#Honestly never expected Lilibet to look like this
simm-mouse · 1 year
It's finally here! I've said before that I'm separating them into parts. I'm going to make it two, since there will be three more sims after this. I want to get the family with the most kids out the way first. Imagine this with three more sims, jeez. Took me a bit because I redesigned them for my drawings, so that is the reason why they look different from their in game counterparts
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°He's the best at calming anyone down, so he's usually the one that'll break up a fight, and handle breakdowns between his sisters when their parents aren't home(Lilibet tries as well, but it's not as effective as when Tycho does it)
°A very smart independent dude, likes to work on things on his own. Which makes him not want to ask for help even when he needs it, as he doesn't like depending on others. Though he'll be told that it's okay to have others help you
°Almost Lazlo 2.0, nice silly chill dude
°Can't cook to save his life, he has burned food three times in my game. Also has no interest in food so he doesn't like to do it anyway. Lilibet would cook food if their parents aren't home. However, if she's not home he'll order some pizza
°Has interest in music, film, games, science, and travel
°Loves to play the drums, he's been thinking of forming a band
°Can easily make friends from his chill attitude, but likes to have his own small group of friends to hand out with
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°Pretty cautious, it'll take her a bit to get her used to something new
°Tends to overthink a lot of the time. If someone doesn't get her out of her head, she'll eventually end up having a nervous breakdown
°Says that she's a science baby whenever she's asked about how she was made(Though she's not wrong, but not in the usual way). Doesn't like to talk about it beyond that(Estella finds this sus, and tries to get her to say more about it. It never works)
°At first glance, she looks like she comes off as cold and distant, but she's known as the nice sister, almost as nice as her brother (Hella surprising considering who her parents are, yeah Pascal is nicer than Nerv but he's in the middle of grouchy and nice. So he can be a little spicy manlet sometimes if annoyed). She just can't help it with her resting monotonous face, especially with the dead ass eyes she got from Nervous. You'd have to know how to push her buttons to get her mad at you. Also used to being seen as a weirdo, so she only hangs out with Violet(Whenever she comes home and brings a friend over, it's always Violet. It's cute that she sees her cousin as her best friend, but also sad that she doesn't have any friends outside family members)
°Loves to tinker, and is the family mechanic if anything breaks around the house. Tends to make stuff at the workbench in her free time. A bit of a perfectionist, as she has very high standards for the stuff she makes at the workbench. Sometimes her breakdowns are from her feeling unable to make something "good enough" for her standards due to her overthinking
°Has interest in mechanical, music, literature, science, and travel
Jeanette "Jeannie":
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°Biological parents are Penelope Redd and Giuseppi Mezzoalto(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), The result of a one night stand. Placed for adoption at age 2(Penelope was unable to take care of her due to her job. She was upset about it, but hoped she'd have a better home. Jeannie however sees it as abandonment, and resents her), and was in and out of foster homes up until she was 4 when she was adopted by Pas and Nerv
°Kitty 2.0 personality wise(No joke, they have the exact same personality), but have different interests (They only share interest in crime, and health)
°Interested in the abnormal, likes to explore around town and find weird shit(Sometimes with Estella)
°Also has interests in literature, music, travel, and film
°Very hot headed, gets into fights at school and argues with Estella a lot of the time. Somehow has a small group of friends she hangs out with
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°Biological parents are Misty Waters and Eddie Renalin(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), as a result of an accidental pregnancy before the two broke up for a final time. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth. Was adopted by Pas and Nerv 3 years later(Knows who her parents are. Doesn't give a shit about them, she already has parents who love her)
°The most social of all of them, knows almost everyone. However that doesn't mean she has a good reputation. Her friendships with others are complicated
°Extremely nosy, would listen in on anybody's conversation that's near her. She'd hide too if she's shooed off. She'd go up on the roof and use a telescope or binoculars to look around town to spot anything sus(Gonna be the shover of the new generation, Vidcund would be proud). She's the reason anyone looks around to see if she's there before telling anyone a secret
°Likes to annoy Jeannie, because she finds it funny how angry she gets(Estella has tried to with Lilibet and Tycho, to see what makes them tick too. So far it hasn't worked. Both of them know what she's doing, and are not falling for it)
°Interested in literature, film, travel, and fashion
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°Biological parents are Diva Roma and Jimmy Two-Shoes(Both from the Sims Urbz, console versions) as a result of a short fling between the two. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth(Just like Estella). Was also in and out of foster homes, adopted by Pas and Nerv around the age of 5(Doesn't know who her parents are, Estella does but she won't tell her. How she learned about this information, who knows. She works in mysterious ways)
°Known as the shy sibling of the group, Doesn't really like to talk to anyone outside of the family(Except for one random sim that she invited over once, I think considers him a friend)
°An animal lover, tries to bring home any animal she finds outside and asks if they can keep it(Which is always a no)
°Nicer than Estella and Jeannie, but not by much. Annoyed by her sisters bickering all the time, sometimes tells them to shut up and will end up being part of the argument too
°Interested in sports, film, games, and painting
I'm letting you know now for those who haven't seen one of my previous posts. Tycho is the only one besides Johnny that's a boy. My game wants girls in Strangetown, No matter what I do. It's like a one in a million chance I get a boy. So after this there will be three more girls. Luckily my Nervous has overcome his fear of women, because I don't know how he would survive four daughters. Especially when most of them aren't very nice. Honestly he's also a reason why they're still like that. You can encourage your kids to be nice or not in two, so it's not like he's concerned about their behavior. The man has no nice points at all, he has been banned from stores, he'd probably be fine with what they're doing for the most part. Also I don't think he's the type of parent that would discipline. However it's not like they don't get in trouble, Pascal is the one that would scold them, he ain't letting shit fly. He said to not go out and look for bigfoot, and look what you did. Went out anyway. What did he say about having a coyote in the house? They belong outside
It's not always peaceful at the house, but everyone loves and cares for each other deeply. Though the younger sisters fight, they ain't letting anyone insult them. You can't blackmail my sister, that's my job!
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stirringwinds · 5 years
im so in love rn with examining the fact that nations contradict themselves so much? arthur, who could feel as much as home in camden town as he does in a yorkshire manor house. alfred, who is as much las vegas as he is the bible belt. it’s just so interesting
(Not quite Camden Town here, but I totally love exploring this concept of the multifaceted nature of nations lol. Especially for Arthur. And after all, what percentage of the English population is landed gentry or relates to that kind of lifestyle? 0.1%? 0.0001%?) 
“…Lord Kirkland?” This wasn’t quite what he expected, honestly, when he had been told that he would be meeting England before he was sent off to his posting. It took quite some time to wrap one’s head around the very concept of it, and by the time he had, he had come to terms with it by envisioning something more along the lines of—
“Oh, good evening, Ambassador. You’re new, eh?” The cadence of the man before him is undeniably that of a Londoner, but more East End than Buckingham Palace. He’s lazily slouched into a somewhat ratty-looking floral chintz armchair, a messy takeaway box of chicken tikka masala clutched in his hands. He smirks. “Terribly sorry to disappoint—I know most of you lot expect a comely dame with flowing blonde locks and maybe a bare breast or two riding a lion twirling her trident, but you’re stuck with my siblings and I.”
He flushes. “Of course not! I meant no disresp—”
“Please, lad. No need to soothe my delicate sensitivities. I simply couldn’t resist a little jest.” Kirkland’s green eyes are sharp with amusement. He nonchalantly swallows another spoonful of curry and rice.
It’s a strange feeling to be called lad by a man who looks to be a good ten years younger than him, to be quite honest. Inasmuch as he can feel something old and ancient in Kirkland’s gaze. You’ll get used to it, said everyone else at the Foreign Office who had been in on this apparently eons-old conspiracy, as though it were perfectly normal for thousand-year-old beings right out of fanciful medieval legends to actually be walking around in the twenty-first century.
“Well—I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” He now feels silly for fretting over whether his suit was sufficiently formal right before this, given the…bizarre, worn-looking homemade sweater Kirkland was wearing. It’s really not like tea with the Queen or Prime Minister, honestly, his predecessor had advised don’t strain your brain. He hadn’t believed her.
“Is that sweater a present?”
“This?” Kirkland motions at the, quite frankly, ugly green and red garment casually. THE SUN SET ON MY FUCKING ARSE is spelled out in messy white stitching. Fascinatingly, his cadence morphs seamlessly into the Queen’s English mid-sentence. “Oh, just my eldest son’s idea of a dig at me. Wretched lad, that Alfred. Gifted it most sincerely right after the Suez Crisis back in ‘53. I suppose he was quite right, and in any case, nowadays it’s rather useful whenever I’m eating a good curry takeout and don’t want to bother with the mess—you know how hard it is to get turmeric stains out.”
He nods understandingly. Keeps his curiosity to himself—no one had really explained to him how the mechanics of…family for Kirkland’s kind worked yet, though he had his suspicions. “My Alisha once accidentally upturned the entire bowl my brother-in-law was planning to heat up for us. Said we should try his grandmother’s traditional recipe. Alas, all of us ended up having to find a restaurant that night. Additionally, my wife and I were quite sorry that our daughter’s brand new dress would never be back to its original colour.”  
Kirkland lets out a loud bark of laughter.
“Now that is tragic. You should’ve seen the look on the Prime Minister’s face the one time Alfred spilled his tomato soup all over Lilibet’s gown, and right before a Royal Investiture too. I quite think she was about to have a stroke.”
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