#Takahiko oc
dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
I made a fan kid!
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So this is Takahiko, my Arukenimon/Mummymon fan kid at about 7 years old. He's pretty sulky and doesn't smile much with people he doesn't know. This boy is much happier reading in a quiet room than dealing with new people. He's not a bad kid though; if he cares about someone, like his parents, he gets pretty attached to the point that it can be considered by some to be clingy. If he befriends someone he will help them out any way he can. His emotional empathy is also surprisingly high, so if someone he cares about is sad he'll do his best to cheer them up in his own way. Plus he has an extremely warm smile that can be disarming to people that aren't familiar with him! (I purposely didn't draw it so his default personality with strangers comes through more. Maybe another time!)
Takahiko's a really musical boy. He plays the recorder really well and, if necessary, can use it to obtain some level of control over insect digimon like his mother. He also can make spirit needles, from the darker hair surprisingly, but since there aren't any more control spires he has no idea what they're for. He occasionally just makes them, looks at them a bit, then leaves them on the table and heads away. (Honestly though even if the control spires were still around; this kid would only use them to make a dog to play with.) He also has the entirely unique ability to communicate with the Oikawa butterflies to some extent, to the point that he's aware that they used to be a single man. He calls him the nice butterfly man. Other than music, he loves the stars since his dad loves horoscopes so much and spends time looking at constellations. He is absolutely terrified of bats though and vampires of any kind, even cartoon ones, leave him in floods of tears. This is probably a subconscious response to the trauma his parents experienced in a certain dream world that got imprinted on his dna somehow.
His darker patch of hair is where Mummymon's data is more prevalent. That area of his face, his right arm and left leg are a similar shade of grey. He also has only the one eye but, unlike Mummymon, the other eye is kinda there just permanently closed. This doesn't bother him though. He can see just fine and he thinks his grey patches and weird eye are really cool! Plus he's so well wrapped up clothing wise, that it isn't really apparent. He is ambidextrous and can summon a sickle, which is connected to his digimon form, but he usually isn't in a position to need one. Also he loves his purple scarf. Seriously, don't try and take it away from him.
Takahiko is unusual in that he picked out his own human name. He couldn't actually turn into a human until he was around 4. Until then his parents just called him by his digimon name(s)/pet names etc; but then one morning they get up and the kid is just standing there in human form asking Mummymon what's for breakfast. (Yes he was originally an egg, but it's more complicated than that and I won't get into it here.) Anyway, once he realises, he decides his human form needs a name too because all his evolutions have specific names. So he looks through his books and picks one he really likes, and is pretty determined to use it. Arukenimon takes a look and sees that it can be written with the kanji for 'resolute prince' and decides 'Yes, that's a suitable name for my son' so she agrees to it. Mummymon gets no say in the matter but is too proud to care.
I know there are other well established fan kids for the pair; but I'm so happy to finally have one of my own that I just had to talk about him at least once! Seriously, I have had no idea what their kid would look like for years, to the point that I was semi-convinced that a child was impossible for them and to have this cute little guy just come flying at me makes me so happy! I'll leave it at that because I could write a lot more about him. (This is a *severely* cut back version of the full bio I wrote for him.) I might put some more stuff in the tags though. If anyone is curious about him feel free to ask. I know a bizarre amount about this kid!
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lumah3art · 20 days
Fun Fact about me: I'm a huge My Sweet Piano Fan and ever since watching sanrio boys, I finally found my husband, takahiko ogata🎀🌸
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(yes I need help, I'm aware and lonley🥲)
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noxlix · 11 months
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Hello! I have created these new characters, they come from the manga "Aitsu no Daihonmei".
I fall in love with its beautiful story and the characters of course, so I create them in the Gacha Nobula.
I hope you like it as much as I do, tell me your opinions in the comments, believe me that helps me move forward. With this said, I say goodbye, Bays~ Bays~
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thekaijudude · 2 years
The Reaprea vs the entirety of the Ultraman canon.
Btw, the Reaprea is ridiculous. None of its abilities have really been described yet, but I do have some of its feats.
First, a mere extension of the Reaprea, which was 7% to 10% of the Reaprea’s full form’s power, managed to kill Father of Ultra, the Leo Brothers, all of the first six Ultra Brothers (with the exception of Ultraseven and Ultraman Adam (OG Ultraman, to refresh your memory)), and hundreds of Intergalactic Defense Force rookies in a battle where it was fighting them all simultaneously.
Second, after the previously mentioned feat, the same extension nearly killed Ultraman King.
Third, after Noa joined King’s side in said battle, the extension was giving both of them a hard time in battle.
Fourth, the Reaprea’s full form is responsible for creating the Dark Lords.
[Side note, the Dark Lords consist of a heck of a lot of characters (most are not named or mentioned, just know the Reaprea has created between 90 and 100), but here’s the main Dark Lords: the First Empera (long story short, this is a version of Alien Empera that not only predated the version Mebius and FoU fought, but was also thousands of times more powerful), Gatanozoa, the Guar Siblings, Rayblood, and Zarkran (a hybrid/soul-fusion of every previous Dark Lord’s powers and energies, but enhanced to godlike status).]
Fifth, the Reaprea’s full form was able to stop King from reviving the Ultras it’s extension had killed with his Childhood Radiation. Btw, this was done by canceling the effects of King’s Childhood Radiation, not by stopping King from releasing it. Either way, this left King in a state similar to the one he was in throughout Geed’s series.
[Side note, King could not and did not return until after the Reaprea’s destruction, which was over 6,000 years later.]
[Last side note, the Reaprea’s full form / true form was sealed away in another dimension, but its extension wasn’t. Basically, the seal had weakened, allowing the Reaprea to not only start creating Dark Lords and extensions of itself in other dimensions, but also allowing it to use its powers to affect dimensions it’s not even currently in.]
Anyway, with all that information on the Reaprea’s feats, how far does it get in the canon Ultra Series?
iirc yr scaling was UB = 10 NG
Referring to this handy lookup table I posted:
Which is basically 100 times weaker than in canon, or 1 000 times weaker if u wanna scale them with Taro
Imma say that yr OC can defeat Noa (highball), so he's basically around 10^102 - 10^103 NG
Which only canon Noa is above him, at 10^105 NG
Other than Ultras, you're probably looking at the Absolutian Lord, Reiblood, or potentially Legend otherwise if u want to take into account the other possibilities of the whole canon, albeit we have no idea how strong they are
Or to take a step further and using this as reference:
If I wanna argue for powerscaling beyond the established canon and say that as the current "ultimate state" of ultras' existence depends on just how active they are after taking on a formless existence, potentially the Absolutian Lord, VoL, Plasma Spark, Ultra Mind, DoL etc would theoretically be stronger than Noa via this line of reasoning thanks to the Decker movie
In fact in terms of the highest postulated power (assuming my method of scaling is correct, even tho it's arbitrary at this point):
1. Dimension of Light (DoL)
Entire pantheons of Ultras have come from it, not to mention its confirmed to be still active even after 30 million years
Just for fun, if we assume the DoL is 30 million years old, his power level would be 10^9000 NG, or equivalent to a 8998-way 1 NG fusion, or literally 10^8895 times stronger than Noa
Ridiculous I know, but we need to remember that it's probably the oldest thing we know in the entire multiverse
2. Absolutian Lord
Powers the entire planet of The Kingdom, which Absolutians are very significantly stronger than your average M78 Ultra (Assumption going based off dialogue from UGF3, can't mathematically conclude until we get the official ages of the Absolutians for a fair comparison)
3. Plasma Spark Ultra
(Entire Planet of fully sized Ultra warriors)
Of course I'm assuming it isn't even as aspect of King in the first place as pointed out in the second linked post
4. Ultra Mind
While only ever granted the full Ultra powers to 9 Ultras, it still enables an entire planet of beings to access the lesser, Ultra Humanoid forms
5. Voice of Light (VoL)
We see that it grants the full access of Ultras and Kaiju to whoever scales the Warrior's Peak. And in UGF2, Fuma hinted that there's more O50 Ultras that we have not seen yet
But I think it's safe to say it isn't an entire planet's worth of successful candidates
6. Reiblood
His reionyx genes have spread across multiple universes at this point, but each reionyx aside from Rei and Belial are very weak ngl
But due to the sheer scale of his influence is not yet well understood till this day, he could potentially even be 2nd place if he could, for example, turn every single Absolutian into a Reionyx
7. Radical Destruction Bringer / Delaxion
Placed them here because they are VERY active even after taking on non-physical forms
But we just don't know yet about the intricacies of how they exactly interact with their proxies to be able to say any further beyond this
Might be on the same tier as Noa for all we know
8. Noa / King
King might potentially be placed lower than Noa as the former has not been seen forsaking his form yet (aside from Crisis Impact, since it was by circumstance rather than choice)
While for Noa, we have seen that he has the ability to switch between form and formless existences
But both have granted powers to Ultras before, but only powerups so I'll just group them together
9. Legend
Have not been observed to grant anyone powers, still exists as Cosmos and Justice as physical forms
Note that I didn't include the Eternity Core or the Victorium Core here because tbh I doubt that they're transcended, energy-based ultras since they don't really "interact" with beings, and their power seems to only be transfered via an external device without showing any form of sentience thus far (Which is why the Plasma Spark is up there if u forgot) despite the former being also at least 30 million years old
So I kinda went above and beyond "established canon" to give you a far more interesting answer, or else the answer would just be Noa, which would be short and boring lol
Thanks for the question!
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jemwolf · 3 years
MHA OC art and infodump time babey! Please bear with my ramblings ahaa
I have drawn a lot in the past year (and improved a lot too!) So here's a dump of a bunch of it! There's quite a bit of it I still like and plan to finish/color (like some of the refs) some that could do with a little fixing up, aaand some I would like to redo entirely. Also silly things. Let's jump in!
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Sorako Hiyuu! He's a weeb. Also v spooky.
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Ezekieru! Anxious little punk boy.
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Ford Wilde! This is Scout and Warren's uncle that they've been living with. Presumably he has a human form but I have yet to design it ahaa...
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Aiko Mion! Their quirk is that they can summon that creepy horse (who they affectionately call Ryuu). The class isn't entirely convinced that Ryuu is a quirk and not an actual demon that Mion summoned. Also he looks like 10 years old. This one will likely be cleaned up and colored!
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Haiiro Einosuke! His quirk is super fun mechanics-wise and I can't wait to tell y'all more about him! This one will also probably be cleaned up and colored. (Small note, he is deaf and so uses Japanese sign language!)
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Renketsu (Ren) Metsuki! Basically if you make direct eye contact with him, you're paralyzed. (Hence the glasses). I have not yet decided if he has to maintain eye contact or if the paralysis would last a short while after he breaks eye contact. I am planning on redoing this ref entirely.
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Meiro Matsukaze's parents, Takahiko (dad) and Okasuri (mom) Takahiko is basically a big ol' bird and Okasuri is very good at stealing and other various crimes. (Which landed her a job as a professional hacker)
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Haruku Hayase's (still unnamed) parents! Her dad is a bodyguard and her mom is a cosmetologist.
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Ok so this is Nagito Teshiko and I love this lil' cryptid goat boy. My friend @rivermuttart actually came up with his quirk and it's lowkey op and I don't even care. What a mad lad. I'm literally so excited to share more about him!
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Combat: Ko-chan & Takahiko
Kyoshiro snarled, an expression completely at odds with the timid man's usual demeanor, showing pointed teeth. He pivoted, the earth rising around his legs to brace him as he swung with his crutch. The unfortunate enemy caught the walking aid directly in the face with a unnatural crunch and a spurting of blood, then crumpled. The former ANBU stepped free from his makeshift support and brought his better leg up, foot crashing into the enemy's face to prevent him from ever rising.
“You’ll never be able to be an active combat shinobi again.”
Kyoshiro turned his head, spitting as if even the memory of the words left a foul taste. He adjusted his crutch and began moving with a practice speed reminiscent of his years of training. He could still move.
There was work to do.
Takahiko appeared with the speed of a Body Flicker, crouched in an ANBU standard ready position and hand reaching for the regulation katana strapped to his back. Even out of ANBU uniform it wasn't ever far from his side. His chakra jumped like a lightning strike in spite of his stoic face, all sharp angles and agitated flashing. The predatory gold of his eyes flashed and the blade left its sheath in a curving arc. The enemy didn't scream, wasn't able to after the blade curved along his throat and across his shoulder. The man dropped to his knees, gurgling and frothing blood, then fell silent and still.
Takahiko turned, driving his blade into the shoulder of a second enemy. The new man smirked, confident he could shake off a non-fatal blow, and the redhead's chakra jumped. This one did scream as lightning raced up the katana and into his system, filling him with enough voltage that he began to smoke.
Takahiko placed a foot on the corpse, pushing his blade free with minimal resistance. He gave it a single sharp swipe, splattering bits of gore onto the street. His head turned, tilted skyward as if listening to some far off sound, and disappeared.
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sichada · 6 years
Ship Tag Game
Tagged by: @@squid-a-licious sorry this took so long I just saw it jfc
First ship you ever read fic for: okay this one is really embarrassing but Yami/Yugi from Yugioh because I stumbled upon AMVs that made me question my life
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Again, Yami/Yugi BUT YOU’LL NEVER FIND THE OLD SHIT
Ship you write the most now: Junjou Romantica’s Kyo Ijuiin/Haruhiko Usami the fic is still coming I’ve just been going through some shit
Ship you read the most now: Shouto Todoroki/Izuku Midoriya
Newest ship: Keith/Lance from Voltron 
Rare ship you want to read more of: does it count if I put an obscure show people haven’t watched? If so, Hazama Masayoshi/Goto Hidenori
Your taboo ship: Takahiko Sato/Yoshio Yoshida from His Favorite prob because the relationship has toxicity 
They never met in canon ship: Ijuiin and Haruhiko 
Your unexpected ship: Miki Kuroda/Miki Makimura from Devilman Crybaby actually
The ship you always forget to give love to: does my own fic count lmao
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): I don’t have any OCs tbh
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: anything from my old weebier days tbh
Your most romantic ship: Milo Dunstan/Liam Schwartz from Tripping Over You
Your sexiest ship: Milo/Liam again
Your most tragic ship: Fiona/Lia from Yu+Me: dream
A ship you want more content for: Mila and Sara!
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kasathedog-jjba · 7 years
microscope! ❤❤❤❤
microscope: zoom in -- describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
Takahiko hates milk. Diego falls asleep at the fireplace every time it is on. Luka may not be in good spirits overall, but he keeps every single drawing the kids make for him in his bedside drawer ‘for smiles later’. Valerie is such an outdoor person, she’ll sleep on the porch if the temperature allows it.Nanuk doesn’t like coffee, but drinks it every day.Yuko likes to keep books well organized.Shige doesn’t like rap music.Finnyan’s favourite snack is sweet wood.Lucine hates the smell of cigarrs, but doesnt mind cigarette smoke.Charlain usually keeps the lights low in her appartment, even if it is pitch black outside. thank you so much for asking, have these little facts about my crew Send me OC asks!
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dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
POV: You are someone that Takahiko is happy to see.
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I wasn't planning to draw him again so soon; but since it's Takahiko's assigned birthday (read: the only date my brain would accept for his birthday). I thought I would do a quick doodle of him talking to an old friend. (Plus, I'm working on art for about three different fan projects, so I won't be able to focus on him for another month or two.) Enjoy your birthday little guy! I hope that you have a good one!
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