#Hope you like it Vin! 😊
It's my friend @the-duke-of-nuts birthday today!
Sooo happy birthday Vin, here's my second present for you... Of course I had to make something involving one of your favourite sides! 😊💚
I tried to do a bit more of a detailed continuous line drawing and I'll admit that I'm pretty proud of this one 😊
Happy birthday Vin, never forget how awesome you are; you'll always be my favourite Duke! 😊💚🖤💚
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luckystar1327 · 11 days
mistborn thoughts ch 24-30
Okay i like OreSeur i hope he doesnt die a horrific death
Oh dear Spook is so snippy now. I love him. Also poor boy being reduced to a packman 😭
Tindwyl is being so nice to Vin aww :(( If only Kelsier was still alive then Vin could have two positive parental adjacent figures in her life (okay maybe positive is a bit of a stretch but its fine)
Ah i see we’re still in the ‘hell in a handbasket’ stage of the heist
Vin stop being homophobic accept the genderfluid OreSeur agenda
So if Kelsier was basically Vin’s dad does that mean Marsh is her uncle (unrelated to the book i just miss marsh)
aww wait Mare could have been her mom :( That would have been amazing actually. Someone more experienced than Spook to train her in tin. (I just got the biggest urge to make art adjacent to this give me like a week)
Hey can i kill straff please 😊
Vin i am BEGGING you. Stop giving Zane all your secrets.
I really hate how Kelsier and Zane keep getting compared!!!!!! It is making me Uncomfy!!!!!
PFFT Vin was petting the kandra 😭
i greatly enjoy kandra humor
Wuh oh Kelsier influenced Vin too much. Now she too sits incorrectly in chairs.
Pause. I thought we knew that the mist was related to the Deepness. Did. Did we not know that.
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scienter · 26 days
Three Wind and Truth Chapters today!!
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Let's get into it.
So Kaladin's suspicion was correct: the Wind is a spren.
I love the imagery of Adolin riding Gallant in the air. Being a child of the 80s kid I immediately thought of Rainbow Brite. lmao
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Instead of riding a rainbow, Adolin rides the winds.
I love Maya in these chapters. I can't wait to see how she progresses.
Kelek: “It is this: just because something is fleeting, do not imagine it to be unimportant. [ ] And likewise, just because something is eternal, do not assume it to be… to be relevant…”
🤔 Does anyone else think Brandon was warning the readers?
“Adolin Kholin, highprince, son of the most powerful man on the planet, renowned swordsman, was secretly one of the goofiest people she’d ever known.”
Yes, he is. That’s why we love him.
Dead eyes fade from the physical realm once they’re forgotten. Hmm. . .
“I am afraid.” Did Shallan just swear another oath? Or was that an old oath? I’ve lost track. . .
Kaladin can hear Nightblood! Has he done this before? I don’t remember . . .
Will there be snacks? the sword asked. I’m supposed to ask if there will be snacks anytime we go somewhere.
“Who told you that?” Szeth asked.
Lift. She says it’s important. I don’t think I can eat snacks—maybe cut them up though? But if it’s important that they be there, I want to know.
“I’ll bring snacks,” Kaladin said. “Szeth, let’s meet at the Oathgate in two hours. All right?”
Oh, Lift! 😂
I love Lift btw. I'm hoping she goes with Szeth & Kaladin to Shinovar because I really loved LIft's interactions with Szeth in Oathbringer, and I want to see some Kaladin & Lift scenes. Can we get them in this book? 🙏
And of course, Kaladin’s bringing Tien’s small toy horse. He wouldn't leave without that. I wonder who packed the rock though? Tien's spirit?🤨
Dabbid attracted an honorspren! Good for him. Love how everyone except Dabbid noticed that he's attracted an honorspren. 😊 And Syl thinks Lustinia is a bore! HA!
All agree the first key moment came when Kaladin Stormblessed listened. Though not an Edgedancer, he did a fine impression of their oaths. —From Knights of Wind and Truth, page 8
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Kaladin listened to the Rhythms or the Wind? Probably the Rhythms.
I looked up the Edgdancer oaths as a reminder:
“I will remember those who have been forgotten.”
“I will listen to those who have been ignored.”
Yeah, I can see Kaladin as an Edgedancer. If he wasn’t a Windrunner then he’d probably be an Edgedancer. I wonder what the significance of this is though. I'm guessing it's related to the Wind and the Heralds leaving or something.🤔
“Not supposed to be,” Kaladin said. “I have reason to worry though, and Wit implied something… storms, like I might not be coming—”
“You’ll be back,” Skar said.
“I don’t know if I will, Skar. Not this time.”
“I was there when the storms tried to claim you. We went out to cut down a corpse, and found you alive. There’s more than a bit of the wind to you, Kal, and the east wind sees tomorrow before anyone else does. You’ll be back.”
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Is this foreshadowing or a misdirection? Why does Brandon want us to think/worry/anticipate Kaladin not making it back?  
I’m trying to remember whether Brandon has ever been so blatant about hinting at a character’s death. (I’m re-reading Warbreaker right now, and Lightsong talks/thinks about giving his divine breath away, but that’s the whole point of being Returned.) Was Brandon this blatant about Wayne’s death? Or Vin and Elend’s? Or was he more subtle? I didn't pick up on Wayne dying until half-way through the book (the goodbye scene). So, I’m just wondering why the flags for Kaladin are this blatant especially when a previous chapter set up Kaladin as Dalinar’s heir. Does Kaladin leave Roshar with the Wind and the Heralds?
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In any case, I hope Skar is right.
Oh, and Syl has things???  Ok then. She's acting more human with every chapter, and I'm interested in seeing how this develops (especially knowing about Ishar's spren experiments).
"Reality,” Shallan hissed, “is what I decide it to be."
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the-duke-of-nuts · 2 years
One out of three presents for you, The Duke of AWESOMENESS! 😄
I'm sending one as an ask and the other two will be posted when you leeeeast expect it, because I can be sappy in an ask hehe 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIN!! I hope that your day is just as incredible as you! 🎉 I'm so lucky to call you my friend, I tell you this all the time but I appreciate you so much!! 😊💚🖤💚 Thank you for always making me smile and laugh whenever it's been a rough day, you always know what to do to make every day seem that little bit brighter 😊 Talking to you is so easy! The amount of AUs we've created and stories we have planned makes me so excited to think about... Thank you for being such a creative spark 🌟
You're the kindest, funniest, most talented, amazing and caring guy I've ever known and I'm so grateful to have you in my life 😊 Happy birthday Vin, I hope you enjoy it and like the gifts... Without further ado, ere's your first one 😊💚🖤💚
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AHHHHHHH D R E A M THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It may be my day but Uno reverse card my friend you are 1000% those things as well! The photo edits look so damn cool and I love it thank you!!! 🖤💚🖤
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi again😊 soooo my birthday is tomorrow and i just have a thought do eternals have birthday?🤔(maybe they don't 🤣) Just wondering if you can make a short story of a celebration of their birthday maybe thena or Gilgamesh 😄 thankyouuuuuuu❣️
"Wait, so what is it called?"
"Coq au vin," Gilgamesh smiled over his shoulder as he attended to the very delicate sauce required of the dish. "It's French for chicken in wine, basically."
"Oh," Thena nodded as she continued chopping vegetables for him on the other counter. "I thought you were saying cocoa something."
"You thought I was going to braise chicken for something with chocolate?" Gil laughed at just the thought as he set the sauce on low and wipes his hands on his apron.
"Well, I dunno," Thena shrugged, glancing at him over her shoulder. Her hair slipped over the shoulder her loose necked sweater exposed, drawing Gil's eye. "Everything you make always turns out good. I don't really question what's in it."
God, he loved her.
Not that that was anything knew. He adored everything about Thena, and he always had. Because she was his best friend in the world, and she was the most reliable constant in his life, and who wouldn't love everything about her? Look at her!
Thena looked back at the vegetables, biting her lip as she continued to chop. It was her first time wearing the sweater that exposed most of her clavicle and even a little bit of cleavage. She was more prone to turtlenecks. But Sersi and Makkari had advised her on the outfit, and part of her had kind of looked forward to seeing Gil's reaction.
It was just her birthday--she had one every year. And they had celebrated plenty before just like this. He would cook her something special (as if she didn't love every recipe of his). And she would assist by way of chopping vegetables and tasting his delicious food.
But this birthday was also different.
Because just last night, they had been celebrating all together, like they did every year. It was the actual day, and she and Ikaris had to share it, no matter how much they disliked it. They'd gone to a bar, like always, just had some beer and some store bought cake, like always. Everything seemed like it always did.
And then Gil had asked her to join him for dinner. She had of course agreed. Always. And then he had leaned in and kissed her cheek. Definitely not something they'd ever done before.
And she really wanted it to happen again.
She and Gil had always been best friends, every since they were kids. All her life, if there was anyone who was always by her side - besides her literal twin brother - it was Gilgamesh. She had helped him practice for dance lessons, and tested recipes, and even advised him when he'd taken up pottery that one summer (he was bad at it). And she had never questioned what it meant for them to be so inseparable.
Then he had kissed her, and suddenly everything felt...different. Thena peeked over her shoulder again, watching Gil start the process of preparing whatever a sous-vide was. She had always loved watching him cook. It made him happy, and to be around Gilgamesh while he was happy was to feel your own happiness.
He also looked kinda hot when he had his sleeves rolled up and a towel thrown over his shoulder.
Thena turned back to her leeks, biting her lip as she wondered if he'd caught her staring at him. She'd been doing it every since she'd arrived. But she figured it could be expected--the shirt he was wearing was pulled so tightly over his muscles. It couldn't possibly be the right size for him.
Gil had caught her though, but he said nothing. He'd been catching her looking at him all night. But he didn't mind it, and he didn't think she would feel very happy about being embarrassed over it either. He kind of liked the idea of her looking at him, if he was being honest.
Every since he'd kissed her cheek last night he'd been hoping he might get the chance to again. Although the sweater she was wearing was making a really strong case to kiss her...elsewhere.
The sous-vide timer startled both of them out of their thoughts.
"Okay, twenty minutes in here and this will be the most tender chicken you've ever eaten," Gil chuckled as he did whatever it required. Thena watched him submerge a bag of chicken in boiling water(?). "How're the leeks coming?"
"Good, I think," Thena mused with a smile. She still didn't have much by way of knife skills, even after all her years of helping him. But she would argue that it was because he got nervous when she went too fast. He was always worried about her accidentally cutting herself.
"Seems it," he said as he leaned over her shoulder to admire her work. He was braced against the counter with his hand dangerously close to her hip. It was already dangerous having his face so close to hers. He smelled nice.
Thena turned to look at him. Their noses nearly collided from their proximity. Heat rushed into her cheeks and she could imagine her pupils blowing wide. She looked down at his lips.
This time it was the oven timer.
"Fuck," Gil cursed, leaning away from her to check on the veggies already roasting. He pulled them out and set them on the cooling rack. "Okay, it's your time to shine."
Thena just smiled, scraping them all onto the pan he'd oiled and spiced already. He rejoined her, spreading them out over the pan, as if it were necessary to reach around her to do it. But she didn't mind it if he wanted to be close. She wouldn't mind if he wanted to be closer.
What was she doing to him? Gil sighed, wishing he could turn everything off this very second and kiss her right now. But he knew better than that; as soon as he kissed her, he wouldn't think about anything at all for the rest of the night.
And he was not going to let Thena pass her birthday eating only cake.
Thena bit her lip, tugging at her sweater as he slid in the leeks--the last dish that needed to go through the cooking process before he took over the more detail oriented final touches and assembly. "How long do they go in for?"
"Twenty minutes, so I can use the really charred bits," he smiled as he set the traitorous timer again.
"So," Thena inhaled, trying not to appear nervous, "we have a little time."
"Uh, yeah," Gil nodded, fidgeting with the sleeves of his shirt, tucked up to his elbows. "What, uh...do you wanna do something?"
Thena felt that wretched heat spread across her face. She'd never been one to blush, but it seemed that after last night, she couldn't stop. Just thinking about him made her her heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in her stomach. "Like what?"
Gil sighed but smiled. He hadn't expected Thena to make the first move. It was why he'd kissed her on the cheek last night in the first place. Because he knew what he felt for Thena. And while he thought maybe she might feel the same, he also thought that she wouldn't understand it enough to know what to do about it.
After all, he'd known her all their lives. He'd watched plenty of poor bastards confess their love to her and get shot down point blank.
Thena inhaled as Gil slowly and lazily - and sexily - sauntered over to her. Her eyes ran over him as he leaned against the counter again, arms on either side of her. She reached up and took the towel from off his shoulder, setting it behind her. He grinned, and her heart might have just stopped completely. "Any ideas?"
He kissed her. He leaned forward and just kissed her, and she kissed him back like she'd been waiting all night for it. Well, she had been. Maybe she'd been waiting for longer than that. Thena wrapped her arms around him, responding maybe too eagerly, she feared for a minute. But Gil wrapped his arms around her waist, and suddenly she didn't care if she seemed too into it. Because he was her Gil, and she was safe with him.
And they continued to make out until the damn oven timer went off again.
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imyourangell · 3 years
Ooo I have another idea for a request!!
🌸What about Vincent’s S/O making him a sweater for a Christmas gift? Like she was working on the sweater for months and hiding it from him but then surprises Vin with it for Christmas?🎄
I absolutely love your imagines they are adorable.🥺💗
✨🌸I love this idea! ^~^ its so cute!! I hope this is okay and most importantly that you like it!! 🌸✨❤️
🎄its finally that time of year! Christmas music can be heard faintly in the house (mainly you're idea) you and Vincent decided to decorate a little bit for the holidays! Bring in some Christmas cheer!🎄
🌸✨but an unknowing Vincent had such a special surprise! You had been working on the sweater for months!✨🌸
🌸✨of course you were excited to see his reaction! But keeping a secret from Vinny is a lot harder than you expected✨🌸
✨🌸you had to keep changing where you hid it!✨🌸
✨🌸and finally Christmas day arrived! Vincent had given you a necklace he had made! It had you're initials on it✨🌸
🌸✨You handed him the wrapped up sweater and he carefully opened it up~✨🌸
🥺omg y/n..!~🥺
🌸✨he loves it!✨🌸
✨🌸Will tear up✨🌸
✨🌸Gives you the biggest hug and kiss he possibly can!!~✨🌸
🌸✨He feels loved!✨🌸
🌸✨Like you took the time to hand-make him a sweater!?!? Y/n you are so precious!🥺🌸✨
✨🌸wears it pretty much all the time! Only when he's working with the wax does he not wear it✨🌸
🌸✨Doesn’t wanna ruin his beautiful sweater that his precious y/n made!~✨🌸
✨🌸🥺Overall that was probably the BEST Christmas he has ever had! And it's all thanks to you y/n🥺🌸✨❤️
✨😊Hihi it's me I hope this is what you wanted! I thought this request was so cute!✨😊
❤️Thank you for requesting! And please take care!❤️
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Special 2 year friendiversary gift delivery for TheINCREDIBLEdreamersworld! Alright first things first Dream I know I say this a lot and probably sound like a broken record but I mean it when I say you are honestly one the most easiest people to talk to. These past 2 years felt like so much more and never did I ever think I was ever going to have all these AUs and fic concepts with anyone let alone be able to help with their Big Bang fic. You’re kind, sweet, talented, smart, funny, creative, patient, caring, supportive, and just an absolute joy to talk to and I’m really glad I was able to help with anything along the way in our friendship. Now enough with me being sappy people are watching /light hearted In all seriousness Happy Friendiversary my friend hope you enjoy this little Braincell Beloveds gift and here’s to many more years of friendship to come 🖤💚🖤
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Vin! Oh my god I love this so much 🥺
Thank you so so much! This is amazing!! I love all of the storylines and AU's we've created, I know there are plenty more to come! 😊
Thank you for this, I appreciate you more than I can say 😊💚🖤💚🖤💚
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the-duke-of-nuts · 3 years
I promised I would make you something... And you know that I'm a girl of my world 😊💚🖤💚
Had to put all the boys together, I hope you like it Vin! 😊💚🖤💚
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Thank you for always being an amazing, incredible friend, Remus 😊 I love all the chaos that we make these boys do in our Prop Hunt AU 😊💚🖤💚
Never forget how awesome you are Vin 😊💚🖤💚
OH MY FUCKING HEART T H E M <3!!!! Dream I fucking love it thank you!!!! 🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤
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