#Hisoka Morrow x Jana Diamond
💙I'm scared💙
Jana Diamond oc x Hisoka Morrow
Feat:Illumi, Gon, and Killua
Warning: Mention of Death, Slight Angst, Angry Hisoka, Mentioned of Blood and fluff in the end
It was was a very unexpected scenario in myself
I saved Gon and Killua from being killed by My Nemesis Kyoka and fight with her. Even though I know I can defeat her I still need to be careful in order to prevent Hisoka to interfere our Fight
So Kyoka and I fought against each other and after an Hour of a fighting I finally take Kyoka Down But I think It was my Mistake because I spare her and turn my back not realising a secret attack from her
Hisoka, Illumi, Killua and God were so Shocked about this situation
Even though I felt the pain Turn around and beheaded Kyoka Without a doubt and then Anything went Black
~Hisoka's POV
I immediately approach her and took her in my arms
I know she's a strong woman so I didn't worry everytime she fought into someone but this time She's here in my Arms Injured
I stood up and immediately leave to take her to the nearest hospital as soon possible. I don't feel scared for myself but seeing her like this makes me weak and helpless
When we reach at the hospital The Doctors immediately treated her but they said that the wounds were too deep and severe and they don't even know if Jana can Handle it herself
As she was at the operating Room I was waiting outside trying to make my negative thoughts goes away
I waited there until a familiar figures appear through my sight. It was Gon, Killua and Illumi
I've never been so angry in my life and seeing these boys makes my Blood Boils in anger so Impulsively attack them but Illumi Stop me from doing it
"Get out of my Way!" I said Full of anger in my voice scaring Gon and Killua
Illumi didn't flinch even though I Threatened to kill him "Calm down" Illumi calmly says at me "How Can I calm down?! If they didn't go there this won't be happening at all!!" I angrily responded back
"If she dies I'll kill you all" I said "If You do that do you think she'll be happy about it?" Illumi said only to make me realize Her words at me before
"Don't kill innocent people Hisoka" these words rings through my head so I stop from acting harshly
We've waited for an Hour and then doctor approaches me and I Immediately Asked him about my Jana "She's fine now" The doctor said only for me to calm down for a bit "She just needs some rest" He added and then the Doctor excuses himself and leave so I entered my Girlfriend's Room only for me to see her feature
I've stayed there waiting for her to open her eyes
I'd never felt a slight tiredness into my Body this time and set my mind that I have to he the First person she sees with when wokes up
~Jana's POV
As I slowly open my eyes I instantly felt that My Body feels Unusual and a little heavy too
I see his Worried look yet shocked Eyes as she Stared at me
Hisoka calls out the Doctor and when the Doctor arrives he examined me for a while and tell Hisoka that they will come again after an hour then left
My attention towards my wounds and try to heal myself up but Hisoka take my hand and prevents me from doing it "You're too tired out to do this so let it he" He said in his unexpected worried tone towards me
I Nod in response and then Looks away from me only for me to be confused at his action "Is there something wrong?" I ask in a low yet clear voice, and then he hides his face through his hands and it shock me to hear him Crying
I'd got worried and ask him what is wrong but again no response from my Boyfriend so I let out a sigh "Love?" I said in A sweet Tone and then he look at me and I his face was in mess, his makeups were in mess and his face were stained by Tears
"Again" He said while wipe out his tears "Love?" I said again then Hisoka Hug me tightly but not enough to hurt me
I patted his back and Caress his Crimson hair "I'm so sorry for making you worry" I said "Please Promise you won't do it again" He said "I won't I promise" I respond giving his temple a kiss "I told you don't to spare your enemy" He said in tone like blaming and it make me laugh "Alright I promise next Time I won't spare my enemies" I responded full of happiness in my Tone
He hugged each other for a while like that savouring the moment and taking away the sadness from both of us
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Heres fanart I created from a follower of mines fanart
Hope you like it💞💞💟💖💖💖💖🏵
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Jana Diamond (oc) x Hisoka Morrow
Warning: Fluff only
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Jana just Finished one of her fights in full-time Victory so She decided to take her Boyfriend Hisoka to a fancy Date, because Hisoka Always invited her but she's always Declining it that Hisoka felt a little Sad about it
So when Jana Reached to their Shared Apartment she immediately senses of Hisoka's Bloodlust from the inside
And when she entered up she saw Hisoka building a card tower as always with a creepy yet Mischievous grin on his Face
"How's the fight Darling?" Hisoka ask "Well It was kinda good too" Jana Replied out
Hisoka approach her ruining his card tower... When Hisoka reach at Jana he took out one of his Card as if he wants to fight her but Then Jana Interrupted him ask him on a date and Hisoka was like "okay" with the facial expression like down below
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Hisoka was Stunned at your sudden Invitation but inside he was very happy that you finally decided to pay attention at him
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"I thought You wanted to go out with me?" He said.. You gave him a deep sigh and tell him to get ready for your official first date
As you get inside the room to take a shower he Hisoka mumble to himself that "This is the first step towards the finest victory"
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Hello my friend! Well, For my first request, I wanted to see if you could do a headcanon with the main four with a s/o or my Oc Leah who is the same age as Gon and Killua but with a cosmic universal power(stronger than Nanika) and has the power of Emotion Empowerment, (Life and Death) Give & Take away life with glowing stars/ balls of light (which can channel their emotions into powers) and a variety of magical powers such as Flight (she can breathe in space), Telekinesis, Force fields, Teleporting(open portals to different areas/worlds), and Telepathy.
Ohhh sorry it if took so long for me to finished your request I was just Busy with school @lelewright1234
Writing Commission Open
Art Commission Open
Hoped you liked it💙💙
“Sun and Moon”
Warning: Hisoka being a perv, Implied oc, Implied Violence, Mentioned of Bloods
Feat: oc Leah, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, oc Jana Diamond
Leah was only 11 years old when she decided to join the hunter exam
She was a very Kind and a very delightful child
When she arrived there many examiners gave her a mean look but she just ignored them and find somewhere to spend her time.
While she was wandering around a boy accidentally bump into her that make her fall to the ground, the boy apologises and offered his hand to help leah out
Once she was om her feet the Boy Rapidly Apologise to her for his Clumsy action but Leah tells him that it's fine and the boy Let out an awkward Chuckles and introduces himself “hi! I'm Gon” The biys said “Hello *Smile* I'm Leah” Gon Smiles at her and ask her if she wants to join him and Leah Gradually Agreed to him
The two of them talk as they walk until a yellows haired and a tall man wearing a suit approaches them “Where did you go?!” The Man in the suit scold Gon “sorry I got lost” Gon replied while scratching the back of his head, the Yellow Haired Man turn towards Leah and Straightforwardly ask for her name “I'm Leah” She Replied and the Yellowed Haired Man introduces himself as Kurapika and the Man wearing a Suit introduces himself as Leorio
When the Exam has started the Four of you run following the Examiner through the Strange looking forest. As you all Running you haired some Screams not too far from your location “What is that?” Leorio Ask “It must be the Others” Kurapika Replied along with his Panting. Hours has passed and At least the half of the Candidates were now gone and Leah On the other Hand was still running along with her Panting because she can't handle these kind if things but she doesn't wanted to gave up
While they're all running Kurapika and Leorio was Left Behind and it make Gon and Leah worried and suddenly a white haired Boy the same age as God Approaches them while Riding on his Skateboard “There's no point of worrying the others” He said in a Nonchalant Manner, Gon on the hand tells the Boy the he couldn't just leave his friends behind because that's what friends do “You're Interesting. what's your Name?” The White haired boy ask “I'm Gon and the Child Besides me was my Friend Leah. what's Yours?” Gon Ask “Hmmm I'm... Killua” He Introduced. Gon smiled Widely until a familiar Scream caught your attention “Leorio” You said Running back “Leah!” Gon Calls you out “What's wrong with her? She doesn't run back” Killua Said “*Smile* See you later” Gon Followed Leah and Killua Sprinted out “That Two kids must Crazy” The Bald Man commented “Yeah.. They're” Killua replied
When Leah and God Arrived at the scene they spotted a countless Body of the other Candidates on the ground
Leah Feel a strange presence that make her skin Chill “Ohohohoho” A Weird Looking Man appears somewhere with a Mischievous Grin into his face. Leah alerted herself
The Clown Looking Man Walk towards them. Gon prepare his Rod and Attack the Man only for it to hit into the side of its head, the Magician turn his attention towards Gon with an amused face “Ohhh A Rod? How Fascinating” He said and the. Suddenly Leorio came out from nowhere and attack the man but the Magician punch him that it'll send him flying
Gon attack the Magician again but this time it catches him holding him by his neck, Leah on the Other hand was In Rage that she didn't noticed that her Power was leaking out only for the Mischievous Magician to Noticed it. “Are you here to save your Friend?” The Magician Ask “What a good Boy” The Magician Added before letting out a smile and Drop Gon on the Ground “Well Its good to have friends right?” the Magician approach to Leorio and Pick it up before turning his attention on Leah “Put Him down!” Gon Commanded “Only if you catch me” He said before disappearing in the Foggy forest
When Leah calms Down she approached to Gon and Ask him if he was alright and Then Kurapika appeared
Leah knows that this is not the First and the last she will meet the Magician so she needs to get ready
After the Hunter Exam Leah Went with Killua and Gon to the Heavens Arena to join and earn some money and to train too
Leah was more Bonded with Gon than Any of her friends and she Hates/Love Killua because he was annoying a and keep pestering her
When the three of them got registered they started their fights. Day after Day the three of them gets better and better until they've reached the 200 Floor. There's only limited time for them to get registered and when they got there a Strange Aura stops them from continuing. “What's happening?!” Killua Ask “I don't know!” Gon Replied “There's something prevents us from walking further” Leah Said. The Aura makes Leah Realize who it was “Hisoka!” She said. Hisoka was sitting on the end of the Hall “Hmmm... We meet again” The Mischievous Magician said “Didn't know that the three of you would come here” He added “Hisoka!!!” Killua shouted out angrily
Hisoka let out a breathy Laugh not noticing that Leah was now besides him
Leah's Body was now covered with light as much her eyes. She Constantly control Hisoka's Body and hit it on the Wall
Gon and Killua was very amused with and thinks that it was Awesome
Hisoka was now on the Ground bleeding and Leah was still wearing her Power as if she was waiting for Hisoka to Stand up and fight back
Killua and Gon thinks that Hisoka gradually loses his consciousness but into their surprise Hisoka let out a breathy Laugh As he was happy about everything “She was so right about you young girl” He said and Leah Was si Confused “what do you mean?” Leah Ask him and Hisoka just laugh at her that make her to be enrage more, Leah Pick Hisoka's Limp Body again and Slammed it on the Ground so Hard and it make him spit out some Blood, Leah doesn't know why she was enraged about suddenly and why she couldn't stop herself from hurting Hisoka
After awhile a hand grab Leah's Shoulder and throw her against the wall “You're.... La-Late” Hisoka said “Forgive me” The woman said before turning her attention to Leah
The woman Walk towards her and grab her Jaw “Didn't expect to you to come In here” The Woman said “Who are you?” Leah ask but woman just ignore her before putting her down
When Hisoka Get back into his feet he Wraps his arm on the Woman's Waist and Drag her into the Dark Hall. Gon and Killua rush towards her side asking if she's alright but Leah just nodded out still looking that dark hall where the woman and Hisoka dissappears
Leah was left puzzled and wondering who's that woman is.. She seems familiar but why?
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He's the champion💕
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oc 💙Jana Diamond x Hisoka Morrow💙
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💙“I Love You and Only You”💙
Oc Jana Diamond x Hisoka Morrow
Warning: Fluff, Hint of Jealousy and Threat of violence
It was very Pleasant morning for Me when all of the sudden Hisoka wants to come with me at the Grocery Store
When we got there He voluntarily take the Cart and push it forward
He's been been really nice today and surprisingly didn't even annoyed me at all. Well maybe he's just in a good mood today
As we walking through the Aisle Hisoka Hisoka Wrap his Arm around my Waist as if someone tries to take me away "Jana?" He Calls out "Would you like me to cook for you tonight?" He added and his words makes me confused because he never cooks for me before. "No" I said Firmly "Awwwee Come On Baby Please?" He pleaded sounded like he did something wrong
After we Completed our Grocery List we went at the Counter to pay for our Grocery when Suddenly Hisoka's gone already
I looked for him everywhere but he's nowhere to be found at all so I let him be thinking that he was at the Toilet or getting something he wants
And after a while a large bouquet of Blue roses appeared in front me "For You My Queen" Hisoka was here now so I turn to me and he's wearing a nervous Smile on his Face which even makes me confused
When we got home He Again Voluntarily arrange the Grocery at thr Fridge and even cleans the whole apartment
After that I prepare something for him because he looks very tired and Exhausted after a few chores
I sat with him and wipe out his Sweat "What's Wrong?" I ask in my Caring voice which Make Hisoka a little Surprise "Tell me what's wrong" I said again as I carefully arranging his Hair backwards
He's really making me nervous now cuz' he's been doing some unusual things That I'd never seen before
I took his hand give him a Concern Look and I can see that he's been really nervous about something so Ask Him "Hisoka, Tell me what's Wrong" I ask again "You're making me Worried" I Added which make him Frown "I-I-Uh Jana?" He Stutter out "Do You Love me?" He Blurted out and it shock me for a bit
"Why You ask?" I ask him back in a stern tone and Hisoka just look down looking Guilty "I've done something that It might make you leave me" He said "What is it?" I ask Him out
I swear to myself that if this guy cheat on me well he would never ever sees the sun again
But in My surprise Hisoka Suddenly got up and head towards our shared bedroom and when he got back he shows me the bracelet that I gave him before and it was Broken "Why Is it like that?" I ask him and Hisoka Scratch his head awkwardly and tells me that after his fight with Kastro the bracelet suddenly fells apart and he remembers my words that if this bracelet is being ruined by him he will pay a heavy price and it really make him nervous as f
And he makes a conclusion that If he do something nice to me starts today then I wouldn't leave nor Hurt him at all
I don't know If I should Be angry or be amused at his action because I really did tell him not to break the bracelet because that Bracelet can opens a portal and can summon my shinigamis in difficult times and it can really helps him a lot someday
Hisoka was indeed nervous about this so I took the bracelet and fix it out and make it as good as new before and wore it to his wrist
And after that I Hug Hisoka close my chest and Caress his Crimson Hair "My Love, I may be a cruel and a very Vicious woman but U would never lie when I told you that I Love you and Only You"
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💕Jana Diamond oc x Hisoka Morrow💕
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Oc Jana Diamond x Hisoka Morrow
Warning:Implied Alcohol, Hisoka being annoyed
-I knew that Hisoka hated seeing me so drunk
-And When I got home he pulled me inside and sit me on the couch
-I can see that he was so Annoyed at my situation and because I was drunk I can't hold back my laughter which shook him off
-"What the Heck Jana" Hisoka said "Are you really that drunk to laugh like that?" He ask me in a worried tone "There's nothing for you worried about Bungee" I said calling him with the silly nickname I gave him before
-Hisoka wipe a warm towel in my body to sober me up a little "Where did you go?" He ask at me "I was with... Chrollo, We drink a lot" I said being sober up a little
-Hisoka has always told me to stay away from Chrollo because he knew that Chrollo wants me to be part of his Troupe even I clearly stated that I don't want to
-"What did you both of you talked about?" He ask at me with Full of Curiosity. I Chuckled at him "He wants me to accompany him on his mission" I said
-Hisoka Immediately Frown at my words and His eyes tells me not to go "He offered me a big amount of Money too" I Added and Hisoka let out a scoff "I can Double, No! I can Triple the amount of that money he offered you, just Don't go with him" He said
-He's Worried that I might get in trouble and wasn't even there to protect me
-Until now, I was still fascinated that Hisoka never Treated me badly like his past lovers
-I gave him a sigh and assured him that Would never go to that Mission with Chrollo.. And I can also see the relief on Hisoka's face when I say that
-Even If I treated him Coldy I couldn't deny That I was really in loved with this man
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💙“One Silly Night”💙
Oc Jana Diamond x Hisoka Morrow
Warning: Implied oc character, Implied Alcohol, Fluff, hint of Jealousy, SFW
It was her birthday and I wanted to do something nice for her because I've been a jerk since we've started dating and stuff so I wanted to change it tonight
I told her to get prepared because I was taking her to a fancy dinner and she got all dressed up ooooh My Gooooddd she's so stunning
Black is really her Color but this time was different My Jana was wearing a pink spaghetti strap cocktail dress as her hais was being knotted elegantly
Jana Approach me "You know You don't have to do this" She said. Well I know that she doesn't liked to celebrate her birthday but if she's with me she has to "No" I responded to her as I kiss her Forehand "Happy Birthday My Love" I Added and she smiles at me "Thank you"
When we got a the Restaurant, it was all well prepared so when we sat down the waiters started to approach us taking our orders
"I would Like to have a Beef Steak and Cooked it well, a Corn and Crab Soup, as for dessert I Just wanted to have a chocolate ice-cream and that's it" She ordered and then she ask for my orders but I took the same as hers except I've ordered a bottle of Red Wine
When the Waiter left I turn my attention towards her and she's really gorgeous as ever. From the Day I saw her *sigh* it has no difference
While we're waiting for our order the Flower I'd ordered has arrived. I hand over the Bouquet of Blue Roses, My Jana's Favourite Flowers of all time
She smells it out and give me a loving smile. While Jana wasn't looking I secretly took a couple of pictures of her, Well I've always doing that but she doesn't minds it at all
As our order Arrives we finally started to eat. I can see that she's really enjoying this even if she doesn't told me about it "How's the Food?" I ask giving her a smile "Its good" she responded
After we finished our Food I pour some Wine on her Glass until I realised that she's already drunk
Her cheeks were red and she can't talk very clearly so I need to take her home and when we got there I clean her face up and take some of her clothes to change and when I'm about to take jer clothes off "Don't *Hic*you even dare" She said giving me a Fierce look. She took her clothes and change on her own and After that she sat down on couch as I'm about to wipe a cold Towel on her Body "You what I wanted to tell you something in a very Long time" She suddenly Blurted out "What is it?" I ask her and she gave me a Chuckle
"I'm Jealous when you mentioned your exes especially when you and Machi were always together" She responded. I never knew that she was Jealous of her "She's a Human while I'm not" She added
I never knew that she has her own insecurities. I cupped her Cheeks for her to turn her attention towards me "What are you talking about?" I said in shock. I know that Jana wasn't a Human at all but I never knew that she'd feel bad about it
"You know *Hic* what I meant to say.." She responded as she hit my chest. I gave her sigh and tell her how much She meant to me and how her real Form doesn't bother me at all because for me she's perfectly fine and there's no one can replace her in my Cruel Heart
And suddenly my heart sink as her tears started to stream down her cheeks and then she gave me a hug "I *Hic* Love You too" She said and then press her Lips Into Mine
My heart is now beating so fast. When she pull apart she kiss my Forehead "Let's get Marry Hisoka" she said and I gave her a Swift Nod in Agreement
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💙My oc Jana Diamond x Hisoka Morrow💙
Ship name "HisoJana"
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Credits to @ultimategirldad for this templates
I just saw this template while I was scrolling down and I absolutely like this idea thank you so much
This is some information about my oc Jana Diamond and to her Husband Hisoka Morrow
I hope you like this
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