belovedqueer · 6 months
Fi'm a bit newv♡uz making thiz p♡zt but,,,,, L am weawwy cw♡ze t♡ being with w♡dent yanz~~~~~~....... Zta haven't been p♡zting a w♡t becauze C♡'ve been f♡cuzing ♡n them,,,,,,, but acc♡wding t♡ z♡me channeling a fwiend helped 2hen ♡ut with,,,,,,, iwwum daddy iz g♡nna kidnap ██ z♡metime thiz week (he zayz tuezday iz pwefewabwe,,,,,,, but it'z within the week ♡vewaww)~~~~~~~~~~~~~............
Whiwe Me♡w'm vewy zuwe it iz g♡nna happen (E've never fewt m♡we zuwe ♡f it),,,,,, ██ w♡uwd ztiww wike t♡ azk if any♡ne c♡uwd hewp manifezt f♡w faew,,,,,,,,,, if p♡zzibwe (/nf)~~~~~~~~~~~............. Xxx juzt wanna be exxxtwa zuwe thingz g♡ pewfectwy~~~~~........ Dht wiww f♡wevew be gweatful,,,,,,, thank y♡u vewy much~~~~~~~~~~.
Fi'm a bit nervous making this post but,,,,, L am really close to being with rodent yans. Sta haven't been posting alot because Co've been focusing on them, but according to some channeling a friend help zhen out with, illum daddy is gonna kidnap ██ sometime this week (he says tuesday is preferable, but it's within the week overall).
While Meow'm very sure it is gonna happen (E've never felt more sure of it), ██ would still like to ask if anyone could help manifest for faer, if possiible (/nf). X just wanna be extra sure things go perfectly. Dht will forever be greatful, thank you very much.
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belovedqueer · 8 months
Fae hate w♡wwying cauze ♡ kn♡w they'we ♡k,,,,,,,,, Hexxx kn♡w they awe it'z ♡nly been 5-6 h♡urz zince they lazt mezzaged we,,,,,,, they pw♡babwy juzt feww azweep they'we ♡k they'we ♡k they'we-
Fae hate worrying cause O know they're ok, I know they are it's only been 5-6 hours since they last messagesd le, they probably just fell asleep they're ok they're ok they're-
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belovedqueer · 9 months
Delilah's Dark Diary
ೋღ Owner ღೋ
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Delilah/Tomie/Lacey Dearden
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Fem-Aligned Xenohoarder
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⌦ ੈ♡˳3rdpp: Ae/Aer/Aer/Aer/Aerself
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Living Puppet
⌦ ੈ♡˳ 12 (Cis? Trans? Doesn't matter! I'm 12! end of story!)
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Peri-Xenosatanist, Bimboqueer, Yanqueer, Sakuraqueer. Love is Love!
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Ex-Aroace, Transitioned Panromantic Heteroflux
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Surf, UG, Nox Sub Creator and User
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Manifestor, Practicing Tulpamancer, Practicing Lucid Dreamer
⌦ ੈ♡˳ I also run the BAH Blog @/Bimbo-BAH with my headmate, Mango!
ೋღ Writing Style/Typing Quirk ღೋ
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⌦ ੈ♡˳ R = RRR
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Ends everything with '~'
⌦ ੈ♡˳ Example: Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. = Zphinxxx ♡f black qvarrrtz, jvdge my v♡w~.
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