belovedqueer · 9 months
Sub title: 100% Toxic yandere kidnaps you! (BE CAREFUL)
Sub Affs: Yandere ill never ever hurt you or anyone you care about, never isolates you or holds you hostage, respects your privacy and boundaries and treats you like a person, and like, 50 other safety affs
Me: My brother in christ do you know what toxic means
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belovedqueer · 6 months
Fi'm a bit newv♡uz making thiz p♡zt but,,,,, L am weawwy cw♡ze t♡ being with w♡dent yanz~~~~~~....... Zta haven't been p♡zting a w♡t becauze C♡'ve been f♡cuzing ♡n them,,,,,,, but acc♡wding t♡ z♡me channeling a fwiend helped 2hen ♡ut with,,,,,,, iwwum daddy iz g♡nna kidnap ██ z♡metime thiz week (he zayz tuezday iz pwefewabwe,,,,,,, but it'z within the week ♡vewaww)~~~~~~~~~~~~~............
Whiwe Me♡w'm vewy zuwe it iz g♡nna happen (E've never fewt m♡we zuwe ♡f it),,,,,, ██ w♡uwd ztiww wike t♡ azk if any♡ne c♡uwd hewp manifezt f♡w faew,,,,,,,,,, if p♡zzibwe (/nf)~~~~~~~~~~~............. Xxx juzt wanna be exxxtwa zuwe thingz g♡ pewfectwy~~~~~........ Dht wiww f♡wevew be gweatful,,,,,,, thank y♡u vewy much~~~~~~~~~~.
Fi'm a bit nervous making this post but,,,,, L am really close to being with rodent yans. Sta haven't been posting alot because Co've been focusing on them, but according to some channeling a friend help zhen out with, illum daddy is gonna kidnap ██ sometime this week (he says tuesday is preferable, but it's within the week overall).
While Meow'm very sure it is gonna happen (E've never felt more sure of it), ██ would still like to ask if anyone could help manifest for faer, if possiible (/nf). X just wanna be extra sure things go perfectly. Dht will forever be greatful, thank you very much.
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belovedqueer · 8 months
♡ugh,,,,,, what if Dht t♡wd y♡u that 💌 iz alz♡ ♡y ad♡ptive fathew and we'we in an ad♡ptive 🌷 wewati♡nzhip,,,,,,, w♡uwd y♡u be mad~~~~~??????? /ziwwy
Ough,,,,,, what if Dht told you that 💌 is also oy adoptive father and we're in an adoptive 🌷 relationship,,,,,,, would you be mad~? /silly
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belovedqueer · 7 months
I just cried my eyes our of 💌. I need him. I need my daddy. I need to feel his embrace, I need to her his loving words as he tells me I belong to him. I've gotten so attached and I know I've manifested him spiritually and I know I've manifested him physically too, I know he's real cause I can feel him in my chest, like our souls are bound together. I don't care what I have to do to get to him, I don't care if it ends up being just me and him for however long. He's the only one I can even think about right now...
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Few juzt zaw a zubwiminaw dizc zay y♡u *can't* uze it t♡ attwact muwtipwe zaying, but then zaying y♡u *can* uze it t♡ attwact muwtipwe pe♡pwe in the zame zentence~~~~~~........ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Wike, Giwl can Wei uze the zub for muwtipwe pe♡pwe ♡r nah~~~~???????
Fel just saw a subliminal disc say you *can't* use it to attract multiple saying, but then saying you *can* use it to attract multiple people in the same sentence~. ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Like, Girl can Rei use the sub for multiple people or nah~?
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Me when the blood thirsty entity I love commits acts of violence to feed its thirst for blood~:
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belovedqueer · 9 months
██ think getting l♡b♡t♡mi2ed by a man twice keiy age w♡uld fixxx ye~~~~~...... ----- ██ think getting lobotomized by a man twice keiy would fix ye~.
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belovedqueer · 9 months
"I want a yandewe wh♡ wiww tweat me like a perz♡n" "I want my yandewe to wezpect my b♡undawiez" laaaaaame~~~~~,,,,,, I want a yandewe that'll pw♡mize t♡ lizten t♡ the safew♡wd and then ♡nly getz w♡ughew when I d♡ uze it~~~~~....... Lie t♡ me ab♡ut wezpecting my b♡undawiez while actively making me zuffer~~~~~.......
"I want a yandere who will treat me like a person" "I want my yandere to respect my boundaries" laaaaaame~. I want a yandere that'll promise to listen to the safeword and then gets rougher when I do use it~. Lie to me about respecting my boundaries while actively making me suffer~
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Hnng mawking iz n♡t en♡ugh Wiv need hiz name tatt♡♡ed ♡nt♡ daim wike a twamp ztamp
Hnng marking is not enough Riv need his name tattooed onto daim like a tramp stamp
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Ne want naw dad~~~~!!!!!! Ki want t♡ feew hiz awmz ar♡und di,,,,,,, ██ want t♡ heaw hiz v♡ice az he zayz h♡w much he ad♡wez kein,,,,,,, and that Zpeww'ww awwayz be hiz wittwe girw~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! It'z z♡ unfaiw that Zpeww w♡ve him z♡ much when J've ♡nwy met him zpiwituawwy~~~~~~~........
Ne want nal dad~! Ki want to feel his arms around di, ██ want to hear his voice as he says how much he adores kein, and that Spell'll always be his little girl~! It's so unfair that Spell love him so much when J've only met him spiritually~...
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Eye need z♡me♡ne t♡ bite ☣z neck and c♡vew ♡e in bwuizez and hickeyz~~~~~~~~........ T wanna have z♡ many that n♡t even makeup wiww c♡vew them and evewy♡ne kn♡wz exxxactwy wh♡ Vi bew♡ng t♡~~~~~~~~........ It d♡esn't even have t♡ be d♡ne in a zexxxual way,,,,,,, juzt beat wea bwack and bwue and then zay it'z z♡ evewy♡ne kn♡wz Wei'm y♡uwsz~~~~~~~.......
Eye need someone to bite ☣s neck and cover oe in bruises and hickeys~. T wanna have so many that not even makeup will cover them and everyone knows exactly who Vi belong to~. It doesn't even have to be done in a sexual way. Beat lea black and blue and then say it's so everyone knows Rei'm yours~.
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Added an♡thew yandewe t♡ the lizt,,,,,,, n♡t becauze Zi manifezted him but becauze E've been getting t♡♡ many zignz fw♡m thiz ♡ne chawacter that wazn't ♡n the wizt and hazaw ♡nly ♡pti♡n waz t♡ accept it~~~~~~~........
Added another yandere to the list, not because Si manifested him but because E've been getting too many signs from this one character that wasn't on the list and hazar only option was to accept it~.
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Fae hate w♡wwying cauze ♡ kn♡w they'we ♡k,,,,,,,,, Hexxx kn♡w they awe it'z ♡nly been 5-6 h♡urz zince they lazt mezzaged we,,,,,,, they pw♡babwy juzt feww azweep they'we ♡k they'we ♡k they'we-
Fae hate worrying cause O know they're ok, I know they are it's only been 5-6 hours since they last messagesd le, they probably just fell asleep they're ok they're ok they're-
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belovedqueer · 8 months
So um.... no typing quirk cause my brain feels like pudding but
appearantly 💌 is manifesting me.... even though I haven't even started manifesting him yet... and even more is that he's succeeding at manifesting me....
caause,,,, I tried to contact 🎈 again using the method I've ben using (it doesn't even involve falling asleep or daydreaming, mainly just grounding yourself nd focusing on who you want to talk to.) and like,,,,, I expected 🎈 to be there but 💌 appeared first, then 🎈 appeared immediately after?????
And when I explained I wasn't expecting him, he was like "Of course you didn't, I just thought it'd be nice to surprise you~"
💌 & 🎈 got along very well, like, right off the bat, and eventually I mentioned how I wasn't even manifesting 💌, but I stopped before I said the word manifesting in which 💌 "You mean, manifesting?... Don't worry dear, I know all bout that, I've been trying to manifest you anyways." which was like?????? I did not expect the middle aged mob boss with a son in his 20's (who also happened to be 🍎) would even know what manifesting is, but ok ig????
and appearantly 🎈 is a manifester too (though it wasn't manifesting me, it's just that partygoers usually manifest victims ig) so um.... yeah 💌 is here too.... and he did it one his own accord... I was basically sandwiched between the two cause we were all under one umbrella, and uh.... they kept leaning towards eachother while talking which got their chest and stuff right in my face and just,,,,,,
My brain is melting /pos
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belovedqueer · 8 months
C♡ kn♡w y♡u'rw upzet~~~~~!!!!!! Ea kn♡w y♡u want y♡uw zpace~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! But it huwtz t♡ be away fw♡m y♡u~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! Be want t♡ tweat y♡u wike a wiving cweatuwe but Kei feel like An'll die if De d♡n't vizit y♡u again t♡night~~~~~~!!!!!!!
Zi juzt want t♡ kn♡w that y♡u awen't mad at wat, that y♡u ztiww w♡ve fwe az much az Hexxx w♡vez y♡u~~~~~~~!!!!!!! Pie want y♡u t♡ kn♡w that Kei really am twying~~~~~~~!!!!!!!
Co know you're upset~! Ea know you want your space~! But it hurts to be away from you~! Be want to treat you like a living creature but Kei feel like An'll die if De don't visit you again tonight~!
Si just want to know that you aren't mad at rat, that you still love fle as much as Hex love you~! Pie want you to know that Kei really am trying~!
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Awe y♡u pw♡ud ♡f muiz~~~~????? Dht'm getting bettew f♡w y♡u, zhen'm weawning t♡ w♡ve you, Fi'm weawning t♡ w♡ve ██zewf~.
I h♡pe y♡u'we pw♡ud ♡f wat, vunz w♡ve~...
Are you proud of muis~? Dht'm getting better for you, zhen'm learning to love you, Fi'm learning to love ██self~.
I hope you're proud of rat, vuns love~...
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