wirdoblaze · 1 year
Whispers of Hope in the Divorce's Embrace
In this somber divorce, my heart laments,
Not for the absence of their love, my dear,
But for the void of security once present,
And the safety that now eludes, I fear.
Their constant presence, a beacon in my strife,
A shelter amidst life's chaotic storm,
Now gone, leaving behind a fragmented life,
Yearning for a glimpse of that warmth reborn.
Yet, my health condition haunts with uncertainty,
Casting a shadow upon tomorrow's light,
Questioning mortality with each passing day,
Leaving me adrift in a sea of fright.
For when my time comes, whether alone or embraced,
I long to leave behind joy, a lasting trace,
To carry away the burdens and pain I faced,
Seeking solace, in hope's gentle embrace.
In this search for hope, where sadness resides,
I navigate the depths of a wounded soul,
Through tears and anguish, I strive to find,
A flicker of light to make my spirit whole.
For even in the darkest hour, a glimmer may gleam,
A reminder that hope can mend and heal,
And as I tread this path, a shattered dream,
I hold onto the belief that happiness is real.
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