#Hospitality uniforms Melbourne
theuniformedit · 2 years
The subculture is making it challenging for companies to create workplace dress codes. This has led to more industries adopting uniforms
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scapegrace74-blog · 2 years
Don’t Let Me Fall, Chapter 9
A/N  Here is the next chapter of my crazy circus story.  Sorry for leaving readers hanging off that cliff for longer than intended.  Hopefully this installment makes up for it.  The end of this fic is now in sight, and I can confirm it will have eleven chapters.  Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and support!
All previous chapters can be found here.
He’d been injured enough times in his rambunctious youth to recognize the smell of a hospital before he even opened his eyes.  Sticky eyelashes clinging together, his first sight was of a light blue bed curtain and the uniform squares of ceiling tiles. His memory was a bit slower to focus as he tried to recall what country he was in and what he’d done to deserve urgent medical care this time.
“The king of the jungle awakes.”
The voice held an American drawl and came from a middle-aged black man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck.
“Where am I?” Jamie rasped, his throat dry and tight.  He had no recollection of being in the United States.
The doctor’s vaguely amused expression turned concerned.
“You don’t remember what city you’re in, son?”
Jamie thought hard.  He’d gone home to Scotland to attend his niece’s baptism.  Jenny had harangued him about giving up his ‘jet setting lifestyle’ and settling down with a worthy lass.  He’d missed Claire something fierce but returned to Australia conflicted whether it was a good idea to pursue a relationship with her while they were still performing together.  The internal debate, together with a wicked case of jetlag, had kept him up at all hours. After another near-sleepless night, he’d come to the realization that life was too short to waste time worrying about unforeseeable consequences.  He’d resolved to make his intentions towards his Tourist clear at the first opportunity.  And then he’d fallen from the straps.
“Melbourne?” he replied to the doctor with some uncertainty, his brain still foggy with what he now recognized as pain medication.
“That’s right.  I’m Doctor Abernathy, your orthopedic surgeon.  Besides being a bit groggy, which is understandable, how are you feeling?”
Jamie did a mental inventory of his body.  Even partially numb, his left shoulder felt a bit tender.
“My shoulder aches a wee bit,” he confessed.
“Yes, we had to reset the joint, but once the swelling goes down, it should be good as new.”
Relieved, Jamie closed his eyes.  He didn’t cherish the notion of missing any shows, but that was what they had understudies for.
“How long a’fore I’m able to perform again?”
The silence stretched on long enough for him to re-open his eyes. The doctor’s lips were tightened in a grim line.  Now that his mind was beginning to clear, the fact that he was being monitored by a surgeon didn’t bode particularly well either.
“James, I’m not going to lie to you, the damage that I’m seeing on the x-rays and MRI of your wrist…  I’ll do my best to repair the bone so that you regain full use of your hand, but given the nature of your work…”
Jamie glanced down at his right wrist, only now realizing that it was immobilized with a neoprene splint.  It had been bothering him something fierce for the past few weeks.  Roland had diagnosed it as a mild strain and applied a numbing cream before each show.  Jamie hadn’t mentioned it to Claire because he didn’t want to worry her and because most of the time he spent in her company he was fighting the urge to kiss her until the seas ran dry.  Now he was being told that he’d never soar through the air with her in his arms again due to a hereto unheard-of ailment that had apparently pulverized the bone in his wrist to dust.
“Listen, I know it’s a lot to take in,” Doctor Abernathy continued after going over the medical details of his condition and treatment plan.   “I’m going to schedule your surgery for the day after next.  In the meantime, there’s a young lady in a skimpy outfit haunting my hallways and making a general nuisance of herself.  Can you take pity on the nursing staff and let me show her in?”
Despite the circumstances Jamie smiled.
“Aye.  I’d like that verra much.”
I didn’t like hospitals.  All my life, they had been the scenes of painful events: the grainy memory of my parents’ deaths, my Uncle Lamb wasting away from cancer, and more recently a career-ending injury.
As soon as I was able, I had rushed from the big top and grabbed an Uber to the Royal Melbourne Hospital.  The Cirque medic assured me that Jamie’s life was not in danger, but I couldn’t erase the nauseating wallop of his body hitting the stage from my mind. I needed to be submerged in the oceans of his gaze, watch a grin transform his mobile mouth like a rogue sunbeam.  When he held my hand in his own, I would know everything was alright.
Upon arriving at the hospital, I was told Jamie was undergoing x-rays and afterward would be admitted for observation. He’d been sedated while his shoulder was reset, but the admitting nurse assured me I could visit with him once he woke.  That was four hours ago.  Unlike the kindly woman in admissions, the ward staff were disinclined to provide me with any information about a patient to whom I was not related, only repeating that he was ‘resting comfortably’.
The sound of a chair scraping the floor startled me from my stupor. John Grey, dressed in his street clothes and carrying a steaming extra-large coffee, sat down beside me.
“How is he doing?” he asked as he handed me the drink.
I didn’t know how I felt about John anymore, but the fact remained that of all our colleagues, he was the only one to join me in my midnight vigil. Jamie had explained that they’d been friends since circus school, and I trusted Jamie’s judgement above all things, no matter how damning the evidence.
“I haven’t been able to see him yet, but the medical staff assure me he’s not in danger.”
John nodded, leaning back and stretching his legs with a groan.
“Tomorrow’s performance has been canceled,” he informed me. “Probably the following night’s as well. I know it’s the last thing on your mind, but we’ll need to find time to rehearse the routine.”
I stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was saying. It hadn’t even occurred to me that I’d be expected to keep performing without Jamie as my partner.
“I’m Jamie’s understudy, remember?” John clarified when I didn’t respond.
“I suppose congratulations are in order, then.”  I hadn’t meant to sound churlish, but I found it untenable that anyone should benefit from Jamie’s fall.
“Claire,” John entreated, laying a hand on the chilled skin of my arm.  “Jamie being injured is the last thing I want.  If I could trade places with him, I would in a heartbeat.  There is no ulterior motive here beyond making Tropico a success. You know that’s what Jamie would want as well.”
“I saw you,” I accused, too tired and wrung out to beat around the bush.  “Going into Marylebone’s hotel room in Singapore.”  
I mentally dared John to deny it.  Instead, he shook his head ruefully but met my eyes, his own deep brown and earnest.
“That wasn’t what it looked like.  I was… well, let’s just say I was making amends.  You have to believe me, Claire.”
Before I could grill John on what exactly ‘making amends’ meant, Jamie’s doctor stepped into the corridor.  I was on my feet in an instant, the conversation with John forgotten.
“He’s awake, but still a bit groggy from the sedative we gave him,” he said without preamble.  “I’ll be back in the morning to check on him.  Until then, I don’t suppose either of you answers to the name of Tourist?”
I threw my arms around the man, who inexplicably sounded like he hailed from Texas.
“Woah there,” he laughed.  “Now I’m going to have to explain to my wife how I managed to get covered in glitter while working a double shift.”
“Thank you very much, doctor.”  John’s relief was utterly uncontrived.  Feeling uncharitable after my earlier accusation, I paused in my rush towards Jamie’s room.
“John?  I’m sure Jamie would appreciate seeing an old friend.  After I’ve had a chance to visit with him, that is.”
John sank back down into the uncomfortable chair he’d just vacated.
“Take your time.”
Jamie was reeling in the aftermath of Doctor Abernathy’s prognosis when Claire arrived in his hospital room like a sunbeam on a cloudy day. Even in pain, even knowing that his circus career was over, even anticipating their upcoming separation by both geography and circumstance, he couldn’t fail to warm in the bright rays of her smile.
“Hello there,” she murmured, sounding shy and a bit hoarse from fatigue.
“Claire,” he exhaled on a sigh, likewise a bit tongue-tied.
His left side was in a sling to protect his shoulder, so she reached for his right hand before freezing mid-motion, having just noticed the splint immobilizing his wrist.
“I didn’t realize you’d injured both arms when you fell,” she commented, hands hovering as though she wanted to make contact, testify to his wholeness via touch, but couldn’t bear to cause him any further pain.
Jamie grimaced, not eager to relay the significance of his injury when he’d only just begun to re-catalog his partner’s infinite wonders: her skin, luminous even beneath the pallid lights; her curls, a burn in spate cascading over her shoulders now that she’d loosened her bun; her expression, as forthright and eloquent as a masthead.  Once he told her, the ties between them would be severed before they had the chance to build a fresh bond, one that didn’t rely on their status as colleagues.  For the thousandth time, Jamie cursed his previous hesitation.
“Pull up a chair, Tourist.  I’ve some news tae share wi’ ye.”
Jamie related what Doctor Abernathy had just told him, trying to split the difference between optimism and realism.  Tears streaked unheeded down Claire’s cheeks, each one of them a tiny lance aimed straight at his heart.
“Dinna weep, Claire,” he begged as he finished his tale.  “It wasna as though I believed I’d be an aerialist forever, and John will serve ye well as a partner.”
Amber sparks flew from her eyes as she ground out, “You think I’m crying because of a goddamned circus act?  Christ, Jamie, you…” her hands scrabbled in the air, seemingly searching for words. “You held on to that bloody strap while your wrist fell apart.  In what I can only imagine was excruciating pain.  For me.  You did that for me.”
“Aye, I did.  And I’d do it over again in a heartbeat, if it meant saving ye from harm.”  As surely as a compass pointed north, this he knew as truth to the marrow of his bones.
“Because you love me,” Claire said.   It sounded like an accusation, and perhaps it was.  In his life, romantic love was a weakness, a chink in his armour to be exploited to another’s benefit.  Not Claire, though, whose heart was purer than fire, who cared ferociously and without artifice.
“Aye, I do,” he conceded.  “But Tourist, with everything changin’ between us…”
She lay a finger gently across his lips, finally finding a place where she could touch him safely.
“It’s like someone very wise told me recently, Jamie,” she interrupted, face drawing close enough that he could make out the golden sunbursts around the well of her pupils.  The cadence of his pulse accelerated, making his wrist throb in agony that he entirely ignored in favour of watching Claire’s mouth caress each syllable.
“You have to be willing to fall to fly,” followed by Trojan horse words that stole beneath his weary defences and unlocked the gates of his heartache from within.  “I love you too, Jamie.”
Not waiting for his response, she kissed him.  As tender as a prayer and audacious as hope, the moments after their mouths pressed together flipped Jamie’s life on its head.  Up was down.  Pain brought pleasure.  Distancing himself from her love was like trying to hide the daylight from the sun. In her thrall was exactly where he belonged.
Regretfully, the kiss was over before Jamie could organize his wrecked limbs to reach behind Claire and pull her closer.  He worried she would confuse his lack of response for lack of interest, but when her love-drunk eyes fluttered opened his fears vanished.
“Do we have the worst timing, or what?” she chuckled as she settled back in her chair, both hands now caressing his upper arm and chest.
“Quite possibly, aye.  I want nothin’ more than tae take ye in my arms and ne’er let go, and I canna even touch ye,” he lamented.
“We’ve got all the time in the word for that, once you’re well.”
Floating on a wave of endorphins and euphoria, Jamie still had enough sense to realize it wouldn’t be quite so simple.  Claire was a brilliant performer and Cirque des Etoiles would certainly want to keep her busy after Tropico’s tour was done.  Three months, possibly six, and then she’d be on the road again with a new show.  And that was saying nothing of his own upended employment and work visa situation.  
Still, lying in a hospital bed with her warm palms caressing his skin, he was more optimistic than he had any right to be.   As fate had demonstrated time and again since they first met, there was little they couldn’t overcome when they faced it together.
“I should let you get some rest,” she said regretfully after he suppressed his third yawn.
“Will ye come by tomorrow?”  He was desperate to spend as much time as he could in Claire’s company. Both because it soothed him, but also because he knew he’d be travelling back to Montreal soon after his surgery, and Tropico would be moving on to Perth in another week.  It would be weeks before they’d see each other again.
“Of course.  I have to organize some rehearsal time with John, but….  Oh, that reminds me!  John wants to see you.”
“What, now?” he asked, glancing out the window at the pitch-black sky. It must be close to two in the morning.
“Yes, he’s waiting in the hall.  I can tell him you’re sleeping…”
“Nah, s’alright, Tourist.  Send him in.”
Claire made a fuss looking for her jacket and purse, neither of which she’d thought to bring with her during the mad dash to the hospital. Perhaps he was flattering himself, but she seemed loathe to leave, despite her obvious exhaustion.
“Alright, I suppose I’ll be off.  Don’t visit with John for too long.  You need to rest.”
“Nagging already, is it?” he teased, delighting in her blush.
“Well, somebody’s got to watch over you, Fraser,” she huffed in faux exasperation.
The teasing mood left him in an instant, leaving him unaccountably moved.
“I couldna ask fer a better, nor more lovely, minder.  I’m honoured ye’ve chosen me, Claire.”
The goodbye kiss she graced him with then was passionate and warm, tongues darting past panting lips to explore virgin territory.  By the time she pulled away, his body was humming with longing that he could do nothing to assuage.
“Uh, Tourist?  A’fore ye leave, could ye…um… hand me yon wee blanket?”
Equally flushed, Claire raised an expressive brow but made to tuck the woolen throw around his shoulders, assuming he was cold.
“No’ there.  Across my lap, if ye please.  I dinna want John getting any false impressions of how excited I am tae see him, y’ken?”
Claire’s chortling laugh could be heard echoing down the hallway long after John entered the room.
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superbrownkevin · 3 months
Elevate Your Culinary Experience: Top Hospitality Equipment in Melbourne
In Melbourne's bustling culinary scene, having the right hospitality equipment is crucial for any establishment aiming to provide an exceptional dining experience. Whether you're running a five-star restaurant, a cosy café, or a bustling food truck, the quality and efficiency of your equipment can make or break your business. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the best hospitality equipment in Melbourne to elevate your culinary offerings.
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Commercial Ovens: The Heart of Every Kitchen
Hospitality equipment in Melbourne wouldn't be complete without high-quality commercial ovens. These ovens are designed to handle high volumes of food and maintain consistent temperatures, ensuring every dish is perfectly cooked.
Types of Commercial Ovens
Convection Ovens: Perfect for baking and roasting, they use fans to circulate hot air for even cooking.
Combi Ovens: Combining steam and convection heat, these ovens are versatile and ideal for various cooking methods.
Pizza Ovens: Essential for pizzerias, these ovens can reach high temperatures quickly, ensuring a crispy crust every time.
Refrigeration Units: Keeping it Fresh
Proper refrigeration is vital for maintaining the freshness of ingredients and ensuring food safety. Melbourne’s hospitality scene demands top-notch refrigeration units to meet these standards.
Essential Refrigeration Equipment
Walk-in Coolers and Freezers: These are indispensable for large-scale operations, providing ample storage space for perishable items.
Under-Counter Fridges: These fridges keep ingredients within easy reach for kitchens with limited space.
Display Fridges: Perfect for showcasing desserts, beverages, and ready-to-eat items to entice customers.
Cooking Equipment: The Backbone of Culinary Creativity
From frying to grilling, the right cooking equipment allows chefs to unleash their creativity and deliver mouth-watering dishes. Melbourne’s diverse food culture requires versatile and reliable cooking tools.
Must-Have Cooking Equipment
Commercial Ranges: Combining burners, ovens, and sometimes a grill, these are the workhorses of any kitchen.
Deep Fryers: Essential for achieving the perfect crunch, whether it's fish and chips or tempura.
Griddles: Ideal for cooking various foods simultaneously, from pancakes to burgers.
Dishwashers: Ensuring Hygiene and Efficiency
Maintaining hygiene is non-negotiable in a busy kitchen. Efficient dishwashing equipment ensures that all utensils, dishes, and cookware are spotless and ready for use.
Types of Dishwashers
Under-Counter Dishwashers: Suitable for smaller establishments, offering quick and efficient cleaning.
Door-Type Dishwashers: Perfect for medium-sized operations, balancing capacity and space efficiency.
Conveyor Dishwashers: These machines easily handle large quantities of dishes for high-volume kitchens.
Beverage Equipment: Crafting the Perfect Drink
Melbourne’s love for coffee and cocktails is legendary. The right beverage equipment can help you cater to this demand with finesse.
Essential Beverage Equipment
Espresso Machines: A must for any café, these machines help baristas craft the perfect cup of coffee.
Blenders: Essential for smoothies, cocktails, and other blended drinks, ensuring consistency and quality.
Juicers: Fresh juice is a staple in many Melbourne eateries, and high-quality juicers make the process efficient and profitable.
Food Preparation Equipment: Speed and Precision
Efficiency in food preparation can significantly impact the overall operation of your kitchen. Investing in reliable food preparation equipment can save time and reduce labour costs.
Key Preparation Tools
Food Processors: Versatile machines that can chop, slice, and blend ingredients quickly and efficiently.
Mixers: Essential for bakeries and patisseries, ensuring dough and batter are perfectly mixed.
Slicers: Ideal for delicatessens and sandwich shops, providing uniform slices of meat, cheese, and vegetables.
Storage Solutions: Organisation is Key
Proper storage solutions help keep your kitchen organised and running smoothly. From shelving to storage containers, having the right tools can make a significant difference.
Effective Storage Options
Stainless Steel Shelving: Durable and easy to clean, perfect for storing pots, pans, and dry goods.
Storage Bins: Keep ingredients fresh and organised, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.
Labelling Systems: Ensuring everything is in its right place and easily accessible.
Conclusion: Investing in Quality Hospitality Equipment
Choosing the right hospitality equipment in Melbourne is essential for running a successful and efficient kitchen. Investing in high-quality, reliable equipment enhances the culinary experience and ensures your establishment's smooth operation. Whether upgrading your current setup or starting from scratch, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the essential tools needed to thrive in Melbourne’s vibrant hospitality industry.
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Can Embroidered Uniforms Boost Awareness & Promote Your Business Brand?
In Melbourne, promoting any business, brand, or group by wearing a logo or a slogan embroidered uniform is a useful and cost-effective application. Embroidery on uniforms is an important aspect of any professional environment since it adds a professional touch to the appearance of the workers while promoting the brand or firm for which they work.
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In addition to hazardous work environments, many more businesses require hygiene and proper dress codes, including healthcare, beauty care, restaurants, hospitality, agricultural labs, schools, and corporate offices.
Beautician uniforms are essential in the beauty care sector, fulfilling a variety of functions that are essential to a knowledgeable and effective workplace.
Some local uniform specialists provide needed workwear online depending on the material and embroidery requirements for specific industries. They provide economical items and solutions that prioritise client convenience.
Why Should Businesses Purchase Uniforms from Recognised Suppliers?
Purchasing medical scrubs and uniforms from reputable suppliers is easy and competitive since they exhibit their products, offer customer service to understand client needs, and personalise logos, trademarks, and slogans online before delivering them to the door.
They provide a wide choice of sizes and styles to suit any employee, and purchasing in bulk is a simple option for businesses wishing to dress their whole workforce.
Online sellers also provide competitive prices and convenient shipping alternatives, making uniforms and medical scrubs a cost-effective and hassle-free buy.
Some trusted and top manufacturers of work uniforms, corporate wear, safety equipment, and workwear uniform embroidery, provide a diverse selection of economical corporate clothes, great catering and hospitality attire, and uniforms for health, beauty, corporate, and other commercial work vocations.
Customers may easily order work attire, safety gear, and other items from the convenience of their own homes or workplaces due to their online shopping platform.
Meanwhile, businesses can choose from a comprehensive choice of embroidered uniforms from trusted manufacturers to meet tailored uniform and embroidery requirements.
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Elevate Your Business Aesthetic: Melbourne's Top Commercial Laundry Services Await
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Unveiling Melbourne's Premier Commercial Laundry Solutions
Are you seeking unparalleled commercial laundry services in Melbourne? Look no further! At AAA Tea Towels, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier industrial laundry solutions tailored to meet your needs. From washing, drying, and folding to ironing and valet shirt services, we've got you covered. Conveniently located in Coburg, one of Melbourne's outer-northern suburbs, we are dedicated to delivering excellence with every wash.
Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide the best commercial laundry service imaginable. This commitment to excellence is evident in our extensive list of satisfied clients, many of whom are prominent figures in Melbourne's hospitality industry. They rely on us to deliver impeccable results for their commercial laundry needs, and we consistently exceed their expectations.
While our clientele primarily consists of restaurants and hospitality businesses, we are also the preferred laundry supplier for various other enterprises seeking a reliable partner to fulfil their cleaning requirements.
Comprehensive Laundry Solutions
At AAA Tea Towels, we offer a comprehensive range of commercial laundry services designed to make your life easier. Our same-day service, coupled with pickup and delivery options, allows you to focus on running your business while we take care of the rest. Whether it's staff uniforms, tablecloths, towels, blankets, or curtains, you can trust us to ensure they always look their best.
The Importance of Commercial Laundry Services
Maintaining a clean and presentable aesthetic is crucial for businesses in the hospitality industry. Clean linens, towels, and uniforms not only contribute to a positive guest experience but also reflect the professionalism and attention to detail of the establishment. With AAA Tea Towels' commercial laundry services, you can elevate the aesthetic appeal of your business and leave a lasting impression on your customers.
Tailored Solutions for Your Business
We understand that every business has unique needs and requirements when it comes to laundry services. That's why we offer personalised solutions tailored to suit your specific needs. Whether you run a small café or a large hotel, we have the expertise and resources to meet your demands efficiently and effectively.
Advanced Technology and Expertise
At AAA Tea Towels, we leverage the latest technology and industry best practices to deliver superior results for our clients. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with advanced laundry equipment, allowing us to handle large volumes of laundry with ease. Additionally, our team of experienced professionals undergoes regular training to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in commercial laundry services.
Environmental Sustainability
We are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and promoting sustainability in everything we do. That's why we use eco-friendly detergents and cleaning products that are safe for the environment and gentle on fabrics. Additionally, we have implemented water-saving measures and energy-efficient practices to reduce our overall impact on the planet.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At AAA Tea Towels, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We go above and beyond to ensure that every client receives exceptional service and impeccable results. From the moment you contact us to the completion of your laundry service, you can expect nothing but the best from our dedicated team.
Affordable Pricing
We believe that quality commercial laundry services should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer competitive pricing and flexible packages to suit your budget and requirements. With AAA Tea Towels, you can enjoy premium laundry services without breaking the bank.
Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your business with Melbourne's premier commercial laundry services at AAA Tea Towels. Experience unparalleled quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction with every wash. Trust us to deliver impeccable results that exceed your expectations, leaving you free to focus on what truly matters—running your business.
What sets AAA Tea Towels apart from other commercial laundry services in Melbourne?
Our unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction distinguishes us from the competition.
Do you offer pickup and delivery options for commercial laundry services?
Yes, we provide convenient pickup and delivery services to ensure a hassle-free experience for our clients.
Can you handle large volumes of laundry for industrial businesses?
Absolutely! Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team enable us to handle large volumes of laundry efficiently and effectively.
Are your laundry solutions environmentally friendly?
Yes, we prioritise sustainability and eco-friendliness in our operations, utilising advanced techniques and products to minimise our environmental impact.
How can I get started with AAA Tea Towels' commercial laundry services?
Simply contact us to discuss your requirements, and we'll tailor a solution to meet your needs promptly.
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Melbourne Magic: Elevate Your Business with Top-tier Commercial Laundry Services
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Amidst the enchanting vibes of Melbourne, where business is an art and impressions are everything, there exists a touch of magic that elevates your business standards. Step into the realm of AAA Tea Towels, a commercial laundry service nestled in Coburg, one of Melbourne's outer northern suburbs. Discover the magic that transforms ordinary laundry into a symphony of excellence.
Unveiling Our Exquisite Services
Wash, Dry, and Fold: A Symphony of Cleanliness
At AAA Tea Towels, our laundry service is not just a process; it's a symphony. Our wash, dry, and fold services orchestrate a meticulous routine, ensuring your linens emerge with a freshness that captivates. From tablecloths to towels, each item is treated with the utmost care.
Ironing Excellence: Precision in Every Press
Wrinkles are banished with our ironing services. We redefine precision, ensuring your staff uniforms and linens are presented with an elegance that speaks volumes.
Valet Shirt Service: A Touch of Class
Elevate your business image with our valet shirt service. Impeccable ironing and attention to detail guarantee that your staff embodies professionalism with a touch of class that captivates.
Dry Cleaning Mastery: Gentle Care for Delicate Fabrics
For delicate fabrics and intricate designs, our dry cleaning service is a masterclass in care. From wedding linens to luxury fabrics, we handle each piece with the gentleness it requires.
Our Location: Coburg, Melbourne
Coburg: Where Magic Meets Quality
Situated in Coburg, our commercial laundry epitomises the fusion of magic and quality. Convenience meets excellence in our location, ensuring your linens receive top-notch care without compromise.
Customer-Centric Approach
Quality and Customer Service: The Pillars of Excellence
At AAA Tea Towels, success is not just in numbers; it's embedded in the satisfaction of our diverse clientele. Particularly in Melbourne's bustling hospitality industry, our commitment to quality and customer service has solidified our position as a pillar of excellence.
Trusted by the Best: A Testament to Reliability
We proudly stand as the preferred commercial laundry supplier, from renowned restaurants to various businesses. Our portfolio reflects the trust of businesses that seek a service and a partner in maintaining the highest standards.
Convenience at Your Doorstep
Same-Day Service: Swift Solutions for Dynamic Businesses
In the fast-paced business world, time is a valuable asset. Our same-day service ensures that your linens are ready for use within hours, aligning seamlessly with the dynamic nature of your business.
Pickup and Delivery: Effortless Convenience
Focus on your operations while we handle the logistics. Our pickup and delivery service extends beyond convenience; it's an assurance that your linens always look their best, delivered right to your doorstep.
Why Choose AAA Tea Towels?
Customer Satisfaction: Our North Star
Beyond being a commercial laundry service, we are custodians of customer satisfaction. Choose AAA Tea Towels because your satisfaction is not just a goal; it's our North Star. Our commitment to ensuring your linens always exude brilliance is the essence of our service.
Conclusion: Unlock the Magic with AAA Tea Towels
AAA Tea Towels emerges as the wizard behind the magic of top-tier commercial laundry services in the enchanting tapestry of Melbourne's businesses, where every detail matters. Trust us to weave spells of excellence, leaving an indelible mark on both aesthetics and functionality.
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commerciallinen · 1 year
Commercial Linen Service: Get Pickup and Delivery with Linen Washing & Treatment
In Melbourne, trusted laundry services deliver top-notch commercial linen service including linen washing, dry cleaning, ironing, stain removal, towel turnaround as well as alteration and repair. The renowned dry cleaning experts offer the best quality linen services, along with free linen pickup and delivery after washing to the doorstep.
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They deliver top-notch washing, alteration and ironing service with full-service dry cleaning, laundry, and fabric care to cater to both residential and commercial customers. 
They specialised in cleaning towels, including tea towels, hand towels, or full-size towels.
They can remove even the toughest grease and oil stains from commercial linen and towels to deliver the clients the possible services they need.
Their range of linen services offer is highly beneficial to both domestic and commercial consumers.
Their coin-operated laundry services including industrial laundry, Air drying, and Ironing, are highly preferable in Melbourne.
Why Choose Trusted Linen Washing and Care Specialists?
In commercial places, experts in linen washing and care offer various types of highly preferred linen services.
The delicate fabrics and garments of commercial use such as suits, uniforms, tablecloths, and curtains need dry cleaning and ironing to maintain their look and match the interior aesthetics as well as business protocols.
Trusted service providers deliver advanced dry cleaning and air drying to maintain the fabric quality, and colour, and ensure that these items are thoroughly cleaned without risking damage or shrinkage that may occur with traditional washing methods.
This type of washing and fabric quality maintenance is crucial for travel and hospitality businesses that require high-quality, well-presented linens to maintain a professional image.
Additionally, these linen washing and care specialists are also convenient and efficient as they handle the entire linen cleaning process for businesses. Therefore they are trained to include removal and pressing stains, taking responsibility for delivering cleaned and ironed linen to the business regularly, saving time and effort.
Moreover, these specialists have the expertise to handle different types of fabrics and delicate fabrics with special care instructions. People should visit these businesses, and ensure that their linens are properly treated, ironed, and maintained. By relying on these reliable linen services, commercial places can enjoy clean, well-maintained linens that contribute to a polished and professional atmosphere.
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caulfieldpaintings · 2 years
Employ Professionals Offering Bathroom Renovations in Caulfield to Uplift Overall Space
Well-established companies offer bathroom renovations in Caulfield that involves solving the space clutter problems, changing flooring and adding more colour to the space. They also assist with installing basins, bathtubs, showers, shelves, cabinets and other vanities. Skilled experts offer their services for both residential and commercial properties to enhance the area as well as improve efficiency. They also provide upgrades that will reduce energy bills while increasing energy outputs.
Importance of Painting Services for Commercial Buildings:
In general, well-known companies offer commercial painting services in Melbourne for varying properties that include offices, schools, healthcare facilities, hotels, universities, cafes, hospitality and other sectors. Furthermore, they provide coating assistance for interior and exterior spaces so one could maintain the uniformity throughout the property. Reliable painters are well-versed with their job roles and can repair minor damages as well as peel offs.
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Qualified painters are well-equipped with advance tools, sprays and techniques to achieve visually pleasing appeal for the building. Additionally, they use high-quality coating supplies that could withstand adverse weather conditions and harmful external elements. Basically, they maintain safety measures while coating high-rise buildings and maintain workmanship that create best possible first impression on people visiting for first time.
Additionally, professional painters are knowledgeable enough to assist clients on selecting appropriate shade that will uplift overall appeal of the building. They also provide smooth surface finishes that will enhance the look for longer period.
Perks of Hiring Trustworthy Company for Painting Services:
The code of conduct offer painting services for interior and exterior spaces so one could find all necessary assistance at once.
Experts also provide renovations for bathroom and laundry to improve space utilisation as well as increase energy efficiency.
They conduct one on one with their clients to understand their vision and provide tailored solutions accordingly.
One should contact with the best company if they are looking for bathroom renovation services at budget friendly packages.
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Custom Printed Personalised Embroidered Hi Vis Workwear
Lightning Promotions is an Australian based retail company operating the business of a wide range of custom printing and embroidery. This custom printing company is a conglomerate specializing mass customization of a variety of products like T-shirts, Hi-Vis T-shirts, Hi-Vis work shirts cheap, Bags, Mugs, Banners, Corflutes, Flags, Signage, Bar Runners, custom bottle opener, Uniforms like Ties, Pants, Jackets, etc.
Lightning Promotions was originally formed in 1991 and later, it was launched in 1994 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is a direct marketer of customized products, banners, signs, brochures and apparels. In the competing market, Lightning Promotions found its position so soon because of its satisfactory production. With digital and screen printing, the company boosted its growth after adding embroidery to its customization technology.
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Mastery in the production of personalized products and apparels, the company received recognition from SGIAA and become an awarded company.
For its excellence in printing and embroidery, Lightning Promotions became a multi-award winning company. It is known for the best sublimation printer, including both digital and screen printing, in entire Australasia. SGIAA, Screen-Printing and Graphic Imaging Association of Australia recognized the efforts and technology and awarded Lightning Promotions.
Manufacturing and Services
Lightning Promotions promises high-quality custom printing and embroidery on a variety of branded products. Working since 1994, the company offers customization service including:
Embroidered polo shirts online
Printed Hi-Vis Workwear
Hi-Vis T-shirts
Hi-Vis work shirts cheap
Workwear logo embroidery
Custom T-shirts Melbourne
Cheap T-shirt printing
Hospitality uniforms Australia
Singlet printing
Corflute printing
Personalized keyrings Australia
Custom bottle openers
Personalized backpacks Australia
Embroidered tote bags
Custom stubby holders
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doctoraliceharvey · 2 years
opening lines meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
Tagged by @andallthatmishigas
1. Matthew's knee hurt, but he pushed it aside as he rushed through the bustling corridors of the hospital
2. She was almost there; Nanny was sufficiently distracted by her brother's wishes for a quieter playmate, and thus her eye not on the door.
3. "What brought you here?"
4. It was early - the sun barely peeking over the horizon - when he stumbled across the little diner, smoothing down his khaki uniform (he'd already been stopped a few times to be congratulated by well-meaning people), Matthew entered
5. He should have known they would eventually be found out
6. Matthew scratched the back of his neck as he looked around the department store
7. It had started because of a case.
8. They didn't immediately go to the hospital once they reached Melbourne and a part of Alice was glad for the delay
9. Alice woke to sunlight streaming across her bare skin, a slightly cotton feeling in her mouth, a soreness between her legs, and the unfamiliar weight of someone else in her bed
10. Amelia Jean Beazley loved Christmas
11. Alice put the box down with a faint 'oof!'; looking up at the still barren living room, she sighed.
12. The empty paper taunted her as she sat at her desk
13. Alice's giggles and the way her fingers laced with his warmed Matthew's heart as the two of them walked along the street.
14. "Mumma!"
15. "Do you think we'll be missed?" Alice asked as she closed the balcony door behind them.
16. She didn't liked to be touched.
17. Alice walked into the police station - armed with the latest test results for Matthew - only to find him not at his desk.
18. "Interesting book?"
19.  "How was your day?" Matthew called from the kitchen as she kicked off her shoes by the door and hung up her overcoat.
20. "You should really be in the hospital."
Favorite: Four, probably. It’s long, but it sets the tone for that story, imo. A close second might be 17.
Patterns: Either long first sentences (or in reality two sentences strung together by semicolons) or dialogue right off the bat - not really an in between lmao.
i will tag @theloversthedreamersandme82, @ofhouseadama, @olafur-neal, @blossom--of--snow, and @bloodlnthemoonlight
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theuniformedit · 2 years
The sea of costume-like uniforms was flawless, Uniforms are a very important part of the ceremonial occasion. Its all about consistency.
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mercurygray · 3 years
Could you please do a thirsty thursday fill for Marie and one or both of the boys to the kiss prompt: "kisses that start off passionate but grow more delicate"?
This was SUCH a good prompt.
This waiting was the worst.
Ed had been officially discharged from the hospital two weeks ago, but there wasn't a boat sailing for four days, and then it was a four day crossing all the way across the Coral Sea and south to Melbourne. And after that, after all that waiting, you had to wait until the boat was in dock and papers had been checked and then you had to join the thousands of other gyrenes waiting to disembark, too, every single one of 'em chatting about the girlfriends they'd left behind or the food they'd eat or the bar they'd drain dry.
Hillbilly listened, impatiently, and wished he had his guitar. Wouldn't have changed much, where the waiting was concerned, but at least it would have given him something to do, or drown out some of the more annoying voices. Four days was a long time to listen to someone gab.
But finally he was heading down the gangplank, duffel over his shoulder, searching the crowd for a glimpse of Marie's face.
He'd been dreaming of this moment for the last week, for the last month, even, and it wasn't so much the matter of what he'd say but what they'd do. It'd been so long since Melbourne and a man got tired of seeing to himself, and he wanted to kiss her all over to remember what she felt like, smelt like, and frankly he didn't much care who saw.
So when he found her in the crowd, pretty as anything in her greens, he didn't even let her get through hello before he'd dropped his bag to do just that.
Her uniform felt different under his hands, certainly not the sun-bleached softness of boondockers, but the woman underneath was warm and forgiving, their bodies pressed together like clay, lips hot, hands insistent, the heart-stopping staccato of heartbeat on heartbeat, I am alive and you are alive and we are alive in this moment together, and somewhere in the middle of that the surprising weight of the idea that it could so easily not have been so came crashing down on him and suddenly she was not a thing to be eaten whole, and he was back on the dock, clinging to her, the frenzy gone.
He was alive. He was alive and he was here and he would break her if he was not careful, the way the war had broken him. "Ed?" Her voice brought him back. "Ed, honey, what- are you all right?"
No, said the little voice in his head. No, I'm not. It was the waiting. It was the war.
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Why Uniform Embroidery in Melbourne is Essential for Businesses?
Uniform embroidery in Melbourne is a popular technique to showcase a company, identity, or organisation. Professional business environments typically require threading work for branding on bespoke uniforms for the personnel who represent the business. This method can help them get visibility in the market and among potential clients.
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Construction workwear clothing is essential for maintaining worker safety, particularly on construction sites. Wearing suitable workwear is critical in healthcare facilities and laboratories to ensure a clean atmosphere.
There is an obvious reason why large organisations and corporations must have criteria for wearing standard uniforms. They are the best solution for the demanding and highly effective conditions of construction, healthcare, nursing, aviation, and other industries since they are extremely comfortable, functional, and easy to clean.
Renowned uniform providers offer high-quality skin-friendly and long-lasting materials that can endure repeated laundering, sanitization, and use in harsh work conditions.
Why Do Businesses Prefer Custom Embroidery?
Custom embroidery for logos, company names, and employee names on uniforms is used to significantly increase market presence in a variety of business sectors, including hospitality, healthcare, beauty care, construction, research and development, aviation, railways, mining, and many others, where a high level of sanitation is required to prevent contamination while also promoting businesses.
Renowned uniform manufacturers offer high-quality sewing services to ensure that the work retains its colour and freshness even after repeated washings and rigours use.
They wear high-quality uniforms and clothes that offer more than simply functional benefits; They feature high-quality uniforms and gear that provide more than simply functional benefits; they have an elegant appearance that can improve a business or company's reputation and encourage patient and customer contentment.
Meanwhile, while looking for a reputable workwear provider, organisations must make an informed decision based on product quality, effective scheduling, and reliability.
They must request a quote and make a decision based on their requirements, evaluate their price and services, and finally choose the best supplier for their needs.
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Industrial Laundry Marvel: The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Washing in Melbourne
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In the heart of Melbourne's industrial laundry scene lies a marvel – a comprehensive guide to commercial washing. From tea towel hire to linen cleaning services, this article unravels the intricacies of industrial laundry in Melbourne, providing insights into the vital aspects that businesses need to consider.
Navigating the Commercial Laundry Landscape
Unveiling Commercial Laundry Services in Coburg
Nestled in Coburg, one of Melbourne's outer-northern suburbs, our industrial laundry hub is committed to excellence. We go beyond the basics, offering a spectrum of services that include washing, drying, folding, ironing, valet shirt services, and dry cleaning – all with the convenience of pickup and delivery.
A Trusted Partner for Diverse Businesses
Our commitment to quality and stellar customer service has garnered a list of satisfied clients, especially in Melbourne's vibrant hospitality industry. While our roots are deeply embedded in servicing restaurants and hospitality establishments, we are also the preferred choice for various other businesses seeking a reliable partner for their commercial laundry requirements.
Versatile Solutions for Your Business Needs
From same-day services to efficient pickup and delivery, we tailor our commercial laundry solutions to suit your business operations seamlessly. Whether it's staff uniforms, tablecloths, towels, blankets, or curtains, trust us to ensure they consistently look their best.
The AAA Tea Towels Difference
Why Choose AAA Tea Towels?
In a competitive industrial laundry landscape, what sets AAA Tea Towels apart is our unwavering focus on customer satisfaction. We understand the importance of clean and well-maintained linens in enhancing the overall image of your business.
Melbourne's industrial laundry scene is dynamic, and AAA Tea Towels stands as a marvel within it. This ultimate guide illuminates the intricate world of commercial washing, offering businesses the key to maintaining pristine linens. Choose AAA Tea Towels, and elevate your establishment with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
How quickly can AAA Tea Towels handle industrial laundry requests?
Our efficient same-day service ensures swift processing of industrial laundry needs.
Is AAA Tea Towels exclusively for the hospitality industry?
While we excel in hospitality, our services extend to various businesses seeking top-notch industrial laundry solutions.
What distinguishes AAA Tea Towels in the commercial washing landscape?
Our emphasis on quality, versatile solutions, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.
Do you handle specialised items in industrial laundry, such as curtains?
Absolutely, our expertise encompasses a wide range of industrial laundry items.
How can I benefit from AAA Tea Towels' pickup and delivery services?
Enjoy the convenience of our pickup and delivery services, allowing you to focus on your day-to-day operations.
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Melbourne's Leading Linen Rental and Cleaning Service: Unveiled!
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Embarking on Excellence: The AAA Tea Towels Saga
In the heart of Melbourne, where the pace of business beats to a dynamic rhythm, one name resonates as the epitome of commercial laundry services—AAA Tea Towels. Join us on a journey to unveil why we stand as Melbourne's leading linen rental services and cleaning service, weaving stories of excellence, care, and customer-centric service.
About Us: Coburg's Linen Oasis
Situated in the picturesque suburb of Coburg, AAA Tea Towels isn't just a laundry service; it's a commitment to excellence. Our mission is straightforward—to offer the finest commercial laundry service in Melbourne, providing meticulous care for your linens. Coburg serves as the beating heart of our operations, and from here, we extend our services to businesses across Melbourne.
A Symphony of Satisfied Customers
Our emphasis on quality and customer service is more than a mission statement; it's a symphony echoed in the satisfaction of our long list of customers. Many of these businesses are deeply rooted in Melbourne's vibrant hospitality industry, trusting our knowledge and service for their commercial laundry needs.
Beyond Boundaries: A Trusted Partner
While we have a strong presence in the restaurant and hospitality sectors, AAA Tea Towels is the preferred commercial laundry supplier for a spectrum of businesses. Whether you operate a boutique store, a medical facility, or any enterprise requiring pristine cleanliness, we are the trusted partner you seek.
Unravelling Our Linen Excellence
Prompt Services and Seamless Pickup/Delivery
In the whirlwind of business operations, time is of the essence. AAA Tea Towels understands this, offering prompt services and seamless pickup and delivery. Your focus remains on your day-to-day operations while we ensure your staff uniforms, tablecloths, towels, blankets, or curtains always maintain their pristine state.
Our same-day service ensures that businesses, no matter how bustling, have their linen needs addressed promptly. Moreover, our pickup and delivery options are designed for seamless integration into your operations, ensuring that you can focus on your business while we take care of your linens.
Comprehensive Laundry Solutions
Our industrial laundry services extend beyond the basics. From the wash, dry, and fold to specialised services like ironing valet shirt service, and dry cleaning, we cover all facets of commercial laundry. The result? Unmatched cleanliness and care that exceeds expectations.
The meticulous process begins with sorting, ensuring that different fabrics and items receive the tailored care they deserve. The industrial washing machines at our facility are equipped to handle various materials, guaranteeing optimal cleanliness without compromising the integrity of the fabrics.
For delicate items, such as tablecloths and linens with intricate details, our dry cleaning services come into play. This specialised treatment ensures that even the most delicate fabrics receive the care they need.
Customer Satisfaction: Our Driving Force
Why choose AAA Tea Towels? It's not merely a laundry service; it's a commitment to customer satisfaction. Every interaction with us is designed to surpass expectations. Your satisfaction isn't just our goal; it's our guiding principle.
Our customer-centric approach is woven into every aspect of our service. From the initial contact to the delivery of your freshly laundered linens, we prioritise communication and transparency. Our customer service team is ready to address any inquiries or concerns, ensuring that your experience with AAA Tea Towels is as seamless as our laundry services.
The AAA Tea Towels Advantage
Tailored Solutions for Every Business
We understand that diversity is the essence of Melbourne's business landscape. AAA Tea Towels offers tailored solutions, ensuring our services align seamlessly with the unique needs of your business, be it a restaurant, a medical facility, or a retail establishment.
Our approach begins with thoroughly understanding your business and its specific requirements. From there, we customise our services to ensure that the care your linens receive is precisely what they need. This tailored approach not only guarantees optimal cleanliness but also extends the life of your linens.
Cutting-edge equipment for Superior Care
Excellence is in the details, and we invest in it. Our laundry facility boasts cutting-edge commercial washing machines and equipment. This commitment to technology guarantees that your linens receive care of the highest standard, ensuring superior cleanliness and longevity.
Our industrial washing machines are equipped with advanced features that cater to the diverse range of fabrics we encounter. From the gentle cycle for delicate linens to the robust cleaning power for restaurant uniforms, our machines are designed to handle it all.
Sustainability at Our Core
Beyond the excellence in service, we prioritise sustainability. Our laundry processes are designed to minimise environmental impact, aligning with a global movement toward a greener planet.
Sustainability isn't just a buzzword for us; it's a commitment embedded in our practices. Our laundry facility incorporates energy-efficient machines, reducing our carbon footprint. Additionally, we employ eco-friendly detergents and cleaning agents, ensuring that the impact on the environment is minimal.
Conclusion: Where Every Linen Tells a Story
In the bustling narrative of Melbourne's commercial laundry scene, AAA Tea Towels emerges as the storyteller, weaving tales of excellence, care, and customer-centric service. Every linen tells a story of our commitment to perfection, from the smallest napkin to the grandest curtain.
Melbourne businesses don't just choose AAA Tea Towels for commercial laundry needs; they choose a partner invested in the longevity and cleanliness of their linens. The next time you unfold a freshly laundered tablecloth or drape a curtain cleaned to perfection, remember—the story begins with AAA Tea Towels.
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commerciallinen · 1 year
To Save Time and Money, Use a Premium Linen Service in Melbourne
Top laundry companies offer high-quality industrial linen services in Melbourne including routinely scheduled laundering of commonly used linen items at competitive prices. They make sure that these laundry services keep their promise to pick up and deliver freshly cleaned and dried laundry right to your doorstep for everyone from tourism and hospitality enterprises to those in the emergency services or everyone in between. They promise that the most difficult grease and oil stains will be removed by their unique cleaning solutions. These laundry service companies offer same day dry cleaning, and delivers superior finished clothing to residential and commercial clients. They ensure they employ industry leading dry-cleaning technology to provide you with the deepest, most thorough cleaning of trendy suits and breathtaking dresses. They guarantee that the quality of your fabrics won't ever be compromised by their dry cleaners. With their premium dry-cleaning care, they can restore a priceless garment or keep your business attire in impeccable condition. You can combine dry cleaning service with their ironing service to ensure you look as sharp as possible. Importance of Hiring Professional Linen Services: A good laundry and linen service can handle all of your company's cleaning needs as well as textile needs, from towels & sheets to uniforms and table linens, according to numerous studies. They can also assist you in saving money by offering reduced prices on large orders. Instead of investing in laundry equipment or having your current staff work longer hours to manage linens, linen-hire services are more cost-effective. It is because they don’t need to buy enormous equipment that takes up a lot of room in your facility. Services that provide linens can be the perfect answer for businesses that need a lot of them every day. In conclusion, laundry firms offer numerous services such as laundry pick-up & delivery, dry cleaning, Ironing and more for residents and commercial clients. Anybody looking for these services can call a nearby laundry. Source
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