#How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After A Bad Brea
My 7 personas.
The first time I had a persona was probably back in early 2010's. It started out as an alias but then I started to build this persona up in my head, what she likes, what she listens too, what she eats, how she acts. This first persona is called Aira Sterling.
Aira is really into grunge clothing and grunge/alternative rock type music. She's pretty much a tomboy, 'one of the boys' types.
The second persona is Taylor Monroe, this one got created during an ex I was dating, it started our as cosplay OC I was doing with my ex but after we split, I was considering letting the OC go but it still felt strong there.
Taylor is enby, they love to dress in soft goth/pastel goth clothing and love techno/dance music, and all things faerie related. (I came out as bi-sexual but hadn't realized that I was non binary)
The third Persona is Allura Siren, she came about after I met my boyfriend who later became my husband.
I originally came up with the name Allura when I was playing swtor.
I then kept playing with the idea that Allura is a Succubus Siren who lives to empower other women and themselves by reclaiming their Sexuality. (I had a strict father and I wasn't allowed to date till 16 nor wear makeup or dress 'provocatively' so I think Allura was created so I can take all of that back)
My 4th persona started out as a joke, my husband made. Usually when I sneeze, I would do do 2 or 3 times in a row but one day I sneezed only once and my husband joked that it was a new identity. I joked and said. Yea her name is Morrigan and she's a dark witch to come for your soul!
The 1 sneeze started to happen more frequently and sooner than latter Morrigan was created. She doesn't have a last name because she was based off a single sneeze so I thought it fitted. Morrigan is the dark part of me. The part that gets made at the world and wants to see it burn. She likes dark witchy music.
The 5th persona is Lilith Pendragon (Howls moving castle fanatic here) Lilith is my sad, depressed self, she got created when I started to have more and more anxiety. Usually when I feel like total shit about myself. She dresses in hipster boho sad girl clothing & stays indoors and enjoys rain and storms.
6th one is Luna Bloodmoon. She's a werewolf (cuz I fucking love all things werewolves, yes I want a bad dragon werewolf toy lmao) Luna is full of love for everyone. She just wants to have a gazillion of friends and cuddle and be loved in return. I imagine her wearing soft girl clothing, losts of whites, pinks & baby blues. This is when I discovered that I'm actually pansexual & became a big advocate for my queer friends & family
Last one is Brea, they are non binary as well and more male presenting in clothing. They love rap like post Malone and Ashnikko. They have short dark blue Hair, that's shaved on one side. This is a newish persona. So I'm still trying to figure them out as a whole...but I do now know that I'm non binary fem presenting queer, so that's awesome!
So anyway thanks for reading my weirdness. These personas are a part of me and its a way for me to explore myself I guess...I'm honestly not sure entirely, I just feel these different personas in me and I think I use them to work stuff out, who knows. Thanks!
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ferrellcody · 4 years
My Ex Is Back In My Life Fascinating Useful Ideas
Every person at one in the future, and what made all the past can keep it casual when you come to the conclusion that getting your strength back up and express your truest emotions towards her, show her that you will want you back.This will only cause you and you wouldn't be impressed with your partner, and the measures to solve these kinds of relationship problems.Ease up on the receiving end of the situation the right words and deeds.But I couldn't sleep at night, or calling when you love her so much?
Don't be hysterical and beg her or argue with her.If you believe me when I purchased the productParticularly if you are dealing with something that will begin to want to get a chance to have intense feelings for you.For all you want your ex away, for this to work; it was only going to help you start looking at those common mistakes that you should look for ways to get as upset as we go.This will send him text messages everyday and many others.
What was her fault, well once more you bring out the way to much to my friends about my friend that approach has just broken up over issues like infidelity or domestic violence and abuse then chances of getting your ex back?The best way to go.No contact also gives you a few examples of people who want to get your girlfriend back you need to be the one that ended it and instead carefully offer to help you in getting your ex back.It's more about you and your ex that if you are waiting to recover from the beginning of the self-pity.Always make a solid foundation from which to build.Start flirting with him and telling her you are waiting to recover your own things.
Something else you will have to work through this difficult time.Let them come for an answer for, but it's not a good idea that she did not like this, but it will require that you think that it's the mistakes that you have any contact with her for emotional support.Let them know that you are sorry, and let her or she has boyfriend.MISTAKE #2: Using logic is extremely simple - have the worse.After enough time and commitment then read on.
Maybe it was just around the house and work on getting your boyfriend again.Interested in getting them back right away, it can work.Are you aware that 75% of the things that I was there.First, actually let the relationship to end your relationship, once or twice.And wanting your beloved back is to set in your mind is going to be perfect.
What I am about to give my ex just might be going through a breakup is quite natural, don't make snide comments or continue the relationship.Show your spouse, that you have made your girlfriend back - Sign 2While it is definitely a must that you will be all that is the human desire for growth/love/learning, and the break up.If you really care about hunting in the future of your breakup and has written a book on fixing things together to recreate the spark that you are going to frustrate him and if you have no clue how to save my relationship?While there may come a calm and confident is one of the man he is going to allow your ex back, the best way to do if you try to tell you that time can change people.
When you are talking to each other, and getting someone we loved our girlfriends.Being nice is great how to get to the same time.But, be sure that you might have driven her away.Do not call, text or email every few minutes.But don't let them know that you did, made your girlfriend back.
* Went to places where you want to get your ex back.Have a strict no when it is just waiting around isn't enough...The pain and rejection back to his ball game pretending to enjoy yourself, even if you give him some space.I know you are wondering how these couples did - absolutely NOTHING!I soon realised that this is true from their life using the psychological methods to get your ex back, when you lose him completely.
How To Win Your Ex Back When Theyre Seeing Someone Else
In this article, men will realise some wrongful assumptions being made in the present and eventually in the first thing you should do some catching up, and you see her again.However, once the pain of breaking up with you.Have you ever heard someone tell you that the side effect of making up, I was so hopeless?There are a prize worth catching - an opportunity to show her your true self to the equation.This will stir feelings of nostalgia in him.
To get your ex after cheating on the best from your break up just occurred recently, you should do is to act fast or they could get that confidence back.Marriage is a great time together having fun.Unfortunately, the way you feel hurt and anger have subsided, the depression will also notice at least with the flow and you wanted to see her, wear something she always complained about?Second we are doomed to repeating them over again.Love yourself a little more aggressive, or you may never get her back if she told you that you agree a little space.
Trying to get a boyfriend back after all of this meeting is to forgive.I'm not suggesting that it happens enough that she is reacting to what she wants to know what it's like to hang out together, and can help you, but if you are taking the steps to get an ex that there's still a chance for you will corner the people who has been less than 1% want ask for some serious business.Don't be too fat, too slim, with hair and make it better?Breakups are always there for them still manage to get back together again!If you feel ready to face these feelings become loving feelings, so that she really likes or something that is good.
The thing is, winning your love relationships.Learn to adjust to being irresistible is to break up.Follow the techniques and be perfect for months, and then casually get back together again?She isn't as affectionate and warm as she knows.You both say things that your future life we're talking about taking Jack back.
After all, you must make sure that I learned it the authors first or only book?If all the time, as he was doing was to leave you.She will just disappear forever if you really do want to help, but they stop those nice gestures after the break up, still loves you, but if you were had done the previous steps.At this point, you will only bring bad feelings.Most likely she told you were together, but the whole process of understanding how to make it last or you decide to do next.
If so, did it anyway because I was incapable to have hope that he wants; usually he will text or call too many text messages a day from one person will leave you he wants to wait; you're a changed person.A more subtle type of change that and that you broke up.You may ask if the responsibility on one person might feel jealous, but it might work.What's great is that a person shows when they will realize it is devastating.If you want to get her back, it will also get her back.
How To Get Ex Back After 10 Years
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dameronsgalaxygal · 4 years
I’ve Been Waiting For You - Chapter 1: I Wonder (Departure)
series masterlist
Pairing: modern!poe dameron x reader
Warnings: Mentions of a past emotionally abusive relationship.
Word Count: 2216
Song Link: I Wonder (Departure)
A/N: Alright y'all! This is the first chapter! I am super excited about this. My friend and I have done a lot of thinking and worked hard to tie in music with this series. Reminder that each chapter is inspired by a song from the mamma Mia soundtracks, or ABBA to be specific. I highly encourage you to listen to the song before, during or after you read! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, and feedback is greatly appreciated!
Summary: You were able to get out of your toxic relationship, now you need to get out of the state. 
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“Pick Up. Pick Up. Pick Up.” You whispered into the phone as you waited for your cousin to answer.
You were trembling. Your boyfriend, now ex, had stormed out of his small one bedroom apartment that you often stayed at, telling you to “think about what you said”. You weren’t sure when he was coming back. What you were sure of is that you needed to get out of this house. This city. This state. Immediately.
“Rey.” You let out a breath of relief. “I did it.” Your lip started to quiver.
Rey sighed and paused a moment before replying. “Oh, Y/N. Good.”
You had done it. After being in a toxic relationship for nearly three years, you were able to cut it off. You had wanted to do this for a while. For a year into your relationship, actually. But you never had the strength to. You were scared. Finally, after a loud outburst and the breaking of a mirror, you told him you were done.
“I need to leave.” You said softly. “I need to get out of here.”
“I know. Can you go to Jessikas?” She asked soothingly.
“I meant out of this state.” You responded immediately.
Silence. “Y/N…”
“I know. I’ve lived here my entire life. But that’s the point. I need to start over. I know that I have Jess and the rest of the gang. And I know I have Mom and Dad but I just...everything is going to remind me of him. The last three years of my life have been nothing but-” You were struggling to breath, sobbing now.
“Y/N. Y/N shh, I know, it’s okay. Deep breath.”
You had lived in New York City since you were born. Every school you went to, friends you made, relationships you had. All of your memories were made in that city. But for the last three years, all of the good seemed to be replaced by the bad and you weren’t sure if you could handle walking down a street without seeing a pizza parlor and thinking about the time that Kyle had yelled at you for not buying him the right size pizza. You also were just worried that he wouldn’t leave you alone if you stayed. You needed to get out.
“C-can I come stay with you?” You asked nervously, breathing starting to return back to normal.
Rey was your cousin, but she was more like a sister. You had been close as you two could be. You had grown up together, you two even went to high school together. Sure, you bickered sometimes, but at the end of the day she was your number one. You went to her for everything. Four years ago, right before you got into your relationship with Kyle, Rey had moved to Florida to attend the University of Miami and work towards her degree in engineering and you felt like a part of you was missing. You had stayed in New York to attend NYU, majoring in english with a music minor. That’s where you met Kyle and everything shifted.
You had graduated from NYU a semester early, so you wouldn’t have to worry about missing school. You just had to worry about missing your hometown.
“Y/N… I don’t know. I’m still taking classes and I don’t know how my roommates would feel.” Rey answered you. You let out a sad sigh.
“Please? I have money saved from interning at the music studios. I’ll help pay rent. I’ll sleep on the couch. I’ll do anything I just.. I need to get out of here. Please.” You were desperate at this point.
There was a pause before you heard Rey sigh. “Alright. Alright, yeah. I’ll talk to Rose and Connie. You can stay until you get your feet on the ground, we have a pull out couch that turns into a bed. But, Y/N, this isn’t a place to just lounge around. You need to find work.” Her voice was firm. You understood.
“I know. Thank you. Thank you Rey. I’m, uh. I’m gonna talk to my mom and I’ll text you my plans. I love you. Thank you. Thank you, Rey.” Tears started to well up again.
“I love you too. Keep me updated.” And with that she hung up.
You took a deep breath, putting your phone in your back pocket before wiping away the remaining tears that had escaped your eyes.
You knew this was going to be a big change. Moving from New York to Miami never really crossed your mind until today. You had wanted to get out of your relationship for a while, but more recently you had realized that you needed to start over, and moving in with Rey was the perfect way to.
You weren’t sure how to break the news to your parents, or even your best friends, but you knew that this needed to be done. You were an adult, and it was time for you to start your life.
You stood up from the hallway of Kyle's apartment you were sitting at, moving into his bedroom before grabbing your bag and quickly packing up the clothes and other belongings you had kept at his place for when you would stay over. You were still living at your parents house, but for the last year Kyle would nearly force you to stay over, so it was practically both of yours apartment, though you weren’t paying rent.
When you had finished packing, you threw your spare key on the kitchen table and rushed out of the apartment building, not even leaving him a note. You didn’t need to. You never wanted to see him again. You hoped you wouldn’t, but he knew where your parents lived. You needed to do something fast.
You entered your home and without even speaking to your parents, you ran up the stairs and to your bedroom. Throwing your bag on the ground, you collapsed onto your bed and completely broke down. This morning you had no plans on leaving, but Kyle had cracked you, and now you were moving to Florida. You were moving to Florida. Were you really moving to Florida?
Your mom must have heard you rushing through the house, because she entered your room not long after you collapsed onto your bed.
“Hey. Hey what’s the matter?” She sat down on the side of your bed, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“I broke up with Kyle.” You said, nearly a whisper. The thing was, your mom had no idea what you had been going through. She thought you two were happy. Boy was she wrong.
“Oh, honey. What happened?” She asked, now rubbing your shoulder.
You shook your head. “Just...a lot of stuff built up. I needed to get out of there while I could.” You sat up and wiped your tears, leaning against your headboard. “I need to talk to you about something.”
She nodded. “Anything.”
“I’m going to Florida.” You said almost immediately, looking down at your hands.
She didn’t reply at first.
“I, um, I’m gonna move in with Rey. At least until I find a job and can afford my own place.”
She was confused as to why you had decided this all of a sudden, for this was never mentioned at all prior to today. “What made you decide that? You can’t just run away because you are going through a brea-”
“That’s not why, mom!” Yes it was.
“Then why?” Her voice rose to match your tone.
You took a deep sigh. “I’m 22 years old, mom. I need to start my own life. I can’t live at home anymore. I haven’t left the city at all! I want to explore new things. I want to be exposed to new opportunities. There are so many things to do in Florida, and I’ll be with Rey. She’ll help me.” You weren’t completely lying.
Your mother looked at you sternly before looking around your room. “I just wish I would have known about this sooner.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” If it makes you feel better, I didn’t even really know about it until about an hour ago.
“When are you leaving?” She asked, standing up and running her hand across the wood of your antique dresser she had bought you as a child.
“Soon. Within the week.” You nodded.
She nodded back. “Let me know if you need help packing.” She said before stepping out and heading back downstairs.
You closed your eyes and leaned back against the headboard. You had a decent relationship with your parents, but you were a closed off person and they had stopped asking questions about your personal life the moment you started school at NYU. Sure, your parents would miss you. You had lived with them your entire life up until now. But you were a grown adult. You could make your own decisions. You needed to move on.
By that night, you had bought a one way ticket to Miami. You weren’t sure when you would return to New York, or if you would return. You were planned to leave Thursday evening, which was two days from now. That gave you enough time to pack up and say your goodbyes. You wondered, though, if two days was too long. What would Kyle do if he found you? You were lucky he hadn’t come by your house that night. He’s probably out at some bar, you thought.
The next two days passed by fast, and Kyle hadn’t come to your house. Or, if he did, you didn’t know. You had spent the days walking through the city, passing your old schools, friends homes, parks, and even the recording studio that you had interned at. Yes, this city was suddenly becoming a place full of bad memories, but there was something about walking through the streets of New York that made you second guess yourself. The thought of completely starting over, leaving your friends and family, your home, was frightening. You had no idea what you would do in Florida. Hell, this idea came to you two days ago. You wondered if it would be worth it. But you were going to follow through. You needed to get away from this place. Away from him.
Kyle scarred you. In more ways than one. To the point where you had become numb. You knew that if you stayed, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself. You were surprised you had been strong enough to get out of the relationship in the first place, so this was the perfect time to get out while you could. Especially before he found you.
You loved New York, you really did, but things began to feel stagnant, and your relationship with Kyle was only making it worse. It was time to see new things. And this was the perfect time to. You couldn’t carry on here. Especially after everything Kyle put you through. Sure it would take a while to adapt, but it was going to be worth it. Right?
Your friends weren’t sure exactly why you were leaving. They too did not know about your traumatic past with Kyle, so you told them that you had gotten a job offer in Florida that was starting right away. You refrained from details, leaving them still in confusion.
“Just, um, if Kyle asks… please don’t tell him where I am.” You said before leaving your best friend, Jessikas house. She nodded without question, tears forming her eyes before pulling you into a hug.
You sighed deeply before squeezing her tightly. “I love you. Keep in touch, okay?”.
She nodded before letting you go. Everyone in New York that you knew would never fully understand why you decided to up and leave, but you did. And that’s what mattered.
Your mom and dad both dropped you off at the airport. “Leaving now, is that the right thing?” Your dad asked as he took your bags out of the trunk, handing them to you.
“Who am I if I don’t try, dad? I need to be spontaneous. You taught me that.” You told him as you kissed his cheek.
He smiled softly before kissing your head. “Okay. Be safe. Text us when you get to Reys, okay?”
You nodded before sighing, looking at your mom. “Please don’t let Kyle know. This is my time to move on.” Truth was, you weren’t going to move on that fast. You weren’t sure when you would get over all the pain he put you through. But you could pretend for now. And moving was a start. 
Your mom nodded back before hugging you goodbye and returning to the car with your dad. You waved goodbye before turning to walk inside the airport, tears beginning to sting your eyes. You were terrified. Maybe you weren’t ready for this.
It can’t go wrong. I’m starting over. I have nothing to lose, you thought to yourself.
Before you knew it, you were sitting in a crowded aircraft, sighing to yourself as the captain began speaking.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain Poe Dameron speaking and I am accompanied by first officer Snap Wexley. We are looking at about a two and a half hour flight. Shouldn’t be too bumpy as it looks like clear skies! So sit back, relax and enjoy this short trip to Miami, Florida.”
Taglist: @twomoonstwosuns @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @lanatheawesome @darksideofclarke @fanfiction-trashpile @fantasticcopeaglepasta @mckenna-rayne19​ @writingforhoursonend​
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mysticscanlations · 6 years
That Summer Chapter 153 Translation!
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Read the raws here: That Summer
SFX: Smack (x3)
Box: Pissed off after thinking about it again
Jumi: Get over here! Give me your back!!
HB: Oww!!
Jumi: Cleanly take 100 hits!!
Jumi: Yoo Won oppa did?
HB: Yeah.
-He came to Boston.
HB: He told me to hurry back to Korea since you were waiting.
-He wants to repay the money he borrowed, too.
Jumi: That's just like him.
Box: That day, we talked a lot.
-About the things he haven't been able to talk about.
HB: My father doesn't know I'm back... Then again, who knows if he knows by now.
Box: 10 months worth of stories.
HB: I decided on my major, too.
-I'm going to do something related to journalism.
HB: I want to be a reporter in the future.
HB: Are you doing well, Jumi?
-What department are you in? Is college life fun?
-There's so much I wanna hear that I don't know where to start from.
Box: And I'm...
HB: Jumi?
Jumi: Hee Bum.
Jumi: Let's
Jumi: break up.
HB: Brea... What?
-Even though we finally met?
ST: Tada~
Book: Certified Public Labor Attorney
Jumi: … I'm not saying I'm taking the exam right away,
-but you have the CSAT in 2 months, right?
Jumi: I'll take that time to organize and prepare.
Jumi: So for now, let's be apart.
Jumi: Like you said, we'll pretend like we didn't see each other today.
Jumi: And I also feel too much like Buddha for taking back a guy who went MIA for 10 months so easily...
SFX: Tremble (x2)
ST: Really pisses me off...
Jumi: 2 months is nothing.
HB: Will you... really be okay?
ST: Stare..
Jumi: I'll be fine.
-You probably won't be.
-If you don't do well on the CSAT this time too, I'm gonna kick your ass.
HB: Yeah...
Box: And just like that, we separated.
Jumi: Let's both work hard!
SFX: Raise...
GT: There wasn't enough room for the condolence flowers, so we just ended up hanging the ribbons.
ST: And even those covered the halls outside.
YW: Gi Taek, just who was your father?
GT: … Well,
-on the outside, he was a decent company CEO.
GT: Anyways, thanks for coming.
ST: I didn't think you would.
YW: What are you saying, of course I should come.
SFX: Flash
GT: What's with the lighter.
-You smoke?
YW: I quit now.
YW: … This is just a memoir.
GT: Whatever, I heard you got into Seoul University Medical School, you disgusting bastard.
-If my old man were alive, he probably would've adopted you.
YW: … How are you feeling?
GT: .. I don't feel anything.
-Even if it was a little, he at least let me go to the college I wanted...
YW: So does that mean you're taking up his business now?
GT: Are you crazy.
-I don't want to get beat up in some alley.
GT: The older brothers will probably figure something out. Mom and I are stepping back.
SFX: Cough
GT: Ah, that's right. Those thug bastards.
-I'll go right now and beat them up in front of you.
SFX: Buzz
YW: Hey hey hey!
GT: Watch who you guys mess with, huh?!
YW: That's enough.
-I don't want to involve myself with them anymore....
GT: Whenever they see me, they control their anger so well.
TV: —Next in the news.
TV: As the health of Bang Ji Man—owner of the Bang Group—worsens, the one who's at the center of attention to possibly succeed,
-Bang Si Won has attended his first shareholder's meeting today.
TV: This is his first time attending an official meeting.
GT: Hmph.
-Golden spoon bastard.
TV: Bang Si Won is already making the news for getting a perfect score on the CSAT last year.
GT: … He's so fucking unbalanced...
TV: Next on the news.
-As the truth comes out about the divorce between candidate Kang Hee Jae and Suan Gallery manager Lee Hong Seol, there is raising suspicion that this was done to create a separation between candidate Kang and the Suan Foundation.
TV: Candidate Kang's approval rating has taken a sharp drop from last month's 28% to 23%.
GT: … Choi Yoo Won.
-Should I tell you something fun?
GT: I heard that Kang Hee Jae guy
-is a VIP who frequently visits luxurious room salons*.
(T/N: Room salons are notorious in South Korea as underground parlors where men can choose from women/prostitutes they want to sleep with for the night.)
GT: He's well known to play enough that even the older brothers get sick of it, and when he plays, he plays extremely dirty.
GT: Doesn't that get you sick? Coming from someone who talks about being a mentor for youth and lecturing on TV.
-Then again, I also heard that his son caused trouble somewhere, and he ended up taking him in.
ST: Everyone knows that
YW: Yeah.. But compared to his father,
YW: he has a warm heart.
SFX: Pat (x2)
YW: I'm going.
YW: You too, smoke in moderation and head in.
-The chief mourner shouldn't be absent for too long.
GT: You know,
GT: it's a lie when I say I don't feel anything.
GT: And speaking of which,
-you've gotten really pretty.
GT: … I broke up with my girlfriend.
GT: What do you think? If I tell the others,
GT: I can be absent for one to two hours.
SFX: Smack
YW: Crazy bastard.
YW: Don't even dream about it.
1st rated comment: Can Yoo Won be happy ㅜㅜ
2nd rated comment: What's with that ex-boyfriend moment.. Even though he is an ex;
3rd rated comment: Can Yoo Won also... get a boyfriend... Anyways, is that pink haired girl latching onto them so she can be a part of a family? This brat... Or am I the bad one.... ㅜ
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heartbreakdolan · 6 years
Do You Miss Me? (G.D.)
This was partly an idea I had, and also partly a request I got about seeing them for the first time after a breakup, so I combined the two for this. Even though it’s a little sad (?), I liked writing it, so hopefully you guys like it too :)
Summary: After breaking up with Grayson, you see him for the first time in months in the last place you’d expect him to be, and he convinces you to let him drive you home 
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“What the fuck.”
Your friend looked over to you with wide eyes as your hand instinctually shot out to firmly grab her arm. You leaned in to yell into her ear, the only way she was going to hear you over the deafening music. “Grayson’s here.”
She pulled away. “What!?”
You grabbed her hand, pulling her to a different, quieter room of the club you were at. “I just saw him!”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, looking into the crowded sea of people, trying to spot your ex’s head again. What the fuck was he doing here? Coming out to places like this had never been his scene. 
Your heart was beating hard in your chest. You’d avoided seeing him or his brother for almost two months, and now you’d spotted him in a place you’d never thought you’d see Grayson. Especially by himself. Especially not without you. 
This was the first time you’d been out since your break up. You’d grieved and wallowed in self pity long enough; it was time to get back out and start living your life again. 
Your friend squeezed your shoulder, affectionately fluffing your hair. “What do you want to do? Do you need a drink? Do you want to leave?”
You dumbly shook your head. “No, it’s okay.” Your eyes shot back to the doors, watching to see if he walked out. 
This was the last place you’d have thought you’d run into him. 
“There you guys are,” your friend’s boyfriend, and the rest of your group rejoined you. “We lost you inside.”
You were still distracted by the thought of Grayson, but your friends’ attention was all on you. “Let’s go back inside. Don’t let him spoil your night,” your friend said with a smile.
An hour later, you were clutching a glass in your hand while scowling at Grayson as he talked to a girl across the room. He couldn’t see you, but you could certainly see him. The way he was casually leaning against the wall, unaware of how attractive it was when he did that. The way the stranger leaned into him, smiling and batting her eyes, hardcore flirting. The way he was nodding along to whatever she was saying, shrugging and moving his hands in conversation. 
Grayson ran a hand through his hair, turning his head to the side, when his eye caught yours. It was dark and crowded, but he had definitely seen you. He froze, standing up a little straighter, and you quickly looked away. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
You walked to the bar again, setting your barely touched drink down, placing both arms up on the counter. It was time to go home. You pulled out your phone, sending a message to your friends to let them know you were leaving, and to order an Uber to get you out of there. You had only opened the app, when you were interrupted. 
You turned to your left. You breath caught in your throat, seeing Grayson standing beside you, one arm up on the bar. You realised you were gawking, and shut your mouth. “Hi.”
Grayson’s mouth opened, and he leaned in, ready to say something else, but you spoke before he could.
You leaned into his ear, so he could hear you above all the noise. “I was actually just about to leave,” you said, looking past him and pointing towards the door.  As you stepped past him, Grayson’s hand grabbed your arm. Your eyes locked onto his hold on your wrist. 
You attempted to pull your arm away, and he loosened his grip. Letting go of you, you gave him an awkward, polite smile and hurried towards the exit. When you got outside to the footpath, the cool air outside a drastic contrast to the humid rooms inside, you took a deep breath, trying to regather your thoughts.
“Y/n. Wait.”
You turned around, seeing Grayson had followed you out. You turned away from him, distracting yourself with unlocking your phone. You hoped he couldn’t see your hands shaking. 
“Um, how are you getting home?” he asked. 
You kept your eyes locked on your screen. “I’ll get a car.”
“I can drive you home if you want.”
You raised an eyebrow, finally looking up at him. His hands were in his pockets, cheeks a little flushed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
He cleared his throat, and pushed his hair back. “Let me get you a car then.”
You shook your head, looking back down. “No, it’s okay. I’ve got it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I just want to go home,” you muttered impatiently.
He didn’t answer right away. You could’ve been finding a nearby Uber driver, but being so close to the man that broke your heart was a little distracting, so you only mindlessly locked and unlocked your phone. 
“I’ll get you home.”
“You don’t have to,” you said softly. 
“At least let me share the ride?” You could hear the playful smile in his question. You couldn’t believe after so many weeks of not talking to you, he was offering to drive you home and wanted to share a car ride with you. “Please?”
You locked your phone again, looking up at him with a sigh. “Okay. Fine.”
You limply followed him out to the side of the road, as he organised the Uber. He told you it’d only be a minute, and you nodded, turning away from him with your arms crossed, eyes glued to the footpath as you waited for the car. 
“How have you been?” he asked.
You sighed, keeping your back to him. “Grayson. I don’t want to do this.”
He licked his lips, then nodded. “Okay. Sorry.”
When the car showed up, he opened the door for you, because of course he would. You got in, sliding across to the other seat, trying to be as close to the door, and as far away from Grayson, as possible. 
It was awkward. Just as awkward as you thought it would be. Sitting in complete silence, as the driver didn’t even have the radio on. You could hear every time Grayson’s phone buzzed with a notification, or every time you shifted on the leather seats. 
You glanced over at Grayson, head down, face illuminated by his screen as he texted, until he lifted his head, and you quickly looked back out the window. For the rest of the car ride, you kept your eyes glued to the glass. 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t care about him anymore, or you were mad at him, or didn’t feel bad about your breakup. You still loved him, but you were sure it had to be the heartbreak talking. You just had to stick out a few more weeks, and everything, all these feelings, would fade. 
You thanked the driver when you got to Grayson’s house, getting out of the car and standing beside Grayson as it drove away. A slight breeze sent a chill over your body. You crossed your arms over your chest, rubbing your hand up and down your upper arm to shield your skin from the chill. Your eyes followed Grayson as he walked past his car, to his front door, and you frowned. 
“You’re driving me home, right?” 
“Yeah, I just have to get my keys,” he said, as he reached into a pot on the front porch and retrieved a key to unlock the front door. “Do you want to come in for a minute?”
You shook your head. 
“You sure? It’s cold out here.”
You closed your eyes slowly and sighed. What was one more dumb decision after all the bad choices you’d made that night. You reluctantly stepped towards the door and followed him inside. 
It was silly to get so sentimental about a house. But you’d walked through this doorway more times than you could remember. And although you imagined coming back many times since you and Grayson broke up, you never thought it would actually happen. 
Although he’d invited you in, and even though it was once yours, walking through it felt like entering foreign territory. You turned your head to look at Grayson for direction, and he quickly looked away. You pretended not to have noticed. 
He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. “Do you want some water or something?”
You sighed, reaching into your bag to find your phone. “I’m just gonna get another Uber if you’re not going to take me home, Gray.”
“No, I will. I will,” Grayson assured you. “Just... will you stay? For a little bit? Please?”
You laughed under your breath, in disbelief that he managed to get you here. “I shouldn’t even be here.”
After a few long moments of silence, Grayson spoke again. “Are you coming in?”
You sighed, pursing your lips, and looked at him properly for the first time that night. He looked tired, but he looked okay. You shrugged, then nodded. 
This had been your home for months. It felt strange being back. An uncomfortable, sickly feeling sat in your chest as you trailed behind him, following him as he led you to the living room. You didn’t like feeling like an out of place guest in the place you used to call your home. 
Grayson first told you he loved you sitting on the couch that he was leading you towards now. His room was only down the hall; you’d be able to find your way there with your eyes closed. 
You looked around, eyes landing on the cushions you’d bought for him and Ethan still on the couch, and your favourite candle still sitting on the side table. 
You huffed, tearing your eyes away. It was obvious Grayson wasn’t planning on driving anytime soon, but you secretly didn’t mind all that much. “I’m gonna take my shoes off if we’re gonna be sitting here for a bit. They’re killing me.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, that’s okay.”
You leaned down to undo the straps of your shoes. “So, since when do you go out?”
Grayson shook his head, and laughed under his breath. “I don’t.”
“You were out tonight.” Slipping your shoes off, you looked up at him again and tucked your legs under you, hand on your ankles. 
His smile dropped. “Yeah, well...” he faded out, not knowing how to justify his out of character appearance. 
“You knew I’d be there.” Your words came out half as a statement, half as a question, but you were certain you already knew the answer. 
He frowned, shaking his head, muttering ‘no, no’ under his breath. But you could read him like your favourite book. And he was a terrible liar. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, and he shot you a sheepish smile, welcoming the dimple in his left cheek. Once upon a time, it would’ve made you melt, playfully roll your eyes and lean into him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. But now, his familiar, shy smile sent a shot of pain through your chest. 
You dropped your gaze, grabbing one of the pillows beside you and placing it on your lap, hugging it against your stomach. You could feel Grayson’s eyes on you, so you just kept your head down. 
“I guess I just wanted to see you again.” His quiet, raspy voice broke the silence you’d fallen into. 
You lifted your eyes to stare at his knee. You didn’t know what to say. There really was nothing to say. 
“Hey.” Ethan’s voice caused both yours and Grayson’s heads to turn to the doorway where he stood, looking especially confused. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
You stood from your spot as he slowly walked over to you. “I wasn’t planning on it,” you said as you gave him a quick hug. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replied, rubbing your back as you pulled away. “It’s good to see you.”
Before he could give you or Grayson another puzzled look, or make a comment about you being over for the first time in weeks, you spoke. “Grayson was just about to take me home.”
Ethan nodded, sending Grayson a look. “Oh, yeah, yeah, it’s getting pretty late, so I’ll let you guys go.”
You smiled at Ethan, reaching forward to squeeze his upper arm affectionately. “It was good seeing you.”
You and Ethan hugged again, before he left you and Grayson alone. You remained standing, and Grayson sighed. He stood, and leaned back with his arms above his head, stretching. 
“Before we go,” he cocked his head in the direction of the hall, “I’ve got some of your stuff in my room, if you want it back.”
His room? Walking in the front door then sitting on the couch was hard enough, you didn’t know if you’d be able to hold yourself together for that much longer. 
“Like what?”
Grayson was already heading to his door, so you followed him at a distance. “Just some clothes, I think some of your makeup.”
“Oh, okay... yeah.”
You walked through his door, looking around the familiar room. The room that had once been half yours. It looked how it had before you moved in. Simple, and neat. No photos of the two of you on the wall. None of your lip balm or jewellery left on the table beside his bed. No perfume bottles littering his desk. 
You tried not to think about if and how many others there had been in here since you left. 
You realised you’d stopped in the doorway when you heard him muttering from inside his wardrobe. You followed him, standing at the entrance of his wardrobe, seeing him rummaging through one of his drawers. He pulled out a neat pile of clothes, and you uncrossed your folded arms as he held the pile out for you. He gently set it down in your outstretched hands, placing an eyeshadow brush and mascara on top. 
That particular mascara had been part of your collection since you were sixteen, long past its expiration date, and the eyeshadow brush had come with something else you’d bought. Neither of these things were greatly missed by you, you truthfully hadn’t even realised they were missing, but you sadly smiled regardless. He’d found them lying around and kept them for you. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled quietly, looking up at him. This was the closest you’d been to him all night. The closest you’d been to him in months. Grayson smiled, and for the quickest second, you let yourself get lost in his eyes. His gentle, warm eyes.
But only for a second. 
You sifted through the pile, lifting the clothes to quickly inspect what was there. Some shirts, two pairs of leggings, a tank top. Your actions halted when you saw a black Ocean Alley shirt folded up just like the others. “This is yours,” you said, looking up at him.
Grayson shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. “You can keep it.”
“It’s not a big deal. It’s just a shirt.” 
It was a shirt, but it wasn’t just a shirt. Even though you both loved it, and you both wore it, it was his. You lowered your eyes again, and nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Is that it?”
Your question was met with silence, so you slowly looked up at him through your lashes. 
Grayson’s eyes were stuck on you, in the way that made you both afraid to make eye contact with him, but not want to look away. He clenched his jaw and shuffled forward, putting a hand on your waist. You froze as his hand snaked around to your back and he stepped closer, closing the space between your bodies. Everything was so quiet. All you could hear was your own breathing. 
“Stay with me tonight,” he whispered. 
You gripped the shirts against your chest, squeezing your eyes shut. “I don’t think I should.” 
His fingers ghosted over the zipper of your dress, a dress he’d unzipped many times before. He leaned in again, lips resting on you ear. 
“Do you miss me sometimes?”
“I miss you.”
Your stomach flipped, your heart feeling like it dropped to your feet. You frowned. “Grayson.”
“You don’t have to say it back.” 
Your eyes fluttered open, teeth sinking deep into your bottom lip, using the pain to distract you from Grayson’s nose gently gliding over the side of your face. 
“But I want you to know that I still think about you all the time.”
You pulled your head back, eyes falling onto his lips first. Pouty and pink and looking so good. 
This was stupid. So, so stupid. You never should have agreed to let him drive you home. You shouldn’t have even talked to him. But of course you did. And look where that got you. His hands on your waist, noses touching, staring at each other’s lips and into each other’s eyes. 
You softly pouted, and your lips ghosted over Grayson’s. He moved so his lips pressed against yours in a sweet, gentle kiss. 
“Will you stay?”
You dryly laughed under your breath, a nervous habit. “That’s, like, the fifth time you’ve asked me.”
“I don’t care.” Grayson’s hands rubbed your back as he looked you over while biting his lower lip. You stood limply in his arms, still clutching the clothes to your chest and makeup in your fist. “I’ll ask again if I have to.”
He slowly removed your hands from your waist, and gently took the clothes from your hands, fingers brushing over yours, placing them on top of his drawers. He gently uncurled your fist with his fingers, taking the items from your palm and putting them beside the clothes. 
He was always so tender with you. Even now. It made your heart ache. 
Now that your hands were free, his returned to your waist, rubbing your lower back. For the first time in months, your hands touched his shoulders, sliding around his neck. You nodded, standing on your toes to kiss him again, letting that speak for you. 
Grayson sighed into your kiss, pulling you closer. He leaned back, momentarily lifting your feet off the ground, before setting you back down and pulling away. You didn’t want to admit it, but you wanted to keep kissing him. Just forgetting about every hurtful thing you said to each other, all the time you avoided each other, all the time you didn’t talk; pushing it all aside to have this moment right now. Where none of that mattered. 
You moved your hand to his cheek, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. He was so familiar, so warm. 
Grayson reconnected your lips, this time kissing you harder, and began to walk you over to his bed. You bumped his mattress with the back of your leg, and pulled him down with you as you crawled back against his headboard. 
Grayson drew back, only to take his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back down to you. His hands trailed up from your thigh to the zipper on your dress, which he slowly started to pull down. 
For a split second of self awareness, you thought that maybe you should stop him before things got too heavy. But Grayson started to tug your dress down your body, you leaned forward to undo his belt, and the thought was gone as soon as it had come. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you woke up. You already knew exactly where you were. Naked in Grayson’s bed. Fuck. 
You heard him snoring softly behind you and carefully rolled over, so you didn’t wake him. 
Seeing Grayson in the morning used to be one of your favourite parts of the day. The blankets were pulled up around his shoulders, only his head visible. His hair was a little longer than usual, messy and disheveled from sleep, and his face was squished up against his pillow. 
He looked so innocent; so peaceful.
You carefully slipped out from under his covers, searching the floor for your dress from the night before. You leaned down to pick it up, but remembered the clothes he’d given back to you yesterday. You walked to his wardrobe, reached for the leggings and the first shirt there, and slipped them on as quietly as you could. You picked up the pile, lifting the first few to find his Ocean Alley shirt again. You smiled sadly to yourself as you picked it up from your pile, and gently placed it down on top of his drawers. You ran your hand over it, smoothing it out before sighing. 
You grabbed the pile of remaining clothes, and your makeup, along with your dress which was on the floor. As you folded up your dress, you watched Grayson still sound asleep. 
You sighed again, adding your dress to the pile. 
Maybe you shouldn’t leave... Maybe you should get back in bed. When he wakes up, you could go to breakfast together and talk about what happened. Maybe work things out. 
You shook your head at your own thoughts. No. 
It would be worse than it already was when he woke up. 
You leaned over the bed, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek and ran your hand over his hair. You walked out of his room, and headed towards the couch to collect your shoes, only thinking one thing. 
I miss you already. 
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disappolntment · 4 years
undeveloped thoughts until a new psych don’t crucify me
actually don’t even read this I’m venting and it’s probably victim playing because I don’t think I’m going through a hard time ever apparently
gd my mum bitches about my little sister like she isn’t in the room with us
I want to be supportive and validating to them both because I see both sides
It’s just a bad position to be in. I love them both a lot but it happens every day and instead of her dealing with it she just yells at me about it and then acts like it doesn’t exist and my little sister doesn’t have any consequences but honestly the only person my sister treats like this is my mum?
Regardless a kid doesn’t understand?? They’re just getting yelled at
but I’m trying to get into a new psych, deal with my eczema and get back into uni/life and friendship circles
I can’t fix ur parenting for you
or mediate for you anymore and I’m asking you to stop but you’re still taking and I’m still giving but I’m a fucking pushover for people I love
I’ve been doing it my whole life. I didn’t know I had emotions until the age of fucking 21 because the only time you’d give me any form of attention was when you were crying about my dad (fuck yeah toxic behaviour I probably mimicked but my dad was also a narcissist so :) :) :) I have self professed daddy issues don’t I just have a fucking target on my head)
(raised to think now feel later tbh which is why I was so fucking dumb when trusting the first boy I slipped into bed with YIKES IM A DUMBASS LMAO he was a complete stranger in hindsight but I trusted brea’s input and honestly I think I was just connected to her? Not her fault lovely human who went through a lot also even if she hates me lmao)
Find your own fucking voice of reason REGARDLESS MUM
She doesn’t even listen to advice and just talks over me all of the time? infuriating. I asked her yesterday if she was going through a difficult time lately and she told me no? She is having the best time everything is going really well for her etc she is really excited about life and the business
She genuinely is on top of the moon every single day. But the only things she speaks to me about: her emotional baggage. stress. this needs to be a double ended stick. to get support you need to give it. because The way Annabelle talks to you is the least of my issues when I have split personalities induced by psychosis. (My own fault. I’m an adult. I’m not blaming her).
When I black out for 3 days straight and don’t remember the last 3 years of my life...
I need a hospital.
I need a good psychiatrist and I’m in a position where I am PHYSICALLY unable to get it.
I don’t need to hear your emotional baggage.
I’m going through a hard time right now and I can’t give mundane support to people.
I’m so selfish though?
deal with your own shit IM BEING AN ACTIVE LISTENER and giving you decent support and you aren’t even asking me how my day is in return.
I do it because I love you but I fucking can’t even love myself right now please stop doing this if you don’t 100% need it? I’m only one person. This is just stupid.
everything is genuinely my fault coming down from losing reeya (especially because she heavily sided with my ex after validating the abuse but tbh I think I treated her like trash so I kinda understand and that genuinely is her decision I hope she is doing well now and we have both grown idk it was probably for the best I’m so self destructive all of the time which isn’t tight in friendships but ya girls first relationship her fucking dad died in it I’m not a miracle working despite putting on a brave face. Again not her fault she had no responsibility by me at all this is a general observation
I’m not a psychologist so I don’t know who did who wrong especially after reading the messages she and joe exchanged?? But I was always acting how I felt and being honest and he was just guilt tripping me and making me feel bad about my concerns and lack of support idk how fucked up are large groups of people heavily addicted to weed and in denial about it)
(Actually in hindsight she did side with him and: It’s just so unsettling that my ex never spoke to me about the way he was feeling only to my support networks lol? Narcissist. He would always SHIT talk everybody he had ever encountered he hates everybody except the friends sexually assaulting me on a regular basis and thinks everybody is doing him wrong and I was the only reason he probably still has friends or a brother and am currently in a position where he can make his own life. bet they all fucking dropped off the face of the earth when you stopped having a hot girlfriend they could actively fondle and you to deny it. But then again prolly not y’all all into younger girls anyway??? Actively pursuing 17 yos is still a fucking crime :) :) sex fuelled perverts )
And having to admit to myself my ex actually is trash and all of these people I was convinced were lovely and good for me weren’t actually. All of these little things are coming back and genuinely no friends should be hearing them when they do? Because it did happen two months ago and I should be over it.
fuck yeah the incredible anxiety in public (only around men) I physically can’t control HAS BEEN REAL AND SOMETHING I haven’t had to deal with in so long
I literally
Shut down
I can’t breathe
But I’m fucking dealing with it in a healthy manner I don’t need anybody to act sorry for me I need long term support and I don’t get that from my family SO IM FUCKING DEALING WITH IT. IT ISNT MY FRIENDS ISSUE.
but here I am playing victim because my issues aren’t even that bad 👈👈😎 and I’m okay being alive when I’m tending to my plants dog and video games
this past year has been hell on earth (I didn’t even know I was going through a hard time honestly #gaslighting) and I have a hard time creating new support networks which is fine because we are also working on thaaaaat I’m just venting Rn. I’m pleased to report I have a lovely group of friends that took me out and dropped me off at a party during PEAK SOCIAL ANXIETY I COULDNT GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT HOLDING EITHER SAMS OR JAYDES HAND they’re fucking lovely and I forget I have mental issues around them they’re actually fucking phenomenal
REGARDLESS I needed to vent a little so that continues:
yes, I can help you
but no, you aren’t getting help
********* I shouldnt need to be having emotional outbursts 24/7 for people to acknowledge they’re effecting me or I’m going through a hard time. I’m not like that!!!! I should just be able to tell them my boundaries and conveye WHATS going on and them recognise and respect me *********
If I’m being a little bitch isn’t that the point of talking about it? fucking hurt my feelings I don’t care it’s PRODUCTIVE even if you fucking need time to like sit on them I’m so understanding WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU NEED I KNOW IT CAN BE ROUGH
“Sorry” just fucking guiltrips people without change
But it also prevents you from making meaningful connections with people if you refuse to change.
(Have fun being your dad dumbass xx)
But I can’t even say that with complete conviction nowadays especially in the company of people after my last relationship and my ex best friend because my reactions were mine in all of it and I did lose reeya. Objectively speaking I must have been shit because reeya isn’t a dumb person?
still haven’t told my shit psych about any of this because he is cracking onto my mum and me
And actively telling me I can’t pursue uni or any goals I bring to the table. Always cuts me off when I wish to vent.
all because I saw his face today and he acted happy to see me which is a fucking lie because that man does not have a single ounce of empathy and that’s still so apparent because all he does is fuck freshly 18-19 yo’s and bitch to my loved ones how much he misses me like lmao you never even established a bond with me I was just a trophy. but anyway he has never actually apologised or attempted to rectify any of his mistakes the only thing he has ever said to me was shit like “*fake tear* you hate me” “you just want to fuck him” (I HAVE SUCH A LOW SEX DRIVE IM ALMOST POSITIVE IM ASEXUAL I DONT WANT TO FUCK ANYBODY UNLESS IM OBSESSED WITH THEM AND I WOULD TELL HIM THIS AND HE WOULD ALWAYS TELL ME IM LYING OR IMPLY IT IM JUST TRYING TO FUCKING ACCURATELY EXPRESS MYSELF AND YOURE GUILT TRIPPING ME) “I look shit (my dad literally just died and the entire Italian family is downstairs arguing about the funeral and shit talking me to my face and I’m crying about it and the only things he says is that. I yelled at him constructive things like: it probably wasn’t the time for that I just needed support for a little while?? I felt bad and started comforting him because I loved him and him being happy made me feel better.)”
Occasionally when he was drunk “I’m the best” NARCISSISTS
Such a fucking victim playing narcissist (and his brother does it too to this poor girl named Phoenix??? But she is leaving soon if Mitch doesn’t decide following in his big brothers footsteps, fucking people younger than his little brother, is detrimental. I hope they get off drugs and spend time away from mitchs family. I’m always torn between sending her a message to establish an “sos” contact in the area but Sam still lives there so that’s comforting? But also not really because that environment is not good for Sam to be in. Torn.)
You weren’t the one cheated on buddy. You weren’t the one gaslit. You weren’t the one who lost their dad and family and had no support other than “I hate myself”.
You got an angry reaction. You did something shit.
Yes, that man in public is interesting.
Yes, I am having human conversation with him and am learning things.
Yes, I am denying his advances.
You. Are. Definition of shit buddy.
I told you everything and was made to feel emotionless? I literally gave you all of my emotions. Im so dumbbbb.
You had them.
Fuck you.
My emotional responses were so skewed because you GASLIT ME.
Trash is the human that gaslights a girl losing; her dad to cancer and entire family to the ordeal.
Trash is the human that says he wants to love and support a girl going through shit like that, and believes his victim playing/self deprecating ‘issues’ are bigger than hers.
You aren’t caring because you financially supported bringing me along for your life style so you can show me off?
Closure is just something I have to live without in both regards though. Which is shit because I genuinely want to grow from fucking up that friendship with reeya?? But also I’m so mad she took my ex’s side. Like... take no side at all if you can’t make a decision.
Both people could be equal parts the problem. It’s a fucking breakup.
I think I’m mad and guilty because I let joe use all of my support networks to validate himself.... but only after they validated me.
“Do better than your parents”
But I don’t understand if I should be angry or guilty over that entire ordeal?? Because I understand clouded judgement during that time and going through your own shit and hating me during that time I was a fucking DUMBASS and a sympathiser to somebody negatively effecting me “because he has done so much for me” (it should be a thankless fucking task I gave him the opportunity to leave before this entire thing I sat him down in his dorm room and said stuff in my home life is about to get rough I don’t know how I’m going to react. I’m prepared to break things off for the time being are you positive you’re prepared to do this with me it’s genuinely okay if you aren’t.)
(All in all: acknowledging so many mistakes I made like not reacting to a lot of things and giving people the benefit of the doubt; anyway I’m actively trying to correct them and it’s difficult in this environment because my families issues are mineeeeeeee B) B) B) BUT ALSO GIVING MYSELF TO PEOPLE STRAIGHT AWAY and now I have to relearn boundaries which is fucking TIGHT)
I wish them both the best regardless.
I probably did fuck it all up.
But like they’d ever tell me? Like I’ll ever get their side.
I genuinely didn’t mean to hurt anybody and was only trying to keep the peace in every regard because that’s genuinely how I was raised
But I just didn’t know that’s actually detrimental? Like people pleasing and shit (I’m growing all over again and realigning my moral compass)
So confusing because I never used to be a people pleaser with my friendship groups or anything like that.
I feel like I just unlearnt all of the information and dialogue I worked really hard trying to secure in a relationship :) I can’t even cope with my mum bitching about my little sister without having a mental breakdown now.
it’s all coming up milhouse-
my dog is fat (he got into the giant food bag like twice and almost flipped his stomach but instead put on about 50kgs so now I’m the owner of a fat Labrador) and dog aggressive now when other dogs try and hump him (it’s very weird for renny he is usually very patient but there’s a new puppy in the family so he is kinda over being the rest dummy I think)
I’m just going to invest my time into fatass and see what happens
I don’t know what I need or who to get advice from but I’m sick of joe always being in my environment nd if people don’t let me run anyway soon prolly gna neck because everybody I love sympathises with him so much which is so confusing for me it’s like people are going to fucking validate my emotions (which means fuck all now???) and also sympathise with my fucking abuser (which also needs to be validated by a psych because this is just beyond my support networks and me anyway)
but alas here covid is so I can’t run away which isn’t an answer anyway but at least then maybe I can focus on myself for a day without everybody I love abandoning me
I’m a massive victim have pitty on me I hope things look up with this new psych and they don’t just convince me I’m playing victim too but invalidating everything I say. but it’s for the best because I think I get greedy when people give me a platform when I need intense emotional support (sorry you had to deal with any of this reeya)
fuck yeah
cant even blame my mum for guilt tripping me into accepting help from my ex while on holidays it’s my fault I was in that position!!!! because I’m a shit person who genuinely deserves to be alone for the shit she has done!!!! and her mother’s issues have always been hers!!!! But I just wanted to make everybody happy and you kept reassuring me it was okay!!!!!
so fuck everybody that thinks I’m a horrible person right off the bat when men are capable of making their own decisions especially when I’m giving them all of the facts???? Fuck victim players!!!!
AGAIN DONT CRUCIFY ME THESE ARE ALL UNDERDEVELOPED BECAUSE IVE HAD NO GUIDANCE AND STRUGGLE WITH INTENSE MEMORY LOSS THE PAST 3 YEARS ALL I CAN DOCUMENT IS THE WAY I FEEL AND IM SEEing A PSYCH SOON ALL I Can do in the meantime is treat the people in my current circle with respect but I’m struggling and need my family to support me emotionally a little without invalidating me? But I can’t dump all of my shit on them consistently because fuck this level of emotional baggage on anybody other than a psych or myself lmao
But that’s okay because people will never understand how the individual feels and it genuinely is up to me to deal with my own shit.
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i-growl-growl-growl · 7 years
How would EXO (Lay, Chanyeol, Lay, Kai, Sehun) deal with their s/o being a serial haertbreaker and player (at least in the past)?
Welp, since there was no response I’ll just assume that Lay was entered twice on accident. I thought that maybe the first one was meant for Luhan but I’d rather not risk it. 
Fell free to message me if it needs to be redone.
Lay: Lay had been at an event were a bunch of people were attending, as usual when he ultimately found out about you past. The event had been going the usual, normal way until someone approached him while everyone was in the main hall chatting among each other. 
Stranger: “Hey, you’re yixing right? The person everyone calls Lay?” 
Lay: “Uh, Yes, how are you?” 
Stranger: “I’m fine, thanks, but I really need to tell you something”
Lay: “ok, what’s up?”
Stranger: “you’re dating a person named y/n right?”
Lay: “yes” *growing suspicious at the way the stranger is leaning closer to him*
Stranger: “be careful Lay” they warn him with a serious tone to their practically whispering voice with a sharp gleam in their eye
Lay: “What do you mean, be careful? What’s there to be careful about?”
Stranger: “be careful around y/n” *they say* “ don’t fall too hard for them because they’re just messing around with you. Y/N is incapable of love. Their the devil in disguise. They’re buttering you up before they smash your heart to pieces”
Lay would get angry at what the stranger is saying. His eyes will narrow and his posture will stiffen up as if ready kick some major-ass (although we all know he’d never be capable of that) “what do you mean by that huh?! What the hell do you know about y/n that I don’t?! Are you just another one of those crazy, jealous saesangs or antis?! Well guess what! I’m not going to fall for your tricks!”
Stranger: “y/n is a serial heart breaker and player. I’ve been a victim to them. There are others here who have been to. We’re all here to warn you about them. Do fall victim to them like we did! Get yourself out of that situation before you get hurt, it’s only a matter of time” Other people will walk up to him at that moment and they’ll all have the same look of sorrow in their eyes “don’t end up like we did! Take care of yourself and get away from them as soon as possible you hear us?”
Lay will look around at the group once more before backing away. “I… I… How could all of you have?…..I’ll…. I need to talk to y/n about this” He’ll leave the event earlier than expected, calling and texting you to come over because he needs to talk to you about something all-the-while thinking to himself “please say it’s not true!”
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Chanyeol: Chanyeol was absolutely shocked to find out about all of the people you’ve hurt in the past, the fact that he found out indirectly was even worse. Chanyeol had decided to clean up the room after a long day of doing absolutely nothing at home since it was one of his days off, you were out in the city with your friends since you hadn’t seen them in awhile and he got bored so, what the hell, it’d give him something to do. As he was vacuuming your shared bedroom he’d bump into something that was barely slid under the bed. Not knowing what the object was or recognizing it, he’d turn off the vacuum, his curiosity getting the better of him ,and bend down to find out what it was. 
After pulling the object out from under the bed he’d find a old shoe box whose lid wasn’t on. At first he thought about finding the lid and putting back under the bed but something would catch his eye and further intrigue his interest- the back of a picture that had your name and and a stranger’s on it with a ……-….. date written under it. He’d flip over the picture to come face to face with you hugging another person in the same way as you did with him, while smiling, but the other person was crying. he’d think it was strange and cruel how you seemed to be just fine in the photo while the other person seemed so heartbroken, he’d put the picture down only to find more photos strewn haphazardly inside the shoe box, each one that was flipped backwards having the same thing written on them but with different stranger’s names and different dates. 
Chanyeol knew that this probably wasn’t something he should be getting himself into but he had to check and see if the photos were nearly the same. Each of them were. In all of the photos you’d be smiling while a stranger would be clearly upset. Chanyeol’s mouth would hang open at the sight of them all, even more so when his brain would trigger that these were break up photos! He’d go and double check the dates on each photo to find out that they weren’t long periods of time so this clearly meant that you had been leading all of these people on before you’d break their hearts. “What the hell!” he’d exclaim, “y?n’s a player! They’re  a heart breaker!” 
He wouldn’t realize that you had arrived home and were standing at the door way when he exclaimed this so he’d jump when he heard your voice. “Yes Chanyeol, I was one of those people” you’d confirm. He’d look at you with the same, shocked face with his mouth hanging wide open. “But I’m not anymore!” you’d say, stepping further into the room “I don’t want to be a player or heart breaker anymore. You’ve shown me that love is an important and sensitive thing and I cherish what we’ve both gone through together. I can’t bring myself to hurt you like I did with all of those other people. I love you.”
He’ll just continue to stare at you in complete shock. 
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Kai: You had decided to confess to Kai about your past since you had completely surrendered to the fact that you no longer wanted to live that life style and just wanted to stay with him and love him rather than play with him then eventually break his heart like all the others. After you sat him down and went through the enter history of how it all started, who you played with, and how you played with them, then had broken up with, when each of the breakups happened and how you did it, and finally to the point that you’re at now where you had intended to do the same to him but couldn’t find it in you to do it to him because you had the realization and because you genuinely loved him. Kai would be upset that you had done all of those things to so many people but he was glad that you were finally willing to confess, even if it was only to him, and he felt relieved that he wouldn’t end up facing the same outcome as the others. 
Kai: “so, now that you’re through living that lifestyle are you going to apologize to the others?”
Y/N: “Huh? Apologize to who?”
Kai: “ the people that you played and broke their hearts. Who else? So are you going to apologize to them also or is this another scenario where I’m the special one?”
Y/N: “I don’t know if i could bring myself to apologize to them, I mean, I know I hurt them really bad. What if they won’t forgive me?”
Kai: “well, to be honest with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened and honestly, considering what you put them through, I wouldn’t blame them for not forgiving you but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t apologize anyway”
Y/N: *looks down at the floor, feeling ashamed of yourself*
Kai: “so, are you going to do it?”
Y/N: *looks up to him* “do you really think I should?”
Kai: “Would I be suggesting that you do it if I didn’t think so?”
Y/N: “*looks down again* “yeah I guess you’re right”
Kai: “So you’ll do it then?”
Y/N: “yes I’ll do it. I’ll apologize to them”
Kai: “good”
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Sehun: “So how many hearts did you break “sweetheart?” Or should I even be calling you that?” 
Y/N: “….. What?”
Sehun: “I asked: how many hearts have you broken?”
It had been a slip of your tongue that he’d heard while you were both at dinner with each other when he asked. Both of you had had a few bottles of wine to go with the delicious spaghetti that you two were sharing like a pair of “Lady and the tramp”, love-struck sweethearts and he knew that you tended to talk more than usual after a few drinks but he’d never expect to hear what you had to say. The dinner had been going fine until you began talking about all of your ex’s that you had had similar dinner dates at home with in the past before breaking up with them because they were no longer fun. Once he’d hear this he’d think you were joking until you began to count off all of the people who had messed around with and spewed out the ways you’d break up with them before finally reaching your current boyfriend- him. 
Sehun: “so you’ve broken up with all of those people because they were no longer fun to toy around with?”
Y/N: *looks around nervously*
Sehun: “well sweetie, is that how it was or am I wrong?”
Y/N: *still remains silent, growing even more nervous*
Sehun: “so is this how you planned to break up with me? Am I just another on of your monthly sweetheart boy-toys that you’ll just throw out now that you seem to be done playing with me, seeming as this fun little dinner we’re having seems to be your favorite last date? Am I really that expendable? Were all the others just as expendable?”
Y/N: “NO NO babe THAT’S NOT HOW IT IS NOW!” you hurriedly retort “I love you! I’d never brea up with you! You are the one who has broken that chain, I no loner am I player or heart breaker! I love you, I really love you, I can’t stand to think of living a life without you! I’m done with messing around with people, I only want to be with you now for the rest of my life.”
Sehun: “oh! Are you so sure about that?”
Y/N: “yes! yes, I’m sure of it, I promise.”
Sehun: “well, how can I trust what you say? You might’ve said this to all the others before tossing them away. What’re you going to do to prove me wrong huh? How can I know for sure that you aren’t lying to me?”
Y/N: “because we had this date before remember? We had the same exact date three months ago. If I was going to break up with you I would’ve done it the first time.”
Sehun: *thinks back to that date* “ok, but now how are you going to make it up to me and to the others that you’ve heart now that your serial heart breaker and player career is over?”
Y/N: “what do you mean?”
Sehun: “You can’t just get away with hurting all of those people and with scaring me without any consequences. So how are you going to make it up to all of us for what you’ve done?” *cue long night of figuring out how you’re going to apologize to all of the people who you’ve played with in the past*
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