#Hiwatari Saki
hotwaterandmilk · 1 month
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Series: Boku no Chikyuu o Mamotte Artist: Hiwatari Saki Product: ‘Please Save My Earth’ Chara Stop 1988 Calendar Details: May/June Card Source: Scanned from my personal collection
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runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
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classic-shoujo · 9 months
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Please Save My Earth (1987) by Saki Hiwatari
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mercyll · 3 months
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Please Save My Earth by Saki Hiwatari
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bryqe · 2 months
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(need to be held like this)
• ova: please save my earth, 1993 <shoujo. scifi.>
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fandomlife-confessions · 11 months
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
Please Save My Earth | Akino Arai | Memory of Time (Toki no Kioku) Far away, long ago, Wandering lost, so alone. Passing eyes, parting sighs. Some pains come through... Where time flows, no one knows. Pulsing dreams, barely seen. In skies, thoughts of love go by...
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alikleine · 2 years
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Ando obsesionada con ellos dos, está siendo una lectura maravillosa que no quiero que acabe. Sin duda estará en mi top de cositas que descubrí este año <3
Lean ‘Please Save My Earth’ 🌎
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jascurka · 4 months
what's please save my earth about? I keep seeing you talk abt it and I'm like 👀
"Please save my Earth" tells the story of a pack of highschoolers and a 7year old boy, who thanks to their connected dreams find out they have been living as alien researchers, studying and watching over the earth from their base on the moon in their past life. They have been reincarnated as humans and have to come to terms with the complicated relationships they had in their past lives.
And oh boy it gets interesting.
Note that the aliens I'm talking about are basically some sort of humans but upgraded. They just come from different planets apparently and have powers like communicating with plants or straight up ESP. And small spoiler but for some of them their powers activate again during the series when they're human.
The original manga by Saki Hiwatari was published in the 80s and 90s and the 6-episode OVA came out in 1995. You can watch it on YouTube although I wish I had access to a better quality of it. Personally I think the anime adaptation left some things kind of unsolved, there are implications to what happened but no deep dive into it, which is why I started reading the manga! Hopefully I'll find out more about what didn't make it on screen. So far I really like it, it's been a while since I've read shoujo, it has some humour in it and apparently it starts getting more serious and dark later on.
If you saw me posting about Jinpachi and Issei - they're kind of a subplot, the main character is Alice (Arisu) and Rin, the 7 year old menace. Their relationship is complicated and takes various turns.
Lastly for possible content warnings: there is an age gap relationship in please save my earth. It is also complicated but nothing too... shocking (??) for someone who isn't used to seeing stuff like that talked about in media. It's very tame if you ask me, you'd need to find out yourself orz
Anyways! I think I can recommend giving it a shot, it's really short but the artstyle of the anime is so ahh delicious, the characters feel so solid and shaped, I love that. And the animation is very nice as well!
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(x), (x)
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hotwaterandmilk · 3 months
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Series: Boku no Chikyuu o Mamotte Artist: Hiwatari Saki Product: ‘Please Save My Earth’ Chara Stop 1988 Calendar Details: March/April Card Source: Scanned from my personal collection
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runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
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classic-shoujo · 4 months
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Please Save My Earth (1987) by Saki Hiwatari
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mercyll · 4 months
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flowerymoments · 7 months
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a shoujo from the 80s by a female mangaka is going to be licensed in catalan and these were the clues they gave. someone said it looks like saki hiwatari's art style and honestly i kinda see it (the eyes) 🕵️ but the hands and wings are throwing me off tho
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SO! I am now looking for (additional, in some cases) propaganda for the losers of round 1 listed under the cut. Reblogs, replies, asks, whatever you use, If you have something to encourage someone to vote for your blorbo so that they can win something, please tell me!
Due to the two ties we had, there are only 62 contestants for the loser’s bracket. I will likely run a mini-poll of additional characters that were not submitted but I have been told could’ve counted and allow two of them into this bracket.
Tatsuhisa Kamijo
Cure Kagura
En Yufuin
Haruhito Sugiyama
Io Naruko
Gabe Travolt
Bright Illusion
Takuto Tsubashi
George Honda
Takeo Takumi
Riku Amami
Ryouma Kirishima
Tsubasa Yuunagi
Shu Yan
Hideki Shibuya
Kousuke Kasuga
Kazune Kujyo
Schlain Zagan Analeit
Ichiro Dougo
Synn Sakura
Hinomiya Kaito
Asahi Minamikawa
Camilo Madrigal
Akihito Sugiyama
Souta Kishibe
Homura Hoterase
Ryousuke Katashiro
Shining Cosmo
Bright Heart
Max Owen
Cure Top
Mei Xin
Adora Flora
Satoshi Hiwatari
Juka Mutsuoka
Minatsuki Sakuya
Magikal Nuko Len Len
Ikuto Tsukiyomi
Nagihiko Fujisaki
Takashi Dai
Eylan Hasegawa
Xia Lou
Prince Citron
Saki Uno
Kim Dokja
Kazama Mika
Rikumori Yuu
Mashira Shinkiro
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anime-book-club · 1 year
“Please Save My Earth” vol. 1 by Saki Hiwatari
TLDR: 7/10
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“Please Save My Earth” is another expensive title to collect physically. I would recommend buying the Kindle edition instead. As it is $6-$7 a book. Getting an entire set once again hits that $1000-$2000 price range if you insist on a physical.
I’ll be honest, I’m only reading this “classic” late 80s manga (with an anime adaptation) because of its relationship with Sonic The Hedgehog! But why? And how is it related?
Apparently this manga had a significant influence on Shiro Maekawa. (A former writer at SEGA and Sonic Team.) and this is what inspired specific writing choices on Sonic Adventure 2 (The space colony ark and Maria specifically) and particular scenes with Shadow and Maria together on the ark. Apparently the voice actor of the main character Alice in the anime adaptation was also the voice of Maria. Which Maekawa described as destiny, and that’s hard to disagree with.
I’m a girl who practically wants to be a Sonic The Hedgehog archivist. I’ve practically experienced all the media Sonic has had on offer and I like reading inspirations and source materials, even if they aren’t Sonic related. I’m hyper fixation to the max.
So does that mean I automatically like this tale of alien scientists who have reincarnated and been born as humans on earth? As their past lives start to overlap with their current ones as it leads to drama and heartbreak?
Ehhh. It’s fine. It’s skippable if you only care about Sonic. But if you like retro manga, I’d give you a positive maybe. And I do like retro manga. So.
The inspiration on Sonic Adventure 2 becomes immediately obvious. But it does a few things that’s… weird. There’s also elements that just plain haven’t aged well. Some of which is ignorable and some of which really isn’t.
But let’s talk about why!
Detailed spoilers ahead:
Here’s some music while you read because I have a LOT to say:
First let’s talk about the art and my final thoughts on its relationship with Sonic Adventure 2 for book one before getting into the story beats here:
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It’s beautiful and soft. I especially love all these scenes in space. Again those influences on Sonic Adventure 2 are so front row in these scenes in particular.
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Context clues imply that if you ship Shadow X Maria you will likely love this kind of material.
Okay but obviously it’s more than its influences on Sonic The Hedgehog, so what made the story a fine experience instead of a great one? Especially since I love it’s inspirational material to death. (My first Sonic games were the Adventure games.)
This is Alice. She has just moved to the city from the countryside. She LOVES plants. (Her past self’s name is Mokuren). For simplicity’s sake these are basically the same person. Except the past self is an alien. Present self is not. (Though the same soul is probably a better way to put it. A lot of these characters are going to have duel identities)
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Alice babysits a freaking brat named Rin. (I very much do not like this child.):
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I like child characters, and I get that this kid is supposed to be annoying, but I just don’t like his cut. He does gross things to Alice and some of it borders on plain harassment. Especially when BOTH SETS of parents start endorsing the idea of her pretending to marry him in response to her almost killing him. Mind you there’s a 9 year age gap. Rin is 7 years old and Alice is 16.
This is what I mean by some of these elements just not aging well. And one could argue this is 80s manga from Japan. I know some folks like to cut Japan some slack on some of this stuff.
I don’t. It’s 2023, the here and now. Being old does not make it ineligible from critique from a modern perspective. And I think the conversation around that makes it more interesting period.
And hey. I can hear you thinking, “Did she just say Alice almost killed that kid?”. Yes I did.
Being a babysitter of a constantly turbulent kid has Alice is fed up with his behavior. She’s spanked him once before but things reach a boiling point when Rin questions her about wanting to date specific other people (we’ll get into this in a bit). When Alice softly challenges this idea Rin grabs a sentimental object to Rin (a plant from her home town she loved so much.), sits horse back style on the balcony railing, and drops the plant to is death several stories down.
While understandably hurt, Alice stupidly slaps the kid and knocks him off the railing. She manages to catch him, but she is unable to pull the boy back over into safety and he ends up also dropping stories down. (About 12-15 stories high)
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This has a weird effect on the story where she is ostracized in school because she effectively pushed a kid off a balcony, but her regular group of friends are guilted into being friends with her again??? And it goes back and forth between emotionally punishing her for it and letting her get away with it emotionally. Though undoubtedly she feels guilty. She never feels she made the right decision, but she is being coddled.
While it’s obviously an accident no one would be cool with her, especially in Japan. She also faces no legal repercussions for this. Which I’m not necessarily advocating for accuracy, but it is a bit too ridiculous on that front. Especially when Rin’s mother advocates his feelings to marry her after he wakes up from his COMA. She also apparently wanted to apologize to Alice for slapping her for slapping her kid off a railing? Nah. Nope. Not a thing.
But, hey, that’s manga. Sometimes you just gotta lean in and enjoy the drama like a soap opera. I get it. I mostly mention it to give you an idea of how this story is going to operate over 20 books. This is only PART OF THE SYNOPSIS for volume 1!
Let’s get into WHY that even happened by first introducing a couple more key characters and their “deal”.
On the left with the dark hair we have Issei. His past alien scientist self, which we don’t see yet, is a woman named Enju. I’ll be swapping between pronouns in the future when talking about Enju and Issei.
On the right is Jinpachi. Their past alien scientist self was named Gyokuran. Whom we also don’t see.
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To get you quickly caught up:
Enju likes Gyokuran, but Gyokuran was in love with Mokuren, but Mokuren was already engaged with someone named Shion.
So it stands to reason they still like each other? (Low key it sounds like Enju was always jealous and being treated as a back up plan.)
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⬆️ This is a lie. I am certain of this in some capacity. It is uncertain if this is played up as a joke or as a very legitimate conflict. (Too early to judge). I also can’t rightly tell if the manga stands behind that statement or not. But it is also extremely gay coded with them in the modern era. They talk about their dream love together DAILY for Christ’s sake. (And low key act it out. Like COME ON.)
If this is being treated as legitimate, what does that make them? As Jinpachi shows some obvious attraction for Alice. Issei implies that “they’re a guy in real life “ so they could see the appeal of Mokuren. I think Issei will have hidden feelings for Jinpachi. Does that make you gay if you’re context for loving that person was originally straight? As his connection is contingent on knowing him through those dreams. Is Issei gender dysmorphic at all? Which body do they prefer? The one that had a better chance to be with the person they love or the one that has a second, but maybe slimmer, chance to be with them now? Did Gyokuran like Enju at all? Because Jinpachi does seem to like Issei in some capacity. And are those feelings only for Issei, or can that be extended to other men? And how does that effect the relationship now???
They both seem to like both their past and current bodies, does that play a unique roll here? What would you call that? It is obviously reincarnation but are they truly reliving those moments or are they simply kinning their own past lives they get to watch like a TV?
I’m aware some of these are weird questions but I can’t help but wonder these as I read. These aren’t questions that will probably be answered for a while and likely not directly. Hopefully they aren’t… poorly answered. I’m interested to see how this manga will handle these topics.
Now. How does ALL THAT relate back to Rin and Alice?
The whole reason why the balcony fight even happened is because Alice obviously kinda likes Jinpachi. And it is obviously reciprocated.
So Rin gets hurt and Alice prays that he wakes up from his coma and he does. Great. I’m gonna mostly skip over the weird engagement because like, already covered why I don’t like that. But the idea is so wild to Alice she straight up just passes out from the mere idea.
Apparently Rin has new intuitive powers. It is unclear how they work. He initially wakes up in tears after, what I assume, is having his own dream of a past life. Knowing this manga’s m.o. even from just the first volume and Shadow The Hedgehog, I would be willing to bet money this little brat is Shion. 🙄
But after reconfirming with his mother that he does indeed wish to marry Alice, we cut to later and he is sneaking out of bed. He goes out to the balcony and just jumps out and lands safely.
He had apparently contacted gangsters??? And then mentally manipulates one of the biker’s motorcycle brakes to fail so he can have a personal chat with the gangster. They literally float in the air together to talk. The manga ends with Rin requesting that the gangster gives him the Tokyo tower. Okay I guess??? It is about aliens. Sure.
In the midst of all this happening Alice has her “reawakening” after fainting from the news of the engagement. (She faints twice from this news and then cries about it FYI)
We see who I assume is Shion and we see Mokuren. The big thing established is that Mokuren is a… Japan nut (Their words not mine). An Otaku. But it is implied (at least in the first book) they that exist in the era of the dinosaurs (With humans not existing yet. Because remember, all the main cast in past lives are aliens)
And she talks about pronouncing her name “The Japanese way” and making oden. It implies she can mentally visit her future body in the present??? Astral projecting? Is that what they call that? Something along those lines. Like she was astral projecting into her future body, so her past self is privy to Japanese culture but other scientists are not? Unclear. Too early to truly judge. I understand wanting to make the character see into the future but I’m not so certain I vibe how they did it? It could’ve been cooler. I think.
“Please Save My Earth” certainly isn’t uninteresting. There is so much to dissect and talk about within even just one volume. Lots of good head canon potential too. It’s a series I want to continue. All the books are rated individually and not as a series as a whole. My initial opinions may change with later volumes. I plan on reading and dissecting all 20 volumes as I consume them so buckle up.
But as is? It’s a weird manga for sure. I could see this being a very particular flavor for a lot of readers. And while I like it, I don’t know if it would be something I would recommend or not until I get a couple more volumes under my belt.
Next: “Please Save my Earth” vol. 2.
(Next review not available yet)
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