#His character arc would have been so GOOD though ugh why does ABC want me to die????
deceptionheadcanons · 6 years
Me: Jonathan Black is a horrible selfish person that refuses to acknowledge the fact he hurts everyone around him and uses his troubled past as an excuse for his behavior; he deserves no forgiveness or sympathy for turning on Cameron and going to MW, and it’s a tragic disappointment to see him become the villain.
Someone else: Jonathan sucks.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Salty Ask List for One Chicago
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27
13. Hailey
Ok so I had written most of this and then tumblr lost it, and I’ve answered a few in the mean time so I’m not answering 10, 11, and 16. But let’s go!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
D*wsey. From like episode 3 of fire I didn’t like them, it just never sat right with me.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
I kinda think Upstead would have been better as one? But again, opinion only so ymmv.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Yup. People saying Hank Voight is more abusive than Hailey’s sperm donor, I have and will unfollow for that. Is the man perfect? Fuck no he’s not even good. But he’s not abusive and it’s an insult to survivors to call him that.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
From what I know Brettonio used to be popular, and they’re my NoTP. They’re probably my only one Chicago one though!
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
I’m not saying ruined, and idk if it’s fandom or over exposure, but I’m over Upstead. I don’t hate them, I’m just meh. I used to love them and it makes me sad that I didn’t have that excitement for the wedding that I did for the I love yous, but it is what it is. I’m glad for people who do love them though!
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
I was gonna say no for this originally, but actually fandoms made me kinda like upzek! Not as an OTP, but as a glad it’s happened for the growth kinda thing.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Not really!
Gonna out the rest of this under a cut.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Yuuuuuppppp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First time was for writing burgstead. I wrote A Bad Decision to kinda test the waters because I’d had the idea for Unintentional, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write a full length. It nearly scared me off writing it but I’m glad it didn’t.
Unintentional gets a lot of negativity on FFN, people saying I’m jealous of Burzek. Folks. C’mon. Also for some reason Kitty Love gets hate??? No clue why. But I’m a “delusional Brettsey” so who knows 🙄🙄
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Archer for sure. Also Hope, she just pissed me off so many times.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I wouldn’t say like, but I’m not too mad about romantic upzek now. I appreciate what we got as a result.
13. Unpopular opinion about Hailey?
She’s not an innocent flower Voight corrupted. From her first few episodes she was willing to lie to make sure Erin kept her job. That’s not because Voight made her, it’s because she wanted to.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Burzek and Upstead aren’t in competition with each other, there can be two successful relationships at a time on a show, especially a procedural.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Idk if I have one??
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen
I wouldn’t have had Julie die after meeting Sylvie. It didn’t need to happen, and it was the second badly ending pregnancy that year.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Not in the slightest! Again, ship what you ship. Multi shipping is a thing for a reason. Just don’t be a dick to people who don’t ship what you ship, or who ship the popular ship you don’t like.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
That people would stop shitting on Adam. Yeah he was an idiot in the early seasons. But he’s really grown up in the last few, he’s learned, and he’s trying to put his lessons into practice and do the right thing. The end of 9x06 just proved how he’s trying to do it even when he’s afraid he’s wrong and ugh. Just give him a chance folks.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Plouch. If you try tell me it’s anyone else I will call you a dirty liar and it’ll be true. Because they are the purest, sweetest ship. That moment after Infection when he picks her up from work?? The bombing? His heart attack? I love them so much.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
HOOK IT TO MY VEINS. C’mon. It’s me. Seriously though, a crack ship written seriously is my damn kryptonite. It’s a reason I’ve got a Matt/Kim idea floating around my head. As well as a Jay/Sarah Reese potential oneshot I’m still thinking about. But maybe.
22. Popular character you hate?
I don’t really hate any characters! Except Archer in Med, but we all hate him.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Voight I guess?
26. Most shippable character?
Either Kim or Sylvie. I could ship them both with basically everyone (and do tbh)
27. Least shippable character?
Sean Roman. I ship him with his hand. Barely.
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phdna · 5 years
*arriving a month late with Starbucks and an uninteresting Endgame review*
This took me forever to write because work has been very intense lately, but I have thoughts I want to write down, for my own future reference when I’m an old woman looking back on my life, if for nothing else.
SPOILERS AHEAD, of course!
From whatever little I’ve been online since Endgame came out, it seems like the internet has been on fire swearing undying love, eternal hate and everything in between. I’m used to that because the MCU fandom has a tendency to be like that, but it feels like this time is more intense, which puzzled me a little bit, as it mostly adheres to the Marvel rules of storytelling, and people tend to not fuss over movies that do that as much as they do over movies that break the established MCU patterns. And then I did some reading and watching and talking and it just hit me that people aren’t reacting to Endgame itself, they’re reacting to the MCU. Both people who think it’s the best movie ever and people who think it’s absolute trash aren’t talking a lot about the movie, they’re talking about how the movie handled the end of this long journey that was the MCU. (Exception: time travel. I’ll get back to it in a moment!) I know I’m having a Captain Obvious moment here, but bear with me for a moment, I’m going somewhere with this.
Here’s the thing: as long as there are more movies coming, we can all overlook things we dislike about the MCU really well – “they’ll just fix it later,” right? Or we can fix it ourselves, even if we don’t write/read fics – the endless theories about what the next movies are gonna be about are in large part wish-fulfillment. Maybe next time Marvel will have more representation of all kinds, maybe next time Marvel will develop their female characters as much as their male counterparts, maybe next time Marvel will focus on this particular relationship that is either underdeveloped or so developed that it should get more attention, maybe next time Marvel will direct a character arc towards where I think it should go. But when the end arrives, we have to face that we aren’t in charge of the MCU and have sometimes wildly different expectations that what the Powers That Be have in mind. We have been emotionally invested in this universe for a long time – we bring the MCU with us in our lives even away from screens – and it sucks a little to realize that, ultimately, we are powerless to impact it. If Endgame was 100% everything you’ve always wanted for every single character and for the universe as whole, great! You’re still gonna mourn the end a little bit, but it’s cool! But if you feel like even one character of the dozens in the cast got the short end of the stick, you’re gonna be upset because don’t we all wish we could sit down with Marvel and teach them Why They Are Wrong About This Character?
I hope I’m not sounding holier-than-thou, like I’m being absolutely cool and adult about the whole thing. Hell no. I’d fight Kevin Feige in a parking lot any time, and have been ready to do that since huh… the MCU started. (Especially because the MCU has taken over the comics and I like 616 more than I like the MCU, so I’ve got beef with Marvel for that.)
So yeah, I have plenty of “What? No! Whose idea was that, that’s terrible!” moments, but I always try to focus on what I enjoyed more than on what I hated. Sometimes it doesn’t work and I get forever bitter, but most of the time, I make an active effort to 1) be grateful that WE EVEN HAVE GOOD SUPERHERO MOVIES AT ALL and 2) watch the movies I’m actually watching instead of watching the movies I think I should watch. For instance, I want to set myself on fire whenever I think about how un-family-like the Avengers are in the MCU, but since being a family isn’t a story the MCU is trying to tell, I consciously try to find something I enjoy about the constant conflicts, such as what they tell us about what each character believes, and how they keep coming back together to do the right thing despite their differences.
Arguably, that’s too much effort, and I get why some people want to be entertained and get upset if the MCU doesn’t deliver that entertainment – I mean, movies are supposed to be fun. But since I was a kid, I’ve always been a fan of imperfect things I have no control over, and I muddle through what I don’t enjoy to get to the shiny bits that give me goosebumps and keep me up at night feeling giddy over how good something was. It’s part of how I react to stuff I like by now. I don’t know, maybe it’s my History degree talking, but I don’t see what the big deal is with saying “Some of it sucks, some of it is brilliant, some of it has to be challenged on the ground of human rights, but overall I’m interested in learning more about it.”
Why the essay on how to engage with the MCU?
Because no matter how I think about it, my primary opinion about Endgame isn’t “I think it’s good” or “I think it’s bad” but just “I’m thankful.” That’s it. I can’t look at Endgame and see it as an isolated movie. I look at it and think “God, I was just out of school when Tony said I am Iron Man and now I’m a teacher and the MCU has always been there helping me keep track of the passage of time all these years.” Here, have a bad analogy: Endgame is when you finish a long travel and there’s nothing home to eat and you have to unpack and you’re exhausted and normal life is depressing and you have a headache and you’re frustrated that holidays are over and you didn’t do everything you wanted…. but that doesn’t make the entire travel a waste of time, does it? It’s actually the opposite. If the travel sucks, getting home is great. And very, very, very few people walk out of Endgame saying “Thank god this MCU saga is over, ugh, I was following it just out of obligation and I’m glad I’m free now” – I mean, there are people like that, and I can see why, but I also never finish things just out of obligation so I can’t relate. Anyway, mostly, people either expected more because the MCU is good enough to do better or thought this was the perfect ending. I’m both. Some things I loved, some things I really wish would be different, but mostly, I’m, like I said, grateful that the journey was so good that no ending would’ve fully satisfied me.
My biggest problem is with time travel. I’ve never liked the trope (not huge on alternate universes, either!), so I knew this would be a pet peeve even before I watched Endgame. I’m also surprised that apparently nobody involved in the movie can agree on how aforementioned time travel works. Fans certainly can’t. And I don’t think it’s a good thing if your audience is confused by a major part of your movie, even if there is a perfectly good explanation and the audience just didn’t get it. (Which isn’t the case, as apparently there isn’t a perfect explanation.) But you know what? I’m hand-waving it. It’s a convoluted plot device but it made a good movie, so like, whatever. Let it work in ABC way unless XYZ needs to happen, in which case, XYZ is how it’s always worked regardless of how ABC was used before. I don’t care. I’m taking what they say happened and saying “Okay, that’s how it happened” and ignoring the hows and the whys. It’s just bad comic book logic on the big screen, I’ve been rolling with this kind of thing since I was a literal child. Having said that, I don’t know what year it is in the MCU, I don’t know how Spider-Man will work, I’m not touching Cap’s time paradox with a ten-foot pole, and I’m not even gonna try to understand any of the timeline charts going around online.
My other major problems have to do with real life more than with the movie. The only original female Avenger dies in the same way the only original female Guardian of the Galaxy died, and neither of them get funerals but we do get the men in their lives suffering over it (which switches the focus from mourning the women to the men’s journeys.) Not sure if the joke was that Thor was clinically depressed or if the joke was that Thor was fat, but haha hilarious. The first openly queer character is omg a nameless cameo talking about someone we never see, isn’t the MCU so progressive? (The bar was so low that Marvel had to dig a ditch so they could somehow get lower than that.) Not loving the idea of “Thanos treated Gamora like shit but the Soul Stone recognizes he loved her” and “Tony’s dad was awful but Tony can Forgive Him” being presented as touching – it’s creepy af and makes me wonder if the MCU will end up saying Alexander Pierce actually cared about Bucky somewhat or something of that sort. Female hero team up: unironically loved it and want it projected on my tombstone (it was one of my favorite part), but it’s a little disturbing that almost none of them had much of a storyline in the movie because they don’t have much of a storyline in the MCU – it really highlights that Marvel has a boy’s club problem still. Now, none of these things make for a bad movie, it just reminds me that Marvel has a long way to go with they want to become inclusive.
Okay, now on to storylines…
Tony. Loved it. I love how the Russos direct Tony (I do have a problem with how M&M write Tony, sometimes, though, and always have) because they love to highlight how soft Tony’s heart is. Part of what makes the character interesting in any universe is that he’s willing to do morally shady stuff when he thinks he’s justified and he tends to think he’s justified because he knows exactly how smart he is, but if you explore this borderline antihero behavior without a deep commitment to reminding the audience that Tony is emotional and gentle, you end up with Reed Richards. 616!Tony will always be sweeter than MCU!Tony (even though 616!Tony’s dad literally tried to beat emotions out of him, while MCU!Tony’s dad more ignored him than actively tried to make him colder, but that’s besides the point) but Tony was so openly loving in this movie, and it helps make his death hit home, why so many people will miss Iron Man and Tony I pity Morgan a lot because she won’t remember her dad, but the only way to feel like the torch has truly been passed to other heroes was to kill Tony – keep him alive in any way and characters are gonna want his advice even if he stops fighting. I want to see how other heroes will protect a world without Iron Man. It’s exciting and brand new and feels a bit like when Fury said in 2008 that Tony isn’t the only superhero.
Steve. Let’s take the time paradox at face value and say everything goes well in every possible timeline and nobody suffers more than they would if he hadn’t done his time-heist thing, because I think that’s what the movie wanted to imply. I’m actually happy he got to be with Peggy. It’s not how I’d write him, mind you, but I always knew MCU Steve was being written as someone who is inherently out of place in the modern world. In the comics, Steve has a culture shock and he mourns people, but he finds a new family in the Avengers and truly becomes part of this century. MCU Steve was never that guy. And that’s okay, it’s a valid take! Not what I’d do, but given his storyline throughout the other movies, I think it’s a very satisfying ending that feels very organic. Saying “screw everything, I’ll do what I think it’s important” has been Steve’s constant in all movies, and it’s nice that he learned that he is important too, not just everybody else. Handing the shield was also very important – no “I think he’d want you to have it” to fuel conspiracy theories in the future: Steve made a good decision and that’s fine. (And I’ll cut a bitch if y’all keep saying “maybe Bucky had the shield before” because Sam can be a first choice fgs!!!)
Professor Hulk is a thing and I liked it more than I thought I would. Hopefully we’ll see more of him. I liked Bruce and I liked the Hulk, but somehow this version of him made me go from “Yeah, they’re nice” to “PLEASE TELL ME HE’LL HAVE A SOLO MOVIE” so good job in redeeming the Hulk franchise, Marvel! It only took you 10 years to get the right tone, but hey, what matters is that you did it!
Thor…….. Um. Hard. I liked his character arc but hated how it was handled. I’m not even a huge fan of Ragnarok because comedy isn’t my thing, but watching Ragnarok, I could see why the movie worked and the humor didn’t come at the expense of being fair to the character. Endgame felt more like the movie itself was bullying him. They’re laughing at his pain, basically, and it’s just not funny. It bothers me for the same reason it bothers me when people say pre-serum Steve should never leave home – just… no. But then, we got Thor and Frigga and I’d sell a kidney for more Frigga, so, it wasn’t completely awful. Just like, 90%?
Natasha!!! I hope everybody who said Scarjo can’t act paid attention to this movie, because she gave Nat a depth that we haven’t seen since CATWS, and even then, because it was Steve’s story, she was sidelined. That’s the Nat I’ve always wanted in the MCU. …and of course, she’s dead. Luckily, we don’t know anything about MCU!Nat, so we can still get prequels even if they don’t want to bring her back to life. It’s a little shady that she dies (why is it that the randomly decided death always seem to be randomly assigned to whatever the minority in a team is, huh?) but I love that she sacrificed herself for the greater good. It’s a heroic end to a woman who thought she was gonna be a villain her entire life. Oh, oh, oh, I have to say this: Natasha leading the remaining Avengers? Godtier. I’m not much of a fic person but I desperately want fics of that off-screen period where she’s being a boss.
Clint. MCU!Clint never did much for me, so I was impressed that I was rooting so much for him during the movie. I don’t know if he’ll just retire completely, but I’m hoping he doesn’t so we can see more of him in the MCU.
Okay, that’s the original Avengers and I’ve already written……. Too much. So I’ll stop – sort of – here.
But first, other random comments.
Fight choreography? On point, 10/10, would let Marvel beat me up to experience these sequences myself
“I am inevitable.” “I am Iron Man.” I cried so much the screen got blurry and I almost missed the snap. Thank you for this exchange.
I love and support Morgan, but I’m dreading the idea that in a near future, the MCU will get Riri’s entire story and give it to Morgan. Please, MCU, I’m counting on you, have Morgan grow up to befriend Riri, not to steal her role.
Nebula needs a solo movie. Nebula needs a whole cinematic universe, actually. What a character.
Speaking of which, GotG 3 is shaping up to be very cool
Sam being the one to say “On your left” in the movie where he becomes Captain America? Poetic cinema. Also! Sam Wilson is Captain America and both the human being who wants children to grow up in a better world and the geek who wants to see flying Cap in me are equally over the moon with joy
Bucky, my darling, the MCU hasn’t known what to make of you since 2011. It’s okay, Sebastian Stan will always do his magic and make you be Bucky even when Marvel doesn’t fully understand anything about your character
Pepper’s character development in 10 years is protagonist-worthy, I can’t believe how she always only has a couple of scenes every movie
Tom Holland should not be allowed to have crying scenes, they make my heart hurt
The movie feels a lot shorter than it is
There’s a lot more I could say, but I’m writing it on Word (tumblr sometimes eat my text posts as I’m writing them) and the wordcount is nearing 3k, so I better shut up. If you’ve read all of this, please treat yourself to a milkshake, you’re awesome. If there’s anything you want to talk about that I didn’t address (or just… you know, about Marvel in general), my ask and my direct messages are always open. I’ll probably take forever to get back to you (I NEED A VACATION ASAP) but I will eventually answer you and I don’t bite, so please go ahead if you’re curious about my not-so-very-interesting thoughts :)
TL;DR: Endgame isn’t my favorite movie (IM, IM3, CATFA, CATWS and BP all come first, sorry) but it’s up there in the “I can watch this movie a thousand times and I won’t get tired of it” list, and I think it does a fairly good job in ending the Infinity Saga, so I’m basically pleased!
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screenwritingdyke · 7 years
just. the entire salty ask list for teen wolf?
lmao u got it
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* st*dia ughAre there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* st*dia lmaoHave you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? sort of?  i’ve unfollowed a lot of people for constant negativity about teen wolf and stuff.  tbh i’ve unfollowed a lot of st*rek blogs too even though i ship it more than anything elseDo you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* lol yesHas fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* i didnt hate stdia so much until i saw lots of homophobic comments that fans made about strek and stuff, and i remember in particular seeing someone say that it’s okay to make homophobic comments and insults as long as youre saying it about strek and strek fansHas fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* sort of, there was a ship i couldnt stand at all but now i can tolerate it under certain circumstancesIs there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* not that i can think of?Have you received anon hate? What about?* i have, but not fandom related lolMost disliked character(s)? Why? kate argent bc she raped derek and killed his own family, gerard argent bc hes a genocidal creep, jennifer bc she deceived derek and nearly killed the sheriff, chris, and melissaMost disliked arc? Why? i wasnt a fan of the deadpool stuff, it was just kinda boringIs there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? omg theo lmao tbh im pretty sure most of why i liked him at first was bc i saw him on pretty little liars and when i saw him as theo i was like so shocked at how good of an actor he is, but i love him 6a and 6b lolIs there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? i didnt hate season 5Unpopular opinion about XXX character? idk if there was a specific character for this one but i’ll go with stiles: stiles actually is not that great of a guy, but fandom stiles is pretty greatUnpopular opinion about your fandom? im really sick of people bashing on people who still watch the show and get excited for it and all the death threats those fans get and all the death threats jd gets sent tbh this fandom has a lot of toxic people in itUnpopular opinion about the show? season 5 wasnt as bad as people like to say it is, also i like maliaIf you could change anything in the show, what would you change? all the wrongs against derek concerning kate argent wouldve been made right and his ptsd would be properly dealt with with, scott wouldnt have hit isaac for liking allison, kira wouldnt have been written off, 6a wouldnt have happened lol lots of thingsInstead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… instead of scallison vs allisaac i wouldve liked to see scallisaac.  also stdi@ wouldnt have happened lolDoes not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? i dont really know what this means?  so i dont think so?What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? anti malia stuff, rampant homophobia, anti scott stuff, people who try to make every single thing about st*rek (ex: people claiming that they made jackson bi to retaliate against sterek/bi stiles)What is the purest ship in the fandom? scisaac tbh or scira or allydiaWhat are your thoughts on crack ships? go for itPopular character you hate? mmmmm idk everyone hates kate and so do iUnpopular character you love? theo and maliaWould you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? yes bc i dont have any friends to chat w about teen wolf irl bc none of them have seen like anything past 3a lolHow would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? okay so it’s ending tomorrow night but i’d like to see the ogs alive, liam and theo alive, i’d want for stdi@ not to happen, i want scott to end gerard once and for all, i want derek (and maybe chris help?) to kill kate, i want liam and theo to take down gabe and monroe, jackson and ethan need to survive, i just want my kids to have a happy ending its what they deserve [insert kim kardashian here]Most shippable character? stilesLeast shippable character? um idk chris? i dont know of a lot of popular ships for him aside for chris/peter.  i mean hes a good looking guy and all but people in the fandom are more focused on stiles than anyone else when it comes to shipping
lmao thanks for the ask and also pls no one send me hate messages, we’re all entitled to our own opinions and i’ve tried to be respectful in this post by not actually typing out the ship names so it wont show up in searches
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