about someone, like his parents, he gets pretty attached to the point that it can be considered by some to be clingy. If he befriends someone he will help them out any way he can. His emotional empathy is also surprisingly high, so if someone he cares about is sad he'll do his best to cheer them up in his own way. Plus he has an extremely warm smile that can be disarming to people that aren't familiar with him! (I purposely didn't draw it so his default personality with strangers comes through more. Maybe another time!)
Takahiko's a really musical boy. He plays the recorder really well and, if necessary, can use it to obtain some level of control over insect digimon like his mother. He also can make spirit needles, from the darker hair surprisingly, but since there aren't any more control spires he has no idea what they're for. He occasionally just makes them, looks at them a bit, then leaves them on the table and heads away. (Honestly though even if the control spires were still around; this kid would only use them to make a dog to play with.) He also has the entirely unique ability to communicate with the Oikawa butterflies to some extent, to the point that he's aware that they used to be a single man. He calls him the nice butterfly man. Other than music, he loves the stars since his dad loves horoscopes so much and spends time looking at constellations. He is absolutely terrified of bats though and vampires of any kind, even cartoon ones, leave him in floods of tears. This is probably a subconscious response to the trauma his parents experienced in a certain dream world that got imprinted on his dna somehow.
His darker patch of hair is where Mummymon's data is more prevalent. That area of his face, his right arm and left leg are a similar shade of grey. He also has only the one eye but, unlike Mummymon, the other eye is kinda there just permanently closed. This doesn't bother him though. He can see just fine and he thinks his grey patches and weird eye are really cool! Plus he's so well wrapped up clothing wise, that it isn't really apparent. He is ambidextrous and can summon a sickle, which is connected to his digimon form, but he usually isn't in a position to need one. Also he loves his purple scarf. Seriously, don't try and take it away from him.
Takahiko is unusual in that he picked out his own human name. He couldn't actually turn into a human until he was around 4. Until then his parents just called him by his digimon name(s)/pet names etc; but then one morning they get up and the kid is just standing there in human form asking Mummymon what's for breakfast. (Yes he was originally an egg, but it's more complicated than that and I won't get into it here.) Anyway, once he realises, he decides his human form needs a name too because all his evolutions have specific names. So he looks through his books and picks one he really likes, and is pretty determined to use it. Arukenimon takes a look and sees that it can be written with the kanji for 'resolute prince' and decides 'Yes, that's a suitable name for my son' so she agrees to it. Mummymon gets no say in the matter but is too proud to care.
I know there are other well established fan kids for the pair; but I'm so happy to finally have one of my own that I just had to talk about him at least once! Seriously, I have had no idea what their kid would look like for years, to the point that I was semi-convinced that a child was impossible for them and to have this cute little guy just come flying at me makes me so happy! I'll leave it at that because I could write a lot more about him. (This is a *severely* cut back version of the full bio I wrote for him.) I might put some more stuff in the tags though. If anyone is curious about him feel free to ask. I know a bizarre amount about this kid!
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