#Homeopathic medicine for kidney failure
kidneytreatment01 · 3 months
Navigating the Complexities of Kidney Disease to Understand Renal Health
In holistic medicine homeopathy is recognised due to its gentle and effective approach for treating various illnesses, including ones that affect kidney health. There are a myriad of conditions that affect the kidneys; problems like elevated levels of creatinine as well as renal cysts, kidney failure, kidney infections, kidney cysts, and acute kidney injuries present significant issues. But, homeopathy offers an opportunity to address these problems naturally, without the adverse side effects typically encountered with traditional treatments.
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Understanding Kidney Health:
The kidneys are vital for eliminating waste from circulation and maintaining electrolyte balance. However, if the kidneys are damaged due to causes like poor lifestyle choices, genetic predisposition, or other medical conditions, it could cause a variety of kidney-related issues.
High Creatinine Levels and Kidney Failure:
High levels of creatinine are often used as a sign of deterioration in kidney function. In cases of kidney failure where the kidneys cease the ability to remove bloodborne waste properly, Homeopathic treatments aim to treat the root cause while promoting the overall health of the kidneys. Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine levels is often recommended by homeopaths to control high levels of creatinine and ease symptoms of kidney failure.
Renal Cysts and Kidney Infections:
Renal cysts, or sacs of fluid inside the kidneys, may cause discomfort and complications if not treated. homeopathic medicine for renal cyst  is usually recommended to shrink their size and reduce the associated symptoms, such as discomfort and urinary problems. Natural therapies can help fight disease and promote kidney healing and functioning if a kidney infection is present.
Homeopathic Approach to Kidney Treatment:
kidney treatment by homeopathy focuses on the individual's symptoms and characteristics. Homeopaths consider the physical, mental, and emotional condition and tailor treatment accordingly. This approach ensures that the root causes of kidney problems are dealt with thoroughly, which improves overall health and well-being.
Kidney Cyst Treatment:
Homeopathic medicine is a non-invasive and gentle method of treating kidney cysts. Treatments are typically based on the individual's symptoms and characteristics. homeopathic medicine for renal cyst helps by reducing inflammation, encouraging the absorption of cystic fluid, and aiding in eliminating kidney cysts.
Holistic Management of Acute Kidney Injury:
Acute renal damage (AKI) requires prompt treatment to avoid further complications and restore kidney function. Homeopathic treatment for AKI requires a multi-faceted approach focused on addressing the root cause, addressing symptoms, and aiding in kidney regeneration.
In conclusion, homeopathic treatment for kidney failure provides an integrated and personalised method of treating a wide range of kidney-related issues. Homoeopathy treats high creatinine levels and renal failure, renal cysts and kidney diseases, kidney cysts, and acute kidney injuries. It is a safe and effective treatment that works in conjunction with the body's healing processes.
homeopathy kidney treatment can be beneficial in enhancing the health of those suffering from kidney issues by addressing the causes of imbalances and improving the overall health of kidneys. It is essential to consult an experienced homeopath to provide personalised assistance and treatment recommendations that are suited to your requirements is crucial. If done correctly, homeopathy can be an effective ally to improving the health of your kidneys and ensuring that they are in good shape.
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Natural and homeopathic solutions for high creatinine and kidney failure treatments without dialysis
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High creatinine levels and kidney failure are serious health concerns that require immediate attention. Traditionally, dialysis has been the primary treatment for severe kidney issues, but many people seek kidney failure treatment without dialysis. This article explores various natural and homeopathic treatments for high creatinine and chronic kidney disease, focusing on comprehensive approaches that promote kidney health.
Understanding High Creatinine and Kidney Failure
Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscle metabolism, and healthy kidneys filter it out of the blood. High creatinine levels indicate that the kidneys are not functioning properly, which can lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and, eventually, kidney failure. Symptoms of high creatinine treatment and kidney failure include fatigue, swelling, shortness of breath, and confusion.
Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis
For those looking to avoid or supplement dialysis, there are several effective treatments available that focus on improving kidney function and reducing creatinine levels naturally.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes
Adopting a kidney-friendly lifestyle is essential for managing high creatinine and kidney failure:
Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus can prevent further kidney damage. Focus on eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated helps the kidneys filter out toxins. However, fluid intake should be monitored based on the severity of kidney function.
Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve overall health and help manage conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure that contribute to kidney disease.
Herbal Remedies
Several herbs are known for their benefits in managing high creatinine levels and promoting kidney health:
Dandelion Root: Acts as a diuretic, helping the kidneys remove waste and excess water.
Stinging Nettle: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can aid in reducing creatinine levels.
Turmeric: Contains curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that support kidney health.
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
Chronic kidney disease treatment aims to slow the progression of the disease and improve kidney function:
Blood Pressure Management: Controlling high blood pressure is crucial for preventing further kidney damage. Lifestyle changes and medications may be necessary.
Blood Sugar Control: For diabetic patients, maintaining optimal blood sugar levels can prevent kidney complications.
Medication: Prescribed medications can help manage symptoms and underlying causes of CKD, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine
Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine offers a holistic approach to managing high creatinine and kidney failure. Homeopathic treatments are tailored to the individual’s symptoms and overall health, aiming to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure
Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure involves a detailed consultation with a homeopath who will prescribe remedies based on the patient’s specific symptoms and health status. This personalized approach aims to improve kidney function and overall health.
Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy
Homeopathy treats kidney disease by addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of the condition. Remedies are selected to match the patient’s unique symptom profile, ensuring a holistic approach to treatment.
Combining Treatments for Optimal Results
Integrating lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and homeopathic treatment for kidney failure can provide a comprehensive approach to managing high creatinine and kidney failure:
Stress Management
Stress can exacerbate kidney problems. Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help alleviate stress and enhance overall well-being. These practices not only alleviate stress but also enhance overall health, supporting kidney function.
Regular Monitoring
Regular check-ups with healthcare providers are essential to monitor kidney function and adjust treatments as necessary. Blood tests to measure creatinine levels and kidney function should be done periodically to track progress.
Nutritional Support
Working with a nutritionist can help tailor a diet plan that supports kidney health. A kidney-friendly diet, combined with appropriate supplements, can make a significant difference in managing the condition.
Finding an effective treatment for kidney failure without dialysis involves a combination of lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and homeopathic medicine. By addressing the condition holistically and maintaining a consistent treatment plan, it is possible to manage high creatinine levels and improve kidney function. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen to ensure it is safe and suitable for your specific needs.
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dayaramalok · 1 year
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guidedwanderer · 1 year
Materia Medica
Blood Root
Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis
Common Name: Bloodroot, Red Root, Puccoon, Paucon, Pauson, Red Puccoon, Coonroot and Indian paint ((( all refer to Native American uses of the plant to color skin, clothes, and baskets ))) tetterwort ((( old english for skin disease ))) , sleep slumber, and snakebite ((( all of which were used mostly by Old English speakers ))).
Family: Papaveraceae or Poppy family
Parts Used: Rhizome, Root,
Energetics and Taste: Harsh, Bitter, Acrid. Drying and cooling in small amounts, warming and stimulating in larger amounts.
Actions and Properties: Bloodroot is currently used to cause expectoration and to clear the respiratory pathways of mucus. The herb can be taken internally to treat a variety of ailments such as asthma, emphysema, laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sore throats, and croup. Cough lozenges are made by mixing fresh sap from roots with maple syrup or sugar. A homeopathic remedy containing bloodroot has also been used to treat migraines. Fresh bloodroot sap or an infusion of the root can be applied externally to treat warts, benign skin tumors, ulcers, eczema, chilblains, or ringworm. The dried powder can be sniffed to treat nasal polyps. Sanguinarine, the medicinally valuable alkaloid found in bloodroot sap, is purported to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the formation of plaque and reduce gingival inflammation and bleeding. Research has shown that the alkaloid is retained in the mouth for long periods after brushing, providing longer resistance to plaque and gingival inflammation.
Constituents: Bloodroot exudes a bright orange-red sap from all parts when cut, with the highest concentrations found in the rhizome where the juices are stored. The sap contains isoquinoline alkaloids, red resin, and an abundance of starch. Sanguinarine is the predominant alkaloid, making up 50 percent of the total alkaloid content. The alkaloids in the sap contribute to the medicinal properties of the herb, though they can also be poisonous in large doses, causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness or fainting, dilated pupils, and heart failure. The alkaloids in bloodroot have strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb has also been described as having antiseptic, cathartic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, escharotic, expectorant, febrifuge, sedative, spasmolytic, stimulant, and tonic properties.
Description: Plants reach a height of 6 to 12 inches at maturity, though they are typically only half that height at the time of bloom. Each plant consists of a single leaf wrapped tightly around a flower bud; the leaf opens to expose the flower as it blooms. Bloodroot leaves are kidney shaped, with five to nine rounded lobes arranged palmately and covered with a whitish-gray down. The pale underside of the leaf is prominently veined. Once the flowers have faded, the basal leaves persist until August, when they turn a deeper green and reach their maximum size of 6 to 10 inches. Each waxy, white flower grows on a single stem up to 8 inches in height, blooming around late March and early April. Flowers are roughly 2 inches in diameter, with gold-colored stamens in the center. Whereas other members of the Papaveraceae family have flowers with 4 petals, bloodroot flowers have 8 to 10 petals arranged in 2 to 4 rows.
Habitat: Bloodroot is mostly found in rich woodlands or on sunny-to shady edges of wooded areas, on slopes, or on bottomlands along shaded streams. Bloodroot prefers light-to-medium well-drained soils with a sandy-to-loamy texture. Bloodroot can tolerate a range of pH, but does best in soils with a pH of 5 to 7 or higher. Soils with a layer of leaf cover in cool areas under deciduous trees are optimal. Bloodroot is an indicator species for birch-maple-basswood and hardwood forests.
Harvesting/ Propagation: Bloodroot can be propagated by seed, root division, or leaf cuttings. Seeds can be sown in outdoor beds in the spring or summer, or in a cold frame in winter. A cold stratification period is required for the seed to produce a root, then another warm and cold period to produce a shoot. Rhizomes can be divided by breaking them into small pieces, each of which should contain one bud. This is typically done in late summer or early fall after the leaves die back. Leaf cuttings can be taken from shoots in late spring and set in a protected cold frame until the plants are established.
Preparation and Dosage: Roots are harvested in order to then make them into a powder or to make a dried root tincture. In small doses, bloodroot is relaxing and soothing, particularly on the bronchial muscles. In moderate doses, the herb has stimulating and emetic properties.
Contradictions/ Cautions: Large doses can cause irritation of the mucus membranes. Other negative side effects can either be a burning or stinging sensation in the mouth, or a sloughing of the epithelium cells when used orally. The alkaloids in the sap can be poisonous in large doses, causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness or fainting, dilated pupils, and heart failure. Should not used during Pregnancy. Regarded as abortifacient. Seeds are narcotic, with effects said to be similar to Datura seed ((( can cause death if taken internally ))). People should not use this herb unless under the guidance of a trained health care practitioner. The fresh root is more dangerous than the dry root.  Do not use more than 1-2 drops every 2-4 hours in acute phase, then 1-2 drops per day after the acute phase. Long term use may be contraindicated. Long term users of products with sanguinarine in them have increased incidence of leukoplakia.
Ethnobotanical Considerations: Bloodroot is listed as “At-Risk” by the United Plant Savers organization. Often collected from the wild and marketed domestically and internationally, the plants on the “At-Risk” list have experienced pressure due to over-collection or habitat loss. This pressure, combined with the innate sensitivity and rarity of the plants listed, has led to the rapid decline of wild populations in their native ranges.
History/ Folklore/ Mythology: Native Americans used bloodroot as a dye, love charm, and potent medicine. European colonists learned of the Native American medicinal uses for the herb and adopted them to suit their own needs and as early as the 1800s Bloodroot was described in pharmacopoeias. In the mid-19th century at the London Middlesex Hospital, Dr. J. Weldon Fell experimented with the use of bloodroot to treat skin cancers. Although used extensively at that time, the treatment eventually fell out of use until its revival in the 1960s for minor skin tumors, particularly those in the nose and ears. As of the year 2000 researchers were studying the ability of bloodroot alkaloids to selectively fight cancer cells without harming normal cells. Although it has experimentally shown anti-proliferative potential towards human carcinoma cells, current in vitro studies are not conclusive and more research is needed before bloodroot is considered for development as a commercial anticancer drug. Sanguinarine has been used in toothpaste and oral rinses. Bloodroot can be used as a botanical dewormer for cattle and sheep.
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Best Weight Loss Homeopathy Supplement - Garcinia Cambogia Tablet
Doctor Bhargava Garcinia Cambogia Tablet is a result of techniques perfected over 100 years of practice. It also reduces your appetite. It does not have any known side effects and is trusted among many people. It is the most effective natural homeopathic weight loss supplement under the trusted brand name of Bhargava Phytolab for more than 98 years, since 1920. Start taking Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement today for best results.
Constantly trying to lose weight can be physically and emotionally draining. Sometimes, it may look as though your effort is not yielding any results.  Asides from having to follow a certain diet and training, you are also at risk of having some diseases associated with being overweight.
If your healthcare provider advises you to lose weight, and you've tried all means to achieve this without seeing results, we have good news for you. Doctor Bhargava Garcinia Cambogia tablets will enable you to achieve weight loss without stress. Being overweight has a lot of downsides. You are prone to have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, back pain, high blood pressure, and other health problems. However, losing weight requires hard work and patience.
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Even though there are several weight loss supplements in the market and pharmacy stores today, they may not produce satisfactory results. Some of these drugs may cause drastic weight loss, while others may cause severe side effects. That's why you should use Garcinia Cambogia tablet homeopathic supplement. The best result is guaranteed within a few days to weeks of using it.
What are the Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Tablets?
This medicine primarily enables weight loss easily and fast. It is also helpful in the following ways;
It helps in burning excess fat
It improves metabolism
It reduces hunger pangs
It prevents fat buildup in the body
Since weight loss is associated with a lot of health problems, Garcinia Cambogia tablet helps to prevent the following;
Reduce stomach fat
Cardiovascular disease
lose arm fat
High Blood pressure
Reduce fat from hips
High LDL cholesterol levels
reduce face fat
Breathing problems
Body pain
What are the Key Ingredients in Garcinia Cambogia Homeopathic Tablet? The major ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). These homeopathic supplements are made from the extracts of Garcinia Cambogia peel, a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit. Research has shown that hydroxycitric acid enables weight loss.
What is the Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight?
Regardless of your age and gender, it is important to burn excess fat in the body. Being overweight can expose you to the risk of several diseases such as;
Sleep apnea, Kidney failure
Diabetes, Infertility
Joint pain, Cancer
Depression, Cardiovascular disease
Osteoarthritis, Musculoskeletal disorders
Low quality of life, Difficulty in performing daily activities
Breathing problem, Low HDL cholesterol
What are the Causes of Being Overweight?
For most people, their gene plays a major role in their weight. So even if they consume little food, there's no way to avoid being overweight.
Other factors that contribute to weight gain include;
Unhealthy eating habit, Living a sedentary lifestyle
Lack of exercise, Age
Lack of adequate sleep, Pregnancy
Certain medications, Stress
Important information about Using Garcinia Cambogia Tablets
To get quick and effective results while taking this weight loss supplement, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
Drug Dosage:Adults should take 2 tablets three times daily while children should take 1 tablet three times daily.
Do not use more than the recommended dosage
Store in a cool place with low temperature
Take a lighter dosage after you see Improvement in your weight
Keep away from children reach
If you are allergic to the drug, stop its usage immediately
Speak with your health care provider before taking this drug if you have an ailment or disease
Take the drug regularly to see positive results
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding a child, consult your doctor before taking this medicine
Where To Purchase Garcinia Cambogia Tablet?
You can buy Garcinia Cambogia Tablets from various sources online. However, it would be best you purchase the homeopathic supplement from doctor Bhargava. Also have a live chat with the doctor and to purchase the medicine. By this, you'll be able to describe your symptoms and other information to the doctor, and he'll provide the solutions you need.
There's a popular saying that "health is wealth." Taking care of yourself should include eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and seeking medical help when necessary. One of the best treatments for weight loss is Garcinia Cambogia supplements. Buy the Garcinia Cambogia supplements online and use them as recommended. The fast and effective result is guaranteed within a few days to weeks, depending on your body's response to the medicine.
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avikadoctors54 · 2 years
Online Homeopathy Treatment In India
This is good news for those of you who swear by homeopathic remedies, as well as for those of you who want to try homeopathic remedies to improve your health; Avika Doctors brings to you efficient, reliable homeopathic treatment from experienced homeopathic doctors at your fingertips. Enabling patients to consult anytime, anywhere, Avika Doctors platform offers a portfolio from some of the most trusted and leading homeopathic doctors in the country. Bringing homeopathic remedies at your fingertips, Avika Doctors is a unique platform that enables patients to consult online with leading Indian homeopathic doctors from across the country, anywhere and anytime.
Online Homeopathy Consultation
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Getting a dedicated, senior homeopathic consultant for online homeopathic treatment india makes the difference between getting treated and suffering even more. Avika Doctors with its state-of-the-art treatment platforms has mastered the technology of providing online consultation and homeopathic treatment anywhere across the globe. Avika Doctors intends to make the process of availing our homeopathic treatments simple and convenient. Specialist Avika Doctors Homeopathic Clinic not only treats patients, we believe in taking a holistic approach to treatment which helps patients restore complete health and wellness.
Avika Doctors was founded by a homeopathic physician with an aim to cure chronic, catastrophic diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, aplastic anemia, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, etc. Avika Doctors exclusively treats patients for chronic and chronic diseases. He is also available to be seen by his own team of doctors in three other branches apart from Jaipur. Avika Doctors are available at any branch of the center to be seen by their team of doctors.
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Online therapy protocols of Avika Doctors enable consultation with anyone, anywhere on earth. Psychotherapy uses various psychological techniques such as counseling, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, metaphysical therapy, and Bach flower therapy, in combination with homeopathic remedies, to help patients recover from the whole, not just the disease. From health to health, but also an overall sense of health, that is, my general experience with HealthMug's consultation app was good, my medical condition was complex, but handled very well by my doctors.
We always prefer to meet patients in person, but if you cannot come to our office, we are available for homeopathic treatment over the internet. Book an online consultation with us, and get back your health with Homeopathic constitutional remedies from Homeocare. Introducing Avika Doctors, a web-based consultation platform to connect patients with doctors, no face-to-face consultation or appointment required.
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Homeopathic medicines like Lycopodium, Sepia are the best remedies to reduce hair fall in pregnancy, after delivery of children (postpartum). Another notable homeopathic remedy to treat hair loss is Ustilago Candis, which is certified by doctors to treat severe symptoms of hair loss all over the body, as well as severe skin conditions, all due to the process of metabolic toxicity. it occurs. The following 12 homeopathic medicines are known for their wonderful healing effects related to various aspects of hair loss in both men and women.
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knollhealthcare · 2 years
5 best homeopathic medicine for kidney stones
Numerous reasons lead to kidney failure such as High blood pressure, diabetes, genetics and kidney stones, etc. In the absence of treatment, kidney problems can lead to chronic kidney failure or renal failure. Treatments for kidney failure include medications, kidney dialysis, and kidney transplants. However, these methods offer no cure, but only pace down the delay of complete kidney failure. You should consider using Homeopathic remedies to promote the body’s immune system and treat damaged kidneys for people suffering from kidney stones use of homeopathy in the treatment is an effective and safe alternative to surgical treatment.
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The choice of medicine to use is highly dependent on the particular symptoms you are facing, Besides causing sharp pain for the affected person, kidney stones also inhibit the kidney’s ability to perform its functions normally and can cause a lot of discomfort. The body produces kidney stones as a result of trying to neutralize the effects of accumulated toxins. Drinking a lot of water, and eating fresh vegetables and juice can help in preventing the formation of these stones. There are also many natural products both homeopathic and ayurvedic available in the market which help in effectively dissolving kidney stones. So before going ahead with surgery it is worth trying them out.
The few best homeopathic medicine for kidney stones are -:
It works best for stones that cause pain in the right kidney. If the pain develops suddenly and the conditions intensify with any kind of sudden movements then this is the right medicine for you. Often the person requiring this type of medicine also has a high fever.
Berberis vulgaris
Great support for kidneys, whatever the condition may be, and you can safely take it, as long as your symptoms agree and you follow the normal homeopathic protocol.
Lycopodium 30
It is useful in dissolving kidney stones in your urine.
Cantharis 30
If you are suffering from a burning sensation while urinating due to a kidney stone, Cantharis 30 can help you get relief.
Hydrangea Arborescens Q
It treats the enlarged prostate and increases your urination frequency to remove kidney stones.
So if you are suffering from the pain of kidney stones these homeopathic medicines can help you ease your pain and remove the kidney stones from your body without surgery.
Also read: Treatment for high blood pressure
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spurgie-cousin · 4 years
First Lady Friday🍷: Florence Harding
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Born: August 15, 1860 in Marion, OH Died:  November 21, 1924, Marion, OH Years as First Lady: 1921 - 1923
1. Florence Harding was the wife of president Warren G. Harding, the 29th president of the United States. They got married after the failure of her first marriage when she was 30 and he was 26, a bit of a scandalous age difference at the time.
2. Growing up, Florence’s dream was to become a concert pianist, and she became good enough to attend the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. After becoming estranged from her first husband, she taught piano lessons during the day to earn money, and enjoyed roller-skating and bicycling during the afternoons. She officially filed for divorce after her husband attempted to rob a train in 1864.
3. She was the daughter of an entrepreneur, and helped her father manage his business from a young age. She was also an avid horse rider, and preferred riding horses to driving in cars for most of her life.
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Florence with a video camera
4. Florence’s father strongly opposed her marriage to Warren and thought he was just using her to improve his social status. He tried to end it by threatening to shoot Warren at the courthouse, and also helped spread a rumor that Harding was of African American descent, which would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
5. After getting married, Florence made the decision to not wear a wedding ring because she considered it a ‘symbol of bondage’. Though it was extremely unconventional for the time, Warren supported her in her decision.
6. At the time of their marriage, Warren was the owner of the newspaper The Marion Star, which Florence immediately became invested in. She was widely acknowledged as the driving force behind the paper and was responsible for hiring the first female news reporter in Ohio, despite the intense backlash she received for the decision.
7. Florence was an avid animal right’s activist, and was a member of the ASPCA, Animal Rescue League, and the Humane Society. She credited her love of animals to her relationship with her horses.
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Florence Harding with her dog Jumbo.
8. Though she was initially wary of cars, she became a bit of an adrenaline junkie later in life and enjoyed driving fast down long empty roads. In 1921 she got backlash for almost crashing into a telephone pole at 50mph, which was considered a reckless speed. For comparison, in 1920 the Ford Model T has a top speed of under 30mph at the time.
9. Much like Nancy Reagan after her, Florence regularly consulted astrologists when it came to big decisions in her life. She also consulted psychics, and decided to become more involved in Warren’s presidential campaign only after visiting one who correctly predicted that he would win the presidency and also die in office.
10. She suffered from kidney ailments all of her life, and treated her condition almost exclusively with homeopathic medicine. She was expected to die on several occasions, but somehow always managed to recover. During one particularly bad kidney flare up that she was not expected to recover from, she stated that she ‘refused’ to die because her husband still needed her. 
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11. Rumors of Warren’s black ancestry affected his career throughout his life, though they were unsubstantiated. Because of this, Florence and Warren often tried to appear neutral regarding racial issues, even though both were relatively progressive for the time.
12. After Warren died of a heart attack in 1923, Florence lived another year before finally succumbing to renal failure. 
Note: Despite rumors of Warren Harding’s heritage, DNA tests in 2015 proved that he was not of African American descent, and all rumors of such were probably slander.
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homeremediesedema · 3 years
Home Remedies For Edema Water Retention
Click here: Natural Diuretic (Water Pills) for Edema, Lymphedema, and Water Retention 
Home Remedies For Edema (Water Retention)
Symptoms of edema differ in sufferers, but usually comprises weight gain, swelling, itching, aching, bloating, joint stiffness, and high blood pressure. Causes of water retention (Edema) Water retention (Edema) can arise due to any of the following causes: Lack of exercise and physical activities. Natural Treatments For Edema - Natural Edema Home Remedies ...
Hot and cold compresses can be used on any affected area with edema. The heat from the hot compress relaxes the muscles and relieves tension. The cold compress helps to tighten the skin and increase circulation to the affected area. You can use these as much as you want to help relieve pain and pressure on the affected area.This Powerful Tea Can Reduce Swollen Feet & AnklesEugenol, a powerful oil in parsley, has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help suppress joint swelling. Dr. John R. Christopher, a big name in the herbalist world, encourages people with edema to drink two quarts of parsley tea every day to reduce swelling and fluid retention.
Histaminum and Cantharis Histaminum is a homeopathic natural remedy that can be used to help treat and reduce cases of angioedema. Many people end up using it 3 to 5 times a day to reduce exposure based swelling as well as limiting the occasional intense swelling episode. Cantharis is also recommended for cases of acute episodes.15 Effective Home Remedies To Reduce Swelling.But with at-home remedies to make the swelling go down, you can get instant relief and stop the further damage of tissues and also reduce swelling. Sometimes swelling is pain-free, but if there is severe pain along with swelling then, natural remedies for swelling are the best way to go. The 5 Best Natural Remedies For Swollen Ankles, Legs and ...
Vitamin E and Exercising It is important to consume foods rich in vitamin E, or you can just take it as a dietary supplement. Spinach, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, wheat germs, and almond oil are just some of the foods considered to contain the highest amounts of vitamin E. function with some herbs like dandelion, burdock root, and micro-Chinese medicine. All the above natural remedies show effects in reducing swelling from kidney failure, but disappointedly, they cannot solve problem from the root. 5 Natural Boil Remedies (Shrink Fast Overnight Method)
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and is also known to help purify the blood. It also has certain antibacterial properties. It is used by naturopaths to help with a number of problems. The curcumin in turmeric is known for its antibacterial qualities (9).11 Natural Home Remedies for Epididymitis - Herbal Care ...Natural Home Remedies for Epididymitis. ... Apply ice packs to your scrotum will also help to reduce the swelling and provide you relief with this disease. Use of ice to rather swollen Epididymis can help reduce aggravation. Doing this in any event for two times each day can be very powerful. 18 Home Remedies for Swollen Joints - Home Remedies For ...Apple Cider Vinegar When dealing with swollen joints, apple cider vinegar can help alleviate some of the pain. Apply the apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area or you can add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of honey to a glass of warm water and drink it.Top 8 Natural Remedies For Swollen Feet And Ankles
Epsom salt helps in reducing swelling and inflammation as well as pain and discomfort. Epsom salt has magnesium sulfate as an ingredient which is easily absorbed into the skin and helps in improving blood circulation. It also helps in relaxing tired muscles, sore as well as neutralizing foot smell.Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy
Herbal remedies aren't new — plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. But herbal supplements generally haven't received the same scientific scrutiny and aren't as strictly regulated as medications. Yet herbs and herbal products — including those labeled as "natural" — can have strong effects in the body.
Home Remedies for Edema
Edema is not a harmful condition but it is very uncomfortable. You may feel and see that your leg or arm is swelled as compared to other leg or hand. In some cases both hands and or both legs get swelled. Initial stages of almost all edema can be cured with home remedies. Following steps should help you to get rid of your edema.8 Natural Home Remedies To Reduce Swelling Of Throat And ...natural remedies are just as effective as any medication when treating a disease. They've been used as medicine for centuries and have helped people treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The best thing about them is that they work without any side-effects which are pretty common when taking medications.14 Simple Home Remedies To Treat Swollen Gum oil is another age-old home remedy that is often used to treat swollen gums. The swelling in your gums can be reduced with this essential oil as it treats the infection with its antimicrobial properties. It is also an analgesic and will provide relief from any pain you might be experiencing in your gums.
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writerthreads · 4 years
Common types of poisons
>> by writerthreads on instagram
Hello, fellow writers. I have yet again ruined my search history for you, and now the FBI might come knocking on my door. (Remember “How to deal with dead bodies”?) You’re welcome.
Pliny the Elder described over 7000 different poisons. After reading a new article on how a Russian politician was poisoned after drinking tea, here I am, doing a post on a few kinds of poisons. 
1. Antifreeze (Methanol or ethylene glycol)
Both are colourless and very soluble in water. Methanol has a burning taste, and ethylene glycol is sweet.
Methanol (you probably recognise this as an alcohol with the structural formula of Ch3OH): common ingredient in windshield-washing solutions, duplicating fluids, and paint removers
Ethylene glycol: Is commonly found in radiator antifreeze and antifreeze products used in heating and cooling systems. 
Lethal Dose
Methanol: The fatal dose is estimated to be 30–240 mL (20–150 g)
Ethylene glycol: The approximate fatal dose of 95% ethylene glycol is estimated to be 1.5 mL/kg. For a person weighing 150 lb, this would be 102 mL (3.5 fluid ounces).
Administration of poison
Both antifreeze substances can be easily administered in beverages that are expected to have a sweet or alcoholic taste
Symptom Onset Time Interval
Methanol: From a few hours to 30 h.
Ethylene glycol: From 4 to 12 h. 
Methanol: In the first few hours, the victim will appear inebriated and have gastritis. After a period of about 30 h, the victim will experience metabolic acidosis (too much acid produced in body), visual disturbances, blindness, seizures, and coma, and death may occur.
Ethylene glycol: In the first few hours, the victim will appear inebriated. Gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach, detected by upper abdominal pain) and vomiting may occur. After a period of 4–12 h, the patient will experience acidosis, hyperventilation, convulsions, coma, and cardiac conduction disturbances (“pacemaker” of heart sending out electric impulses) and arrhythmias (heart beats with an irregular rhythm). Kidney failure is common.
2. Arsenic
Form: Metallic arsenic (As) is a steel-gray, brittle metal. Arsenic trichloride (AsCl3) is an oily liquid. Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) is a crystalline solid and it can also exist as arsine gas (AsH3). Lewisite, a gas used as a weapon in war, is a derivative of arsine.
Color: Metal, steel gray; salts, white. Odor: Odorless, but arsenic can produce a garlicky odor to the breath. 
Solubility: Arsenical salts are water soluble. 
Taste: Almost tasteless. 
Source: Pesticides, rodent poison, ant poison, homeopathic medications, weed killers, marine (copper arsenate) and other paints, ceramics, livestock feed.
Lethal Dose: Acute, 200 mg (As2O3); chronic, unknown.
Administered: Often administered to victim in food or drink. 
Symptom Onset Time Interval: Hours to days. 
Gastrointestinal (GI) (30 min to 2 h post-exposure): vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, burning esophageal (throat) pain, metallic taste in the mouth. Later symptoms include jaundice (skin, whites of the eyes and mucus membranes turn yellow), kidney failure, and peripheral neuropathies (destruction of the nervous system). Death from circulatory failure can occur within 24 h to 4 days. 
GI (diarrhea, abdominal pain), skin (hyperpigmentation of palms and soles), nervous system (symmetrical sensory neuropathy with numbness and loss of vibratory or positional sense, burning pain on the soles of the feet), other localized edema (face, ankles), sore throat, stomatitis (mouth inflammation), pruritus (itching), cough, tearing, salivation, garlic odor on breath, Aldrich-Mees lines (horizontal white lines that normally take 5 to 6 wk to appear after the exposed nail bed area grows), hair loss. 
Victim Notes: In homicides the amount of arsenic could be administered in a single, large acute dose or in frequent, small chronic doses to make the symptoms appear like those of a progressing natural illness. In suicides, the amount of arsenic taken is usually large.
3. Botulinus toxin
Form: Usually in the liquid form from culture medium. 
Color: Colorless. 
Odor: Odorless.
Solubility: Water soluble. 
Taste: Tasteless. 
Source: Produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. 
Lethal Dose: Acute, 50 ng; chronic, not applicable. Estimated to be as little as 0.1 mL of contaminated food. This substance is the most toxic known. The toxin is 7,000,000 times more lethal than cobra venom. 
How It Kills: Botulinus toxin irreversibly binds to cholinergic nerve terminals and prevents the release of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter that transfers electrical impulses) from the axon (part of neuron that transfers impulses). Severe muscle weakness results, and subsequently death from respiratory failure.
Poison Notes: The toxin can grow in home-canned food at pH > 4.5.
Administered: Can be administered in cool food or drink. Heating to a boiling temperature destroys the toxin within a few minutes. 
Symptom Onset Time Interval: May be slow to onset (2 h to 14 d). Death may occur as early as 10 h after the symptoms first appear. 
Symptoms—Acute: Dry, sore throat; dry mouth; dizziness; vomiting; stomach upset; difficulty in swallowing; difficulty in speaking; double vision; drooping eyelids; cranial nerve weakness; progressive symmetric descending paralysis; and respiratory arrest.
Source (linked): Forensic Science and Medicine: Criminal Poisoning, Second Edition By: J. H. Trestrail, III © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
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kidneytreatment01 · 4 months
Strategies for Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Kidney Disease
In the past few years, there has been an increasing demand for complementary and alternative methods to conventional medical treatment for kidney-related problems. One area that is gaining interest is homeopathy, which is recognised for its comprehensive and individualised method of treatment. This article will explore the world of homeopathic treatments for high levels of creatinine, kidney cysts, renal failure and kidney infections.
Understanding Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is a form of medicine based on the principle that "like cures like" and the law of minimal dose. Its goal is to activate the body's self-healing mechanism and restore balance to health. Homeopathic remedies originate from herbal and natural sources and have been prepared in a manner that increases their healing capabilities.
Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine:
The presence of elevated creatinine levels is often an indication of kidney dysfunction. Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine levels is determined by the individual's specific symptoms and health. The remedies are prescribed to treat underlying problems and improve kidney health.
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure:
In the event of kidney failure homeopathic treatment for kidney failure is focused on relieving symptoms, reducing the progression of the illness and improving overall health. The remedies of the Constitution are generally customised to the particular signs and symptoms of the person.
Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy:
Kidney treatment by homeopathy focuses on overall knowledge of the person's emotional and mental health. Treatments are selected based on an extensive study of the patient's health issues, lifestyle, and health. This unique approach sets homeopathy aside in dealing with kidney issues.
Homeopathic Medicine for Renal Cyst:
Renal cysts are sacs containing fluid that can develop in the kidneys. Homeopathic medicine for renal cysts is suggested to control symptoms associated with renal cysts. These remedies help reduce discomfort, pain and urinary problems while also helping to improve the health of your kidneys.
Homeopathic Remedy for Kidney Infection:
Kidney infections can be severe and require immediate attention. Homeopathic medicine is a possibility to treat symptoms of kidney disease. These remedies enhance the body's immune system and can help treat conditions.
Holistic Approach to Kidney Health:
Homeopathy is based on the idea that physical manifestations are linked with mental and emotional health. Thus, a holistic approach is crucial in the treatment of kidney problems. The treatment program could incorporate lifestyle modifications, diet changes, and stress management.
Case Studies and Success Stories:
Many people have reported favourable outcomes and improved renal function through homeopathic remedies. Success stories and case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of individualised homoeopathic methods to treat kidney diseases. These reports provide a glimpse into how homoeopathy can improve kidney health.
Challenges and Considerations:
Although homeopathy has proven to be effective in the treatment of kidney disease However, it is crucial to realise that not all patients can respond in the same way to homeopathic treatments. Traditional medical advice and treatments are recommended, and consulting with a trained medical professional is vital for a precise diagnosis and complete treatment program.
Homeopathy provides an individual and customised approach to treating renal health. From dealing with high levels of creatinine to addressing kidney bladder cysts as well as kidney infections, homeopathic remedy for kidney infection seeks to increase the body's natural healing capabilities. As the interest in alternative therapies increases, research is ongoing. A collaborative approach combining conventional and homeopathic treatment for kidney infections could help develop better integrated and holistic methods of kidney treatment.
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High creatinine treatment and kidney failure treatment without dialysis
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High creatinine levels and kidney failure are significant health concerns that require effective treatment strategies to manage and improve patient outcomes. Conventional treatments often include dialysis, but many patients seek alternatives due to the invasive nature and lifestyle impacts of dialysis. This article explores various approaches for treating high creatinine and kidney failure without dialysis, emphasizing chronic kidney disease treatment, homeopathic medicine for high creatinine, and homeopathic treatment for kidney failure.
Understanding High Creatinine and Kidney Failure
Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscle metabolism and is typically filtered out by healthy kidneys. Elevated creatinine levels can indicate impaired kidney function or chronic kidney disease (CKD).kidney failure treatment without dialysis, or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), occurs when the kidneys can no longer effectively filter waste from the blood.
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
Managing chronic kidney disease treatment involves slowing the progression of kidney damage and maintaining kidney function for as long as possible. Standard treatment protocols include lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and medications. Key strategies include:
Blood Pressure Control: Keeping blood pressure within the target range helps reduce further kidney damage. ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are commonly prescribed.
Blood Sugar Management: For diabetic patients, controlling blood sugar levels is crucial to prevent further kidney damage.
Dietary Modifications: Reducing salt, protein, and phosphorus intake can decrease the workload on the kidneys.
Medications: Statins may be prescribed to manage cholesterol levels, while erythropoietin-stimulating agents can address anemia associated with CKD.
High Creatinine Treatment Without Dialysis
High creatinine treatmentTreating high creatinine levels without resorting to dialysis involves several non-invasive approaches. These include:
Hydration: Adequate water intake helps the kidneys flush out creatinine and other waste products more effectively.
Dietary Adjustments: A diet low in red meat and other protein-rich foods can reduce creatinine levels. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables supports overall kidney health.
Medications: Certain medications, such as diuretics, can help the kidneys remove excess creatinine. Additionally, medications that control blood pressure and blood sugar levels indirectly support kidney function.
Exercise: Regular physical activity improves overall health and helps reduce creatinine levels by enhancing metabolic function.
Treatment for Kidney Failure Without Dialysis
For patients seeking alternatives to dialysis, several non-dialysis treatments can support kidney function:
Conservative Management: This involves managing symptoms and complications through medications and lifestyle adjustments without dialysis. It focuses on maintaining the quality of life.
Transplantation: A kidney transplant can offer a long-term solution, providing a new, functional kidney to take over filtration duties.
Homeopathic Treatments: Many patients explore homeopathy as a complementary approach. Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine and kidney failure includes remedies tailored to individual symptoms and overall health.
Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine
Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine offers a holistic approach to treating high creatinine levels. Remedies are selected based on the patient's specific symptoms and health status. 
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure
Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure aims to stimulate the body's self-healing processes and restore balance. 
Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy
Kidney treatment by homeopathy offers a personalized approach to kidney treatment. Practitioners assess the patient's physical, emotional, and mental health to prescribe the most suitable remedies. This individualized treatment can help manage symptoms and improve kidney function without the side effects often associated with conventional medications.
Integrating Homeopathy with Conventional Treatments
While homeopathic treatments can be beneficial, they are most effective when integrated with conventional medical care. Patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes regular monitoring of kidney function, appropriate dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes.
Treating high creatinine levels and kidney failure without dialysis is possible through a combination of conventional and alternative therapies. Chronic kidney disease treatment focuses on slowing disease progression and managing symptoms, while high creatinine treatment without dialysis includes dietary adjustments, hydration, and exercise. Homeopathic medicine offers a complementary approach, providing individualized remedies that support kidney health. By integrating these approaches, patients can improve their quality of life and manage their kidney condition more effectively.
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susimaro131 · 3 years
Subutex Needed
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Also, sharing used injections to inject medication can enhance the unfold of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and toxic reactions to impurities. Heroin usually is combined with sugar, starch or powdered milk. These substances can enter your bloodstream and clog blood vessels leading to liver, kidney, heart and mind failure. People with an extended historical past of heroin utilization have much greater hair detection home windows. Traces of heroin can be found in hair for a way more prolonged interval than urine or saliva. Tests can detect heroin within the hair within 90 days after the last usage.
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Following the introduction of this number of dosage types, buprenorphine use and misuse have elevated considerably. Heroin dependancy is brought on by heroin, an opioid drug that comes from morphine, a substance found on the seeds of poppy flowers. These poppy flowers often grow in Mexico, Southeast and Southwest Asia, and Colombia. A robust drug, subutex acts as the perfect treatment in relation to eliminating the dependancy of pain killers treating intense pain. Though one must avoid taking alcohol when consuming this drug, one also can buy subutex on-line with out prescription . Also, one can look for subutex on the market so as to save efforts.
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dayaramalok · 1 year
kidney failure herbal medicine
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homoecare · 3 years
Thyroid treatment in Jalandhar | Allergy Treatment in Jalandhar | Homeopathic clinic in Jalandhar
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What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a type of medicine which can cure body itself by using ingredients of plants & minerals.
 Who invented Homeopathy?
A German Physician Samuel Hahnemann invented Homeopathy in the 1796 in Germany. Nowadays, It’s common in European countries.
 Is there any side effects of Homeopathic medicines?
Homeopathic remedies always better than Allopathic remedies. Homeopathy always known to be with less side effects of any type of remedies, however, there are some homeopathy remedies which have more side effects but as compared to Allopathic, it has less side effects. So, in the crux, Homeopathy will be a better choice to be made.
 Is Homeopathy good for high BP?
Yes, Homeopathy medicines are proven best for Hypertension. Baryta carbonica is used from the beginning for people who are suffering from Hypertension with extremely shy, lack of confidence or lack of concentration type of problems.
 Is Homeopathy better than Allopathy?
First, we need to learn about what does Homeopathy & Allopathy medicines do. Allopathy medicine cures a person in less time, however, it causes side effects of each and every medicines. On the contrary, Homeopathy medicines cure the person slowly, but it has minimum side effects and some of the homeopathic medicines have no side effects at all.
 Does Homeopathy affect Kidney?
According to the latest study of 2020, Homeopathy treatment has been noticed positive impact on patient’s like Kidney failure & hypothyroidism.
 Is Homeopathy good for liver?
According to the latest study of 2019, Homeopathy treatment has been noticed positive impact on patient’s for acute liver diseases. It can cure the person with its roots and reduce the suffering as well with no side affect. Also, it has been noticed that it provide high quality of life.
 Which is best Homeopathic clinic in Jalandhar?
Homoeocare Clinic in Jalandhar is best Homeopathic clinic in Jalandhar. We have 26+ years of experience in homeopathy. We have a qualified team of doctor and experienced staff to take care of our patients. We have over 500k happy patients.
 Can Homeopathy help thyroid problems?
Thyroid treatment in Jalandhar is best taken care by Homoeocare clinic. Homeopathy treats Hypothyroidism effectively with long lasting relief from the symptoms of thyroid. Also, homeopathic treatment in Jalandhar for thyroid is painless and without any side effects.
 What conditions can Homeopathy Treat?
Homeopathy can cure Allergies, Migraines, Depression, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Premenstrual Syndrome. It can also be used for minor health problems like toothaches, headaches, nausea, cough and cold, bruises and scrapes.
 In Punjab, who are the good in Homeopathic Treatment?
Homoeocare Clinic is the best option for Homeopathic Treatment in Jalandhar, Punjab. We have experience of 25+ years with over 500k happy patients. Our Doctor’s have highly experienced in this field from last 25 years.
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What Are The Best Medicines For Treating A Bloated Stomach?
In your belly, you have bloating (stomach). It occurs when your digestive system (GI) is overflowing with gas or air. From the mouth to the anus, the GI tract is located (bottom). Your whole digestive system is a part of it. When you are bloated, it seems like you have eaten a substantial meal, and your stomach is full. Your belly feels tight and full. It could hurt or be unpleasant. You could think that your stomach is larger. After some time, it normally fades away, but for some people, it keeps happening. Hormonal changes and digestive problems can bring on cycles of bloating. You should consult a doctor to find out the source of your swollen stomach if it doesn't go away.
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Gas off tablet is a homeopathic medicine for bloating from Doctor Bhargava. We'll understand more about its benefits later in this post.
Who May Have Bloating: Causes of Gas
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (Sibo):
Numerous bacteria that aid in food digestion reside in the stomach and intestines. An increase in dangerous bacteria in the small intestine might result from disrupting the equilibrium of microorganisms. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, is what this is.
Retention Of Fluid:
Chronic bloating brought on by fluid retention may be due to a more serious condition, such as diabetes, liver disease, or kidney failure. A person should consult a doctor if the bloating persists.
Food Allergies:
Some people — such as those who have lactose intolerance, gluten allergies, or celiac disease — experience bloating after consuming particular meals. Bloating can be brought on by diarrhoea or stomach pain and will go away if the offending meal is eliminated.
Gynaecological Conditions:
Bloating can be brought on by some gynaecological issues, such as menopause or monthly menstruation. Bloating, cramping, and stomach discomfort can also be symptoms of endometriosis, a condition in which the lining of the womb connects to the stomach or intestines.
How Can The Problem of Rectal Prolapse be Prevented?
Even though homeopathic remedy for bloating is present, you shall first understand how to prevent bloating at home.
Teas made from herbs, such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger, turmeric, and fennel, can help with digestion and the elimination of gas. Dandelion tea can assist in reducing fluid retention.
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Capsules containing peppermint oil work as a natural spasmodic. They, therefore, aid in the relaxation of your gut muscles. This can assist you in releasing gas and stool that has been retained, especially if your difficulties are related to your motility.
Antacids have been demonstrated to reduce digestive tract irritation and facilitate simpler gastric emptying. Simethicone, an active component of several antacids, helps pass gas by clumping together tiny gas bubbles. Simethicone can be purchased individually as well.
Magnesium supplements assist in relaxing the gut muscles and neutralizing stomach acid. Magnesium has a natural laxative effect that can be occasionally useful but can become habit-forming if used excessively.
Your gut bacteria can be augmented or rebalanced with the use of probiotics. Some will improve how you digest your food, while others could aid in the absorption of more gas. You might need to take them consistently for a few days or weeks to see an improvement.
Psyllium husks are a well-liked fibre supplement that might encourage more frequent bowel movements. Always add fibre supplements gradually and drink a lot of water when doing so. As needed, over-the-counter laxatives can also be used.
Abdominal bloating may be fought with consistent training that emphasizes core body strengthening.
Homeopathic Medicine For Flatulence:
Gas off tablet:This is one of the best homeopathic remedy for gas manufactured by Dr Bhargava. It is a helpful homeopathic remedy for gas, flatulence, indigestion, bloating, abdominal distention, agitated bowel motions, constipation, colitis, and acidity, as well as for gastritis and flatulence.
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