#Hot eSports
chadian1989 · 6 days
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eviligo-archive · 8 months
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this is proof that any man can be a wife if they just grow their hair out (glasses also help) so why do they choose to limit their own potential
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vacantgodling · 4 months
this is partially in jest because I couldn't think of a better topic for the reverse ask meme 😭 e-sports?
LMAOOOO thank you for asking tho PFFFF
i think esports are good because they constantly challenge developers to fix their fucking game (1) but also find ways to make the game more enjoyable. by the sheer fact that esports players play these games we like AD NAUSEUM means that there's a ready batch of beta testers for pretty much any feature for any game ever. and that is valuable to me, as a casual player of games, because i don't want to sit through the broken period or the period where shit sucks if i don't have to. i love that they get early access to game modes and get to collaborate with the actual designers (by providing feedback and shit) to make a game less shit.
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endercasts · 1 year
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hejustcancelledit · 1 year
I've gotta say, I respect Romain a LOT for his hype man style, this year leaning heavily into the body paint and all that. I especially respect that he's willing to lean into jokes and the French stereotypes. I think it radiates a positive energy for the fanbase, and definitely requires a lot of confidence not many people would be able to show.
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lckboys · 2 years
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deft and canna joins damwon kia!!
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petejarramsimracing · 13 days
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radcollectivetree · 1 month
Free Fire, Tips Raih Kemenangan dan Hindari Dicap Noob!
Ppmi mesir – Free Fire adalah salah satu game mobile yang sangat populer, membawa pemainnya ke dalam pertempuran intens melawan pemain lain di arena yang penuh aksi. Namun, untuk keluar sebagai pemenang dan menghindari cap sebagai ‘noob’, Anda perlu menguasai beberapa trik penting. Berikut adalah tips bermain Free Fire yang dapat membantu Anda mencapai Booyah!
Baca selengkapnya:
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deer-with-a-stick · 6 months
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...April Fools
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heavyedit · 1 year
i’ve been mostly only vaguely excited to go to pax bc i’m not a big gamer and even tho i’m only doing nintendo stuff i don’t care about zelda or pikmin either which are two of the big games of this year but now that it’s tomorrow i’m like yoooo… i get to demo super mario wonder and i get to watch live esports for my favorite video game…. this is actually very cool and awesome i’m gonna have a good time
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lorenzo-cryptoadz · 1 year
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cryptoadz by gremplin issa blanka street fighter toad on a gameboy trickerz
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Hong Won-ki', 'Why did you cry in your own space?' ('Hot hello!')
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raybetvn · 2 years
Mai Dora MC Liên Minh Huyền Thoại #RAYBet #RBEsports
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the-lazy-leprechaun · 2 years
So if you haven’t heard, Aston Martin F1 Esports driver Simon Weigang decided to go on a Twitter rant about how frustrating it is that men are hated and how sexist it is that his gym has areas specifically for women and not men and how women are allowed to wear tank tops and not men….
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And then he went on to say this:
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Which by the thread and all such, he is definitely not open to discuss these things.
And then I was doom scrolling and came across this which made me burst out laughing
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“150 pound bottle of ranch dressing”
Anyway…. AM will likely release a statement before tomorrow 4pm about this and also “release him from his duties and responsibilities as a F1 esports driver while investigation is ongoing”.
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Mes de los Tres Caballeros September 2024!
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Tradução /Traducción/Translation Here!
September 1st - 7th : Zé Week!
1: Dança - Baile - Dance
2: Episódio de Praia - Episodio de la Playa - Beach Episode
3: Saudade
4: Cidade Maravilhosa - Cuidad Maravillosa - Marvelous City
5: Esquema - Planes - Schemes
6: Comunidade - Comunidad - Community
7: Feriado - Día Festivo - Holiday
September 8th - 14th: Donald Week!
8: Reunião - Reunión - Reunion
9: Super-heróis - Super héroes - Superheroes
10: Passado/Presente/Futuro - Pasado/Presente/Futuro - Past/Present/Future
11: Donald Duck’s Quacky Duck City
12: Crossdressing
13: Cartão Postal - Tarjeta Postal- Post Cards
14: Festa - Fiesta - Party
September 15th - 21st: Panchito Week!
15: Conto - Cuento - Story
16: Roupas Coloridas - Vestuarios Coloridos - Colorful Outfits
17: Charrería
18: Cidade dos Palácios - Ciudad de los Palacios - City of Palaces
19: Lotería Mexicana (jogo/juego/game)
20: Falso Noivado - Compromiso Falso - Fake Engagement
21: Noite de Show - Noche de Espectáculo - Show Night
September 22nd - 28th: Three Caballeros Week!
22: UA de Celebridade - UA de Celebridade - Celebrity AU
23: Seres Fantásticos - Seres Fantásticos - Fantastical Beings
24: Esportes - Deportes - Sports
25: Crossover
26: Velho Oeste - Viejo Oeste - Western AU
27: Comida de Rua - Comida Callejera - Street Food
28: Família - Familia - Family
September 29th, 30th: Free Days!
Honorable Mentions and Challenges:
Thank you to everyone for your prompts! Some were so fun and exciting but there are only 30 days in September and only 7 days in a week. As a result, here are but some of the optional challenges and themes for you to include in your fan creations!
Magia - Magia - Magic
Terapia - Terapia - Therapy
Confete - Confeti - Confetti
Apelido - Apodo - Nickname
Ovo - Huevo - Egg
UA Humano - UA Humano - Human AU
Aracuan Bird
Hot Ones
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
+1 Chance | Short/Oneshot
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In which some people get an extra life.
Tags/Warnings: pro Esports!Kook, Teenage crushes to ???, SFW, Short, Open ending, all around fluffy
Length: 2.2k Words
A/N: Yes I'm still writing on existing stuff dw. Just a random valentines day drabble. Not proofread.
You met Jungkook in summer, many years ago, when the sun was hot and your friends turned out to be nothing but situationships.
You’d been seeing the hints of their friendship not being of honest nature for a while now- but as a young girl barely about to graduate a year later, you didn’t want to be alone during your allegedly best years of your life. So you ignored the warnings one after another, always found excuses as to why their behavior was totally justifiable and normal, even if deep down you knew that you were just trying to convince yourself of that.
And then, you met him- a guy showing you honest kindness for nothing asked in return.
It was hot, sun burning, and you’d tried to get out the pool- but your small strawberry floaty had kept slipping from underneath you, making it hard to find the strength to get out of the large pool in your ‘friend’s’ backyard by yourself- when suddenly, a hand had grabbed the red item to keep it still, so you could properly hold onto it for a moment.
“Here- let me help.” He’d said, black nail polish chipped. And you’d taken on the help, too tired to really care about the fact that your friend had told you to just ignore her brother’s ‘weirdo friends’- him clearly being one of them. “Want me to help you get out? The sun is pretty hot right now, you should get out soon.” He had worried a little, and you'd nodded, pushing yourself up on the ledge after having let go of the floaty, finally having been able to escape the pool with his help, as he made sure you wouldn’t slip or end up back inside because of your strength leaving you.
You weren’t sure back then where your friends even were at that point. But somehow, it was like a moment of realization- a clear sign you couldn’t ignore any longer. “your uh.. friends went to watch a movie upstairs now, in Kate’s room..” he says, watching you sit down in the shade, drying yourself with a towel you brought.
“..thanks.” you’d mumbled. “I.. Probably should go home now.” You’d shrugged, feeling ashamed and embarrassed to ever having trusted these people at all. All they did was use your kindness and clear need for just someone to talk to and befriend- and you’d willingly accepted that, blinded by the glimpses of happiness they’d made you feel every now and then.
They knew how to manipulate you- keep you happy and clingy enough with occasional treats never given too often.
“I mean.. I can drive you. It’s late.” Jungkook had offered you. “But we’re also missing a fourth player for mario-cart right now, down in Kate’s brother’s room.” He’d jokingly told you- something that had given you hope.
“..but won’t it be weird?” You’d worried. “They don’t know me.”
“Well, everyone’s a stranger when you first meet them.” Jungkook had laughed, as he gave you a towel from close by, both of you having slowly walked back into the house. “I’m Jungkook. Just in case you didn’t know. “ He’d introduced himself, smiling like he’s the sun itself.
And little did you know that on that day, as you gave him your name, you both also set the foundation for much more than just a friendship.
“So you two have history?” Your friend asks, sitting across from you on your hotel room floor, both of you occupied with making sure your freshly applied nail polish dries well. You’re on a weekend trip for just the two of you, to take some time off the stressful life and to nourish your friendship a little.
“Not really.” You shrug. “I wouldn’t call it that. More so.. An awkward friendship when I was younger, before I moved away.” You answer, explaining your situation as to why Jeon Jungkook, one of the current top e-sports players had greeted you when you randomly ran into each other today in the hotel hallway.
“Oh, so he was the guy you had a crush on when you were younger?” She teases, never forgetting anything it seems like- not even a random confession during a childish game of never-have-I-ever. “I knew it. Damn, you were so close! Imagine your life if you’d bagged that guy.” She swoons, having made it known time and time again that she wouldn’t pass up any opportunity to ‘get her hands on those abs’ if she ever had the chance to do so. You know this is simply a joke, but still, her words do make you think.
How would your life have turned out if you got with him?
Would he have chosen to go against his parents’ advice to just keep his hobby as, well, a hobby, or would he have accepted their wishes to instead study something more steady, to earn a position in a stable company? You’ll never know- but despite that, its still interesting to just humor that idea for a moment.
“Hey, maybe there’s still tickets for the tournament!” Your friend chirps up, having noticed her nailpolish having dried by now, phone fetched and disconnected from the charger as she swipes and inputs her passcode to unlock it. “Or I’ll ask if we can have my brother’s tickets, since he didn’t go..” She mumbles, texting him most likely now.
“It’s.. I don’t know, we wanted to go out for dinner though.” You mumble, checking your polish for any imperfections. “You don’t even like gaming that much.” You also add, teasingly so. She rolls her eyes.
“Just cause I don’t play them, doesn’t mean I cant enjoy watching someone play them instead.” She argues. “Also, you can watch the game- I'll watch the pretty boy.” She winks, making you laugh with her, when she receives a text, phone falling out of her hand for a second before she can pick it up again. “Oh- he said we can have them!” She chirps up, clearly excited. “As far as I know they’re free seating- so if we’re early, we get to choose where we wanna sit and watch.” She explains, texting him some more while you contemplate.
This is dumb. He probably has a girlfriend, a life of his own, hell- you have a life of your own now, far away from him. There’s no reason for you to try and test your luck like this, but you’re also a fan of the game he’s competing at. So, maybe..
Yeah. You’re totally not doing it for him. You’re just going to watch the gameplay.
What’s the worst that can happen?
It’s not even the next day yet, but you already see him again.
On your way down to the reception desk, mission clear in your head to muster up the courage to ask for another pillow instead of sleeping uncomfortably like this, you’ve barely exited your room when your eyes meet again in the hallway.
He says your name. His voice has gotten deeper after all those years, you notice. You nod, and he smiles, the turn of the corner of his mouth pulling your attention to the twin piercing he has placed there, silver rings piercing right through his skin. “It’s been a while.” He offers, hands in the pockets of his pants. He must’ve been out with his teammates, smell of faint cigarette smoke clinging to him as you walk a bit closer.
You nod. You feel awkward, all dressed down like this, having gotten reader for bed hours before, trying to find sleep without the extra comfort another pillow would bring you. “how are you?” He asks, and again, you nod.
You hate this. You’re still terrible at talking to people. “I’m good.. and you?” You answer, avoiding eye contact. Of course he’s obviously doing good- great even, about to bag thousands of prize money tomorrow when he’ll surely win the tournament.
“Good. Great even, now that I.. anyways, do.. What’re you doing here?” He wonders, clearly happy to initiate smalltalk. “vacation or work?”
“vacation. With.. a friend of mine.” You tell him, toes digging onto the fluffy slippers you brought on this trip for yourself. “like.. a girl’s weekend.” You explain, and he nods.
“Yeah.. guess you gotta leave the men at home sometimes to unwind.” He jokes.
“hmhm. Well, she had to- I don’t, you know, have anyone, so I’m flexible.” You tell him, and that seems to make his eyes sparkle almost like you’ve challenged him. Which you didn’t- so why does he look so energized now.
“Cool! I mean.. yeah.” He nods to himself, before he seems to realize something. “Oh hey, if I interrupted you or I’m holding you in a conversation, don’t mind me! You look like you were on your way somewhere-“ he starts, pointing down the gall to the elevator. “But uh.. if you wanna go down, there’s a bunch of drunks down in the lobby, just a warning.” He offers, making you deflate.
“Oh.” You hum, defeated. Well, maybe you cal roll up your sweater or something.
“If you.. I can go with you, if you’d like.” He offers. "I’m still pretty fit. Still boxing. So.. I can be your meat-shield basically.” He jokes, making you giggle, his eyes brightening up at the sound and sight.
“I.. that would be nice, actually.” You accept, and he happily walks next to you into the elevator at that, faint music drowning our the heavy buzzing of the mechanics.
“so uh.. how’s your family?” He wonders. “is your dad still making your mom’s life harder every day?” He jokes, but you shake your head, smiling fondly.
“No, they surprisingly settled these days. They’re.. on a trip themselves. For valentines day and all.” You explain, and Jungkook nods.
“romantic.” He teases, and you giggle, nodding along.
“they.. ask about you a lot. It’s kind of funny.” You tell him. “I can only ever tell them what I see online though.” You shrug.
“You.. know what I do?” he wonders, and your eyes widen as you look at him.
“are you kidding me? You’re the top player at my favorite game.” You say, making his expression moron into one of both wonder- and slightly bashful.
“I uh.. didn’t know. Guess I’ll take that as a compliment.” He laughs it off. “I.. have a tournament actually, tomorrow.”
“I know.” You nod, elevator doors opening. “I’ll be there. With my friend.” You say.
“Oh wow.” He chuckles. “I better win, in that case.” He.. flirts? As he walks towards the reception desk with you- drunk group of friends luckily only being loud, but not aggressive. “where will you sit?”
“its.. free seating, so I’m not sure.” You mumble, before you ask the lady at the desk for another pillow for your room number.
“I could probably reserve some good seats.” He says, and you smile.
“You really don’t have to.” You reassure him, when he suddenly asks the lady for something else as well- a flower from the last bouquet left over from the hotel’s valentines sale for the guests. She happily gives it to him, free of charge, before she tells you that housekeeping will bring you the pillow shortly, before she resumes her own work again, letting you and Jungkook walk back into the elevator.
You’re not sure what you think of this- but junkook has liked flowers back then, so why wouldn’t he still like flowers now. Or, maybe he’s staying here with his girlfriend, and he’s just wanting to gift her something on his way back to her- it’s valentines day, after all.
“I’ll.. can I have your number? To text you where you’ll sit tomorrow.” He asks, and you nod, walking into your room to fetch your phone, showing your number for him to type into his own, screen cracked a little in one corner. “awesome. Now then, the only thing I gotta do is..-“ he starts, slipping the phone in the pocket of his pants. “-ask you to be my valentine?” He wonders, holding the flower out to you. "Don’t have to say yes. I’m a big boy, I can take rejection.” He jokes.
“Can I.. ask why?” You wonder, and he grins, shrugging.
“I feel like, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.” He simply answers. “..giving me a second chance, to ask you out for real this time.”
“wait.. you mean-“ you stammer, and he nods.
“I had.. kind of a huge crush on you back then. And, seeing you again.. it all just.. flared up again. Exactly the same way.” He confesses. “I’m not.. asking for something big. Just one date- and we’ll go from there.” He asks, and you slowly take the flower from him, smile on your lips as you think about his words. Fate, huh? A universe’s second chance? What are the chances?
You decide you don’t care.
“okay.” You answer him,-
And his eyes sparkle brightly, while he smiles at you like you’re the sun.
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