vonchaz · 11 months
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Giving the girls Diana Ross.
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Types of Candles.
Candles and Oil lamps play a powerful role in the practice of Rootwork,hoodoo, conjure. Not only does useing a Candle Spells form a certain type of magical rite on their own, candles and lamps may also be used with mojo bag you can placed your candle on top of a container or jar spells, and placed on your altar and used as a act of religious devotion.
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The earliest years African Americans couldn't get candles so easly and oil lamps candle be made using anything such as a plate for the religious ceremonies.
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Offertory or Household Candles.
Offertory candles are straight-sided candles in the 6 inch height. Also called "household candles," they are larger than 4 inch. They are intended for use with prayer, when casting a magic spell, or doing conjure work.
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Jumbo 9" candles are thicker, burn longer, and come in double-colours as well as in single colours. All of these types of candles can be inscribed, dressed with oils, powders or herbs and used for spiritual practices..
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Tea Lights are very small disk-shaped candles poured or fitted into aluminum or plastic cups. Originally designed to be used at the table to keep foods and drinks warm (hence the name "tea light"), there are relatively safe to burn. Their small size is also an advantage for busy people who wish continue a devotion to a deity, saint, spirit etc.
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Votive candles are candles moulded to fit into a glass or ceramic votive holder. They can be burned as free-standing lights they can be placed in holders if you wish to "read" the way their wax melts for the purposes of divination. There all good altar candles and are seen in a church.
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Altar candles are straight-sided candles in the small 4 inch height. Alter Lights are convenient to use as they burn faster than the more commonly found 6" Offertory Candles during prayer, so when if your doing magic, Jumbo 9" candles are thicker and burn longer.
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Figural candles are made in many forms and are used by many types of practitioners of magic, like dolls there made to resemble various entities and objects helps the practitioner concentrate on the objective to be achieved. These include human beings, devils, angels, skulls and other figures, in colors magically appropriate to the kind of spell being performed.
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Novena" (nine day) candles, "seven-day candles," "church candles," and "vigil lights," many names for a glass-encased candles. It is customary to dress vigil candles with anointing oils as they are burned. Many professional psychic readers and rootworkers set such lights for clients, as part of their candle burning ministry. Great to have.
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Oil lamps employ a liquid fuel, held in a reservoir. Made with a cotton wick these candles were use way before all others in root work in my opinion. These types of candle cane be made from pretty much anything. The fuel may be any kind of liquid animal fat such as butter or lard, olive oil, sun oil, kerosene or lamp oil, and many others. Traditional hoodooist, vodou, most African religions uses these. Roots, herbs and other ingredients that are appropriate are added. The fuel may be dyed and perfumed for the purpose of a working, devotional for a saint,spirit or deity and they can be made to last longer then any other candle.
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alwayschasingrainbows · 8 months
Tangled Web Readalong - a black cat's wishbone:
"If I'd a black cat's wish-bone I'd give it to you, Gay," he said whimsically. "They tell me as long as you have a black cat's wish-bone you can get everything you want."
Tangled Web by L. M. Montgomery
I never heard about "black cat wishbone", so I googled it. I have learnt from Wikipedia, that:
"A black cat bone is a type of lucky charm used in the magical tradition of hoodoo. It is thought to ensure a variety of positive effects, such as invisibility, good luck, protection from malevolent magic, rebirth after death, and romantic success."
"The black cat has been a symbol of both good and ill luck in near-worldwide folklore accounts. Magical traditions involving black cat bones, specifically, have been found in German-Canadian practice as well as in hoodoo; these German-Canadian magic-makers were not previously in contact with hoodooists, suggesting a European origin to the charm."
Trigger warning: the paragraph, hidden below the cut (and I hid it for a reason) contains a description of animal slaughter and animal cruelty, used in so called "rituals". Please, feel free to skip the part hidden under the cut.
Another thing: I haven't heard of "black cat wishbone" before. If somebody did a research about it, please feel free to comment or correct me (or rather, Wikipedia).
Here is the Wikipedia link:
"After a black cat is caught, it is almost universally boiled alive in a pot of water at midnight, so that its bones may be more easily looked over by the practitioner. One particular bone, special to each individual cat, contains all the magical efficacy alone. This part of the ritual comes from the European magical text, the Book of Saint Cyprian."
A variety of rituals and methods are used to determine which bone is the right one, and preparation before the cat's slaughter can vary according to tradition.
One method of obtaining a black cat bone, described in Zora Neale Hurston's Mules and Men, involves a period of fasting before the actual catching of the animal. After the standard boiling of the cat's corpse, each bone is tasted by the hoodooist, who then selects the first bitter-tasting bone as the correct one.
Another way to determine the magical bone, though it is otherwise similar in procedure, involves a mirror. When the reflection of the bone becomes dark, the hoodoo practitioner will know that it is the right one. A variation of this method is also practiced on the Sea Islands, where the one bone that does not reflect in the mirror is believed to be magical.
Yet another method of determining which bone is the correct one is to dump all the bones into a river. The bone that floats upstream is to be considered the bone of choice."
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lordamenxra · 3 years
He's one of my favorite. Especially as an African American Occultist! 😍 Also recently read about the Rosicrucian Hoodooist as well in one of my Hoodoo books. I love my path and reads. If anyone finds any other African American Occultist that were well known or even not in history please share with me.
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teratoatthedisco · 4 years
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Icon by @exeviik4rt
CashApp: $Malocriado
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- Cryptid Pansexual
- Terato|Guro Junkie
- Hoodooist
- Minors DNI
- Aspiring Toothfairy
- Rep your Girl Gang
- Side Blog @coquettishguro
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I've been seeing lately people going to a Metaphysical Shop and purchasing Conjure Oils, which alright it's their money, but after they use it their like "I'm Workin Dem Roots". Bitch please, all your workin is mass manufactured oils that all smell the same just different colors.
So now I'm goin to break it down, true Conjure Oils are NOT manufactured in some warehouse vibrating different energies, true Conjure Oils are made by a Root worker/ConjureMan or Women/Hoodooist in Four steps which are as follows:
1- creating the conjure oil base with a base oil that corresponds to the oils purpose, herbs, roots, flowers, resin, berries etc.....that also corresponds to the purpose. Each Herb, Root, Resin etc... Is added one by one whilst sayin your intent for each one, enough herbs etc... to fill a mason jar. Then the base oil is added enough to cover all the ingredients, then the jar is sealed and shook up and placed upon your Altar.
2- Prayers, Petitions, Psalms, Bible Verses etc... Is then spoke daily over the oil as you mix it and shake it up. Prayers, Petitions, Psalms and Bible Verses are used to empower the oil with it's intent and purpose, to give an extra boost candle lighting, Vigils and Figurine Candles can be placed up the jar, in front of it or in a cross formation. To ground, bind it or drawing to you oils will have the candles going from ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️, to banish, control, dominate etc... ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️. The prayers again are spoken daily as the jar is shaken up, I personally let my oil and herbs blend for 3 weeks at the minimum, depending on the purpose of the oil I've let some steep for up to a 3 months.
3- After the Prayers, Petitions, Psalms and or Bible Verses have been spoken daily for the duration of the steeping, now you strain the oil out and into a new clean mason jar. And before anyone gets all jumpy thinking it's done IT'S NOT. This is just the base oil for the Conjure Oil in the making. Now that it's strained, you can add the other ingredients such as Essential Oils, a pinch of more Roots, crystals etc... Then the lid goes back on jar and the jar is set upon the altar for no less then 3 days with the petitions, prsyers, Psalms etc.... Being said.
4- Now that all is done, this is where your oil is complete and ready for work. You can bottle it up as gifts, merchandise, personal use etc....
I personally recommend if you bottle it up to add a piece of High John the Conqueror or any other Herb it root that was used to help keep oil empowered
This is how true Conjure Oils are made, they aren't made in a factory or warehouse, they are not authentic per say, but manufactured for quantity not quality
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afrowitchling · 5 years
Oh my God! You're just like me! I'm black, pan/bi, and INFP! I'm also a novice rootworker/hoodooist. I love your blog btw ❤
omg thank u so much😭💓💗💖
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hexenbomb · 7 years
Deadlands Session 9/19/17
Okay to start, this wasn’t an adventure written by our Marshal. This was a legit official Deadlands adventure. Warning: Long AF post cause damn this session was a doozy
This is Part 1 of 2?- Knights Without Armor
Basically the setting was after Romano had lost most of his arm a while ago maybe a few weeks in game. Gretchen was checking in on him in between staying her lab/workshop and going to New Mexico once to check on the Ghost Rock mine (where the Twilight Legion’s deal with the Native Americans there gives her a decent supply of ghost rock).
Lord Benedict, the benefactor of the chapter of the Grand Island Twilight Legion that we stay in and call our headquarters called us in to the main room for a meeting.
He told us of an ad looking for some hired guns. The one who placed the ad wanted to recover some lost property of his and that was all that was said. Our posse agreed to travel to southern Arizona to take up the job and investigate any possible weirdness.
We get to the town and find our way to the ranch.
Some of the men on ranch gives us shit and Gretchen, being a bit on edge due her paranoia and not liking this one particular guy talking shit about her accent as she had said “Guten tag!” as a greeting, just stares him down until he backs off. (I rolled for an intimidation check).
We enter the ranch house, talk to the man who at his request has a Frenchman named Lance come with us. Lance tells us that he believes that a family heirloom of his is in the Mexican town we are heading to. But that he will assist us if needed. We are given the assignment of rescuing a darker skinned woman by the name of Rosalina(?) who had been kidnapped from this estate. It’s a 30 mile ride by horseback to the border town of Mexico and as we ride we start seeing weird mirages and the air feels way to hot for a desert. We realize we are in an area with a Fear Level of 4. It gets dark we stop for the night.
Gretchen doesn’t go to sleep cause of her erratic sleeping schedule and Steve Lux, half-Sioux huckster, stays up with to keep watch while the others sleep. But during the night, things get weird. (Steve and Gretchen are told to roll for Notice). Both Steve and Gretchen both notice the sound of an eerie whinny, spooking all our horses into running away. About 60 feet from the edge of our makeshift campsite, a pitch black demonic looking horse rears up and whinnies again.
(We are told to roll a Guts check at -8, -4 for the Fear Level and -4 for the creature itself. Both Steve and Gretchen fail horribly). Steve faints due his heart nearly stopping and Gretchen is shaken out of fear. She cannot move at all. All she can do is scream to alert the camp. Everyone wakes up and can’t do anything to the horse as it just runs off after we take a few pot shots at the thing. Later on when day breaks, we make our way to the border town after retrieving our horses. We stay for the night and immediately leave in the morning, not wanting to stay any longer than necessary.
We get into Mexico and hang out in the local cantina with Steve outside watching just in case. Gretchen is sitting at the bar, watching her posse but also closely watch this group of French Legionnaires that came into the bar as Doc Johnson talks to them. They all look super tired and mention that their Major has been more “tyrannical” in his operating of the base.
Later on that night we make camp near this barn since there isn’t really a motel or anything like that.
Night goes relatively quiet until we are all woken up by loud commanding French. Lance translates and says that they were told to arrest our group on the suspicion that we are rebels. (There was an unrelated thing going on between rebels and the Legionnaires). Romano steps up and says that we aren’t here to cause trouble. The Frenchman he is talking to just insultingly flicks Romano’s royal crest on his breastplate. That irritates Romano and Gretchen just watches, paranoid, having been rudely woken up. Having only her pistol in her holster as she she doesn’t go to sleep in a new place with something on her while she sleeps.
Romano reaches into his bag and gently unfolds an official letter from the Queen of Spain. (He was a former Spanish count who fought in the Third Carlist War). The man just grabs it and tosses it towards a pile of manure.
Romano instantly draws his sword, enraged at the blatant insult. Gretchen draws her pistol, pointing it at the man and taking a shot at him. She took Romano drawing his sword as the okay to attack. She barely clips him. After the fight, they tie up all the men, surprisingly not killed any of them.
Gretchen slowly walks over the the letter, gently dusting it off and looking it over. She notices the legitimacy of the letter, the feminine handwriting, a royal seal as she holds it out the Spaniard. He gives a small nod of gratitude, dusting it off a little more then folding it up with care and putting it back into his belongings. The letter and his family crest the only things tying him to his past, his family that was killed in the war, to the Spanish Royal Crown.
We decide to take the men’s uniforms and disguise ourselves to infiltrate the base as we knew some fuckery was happening in there now as we almost got arrested at the orders of the Major for no reason. Gretchen was forced to leave behind her weapons and goggles, only allowed to take her pistol and the rifle of one of the Legionnaires. She tucks her hair as best she can into the hat and her posse tells her not to talk as her German accent could cause problems.
But we had made some noise in the confrontation and a priest of Mexican descent had overheard and came to investigate. Steve noticed an aura of magic around this man and after a few questions learned that the priest was a Blessed (a divine blessed type of character than can perform miracles but only through prayer).
Steve knew what some Blessed were capable of and asked if there was any possibility of Romano getting healed. To which the priest confirmed but only on the condition that Romano came with him alone. This didn’t sit right with either Doc Johnson or Gretchen so they attempted to follow but lost the trail.
About 15 minutes of walking around the small town towards the church, we noticed the priest walking down the road towards our group. But he is not alone.
There is another man, looking so familiar yet different. He appeared as though he had regressed in age to look about 26.
Gretchen stopped and it takes a moment to register.
This was Romano.
Whatever the man did to heal her compatriot had made him whole again. No missing left eye, no limp, no missing left arm. All had been healed.
(And also had gotten rid of all his phobias and hindrances)
Gretchen is so overcome with shock and joy at seeing Romano full healed that she breaks from the group and runs down the street towards him. When she get to him her first action is to grab the Spaniard by the head, looking him over frantically and asking a million questions as to how this was possible. But Romano stays tight lipped about the circumstances of what happened in order for him to be healed.
Using Steve Lux as our “captive”, the posse and Lance, posing at as the Sargent of the company that we tied up in the barn start heading up to the base.
We are let into the base, Lance acting as our Sargent due him being the only one able to speak French. Steve detects evil black magic coming from the Major and when he sees the Major’s back turned, instantly blasts him in the back, killing him. He turns invisible and books it out of the open gates of the base.
Lance takes charge and barks (fake) orders in French telling people to search for whoever did that (as Steve instantly turned invisible and ran). The rest of posse investigates the base during the confusion and finds a room with a five pointed star with candles burning, a darker-skinned woman in a chair looking very stressed.
Gretchen smashes the candles with heel of her boot, Romano scuffing up the symbol on the ground with his sword. Her and Doc Johnson tinker with cuffs that were keeping this woman’s hands chained to the wall and break her free. We ask for her name and she confirms it as Rosalina(?).
In rescuing Rosalina(?), she had told us of the Red Devil. An Apache man who had been using black magic to control the major. And also that she herself was a Hoodooist. She was unsure of why she had been kidnapped so there wasn’t much we had to go on there.
We quickly leave the fort and Lance immediately wants to go to the church, as he believes that the artifact, his ‘family heirloom’ is there. But Romano adamantly disagrees with that idea, saying we should find a safe place to talk to this woman. However Lance is insistent in going to to church and had been very secretive over any information regarding what the artifact he was looking for was. Romano attempted to question him to no avail. Lance angrily accused Romano about knowing what the artifact was and not telling anyone.
However, Gretchen still very on edge and emotional from earlier events, snapped. She was done with this bastard.
The insane German woman shouted in anger, stomped up the man, fury in her eyes. She grabbed him by his jacket, yanking him close to her face, blue eyes wide in anger and demanded answers.
“I am fucking tired of zis secret-keeping of yours! Now you tell us vhat the hell zis family heirloom you are looking for is! Vhat does it look like?!”
Her shouting and sudden snapping scared Lance so badly that when Gretchen lets go of him he stumbles a few steps back. He straightened himself up and mumbles something about the artifact being a cup.
Romano’s instantly draws his sword and points it at Lance, refusing to let him get anywhere near the church. In response, Lance also draws his own sword. demanding a duel.
If Romano wins, Lance is going to be kept on a very very short leash. Not allowed to do anything without posse members watching him.
If Lance wins, he gets to go to the church without any problems.
The rest of the posse stood off to the sides, anxious and unsure. Especially Gretchen who had a hand resting on her pistol and staring at Lance in anger.
There was a tense stand off, swords both pointed at each other in dueling positions. But in a quick few swings, despite being evenly matched in skill, Romano had Lance laid out on the ground with some nonlethal but still pretty nasty gashes on his arms and chest.
It was then Romano realized that Vehementi, his sword, was vibrating. The faint sound of Ave Maria buzzing in his ears.
Vehementi only acted this way around undead or Harrowed.
Lance was undead.
During the duel, Steve had gone to the church and now was walking with him to where the posse was.
“I kept my word.” said Romano to the priest as he sheathed his sword.
Romano angrily reiterated that Lance was now under an even tighter leash, considering that he was undead. Gretchen took this metaphor literally and asked Romano if he wanted her to make an actual leash. He shook his head but thought it was amusing.
Keeping a close eye on Lance, everyone met up at the church. After closing the doors, the posse tied up Lance and locked him a nearby room.
Finally having some privacy, the priest took the time to explain what had happened to Romano.
The priest had had an experience a long while ago, about being some ancient catacombs. He was unsure if it was real or just a dream, But in that experience he had found a smooth clay cup. And when he woke up, he had it in his possession.
It was the Holy Grail.
That was the artifact that Lance had been after.
The fact that such a powerful item was here made sense as to how Romano can gotten healed.
It was a true divine miracle.
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I was wondering if you would be willing to share your opinions on some things? I've been very interested in vodou, vodoo, and hoodoo (theory, not practice) since I took a religious anthropology class my freshman year of college. I recently got the chance to visit New Orleans, and it was neat to see the shops and museums, but I couldn't help but feel that some of it was geared more towards tourists than anything else. (1/3)
I’m glad that people can make a living doing these things, but I wondered what your thoughts were concerning tourists who don’t necessarily take it seriously? Or shop owners who aren’t necessarily authentic profiting off it as a tourist trade, as well as those who are authentic? (I was really pleased with the way the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum was set up!) I’m also curious to hear your opinions about white folks who go through the ‘proper channels’ to practice. I felt that many of the books that were for sale in some of the shops were largely written by white anthropologists, or those in religious studies, who were welcomed by practitioners and allowed to be initiated to not only study, but practice as well. I hope this isn’t too much or too invasive. 
I have a lot of different feelings on this topic (thank you for asking me!)
I feel like New Orleans is a lot like places like Hawaii and Mexico. Places that look ‘exotic’ and ‘other worldly’ and a slight feeling of ‘something is here, something big and important, but I cant put my finger on it’. That feeling is the struggle POCs had to go through that makes these places so interesting. The history there should always showcased. But just the history. And when it comes to a practice like Voodoo, its hard to find that line when sharing the history because in turn you end up sharing some secrets or some things you should only learn when in the practice. That’s why a lot of Haitian and African practitioners don’t like New Orleans Voodoo, because of how commercialized it is. 
Is it right? Ehh depends on who you ask. I feel like (and I just kind went into this in another ask) if what happened to us didn’t happen, and the Europeans just minded their business like they should have, eventually things like Voodoo and Hoodoo would be much easier to share because we wouldn’t of had that lingering, almost stingy feeling over our practices. But, that’s not what happened, and because of that its really hard to be aware of New Orleans and what they’re doing and be 100% ok with it, as you can see.
I appreciate New Orleans as a whole. Yes people outside of the US think its a fake voodoo, but it came from somewhere didn’t it? It’s got its history, and the energy of ‘through all hardships, we will prevail’ is there and that’s what draws people in.
I also appreciate the shops there. Am I 100% ok with them commercializing that practice like that, lol hell no. Like I said, there is a line that should of been found when it came to selling New Orleans and selling voodoo. Shops like that just make it easier for misinformation to spread.
And for the authentic practitioners and museums, bless them. Its not their fault that their city became a hot-spot for ‘an exotic place to visit’. If anything, they should get their coin. Yeah, their are gonna be plenty of frauds just out there trying to make money instead of actually helping people, but that’s kinda life. Power to the authentic ones though.
White people going through the right right channels tho~
Am I gonna be salty about it? Ehh no. I can’t waste my time on something that already been done. I’d rather put the word our there to those thinking about doing it than those who’ve already done it. Should they have done it? In my opinion no. Are there exceptions? Yep, and long story short they should figure that out themselves. They’re special cases. But overall, I think white people shouldn’t be able to practice. I feel like they can study, and sit and look at a ceremony, but to be able to fully practice, nah. (even though I have to admit, I’m glad those specific ones are practicing in the right way.)
Now, if I ever see a white practitioner I’m not about to waste my energy yelling at them. I might side eye them. And when I say ‘might’ I mean ‘might’, because that’s still wasting energy on something that can’t really be changed. I wish it wouldn’t happen, and I’ll continue to voice my opinion on why I think it shouldn’t happen. But if they’re practitioners that are white, oh well. At the most, all I can do is just not go to their ceremonies and not talk to them.
At the end of the day New Orleans is a tourist attraction, whether people wish it wasn’t or people hate that it exists, it’s going to still be there. There are going to be white voodooists, there are going to be con artists and scammers, and there are going to be shops just in it for the money. And then your going to have authentic people, Black witches, hoodooists, and voodooists, and people who know about Voodoo, and it’s history, and who give readings that aren’t full of nothing, and who are open minded and know exactly what their talking about.
When going, I think its important to know that everything you see isn’t real, authentic, and just plane ol not right. But, that’s how it is. And I think it’s more important to just go for the experience of going, instead of dwelling on things you can’t change.
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wyzper317 · 7 years
Any witches/Vodouizant/Hoodooists/ Witches live in the Shreveport-Bossier area please re blog so we can be friends 😍🤗🤗😝
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maildaily-blog · 8 years
Witches will be out protesting President Donald Trump on Friday night the best way they know how - magic! Men and women from around the world are planning to gather and cast a spell at midnight that will stop President Trump from doing harm while also possibly banishing him from office. Mass rituals have also been planned in multiple covens, during which men and women will perform a spell to bind President Trump and all those who abet him by delivering a chant and holding a brief ceremony. This is not an exclusive witches-only event wither, with Wiccans, shamans, Heremeticists, cunning folk, sorcerers and sorceresses, hoodooists, occultists, magicians, Ceremonialists and Ritualists also invited and urged to take part. The mass binding could not be easier either, with only a handful of household objects needed for the ceremony and the newly composed chant available online for all to see. President Trump, who has long been a strong and vocal proponent of 'witch hunts,' has yet to comment on the planned ritual. Among the objects required to complete this spell are an unflattering photo of Trump, a tiny orange candle, a Tower tarot card and bowls of water and salt. There must also be a pin, which is used to carve Trump's name on the candle. Once that first step is complete, the aforementioned items should be arranged around the individual in a pleasing position along with a feather, a white candle and an ashtray or dish filled with sand. From there, a prayer for protection should be said by all participants before they launch into the chant.
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