#Estella Curious
simm-mouse · 5 months
Whoops, just realized I haven't posted any art in almost 2 weeks😥😥. I didn't mean to do that, I've been trying to change my style in practice more on drawing certain things like hands so I would get better at drawing. Here's all of the drawings I made
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I also drew Nervous as he gets older for fun. After dating Pascal he got washed and got his mohawk fixed so All of his hair would be at the same length and actually maintained. But it's still somewhat messy because come on, it's still Nervous. The red line is supposed to be for height, Because I plan on adding Pascal there as well so the hobbies are together😌🫶, But for now I wanted to show Nervous in his male wife era
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Also guess what guys, Needles is a father now! I know it's crazy, He adopted a few days after he graduated from college and moved into his house. He's very proud, and makes sure he's comfortable and happy. Say hello to his new son🤗
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I had no idea what to name him so It's Bart
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wintfleur · 6 months
omg stella telling her brothers she’s starting an only fans as a prank!! they would kill her
౨ৎ it’s just a prank!
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X siblings! Hughes brothers )
°. — details ( g; fluff, humor. w; Stella being a little goofy and her brothers are being protective. wc; 2.6k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( omg nonnie you are a genius, I had so much fun writing this !!! So sorry it took so long for me to get out. I hope you guys enjoy it !!! )
°. — ( in no way am I meaning to offend anyone who does do only fans or anything like that, by writing Stella’s brothers not being supportive of her doing only fans. I hope that makes sense )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
Stella was laying in her bed ⸺ well technically the guest bed in the guest room in her brother's jack and Luke's apartment. She was having her annual visit, and it was the time of day where her brothers were both napping, and she wasn't in the mood to go out by herself. She was honestly feeling quite bored not having her brothers around to annoy, that's why she was aimlessly scrolling through TikTok. But her boredom was quickly healed when she watched the latest TikTok lily sent her, a mischievous smile forming on her lips as her mind already formed a plan. 
Stella swiftly slipped out of bed and grabbed her hoodie and put it over her tank top before leaving the room. She heard the faint sound of her brother's voice coming from the kitchen, she could tell that they just woke up from their tone. Both of her brother's heads turned to her as she walked into the kitchen, Luke giving her a tired smile as Jack just groaned and rested his head on the cold island counter they were sitting at. “Can you grab us the milk?” Jack groaned tiredly and Stella rolled her eyes but got the milk for them, nonetheless, setting the carton next to the box of cereal the two were about to destroy. 
Stella pulled out a box of fruit snacks and set them on the counter, only using that as a distraction so she could prop up her phone to film them without them seeing it. She started the video and gave the camera a wink before she turned around and faced her brothers who were shoveling cereal into their mouths. Stella leaned back against the counter and asked, “Can one of you drive me too best buy?” 
 “Sure! What do you need at best buy?” Luke was quick to agree, wanting to spend more time with his little sister, Jack looked at Stella curious on what she needed at best buy, he was about to open his mouth to offer to give her his card, but she was already talking. “Oh! I need to get a ring light, i left mine at home.” 
“Why do you need a ring light?” Jack askes with a confused frown. Stella had to stop her lips from curling up into a smile at the genuine confusion, oh her poor brothers have no idea what they're getting into. Stella gave her brothers a smile and tries her best to sound as calm as she could as she speaks “Oh i need one to film my new only fans video and i left mine at home.”  
Stella bit her lip and turned to face the counter, pretending to do things, knowing that she would not be able to face her brothers without bursting out into laughter. The camera perfectly got both of her brothers' reactions. Luke choked on his cereal in shock and started coughing. Jack dropped his spoon in his bowl as his body went still in shock as he looked at the back of his little sister's head. 
“What did you just say?” Jack asked his sister, hoping that he and Luke heard wrong. There was no way she was serious ⸺ she couldn't be. Stella let out a quiet breath and tried to collect herself before turning around to face her brothers. She turned back around to face her brothers, holding everything in so she wouldn't laugh, she gives them a smile pretending to be unbothered “I need to get a ring light so i can film my on⸺” 
“We heard you!” Luke quickly cut Stella off after catching his breath from his fit of coughs, he shook his head in disgust he did not want to hear his sister repeat it. Jack looks at his sister in fear and shakes his head no, repeatedly muttering no under his breath. Poor boy was stressed. “Stella, you can't be serious! You can't have only fans” Jack nearly shouted as he placed both of his hands on the island counter. 
“And you sure as hell can't film your . . . your videos in our guest bedroom” Luke scoffs his face twisted in disgust, he did not need to know this about his sister, and he did not need to think of what she could be doing in their guest bedroom. “Gross” Jack whined in disgust at his younger brother's words. 
“Why not I really need the money” Stella did her best to frown, giving her brothers her puppy eyes that she knew always worked in her favor, but this time it was different, they were not going to fall for it. Jack's eyes nearly pop out of his sockets at his sister's revelation, she was doing this because she needed money? He quickly reached into his pocket for his wallet while Luke questioned her in shock “Money? Your doing this for money?” 
“Obviously” stella giggled with a shrug of her shoulder, gently biting her lip to hold in her laughter when she sees Luke hold his head in his hands and jack hold out his wallet for her “Here take my wallet, buy whatever you want as long as you delete your account.” 
“Awee you're going to buy my ring light for me?” Stella playfully cooed as she reached for the wallet, very much enjoying messing with her brothers. Luke's eyes widen and he quickly snatches Jack's wallet before she could grab it, over his dead body. Luke scoffs at the audacity “Neither of us are going to sponsor your bad decisions.” 
“Oh, trust me i don't need any more sponsors” stella stated as she tried her best to sound innocent and oblivious. Luke's mouth dropped in shock and Stella was sure she was going to see steam coming out of Jack's ears any second now. Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket with a mission “Thats it I'm calling Quinn, he can talk some sense into your delusional ass self.” 
Stella’s eyes widen and she quickly grabs jacks' phone out of his hands before he could get the chance to call their eldest brother, she also wanted to pull this prank on Quinn when she comes to visit, and she wasn't going to have them ruin that even though she wasn't really looking forward to it. Stella quickly shouted when she noticed the two heated stares from her brothers “Wait! Wait! It's just a prank!” 
Neither of her brothers believed her until she broke out into a fit of giggles and turned around to grab her phone, lifting it up and showing them that they were being filmed. A loud laugh leaves her lips at the sight of her brother's reaction to her phone. Both of their shoulders sag in relief and Jack drops his head onto the island counter and lets out a loud groan of annoyance, while Luke just crosses his arms and glares at his sister. Yes, he was relieved that it was all fake, but his heart was almost beating out of his chest from the stress she just put him through. 
Stella gives the camera a small smile before stopping it, she slides it into her pocket and clears her throat and gives both of her brothers an awkward smile. She could tell that they both were a little upset from the prank. Stella tries her best to sound enthusiastic as she asks her two now grumpy brothers “Who wants to help me plan out the same prank for quinny!” 
Now that got a smile on both of their lips . . . 
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Now Stella was way more nervous to pull the prank on quinn than she was with Jack and Luke. Quinn was different. She knew it was just a prank, but she was still scared to see Quinn’s reaction. She was honestly going to blow the whole prank off, but she was starting to get annoyed by the many texts from an impatient Jack asking her if she's done it yet. Not only was she nervous to do it, but there was also just not a good time for her to do it yet. 
She has been busy almost every day, going out with her brother almost every day, Elias and Brock joining them. She was having a great time, so she really didn't want to ruin it by pranking her older brother by making him believe she was starting an only fans account. But she said she would, and Stella doesn't go back on her word. Ever.  
Stella quickly glanced at her brother who was focusing on the video game he was playing on the living room tv. They were spending the day inside, neither of them wanting to go out during the hot day. Stella discretely sets up her phone against a pillow next to her, her phone getting a good view of both of the siblings who're sitting next to each other. 
Stella lets out a nervous sigh before quickly starting the video and leans back on the couch, letting her phone get a great view of both of their side profiles. Quinn was leaning forward with his arms on his knees and a controller in his hand. Stella sat Criss cross on the couch and tilted her head to look at quinn as she spoke “Quinn i have to tell you something.” 
“Hmm yeah, what is it?” Quinn quickly glanced back and forth from his sister and the tv a few times before settling his gaze back on the tv. Stella nervously bit her lip for a second, quickly glancing at the camera before looking back at her brother. She spoke calmly “I think I'm going to start an only fans.” 
Quinn physically recoiled in shock at his sister's words, and the both of them were surprised that his neck didn't snap with how fast it turned to her. The controller dropped out of his hand and hit the rug covered floor. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not believing the words coming out of his sister's mouth “Excuse me?” 
“I’m thinking of  ⸺ “ 
“Why the fuck are you thinking about that?” Quinn asked in a sharp tone as he fully twisted his body to face her. Stella felt her lips twitch up at how high his tone got; it always did when he was upset. Stella pursed her lips before she could smile and ruin the prank, she continued to speak calmly “A lot of people have asked me  ⸺ “ 
“Who the fuck is asking you that?” Quinn questioned stella, his tone angry as he thought of people trying to convince his little sister to start an account, fucking perves his hissed in his mind. No! Quinn was not going to let this happen. She must not be thinking straight, he continued to think. 
“You’d be surprised, apparently I'd make a lot of money!” Stella pretends to be excited at the thought, even giving Quinn a smile. Oh, he's so going to kill me, Stella thought to herself as she watched her brother's concerned expression turn into anger. Quinn shook his head in disbelief, bringing his hand up to rub at his temples as he closed his eyes, a sigh of stress leaving his lips before he opened his eyes and looked back at his sister. 
“Estella, you are 19 years old! You should still be playing with your barbies or somethin!” 
“The minimum age is eighteen . . . I’ve been researching it” Stella hummed as she nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from giggling at the dramatic exhale he let out.
“Oh, is that right” quinn muttered sarcastically under his breath, he didn't know how to approach the situation. He definitely did not agree with the idea of Stella doing that, but he also didn't want her to feel like he was judging her or was disappointed in her . . . but he knew it was a little late for that from his reaction. Quinn let out another sigh before speaking much more calmly “Stella . . . is this really something you want to do?” 
“I think so” she mumbled, starting to feel bad from how stressed he looked. 
“Well, I um . . . all I ask is that you really think about it okay?” Quinn spoke softly as he reached for Stella's hand, softly squeezing it. Yes, he wanted to forbid her from doing it, but he also didn't want to take her choice away from her, she had to make the choice herself, and he didn't want her to feel embarrassed to talk about things with him. He continued to speak as he locked eyes with Stella “This is a big decision, you know. Once things go on the internet, they never come off. Just really think if this is what you want to do.” 
Stella internally awes at Quinn's words, his initial reaction showed that he did not agree and was not happy with her words, but he calmed down and gave her a mature and sweet response. Quinn lets out a surprised “Oh!” when he feels Stella lunges towards him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder for a hug. Quinn is confused for a second, but he quickly returns the hug. Stella squeezes her eyes shut and speaks loud enough for her phone to pick it up “It's just a prank.” 
“What!?” Quinn exclaims as she pulls back from the hug, a giggle leaving Stella's lips at the confused look Quinn gives her. “It's just a prank quinny” Stella gets out between her loud laughter, her head tilting back against the couch. Quinn let out a heavy sigh, his body still tense even with the confession of it being a prank, he had to make sure “So you're not going to make an only fans?” 
“No, I'm not, don't worry!” Stella continues to giggle, her laughter only getting louder when Quinn lets himself lean back on the couch, his hand resting over his fast-beating heart. Quinn shuts his eyes and lets himself calm down, his body relaxing. “Oh, thank god!” 
“Why would you do that stella! Are you trying to kill me?” Quinn quickly shouts as he sits back up, many questions running through his mind. Who gave her the idea to do this? Why would she do this? And do you think I can guilt trip her into cooking dinner? 
“It was Jack's idea!” Stella was quick to throw her brother under the bus, quickly reaching to grab her phone to pause the video before it got too long. Quinn's eyes widen, and a look of betrayal comes across his face at the fact that she videotaped the whole thing. The last thing the camera gets is a shocked Quinn looking over a giggling Stella's shoulder. 
Stella tilts her head to look at her brother who got really quiet, her eyes widening at the glare he was giving her. She noticed a familiar look of mischief in his eyes, and she quickly got up from the couch and rushed down the hallway to hide in the guestroom, just as she closed the door, she heard the sound of his loud footsteps and the sound of him shouting. 
stellahughes has just posted a TikTok!
[caption: do you guys think jacks gonna be mad i blamed him? ]
username1 is Luke okay? I thought he was going to pass out from how hard he was coughing
username2 I- the way she blamed Jack. I can’t 😭
username3 they were stressing omg!
username4 the protective glare Quinn gave Stella when she said people were asking for it 🤭
username5 stella sweetie, are you okay?
Stellahughes no, I’m hiding from Quinn in the closet 🫤
Qhughes Hmm good to know
username5 did I just get Stella Hughes killed 😳
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°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lxvelyzoe @lovings4turn x )
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ihavethedreamies · 17 days
Stray Kids Historical AU! Series Hub
[WIP] In Progress! Coming Soon, I Promise!
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Oh boy! After my poll, Stray Kids was decided as the subject of my next series! Below you will find the overviews for each story and I will be working on them next and uploading them as I finish. Hopefully it won't take more than a week to get them all up, so stay tuned!
I'll be going in age order, so Bang Chan first and I.N. last.
Let me know if you want to be on a taglist! I do those, just not had too many requests to do so.
(I also struggled to find a Historical-type outfit for Changbin that wasn't older so if anyone has something more recent, let me know. I really only check on Pinterest so...)
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Only You - Bang Chan [NSFW]
King! Bang Chan x Noble! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: You are a nobleman's daughter and your father is struggling to find you a husband. The king refuses to marry all of the women brought to him and will not take any concubines. You end up meeting each other. ~4.6k
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Her Hero - Lee Know [NSFW]
Podocheong! Lee Know x Noble! AFAB! Reader
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(The Podocheong were like the police of Joseon Era Korea)
Summary: When a political rival of your father kidnaps you for a ransom, your father calls on the Podocheong (Police) to rescue you. An extremely handsome Bujang (Lieutenant) rescues you, but you would be loathe to admit you need (and like) a hero. ~5k
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Kept Secret - Changbin [WIP]
Wonsanghwa! Changbin x Princess! AFAB! Reader
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(A Wonsanghwa was essentially the guy who trained the Hwarang)
Summary: You are the youngest princess, and because of that you get the most freedom. The only thing your father refuses is to let you learn to fight. So, you get rid of the middleman and go straight to the Wonsanghwa.
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Love is Free - Hyunjin [WIP]
Prince! Hyunjin x Merchan! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: You run a store for your father that sells all kinds of clothing and accessories. A nobleman comes by nearly every other day and will buy anything you recommend. You figured at first he was there to buy gifts for his girl, but turns out, he doesn't have on. Yet.
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Beside Me - Han [WIP]
Noble! Han x Princess! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: You often go to spend the day with your best friend at her husband's family's estate, using it as an excuse to leave the palace. Your friend's younger-brother-in-law normally keeps to himself, but you heard he's actually really fun. You're determined to bring him out of his shell.
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Getting Closer - Felix [WIP]
Noble! Felix x Handmaiden! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: You had been training ever since you were a little girl to grow up and serve the crown prince and later the king. Because of that, you grew up with the prince as well. Though, the one that always had caught your eye, was the prince's best friend.
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Favorite Place - Seungmin [WIP]
Noble! Seungmin x Princess! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: You are a habitual escape artist, sneaking away from the palace as often as you could to actual live a fun life. Your best friend of nearly twenty years is always on the other side of the wall to catch you. Every so often though, he goes into the palace to see you instead.
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Keep You Safe - I.N. [WIP]
Personal Guard! I.N. x Noble! AFAB! Reader
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Summary: Your father, because of his political position, he hired a private guard to keep you safe. He was always disguised as either a servant or a suitor. You have yet to see him actually need to protect you, and you were honestly fairly curious how well he'd do.
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
Taglist: @huldrelokken, @estella-novella, @astrobebba, @kayleefriedchicken, @minghaosimp, @cassandramrn
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nisobird · 5 months
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WOGIUWJEKF posting art while i'm working 🥲
As a fun fact about me, i'm a fashion desinger student! So drawing vil and azul in pretty clothes is therapeutic 4 me🫂
I have a lot of drawings of estella and azul i'm gonna post too but have this meanwhile hehehe thank you so much guys for liking my art and my ocs it means a lot🥹🫶
(my yuusona has an hyperfixation with sea animals if you are curious lol)
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gregorybacon · 1 year
curious about your thoughts on pipstella?
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!! I adore them so so much... I think it's a really cute couple and honestly one of my top favourite pip ships (Along side Chip and Dip) I do love how in the episode they end up caring for each other so much.. I feel like Estella never wanted to hurt Pip and was only forced to and grew up that way. I think they're just cute in general... even drew them
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jackiequick · 3 months
—Timeline Wise For The Couples 🎞 💌🍿
-> Very similar to this post
Stevella ~ Steve Rogers & Estella Strange 🩺🇺🇸☕️
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2012 — Meet Cute in NYC, bumping into each other a couple of times and eventually exchange numbers
2013 — Steve got settled into a decent rhythm, going out a bit more and living at Avengers Tower. That’s when he bumps into Stella one day at the park, yeah sure they text one another and even have some phone calls, but this was different. While chatting, Steve somehow managed to ask her out for a cup of coffee and Stella said ‘yes’ as the two went to a coffee shop afterwards.
2014 — (Captain America: The Winter Soldier Era), the two are actually going out together. Having dates, texts, calling one another and flying out to see each other. They decided to keep their relationship private. But of course, their relationship slowly comes to the surface due to their friends. Natasha spent days and weeks trying to set Steve up on a date, teasing him and everything as he kept shooting her down with each option until they were driving to New Jersey…
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” Natasha asked him, playing with her necklace Clint bought her.
Steve was driving and answered, “That bad huh?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Well kinda sounds like you did.”
“No, I-i didn’t, I’m just wondering how much practice you had?”
“You don’t need practice.”
“Everybody needs practice.”
“It’s not my first kiss since 1945. I’m 95, I’m not dead.”
Natasha just chuckled then asked, “Nobody special though?”
He scoffed chuckling, “Believe it or not..um, there is.”
That caused Natasha to gasp and smiled, teasing him for the rest of the time being trying to figure out who it is that Steve was seeing. She was genuinely curious and wanted tidbits on who’s the lucky lady was. Steve just rolled his eyes regretting he told her anything but honestly smiled appreciating that she actually cared about this fact.
When they got to Sam Wilson’s house for shelter, Natasha wasn’t the only one curious. Since Steve used the phone to call a certain someone, as Sam was making breakfast he heard the name ‘Stella’, as he smirked. Sam has been friends with Stella Strange since 2011, he was surprised he didn’t know about this. However he stayed quiet and pretended like he didn’t hear anything as he was more focused on helping Cap and Natasha to tease his new friend.
At the end of the film, as Steve was in the hospital recovering from the damage he suffered during the fight. He woke up to music softly playing and Sam smiling at him saying “On your left.” Steve tiredly cracked a little smile. A few seconds later, Sam said he called her. That’s when Stella walked in two fresh cups of coffee, giving them both a soft smile.
2015 — The two were now living in New York. Stella mainly worked at the hospital meanwhile Steve was being an Avenger with his teammates and Young Avengers. He often picked her up from work and took them to her apartment to rest, if not he invited her to stay at The Tower. Yes, he finally let most of his teammates and friends met his girlfriend! It was about damn time too, as a few people got more curious about things and became a little family oriented group. Hell, Steve was trying to afford a place in Brooklyn too!
The two were pretty much spotted together at restaurants, the park, Avengers Tower and other locations. Hell, according to Tony, he was surprised Captain America scored such a lovely women to keep him on his toes as Steve lightly glared at him. Stella just told her boyfriend to not mind Stark’s remarks, he’s just annoyed Pepper won’t let him buy a new car or something.
Things went on (Age Of Ultron hit), as Stella spent her time more often at Avengers Tower and even help patch up the heroes every once in a while. She was honestly pretty skilled and tech with a gun too! Which came in handy the night of The Party, things were going well of course. But Ultron struck hard, as everyone was fighting bots and protecting one another. Some got a little hurt too, mainly upset with Tony.
Later on, at Clint’s house, everyone was a little out of it. Whatever Wanda showed them had a couple of them beaten and bruised. Clint called in Stella and a few others to help everyone out. Tension was still in the air through, as Steve seemed a little off and unable to talk about it, until he found his girlfriend holding up a cup of warm tea for him on the front porch…
“What you doing up? It’s late.” Steve said, sipping the tea and wrapped an arm around her.
“I couldn’t sleep…are you okay?” She asked, rubbing her hands.
“I will be..uh, Wanda showed me something back there..”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Only if you tell me what she showed you..”
It was only fair. She nodded and went on to explain the horrors Wanda showed her, how helpless and vulnerable she felt as she remained stuck in a hopeless position at the hospital after her very brutal accident. Even if she looked at her physical scars and condition, it haunts her. Steve listened providing comfort to her. He then went on to share his own thoughts and feelings onto Wanda showed him, feeling scared and anxious about it all as he was thrown out into another era, the life was gone and a part of him stayed stuck there. Stella provided him comfort as she listened.
Everything went on kinda crazy after that as The Avengers, Young Avengers, SHIELD and whatever others assets helped to fight off Ultron and his bots. To save and protect as many people as they can. They won but lost a few things along the way.
The Avengers moved their location upstate. Steve and Tony talked about their life choices before going their separate ways. Steve said that family, stability and whatnot post-war times, that man died when he went into the ice 75 years ago. Someone else came out, feeling a sense of mourning and comfort that his life has changed forever. He had The Avengers to watch out for, a girlfriend now who he cared deeply and unlikely friendships. But the idea of having a wife and children stayed stuck in the back of his mind.
2016 — Things changed for the couple once again living in a new location. Stella was starting to take up magic, having been resistant to being a magic-user, as her brothers were more into that kind of stuff. She knew magic and spells, but she wasn’t one to really used that very often. But she decided it would be helpful. Steve was becoming more of a team leader, busy with meetings, creating a new team alongside the one he already had and making sure everyone was able to handle themselves. When neither of them were working, the couple was hanging out a lot more and wanted to take a larger step into their relationship such as officially moving in together.
Steve also had big plans in mind, he knew he wanted to one day marry his girlfriend. He wanted to put a ring on her finger and have her become a bigger part of the family. Hell, he hadn’t picked out a ring yet but he knew.
One morning, he suddenly found himself popping the question. Saying ‘Marry me?’ As Stella was looking for a new set of cups, she heard the words come out of his mouth and accidentally bumped her head on the kitchen cabinet. He winced asking if she was alright as she nodded turning around wanting to clear what he said clearly, he repeated his question and she just smiled. That’s all Steve needed to see to know her answer was ‘Yes.’ That, and the fact that she pressed a kiss to his lips and nodded softly.
As we know Civil War happened, which caused a major disruption to the team and family. It caused a rift between Steve and Stella, a mixture of screams, cries, tears and anger ran through them. Despite it all, they still managed to deeply love one another. However Steve had to leave with Sam and Natasha, not having much contact with her for over a year!
2017–2018 — Just rough time in general for the couple. They had limited access to talking or texting, however still managed to communicate and spend mail to one another. But it just hurt. It wasn’t easy! Stella was heartbroken and Steve wasn’t exactly feeling happy about this either. He was devastated and hurt that he left his fiancé.
When Thanos made his appearance, it wasn’t pretty. As Stella followed Bruce and a few others to The Avengers Compound, to talk to Rhodey and that’s when Steve, Nat and the rest of the crew appeared. To say Stella had a million thoughts running through her mind the moment she saw Steve was an understatement, but it didn’t all make sense to start bickering with him.
Especially after he pulled her into a thigh embrace the moment he saw her and kissed her face apologizing for everything he did, saying how she had ready right to be upset with him. She just wrapped her arms around him and cried a little, apologizing for not calling earlier as she was fighting Thanos children in New York.
He just chuckled and nodded, knowing they had bigger things at stake.
You know what happened, Thanos kicked ass despite everything the teams gave. They still lost.
2019–2023 — Post Thanos things went quiet. But they tried to make the best of it, just luck neither one of dusted. Steve thanked the heavens he didn’t have to watch his fiancé dust away. The two just spent a couple of days making up for the lost time, catching up and apologizing for everything. When they realize they couldn’t afford to fix the damage due to Thanos destroying the damn stones. Steve and half of the team returned to earth silently. It pained everyone.
But like I said, they tried to make the best of things, try to move on. In 2022, Steve decided to not wait any longer than he should’ve and asked Stella to actually marry him. He waited so long to make her his wife and he wasn’t even going to waste any longer, as Stella grinned that morning agreeing to the idea. A private little day for the two of them, as the couple went to the court house and filed for a marriage certificate, getting married right then and there. They knew one day they would have a grand ol’ wedding but a quiet little day to themselves is all they needed.
They were married, had an apartment together and were doing their best to help others feel comfortable in the world. Hosting support groups, going to food drives, heading out on smaller projects and making sure their friends were alright. Stella often visited Pepper meanwhile Steve went to Natasha.
But in 2023, Scott Lang showed up to change things for the better. You know what happened time heist, get back the gang together and fix things. And no, Steve didn’t leave his wife, Sam or Bucky for Peggy Carter when he returned the damn stones! He returned the stones to where they belong, saw Peggy happily with her spouse and family, went back to his old apartment in Brooklyn where he found a certain item then returned back to 2023. The item you may ask was an old leather brown jacket that he lost during The Battle a few days earlier that held a ring looped around his dog tags.
Phase 4 (2023–2024) — Steve and Stella were living in a different household in a similar neighborhood, helping to rebuild The Avengers Compound after it was destroyed and supporting families with the new changes. The two even considered on finally having a family of their own, the pair already had a dog. Might as well have a kid or two!
Which they did! Having adopted two beautiful children, a young teenager who has been in their radar for a while now as they foster and develop a relationship before two years prior. And another one, being a gorgeous little girl.
And I know what you’re asking, did Steve retire? Yes, yes he did. Steve knew for a while that he did not want to be Captain America forever, wanting to stay put and start a new project in his life. Of course he gave the opportunity to Sam Wilson to become Captain America and when he saw that John Walker was holding his shield and not Sam, the man was already to to pick a bone with his friends. Hell, he was ready to try and take down Walker himself after having gone through the five stages of grief watching the news.
“Honey! Have you seen my navy blue jacket and guns? That ones with the faded red stripe around the handle. ” Steve yelled from the closet as he went searching for his things.
“I think so! In the—wait why do you need your guns?!” Stella yelled from upstairs, as she untangled her curls.
“Just asking!”
“Steve what are you planning?!”
“Don’t worry about it!”
It took Stella to hold him down and hide his stuff in the basement, getting Kendall and their youngest to keep things in order or else Steve would’ve driven to get his hands on the man.
His wife had to distract him and take his mind off things to stop him from going to find his friends and get shit done himself. Luckily with two kids, a dog, housework to be done, groceries to buy and activities to do Steve was very much occupied. Thanks to Sam and Bucky they were able to get updates on how things were going, and finally once they got The Shield back, that’s when Stella gave Steve the opportunity to help out.
However thankfully Sam, Jason, Bucky and Liz handled the situation better than expected. Hell, Steve was able to sneak off in the background in his dark navy blue stealth suit to help and support them in the fight. He was even standing in the background when Sam appeared in the Captain America suit and shield, along with a pair of sleek wings to match grinning like an idiot.
Everyone and their mothers were watching on television when Sam Wilson made his flying debut in the Stars and Stripes, and they couldn’t be more prouder. Stella remembered how she was crying happy tears as she sat on the couch with her friends and family to watch everything go down. It was freaking amazing.
Ahhh! That was a lot, anyway I hope you guys like it. Pls let me know what you guys think 💭
Keep the chain going! Which couple is next? 💘
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @cherrysft @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @eliohasmyheart @terry-perry @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @fluffystevefest @savemewattpad @daughter-of-melpomene
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odiesdayoff · 9 months
So Undercover
pair: dark!Edward Nashton x fem!reader
summary: You get a little too caught up in an undercover job to unravel the Riddler.
warnings: NON-CON / DUB-CON SMUT (MINORS LEAVE); no really this is dark if it makes u uncomfy then do not pass go!! voyeurism, mentions of revenge porn, forced creampie, dildos, fucking machines, sexting? coercion, manipulation, name-calling (slut, whore, good girl), stalking, blackmail
i'm so fr if u dont like this then go because your consumption is literally not my business at all actually. but enjoy :)
possible part 2
<me> Hi. 
<?> Hello.
<?> What gets wet while drying?
<me> Oh. Um.
<me> A towel.
<?> Correct.
You sighed from relief. As far as you knew, the man you were dealing with was calling himself The Riddler. Having to actually answer riddles surprisingly wasn’t something you thought you’d have to do.
<me> What is your name?
<?> I think you know that already.
<me> Riddler, yes. But I want to know your actual name.
<?> I’m not stupid.
<?> What is your name?
<me> I’m not stupid, either.
<?> I know.
<?> You’re a good girl.
The pointer on the screen blinked. Your hands were still on your keyboard, but something stopped you from typing anything in response. No part of your conversation or your screen name implied you were a girl. Unless, it was a lucky guess and he was just messing with your head.
<?> Don’t get cold feet now, Y/n. We’re just getting started.
<?> That’s your name, right?
<?> I want to know who I’m looking at talking to.
<me> What?
<?> Answer the question.
<me> That is my name.
<?> Good girl.
You bit the inside of your cheek and slowly closed your laptop. Detective Henry and two officers looked at you for an answer. “He knew my name.”
The detective nodded. “We expected that. You didn’t get kicked off, though, right?”
“No. I don’t know, actually. I got scared.” Sheepishly, you looked down at the closed laptop. In your defense, this wasn’t in your job description at all. You spun your chair around. The first thing that caught your eye was the chair behind you. 
A towel. Draped over the back of the chair.
None of this could’ve been a lucky guess. You knew for certain that he was looking at you through your webcam. “I want you to talk to him at home. That way it’s more believable.”
“Can’t you do it yourself? Or get Estella to do it?” That was the office secretary that rarely did anything other than watch Netflix on her computer and occasionally go on a coffee run.
The detective crossed his arms. “He recognized us as cops. IP banned us. We’ll pay you overtime for this.”
You didn’t open your laptop again and look at the chat log until you were at your apartment and on your bed. With the knowledge that The Riddler could see through your webcam, you made sure not to change out of your work clothes just yet.
<?> I was wondering when you’d come back.
<me> I was curious.
<?> About me?
<me> Yes. 
<?> What about me?
<me> Everything.
<me> All I hear at work is you and the things you’re up to.
<?> At the station?
<me> Yes.
<?> You don’t look like a cop.
<me> I’m not.
<me> I’m an archival assistant.
<?> Interesting.
<me> It’s really not.
<me> What do you do?
<?> I work with numbers.
<me> Can’t imagine you with a 9-5 
<me> haha.
<?> I have to make money somehow.
<me> It’s funny.
<me> You’re just like the rest of us, then.
<?> Yes.
<?> People like you don’t usually follow me.
<me> What do you mean? People like me.
<?> Beautiful young women.
<?> With their whole lives ahead of them.
<me> I doubt that. 
<me> Do you know all of your followers?
<?> Yes.
<?> They are mostly older males.
<?> So…
<?> How can I be sure I can trust you?
You stared at the question on your screen. This was either a test because he knew that you were technically working for the GCPD’s investigation or a genuine concern. You started to type.
<me> You can trust me.
After sending, you realized how dumb the answer truly was. If you were him, it was obvious.
<?> Take off your blouse.
<me> No.
<?> Yes.
<?> Or I cut this communication.
Thoughts raced through your head. He was a creep, of course. You weren’t entirely sure what you should’ve expected of someone like him. This was for the sake of the investigation. It could save lives. Just show the man your boobs.
One-by-one, you unbutton your blouse until it slid down your arms. The webcam was pointed directly at you and your chest.
<?> Keep going.
Your bra fell to your lap after you unclipped it. He wasn’t typing. Your nipples seemed to keep eye contact with the webcam. A chill coming from the poorly fixed holes in your windows gave you goosebumps and made your nipples harder.
<?> Gorgeous.
<me> Do you trust me now?
<?> Yes.
His little available dot next to his name disappeared, leaving you confused, a bit violated, and half-naked in your bedroom. You didn’t know what he looked like or his name, but you just put on a little show for him. He probably was too busy jerking off to type. 
Not moving, you kept the chat open. The dot returned. He started typing. 
<?> Knew you’d be waiting for me.
<?> Greedy little slut.
<me> Excuse me?
<?> Don’t act modest now.
<?> Take off those pants.
<me> I gave you what you wanted.
<me> I’m not doing that.
<?> Yes, you are.
<?> I changed my mind.
You rolled your eyes and made sure it was caught by the camera. The laptop stayed on your bed as you stood up and shimmied out of your work pants. 
<?> Panties, too.
<me> No way.
<?> I want to see that pussy of yours.
<me> Fuck off.
You closed the chat and quickly threw some clothes on. There’s no way you were going to do all of that for some stranger just because it might help with an investigation. No way.
At work the next day, you did your best to throw yourself into the busy work you had to do and forget about last night. He was nothing but a disgusting pervert and you weren’t doing it anymore. You could just tell the detective that he found out what you were doing and blocked you as well. 
Your mouse hovered over the bookmarked website. No. He wasn’t going to take up any more space in your mind than he already has. You slammed the laptop shut. 
A knock on the doorframe caught your attention. A tall man with slightly shaggy hair and glasses stood, still wearing a dark blue windbreaker. He was mousy, his posture nowhere near upright. “Can I help you, sir?”
A small smile appeared. “Yeah, hi. I wanted to ask about the records and how I could possibly access one.”
You pushed your chair back further to get a better look at him. The whole point of this job was to stay cooped up in the shelves of your records, collecting dust just as fast as they were. “Well, did you fill out a request form?”
He looked at you, confused.
“I’ll take that as a no.” You chuckled and stood. Rows of cabinets faced you. “They should be somewhere around here. I mean, they are online, but you’re already here. So…” You searched a few of the cabinets before finding the stack of empty request forms. “Here.” You took one of the forms and handed it to the man.
“Thank you. Do you have a pen?” He made the gesture of writing with his hand like you would ask a waiter for a check. 
You pulled the pen from your hair and it fell onto your shoulders. It was keeping a somewhat bun shape just to get it out of your face. He took the pen and leaned on the closest desk to start filling out the form.
You stood there, watching him write. In reality, you had no idea what you were supposed to be doing with him still there. After a minute, he returned the form and the pen to you. “So, how does this work?”
“I just have to enter some of your information into the system, I’ll scan the record digitally and you’ll be able to access it online in about a half-hour, I think.” He followed you to your computer and stood a bit too close as you started to enter his information into the system.
“You think?” He raised a brow.
You shrugged. “I mean, I know. It’s just pretty rare that someone actually comes in. And it’s my boss that does it. She’s on vacation right now. Of course, who goes on vacation in the middle of February?”
“It’s cheaper.” He answered.
“I guess so.” You continued to fill out the information into the system. “You know, you don’t have to stay anymore. I’ll have the record sent to your email.”
He pursed his lips and adjusted his windbreaker. “It was nice meeting you, um…”
“Y/n. You too, um.” You looked at the form. Patrick Parker. “Patrick.”
Once you looked from your screen to his direction, he was long gone. Strange man. You took a closer look at the records he was requesting. The murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Strange men indeed.
No matter how strange the interaction you had was, it still took your mind off of The Riddler. You hadn’t thought about opening up the chat log again until you finally reached your apartment. The laptop almost beckoned you to open it while it was on the counter and you were eating dinner.
“Jesus. Okay.” You put your food on the table and brought your laptop. The chat was pulled up after a moment.
<me> Are you there?
You continued to eat, glancing at the chat log. The small availability dot appeared next to his screen name. He didn’t respond. 
<me> Riddler.
<me> I know you’re there.
You finished your dinner, still with no response. The dishes were done and drying when you returned to your laptop. He was still there, but not speaking. 
<me> Please.
<?> Such a desperate slut.
<?> I love it when you beg.
<me> I have a question for you.
<?> Yes?
<me> Why do you do what you do?
<?> For justice.
<me> I mean, the violence part. 
<?> Change doesn’t happen peacefully.
<?> You can’t just ask the corrupt to treat people like us with respect.
<?> Or give us the things that are rightfully ours.
<me> What about fixing the system from the inside?
<?> It’s naive to believe things like that.
<?> We can’t fix the system.
<?> It has to be destroyed and rebuilt.
<me> And that’s what you plan on doing?
<?> Precisely.
<me> I want to help you.
<?> How could you possibly help?
<me> I have access to the entirety of the GCPD police record system.
<me> No questions asked.
<?> They are public records.
<?> Anyone has access.
<me> Well.
<me> What can I do?
<?> You can be an informant.
<me> Like, tell you what the police are saying?
<?> Yes.
<me> I can do that.
<?> Good girl.
The surge of adrenaline that shot through you was hard to ignore. You were successfully doing undercover work and seemingly gaining trust in the Riddler. Even harder to ignore was that heat that pooled in between your legs when he praised you. For all that you knew, he was some ugly, basement dweller.
What were you even thinking? He’s a serial killer. A literal killer that plans on killing many more people.
<?> I’m sending you a gift.
<me> A gift?
<?> Yes. 
<me> Why?
<me> What is it?
<?> It’s a surprise.
The Riddler’s surprise gift that was supposedly getting to you could’ve been so many things. What if it was a bomb? You knew that he had your workplace and if he knew your name, he could’ve found your address. Easily. 
It took a week for the package to arrive at your front door. It was larger than you thought. After a long day of work, you had to drag the box into your apartment before anyone asked any questions. You took your pocket knife and cut open the box. What was inside made your jaw drop. You went straight to your laptop.
<me> What the fuck?
<me> Why would you give this to me?
<?> You don’t like it?
<me> No.
<?> I want to see you use it.
<me> I’m not touching that thing.
<?> But you are.
<?> It’s custom made.
<?> And remote controlled.
<me> You’re disgusting.
<?> And you’re still going to do what I tell you to do.
<me> And why is that?
<?> Because I have so many pictures of you that I’m sure your employers won’t want to see. 
<me> What pictures?
<?> Attached 3 Images.
Pictures of you from that first night appeared on your screen. Topless photos with your face clearly in the frame along with one without your pants. You gasped.
<?> Take it out of the box.
You resisted the urge to say no. The box stared at you from across the room. You got up and pulled it out of the box. It was a dildo connected to a metal base. It was not an unnatural skin color. It was pale, not entirely large, but not small. In the living room you placed it upright on the rug and brought your laptop to face it.
<?> Strip.
<?> Don’t make me wait, slut.
You grabbed the edges of your shirt and pulled it off, your pants following shortly. After a deep breath and the reminder that your life would probably be ruined if you stopped here, you unhooked your bra and rolled your panties down your legs.
<?> Touch yourself.
Your hand trembled as you reached your clit and gently started to rub circles over it. This was necessary no matter how uncomfortable you were knowing that he was watching. You had to be at least a little wet before he commanded you to start using the dildo.
<?> I want you to put your mouth on it.
The machine and the synthetic cock attached to it taunted you as you got closer to it. Glancing at the laptop for a moment, you licked the head. You slowly began to take the cock deeper in your mouth, doing your best to pretend that it was something real and connected to someone you liked. What was the name of the guy from the forensics unit? Ben? Yeah, you imagined it to be him.
Your phone began to ring and you looked at the screen for him to tell you what to do now.
<?> Answer.
The caller ID said that it was an unknown number. You picked up. “Hello?”
A modulated male voice came through the other line. “Get back to sucking, slut.” 
Of course, he knew your number. He probably knew your shoe size, favorite drink, and childhood dog’s name. “I won’t be able to talk.”
“That’s the point. I want to hear you gag.” Still with the phone on your ear, you returned to gently sucking the cock. A quiet beep came from it and it began to push slowly further into your mouth. He would be mad if you pulled away, so you tried your best to take as much of it before the tip poked against the back of your throat.
You gagged and pulled away from the machine. Your voice rasped. “No more.”
He sighed from the other line. “Then get on it.”
Not wanting to look at the camera, you kept your stare to the ground and lined your entrance up to the awaiting cock. As you sank low enough so that the tip was inside of you, another beep filled the silence. The machine pushed the cock into you entirely. You moaned out of surprise and the sudden feeling of being full, followed by whimpering as the machine, or The Riddler, didn’t let you get used to the unfamiliar stretch.
“That’s right. Moan for me, slut.” The machine’s pace quickened and you couldn't hold your voice no matter how hard you tried. Your moans and whimpers filled the air. Riddler wasn’t visible, but you could almost feel that he had a smug little smirk on his face. “You’re mine, you hear that? All mine. Say you’re the Riddler’s whore.”
“M’not saying that.”
The machine stopped its assault. The pattern changed to pushing entirely into you as fast as possible, then slowly pulling out. It was excruciating. It just kept going on like that. 
“I’m The Riddler’s whore. Now stop it.” Your body jolted with each thrust. 
“What was that? Say it nice and clear to the camera.”
You turned your head to face the laptop. “I’m The Riddler’s whore.”
The machine sped up back to its original fast pace. “Good girl. Do you know what good girls get?”
All of your brain power was focused on answering. “What?”
The machine stopped, sheathed fully inside of you. “They get cum.” A warm liquid shot out of the synthetic cock and filled your insides. You didn’t even realize what was happening until most of it had already been expelled into you, threatening to enter your womb.
Looking down at yourself, droplets of cum spilled from your opening. “What is that? That’s not real, right?”
“It’s real. I’ve been keeping it nice and warm just for you. Feel honored.” He hung up the phone.
At least you were on the pill.
At work, the next day, you walked in with a small container that held as much of the Riddler’s semen as you possibly could gather after the fact. How were you even going to explain this to the detective? Sexted the serial killer and now I have some evidence! That’s insane.
You handed the container to one of the forensics workers. “I need this DNA tested. It’s connected to the Riddler case.” Be brief with details and get out of there. 
You felt safe again when you were in the archive room and finally away from everyone else. A knock on the door caught your attention. The same man from a few weeks ago stood. Patrick Parker, you think it was. Some alliteration like that. 
“Couldn’t figure out the website. Figured I’d just come here again.” He blushed as he spoke and avoided eye contact with you. Still strange, but at least he seemed a little sweet.
You stood from your chair. “Yeah, the forms are just over here.”
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disneytva · 14 days
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"An Almost Christmas Story" New Disney Television Animation Animated Holiday Stop-Motion Short Directed By David Lowery And Produced By Academy Award-Winner Alfonso Cuarón, Coming To Disney+ This November.
Disney Branded Television announced a new Disney Television Animation animated stop-motion short film “An Almost Christmas Story” slated for a November release date on Disney+.
The musical short produced by Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation and Cuarón’s Esperanto Filmoj, in association with Titmouse and Maere Studios, and with animation services by 88 Pictures. "An Almost Christmas Story" is the first original short from Disney Television Animation since "Hamburger High" (2016). It joins Disney TVA's roster of stop-motion projects ("Mickey Mouse and the Magical Snowy Holiday", "Mickey Saves Christmas", "Mickey And Friends: Trick or Treats", Mickey's Christmas Tales" and "Rhona Who Lives By The River")
The celebrated creative team includes David Lowery (director, screenplay and producer), Cuarón (producer and story), Gabriela Rodríguez (producer), Jack Thorne (story and screenplay), Nicholas Ashe Bateman (creative designer) and Daniel Hart (composer).
 "An Almost Christmas Story" follows Moon, a curious young owl who unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost young girl named Luna. Together, they embark on a heartwarming adventure, discovering the magic of the holiday season and forming an unlikely bond as they journey back home to their parents. “An Almost Christmas Story” is inspired by the true events of a tiny owl, Rocky - short for Rockefeller, found and rescued from the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in 2020.
An Almost Christmas Story features the voice talents of Cary Christopher (FX "American Horror Story") as Moon, newcomer Estella Madrigal as “Luna,” Jim Gaffigan (Pixar Animation Studios "Luca") as “Papa Owl, Mamoudou Athie (Pixar Animation Studios "Elemental") as Pelly, Alex Ross Perry (Walt Disney Studios "Christopher Robin") as Dave The Dog, Gianna Joseph ("Star Trek Into Darkness") as Peaky, Phil Rosenthal ("Everybody Loves Raymond") as Punt, Natasha Lyonne (Cartoon Network Studios "Steven Universe" franchise) as Pat and John C. Reilly (Walt Disney Animation Studios "Wreck It Ralph" franchise) as The Folk Singer.
An Almost Christmas Story features a live orchestra score by Daniel Hart (Walt Disney Studios "Peter Pan & Wendy"), the short features 2 brand new original songs by John C. Reilly.
An original album featuring the songs and score of the short by Walt Disney Records will release on November 2024.
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sewers-headmates · 5 months
How To Request & Mod Intros
CW account will have spooky themes around horror and specifically slenderman
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This account is a horror themed alter pack/build a headmate style blog that will only do fictives or factives. Your requests can be from almost any source even if we don’t know it. This account has no dni but we block. This is a no discourse zone and a radqueer, transID, and endo friendly zone! We support everyone here <3 we use this account as our main nowadays. we are always open to friends and mainly souecemates! please ask if curious!
our official rules:
Rule Updates: we will not do anything from the following sources
paraphiles for factives
john doe
wilbur soot, melanie martinez related alters
labels that make us uncomfortable
pico’s school & fnf
alfred’s playhouse
magnus archives (can request but we won’t look up pictures/the media/wikis)
sexual trauma holder littles - sore spot for our system
Our Fult Blog:
@starry-children - a system focused (but not exclusive) fult ran by wiggly and welcome to all
Our sideblogs:
@the-wonderland-subsystem - mod wonderland’s subsystem creation process + general posting for the subsystem
@nighthawk-flock - our system’s posts + us collecting alters from other BAH blogs
@south-park-rq - for our south park alters to post
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Request Form-
feel free to change or just give a blurb on what you want ie “a cute and sweet protector with a kidcore aesthetic and transharmed” or “a marble hornets fictive who is transage and transharmful” anything you wish! you can also do full creators choice!
Other Labels:
feel free to include anything else
we will make a picrew or include pictures they can use as a faceclaim! for sources we can do anything! we will look into any source you want to get as close to accurate as possible!
If you don’t want to wait please check out our specials list!
Any more questions please ask!
current BAH Game:
don’t want to wait in line? we tend to do species first due to interest:
Mod Intros
there are two systems who work on this account Nighthawks System and Cutecore System ( @thecutecoresys )
this is mainly ran by nighthawks, we will post as individual alter mods the main ones will have intros here but more will post and you can find their intros here!
Mod Richie
he/him, 18
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Hello! I’m Richie, I’m a Richie Lipschitz fictive and our system’s host. I’m a massive horror and anime fan! I love this blog and have adopted it as my baby! I’ve even gotten posted to FDC and SystemCringe on here haha! I love my source and would love any souecemates to interact! I’m taken by my lovely partners (Max, Pete, Ruth, Steph, Grace, and Ethan!) I am still questioning my transIDs!
Mod Estella
she/her, 21
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greatings i am estella, i am sourced from H3ll P4rk (the actual one and aus/rewrites of it). I’m straight and exclusively enjoy the company of men unfortunately. I despite men though if we’re being fully transparent. I enjoy my privacy so i won’t list my IDs here but sourcemates feel free to reach out to me. I am single and ok with that.
Mod Max
he/him, 18
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sup nerds! i’m the one THE ONLY THE BEST Max Jägerman! I’ve decided to step up and help Shitlips out. I’m kinda the best. Uhhh i’m attracted to feminity like idc about gender but i’ll call myself straight. I’m a boy and a massive sadomasochist! Some transIDs i fuck with are transBully, transProgrammed, transPrinceProgram, transBetaProgram, transIdolProgram, nullAlive, transDeity. I’m pretty cool. The best mod. I’m just the coolest fr!!!! Oh i also have a little sister I love in cutecore AND Steph who is like my little sister also <3 /p
Mod Eddie
he/him, 40
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howdy. my name is eddie and you can just call me that. i’m a hatchetfield fictive. i’m extremly touch averse, aka i despise most people touching me/pressing to. i’m on the aroace spectrum. i’m tired a lot of the time but that’s also a body thing. i don’t really lnow my transIDs because i just haven’t looked. i’m a massive masochist though. anyway goodbye y’all
Mod Pete
he/they, permaTeen
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hello! i’m pete, a fictive of peter spankoffski from Hatchetfield. I’m a lil bit fucked up. I’m gay very very gay and obsessive with a LOT of people from my source. Most are very problematic lmao t^t. anyway! i’m transHarmful, transStalker, transYandere, transHarmed and am AAM! Currently single but have many f/os so idc too much!
Alice & The Wonderland Subsystem
she/it, 16
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hello we are the wonderland subsystem and will be helping out here too! We are a subsystem whose host is Alice Liddell! Our members consist of Alice, Butterfly, Fleshmaiden, Hattress, and Lucky. Our subsystem is wip and endo based! we personally ID as transsubsystem, transplural, transproggramed, and transharmed! as well as willogenic. we will be using white and be the final set of mods here!
Mod Schlatt
he/it , 21
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I am not a very active mod but I do my best to help out where I can ^^ I love cutecore, roblox, anime, and thee color pink! I am happy I get to be a part of this! I am bad at descriptions sooooo OH! we have many alters who will be doing this! Mod Schlatt is just kind of the collective mod name ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝ Some of our IDs are; transPastelGore, transMenheraDoll, Glitteramian, PinkBloodic, transHikikomori! Bye Bye!
🔪 THE FINAL GIRL - alter requests
🔪 RUN RABBIT RUN - alters we make with no request
🔪 THE SLASHER - mod posts/chatting
🔪 VICTIMS - questions
🔪 PROMO - promoting other accounts
🔪 CLUES - userboxes
🔪 MIDNIGHT - new form submissions
🔪 WANNA PLAY A GAME - BAH game blogs
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If you have anymore questions or concerns please feel free to dm us or leave an ask! thank you <3
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✩.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ True Rose ✩.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Yang Jeongin x Fem!Reader
Twilight!AU | Soulmate!AU | SMAU | Written | Rom-Com
Y/N is new to town. With her dad being the local Sheriff all eyes seemed to be on her. Jisung is tasked with welcoming her at school but takes it upon himself to show her the ropes of life here. Along the way, the pair stumbles across a conspiracy involving the strange ‘Bahng’ family. How will the pair fair? Will they be able to see out the rest of their (school) life?…
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ True Rose ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ M.List | Main Masterlist
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Character Intros: Y/N & Fam
Y/N - The Curious Cat. Leaving her home of 10 years is daunting but she’s positive this could be a good change…
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Kim Hongjoong
Hongjoong - The Local Sheriff. A little hard to get to his heart but he cares deeply about the people around him...
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Park Seonghwa
Seonghwa - The Distant Father. Getting big in the modelling world means constant travelling...
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Han Jisung
Jisung - The Fellow Enthusiast. Growing up in a small town you learn a thing or few….
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Choi Beomgyu
Beomgyu - The Energy. Always happy, always helpfully, always polite. Honestly what more do you want in a friend…
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Kang Taehyun
Taehyun - The Dad Friend. The only one that can drive…
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Heuning Kai
Kai - The Teddy Bear. Cute, sweet, adorable… I could go on…
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ True Rose ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ M.List | The Bahng’s
If you want to be added to a tag list lmk!
@vangoghsear0 | @estella-novella |
{If you're crossed out it won't tag for some reason :(}
{Authors Note: The personalities that I have given them don’t represent them in real life! Also I don’t actually ship idols/band-mates together, it’s just for subplots}
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simm-mouse · 1 year
It's finally here! I've said before that I'm separating them into parts. I'm going to make it two, since there will be three more sims after this. I want to get the family with the most kids out the way first. Imagine this with three more sims, jeez. Took me a bit because I redesigned them for my drawings, so that is the reason why they look different from their in game counterparts
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°He's the best at calming anyone down, so he's usually the one that'll break up a fight, and handle breakdowns between his sisters when their parents aren't home(Lilibet tries as well, but it's not as effective as when Tycho does it)
°A very smart independent dude, likes to work on things on his own. Which makes him not want to ask for help even when he needs it, as he doesn't like depending on others. Though he'll be told that it's okay to have others help you
°Almost Lazlo 2.0, nice silly chill dude
°Can't cook to save his life, he has burned food three times in my game. Also has no interest in food so he doesn't like to do it anyway. Lilibet would cook food if their parents aren't home. However, if she's not home he'll order some pizza
°Has interest in music, film, games, science, and travel
°Loves to play the drums, he's been thinking of forming a band
°Can easily make friends from his chill attitude, but likes to have his own small group of friends to hand out with
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°Pretty cautious, it'll take her a bit to get her used to something new
°Tends to overthink a lot of the time. If someone doesn't get her out of her head, she'll eventually end up having a nervous breakdown
°Says that she's a science baby whenever she's asked about how she was made(Though she's not wrong, but not in the usual way). Doesn't like to talk about it beyond that(Estella finds this sus, and tries to get her to say more about it. It never works)
°At first glance, she looks like she comes off as cold and distant, but she's known as the nice sister, almost as nice as her brother (Hella surprising considering who her parents are, yeah Pascal is nicer than Nerv but he's in the middle of grouchy and nice. So he can be a little spicy manlet sometimes if annoyed). She just can't help it with her resting monotonous face, especially with the dead ass eyes she got from Nervous. You'd have to know how to push her buttons to get her mad at you. Also used to being seen as a weirdo, so she only hangs out with Violet(Whenever she comes home and brings a friend over, it's always Violet. It's cute that she sees her cousin as her best friend, but also sad that she doesn't have any friends outside family members)
°Loves to tinker, and is the family mechanic if anything breaks around the house. Tends to make stuff at the workbench in her free time. A bit of a perfectionist, as she has very high standards for the stuff she makes at the workbench. Sometimes her breakdowns are from her feeling unable to make something "good enough" for her standards due to her overthinking
°Has interest in mechanical, music, literature, science, and travel
Jeanette "Jeannie":
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°Biological parents are Penelope Redd and Giuseppi Mezzoalto(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), The result of a one night stand. Placed for adoption at age 2(Penelope was unable to take care of her due to her job. She was upset about it, but hoped she'd have a better home. Jeannie however sees it as abandonment, and resents her), and was in and out of foster homes up until she was 4 when she was adopted by Pas and Nerv
°Kitty 2.0 personality wise(No joke, they have the exact same personality), but have different interests (They only share interest in crime, and health)
°Interested in the abnormal, likes to explore around town and find weird shit(Sometimes with Estella)
°Also has interests in literature, music, travel, and film
°Very hot headed, gets into fights at school and argues with Estella a lot of the time. Somehow has a small group of friends she hangs out with
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°Biological parents are Misty Waters and Eddie Renalin(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), as a result of an accidental pregnancy before the two broke up for a final time. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth. Was adopted by Pas and Nerv 3 years later(Knows who her parents are. Doesn't give a shit about them, she already has parents who love her)
°The most social of all of them, knows almost everyone. However that doesn't mean she has a good reputation. Her friendships with others are complicated
°Extremely nosy, would listen in on anybody's conversation that's near her. She'd hide too if she's shooed off. She'd go up on the roof and use a telescope or binoculars to look around town to spot anything sus(Gonna be the shover of the new generation, Vidcund would be proud). She's the reason anyone looks around to see if she's there before telling anyone a secret
°Likes to annoy Jeannie, because she finds it funny how angry she gets(Estella has tried to with Lilibet and Tycho, to see what makes them tick too. So far it hasn't worked. Both of them know what she's doing, and are not falling for it)
°Interested in literature, film, travel, and fashion
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°Biological parents are Diva Roma and Jimmy Two-Shoes(Both from the Sims Urbz, console versions) as a result of a short fling between the two. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth(Just like Estella). Was also in and out of foster homes, adopted by Pas and Nerv around the age of 5(Doesn't know who her parents are, Estella does but she won't tell her. How she learned about this information, who knows. She works in mysterious ways)
°Known as the shy sibling of the group, Doesn't really like to talk to anyone outside of the family(Except for one random sim that she invited over once, I think considers him a friend)
°An animal lover, tries to bring home any animal she finds outside and asks if they can keep it(Which is always a no)
°Nicer than Estella and Jeannie, but not by much. Annoyed by her sisters bickering all the time, sometimes tells them to shut up and will end up being part of the argument too
°Interested in sports, film, games, and painting
I'm letting you know now for those who haven't seen one of my previous posts. Tycho is the only one besides Johnny that's a boy. My game wants girls in Strangetown, No matter what I do. It's like a one in a million chance I get a boy. So after this there will be three more girls. Luckily my Nervous has overcome his fear of women, because I don't know how he would survive four daughters. Especially when most of them aren't very nice. Honestly he's also a reason why they're still like that. You can encourage your kids to be nice or not in two, so it's not like he's concerned about their behavior. The man has no nice points at all, he has been banned from stores, he'd probably be fine with what they're doing for the most part. Also I don't think he's the type of parent that would discipline. However it's not like they don't get in trouble, Pascal is the one that would scold them, he ain't letting shit fly. He said to not go out and look for bigfoot, and look what you did. Went out anyway. What did he say about having a coyote in the house? They belong outside
It's not always peaceful at the house, but everyone loves and cares for each other deeply. Though the younger sisters fight, they ain't letting anyone insult them. You can't blackmail my sister, that's my job!
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sirensweetheart · 7 months
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𝐊𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐧
last weekend estella and emelie brought kimberly herron into the world. she's a calm, quiet, and curious little girl loved by so many around her.
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
HWR question!!!! I’m curious what the dynamic was between Victor Avalor and Anastasia’s mom when HWR reader was growing up. Was it an arranged marriage situation? Did they genuinely love or at least like each other? Maybe it was one sided??! I must know 🙏
blessed anon ,, i'm grateful for the chance to talk about victor and dinara. their dynamic goes on to majorly influence the type of people estella, HWR reader, and become. for better or for worse. mostly the latter. i intended to reveal more about their history in bloodlines, but since that series is on a hiatus, i'll go into it here.
for some background: victor was the second son of leonid avalor, the obdurate patriarch who shaped much of survosia's future. leonid focused his attention on his first son, who, by birthright, would be leonid's true heir. victor silently simmered in resentment during his early years. he had a keen mind for business, politics, and management. what he lacked was charisma, an area his brother excelled at.
he was able to stomach perpetually living in his brother's shadow until he met dinara in his early 20s. dinara was a singer of recent renown. she accrued notoriety following the release of a single, and at the height of her popularity, was a household name throughout the country. she performed at a soirée victor happened to be attending. her velvety voice, beauty, and demure personality had him enamored. he chased every opportunity to interact with her. she took kindly to his affections. the only person within her entourage who discouraged the relationship was her bodyguard, xue ya, who left meteor city in search of a better life overseas.
leonid refused to endorse their relationship, much less a marriage. it was at that point victor realized what he subconsciously knew all along. if he ever wanted his ambitions fully realized, he'd need to be the only living person holding the avalor name. no one would hold any authority over him.
and so a 'terrible tragedy' was orchestrated that eliminated his father, mother, and eldest brother from the picture.
dinara continued to discount xue ya's warnings. getting involved with the avalor family meant entering a life she wasn't raised for. she wasn't a fighter and didn't have a strong constitution to begin with. she didn't learn this until much later, but it's possible for those who have corrupted blood, even in an inactive state, to suffer the harmful effects. a strong affinity for nen helps prevent this slow bodily deterioration. when dinara used her hatsu, she lacked the mastery necessary to simultaneously suppress corruption and maintain her aura.
their marriage wasn't perfect. dinara couldn't have possibly fathomed the full extent of the avalor family's malfeasance. spying, subterfuge, blackmail, racketeering, murder; the list went on and on. the six major families were always locked in a power struggle. victor managed to claw his way up over a mountain of corpses. still, he never did his wife harm, but didn't make an effort to hide his immorality either. especially when it came to his designs for their children. the first born would be raised to win the hearts of the nation; the family's face. a star that shines blindingly bright. and in its shadow would be the second born, the family’s executioner, who’d dirty their hands.
instead of stoking tension between them as his parents had, victor wanted to instill an unshakeable bond between the two. the birth of their third child — ash — was actually unplanned. hence ash being less involved in the family’s affairs.
in short, they did love one another, although there were times they wish they didn’t.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 2 months
Estella stayed up late at night to watch the stars. Then she saw something weird. It made her curious and wants to find out what's going on. Let's hope she doesn't get caught.
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yes yes yes yes yes this is so cool!!!!! I wonder what Definitely Not Cucurucho is up to?
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 month
Fanner Igor: Hazard/Riff Attire Lines
(Last entry for the event by @raguiras. Fanner works in helping build the sets for the music videos. He’s really good at building them and his metal arm is very usual. The hammer broke, don’t worry he can use the limb as a hammer. Gotta test if something is magnetic? Just stick it on his arm to test it! Need a hand? He’ll chuck it off for you to use. It may end up as a prop if needed but he’ll immediately take it back after filming. Guy has his limits. His metal arm has black paint with these tattoos or something similar on it. The street style is strangely a good look on him. He also wears those black baggy pants with chains, a grey baggy hoodie and has his hair in a small bun. He was assigned to this group and wasn’t sure about being around so many strangers but feels comfortable that someone he knows is in the group. Don’t be scared of him, he’s really sweet as soon as he warms up around you!)
When Summoned: Hazard/Riff huh? Why does being in the group feel so… normal?
Groovification: Everything is all set. Now it’s time to sit back and watch how it all comes together for the performance
Set to Home Screen: Guess I should get these supplies over to the set.
Home Transition 1: Of course Vargas would treat this as another workout. What else can be expected when he’s supervising us. At least he hasn’t offered to help build the sets… yet.
Home Transition 2: I’m surprised that Deuce is the leader but I’m more surprised by how natural he is in the roll. He’ll go far, especially with Allen balancing him out.
Home Transition 3: I’ve never really thought about music as much. I never really had time to listen to anything and develop my music taste. It’s never too late to start that though. I think I already have some type of music I like now.
Home After Login: Time to get over there and use my arm as a hammer. I wonder who would freak out over it this time?
Home Transition (After Groovification): I never knew there was so much that went behind the scenes for making a song or music video. No wonder some people stress out over the process.
Tap Home 1: The whole competition thing makes me think of a lyric Estella knows. I think it goes, ‘Sugar we’re going down swinging?’ Ask her about it.
Tap Home 2: Allen is a good co leader. He seems to know what it’s needed in all this. I’m grateful that he’s one of the leaders.
Tap Home 3: You’re curious if that’s magnetic? Go ahead and place it on my arm. I don’t mind as the my friends had already done this to me before. It’s funny when they stick something when I don’t expect it. Gives me a smile when I need it.
Tap Home 4: Epel is fired up about being in the group. It’s nice to see him let loose every once in a while. Hope he doesn’t get too carried away with the excitement.
Tap Home 5: Hm, where to put… ah I didn’t see you there. You’re wondering what I was mumbling about? I’m not exactly sure where to put this. Have any ideas on a good spot?
Tap Home Groovication: I now understand why people love music. You understand things that you never understood or learn about something new. What an amazing thing.
Allen belongs to @raguiras
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blueopinions49 · 2 years
Understanding type 4 PT 1
An intro to enneagram 4
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Lady Bird ENFP 4w3 sx/so
Core desire- Having an AUTHENTIC identity which suits their inner world. Looking for depth. Focusing in being unique and special 
Vice (Envy)-What I lack that others might have 
Fixation (Melancholy)- The look for authenticity and potential
4w3 (The Enthusiast)-They wanna market their inner sandness to others. Often looked at as beautiful and Sad in their uniqueness. Might create an image of sadness (even if it isnt there). Doesnt have as much exetentialism as a 4w5. Might have goals and find ways to accomplish them. Will try to modulate themselves like a type 2 or 3 but won't enjoy it as much do to the feeling on inauthenticity. Will care about likability. 
4w5 (The Free Spirit)-Unlike the 4w3 they dont care about marketing their sadness and such but rather hide it away. Will be more nihilistic than the 4w3 and will go into pits of despair. Will be more authentic and less socially outgoing. Not as interested in outer perception compared to other image types. Will often focus on concepts more than emotional pickiness. 
Triad-Image triad (2-3-4)
As an image type the enneagram 4 will concern itself with MARKETING itself. The 3 markets themselves as ANY form of success. The enneagram 2 through likability and lovability. The enneagram 4 on the other hand will play up sadness and difference. They crave UNIQUE AUTHENTICITY. 
Harmonic Triad- Reactive Triad (4-6-8)
Will react emotionally to things in a self absorbed and subjective manner. To them expressing emotions like: Disdain, hate and behaviors they disagree with is authentic to them.  
Hornevian triad-Withdrawn Triad (4-5-9)
Looking to separate themselves from others due to their uniqueness.
Object Relations-Frustration (1-4-7)
Every external factor is shallow and unimportant on their eyes. 
Social (so)- Willl Market their Sadness to gain support will play the victim and indulge in their inner sadness. Constantly comparing the mselves to others. Will share their sadness and melancholy with others and will see themselves as inferior no matter what. Focuses on not trying to feel guilty for having wishes and desires. Helplessness is their addiction. 
Ex- Annie Shirley (Annie with an E) ENFP 4w3 so/sx, Diane Nguyen (Bo Jack) INFJ 4w5 so/sx and Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl) INFJ 4w5 so/sp 
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Sexual (sx)-While the social type market their sadness this subtype markets their rage and anger. Since the sx subtype is focused on INTERPERSONAL relationships they will “punish” those who disappoint them. They will be more open about their anger and will often look like 8s. They often crave emotional attachment due to their inner envy and seek to “punish” those due to projection. 
Zuko ISFP 4w3 sx/sp,  Kylo Ren INFP 4w3 sx/sp and Gaara (Naruto) INFP 4w5 sx/sp
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Self preservation (sp)-Unlike the others 4s who over indulge I their sadness and rage this 4s hide it and may look happy. The sp type of 4 doesnt concern themselves with overindulging in that sentimentality unlike the previous types. They'll correct their behavior If necessary. Can be curious and interested in finding new ways of doing things. 
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Belle (Beauty and the beast) INFP 4w5 sp/so, Ellio Perlman (Call me By your Name) INFP 4w5 sp/sx and Estella (Cruella) ENFP 4w3 sp/so
Movements (Postive and Negatives)
Movements to 1
Postive- Turns into discipline instead of emotional outbursts and not letting them control their life. They learn that getting things done and being practical comes from a place of level headedness. Starts leading life through morals instead of emotional impulse. 
Negative-Turns into an overly picky and critical of everything. No one can do any right in their eyes. Condescending preaching to others what to do. Dissapointed constantly for no one being on the level they want. 
Movements to 2
Positive-Starts focusing on the outer world more and starts looking doing the best for others. 
Negative-Turns into a clingy persona and might become manipulative to gain others company. 
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