majorxmaggiexboy · 1 year
Hodgson, trying to flirt: are you a communion wafer? Bec-
Irving: do not finish that sentence
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stoportotouch · 5 months
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@aurpiment we are thinking the same thinks
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k0rdon · 2 years
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the articles don't say anything about kissing just saying
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boilyerheid · 3 years
#1 for hodge Inga please because I am always on my hodgeving bullshit
"No, you're not fine." John cuts his protestations off and takes his arm to steer him away from the break room. George almost flinches from the touch, skin crawling at the sensation when he's already sensitive, but John lets him go once he's steered them into an empty meeting room. "You can't fool me, George, I know you too well."
"I could've handled it." He lowers himself tightly into a chair anyway, grateful for the decrease in noise as John shuts the door and the rest of the office out. Birthday cake in the break room is a fun thing, he knows it's meant to be a fun thing, and it frustrates the hell out of him when he can't do Fun Things like other people. "You didn't have to-"
"You're rocking, that's not a great sign." John perches on the table beside him and, oh, George didn't realise he'd been doing that. He has been having a bit of a day, he supposes, after he didn't realise how loud his computer volume was up first thing this morning and he blasted himself with music unexpectedly. He's been a bit edgy and overstimulated ever since. "I'll grab you some cake and bring it through here, yeah? Just take a minute away from the noise."
"I-. Yeah, that would be nice." George tugs the stim necklace out from under his collar, because he knows John won't judge him for it. Hell, John's the one who turned him onto the thing, after he chewed through so many pencils during a big project last year that Crozier had a go at him about it. "Thanks, John."
"Don't mention it," his friend shrugs and hops back off the table, then pauses when George impulsively grabs his hand and gives it a quick squeeze. He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, maybe not have his hand dropped so fast, even, but then thinks better of it and makes a hasty exit with his ears burning bright red.
George is smiling as he sinks his teeth into familiar, satisfying silicone.
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duesternis · 4 years
Treats, or how John Irving spends his summer with George Hodgson
Summer had come in full force and Hodgson had invited Irving to stay a few weeks with him. The house did tend to get lonely with just him and the dogs and he was glad to have company. It was different, talking to a man of his station, than rambling on at the valet or maid when they went about their work, too well-trained to tell Hodgson that he was in the way. And the dogs made for good listeners, but bad conversational partners.
So Hodgson was standing on the front stairs, garden path spilling to the gate from the tips of his shoes, as the carriage pulled up and deposited John Irving like a particularly well-liked parcel. He couldn’t help the little laugh that echoed off the windows. Irving grinned up at him, hat askew on his head. He looked well, healthy, and tanned from the African sun. "John Irving! How was the trip?" The dogs disengaged from Hodgson’s trousers and ran circles around Irving, yapping and wagging their tails. Irving set his bags down and rubbed their velvety ears, still grinning up at Hodgson. "George Hodgson. Well, thank you.”
Read the rest on AO3!
@georgehodgsonfucks @elyksinaa there you go, you two enablers.
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thegreenmeridian · 3 years
A hodgeving fill for @theterrorbingo !
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duesternis · 4 years
An ocean of their own making - Hodgson/Irving
"Tired?" John stands and pushes his chair in. His hands are white-knuckled around the back of it. He’s staring at the seat. They have time, so George sits quietly and waits for John to come to him. For him to clear his throat and flex his hands and open his mouth. John never disappoints. He looks up from contemplating the seat of his chair, eyes dark and troubled and brow drawn. He looks like some wretch George would expect on his doorstep on a stormy night. God, he would invite him in.
"George," John says, voice thick, "I’m tired." "Then let’s get to bed, I dare say!" "God give me strength," John says to his chair and then marches out of the room. George hears him enter their room and stands. Follows.
follow the link like hodgson follows irving for the rest of this filth. it’s mature, so mind that if you mind that.
@georgehodgsonfucks here you are, Percy
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