#House of MacCaélan
andithewhumper · 1 year
Inevitable Position
Here is the Kairos whump. I enjoyed this thoroughly. ;)
Content: vampire whumpee, vampire whumper, family dynamics, domestic discipline, caning, nonsexual nudity
Kairos tried not to focus on her fear. If she did, she would lose all the power that her anger gave her. It was hard, though, with her father standing over her with that fucking cane. It wasn’t the silver tipped one, thank God, but it hardly mattered. Her father’s swing was mean whether or not it came with a burn. 
She was bent over his thick wooden desk, dress pulled up her back. The two of them were alone in the office-another miracle since it was common that her father would call in any offended party to watch the punishments of the offender. Thankfully-or more accurately, not thankfully-the offended party happened to be Kairos’ father, Duke Eldon Orfeo himself. In typical fashion, Kairos disagreed with his orders. 
“Some day, Kairos, I believe you will discover that your opinion is only needed when I request it and not when you decide it is relevant,” her father’s voice was stern and cold, his normal state. She clenched her fists and grit her teeth in order to hold back the reply she desperately wanted to spit at him. 
“When I give you an order I expect you to follow it. I will not tolerate your childishness.” Kairos remained silent. She knew that her father would speak his part and wouldn’t allow her to interrupt. She had no desire to do so. She certainly didn’t want him any more angry at him. 
“Now, you will go to Georgia and you will make niceties with the Von Ruden family. Do you understand me!” Kairos couldn’t help but flinch at her father’s raised voice. He rarely ever yelled. He didn’t need to. For anyone but Kairos it seemed his word was law without question. 
“Yes, Father!” Kairos choked out. She hated that her voice sounded weak.
Even without the silver, the cane still burned. After just ten, Kairos was struggling to hold back pained whimpers. Her father brought the cane down again and her voice caught in her throat for a terrifying second. She knew her father would start over if she missed a number. 
“Twelve!” She gasped, dropping her head down against the desk. She breathed heavily and flexed her fingers, not allowed to even shift her weight. The cane gave a horrible swish as it came down again. 
“T-thirteen!” Kairos bit her lip to hold back a sob of pain. It was humiliating. Nothing else could get her this vulnerable this fast. Her father was always annoyingly silent after he gave his speech, so she was left to scramble across the desk at every hit with nothing to break up the noise of her yelping. 
“Fourte-en!” The sob escaped her lips this time and she could feel a tear drip from her eye onto the wood. She cursed herself for crying, yet she knew it was needed to prove to her father that the punishment served its purpose. And it had, she knew that the moment the sun set the next day she would set off to Georgia with no complaint that her father could hear. 
“Fift-ah! Fifteen! Fifteen!” Kairos yelled the number desperately, hoping that her slip-up would be forgiven. She held position, shaking against the desk and she listened to her father walk across the room and hang up the can back in its place on the wall, a visible threat for everyone to see. 
“You may stand,” her father said. His voice was calm again, though it never lost its sternness. Kairos pushed herself off the desk with a hiss between her teeth and stood to face her father. She swiped the tears from her eyes and swallowed hard. 
“I apologize, Father. It wasn’t my place to question you. It won’t happen again.”
He nodded in affirmation, though they both knew it would. Kairos would land herself in this position again before the month was up. 
Sorry, Kairos, you did this to yourself.
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpycries @a-formless-entity Lmk if you you want to be added :)
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andithewhumper · 1 year
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Thinking about doing a whumpy comic for my vampire series. Here's my first attempt at drawing Kairos MacCaélan. I don't draw often so this took me forever. Anyway I'm so excited to post my vampires! More to come!
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andithewhumper · 4 months
The Lab (3)
Getting the motivation to write House of MacCaélan again. I love this series so much and have been brainrotting it for a while. Hope y'all enjoy. :)
First - Masterlist - Prev
Content: Medical examination (not in much detail), panic attacks, self deprecation
Quinn could feel their breath being taken away when they followed Master into the lab. The room was huge. It was full of big machines that came out of the floor and the ceiling. There were glass bottles and vials everywhere and spools of film sitting in a stack next to one of the counters. Quinn wondered how it all worked. Master must be really smart to be able to use all of these machines. It was scary. Quinn shook as they thought about all the ways that Master might use them in her experiments. She had said that she wouldn’t use Quinn in her experiments but Quinn knew that it was only a matter of time until she changed her mind. Their old Master said that no one could resist hurting Quinn. They knew that their new Master would want to use them eventually. Would Master cut Quinn up like their old Master did? Quinn’s mind raced with horrible ideas and they could feel their knees knocking together. 
Master marched into the room and Quinn, trembling, tripped over their own feet as they hesitated to go through the doorway. Master turned quickly to catch them and Quinn shook in her arms. Quinn cursed their own incompetence. Surely their Master would punish them for this. They were so useless they couldn’t even walk properly. 
“Careful, Quinn. You can’t go falling in my lab, you might get hurt.” It must have been a result of Quinn shaking, but they could have sworn that their Master sounded amused. 
“I’m sorry, Master. It won’t happen again. I-” 
“Calm yourself, Quinn. Just correct yourself in the future. If I want an apology out of you, you will know.” 
Quinn nodded, not sure how to respond to the comment. They righted themself with help from their Master. They wondered why they weren’t being punished. Surely Master didn’t want some useless thrall that fell into things and broke tools in her lab. No-Quinn reminded themself-Master doesn’t want you as a thrall remember. You are so useless you can’t even serve your intended purpose correctly. She only took you because she had to, not because she wants you. 
Quinn knew that they were a burden. Their only use was for blood and entertainment. Otherwise they were just in the way. Quinn wondered how long it would take for their new Master to punish them for that. 
They followed Master diligently. They were led into a separate room with a medical table and several cabinets. This was clearly where Master was going to do experiments on Quinn. They forced their feet to go forward. Master had not told them they were allowed to stop walking and they needed to prove to her that they could obey. Then maybe she would go easy on her thrall-not that Quinn deserved it. They had messed up so much already. 
“Alright Quinn, sit on the table for me.” Quinn hears Master’s order and their eyes shoot to her. Of course they had hoped this wouldn’t happen, but it was naive of them to believe it wouldn’t. Quinn tried and failed to hold back tears as they sniffled and nodded.
“Y-yes, Master.” They climbed onto the table, ready to be cut into. At least they thought they were ready. The second they sat down and faced Master though, Quinn pulled their legs up to their chest and buried their face into their knees. 
“I’m so-o-orry, Muh-Master,” they sobbed into their knees. After several hours of trying to hold it together, it had finally started to crumble. They waited, tense for a strong hand to strike them or pry them apart to secure on the operating table. After a few moments when that didn’t happen Quinn looked up. Master was hovering over them looking annoyed. Her eyes were focused on Quinn and they could see her creep closer to them. Here it was then, the strike. Master brought her hand down on Quinn’s back but it didn’t hurt. Quinn was confused, why was Master just rubbing their back? The confusion pushed more tears out of their eyes.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Just cry. I know you need it so much. You are allowed to cry.” Master’s voice was soft in their ear and when Quinn heard the words they thought their heart might burst with relief. 
The release was heavenly. Sobs racked through Quinn’s broken body and they didn’t even notice as their Master pulled them into her chest. Quinn sobbed until they thought they might just fall asleep. What kept them from drifting too much was a very grounding voice whispering praise into their ear. It must have been Quinn’s imagination, though. There was no way Master was actually saying all of those things. Quinn wasn’t a good thrall, they had never been. 
“Good girl, Quinn. You’re doing so good for me. You’re very obedient aren’t you, sweetheart?” Master’s voice was clearer now and Quinn had a hard time believing that they had made it up. “Are you back with me now, Quinn?” 
“Y-yes, Master.” Quinn tried to push the tears away with their hands so that Master didn’t have to look at the imperfection of her thrall any longer. 
“Alright. Perhaps I should explain to you what is about to happen. I am not going to hurt you, Quinn. I am just going to check your injuries and your general health. Do you think you can handle that for me?” Master ran her hand down Quinn’s cheek and they tried very hard not to lean into it. They were a bad thrall and didn’t deserve Master’s affection. They nodded in response to Master before remembering that Master didn’t like that.
“Yes, Master. I will behave.” They meant it. They really wanted to be good for Master. They wanted to prove that even after all of the ways they had already messed up, they were worth keeping. Master didn’t need to give them to old Master’s friend. 
“Good, Quinn. Now I need you to put your legs down so I can begin.” Master stepped away from them and Quinn slowly unfolded himself and let their legs hang off the examination table. 
Master grabbed some tools and began giving Quinn instructions. They behaved as much as they could through the whole ordeal. Master directed them to stand and walk around on their toes, lay down and allow them to feel around their stomach. That part was the hardest for Quinn. They yearned to be able to protect the soft parts of themself, but they clenched their jaw and allowed Master to touch them wherever she wanted. When Master strayed down between their legs, they expected a new kind of torment to begin, but Master simply peaked behind their smalls and put them back as quickly as they had been removed. When the whole thing was over, Quinn was still shaking, but they could feel themself relax just a little bit. 
Master seemed very pleased with them. “That was very good, Quinn. You behaved so well for me.”
“I-I did, Master?” The words were out before Quinn could even register them. They weren’t meant to question their Master. Of course Master was right, even if Quinn couldn’t possibly imagine how they could have behaved well enough. They squirmed when being prodded and hesitated after commands throughout Master examining them. Surely that wasn’t good enough behavior for praise?
“Of course, sweetheart. You did so well.” Master sounded so sure of herself that Quinn let themself believe it. Maybe just this once, Quinn was good enough for praise.
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpycries @a-formless-entity
Lmk if you want to be added :)
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andithewhumper · 1 year
🪶 Experimentations
Avian whump by scientist lady whumper
Nets and Traps
The Water
💔 Skye and Evelyn (writing order)
Yandere whumper and her unfortunate victim
Gazing - A day in Skye's healing while still with Evelyn.
Friends? - Post break up Skye
Ultimate Betrayal - Evelyn punishes Skye
The Start - Skye makes a terrifying realization
💤 June of Doom (v v unfinished)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
🦇 House of MacCaélan
Vampire family whump series (ongoing)
(1) New Home - Quinn is introduced to their new master
Inevitable Position - Kairos is punished for her disrespect
(2) Hannah - Quinn meets Hannah
(3) The Lab - Kairos shows Quinn her lab
👀 Crossovers
A Paralyzing Effect - Kairos as Skye's Caretaker AU
😏 One Shots
Hero/Villain 1, 2 - Villain cares for a wounded hero
Obedience - Broken whumpee
Not Safe Safe Place - Zombie apocalypse whump
Ask For It - What the name implies
Promise of More - Human furniture
🖼️ Art
The Blorbos - Skye and Kairos
Kairos and Quinn, Two
Kairos, Two
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