#Hosokawa Ikkyu
splickedylit · 1 year
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I know most of my new followers are for Homestuck but I just reread the entirety of Eyeshield 21 and: football manga good. So you'll have to forgive a brief interlude of "Splickedy's favorite minor character (and guests)" haha. Anyway do you think any of the gangsters Agon canonically cuckolded ever mistook Unsui for his twin brother and beat the shit out of him?? Ignore me.
...also tho relatedly I made a post about college Hiruma/Unsui in January and now I'm 26,000 words in, because,,, idk I've lost control of my life? Because "I realized in college that I'm queer and I have a million tons of repressed emotions behind a very cracked dam" is a big mood and maps onto Unsui too easily for me to resist? Because I'm still incredibly amused by the thought of how pissed off Agon would be if his brother started dating Hiruma? All of those things, lmao.
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menialfiend · 2 years
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For the Eyeshield 21 2022 Winter Gift Exchange for @yanderefoeyay !!!
I set out with the most legit and serious intentions of doing some Not A Meme. The joke was on me tho bc it turns out my brain only communicates in memes and what we get is basically a meme mood board of Unsui trying to parent Agon lol. literally I remembered the Stu Pickles 2am chocolate pudding meme and was like “yeah that’s how this would go”. Unsui forced to make chocolate pudding at 2am because of 5yo Agon’s demands is just.... I feel it in my heart.
Also can we talk for a minute about how wild Agon’s kid design is in the manga because his hair isn’t colored in even in like, elementary school so like.... how old was he when he started dying or bleaching it???? like which direction did he go????? what color IS his natural hair????? i’m BAFFLED.
I planned on coloring the last one too but I liked the lines as is so much I just didn’t oops.
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jaybirdsketchbook · 1 year
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I un-chibified Ikkyu’s café merch
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Assorted headcanons
Hiding a boner from his crush scenario
Confessing his feelings during 7 Minutes in Heaven
Seeing his s/o in a swimsuit scenario
NSFW headcanons
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minomorir · 4 months
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do you want us to like. receive gay balls?? ikkyu x monta too probably
happy pride month.
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astraeasilvers · 4 months
Shinryuuji Naga Headcanons
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Agon Kongo:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight as hell (but has some gay tendencies that he’s nearly killed a man over pointing it out)
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, and very aggressive about anyone insinuating otherwise.
A ship I have with said character: He’s too toxic for me to want to ship anyone with…
A random headcanon: He may be tall, but he has a Napoleon complex
General Opinion over said character: Evil
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Unsui Kongo:
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A random headcanon: He has control issues, but because of his situation, can’t express them
General Opinion over said character: If he wasn’t such an enabler, I’d like him more. But I get it. He’s been abused by his brother. Everyone has their way of coping.
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Ikkyu Hosokawa:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight to the point people have started wondering if he actually is.
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender
A random headcanon: He forgets he’s short until he stands next to someone significantly taller than him.
General Opinion over said character: He’s like a more pompous, stick-in-the-mud Monta… So very different, but my point stands (somehow. It’s staggering, but it’s still standing)
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rdbrainz · 3 years
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wrongplaceworsttime · 3 years
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ikkyu has never looked so much like vegeta until now lol
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boboricha · 5 years
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and now a break from our regularly scheduled bleach art for a happy valentines from two dumb receivers 
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oolongway · 5 years
Ok but Monta totally has a hand fetish, hear me out:
Chp 233:
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I love that this is the first thought that Monta has when Honjou catches him so now time to list all the receivers and what Monta has noticed about their hands
Masaru Honjou: the perfect hands, godly, no other hand can compare. Monta would marry them if he could. Huge hands, perfectly proportioned, calloused but like sexy callouses, fingernails neatly trimmed down. Very stable and warm. Manly af with knuckles and tendons. 
Taka Honjou: Most eye-catching hands. Long hands, more boney than his fathers. Fingers are long in comparison to palm. Generally runs cold. Very pristine, nails are very nice, more rounded in shape. More elegant and graceful looking.
Jo Tetsuma: Strongest hands. Very thick, square palm, relatively proportioned fingers in comparison to palm, fingers maybe a little on the shorter side. A little on the knobbier side. Short, square nails. Knuckles prominent. Hand runs pretty hot. 
Ikkyu Hosokawa: Most dexterious and flexible fingers. Pretty well-proportioned finger to palm ratio. Very straight fingers, can’t really see much bumps and curves. Hands are big for his height but not drastically. Temperature on the cooler side but not overly. 
Haruto Sakuraba: Most prettiest/model like hands. Long hands, tendons and knuckles on back of hands more prominent. Average temperature. Fingers square off a bit at the ends. Nails are long but trimmed.  
Raimon Taro: Fingers not nicely proportioned, kind of frog-like with the finger pads being a bit larger than the rest of his hand. Fingerprint deep and distinct. Most of his nails are trimmed except for his thumb which he chews on. Pretty large in proportion to his body. Lots of bumps and curves. Generally warm to hot. Spacing between fingers is wide. 
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considergoldenkamuy · 5 years
fluff hcs/drabble/scenario for ikkyu w his popular girl gf?? ty!!
AAAHHHHHHHHHH IT’S MY PRECIOUS BBY SMOL VEGETA also ye i saw your second message! thanks for specifying pet names - also, sorry this is short, i hope it came out ok :,) ngl i’ve never written for vegeta 2.0 before so he might be ooc
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“Without Agon, the next game isn’t going to go so smoothly!” Yamabushi protests, but their coach merely shook his head. “Coach!”
“Agon is one of our strongest players, but he’s - “
Ring ring
The entire team falls dead silent before slowly turning to Ikkyu in surprise as his face flushes bright red. He grabs his phone from his pocket, checking the ID before he also tenses.
“I-I oni gotta take this, I’ll be back in a sec.” The boy scrambles off before anyone can ask him why he’s suddenly so panicked.
“…what was that all about? He rarely gets calls,” Unsui mutters to himself. Yamabushi is silent as well before standing.
“Well, let’s go figure out who it is.”
“Isn’t that invading on privacy…?” The other third year frowns, but sighs when Yamabushi just gives him that telltale grin.
“Boys will be boys,” their coach hums sadly, knowing his team wasn’t going to listen to him at this rate. Half of them are already sneaking after Ikkyu.
“S-Sorry I picked up late, we were in the middle of discussing the next match. Hm? No, it’s oni fine, don’t worry about it, I wasn’t in the middle of saying anything. You don’t usually don’t call at this time, what’s up?”
Yamabushi leans against the door to the locker room, as does a good portion of the team. Unsui watches, unimpressed with their childishness.
“Oh - er, you really don’t have to…huh? I, uh, probably not but it’s fine. I don’t mind that much.”
“Who’s he talking to? He’s acting like they’re really familiar, but I don’t think we have ever heard him speak like that before,” Yamabushi murmurs.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow - I’ll be on time.”
They all scramble away from the door as they hear Ikkyu walking toward it, before being met with his confused face as he stares at them. Unsui pinches the bridge of his nose, heaving out an exasperated breath.
“W-Were you guys listening?” The cornerback looks a lot more surprised than he should be, in all reality. “Let me take my calls in peace!”
“Say, say, Ikkyu-kun, who was that?” Yamabushi leaned in close in intimidation, rubbing his own chin in thought. “You never get calls, this is suspicious.”
“She’s, uh…”
The entire team is in an uproar, Ikkyu’s face exploding into red as he realizes his mistake waves his arms around, trying to calm the captain down.
“You betrayed us, Ikkyu, getting a girlfriend before the rest of us! How dare you! I-I mean - actually, that’s exactly what I mean!” Yamabushi grabs his underclassman by the collar, shaking him violently. It’s almost comical how Ikkyu falls limp. Unsui is forced to tear the poor boy from Yamabushi’s grasp.
“You’re killing him!”
“Where is she? Is she cute? What’s she like?”
Ikkyu groans as his teammates bombard him with questions - they’ve been like this since the call two days ago.
“Be oni quiet, will you? I can’t even find her in the first place if - ”
“Ah, there you are!”
He yelps, almost being tackled to the ground as someone wraps their arms around him from behind. There’s a light laugh as the team watches, frozen in shock. The girl is a bit taller than Ikkyu himself, resting her chin on his shoulder and his face heats up a bit, looking away.
“You didn’t tell me you were gonna be down here.”
“Nah, I knew you’d tell me to stay in the stands. Plus you’re cute when you’re flustered.” She shrugs and he flares even more. His girlfriend’s eyes then trail over to the other players, scanning them curiously. “It’s nice to see you guys up close, usually I’m watching from the bleachers.”
The other players are dead silent before they start shouting at Ikkyu again, whose face only gets more red as he shouts right back. He scowls in annoyance before she lets go of him, stepping so she’s standing next to the shorter boy, looking the others up and down. Then she bows politely to the coach.
“Thanks for taking care of him, he’s a handful.”
“Of course, no problem.”
“Hey!” The teen shouts in protest, making the others laugh. He huffs, rolling his eyes. “Let’s just go. The game’s starting.”
The boy looks at his girlfriend over his shoulder, and she nudges his back with her hands. The girl is grinning widely at him.
“You better win, or I’ll kick your ass.”
Her boyfriend stares at her for a moment before he smirks, turning around. The entire field shivers as danger begins to flood from his skin.
“You oni got it, babe.”
“Who the hell calls their girlfriend ‘babe’ anymore?”
“S-Shut up!”
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Headcanons for Clifford, ikkyu, sakuraba, kakei, and hiruma and how they react when their s/o/crush shares their scarf with them? like they’re both wrapped in together. Maybe outside forces have to make it happen. Idc if they have to get on a stool to reach my height or if I have to make them siT I WANNA SNUGGLE UP
Considering it is -31C where I live right now, I feel you Anon-chan.  SNUGGLES FOR EVERYONE!
Clifford D. Lewis
It would have to be his s/o, because I can’t see him lettingjust anyone into his space.
It would be his scarf too, because he’s alwaysprepared.  If it’s cold, he wouldn’t leave home without one – unless he’sdecided he doesn’t need one, and in that case getting him to share yoursprobably isn’t going to happen either.
He never just forgets.
You would have to complain a lot, because sharing a scarfisn’t practical, especially if you are walking anywhere.  I see thishappening in very specific situations – like, for instance, if you went to afootball game with him. 
You’d have to be clever too, just sit and complain and he’sdoing to ignore you, or mock you for not thinking ahead.  However, askprettily enough and he’ll cave.
Actually, just ask like a reasonable human being and he’llcave.
Pulls you against his side, wrapping the long length aroundboth your necks and then keeps an arm around you.  He’d never sayanything, but nuzzle your cheek against his shoulder and murmur warmly at himand he’s yours.
Hosokawa Ikkyu
Oh god, just getting that close to his crush would murderhim.  He’d be sweating bullets and his face would be bright red.
Totally starts stammering.
Is undeniably adorable though.  He’s only happy toshare your scarf, as it gives him an excuse to get really close to you withoutit being awkward.
Is warm beyond the scarf-generated heat.  His wholebody feels flushed and he’s a little dizzy from the excitement of it all.
Talk to this boy when you are in this situation, otherwisethings might get awkward.  He wants badly to have a conversation, but hisbrain just kind of short circuits. 
Have I mentioned how cute he is?
Tries not to get his hopes up though.  Largely fails,and somewhere in the middle he gets up the courage to ask you to getcoffee.  “Like a date!” He all but shouts, because he wants to be clear.
Kiss this precious child’s cheek anon.
Sakuraba Haruto
Totally game if you are, whether s/o or crush.
He’s really tall though, so you would definitely needto be sitting somewhere.  I can see him setting you up between his legsleaned back against him.
Double bonus for him, because this way he gets to hold youas well.  His ears are a little red, but takes advantage of the situationand cuddles you.
And let’s face it, if you are sharing a scarf with you, youprobably don’t mind.
He’s not handsy though, and he is definitelyrespectful.  Would like it if you were a part though, so he doesn’t feelguilty about anything.
Turn around and give him a kiss and that’s the end of him.
Kakei Shun
Sharing a scarf is impractical, why would he do itagain?  “I don’t have one because I don’t need one, ___, I’m fine.”
Like @!#!@$ Kakei, you’re missing the point.
Or are you?
Boy is hella tall too, hence the impracticality of itall.  You’d have to make your intention clear and have a plan or you’llnever get him to do it.
Would probably have to be on a date or something, or youwould have to be his s/o, because I can’t see him sharing a scarf with someonewho’s just his crush.  It’s not his style.  He’s upfront about hisfeelings, so he has no need for silly tricks like that.  If it was hiscrush that asked him, after you get a little put out at his seeming density, helifts an eyebrow and says, “I see, are you confessing to me then?”
Has no time for your round about nonsense anon.  If youwanted him to play along, well…
Takes such a thing as permission to kiss your cheek, maybeeven your lips.  He’s not shy, and doesn’t even blink at yourcloseness.  Likes having you in his arms though, and enjoys the closenessit provides.
Expect to be really warm.  Boy’s like a furnace,which is probably why he didn’t have a scarf in the first place lol
Hiruma Yoichi
Ha, good luck pinning him down long enough to share ascarf. 
He is literally on the go all the time.  Unless he’sresearching something, he’s not in one place long enough, and sharing one whileon the go is more hassle than it’s worth because he wants to be free to movewherever he wants to.
Another one that would have to be with his s/o. Doesn’t trust anyone to be that close, especially not someone who’s notcommitted to his interests.
Doesn’t like the cold.  Does not go out in it unless hehas to, so the idea of sitting somewhere cold enough to need a scarf andsharing is troubling for him.
Maybe at an ice rink, if you dragged him to figure skatingor something.  I don’t know how you would do it, but good luck!
You would definitely have to pay the price regardlessthough.  He doesn’t do that sort of couply-shit for free.  Expectdemand for payment to be when you least expect it.
Prefers that you be upfront about what you want.  Gamesare his arena, and while it’s adorable when you try, it never works out andjust wastes time.  If you want to cuddle, say so.  He may or may notgrant your request, but – nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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yanderefoeyay · 2 years
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Inspired by Agon petting Unsuis baldy head every chance he gets
Finally figured out how to do the petting gif thing lol, if anyone else wants an ES21 character doing just let me know!
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jaybirdsketchbook · 1 year
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The (short) king of backwards running
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
I have always loved Eyeshield 21; it’s been a favourite manga (because, like, the anime is kind of trash) of mine for a really long time and it was great to get back into writing for it. I used this prompt here and let a random picker from the internet choose the character for me! So, I hope you all enjoy the headcanons for Ikkyu!
Mona Lisa: Do you like to look neat and orderly? How long does it take for you to get ready for the day?
I feel like Ikkyu does care a considerable amount about his appearance and he does put effort into looking as good as he can. He wants to look ‘cool’ and he genuinely tries, but he doesn’t really get fashion or follow a lot of trends so he isn’t hugely fashionable but always clean and as put together as he can be. He spends a lot of time on his hair and, because he’s prone to acne, he does have a pretty serious skin-care routine, both in the morning and at night, that he adheres to. Honestly, he probably takes a considerable amount of time to get ready to go out for the day, especially if he’s not wearing his school uniform and has to pick his clothes, probably around an hour or a little bit longer.
Starry Night: Do you enjoy watching the sky and daydreaming?
He kind of does. Like, he really does because Ikkyu is a daydreamer, and he does enjoy just spacing out in nature. But I also feel like it’s not something he lets himself do often and definitely not around other people because he thinks it’s a really childish thing to do. He does think a lot about how others perceive him and he does often get treated as really young by a lot of people, so he wouldn’t risk doing anything publicly if he could that would lead to even more risk of being treated like a child.
The Scream: How easy/hard is it for someone to startle or make you lose focus?
It really depends. If it has anything to do with football, it is rather hard to make him completely lose focus. You might be able to divert his attention for a few seconds or surprise him, but he doesn’t lose his focus completely on the field very often at all. However, get him off the field and away from football related subjects and I feel like he’s more easily startled and it’s easier to knock him off-track from something he’d previously been focused on.
The Persistence of Memory: Do some people consider you to be a weird or strange person?
Yes. He hates admitting it because weird is not how he wants to be perceived, but he does know that some of his teammates do think that some of his ideas or behaviours are strange. He probably wouldn’t change the strange behaviours because, to him, they are either completely normal or it would just hurt his pride too much to change because of a teammate’s teasing comment because it would be admitting that they’d gotten to him.
Girl with a Pearl Earring: Do you like to wear jewelry? What are your favourite pieces of jewelry and approximately how much are they worth?
Ikkyu isn’t big into wearing jewelry. He owns very little of it and, if he is going to wear something, it’s more often than not a watch or some sort of bracelet, none of which will be very expensive at all. He does kind of want a Rolex someday, even though he knows there are better watch brands. It just screams ‘fancy and prestigious’ to him so they do appeal to him and would be something he saves up to get.
The Last Supper: Are you religious at all?
I personally headcanon Ikkyu as being Buddhist. But he’s kind of a lax Buddhist, in a sense. He does believe and practice, but he’s not super strict about his religion or living every single bit of his life according to it.
Guernica: Is the world “black and white” to you?
Yes and no. He’s very opinionated on certain topics (from big issues to small things like who the cutest idol is) and with those things, as well as a general sense of what is wrong or right, he is completely black and white in his views. What he thinks and what he believes is the right way of looking at it and anything else is the wrong way. However, outside of those topics, as long as a person can back up why they believe something or feel a certain way about something, Ikkyu is pretty willing to agree to disagree or could even be willing to entertain someone else’s point of view on something, if they’re persuasive enough…meaning at all persuasive, because he can be very gullible.
American Gothic: Would you like to lead a simple and happy life? Or do you prefer adventure?
It’s honestly a bit of both. Ikkyu loves football and he wants to play professionally someday. He wants to be a hero on the football field and wants people to look up to him as that. He wants the adventure and thrill of the game. But I also think that the idea of having a girlfriend and later a wife and family off the field and living a peaceful, happy life with them also strongly appeals to him.
The Creation of Adam: What is your favourite story from mythology? Do you have any favourite fables or fairytales?
Ikkyu is such a romantic at heart. He’s really a sap for any love story and I feel his favourite folktales or stories are ones that focus on love. I feel like the story of Sakura and Yohiro or the story of The Hare of Inaba really appeal to him.
The Birth of Venus: Do you like to be in the spotlight?
Yes. Yes, he really, really does. He likes it when people pay attention to him because he does have a really strong ego but also a lot of insecurities that that ego masks and that he likes to have reassurance on.
David: Are you the bold type? Do you want your ideas and thoughts to be heard all around the world?
While not all around the world, Ikkyu does want people to pay attention to what he thinks and what his opinions are on things. I think it’s most important to him that his teammates and his friends honestly listen to him and agree with him or that they let him lead. He really isn’t shy about voicing his opinions to his teammates, either, and he’s not a shy, shrinking violet by any definition…until he gets around cute girls. Then it’s like a switch flips and he becomes a completely different person, very shy and hesitant about what he says, unless it’s related to something he knows really well or a subject he’s passionate about.
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte: Do you take time out of your day to kick back and relax? Where can people find you if so?
Ikkyu is really serious about football and, surprisingly, about school. He doesn’t give himself any real downtime to just be and just relax during most days but he does try to set aside a little bit of time at least once a month for him to just relax. He tends to run a lot of his errands those days though or goes out shopping or spends time with his friends, just normal teenage things. I also feel, and it’s such a weird headcanon, but that he has a couple other sports he does enjoy outside of football, and he takes time during those days to kind of focus on improving his skills in those sports, like free-running and skateboarding.
No. 5, 1948: Do you tend to break away from traditions and cultural norms? Are you the rebellious type?
Ikkyu would love to be considered a rebel or a ‘bad boy’ because they just seem like cool things to be to him but truth be told, he’s not all that rebellious. That’s not to say he’s deeply into traditions and cultural norms, because he can be a bit of an ass at times and does have some rude habits and manners of speech, especially by Japanese standards. It’s just that he’s not much into traditional ‘bad boy’ things and doesn’t have any strong anti-establishmentarianism feelings or any strong anti-anything feelings, really.
Pieta: Name something that tugs at your heartstrings?
I feel like a good love story always hit Ikkyu just the right way because the boy is so soft for things like that. Especially a love story with some tragic turns…his heart is breaking right alongside the characters and I feel he has a secret guilty pleasure for romance films and literature.
Venus De Milo: Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter what they’ve been through in the past?
Ikkyu is a very accepting person, honestly. He might seem otherwise, because his ego will cause him to not hesitate in calling out anyone he thinks isn’t taking him seriously or is challenging him when they have no right to. But overall, he really does see the good in people. Fabulous example – Ikkyu respects and looks up to Agon, of all people, despite Agon’s less than savory aspects and Ikkyu is willing to put a lot of his ego aside and shows respect for a lot of his teammates, even though they make fun of him more often than they should.
The Thinker: Do you often find yourself getting lost in thought? What is it usually about?
I mentioned it above but Ikkyu really is a daydreamer and he does space out and get lost in his own little world. He does space out thinking about all the normal things, like football plays and school assignments coming up and what supper is going to be, but sometimes he likes to imagine what his future will be like or play out a relationship in his head with someone he has a crush on or imagine himself in the world of a book or manga or show he’s really into.
The Great Wave off Kanagawa: Do you like the ocean?
Ikkyu likes the ocean. From afar, mostly. He has absolutely no desire to be on it or too much in it. He’s cool with going to the beach and the ocean is pretty to look at. He won’t even mind splashing in the really shallow water. But even though he has definitely had fantasies about life as a pirate captain, with his teammates as his crew, he has no real desire to get out in the deep waters of the ocean.
Water Lily Pond: What are your favourite flowers?
While he definitely gets really into sakura season, Ikkyu’s favourite flower is actually wisteria.
Capitoline Wolf: What is your relationship with animals? Do you like them? What is your favourite animal?
Ikkyu likes animals. He really does and he wouldn’t mind a couple pets. It’s just that, more often than not, animals don’t like him back and that really pisses him off more than he knows it should. Cats don’t go up to him for pets, dogs growl at him, all his fish die on him, birds’ poop on him more often than they seem to on others…it’s like the animal kingdom just holds some kind of grudge against him for reasons he seriously doesn’t know.
Winged Victory of Samothrace: Do you strive to meet your goals and never give up on them?
That is actually probably Ikkyu’s best quality. He has the ability to set goals for himself and figure out how to make those goals a reality. He’s not afraid of hard work or putting in the time to train and improve. He’s determined and he will get to where he wants to go because he just won’t give up until he does.
Nighthawks: Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Ikkyu’s an early bird by nature and has some trouble staying up too late. He normally falls asleep before midnight and he can’t do all-nighters no matter how hard he tries or how much caffeine he drinks.
Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog: Do you tend to get lost easily?
Nope. And you know why? Because he has a phone, and his phone has a map app that gives him directions. Without that…it’s hit or miss. He can generally figure his way around areas he vaguely knows if he can find landmarks but if you just give him a random set of instructions in a brand-new place, he’ll get lost more than once, though he eventually finds his way where he needs to go.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps: Are you a brave and daring individual? Would you fight for freedom if you had to?
Ikkyu would, if he needed to, fight for freedom. He’s not a coward and even when he is scared, he’s going to face his fears. While he’s not traditionally daring and won’t go mindlessly searching for adventure, he’s reliable in the face of danger.
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp: Do you value your ability to get an education?
I mentioned this above, but I do strongly feel that Ikkyu does take his studies seriously and is a good student. He studies and will seek extra help on material he doesn’t understand and does put in the work to get good grades. He does value his education but, to be fair, his good grades are actually mostly a result of the fact that he has to keep a pretty high average to be allowed to play football, both by the school and by his parents.
Christina’s World: Is there anything you long for?
Love. I’ve said it several times throughout these headcanons, but Ikkyu really is romantic at heart. He so badly wants to be in a relationship (but he’s also not just going to accept any old person and will care just as much about personality as looks) and he just really wants to be loved and to give love in return.
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katzanone · 3 years
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I was trying to organize my files and this is some of the ES21 stuff I fished out of the drafts; I don’t think I’m gonna do anything with it, so might as well put it up here
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