#She won the genetic lottery holy shit
simm-mouse · 1 year
It's finally here! I've said before that I'm separating them into parts. I'm going to make it two, since there will be three more sims after this. I want to get the family with the most kids out the way first. Imagine this with three more sims, jeez. Took me a bit because I redesigned them for my drawings, so that is the reason why they look different from their in game counterparts
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°He's the best at calming anyone down, so he's usually the one that'll break up a fight, and handle breakdowns between his sisters when their parents aren't home(Lilibet tries as well, but it's not as effective as when Tycho does it)
°A very smart independent dude, likes to work on things on his own. Which makes him not want to ask for help even when he needs it, as he doesn't like depending on others. Though he'll be told that it's okay to have others help you
°Almost Lazlo 2.0, nice silly chill dude
°Can't cook to save his life, he has burned food three times in my game. Also has no interest in food so he doesn't like to do it anyway. Lilibet would cook food if their parents aren't home. However, if she's not home he'll order some pizza
°Has interest in music, film, games, science, and travel
°Loves to play the drums, he's been thinking of forming a band
°Can easily make friends from his chill attitude, but likes to have his own small group of friends to hand out with
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°Pretty cautious, it'll take her a bit to get her used to something new
°Tends to overthink a lot of the time. If someone doesn't get her out of her head, she'll eventually end up having a nervous breakdown
°Says that she's a science baby whenever she's asked about how she was made(Though she's not wrong, but not in the usual way). Doesn't like to talk about it beyond that(Estella finds this sus, and tries to get her to say more about it. It never works)
°At first glance, she looks like she comes off as cold and distant, but she's known as the nice sister, almost as nice as her brother (Hella surprising considering who her parents are, yeah Pascal is nicer than Nerv but he's in the middle of grouchy and nice. So he can be a little spicy manlet sometimes if annoyed). She just can't help it with her resting monotonous face, especially with the dead ass eyes she got from Nervous. You'd have to know how to push her buttons to get her mad at you. Also used to being seen as a weirdo, so she only hangs out with Violet(Whenever she comes home and brings a friend over, it's always Violet. It's cute that she sees her cousin as her best friend, but also sad that she doesn't have any friends outside family members)
°Loves to tinker, and is the family mechanic if anything breaks around the house. Tends to make stuff at the workbench in her free time. A bit of a perfectionist, as she has very high standards for the stuff she makes at the workbench. Sometimes her breakdowns are from her feeling unable to make something "good enough" for her standards due to her overthinking
°Has interest in mechanical, music, literature, science, and travel
Jeanette "Jeannie":
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°Biological parents are Penelope Redd and Giuseppi Mezzoalto(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), The result of a one night stand. Placed for adoption at age 2(Penelope was unable to take care of her due to her job. She was upset about it, but hoped she'd have a better home. Jeannie however sees it as abandonment, and resents her), and was in and out of foster homes up until she was 4 when she was adopted by Pas and Nerv
°Kitty 2.0 personality wise(No joke, they have the exact same personality), but have different interests (They only share interest in crime, and health)
°Interested in the abnormal, likes to explore around town and find weird shit(Sometimes with Estella)
°Also has interests in literature, music, travel, and film
°Very hot headed, gets into fights at school and argues with Estella a lot of the time. Somehow has a small group of friends she hangs out with
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°Biological parents are Misty Waters and Eddie Renalin(Both from the Sims Urbz, handheld versions), as a result of an accidental pregnancy before the two broke up for a final time. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth. Was adopted by Pas and Nerv 3 years later(Knows who her parents are. Doesn't give a shit about them, she already has parents who love her)
°The most social of all of them, knows almost everyone. However that doesn't mean she has a good reputation. Her friendships with others are complicated
°Extremely nosy, would listen in on anybody's conversation that's near her. She'd hide too if she's shooed off. She'd go up on the roof and use a telescope or binoculars to look around town to spot anything sus(Gonna be the shover of the new generation, Vidcund would be proud). She's the reason anyone looks around to see if she's there before telling anyone a secret
°Likes to annoy Jeannie, because she finds it funny how angry she gets(Estella has tried to with Lilibet and Tycho, to see what makes them tick too. So far it hasn't worked. Both of them know what she's doing, and are not falling for it)
°Interested in literature, film, travel, and fashion
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°Biological parents are Diva Roma and Jimmy Two-Shoes(Both from the Sims Urbz, console versions) as a result of a short fling between the two. Placing her up for adoption was planned before her birth(Just like Estella). Was also in and out of foster homes, adopted by Pas and Nerv around the age of 5(Doesn't know who her parents are, Estella does but she won't tell her. How she learned about this information, who knows. She works in mysterious ways)
°Known as the shy sibling of the group, Doesn't really like to talk to anyone outside of the family(Except for one random sim that she invited over once, I think considers him a friend)
°An animal lover, tries to bring home any animal she finds outside and asks if they can keep it(Which is always a no)
°Nicer than Estella and Jeannie, but not by much. Annoyed by her sisters bickering all the time, sometimes tells them to shut up and will end up being part of the argument too
°Interested in sports, film, games, and painting
I'm letting you know now for those who haven't seen one of my previous posts. Tycho is the only one besides Johnny that's a boy. My game wants girls in Strangetown, No matter what I do. It's like a one in a million chance I get a boy. So after this there will be three more girls. Luckily my Nervous has overcome his fear of women, because I don't know how he would survive four daughters. Especially when most of them aren't very nice. Honestly he's also a reason why they're still like that. You can encourage your kids to be nice or not in two, so it's not like he's concerned about their behavior. The man has no nice points at all, he has been banned from stores, he'd probably be fine with what they're doing for the most part. Also I don't think he's the type of parent that would discipline. However it's not like they don't get in trouble, Pascal is the one that would scold them, he ain't letting shit fly. He said to not go out and look for bigfoot, and look what you did. Went out anyway. What did he say about having a coyote in the house? They belong outside
It's not always peaceful at the house, but everyone loves and cares for each other deeply. Though the younger sisters fight, they ain't letting anyone insult them. You can't blackmail my sister, that's my job!
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Eighteen
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Amoreena Chapter Eighteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: hospital visits, fainting, IV's and ultrasounds!
word count: 5k
from the beginning <3
Y/N heads off to work at 8 on Wednesday, sick and miserable but it's her job. Leaving Spencer with the girls. “So, what are our plans for today?”
“We need to pick up some paint samples so we can pick for my room,” Jo replies, shovelling waffles into her mouth right after with syrup dripping down her chin.
Spencer passes her a napkin with a smile, “do you guys want to go visit my friend Penelope? She’s really good with aesthetics, as she calls them, she’ll be able to help the best.”
“She’s the one you told me about?”
Spencer nods, “yeah, I’m just going to call and see if she’s free today. Put your dishes in the dishwasher after, your mom doesn’t need to come home from work to do the sticky dishes okay?”
“Yes sir,” they both groan, jokingly, smiling at each other as they do so.
He runs up to his bedroom then, sitting on his side of the bed and taking his phone out of his pocket. He dials Luke’s number instead, knowing she’d kill him if she’s still asleep while he’s calling her.
“Hey man!” Luke answers, cheerful and very awake. “How’s the new kid?”
“Jo’s great, she’s settling in really well,” He smiles, news travelled fast in the BAU, “I actually want to introduce her to Penelope, is she awake and willing to take visitors this early?”
“Um,” he can hear Luke’s panic through the phone, “you know, here she’s beside me, she can tell you.”
“Hello, Spencer,” Penelope’s voice carries down the line and invoking a smile on Spencer’s face. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to introduce you to Josephine today, are you busy?”
“We have a doctor's appointment to go to in 10 minutes, but we’ll be home around 10:30?”
His brain stalls, malfunctioning a small amount at why Luke would be going to the doctors with Penelope. “You can’t be pregnant too, me you and Derek can’t all have kids the same age.”
“Savannah’s pregnant too?!” Penelope screams down the line, “holy shit.”
“Penelope!” Spencer shouts, “are you kidding me?”
“No, we were going to tell you soon, when you made that wine comment a few weeks ago I knew she was pregnant because I am too,” Penelope’s voice is so soft he knows she’s smiling on the other side.
She always wanted kids, that’s why she spoiled Henry and Hank so much, they were like her honorary babies until she was in the right place to have kids of her own. She has told Spencer time and time again how much she wants a family, how badly she wanted one but couldn’t find the perfect partner… then she met Luke.
“Put Luke back on,” Spencer sounds sterner than he means to, Penelope puts him on speaker instead.
“Are we going to have the father-to-son chat?” Luke teases him through the phone.
“I just wanted to thank you, this is going to be a really cool experience,” Spencer feels incredibly emotional at the thought of all 3 of their kid's meeting and being best friends.
“You just bumped Spencer to the top of my suggestions list,” Luke jokes in response, not able to handle the sappiness this early in the morning. “Thanks, man, So Derek’s going to be a dad again too?”
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” Spencer feels a bit like an idiot, “I don’t know how far along they are so just keep it a secret for now.”
“She’ll probably tell me when I tell her,” Penelope rationalized it, “it’s fine, Spence, all of us are having babies it’s a good secret to spill.”
“When are you due?”
“January 29th,” Penelope smiles, “you?”
“Y/N doesn’t know for sure, but she’s thinking it’s February 20th, if she got her math right,” Spencer confirms with a smile, “we have a doctor's appointment to see the little one in 2 weeks.”
“We find out if it’s a boy or girl today,” Luke added, and he can hear Penelope smack him.
“We’re not finding out! I want it to be a surprise!”
“I’m going to find out, I’m going to stare that sonogram down till I see a pee-pee or not,” Luke bickered back. Making her furious on purpose, like always.
“Good luck with that, it’s a blob and you’re a dork,” she fought right back, probably even more feisty now that she was pregnant.
That made Spencer just shake his head, he couldn’t even picture it. It was insane when Haley got pregnant and Hotch became a dad, he was so shocked when JJ got pregnant and her small body was able to do it. He’ll never forget seeing Derek become a father, it was way too eventful not to. But this, he never thought he’d see it.
She probably felt the same with him.
“We’ve got to go in now Spence, but we can pick up some brunch and meet you at ours around 11?” Penelope cut into his awkward silence, “you can see the ultrasound and be the first to know.”
“Sounds good, I’m really happy for you, Penny,” Spencer added with a smile. “Bye.”
After he hangs up he shoots a text over to Y/N, “taking the girls to Penelope’s house, is there an extra booster seat for Amoreena anywhere?” And slides his phone back into his pocket.
Down the stairs, Jo and Amoreena are doing the dishes instead of just placing them in the dishwasher. Amoreena is on a stool, washing the plates as Jo dries and is able to reach the cabinets better to put them away. They don’t even know he’s there watching as they pass plates back and forth.
Then Amoreena jumps off the stool as the water drains, finally turning around to see her dad, “all clean! Mom shouldn’t have to do anything while she’s making a baby.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, his girls were so perfectly kind and caring. It was like he won the genetic lottery being blessed with them.
“She’d really appreciate us keeping the house clean for the next few months,” Spencer agreed. “Are you guys excited or nervous about the baby?”
They both shrugged and moved in closer to the counter, resting against it as they thought it over. He pressed his lips together awkwardly as he waited, “I’m really nervous.” He announced, watching their faces turn to worry.
“Why?” Jo asked, “You’re really good at being a dad.”
“I haven’t done it from the beginning yet,” he’s open and honest with them, letting them know he doesn’t always have every answer but he’s brave enough to try.
“If anything,” Amoreena’s smart little mind gets to work, “because you’ve been so amazing without really knowing us, I can imagine Elly will love you the most because she’ll know you the longest.”
“Elly?” Spencer smiles, remembering how serious they all are about the next kid is a girl too.
Amoreena nodded, “she has the choice of 3 nicknames, Elly, Leo or Nora…” She’s clearly thought it all through.
“You know, I was thinking we should get something for Y/N and the baby, do you guys want to go to the store before we go see aunty Penny?”
They both nod enthusiastically, “can we go get changed first?” Amoreena asks, “I want to wear something nice.”
It makes him laugh, “of course, hey, before you go do you know where any more booster seats are for you?”
She bites her lip to think, “hmm, I think there’s one in poppy’s truck?”
“Okay, you go get ready, I’ll go talk to poppy,” Spencer replies, and before he can even turn around both of them are running up the creaky, loud, wooden steps and into their rooms.
He’s already in jeans and a plaid shirt from feeding the chickens that morning, adding just his running shoes and Grandpa’s hat, it was basically his now. He loved it, it felt right, it made Y/N and Amoreena smile when he wore it, and it completed the look of stay-at-home Farm Dad.
He walked right into Y/N’s parent's house, pulling back the screen door before walking, “knock, knock,” he says, smiling as he sees Linda rounding the corner from the kitchen.
“Spencer!” She cheers, wiping her hands off on her apron before pulling him into a hug. “How are your girls?”
“Good,” he smiles again, holding her close quickly before letting her go again. “I’m taking them to a friend's house, does Amoreena have a booster seat here?” He asks for the 3rd time that morning, not wanting to drive her anywhere unless she’s perfectly secured.
“Bob’s got one in the truck, leave your keys here in case he has to go anywhere and just take the truck, it’s easier than taking the seat out and putting it back in,” Linda problem-solved like it was her job.
“Okay,” he places his keys in her hand.
“Bob’s are on the wall by the door, have fun today!” Linda waved him off, “oh, and tell Y/N congratulations.”
“Oh, thanks,” he smiled, “the wedding was really fun.”
He’s just taking the keys off the wall and opening the door again when he hears her small laughter, “I meant on the baby.”
He turns quickly, “how did you know?”
Linda shakes her head, “there are 3 cases of ginger ale in the fridge and 8 empty boxes of saltine crackers in the recycling.”
He turns pink, embarrassed for some reason as if Linda didn’t know he was sleeping with her daughter. He nods with a press-lipped smile. “She didn’t want to tell anyone till the ultrasound.”
“I understand,” Linda smiled. “I’m ready to talk to her when she is, let her know that.”
“I will,” he smiled one last time, “see you later!”
And they were off.
He’s in a big red farm truck, wearing a farm hat and plaid while listening to Taylor Swift with his daughters.
He can’t help but shake his head at the insanity, agreeing with Taylor’s current lyric that’s being burned into his head, “fever dream high in the quiet of the night you know that I caught it!”
Amoreena and Jo are in the back, singing together as they share what songs are their favourites. It’s surreal, every single moment is, if it wasn’t for how badly it made his heartache to see them so happy he’d think it was all a dream.
The girls are very adamant about going to TJMaxx for a present for Y/N, saying it’s the best place to find nice things for a good price. Spencer would spend a million dollars on her if he could, but this was a group decision, and there were 2 of them now, so he never won anymore.
They get a decent parking space, getting out together they look insane. Spencer is a walking talking Woody from Toy Story at this point, Jo’s in all black and combat boots and Amoreena is a princess… it was an interesting group, to say the least.
They get a cart, pushing it up and down the aisles as they find a million and 1 cute things for Y/N. Everything from paintings to towels, maternity clothes and baby toys, makeup brushes and scarves… they were having the hardest time finding the best thing to get for them.
Spencer turned down the final aisle in the back corner, seeing a bunch of headboards and chairs, and a small little bassinet. It’s whicker and woven beautifully, light wood and a fluffy white inside. It’s soft, well made, and incredibly cute.
“Mom gave my crib to Aunt Ashely, she might like this!” Amoreena cheered, leaning over it to show that she was the perfect height to see inside of it too.
“I’m going to get it,” Spencer announces, “it’ll look nice in our room, and it’s good for the first few months while she’s really dependent on your mom.”
They were all on team girl now, Spencer and his little women just made the most sense. He couldn’t see anyone other than all his girls in his mind when he thought of the future, and he’s had enough time with boys anyway. Hank and Henry would always hold a special place in his heart.
The girls each wanted t pick something out for the baby, heading right for the girl section of the baby aisle. “Now, you have to remember that they’ll be very tiny in the winter, and around 6 months in the summer.”
Everything was actually decently priced like the girls said it would be, so Spencer went a bit overboard. It was his first baby too, he was allowed to spoil it. He stocked up on bib rags, swaddle blankets, pacifiers and cute little hats. Jo and Amoreena on the other handpicked out the cutest little winter coat. It would be perfect for the Virginia winter, a big brown bear coat that zipped up like a sleeping bag. She’s going to be so cozy.
Bringing everything to the cashier was fun, she could see they were all related and smiled, “another brother or sister on the way?”
Jo and Amoreena smiled, “in February,” Jo was the one to answer with a wide smile.
“Congrats!” She smiles as she rings everything through, bagging it all while Spencer pays and the girls take it all to the truck.
“Wait, so will I ever meet my other brother and sister?” Amoreena asks as they’re filling the bed of the truck with what they bought, completely out of the blue.
“Not for a while, Jo kinda broke the rules to find me and figured out who they are, but they can’t know till they’re 18,” Spencer explained.
She turns to Jo with a look of worry, “was my name on there?”
Jo nods enthusiastically, “oh yeah! You’re baby number 3! It goes me, Alice, you and then Dylan is the youngest.”
Amoreena starts to cry, it's soft at first as she goes silent and then she’s heaving as she thinks about it more. She throws herself into Spencer’s arms and he’s so confused. Shushing her as he rubs her back gently, “what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I knew it,” is all she can say. Holding him closer than before. “You were too great to just be my dad.”
Jo places her hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “she’s right.”
“You guys are the amazing ones,” he says softly. “Come on, let’s get in the truck and go see Aunt Penny, she has a surprise.”
Amoreena sighed as she pulled back, “I don’t think I can handle anything more.”
It makes him laugh, “it’s a simple one, I promise.”
Jo loves Penelope. They instantly click, discussing exactly how she hacked the Sperm bank in all the technical terms which ended up sounding like gibberish to Spencer. She was incredibly smart and very interested in the computer programming field. Penelope offered to take her under her wing.
Amoreena, however, fell head over heels in love with Luke. He was nice to her at the barbecue because he’s Luke and he doesn’t know how to be anything but nice, and she thought he looked like Prince Naveen from the princess and the frog… which just so happened to be her favourite and suddenly Spencer understood why she was in a green princess dress today.
It was adorable, she looked up at him like he was an actual prince with big brown doe eyes as she listened to him talk about all the knightly battles he’s been on recently. She was enamoured, having her first little kid crush on her Aunt’s boyfriend.
Spencer was holding Penelope’s sonogram in his hands, alone on the couch as his kids were deep in conversation with his friends. It was really cool, that’s all he could think. Himself, Derek and Penelope were going to have 3 kids all around the same age.
3 little people who got to grow up with a bond and friendship just as strong as theirs. Each of them having 2 best friends, 2 protectors, it was going to be amazing. He can see it now, a confident little Garcia, a feisty little Morgan and a shy yet chatty little Reid baby all together on the playground. What a nightmare for their poor teacher.
Y/N still hasn’t texted him back from this morning, yet she’s calling him now at 1 pm as they’re getting ready to leave, “hello, princess.”
“Can you leave the girls with Penelope and meet me in the ER?”
“Of what hospital? Are you okay?” He asks, and all eyes are on his horrified face.
Luke stands then, “I’ll take you, let’s go.”
“Bethesda, it’s not bad I just came in to check something and I want you here,” her voice is soft and she knows he’s going to panic. “I need you to breathe and stay calm or the kids will freak out.”
He takes a deep breath, “sorry I forgot we had an appointment today.” He lies pretty well.
“I’ll see you soon okay, text me while Luke drives me?” He’s quiet as he and Luke slip out the door.
“I’ll just stay on the line, I don’t mind, cutie,” he could see her smile in his mind as he listened to her. Able to actually calm down and think straight as he climbed into the passenger seat and handed Luke the keys.
“What happened?”
“I didn’t feel good, I was extra dizzy and sick a few times at work, so Allison made me come in. Savannah has me hooked up to an IV now, I’ve been so sick I’m dehydrated, and they wanted to do an ultrasound but I can’t see her without you here.”
His heartbeat settles a bit, the same thing happened to JJ. It was fairly normal, the first-trimester sickness was so horrific she wasn’t really eating, she had maybe 1 full meal a day even though he tried to get her to eat more. And she was drinking a lot of water, but she was also throwing up hourly. It wasn’t healthy.
“Okay,” he’s able to smile softly. “Thank you for wanting to wait for me.”
She hears his smile too, knowing he’s calm and okay. “She’s your first baby, baby, I want you to have all the firsts with her. Or him. I’m so settled on it being another girl I feel so bad sometimes…”
He can hear the paper of her hospital gown rustling as she rubs her small stomach. “I love you forever even if you are a boy, or you come out a quote-unquote boy and want to be a girl or the other way or neither or even both!” She’s clearly not talking to him anymore as she assures the baby she’s not going to be upset about its gender.
Luke drives like a maniac, Spencer knows from experience but he’s extra insane today. He has dad panic now too, he knows what Spencer’s thinking and so he guns it and he’s in the ER parking lot within 10 minutes. “Okay, I’m here where are you?”
“Savannah’s going to collect you at the door and bring you to me,” her voice is soft and calm still, “I’ll see you in a few minutes, love you.”
“Love you too,” he replies before hanging up. “Thank you, Luke.”
Luke places his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “you know by now I’d kill for you, right?”
Spencer’s heart has been at a capacity for love for a while now and yet it keeps getting piled on, “thank you. If you want to go back to Penny’s that’s okay. I’ll drive Y/N’s car back to your place.”
“Sure,” Luke smiles again. “Go see that baby, I want to see pictures after!”
With that, Spencer’s getting out of the truck and running into the hospital, holding his hat so it doesn’t fly off. Savannah laughs when she sees him, he’s so anxious and sweet and she’s always admired him for making Derek feel loved before her.
She places a hand on his back as she leads him down the hall, “she’s fine I promise, I wouldn’t be this chill if she wasn’t.”
“Thank you,” Spencer stops, “I really love her Savannah. Like if anything happens to her or my kids I will kill myself kind of love her and it’s terrifying.” His words are a whisper as he shakes, tears welling in his eyes. “I’m trying to be cool and collected for her but I need a minute.”
Savannah looks down the corridor past him, smiling softly as Derek walks out of Y/N’s room. “Derek was here for lunch when she called me.”
He wraps Spencer up in the hug he needs and Spencer just holds him. “You’re the best,” he says softly as he rests his lips against Derek's shoulder like he always does. And Derek messes up his hair, without fail.
Derek places his hands on his cheeks, “she’s really cool, but tomorrow is called off until they’re both past the first trimester and everything is chill, okay?”
“I forgot all about that,” Spencer’s eyes widen.
Derek laughs, “go see your girl, she invited us over for dinner after.”
“Penelope and Luke have to come too, they have big news to share today too,” Spencer spills the beans, “she’s going to be so mad at me for telling you but I have been wanting to scream about it for a few hours now.”
Derek’s face lights up, “I’ll be back!”
Savannah laughs as he runs down the hall, surely going to congratulate his best friend and tell her all about how cool it’ll be to all have kids together. With all the enthusiasm that Spencer kept inside, Derek was about to scream on his behalf.
Y/N’s a vision in the blue paper gown, laying on the table with her hand over her belly as Spencer walks in, “Hey, cutie.”
He peppers kisses to her whole face while she laughs, reaching up with her free hand, the other is all taped up with wires for her fluids. She looks much better already, her skin is glowing and the life is back in her eyes, she’s smiling again and he notices the 2 empty jello cups beside an unopened one.
“Derek made me save you one,” She adds as he notices it, “in case you passed out or something.”
Within minutes, he’s done his jello and there’s a new woman he’s never seen before coming in for Y/N’s ultrasound. She introduces herself as Aria and Y/N can’t help but mention she kind of looks like Arizona on Grey’s Anatomy.
She’s not far along enough for the regular ultrasound wand to pick anything up, wiping her belly clean of the jelly before prepping the other one and Y/N grips Spencer’s hand tighter. She looks like she hates it, and Spencer probably would too if some strange lady shoved a metal stick up his parts.
She’s clicking around on her own, Spencer knows she’s just a tech and she can’t really tell them anything until she does the first sweep for all the answers. She turns the screen after a few minutes, “here’s your little baby, we have a healthy heartbeat and a placenta up here in the top left.”
Seeing his baby is the most magical moment of his life. She was so tiny, the size of a sweet pea inside the love of his life. She looked like a little alien, tiny in her little sac as she floated around in there. Happy, and healthy and growing day by day.”
“Just the one?” Y/N confirms.
Aria laughs, “yes, nothing else is going on in here, but they are measuring more at 7 weeks, almost 8, instead of 6 weeks and 5 days, even with your period math, they might just be a big baby.”
“Our first kid was a chunky baby,” Y/N smiles, looking at the screen and oblivious to how Spencer smiles at the words our first kid…
“So this little one is good, in the fetal position and the tail is at the right length for development, they should look like a person the next time you see them. Everything looks like it’s on track and your HCG is doubling perfectly,” Aria was very cheerful. “You’re just sick because they’re super healthy.”
“I’m fine with that,” Y/N smiles again, “can I have a bunch of copies? Everyone is going to want one.”
“Sure,” Aria hits a few buttons, printing 11 photos off and handing them over to her in a long strand. “Have you looked into any OB’s for this one?”
“Not yet, I was going to bring it up tonight,” Y/N’s the only one talking, Spencer has no idea if he’s allowed an opinion on her body and he’s never going to give one unless she asks.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it! Here are some facilities we like if you need recommendations,” she smiles as she hands them a booklet. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Y/N swoons, sitting up to look at her little baby photos and read the booklet.
Once the woman is gone, she smiles at Spencer, “I want to do a water birth, how are you feeling about that?”
“Like I’ll be there no matter what you pick?” He answers, “I just want you to be safe and in good hands, preferably in a birthing centre where they’re all trained to care for you. I’ve been a little stressed at the idea of us living so far away from the hospital, so it’s better to not do a home birth in case something goes wrong last minute.”
It’s a Reid rant of epic proportions, “okay, water birth in a birthing centre it is. Plus, it’ll be winter so I wouldn’t want to drive in that while giving birth.”
“How long do you have to stay here?”
“Once my IV fluid bag is empty, I can go.” She smiles wide, holding his hand gently as she looks at him. “They’re going to send a nurse to the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays to ensure I get more fluids in me, and I’m also going to take some nausea meds now.”
“Thank you for calling me,” Spencer whispers, “I’m so happy you feel safe with Derek, and that he could have been here for you, but can you call me first next time?”
She nods, “I was scared, I needed to know if she was okay before I told you because I love you a lot and seeing you upset made me more scared.”
“I don’t want you to feel like that,” Spencer shook his head softly, leaning in and pressing their foreheads together. “I may be a worry wort and an anxious crier, but I will hold your hand and I will be here, you mean more to me than anything else.”
She cupped his face with her free hand, “the girls better be on the same level as me.” She brings a smile to his face, “if anything happens to me you have to be strong for them, I know nothing bad will. But I need you to know I do have faith in you to keep going after me, for them. They need a parent, be it me or you, at 100% all the time.”
“I promise,” he smiles so she knows he’s true.
Penelope Spencer and Derek laid all 3 of their ultrasounds on Y/N’s kitchen table, a sticky note on each one. Baby Garvez, Baby Morgan and Baby Reid…
The Big Three 2.0 coming this winter.
Penelope took a photo of it, opening the BAU text thread that has all members past and present included. Sending the photo to everyone while they patiently waited for a response.
Jordan Todd: way to go!!! Can’t wait to see all that cuteness!
Anderson: !!! Bring them by the office sometime, please!
Hotch: Jack said he’s excited to meet his new cousins. Congrats guys.
Elle: is Penelope having 2 babies or did Spencer get a wife I don’t know about?
Emily: Congrats!! (And yes Spencer has a wife and 3 kids now apparently…)
Elle: pics or it didn’t happen
Tumblr media
Elle: no fuckin way... congrats Reid!
Alex Blake: so proud of you Spencer, I always knew you could do it. Love is full of endless possibilities. Your kids will be so loved, I miss you all.
Matt Cruz: congrats!
Kate Callahan: we need to get you a triple stroller
Penelope: Please!! Zoo trips are going to be a riot with that!
Tara: so happy for you all!
Matt: Welcome to the club Spencer and Luke!
Kristy: and Y/N! We need to throw a big baby shower on the farm before the cold weather!
Will: JJ…
JJ: no.
Will: Spencer, tell nini I’m really happy she’s finally going to be a big sis, she’s always been so good with the kids. You made some great kids!
Spencer: thanks everyone ♥︎
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
@k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
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violetren · 3 years
My first theory for volume 9 while the second half of volume 8 is fresh in my mind!
Volume 9 is gonna be the therapy season, but in the most traumatic you'll need different therapy afterwards kind of way. Instead of paying a therapist they're all just be bargaining with the universe like "yo I've had this trauma for a while, and I'm feeling pretty done with it. Here you take it back and uhhh I'll take a new guilt complex. Maybe a fear of falling? IDK, fuck me up bro."
The foreshadow-y Alice in Wonderland-esque fairy tale Oscar told to himself/Oz while in captivity is my guide post here.
Aaaand this is gonna get long so! 10 ideas of shit that's gonna go down next volume beneath the readmore, each one about 1-2 paragraphs each.
In the fairy tale the girl runs away from her problems into a new land, but because she never learned from her problems they just followed after her. Yeah? So first--second? First discounting the volume therapy theme theory.
FIRST BIG THEORY: The girl from the fairy tale was real, and she used the Spear of Creation. And like Weiss and the crew, she was fucking smart about her wording. She offered up materials that'd last even after someone else inevitably used the staff. IDK what materials she woulda used. Maybe there's a story about a missing continent we just haven't heard of yet? Maybe the Brother of Light's pool, since Salem seens to have claimed the Brother of Darkness's one but no sign of BoL's these days. Maybe there is a reason the land beyond Menagerie is so uninhabitable beyond desert + grimm? idk. Point is, it's a thing that happened, and since Ambrosius can't destroy/directly kill she's still in her wonderland. For themes sake I'm gonna call her Alice from here on out.
So Alice made a pocket dimension to flee from her problems from.
SECOND BIG THEORY: Her problems were relic related. She needed to hide em, and hide herself from Salem. Tbh I'm not sure how into this one I am. Maybe she had other shit going and some version of Oz was like "hey you don't want to be here, I have some property that I don't want to be here, lets make this happen!" THE POINT IS, the little pocket realities the relics are in, are aalllllll places in her pocket reality. When the team said "hey Ambrosius just make the middle ground into one of these type places" that's what he did, cause that's how he do. What better way to make sure it works like those places than to be kinda connected to em?
THIRD BIG THEORY: Ambrosius was buds with Alice once upon a time, but knew staying in her pocket world ultimately drove her crazy. He knew his middle ground worked like the pocket dimensions because it touched em or something, so he gave a vague ass warning not to fall, because he knew where they'd fall to.
Back to the fairy tale. It's implied Alice was never able to leave/give up her wonderland because she never learned from her mistakes.
FOURTH BIG THEORY VERSION 1: RWBY + Jaune can't figure their way back to reality until they adress a major personal issue and break out of whatever cycle it's got them in. This one I feel is shaky because they all have such different issues and are in very different places with each of them, trying to do one big arc on em would be too much of a mess. Plus it doesn't account for saving any of the many civilians that may have survived the fall.
FOURTH BIG THEORY VERSION 2: nobody can leave until Alice either leaves, dies, OR is convinced to let them go. As we're following good kind people this means we watch the kids try to give someone else therapy that THEY need. RWBY+J work through their shit through variations & combinations of witnessing mirrors of their struggles in Alice/other wonderland inhabitants, and just having time and space to slow down and breathe whether they want it or not.
FIFTH BIG THEORY: Alice is the "antagonist" of the underworld because she is the obstacle to overcome.
What about Neo you may be asking. Well I want her to let go of the revenge schtick, or at least redirect it back onto Cinder thus calling a truce with Ruby. However it's more than likely she's gonna be on team keep Alice as an obstacle at least as long as it takes to kill Ruby, and so Neo will be the "real" Antagonist™ within wonderland.
SIXTH BIG THEORY: Neo because of her unwavering determination to enact revenge is gonna die this volume. She'll be the comparison against which RWBY+J will be measured. As they grow and get closer to leaving she'll become more wrapped up with whatever strange classic wonderland logic this pocket universe has. Potentially depending on how things go with helping Alice, Neo may just end up trading spots with her, and end up trapped while everyone else goes back. But dead or trapped, I have a sad feeling this could be our last volume with Neo. My only hope of her surviving at this point is that she like Emerald switches sides, and in doing so joins Winter as a Cinder foil. While Neo grows and lets go of revenge and thus survives, Cinder stays dedicated to her own desires for revenge and other self serving instincts ringing her own death toll for either the end of the volume, or maybe somewhere in vol.10.
SEVENTH BIG THEORY: Ruby is gonna be grieving and maybe even getting full on angry about being expected to fix everything just because she's the optimistic one. She shouldn't have to deal with this brand and advanced level of childhood stealing just because she wanted to do what was right and won(lost) a genetic lottery for magic powers type anger. Jaune is going to have SO MUCH GUILT to work through, mostly the survivors kind. The bees will be experiencing couples therapy, they've both been pretty solid about individual growth leading up to this, Underworld will be them learning what it means to them to be partners now that they are so different to who they were. Weiss is different. Weiss is at first gonna feel like she's there just because it was a way to really shove all the other Schnee's into their therapy arcs and gave RBY+J neutral presence to rely on. Weiss is gonna go in the most stable of the bunch. But then, slow boil style, she'll start to realise how fucked up basically her whole life has been, especially upon realising that her "good years" with her new family have been spent getting sucked into being the last line of defense against the apocalypse, but will be too busy helping the others, so at the end of the volume when everyone else is actually doing pretty good and refreshed for the fight against Salem she'll only just be beginning her breakdown.
EIGHTH BIG THEORY: All this therapy shit is gonna be mirrored back on Remnant by the others grieving the percieved loss of the hearts of the team. Both sides of these story are gonna deal with some heavy shit, but the Remnant side is gonna be the depressed side, at least as long as it takes for Oz to tell them maybe the other's aren't dead leading to desperate attempts to get the staff OR the make desperate attempts to get the relics back anyways and inadvertently find out from Ambrosius what is up. But anyways. Winter is gonna be dealing with survivors guilt and the loss of both her little sisters (friends are great but Penny was little sister zoned and it's a hill I am prepared to die on. good sisterly relationships are friendships too). Nora is gonna be doing her self discovery thing. Ren is gonna be building on his end of vol.8 developments. Oscar will continue his grappling with the merge stuff. Qrow and Willow might get forced into AA. Whitely is gonna learn his own definition of being a Schnee instead of what his dad taught him.
NINTH BIG THEORY (OR FOURTH VERSION 3): The other way they get out is QORN obtain and use the staff to bring them home, potentially by trading enemy lives for them.
BONUS CONSPIRACY THEORY: QORN if presented with needing to trade for their loved ones & lost civilians have a lightbulb moment and decide hey why not trap Salem in a pocket universe since that is a thing Ambrosius can make? Like, if this bitch hasn't budged on her not learning to appreaciate life and humanity or whatever (which I'n pretty sure is the other way to break her curse instead of stopping remnant from turning) then she's a prime candidate for shoving into a personal reality that you can only escape if you can face your problems long enough to break the cycle they have you in. It'd be really fucked up but I think it might actually be possible to run the place using her as her own material component. Like kill her over and over and redistribute the energy to make the pocket world, but because god given power + Ambrosius can't actually destroy she just reforms anyways. MIght take a few hundred thousand deaths but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Or use the BoD oasis/grimm pools to make a world that mirrored the one she chose to live in on Remnant really make it hard for her to break that cycle....
TENTH BIG THEORY: Working on the idea that the relics are actually hidden in secret protected pockets of the underworld RWBY+J are gonna have a secondary quest of trying to get the relics from this side, and either finding a new place to hide them ages away from their vault doors. If you wanna make it a FOURTH VERSION 4, they're specifically gonna seek out the sword of destruction (HOLY VORPAL BLADE ALLUSIONS BATMAN) either with the intent of cutting their way out underworld--ahem wonderland--or with the assumption that someone is inevitably gonna have to open the vault door, because that's just how things be these days and they'll be able to cross to Vacuo from there.
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othercat2 · 4 years
Jam: Egg fic with worldbuilding but no title 1/?
So this is a thing I’ve been putting up on the homestuck gang discord. I decided to play with the “oviparous trolls” au thing. As you do. As usual, I have no idea of what I’m doing, and there’s a lot of worldbuilding.
He's fussing (he is not fussing this is his first clutch okay) with the temperature controls of the incubator. Four eggs was  a reasonable sized first clutch and they were all on the small end. (But perfectly acceptable Zahhak!) Karkat snapped pictures of the speckled eggs and sent them to their genetors with his usual message of "red and blue slurry still does not make purple grubs." In honor of some of the most idiotic questions he'd  been asked by someone supposedly not a subadult. (Zahhak was lucky his matesprit put up with him.)
After egg coddling was breakfast and waiting for his attendant to arrive with his schedule. (And check his work.  Fucking up temps for a clutch could alter their projected caste or render them nonviable.) Karkat was hoping Kanaya was going to be bringing him good news from the medics; he's been on rest for what feels like forever and wants to get back to his work out. He checks the news feeds and catches up to social media. He also does a lot of shit talking at various internet hate friends. He's  doing some online shopping when Kanaya turns up. He's about to offer her a muffin and some coffee but...
"Kanaya are you okay?" She did not look okay.  "The Cavern Matre called me into her office," Kanaya says in a numb little voice. "Something terrible has happened."
Karkat felt a little thrill of panic at that. "Did something happen to my genitors?" He asked. “Zahhak doesn't  message too often but usually I'm exchanging stupid smilies and emojis with Megido by now."
Kanaya shook her head. "No this is something else. Worse."
"Worse?" Karkat asks. Kanaya nods. "The other attendants are speaking to their genetrices," she says.
"The Matres felt this would be better than simply announcing this during assembly."
"Announce what Kanaya?" Karkat asks.
Kanaya takes a breath. "Despite the strictest security measures we've discovered there's been trafficking of a genetrix bloodline."
"Holy shitfuck." It was easy to see why it hadn't been announced during assembly there would have been a fucking riot. "How?" Cavern security by necessity was tight for the very purpose of preventing kidnappings. Genetrices were trained to fight or take more extreme measures if taken. The punishments for attempting a kidnapping were gruesome.
"We don't  have all the details yet. The Church hasn't been very forthcoming."
"Of course. Mother Grub forbid they give a full report to the ones it's  relevant to." Kanaya gives him a look of reproof. Or tries to. Karkat's pretty good at staring her down.
"I'm sure we'll know more soon. There could be a reason behind the with held information."
Karkat did not agree but also didn't  want to argue. The reproductive and attending castes relative independance was hard won. It was also fragile. He knew that in the early days of his castes creation there had been total chaos until the early prototypes, led by the Signless had proven  it was more trouble than it was worth for the highbloods to try to keep their own little pet genetrix. The idea of an entire bloodline having been stolen was an immense blow. ( And horrifying purely from a stance of compassion. ) After breakfast Kanaya checked on the eggs temperature and the development of the embryos.
She checks his notations and makes a few of her own. Karkat tries not to fidget too much. They go to assembly next. Karkat takes his sickles. Out in the corridor are other adult genetrices and their attendants, all armed. The mood is too tense for the usual greetings and shit talking. Everyone heads into the assembly hall.
The Matre of the Cavern, flanked by the Matres of Medical, Education, Support, Assessment, and Genetics were on the stage. As a group they bowed. "By now you've been informed of the crime," the Matre of the Cavern says.  "We still don't have the details.  What we do know is that since  our Cavern is closest the genetrices will be brought here."
There was a flurry of questions, but the Matre of the Cavern signaled for quiet and  the Matre of Assessment stepped up. "The line has three living members. A third molt adult, a gravid adolescent and a two sweep old child. We don't  yet know if there were others that were sold elsewhere or culled."
"What's going to happen with the traffickers?" one of the older genetrices asks in a hard voice.
The Matre blinks. "They're ours of course. As always."
"Clowns," the genetrix points out as if this alone was an argument.  (It probably was. Fasces' most frequent genitors were a kismesis pair who were deacons in cult of the twin messiahs.)
The Matre's mouth twitches like she's  trying not to laugh. "I don't  think convincing them to turn over the criminals or what's  left will be a problem," she says.
More questions were asked about the situation and plans for the bloodline. Most of them were deflected, though Support indicated plans for housing and integration if possible were being discussed.  Karkat knew he wasn't the only one to shudder at the "if possible."
Assembly turned to other subjects such as the graduation of the most recent brood from the trials, the up coming Ascension for the next brood, and the Fete of the Last. (Karkat was on the decoration and planning committee for his sector of the Cavern.) There was also an announcement that due to the discovered theft, the Caverns had called off the Lottery and all genitors who hadn't taken vows were being asked to leave early. No one was especially happy about this.
After assembly was a doctor appointment where Karkat was approved for "light exercise." The doctor from long experience with her patient told him that extended sets with his sickles did not constitute light exercise. Twenty minutes a day, with a three minute increase over the next twelve weeks. "This is a monumental load of feculence in the backed up sewers of stupid bullshit I have to deal with," Karkat griped.
"I don't caaare," Zheydh almost sings. "This is what you get for over exerting yourself while gravid! You fainted and probably traumatized the class you were teaching Vantas. Then you wouldn't take my advice because quote 'you're not the one whose a waddling troll turducken.' Now I get to have my revenge."
"I hate you so much," Karkat says. "Shut up Kanaya."
"I didn't say anything," Kanaya says, amused.
"I can hear your I told you so," Karkat says, giving his attendant a glower.
"I doubt you're developing telepathy Karkat," Kanaya says teasingly.
 After the doctor appointment Karkat teaches his Lit class and goes to lunch. Then he attends  a section meeting where the main topics are morning assembly and the next environmental failure drill. (They were past due for a bolide emergency procedure. There was also strong argument for an actual raid drill.)
The meeting ran over, but he didn't get into very much trouble with his supervisor in the creche over it. The wigglers however were very sad he was late and manipulated extra story time out of him. After creche was dinner, which he shared with Kanaya.
The next few days were much the same except for an underlying simmer of anger for the traffickers. They still hadn't found out how it had happened, still weren't sure if the clowns were going to turn them over. Assembly was generally full of shouting that the Matres couldn't quite mediate.
The clown ship finally docks in the Cavern bay. It's surprisingly small and sleek and for a Church ship. (The cult had its  own shipyards and from what he'd heard their ships tended to be much bigger than standard Imperial ship  classes.) It's  painted with multicolored eyes and wings that spiral from bow to stern, and it's  maybe a quarter  the size of a cathedral ship. The ship is disturbingly named  Dance of the Angel.
Karkat is very very surprised when the Cavern Matre sends him a message that he's been asked to come with her to the ship and meet with the   Grand Highblood. "What the fuck?" Karkat asks. He waves his shelltop at Kanaya. "What is this? Am I reading this right?"
"I...it would seem so," Kanaya says. "The Grand Highblood wants to meet you."
“Why?" Kanaya gives him a look as if he's being deliberately obtuse. "Perhaps for some reason he feels is related to your Ancestor?" she suggests.
Karkat stares blankly back. "My Ancestor and nine caegars can get me a vaguely historically accurate romance novel."
"Karkat," Kanaya says. "I don't know whether you're being prickly about your Ancestor or you really believe that."
"It can be both!" Karkat says. "It's not like I have any special rank or responsibilities. Isn't it even in his will? 'If I should have a Descendant or if such should still exist in the future generations, put no burdens on him he doesn't take up.' I mean I'm  pretty sure there was a whole thing about it."
Kanaya smiles at Karkat. "Maybe that's something you could bring up with him.
 Karkat snorts. "Right I'm sure that's going to go over well," he says. There's a certain amount of fussing and preparation before Karkat is judged presentable for his meeting. Despite Kanaya's best efforts, he's never had much in the way of formal attire. There are some festival clothes, casual clothes, clothes for socializing or meeting with his genitors. But nothing really formal.
Kanaya ends up putting him into his favorite black velvet divided skirt, bright red long sleeved tunic, and a darker red robe with a wide black fabric belt. Also included were low leather boots, and a veiled hat. His only jewelry are some steel rings, and an ear cuff. He arms himself with his electric dart device (concealed) and his sickle (very much not concealed). Kanaya of course, is already dressed and perfectly made up. Her colors are the traditional jade green and black, though with  accents of genetrix bright red. She has no obvious weapons, but Karkat knows she's carrying.
"Ready?" she asks. Karkat nods, and  they both head out the door. They're met at the ship by the Matre of the Caverns, and a huge indigo, obviously a Church deacon.
"Karkat," the Matre says by way of greeting. "And Kanaya."
"Matre," Karkat and Kanaya chorus, and give a salute. They give another salute to the deacon.
"All y'all follow me," the deacon says, and heads up  gangway of the ship.
The Matre heads up first behind the deacon, followed by Karkat, with Kanaya taking up the rear. The inside of the ship is decorated much the way the exterior is. Eyes and feathered wings and spirals in rainbow hues. There are more indigo crewmen, who step aside as they pass. Karkat can hear conversation, and music, many voices singing.
The deacon leads them down several passages, and into something between an office and a sitting block. There  are low chairs and multicolored cushions everywhere, and a small dais where the Grand Highblood is sitting on more cushions in front of a low desk with books and readers scattered everywhere, along with a high end computing device. He's huge, and his paint is strangely simple. Flat, blank white, which seems to mean something to the Matre, because she gasps.
The three of them start to bow, but the Grand Highblood waves. "Sit yourselves down," the Grand Highblood says. When they've done so, (with some hesitation) he continues with, "Let me give you the full debrief," he says. "My word to your ears. There were rumors of undocumented crew and false papers. It was the legislacerators game at first, thinking it was stolen eggs or stolen grubs and wigglers, subadults. But it turned to something more heinous. A high barrister brother was bribed with a genetrix, and being not an idiot called on the church. We took over and rooted them out."
"You found only three?" The Matre of the Cavern asked. It was an oddly blunt question.
“That's on me," the Grand Highblood says. "The traffickers killed most of them, trying to destroy evidence, like they thought we wouldn't wring the truth from them. There was just the oldest of the line, the one the oldest  locked himself in a bitty room with, and the wiggler given to the barrister."
As he speaks, there's movement by the Grand Highblood's lap, behind the table. What seemed like another pile of colorful cloth turns out to be a troll. An adult genetrix, with white hair wearing what looks like second hand Church motley. He's long limbed, and skinny instead of the usual blocky build of most genetrices, and if he were standing, would be almost as tall as the Grand Highblood. He blinks sleepily at them.  "Sup."
There is a look of unmistakable fondness on the Grand Highblood's face. "You went and fell asleep on me again, thinking I'm a relaxation platform."
"No, I'm being sultry as fuck," the genetrix says.
"More like a underfed purrbeast," the Grand Highblood says. "We're at the Cavern. These are all to being your kin." The gentrix's eyes flick from the Matre, to Kanaya and Karkat. "I'm Matre Markstar, the Matre of this Cavern," the Matre says. "This is Kanaya Maryam, and Karkat Vantas, how should we call you?" "
Dhuvid Straid," the genetrix says.
"We're still in pursuit of some of the traffickers, who went on with a whole cloning lab and canisters of frozen tissue, but the most of them we'll be handing them over," the Grand Highblood says. "All mostly in one piece."
The Cavern Matre bows where she sits. "We thank you for rescuing our charges."
The Grand Highblood's mouth tilts in a slanted smile that reveals the curves of his fangs. "All I did was do my duty toward the children of the Mother, didn't I?" he casts a glance toward Karkat, deep indigo-purple eyes have a certain gleam to them. "Clever motherfucker, your Ancestor," he says to Karkat. "We the last children of the mother have a duty to each other and the future He was all sneaky talking about the castes outside of his newly formed one. You have his miraculous way with words? You've been quiet enough."
"With all respect, Highblood, if you want an argument with my Ancestor, you should hire a necromancer," Karkat says in a flat tone. The Grand Highblood laughs quietly. "It's the Descendant I wanted a word with," he says. "I promised Dhuvid his kin would be safe and together, and I won't turn them over to anyone who'd keep them apart or harm them."
Matre Markstar looks momentarily offended by that,but she recovers. "Sir, are you implying you want Teacher Vantas to mentor or take custody of the genetrice line?"
"Sister, I want him to have the care of Dhuvid's little brothers," the Grand Highbllood. "As I promised him."  A beat. "There being a matter of serendipity between us, such that I would take over his care."
"Frail and wilting flower, that's me." Dhuvid says. "I need the gentlest and sweetest pale pity."
"You speak more true than you know, rattle bones," the Grand Highblood says, amused. "With your permit I'd get to doing that, jade sister. My Descendant's taking over the hunt for the traffickers and all Church duties so I settle Dhuvid in."
 "Accommodations may be arranged, Highblood," Markstar says. "I will have the Imperial suite prepared for you."
"I'll be put up with Dhuvid by wherever Vantas is," the Grand Highblood says.
"The genetrice apartments are separate from the genitor and admittance suites," Markstar says. "Genitors generally do not go there, for obvious reasons." "Quadrants and the genitors that take vows do," the Grand Highblood points out.  "I want to see where you'll be mewing up my diamond, and see all how you'll be treating him and his kin. I'll take whatever vows the genitors that don't leave do."
"That would mean you don't leave," Karkat blurts over whatever probably more polite version of "what the fuck," Markstar was about to voice. "It is not actually like Servitors of the Genetrices down in the genetrice apartments," Karkat says, naming a series of porn videos that everyone has been warned about. (Since genitors often got weird ideas, especially the older high caste trolls still around from the last Mothergrub's broods.) "The imperial suiteblock is supposed to be all fancy and shit, according to your station. Dhuvid and his line are probably going to be in the infirmary getting checked over before anyone gets moved anywhere, anyway."
"You think I don't know what I'm asking for?" The Grand Highblood asks, voice hard."I'll stay by him, where ever he's put up."
"Enduring great privations and all that shit," Dhuvid says. He's leaning up against the Highblood's side, and despite the bland tone, there's a certain amount of tension in his shoulders. "Boss, explain me a thing, what's this argument about?" a beat. "You said it was goinng to be safe here."
"So I did,"  Grand Highblood says. "And it is, there's just these little particulars."
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meshugana1 · 6 years
Tit for...
This is the fulfillment of two very similar requests. Enjoy.
   Life was hell at Diana Penebscott’s School for Gifted Women, for some that is. By looking at it’s student population you’d be fooled about just what most of the girls are gifted with. It would be damn hard to find an IQ higher than a hundred, and even harder still to find a bust line below double D’s. They exist though, and unfortunately, all of both categories belong to my friends and me. What kind of asshole god sets things up this way? Even the faculty represent this disparity well. It wouldn’t be so bad if they let us alone, but something about perceived weakness makes them dig in their five-inch heels. “Well, well. If it isn’t the itty bitty titty committee! Gonna work up some science to fix yourself flatsy?” That was practically their war cry. The other girls and I, not given the boon of boobs, just naturally gravitated towards each other. It was a survival mechanism.
   The faculty never lifted a finger for us. Half of them sported chest that were just the same as their students, and the other half were alumni that enjoyed the current status quo. “It’s just playful hazing,” they’d say, “don’t let it get to you.” That in and of itself wouldn’t have been to hard, save for that traitorous viper Alexis. She was one of us once, the underclass at the school. That and my best friend. But then last summer, her “daddy” bought her into the popular girl's favor. We all watched as she came bouncing onto the campus in a low-cut shirt, so painfully eager to show everyone her new chest. She instantly gravitated past us and our weak waves into the embrace of Wendy, the head cheerleader. Why an all girls college with no football team needed to pour money into a cheer team was beyond me, but they were there, and like many other institutions they formed the top of the student hierarchy. They welcomed her with open arms, and I…I was actually stupid enough to think that this might be a turning point for the school. I thought that maybe she might show the other girls that we weren’t different, that it was all skin deep. But the day after, she was there, shoulder to shoulder with all those other bitches as they hurried mockery at us. That would’ve been hard enough, but she was the first one to grab a tomato from the salad bar and aim it right at my face.
   I’m not entirely sure which part of her betrayal sent me over the edge. I was never mean to her, never a cross word. I wasn’t catty with a single one of them, yet they hounded all of us to no end. All because they won the genetic lottery. All because of those fucking tits. Why did I have to be born smart? Why can’t I just be like them? And, naturally, when I thought the pit I had slipped into couldn’t get any deeper, who should come up to me but Alexis? “Hey there, couldn’t help but notice you looked a little down. I’m sorry about that, but you know how it is right? Gotta show I can hang with them. I’m sure you’ll develop a little bit more one day. I mean, if I could give you some of mine I would, ya know? But wishing won’t make it so. Toodles! By the way, you might wanna stay away from the common area, we’re kinda staking a claim to it. Bye.” Even the way she spoke to me was different. Like she thought all of it was just a part of some game. But as the hatred crystalized in my blood, I couldn’t get that line out of my head. ‘If I could give you some of mine…’
   The steam of the hot showers clung to the nubile young bodies of the women and cleared away the sweat and toil of their expansive routines. “Alexis,” Wendy said, “you did well at practice today and all, but you seriously need to stop talking with that flats patsy, understand? We have a reputation to maintain.” “I know, it’s just kinda fun to string her along. She still thinks we’re friends, isn’t that sad?” “Totally, she just needs to like move on and focus on her stupid book junk. Don’t forget to wash up everything, looking good is ninety percent of the job.” Alexis gleefully did as she was told. No matter how many times she looked at her new breasts she simply couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that they were hers. Her father paid well for them too, it took a very well trained eye to see any falseness to them. Her fingers tickled along their underside, still surprised by the way they curved perfectly into her cupped hands. At first she was determined to be different, to not succumb to the way of the other girls. But she couldn’t help seeing things differently now. Breasts were a real gift, and she wasn’t about to waste hers on her former friends. It was so difficult for her to resist the subtle slippage of her hand down to her moist entrance. But she was snapped from her pre-onanistic daydream when she heard a gasp over the hissing of the showers. “OMG, Alexis! Look at your butt!”
   Wendy gaped in quiet shock as he underling swung her torso around searching for the best angle. Wendy and the entire cheer squad watched as the newbie’s butt began to undulate. As if it were being pumped with air then deflated over and over. Alexis felt stinging friction on her ass and spun in place trying to catch the cause. Each revolution gave more detail to the women. Alexis’s ass was quite plump, but as she turned once it looked a little bit flatter. Even more so on the next turn. Her hips caved in and became like twigs. Her hands were frantically slapping at her toneless bottom, almost like she thought it was asleep and tried to wake it. It was like she never had an ass to begin with now. The squad had developed a collective pit in their stomachs as the newbie’s ass vanished. Alexis grabbed what barely counted as a lump of flesh at the base of her spine. Tears mingled with the metallic water of the showers as she slunk to the floor. Too shocked to notice that her most loved breasts began to pulse as well.
   Alexis only noticed when her heaving sobs pushed her ribcage into her crossed arms. She had spent years feeling her flat chest against her arms as she cried, but now she derived terror instead of comfort. Her arms flung away and she saw her implants fade into her torso as if they had been punctured from the inside. “Jesus Alexis! What kind of implants did your dad like, buy you?” There came no answer. All Alexis could see was her father's fifty thousand dollar present flush away, as well as any chance at popularity. Alexis was afraid to raise her head. Her ears twitch in anticipation of the volley of insults to be cast her way. Fraud, liar, cheat. But when none came, she did look, and she saw as each one of her squamates breasts began to pulse and whither before her unbelieving eyes.
   The shower had become more tears than water that day. The squad had left without notice. The next day as classes began, they all assembled in the common area. All of them was stuffed bras and padded pants. None looked convincing. Wendy especially, her development was early, and the idea of stuffing never occurred to her before last night. Many of them still cried heavy tears as they looked at all their flat friends, reminding themselves of their own low state. “Well. Well. Well. Look at what we have here. The newest branch of the itty bitty titty committee. See anything familiar ladies?” Alexis recognized the voice of her old friend, but nothing else. It was as though she had been hit by the puberty truck overnight! Her breasts were mountainous and plotted their eruption from behind the flimsy buttons of her shirt. Her hips had become so large that her skirt was riding up her thigh. You could land a jumbo jet on that ass. Alexis and the squad stared openmouthed as she began to speak. “You know Alexis; I was pretty mad at you. But know that I know how good it feels to have a nice pair of sweater melons, and an ass that has caused a fender bender, I think I understand you. Too bad you girls couldn’t hold on to these puppies. I mean, I’d share some with you, but I don’t want to. Toodles, losers.” The squad watch her spill on a heel and strut away, mesmerized by the perfect sway of her ass.
   That was incredible. I mean…wow. Who would’ve thought catharsis could feel so good. I wasn’t kidding about how good these felt. Holy shit. Just the way they bounced freely as I walked, the attention they drew, and the tension between my buttons is making me so freaking hot. It’s amazing what a few nanites can do. It was a brilliant idea to put them in the water supply. I can take as much of their curves as I want, then redistribute the wealth as I see fit. Of course, one should ask themselves in this situation…why stop with the cheerleaders?
The End. Hope Y'all like it!
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hoochy-coo · 2 years
Really random but I saw a picture of Monica bellucci today and holy shit. She won the genetic lottery.
Which made Irreversible so uncomfortable to watch imo
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todokori-kun · 7 years
That is definitely one of the most beautiful, touching hugs in the history of fandom.
Yeah, idk how that kid would need human food either. I mean, even if some part of Kaneki is still human, HE can’t eat human food so why would the child be able to…?
(Ok, but imagine how OP a Touka/Uta child would be. They’d get either Touka’s kagune (which is at least worthy of an S-rating) or Uta’s (while we don’t know what his kagune can do we can assume it’s poweful; No-Face was a pretty infamous ghoul after all) or both, if they somehow won the genetic lottery. They could get Uta’s crazy regeneration and/or his shape-shifting abilities. They’d get Uta’s talent for trolling and Touka’s terrifying rage…there’s also the theories that Uta can create clones. And they would have Uncle Yomo completely wrapped around their finger.)
I think I actually want this to happen. Kaneki’s just really confused and leaves Touka and the kid alone to do as they please, and he does try to be a good ‘dad’ when the child gets older, teaching them that they are next in line to be the OEK and that they have lots of duties and responsibilites. The child, despite looking suspiciously familiar, turns out to be very intelligent and a good listener so Kaneki’s relieved.
Then the moment Kaneki asks the child to become the new OEK:
“lololol sorry Kaneki-san but Uncle Nico and Aunt Itori are coming to pick me up, we’re going to go watch the world burn and old losers with white hair are not invited”
“Wait what
Is this what it’s like to watch your kid go through puberty”
Remember how we used to talk about a TG Hamilton AU and decided that the characters didn’t fit.
This could actually fit now.
Touken child inherited Touka’s temper and Kaneki’s love for books along with Touka’s dedication to her studies, which makes them a perfect Alexander.
Eto is Washington.
Ayahina child is Eliza.
Amon/Akira child is Burr.
Ishida could be forgiven if he has Eto adopt the Touken child and take them somewhere far away from Japan. But he’d definitely be forgiven if, when they step off the plane, the kid sees someone walking towards them while waving and asks who it is…Eto smiles gently and replies, “That’s your Uncle Hide.”
Watch it and drown in the feels with me, because I’m re-watching it right now too because of my little sister (who’s five years old and seems to be weirdly fond of Bucky…I’m certain she didn’t care about him at all when we watched the first Captain America movie. Now she pouts whenever I mention Bucky, and refuses to let me call him ‘the Winter Soldier’ because NO he’s BUCKY he did nothing wrong).
btw, do you know Vision/Wanda is probably going to be a thing in future movies? It’s already sort-of a thing in Civil War
Yay, hope you like it :)
oh wow, now that you mention it she WAS a lot like an angstier, overdramatic version of Catwoman. Sad thing is that she could probably have been a decent OC if I wasn’t too immature to make  good character at the time. My problem with character development was that I was way too addicted to angst…
Oh, now that you mention it though, Naomi has both a chimera kagune and a kakuja XD she’d be op if not for the fact that she has no idea how to use either.
They really do sound great! It’d be cool to see a story (no matter how short or long) with Nara and Kya sometime ;)
Tysm <3333 I’m really glad you liked him! I’m working on the Naomi/my other OCs submission right now :)
And yes, Tatsuo is trash. Magnificent trash. Chaotic neutral leaning towards evil. I have this scene where he gets sort-of wrecked by an investigator, and when he’s lying on the ground trying to recover the investigator insults him for his behavior (“what, do you like getting beat up, you masochistic bastard?”). Tatsuo promptly arranges his face into a…um…slightly 'suggestive’ expression while batting his eyelashes at the investigator (“And if I do? What are you going to do about it, sir~?” in a very breathy voice).
He uses the investigator’s disgust/embarrassment as a distraction to give himself time to heal his wounds, then promptly gets up and slices off the man’s head.
It really is lovely <3
(that gif tho)
Historia and Ymir are waltzing to that song. Suddenly, Ymir asks Historia to look at her and apologizes for being stupid. Historia laughs and asks her what she’s talking about, to which Ymir says that she’s broken her promise, that she knows she was an idiot and that she’s sorry, so sorry for leaving her behind, but she can’t take back the choice she made. “Live proudly with your head held high, Historia. Make it a life with no regrets.”
Suddenly the music stops and Historia wakes up with tears in her eyes.
Every time I see the hug, I feel warm inside.
Honestly, the food eating is the thing that confuses me the most. I get that she’s pregnant, but why human food?  also, if she’s punching her stomach for it to ‘go through’ like she did in the anime, I doubt it’s good for the baby. Maybe.
Oh my, now I want to see that child. Dammit, Ishida, give us a Touka/Uta lovechild, we need it!  But the Kaneku/Touka one would also be pretty powerful. I mean, if they get both kagunes and their parents’ looks, they’re good to go. Kaneki’s also smart, so that would be a plus. As long as they don’t get his crippling depression as well.
That would certainly be an interesting turn of events ^^;;;
I bet Kaneki has right about 0 ideas about how to handle a child, much less a screaming baby and even less a teenager going through their rebellious phase.
Holy shit. All along, the perfect cast of Hamilton was hiding in the next generation. Quickly, everyone, get to making babies!! We need them :p At least our questioning about who from TG would make a good Hamilton has been answered hahah An unborn character who might never be born, knowing Ishida. Nice.
Now that, that would be a moment in which my hear would melt. I would start crying while also smiling, and yet I’d be angry for no reason, but it’s HIDEEEEE
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I’ll get to it tomorrow, I suppose. Hopefully.  I like your sister hahah Seems like something I’d do if I liked Bucky more
Yep. I know of the ship. Apparently, it came out of nowhere.
We all have our problems with OCs... You gave them too much angst and I made them overpowered. You still give your characters a shitton of angst, but you seem to know how to have it make more sense, other than being angst for the sake of angst. I hope so, at least.
That miiight be a tiny bit op, despite her not knowing to use them, tho. She’ll learn to use it eventually and then it’ll definitely be a bit op.
Ah, here’s the thing about my OCs. They get created and that’s where it stops for them. I might think up random scenarios with them, but I’ll never write anything with them. Too much of a bother, in my opinion. I’d rather stick to short imagines with other people giving me ideas for them.
Yep, can’t wait to see it ^^
I think Tatsuo would be my ‘I love to hate you’ character hahah Chaotic Neutrals usually do that to me. Chaotic lawful, though, just makes me mad.
The gif is another one of my favourites
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Here’s an alternate usage hahah
Once again, 
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This face can be used in so many situations XD
0 notes
WARNING: Rambly nonsense!
I’m about to get pretty verbose, so it’s going under a read-more. But after waiting a good while, I’m ready to talk about this.
I’ve been waiting to make sure that I had some time watching Dictators Circus FINAL (DC FINAL from this point on) and its Behind the Scenes DVD over and over again before I put my thoughts into words, so here we go:
Let’s talk about the bad first because there’s really only one bad thing about DC FINAL that, well, upsets just about every Pierra out there. We all know what it is, but let’s get it out there for those that haven’t seen the concerts in some capacity.
Aiji was, for the most part, acting like a goddamn douchebag. His entire IDGAF attitude throughout it was, well, disheartening. You’d think that he’d have some fondness for the band that made him big, but NOPE! He has the expression like he stepped in some cat shit barefoot. He really did not like it all that much whenever Kirito got near him.
He was just whatever with Jun, but I think Aiji wouldn’t dare piss off the one other dude in the band that sided with him back in 2006. In fact, I really do think that if it wasn’t for Jun, Aiji wouldn’t have agreed to a reunion in the first place. He didn’t want to be there, plain and simple. It got to the point where I thought that the next time PIERROT decides they want to have a reunion and Aiji doesn’t want to do it, Kirito could always just ask Karyu to take Aiji’s spot. Of course, that’s a moot point since another one’s happening and Aiji’s on board with it. Here’s hoping he doesn’t act like an asshole this time around.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a musician’s ear, so I can’t tell this myself, but I do remember Polochon mentioning something of Aiji switching up chords to make Kirito sound off and overplaying to cover Kirito’s voice, which was then retaliated by Kohta overplaying his bass to cover Aiji’s guitar. I wish she had mentioned which song/s all of that had happened on.
I’m going to quote @ominous-musings here because she summed it up best when we were talking about Aiji and his ‘tude: “God, it's like he just showed up to a temp job to pick up a paycheck so he can pay his electric bill. That's how entirely uninterested Aiji is in this.”
Truer words have never been spoken about concerning Aiji and his performance on DC Final.
Luckily, that was the worst of the concert. On to the good stuff!
This band has never sounded as good as they do here. Eight years apart has not dulled their ability to perform together nor the songs at all. Listening to PIERROT is a comfort and I know that, for some, watching the concerts is difficult simply because we’re all reminded of the bad blood that happened and that it was a tearjerker killer for us.
THANKFULLY, DC Final is fantastic and I feel we can go back and look at the earlier concerts without feeling that pain anymore. I feel healed and rejuvenated watching it, knowing that it’s a far happier concert overall. Also, the few songs off of the Freeze album that were played gave me a better impression of these songs. Seriously, I think the Freeze album wouldn’t be considered to be meh if we got to hear the entire album live (Don’t get me wrong, Window is still my favorite track off of the album, but Pieces rose up the ranks thanks to the live performance).
Kirito was in great spirits, just all around happy and a bit spacey, like as though he’s in a dream that was thought to be impossible. Like, he’s still the same stubborn, gotta-have-it-his-way ass, but he’s mellower too. He’s more open with his emotions out there and, therefore, it makes for a much softer Kirito. It also makes for a nicer Kirito all around. Like, he tried, he tried really hard to be as nice to Aiji as possible. And that niceness may simply because he didn’t want to cause any more issues than there already were between him and Aiji. Like, Aiji made damn sure to not be near Kirito willingly. Kirito had to drag Aiji on the 2nd day into proper position for a traditional line-up at the end.
Kohta’s performance was fun and, not only that, a riot. His MC on the 2nd day was hilarious. Plus, I thought his clothes were rather cool. Just seeing that big, bright smile on his face was just sweet. He was just beaming and happy to see the family he grew up in back together again. And goddamnit, the reunion was worth it for that alone.
There’s not much to say about Takeo because Takeo goes out of his way to only be noticeable in one thing and one thing only: his drumming. It’s as solid and consistent as it has always been. One thing I will mention is how absolutely nervous he looked on the first day, just before getting on the stage (as shown in the Making of DVD). Poor darling, I wanted to give him a hug.
Finally, we’ve come to my ultimate bias, Jun. And holy shit, does that asshole ever age?! He’s forty-one during these concerts and he still looks like he could get carded at American bars. He looks younger than me and I’m thirty-one now. So not fair. Every last one of these folks talking about K-Poppers looking good and shit, well, get back to me when they’ve defied time in their forties, okay? And no, it’s not just the make-up. Jun could have no makeup on and he would STILL look twenty. He won the goddamn genetic lottery, complete with the fountain of youth built right in. For fuck’s sakes, he’s older than Gackt by a couple of months and Gackt is the one looking older than Jun.
(For those wondering why I didn’t say that about the others, it’s because the others don’t look two decades younger. They do look younger, but would you mistakenly think that Kirito, Aiji, Kohta, or Takeo as being under the age of 21? No? Didn’t think so.)
Also... I’m going to give a warning here that I’m about to go into shipper trash territory. This is the other reason why I put this under a cut.
Yeah, if nothing else came out of these concerts, it’s pretty much confirming that the two of them are friends again. Even during songs where cuddling isn’t necessary, Kirito was right up on Jun’s side often. Also, those fucking smiles they had. Like, damn. I legit cried during Last Letter, Birthday, and Super String Theory the first time I watched it because it killed my KiriJun shipper trash heart. I genuinely hope that, maybe someday, the two of them will work together to create new music, even if it isn’t in PIERROT (*insert dreams of a CELLCODE/CRims collaboration*).
So, now, here comes the question: Where to get this pain in the ass concert? Luckily, it’s relatively easy if you have the cash to get a physical copy. There are people on Yahoo!Japan auctioning this concert like it’s going out of style. I used Buyee to buy it out at the seller’s buy out price, but it is expensive. Expect to spend about $300 or so on average to get it (it may or may not include shipping, depending on how cheap it is).
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