#How do I choose the best HRIS system?
kfs1001 · 6 years
Oh, the burning question: marriage or no marriage. Inquiring minds want to know?
There are a number of people wondering about this from several points of view. Some are waiting to point the finger and snicker . . . I told you so. Others are going to say congratulations and wish D luck. Regardless of what side of the fence you stand on, it is D’ s life and D’s decision. He may very well marry for his career. There are many closeted men and women who have. The question still stands, legal wedding or faked nuptials complete with a new bread contract as binding as a legal wedding. The second option leaves it open for both parties to have a real marriage with someone they really love, even though that love will need to remain behind closed doors. Here is the choice?
(Humm . . . my preference would be to walk down the street holding my husband’s hand, but I am not in the same boat as D.)
It is an interesting dilemma which I would not want to be in. Just think of it as an arranged marriage which have nothing to do with love―a contract pertaining to power, status, land, money, fame and the list can go on. Life behind closed doors will go on, with the bearded couple coming home and then going their separate ways. The PR and public face vanishes as they roll their eyes and step away.
Beard weddings can work it both parties are friends and have a good relationship knowing all too well what is expected of them. There are fake marriages where the couple get home to their respective real partners. Their respective, real loves, might themselves be part of a breaded marriage. All you need is to have a system to travel back and forth between the real homes unseen. There are lots of ways to make a fake marriage work, and again, it will only work if all parties get along.
In my belief D is in fact in the closet and does not like his beard . . . well, how can it work if the parties do not get along?
If, from the other perspective of D is straight and in love with M, I have to wish them all the best. The problem is, when you look at video and pictures, he does not look like a man who is in love and who is going to get married. D looks trapped. Mind you, the other side posts tons of video and pictures which shows D and M smiling, laughing and having fun. Who is telling the truth? I do not know and may never know. I have a gut feeling, but that will not hold up in the court of public opinion nor the court of legal opinion
Only the principals in this affair know for certain what is happening. Mind you, even if D whispered in my ear his dislike for his beard, I would never state it because one; D need to give me permission to do so, two; I would need undisputable proof No, the words need to come from D’s mouth and in a public forum where there can be no denial afterword. Until then, I am relatively blind to his reality and filled with hope. 
From the perspective of D being in the closet and in a long-term relationship with C (my believe), I continue to believe this is all part of a lesson, D’s, M’s, C’s and even our souls need to learn. Tibetan Buddhism speak of two ways that someone can be reborn after death. The first is involuntary rebirth under the sway of ‘karma’. The soul is drawn back to life by destructive emotions and desires the soul has not mastered. This is the fate of most of us. A few, select others, through the power of compassion and prayer to benefit others, are believed to be able to choose their place and time of birth as well as their parents. Thus, the soul chooses the circumstances of their rebirth for the benefit of mankind.
The Dalia Lama has said: As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that he keys to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear, and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.
In this regard, the kamacitic cycle brings us back in order to learn compassion, but in doing do, negative karma may become the catalyst of our learning. In this regard, M, RR and others have a role to play because the learning is not just D’s.
In such, sides have been drawn, and lines scribbled in the sand. All sides continue to speculate about the things we hear and see. If we look beyond this life into our past lives and relationships, we carry baggage with us from one to the other. Now, I do not expect you to understand my Buddhist/spiritualist point of view, but I believe in these lessons. I think D is coming to the apex of his lesson with a decision to be made. For all I know, it may already have been made and it is now working through the final chapters of a long book toward a happy ending for all.
D is a carrying person who I believe has a karma anchored by compassion. Now, we look at what D is going through from the view of what D is going through. Ask yourself; what is M or RR learning? Is D the catalyst for their learning as they are for his. What is C learning? When we look at the whole affair from a spiritual point of view, karma has a hold on all of us, principals and spectators alike. As spectators, what are we learning? I have fairly good idea what this is teaching me, though I know I am not at the end of the path yet.
You can see it in how D acts around those he respects, loves and his fans. He is truly happy and smiling and his compassion shines. I believe D wants a happy ending for all. In such I think there will be cooling off period during which M will move into the next phase of her life keeping as much face (in the Japanese meaning) as possible. If played right, they could split with the minimum disruption to their lives.
Being gay is not always easy in a world where many people look at you with distain or worse. Being gay and famous can be a double edge sword. Being gay, in the closet and a celebrity only adds to the problems. We only need to read articles from actors like C/hris C/olfer, M/att D/allas, E/llen D/egeneres, C/olton H/aynes, C R/icky M/artin and N/eil P/atrick H/arris we can see what can happen when you come out and survive.
We can speculate, but, from the perspective of being gay/lesbian and breaded, is marriage (legal or contract) the right way to go? I am not in a position to say yea or nay because I am not in D’s situation. I can only speculate based on my own life experiences. 
From the perspective of the soul and compassion, each of us must look at events and respect decisions that have and will be made..
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nimble-infosys · 2 years
The Most Frequently Asked Questions About a Human Resource Software
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Planning for a HRIS system is tough, especially when you have so much questions on your management meeting table and wonder which is the best HR software in town. Investing in a technology can be tough deal, but as it is your one-time investment, it can surely get you good returns (Unless of course you choose the right one!!). Here are 19 questions answered relating to HR and Payroll System that you can look forward to. (A FREE GIFT IS WAITING, READ THROUGH) ;)
1. What is its advantage in terms of financial and Human Resources?
--  As we know procuring a HR system is your capital investment decisions and we are aware that it’s return are your concerns. Using our system can give you manual manpower cost reduction that will:
i. Have your human resources spend much time on other productive decision making and human capital investment
ii. Give you reduced manual costing that will reduce your administrative and other operating expenses to increase the profit in the long run. So, it is a one-time financial investment for you.
2. How will it help to reduce my human working works?
-- Imagine yourself inside the pile of documents if you have to search a missing file, the maintenance of appraisal document of many staffs at once, the complexities and time taken to manage the grades and payroll during the payroll period of the month, it takes you hours to just process the data. Our system will do it in few clicks, that way it reduces your human working works.
3. How much monetary reduction will us be benefited?
-- If you are incorporating just attendance and leave system, manually if you are using two extra manpower to monitor the attendance and to make record of it by paying Rs. 15,000 each (just an example), you will be saving Rs. 30,000 just by the installation of a single module as your HR Admin can pull the attendance record in a click.
Now, take into account how many HR personnel you are to run all the functions in your department? Reduce it to just 2/3 HR and Admin Users as other employees will be having their own self service for themselves. The cost savings and monetary reduction are right there calculated on your hands.
4. What is the accuracy?
-- Pressing 1+1 in a calculator gives you 2, ALWAYS. It’s that simple with a software too.
5. What is the efficiency?
--It all depends upon the data. If you are providing proper data of your organization, you ALWAYS get quality output. However, minor bugs and lags are seen in brilliant and brilliant of software internationally too.
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6. How good is the control over manpower?
-- Technology and software are designed to follow our command. They understand what is wrong what we set on it. If you would want to control over the manpower, you can set the rules like no back dated attendance request, only 15 minutes of grace time for attendance or no grace time at all, etc. Also, you can giver modules and user access selectively to each and every individual on each and every module so that yes!! If you want, you can have a really good control over the manpower.
7. How much time is saved or how much time is consumed?
-- To be extremely honest with you, the initial data preparation, migration, modules implementation and training is the only phase where you time is consumed. Once everything is set and manpower are trained, all you can observe is swift and easy processes with so much time saved.
8. How is the cost controlled?
-- As mentioned earlier, your manual cost on each and every HR functions are controlled by using our software. So, basically your manpower cost as well as the cost of manual process are controlled narrowing down your operating expenses.
9. What are the reports generated by cit, epf, cit, ssf and in other regards?
-- We have the best ever payroll system you can get in Nepal. Our system supports and generates all type of TDS, SSF, CIT, PF , etc. reports with full on government rule compliance on payroll and grade calculation. The reports are customizable as per your needs. We also have direct export to SSF function that will generate you the format for the SSF posting.
10. Can it be linked with banking?
-- Yes, we can integrate with CBS or other banking software if they are open to call API with us.
11. will it auto generate the pay slip?
-- Definitely YES!! The pay slip can also be mailed or displayed in the self-service portal of each individual employees.
12. Will it prepare the ledger?
-- The system doesn’t automatically prepare ledgers or trial balances and we don’t have inbuilt accounting software but it can generate any type of reports that you would want to post on your third-party accounting software and can be API enabled to integrate with accounting software as well.
13 How will it handle advances and bonuses?
-- The employees can ask for advance from their own self-service portal and after the supervisors approve of it, it can be forwarded to payroll admin part for the reconciliation after advance has been paid to employees. The bonuses can either be provided bluntly during payroll calculation or if you have especial taxation policy on bonus, you may set the formula and your payroll slip adjusts accordingly.
14. How much time will it consumes in daily, weekly and monthly?
-- It depends upon the MODULES!! Well, it doesn’t take much time working in a software. We can say if managed properly, the amount of time you have been consuming on the manual process is cut off by 45-50% while operating on a system.
15. How it handles the shift workers and absenteeism?
-- We have the option of creating Shift and Duty Rooster as per your shift policy and manage the employees who are allocated to special shifts. For example, if the shift of an employee starts at 9:30 and he/she punches in at 9:00, it shows that the shift has not yet begun, similarly shows lateby , early by or absent on the attendance reports of every individual.
Moreover, the admin or the supervisor can login to their dashboard to see the total absenteeism for the day or specific period, thanks to the dynamic dashboard and widget creation with customizable analytical report generation tools.
16. Can it generate report of an individual in yearly basis in terms of financial and displininary like absenteeism, punctuality.
-- Yes!! IT does. Once again, thanks to the dynamic dashboard and widget creation with customizable analytical report generation tools. We have a report builder, which can create special customized reports as per your requirements either in excel file or charts, pie chart, diagrams and all.
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17. Why do we need to choose Nimble over other software?
-- This can be answered well if you let us a chance to show why rather than to say why but for the respect of your question, these are the following reasons why:
The most dynamic and customizable software in Nepal, Over 11 years of experience in HR software Over 300 plus clients from 10 plus industry segments, A dedicated team of 50 plus employees and splendid implementation and support system. Up to date with Government policies and auto updates on the payroll system.
18. What additional benefits does nimble provide over other service providers?
-- We are always exploring the ways we can help our partners be the best and leading company for HRMS solution through the push of the technological wings,
--we provide Sunday to Friday support with ticket system that will help you and your queries addressed along with on demand premium support service for a premium price,
--we not only implement our system but collectively and participatory work as a consultant for your special requirements on the policies as well and the ways you can grow your overall business.
-- we don’t take you as our client but as our partner to transform your organization digitally.
Congratulations!! You have made it till the last. Kindly use the code SABLOG1 to get one month of free service on your first purchase with us as an appreciation from my side. To redeem the gift, you may also connect through my email directly. Got additional questions?? Feel free to talk to us.
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marketingcomcaio · 4 years
Best HR Software
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Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
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I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
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In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
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BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
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Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
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With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
The post Best HR Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
Best HR Software Publicado primeiro em https://neilpatel.com
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remelitalia · 4 years
Best HR Software
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Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
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I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
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In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
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BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
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Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
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With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
The post Best HR Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/best-hr-software/ via https://neilpatel.com
See the original post, Best HR Software that is shared from https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home/best-hr-software via https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home
0 notes
jjpocketbook · 4 years
Best HR Software
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Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
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I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
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In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
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BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
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Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
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With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
The post Best HR Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/best-hr-software/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, Best HR Software, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/09/15/best-hr-software/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
0 notes
jimmyjohnsmnm · 4 years
Best HR Software
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Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
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I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
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In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
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BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
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Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
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With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
The post Best HR Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://ift.tt/3c3NCK3 via https://neilpatel.com The post, Best HR Software, has been shared from https://ift.tt/2ZHG6j4 via https://ift.tt/2r0Go64
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arthurhegf061-blog · 5 years
Small Company Expense Cutting Tips - global payroll services limited nottingham
As a lot of our participating HRIS and HRMS vendors already know, I worked directly for a large HR and Payroll software application supplier for five years, while they developed among the largest channels in the HR software application market. And for the previous 10 years, I have actually owned an HR software value included business partnership carrying out work for a number of HRIS software application vendors.
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Decide whether you wish to sign up federally or provincially and register your business. If you register global payroll interface federally, you'll also have to sign up provincially, which nearly doubles the cost. You do not have to have an attorney procedure them for you, but it might be a great concept to at least seek advice from one. You can get the forms from your city government workplace, have them faxed to you or download them. You can fax or e-mail printed copies, or complete the types online.
Getting those global payroll checks instantly is a huge plus. But there's more. You can use your workers direct deposit with the ideal software and remove some paper work right there.
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The most basic function of payroll software is to record the precise time that every staff member arrives at work and leaves work. This makes sure that you are only paying for the hours your employees in fact worked. If someone is not pulling the hours that they are bound to put in on the job, you will quickly see that and can correct the issue or adjust pay appropriately.
It's fantastic how many people believe either a payroll service or payroll software will save them money, without even getting an estimate. The reality is, pricing for both is reliant on numerous things, including your number of workers, whether you global payroll bdo require direct deposit, electronic tax filing, the variety of business you process payroll for, and more. Probably the biggest aspect as far as prices is the vendor's prices! Rates does differ, so it's an excellent idea to first narrow down your search to several payroll systems that can satisfy your needs and the needs of your organisation. You can then get a price quote from each vendor and carry on to the next action in choosing a payroll service.
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Bidding in itself is not a brand-new concept. You just see an item you bid and want on it. The one with the highest bid wins. Blind bidding is not unlike a silent auction. That is, you put your quote on a card, and after that position it into a box. At the end of the designated time, the box is open and all the quotes are are gotten rid of and the one with the highest bid wins. Now what if you were to take that very same concept, but position it on the internet? Blind bidding is still the very same. You put your human resource requires in the area of credit card processing, merchant money advance, business phone systems, voice over IP (likewise referred to as VOIP), POS Systems and international Payroll online. Companies bid on the global payroll services ltd services and you choose which one you like bet.
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Small business or little organisation want to buy payroll software application to be usage in their company however they choose to buy economical or cheap programs since the majority of it is expensive. It assists a lot of business establishment to process their payroll in easy way and decrease the risk of human mistake.
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Best HR Software
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Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
0 notes
reviewandbonuss · 4 years
Best HR Software
Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Human resources can be a tough department to manage. From hiring to onboarding, employee scheduling, and HR compliance, there are dozens of responsibilities being juggled.
What if an employee wants to view an old paystub? How does someone access information about their vacation days or benefits?
Without the right technology, it’s a hassle for everyone involved. 
That’s why HR software has become so popular over the years. Businesses of all sizes across every industry are leveraging these tools to reduce bottlenecks and improve workflows in their HR departments while simultaneously improving the employee experience. 
Interested in getting HR software, but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 
The Top 5 Options For HR Software
How to Choose the Best HR Software For You
There are hundreds of different HR software options on the market today. But these solutions are definitely not created equally, so you can’t just blindly pick one and assume it’s going to be the right fit for your business.
As you’re shopping around, these are the features and considerations that must be evaluated:
Employee Self-Service
HR software with an employee self-service portal is a must-have in today’s day and age. This portal will give your staff access to crucial information, without having to call, email, or physically visit the HR department.
Want to access the employee handbook? Log in and look it up. Have questions about your benefits? It’s available in the portal. Need to request a day off? Just a few clicks away.
All of this information, and more, is available 24/7. So if one of your employees is sitting home on a Saturday night and wants to look at an old paystub, they don’t have to wait until 9:00 AM Monday morning to call HR.
As a result, everyone on your team will be more productive, and your HR staff won’t be wasting time answering questions all day.
Mobile Access
The best HR software will have a free mobile app. 
This app can be used on the employee side for the self-service tools mentioned above, but it’s also helpful from an administrative perspective. HR managers and other admins can complete tasks and view important information in real-time from anywhere. HR responsibilities won’t be tied to a physical office.
In some cases, you can even use these apps to communicate with your employees. They can opt-in for notifications delivered straight to their devices, which can reach them faster than an email.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
The vast majority of HR solutions will allow you to run payroll directly through the platform. This isn’t necessarily a make or break feature; it depends on your personal needs.
But since HR and payroll typically go hand-in-hand, lots of businesses look for an all-in-one solution for the two.
If you’re happy with your current payroll solution and don’t want to switch, that’s fine too. See if you can find an HR software that integrates with whatever you’re using for payroll. Your HR team and employees will like having access to everything from a single place. 
Efficiency is the main concept behind using HR software. Nothing is more efficient than automating repetitive tasks. 
Look for software that eliminates manual labor. For example, some HR tools will automatically track and calculate time-off requests, taxes, government filings, and more. Think about how much money you’ll save in labor hours if you can eliminate even just 5-10 hours per week on these types of tasks. At scale, the savings are astronomical. 
Company Size
Another way to narrow down your choices is by looking for software that fits the needs of your business size. 
A small business with 15 employees won’t have the same HR needs as an SME with 150 employees or an enterprise with 1,500 employees. It sounds simple, but so many companies overlook this aspect. 
Larger organizations will have more complex HR needs that some software just won’t accommodate. On the flip side, small businesses usually won’t need all of the features offered by certain HR solutions. 
The Different Types of HR Software
HR software is actually a pretty broad term. As you know, there are so many different aspects and components of human resources. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of HR software available on the market today. 
HCM Software
HCM stands for “human capital management.” 
This type of HR software primarily focuses on how individuals are managed within a company in terms of systems and HR policies. Talent management is a large component of HCM software. It’s common for HCM tools to have features for onboarding, performance management, salary planning, training, succession planning, benefits administration, and more. 
Lots of HR professionals consider HCM software to be an advanced version of HR software.
HRMS Software
HRMS stands for “human resource management system.” 
In most cases, HRMS software will include lots of the HCM software features. But there are two characteristics that all true HRMS solutions have in common—payroll and TLM (time & labor management).
Not every HRMS software will have employee scheduling features, but many do. There are standalone software products for time & labor management that are commonly referred to as “workforce management” software. But these typically fall under the umbrella of HRMS.
HRIS Software
Human resource information system—or HRIS for short—is a tool built for managing people, policies, and procedures.   
HRIS software typically includes all core HR features. But this type of software will usually have solutions for absence management, benefits administration, recruiting, compensation management, workflows, self-service portals, training, employee development, and reporting. 
Lots of this can be open for interpretation from software to software, but these are the core components you’ll likely find in an HRIS solution. 
ATS Software
ATS software is an “applicant tracking system.” 
This is a very specific type of HR software. In many cases, ATS software gets branded as a standalone product without core HR features. But with that said, lots of all-in-one HR solutions have features for applicant tracking. 
ATS software is highly beneficial for companies who are recruiting and onboarding at scale. The software makes it easier for you to find top-level talent, qualify them, schedule interviews, and onboard new hires. 
Payroll Software
Larger businesses may have separate departments for HR and payroll. But in most cases, the two go hand-in-hand. Payroll is typically considered to be a component of HR. Some of you might already be using an online payroll provider. 
Not every HR software has payroll features (although many do). And not every payroll software has every core HR feature. This is another scenario where lots of payroll solutions are branded as standalone products from HR. But there are plenty of all-in-one HR solutions that include payroll processing capabilities. However, this is usually an add-on package. 
#1 – Namely Review — Best HR Software For Employee Self-Service
Namely is an all-in-one solution for HR, talent management, payroll, and benefits. The platform makes it easy for businesses to improve their HR processes while remaining compliant. It’s trusted by 1,400+ organizations worldwide.
The software is actually branded as a “people operations platform.” It includes features for employee management, onboarding, talent management, recruiting, time and attendance, analytics, and more.
I’d say that Namely definitely falls into the HRIS category.
I like Namely because the software is designed to improve employee engagement. It gives your staff access to all of the HR information they could possibly need from an easy-to-use employee portal.
The software can be accessed from anywhere from the Namely mobile app. You can even use Namely to share company news, improve communication, and set up a company directory. 
Namely’s core HR package comes with tools and features like:
Performance and goal tracking
Task lists
Time off management
Compliance database
Employee self-service and workflows
Custom fields
Then there are add-ons and extensions for things like payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, time & attendance, and managed services. 
Overall, Namely is a good fit for midsize organizations. 
#2 – APS Review — The Best HR Software For Payroll
The acronym “APS” actually stands for “Automatic Payroll Systems.” As this name clearly implies, payroll is their specialty. 
But with that said, APS is not a standalone payroll software; it’s an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll alike. 
In addition to payroll, APS has HR features for benefits administration, performance management, employee scheduling, recruiting, onboarding, compliance, employee self-service, and more. They also have industry-specific solutions for healthcare, restaurants, wholesalers, nonprofits, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, and other unique categories. 
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of using APS for payroll:
Streamline tax compliance with accuracy, timeliness, and wage garnishment
Automate your tax system to reduce your burden and risk
Reduce time spent processing payroll with paycheck reconciliation
Automate federal, state, and local tax filings
Improve your efficiencies and reduce costs with paperless payroll processing
The self-service tools provided by APS are outstanding; on the employee end and administrative sides alike. 
More than 2,000 businesses across different industries rely on APS. For those of you looking for an all-in-one solution for HR and payroll, APS should be at the top of your list. 
#3 – BerniePortal Review — The Best HRIS Software
BerniePortal isn’t as well-known as some of the other HR solutions available on the market today. But that shouldn’t be a reason for you to pass up on considering it. In terms of HRIS software, BerniePortal really has everything you could possibly need.
For those of you who want to use technology to improve the total lifecycle management of your employees, BerniePortal should be at the top of your list.
BerniePortal was founded back in 2008, so they have over a decade of experience in the HR software space. The software has been deployed in 5,000+ HR departments in all 50 states, and it has 210,000+ active users.
Why BerniePortal? Let’s take a closer look at what this HRIS software has to offer.
Attract and retain top-level talent with benefits administration
Compliance, custom enrollment, and payroll reporting
Improve productivity and engagement with seamless employee onboarding 
Collaborative hiring decisions with built-in applicant tracking features
PTO tracking, time-off management, and custom policies
Tools for time and attendance tracking with detailed reporting
Mobile access with employee self-service tools
Performance management and compliance features
You can even use BerniePortal for things like IRS filings. While the software doesn’t have built-in payroll features, it can seamlessly integrate with your existing payroll system. 
Most of the BerniePortal features start at $5 per employee per month, with a $15 base fee.
#4 – Workday Review — Best For Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workday is a popular HR software with a unique twist. Every component of the tool is focused on finance. It helps you manage your HR processes while always keeping your bottom line in mind—all from a single platform.
The software is used by industry leaders in a wide range of categories. Some of the well-known companies that rely on Workday include Visa, Toyota, Salesforce, CE, Target, Charles Schwab, and Adobe.
Overall, Workday is pretty versatile. The software has solutions for human capital management, talent management, enterprise planning, payroll and workforce management, spend management, and more. 
Workday is robust, but also really easy to use. You’ll benefit from features like:
Automation to eliminate manual work and improve productivity
Advanced analytics to guide decision making
Improve communication and engagement
Machine learning to identify employees’ skills
Time tracking tools
Compensation, payroll, and benefits administration
Employee directories and self-service tools
The software can also adapt as your HCM needs evolve over time. 
Another reason why Workday ranks so high on our list is because of its industry-specific HR solutions across a wide range of categories. Some of these include healthcare, government, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, professional services, energy, and more. 
#5 – Kissflow Review — Best HR Software For Onboarding and Applicant Tracking
Kissflow is one of my favorite tools for managing HR processes. It’s a top choice for businesses that want to improve the talent management aspect of human resources.
The software comes with features for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, attendance management, absence management, leave management, and employee offboarding.
With Kissflow, you’ll benefit from features and functionality like:
Get open jobs in front of top-level talent at the perfect time
Improve employee engagement
Employee self-service tools
360-degree feedback and evaluations
Customizable HR solutions
Kissflow is definitely designed for larger teams. Pricing starts at $690 per month, which includes 100 users. Enterprise rates with unlimited users start at $1,290 per month.
The downside of Kissflow is that it’s not a true all-in-one HR solution. It focuses on certain areas but lacks functionality for things like payroll. With that said, Kissflow does have a wide range of integrations, so you can sync it with your existing tools. 
Every business can benefit from HR software. This statement holds true regardless of your company size or industry.
But before you finalize a decision, make sure you go through the process explained in this guide. Figure out what type of HR software fits your needs the best, then follow the methodology that I explained earlier. 
The five solutions recommended in this guide will be the best place for you to start your search.
The post Best HR Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
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omgtyasuiteblr · 4 years
Most Known Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Cloud ERP
Automation has become a key buzz world these days. Cloud is new normal in digital world.
A lot of businesses are getting more involved in automating their process through business process standardization and implementing cloud ERP.
Here, we have described a list of frequently asked questions / FAQs in implementing ERP software.
1. What is ERP Software?
ERP or Enterprise Resources Planning software originated from the term Material Resource Planning (MRP) and later on became Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) during the 80s. In the starting, the intrigue generally is from the manufacturing and distribution parts. During the 90s, different sellers have stretched out MRP to bookkeeping, Human Resources (HR), and different capacities that advanced to the term ERP which is an enterprise-based solution in automating a business.
The sample list of modules provided in ERP is procurement software, warehousing, inventory management ERP, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management, manufacturing ERP, job order, production planning, payroll, HRIS, and financial statements.
Some ERP clients get confused on these modules that on occasion they search for front-end software inside the ERP bundle. This front-end software like Hotel Management, CRM, and POS are autonomous modules but a few sellers package it as a solution to a vertical industry.
2. How Can I Improve My Business Using ERP?
A focused cloud ERP software has numerous points of interest for its clients. From reducing expenses to a surge in the efficiency in a powerful way, everything can be taken care of appropriately through an ERP system. Thus, by smoothing out the cycle it can help organizations to get a competitive edge over to their competitions.
3. What Are the Modules of ERP?
An ERP software has a lot of modules through which it helps companies in providing a real-time update and monitor of all the processes of their business. The numerous modules are an asset management software, inventory management software, procurement to pay management software, compliance management software, vendor management software, sales order management software, CRM software, finance & accounting management software.
4. What Does Our Business Need to Prepare When We Implement ERP?
The absolute initial phase in getting ready in implementing an ERP system is a preparation of solid business procedure document. The authoritative chart ought to be all around characterized, the different tasks of each feature, and the cycle documentation/responsibility.
When the above is set up, the subsequent stage is to Identify a SPOC who will deal with the ERP Implementation project in your company. The SPOC can emerge internally or through a third-party service provider. Their job will be the interface between the management, end-users, and the ERP Software Provider.
They will likewise be responsible for closing down important charts of records, vendor listing, client posting, SKUs, reports or yield expected by the partners, the accountability form design, and the arrangement all in all dependent on the association's cycle. This team will likewise deal with the UAT and test-to-creation milestone.
5. What Is the Required Timeframe Implementing an ERP?
The time of implementation fluctuates relying upon the modules being actualized. Further, the timelines depend on the ERP Software, ERP Vendor, ERP Implementation partner and your own readiness. It can take anywhere from months to quarters. If you have selected a Plug and Play ERP like TYASuite, their team can implement as early as one Week if your process and masters are ready.
Some implementations take a year or all the more particularly if the association has developing necessities, fragmented or erroneous data provided, or potentially management changes.
But this can be abbreviated by having a solid connection between the internal controlling council and the service provider. Both ought to have a powerful foundation and involvement with implementing ERP.
6. What Is the Difference Between On-Premise ERP and Cloud-based ERP?
On-premise is the conventional licensing model where the client gains the license per user or organization installed in the client's office website or premises. After a specific period relying upon the course of action with the service provider, the customer goes through a support system that guarantees upgrades and backing for questions or issues that will emerge when the client is utilizing it live. Both customer servers and online platforms offer the on-premise model.
Cloud-based ERP is a subscription-based software where the user pays for the service yearly, monthly, or quarterly per user. The recurring payment must include the maintenance or support agreement. Only Cloud ERP products can provide SAAS based model.
Both models have their pros and cons. This will all rely on the adaptability and flexibility that the user needs from the software. However, the world is going towards cloud ERP.
7. Can I Migrate Our Old or Historical Data?
Data migration and transfer of historical data are normally settled upon with the service provider amid the pre-selling stage. At TYASuite, we can focus on migrating the master data list for example users, inventory items, chart of accounts, and starting balances not the transactions. But actually, it's feasible.
8. Are There Any Hidden Costs?
Hidden costs all rely upon how the tool that the ERP Vendor showcase their product and service. But regularly, highlight requests that are not analyzed during the requirements gathering stage will be dependent upon customization expenses. Consequently, it is significant the user and the ERP Vendor have a thorough list of the prerequisite during the signing of the contract.
9. Can We Simply Integrate With Our Front-End or Any Third-Party Software?
Solutions accessible in the market typically have their APIs accessible in incorporating with other software or database. The integration success all relies upon the responsibility kind of ERP Software and the ERP Vendor and the participation of the third-party tool in giving important data or documentation throughout the integration development.
10. How Do We Choose An ERP Framework That Best Suits Us?
Since the association's function requirements are less or more in the wake of setting up the business cycle and documentation, the organization must already be prepared in setting up the prerequisites in detail. Some call this as Business Requirement Document (BRD). These are given to the ERP Vendor where they provide input if the Process is accessible in their ERP Software and if not accessible, then is their ERP software is a customizable ERP.
When all the offers are gathered, the organization currently ought to have an end to end correlation dependent on the administration's criteria, for example, supplier's maturity, client base, and dependability.
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
Eating Organic Significantly Reduces Health Risks
According to polls, the No. 1 reason people choose organic food is to avoid pesticide exposure.1 Not only do these chemicals threaten the environment, but they also pose a very clear and direct risk to human health.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, has made headlines because it’s the most used agricultural chemical in history and because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified it as a probable human carcinogen.
New Meta-Analysis Strengthens Link Between Glyphosate and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
A meta-analysis2,3,4,5,6 of six epidemiological studies published between 2001 and 2018 now adds further weight to such suspicions, showing glyphosate increases the risk of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) — a group of blood cancers — by 41 percent in highly exposed subjects.
According to the research team, led by Luoping Zhang, a University of California, Berkeley toxicologist and a member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) scientific advisory panel (SAP) on glyphosate carcinogenicity,7 there is indeed a “compelling link” between glyphosate exposure and NHL.
Two other researchers on the team were also members of the EPA SAP that met in 2016. At the time, all three expressed concerns about the EPA’s determination that glyphosate was “not likely to be carcinogenic” to humans,8 noting the EPA failed to follow proper scientific practices in its assessment of the chemical.9
Senior author professor Lianne Sheppard told Investigative journalist Carey Gillam,10 “It was pretty obvious they didn’t follow their own rules. Is there evidence that it is carcinogenic? The answer is yes.”
Evidence also emerged suggesting the EPA had colluded with Monsanto to protect the company’s interests by manipulating and preventing key investigations into glyphosate’s cancer-causing potential.
Of the six studies included in this new analysis, five showed a positive correlation. One of the studies, known as the Agricultural Health Study11 (AHS), published in 2018, found no effect.
However, the team points out that results were watered down in that study due to the inclusion of people with very low exposure. It’s only when you look at high-exposure groups independently that a clear link between exposure and NHL emerges.
Scientists Convinced Glyphosate Is a Dangerous Carcinogen
These findings are bad news for Bayer, which now owns Monsanto and its toxic product line. At present, some 9,000 individuals have lawsuits pending against Monsanto-Bayer. All blame their NHL on Roundup exposure. In its defense, Monsanto has relied heavily on the AHS study’s findings showing no correlation between exposure and NHL risk.
However, as noted in the new meta-analysis, published online February 10, 2019:12
“Using the highest exposure groups when available in each study, we report the overall meta-relative risk (meta-RR) of NHL in [glyphosate-based herbicide-exposed] GBH-exposed individuals was increased by 41 percent …
For comparison, we also performed a secondary meta-analysis using high-exposure groups with the earlier AHS (2005), and we determined a meta-RR for NHL of 1.45, which was higher than the meta-RRs reported previously. Multiple sensitivity tests conducted to assess the validity of our findings did not reveal meaningful differences from our primary estimated meta-RR.
To contextualize our findings of an increased NHL risk in individuals with high GBH exposure, we reviewed available animal and mechanistic studies, which provided supporting evidence for the carcinogenic potential of GBH.
We documented further support from studies of malignant lymphoma incidence in mice treated with pure glyphosate, as well as potential links between GBH exposure and immunosuppression, endocrine disruption, and genetic alterations that are commonly associated with NHL.
Overall, in accordance with evidence from experimental animal and mechanistic studies, our current meta-analysis of human epidemiological studies suggests a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for NHL.”
Sheppard told Sustainable Pulse,13 “Our analysis focused on providing the best possible answer to the question of whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic. As a result of this research, I am even more convinced that it is.” Gillam also quotes Sheppard, saying,14 “This paper makes a stronger case than previous meta-analyses that there is evidence of an increased risk of NHL due to glyphosate exposure. From a population health point of view there are some real concerns.”
New Lawsuit Focuses on Roundup’s Effect on Gut Bacteria
Even if you’re not exposed to glyphosate-based herbicides via application (which is the case with most who claim glyphosate exposure caused their NHL), your health is still at risk, as most foods (processed foods in particular) are contaminated with this chemical, and more than 70 percent of Americans have detectable levels of glyphosate in their body.15
A limited food testing program by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2016 revealed virtually all foods tested were contaminated with Roundup.16 The Health Research Institute Labs (HRI Labs), an independent laboratory that tests both micronutrients and toxins found in food, has also discovered widespread glyphosate contamination.
According to HRI data, people who eat oats on a regular basis have twice as much glyphosate in their system as people who don’t (likely because oats are desiccated with glyphosate before harvest), and people who eat organic food on a regular basis have an 80 percent lower level of glyphosate than those who rarely eat organic.
Glyphosate kills weeds by inhibiting the shikimate pathway in the plant, and Monsanto has long defended the chemical’s safety, saying it cannot affect humans because we do not have this pathway. However, the shikimate pathway is found in human gut bacteria, which we now know play a vital role in human health.
As reported by Bloomberg,17 a lawsuit filed against Monsanto February 13 now specifically focuses on this link. But glyphosate can also affect your health via a number of other mechanisms. For example, research has shown glyphosate also:18,19,20
Mimics glycine, an amino acid your body uses to make proteins. By acting as a substitute for glycine in your body, glyphosate can cause damaged proteins to be produced.
Glycine also plays a role in quenching inflammation, as explained in “Glycine Quells Oxidative Damage by Inhibiting NOX Superoxide Production and Boosting NADPH,” and is used up in the detoxification process. As a result of glyphosate toxicity, many of us may not have enough glycine for efficient detoxification.
Interferes with the function of cytochrome P450 enzymes, required for activation of vitamin D in the liver, and the creation of both nitric oxide and cholesterol sulfate, the latter of which is needed for red blood cell integrity.
Chelates important minerals, including iron, cobalt and manganese. Manganese deficiency, in turn, impairs mitochondrial function and can lead to glutamate toxicity in the brain.
Interferes with the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and methionine, which results in shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate.
Disrupts sulfate synthesis and sulfate transport.
Disrupts and destroys the gut microbiome via its antibiotic activity.
Inhibits sulfur metabolism.
Impairs methylation pathways.
Inhibits pituitary release of thyroid stimulating hormone, which can lead to hypothyroidism.
How Much Glyphosate Do You Have in Your Body?
HRI Labs has developed home test kits for both water and urine, available in my online store. If your levels are high, you would be wise to address your diet and consider buying more organic foods.
You may also want to consider some form of detoxification protocol, and take steps to repair the damage to your gut caused by glyphosate and other agrochemicals. Chances are, if your glyphosate levels are high, you probably have a number of other pesticides in your system as well.
Fermented foods, particularly kimchi, are potent chelators of these kinds of chemicals. Taking activated charcoal after a questionable meal can help bind and excrete chemicals as well. Remember to stay well-hydrated to facilitate the removal of toxins through your liver, kidneys and skin.
Glycine is an important detox aid for glyphosate in particular. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, recognized as an international authority on metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, recommends taking 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks and then lower the dose to one-fourth teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day. The least expensive way to do this is purchase glycine bulk powder,21 which is very inexpensive.
This forces the glyphosate out of your system, allowing it to be eliminated through your urine. Using a sauna on a regular basis is also recommended to help eliminate both pesticides and heavy metals you may have accumulated.
Organic Diet Significantly Lowers Your Pesticide Load, Study Finds
An obvious answer to concerns about glyphosate exposure via your diet is to switch to organic foods. A study22,23 published in the journal Environmental Research, February 12, 2019, again confirms you can significantly reduce your toxic pesticide load by going organic, and results can be rapid.
On average, pesticide and pesticide metabolite level for neonicotinoids, organophosphate pesticides (OP), pyrethroid, 2,4-D and others (14 compounds in all, representing about 40 different pesticides) were reduced by more than 60 percent, on average, in just six days of eating an all-organic diet.
Urine samples were collected from four “racially and geographically diverse” U.S. families — seven adults and nine children in all — before and after they were switched to an all-organic diet. As a group, OP’s were reduced the most, dropping by 70 percent overall.
Chlorpyrifos, linked to autism and reduced IQ in children, was reduced by an average of 61 percent, and malathion, a probable human carcinogen, was reduced by 95 percent while 2,4-D dropped by just 37 percent. The fact that 2,4-D appears to stay in the body longer could be a concern, considering we’re bound to see far more of it in our food in coming years as genetically engineered crops are now being developed with 2,4-D resistant traits.
According to the authors:24
“We observed significant reductions in urinary levels of 13 pesticide metabolites and parent compounds representing OP, neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides and the herbicide 2,4-D following the introduction of an organic diet.
The greatest reductions were observed for clothianidin … malathion dicarboxylic acid, a metabolite of malathion … and 3,5,6-trichlor-2-pyridinol, a metabolite of chlorpyrifos … This study adds to a growing body of literature indicating that an organic diet may reduce exposure to a range of pesticides in children and adults.”
To Avoid Toxic Pesticides, Go Organic
Other studies have found very similar results, including:
A 2006 study25 in Environmental Health Perspectives, which found OP pesticide levels were lowered to undetectable levels in elementary school-aged children fed an all-organic diet for five days; levels rose as soon as a conventional diet was reintroduced
An Australian study26 published in 2014, which found a diet of at least 80 percent organic food lowered pesticide levels by 89 percent in seven days
A 2015 study,27 which found OP pesticide levels were reduced between 25 and 49 percent in Mexican-American children aged 3 to 6, after being fed organic food for seven days
Bruce Lanphear, a professor at Simon Fraser University who was not part of the study told Civil Eats,28 “Families need this type of information. In the absence of a robust regulatory system that protects consumers, these types of studies are critical for consumers or families to make these choices.”
Many Studies Support Eating Organic to Minimize Pesticide Exposure and Improve Nutrition
A 2016 report29 by the European Parliament, “Human Health Implications of Organic Food and Organic Agriculture,” detailed the many benefits of organic farming, based on a global literature search. The report is unusually comprehensive in that it also reviews a wide range of effects of organics, from nutritional content and the benefits of fewer pesticides to environmental impacts and sustainability.
Its conclusions are based on hundreds of epidemiological and laboratory studies and food analyses. Again, the clearest benefits of organics on human health were found to be related to lowered pesticide, antibiotic and cadmium exposure. And, while U.S. regulators insist that set limits on pesticide residues in conventional produce are enough to protect the public’s health, the report found negative health effects may occur in children even at current levels of exposure.30
According to research31 presented at a 2017 Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN) conference in Washington, D.C., women exposed to higher glyphosate levels during pregnancy had babies born earlier and with lower adjusted birth weights.
What’s more, the chemical was detected in more than 90 percent of the mothers in the study. Studies have also demonstrated that an organic diet provides better nutrition. Among them:
A Hungarian study32 published in 2006, which compared the nutritional value of organically and conventionally grown plant foods, found organics contained “significantly higher amounts of certain antioxidants (vitamin C, polyphenols and flavonoids) and minerals.”
A 2010 study33 looking at grass fed beef versus grain fed beef found the former had healthier fat composition and higher CLA levels. As noted by the authors, “[C]hanges in finishing diets of conventional cattle can alter the lipid profile in such a way as to improve upon this nutritional package.
Although there are genetic, age-related and gender differences among the various meat producing species with respect to lipid profiles and ratios, the effect of animal nutrition is quite significant.”
A 2013 study34 found organic milk contains about 25 percent less omega-6 fats and 62 percent more omega-3 fats than conventional milk, along with more vitamin E, beta-carotene and beneficial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
A British study35 published in 2014 found organically grown foods contain “significantly” higher levels of antioxidants than the conventionally grown variety, including beneficial compounds linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart and neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
A group of scientists at Newcastle University in the U.K. evaluated 343 studies published over several decades. The analysis,36 published in 2014, found that while many nutrient levels were comparable, a key nutritional difference between conventional and organics was their antioxidant content, with organic fruits and vegetables containing anywhere from 18 to 69 percent more antioxidants than conventionally grown varieties.
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture37 in Frick, Switzerland, has confirmed organic apples contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional varieties.
A 2010 study38 partially funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found organic strawberries were more nutrient-rich than conventional strawberries.
Research has also found that true organic free-range eggs typically contain about two-thirds more vitamin A, double the amount of omega-3, three times more vitamin E, and as much as seven times more beta carotene than conventional eggs.39
Organic Food Resources
While most people tend to think of organics only in terms of produce (fruits and vegetables), it’s important to remember to buy organic, grass fed beef, poultry and dairy, as well, as conventionally raised animals are routinely fed a diet of genetically engineered grains that are loaded with glyphosate and other potentially hazardous ingredients.
If you live in the U.S., the following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods grown in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner:
Demeter USA — Demeter-USA.org provides a directory of certified Biodynamic farms and brands. This directory can also be found on BiodynamicFood.org.
American Grassfed Association — The goal of the American Grassfed Association is to promote the grass fed industry through government relations, research, concept marketing and public education.
Their website also allows you to search for AGA approved producers certified according to strict standards that include being raised on a diet of 100 percent forage; raised on pasture and never confined to a feedlot; never treated with antibiotics or hormones; born and raised on American family farms.
Weston A. Price Foundation — Weston A. Price has local chapters in most states, and many of them are connected with buying clubs in which you can easily purchase organic foods, including grass fed raw dairy products like milk and butter.
Grassfed Exchange — The Grassfed Exchange has a listing of producers selling organic and grass fed meats across the U.S.
Local Harvest — This website will help you find farmers markets, family farms and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass fed meats and many other goodies.
Farmers Markets — A national listing of farmers markets.
Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals — The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, hotels and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
The Cornucopia Institute — The Cornucopia Institute maintains web-based tools rating all certified organic brands of eggs, dairy products and other commodities, based on their ethical sourcing and authentic farming practices separating CAFO “organic” production from authentic organic practices.
RealMilk.com — If you’re still unsure of where to find raw milk, check out Raw-Milk-Facts.com and RealMilk.com. They can tell you what the status is for legality in your state, and provide a listing of raw dairy farms in your area. The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund40 also provides a state-by-state review of raw milk laws.41 California residents can also find raw milk retailers using the store locator available at www.OrganicPastures.com.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/25/organic-food-health-benefits.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/183042451261
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
Eating Organic Significantly Reduces Health Risks
According to polls, the No. 1 reason people choose organic food is to avoid pesticide exposure.1 Not only do these chemicals threaten the environment, but they also pose a very clear and direct risk to human health.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, has made headlines because it's the most used agricultural chemical in history and because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified it as a probable human carcinogen.
New Meta-Analysis Strengthens Link Between Glyphosate and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
A meta-analysis2,3,4,5,6 of six epidemiological studies published between 2001 and 2018 now adds further weight to such suspicions, showing glyphosate increases the risk of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) — a group of blood cancers — by 41 percent in highly exposed subjects.
According to the research team, led by Luoping Zhang, a University of California, Berkeley toxicologist and a member of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) scientific advisory panel (SAP) on glyphosate carcinogenicity,7 there is indeed a "compelling link" between glyphosate exposure and NHL.
Two other researchers on the team were also members of the EPA SAP that met in 2016. At the time, all three expressed concerns about the EPA's determination that glyphosate was "not likely to be carcinogenic" to humans,8 noting the EPA failed to follow proper scientific practices in its assessment of the chemical.9
Senior author professor Lianne Sheppard told Investigative journalist Carey Gillam,10 "It was pretty obvious they didn't follow their own rules. Is there evidence that it is carcinogenic? The answer is yes."
Evidence also emerged suggesting the EPA had colluded with Monsanto to protect the company's interests by manipulating and preventing key investigations into glyphosate's cancer-causing potential.
Of the six studies included in this new analysis, five showed a positive correlation. One of the studies, known as the Agricultural Health Study11 (AHS), published in 2018, found no effect.
However, the team points out that results were watered down in that study due to the inclusion of people with very low exposure. It's only when you look at high-exposure groups independently that a clear link between exposure and NHL emerges.
Scientists Convinced Glyphosate Is a Dangerous Carcinogen
These findings are bad news for Bayer, which now owns Monsanto and its toxic product line. At present, some 9,000 individuals have lawsuits pending against Monsanto-Bayer. All blame their NHL on Roundup exposure. In its defense, Monsanto has relied heavily on the AHS study's findings showing no correlation between exposure and NHL risk.
However, as noted in the new meta-analysis, published online February 10, 2019:12
"Using the highest exposure groups when available in each study, we report the overall meta-relative risk (meta-RR) of NHL in [glyphosate-based herbicide-exposed] GBH-exposed individuals was increased by 41 percent …
For comparison, we also performed a secondary meta-analysis using high-exposure groups with the earlier AHS (2005), and we determined a meta-RR for NHL of 1.45, which was higher than the meta-RRs reported previously. Multiple sensitivity tests conducted to assess the validity of our findings did not reveal meaningful differences from our primary estimated meta-RR.
To contextualize our findings of an increased NHL risk in individuals with high GBH exposure, we reviewed available animal and mechanistic studies, which provided supporting evidence for the carcinogenic potential of GBH.
We documented further support from studies of malignant lymphoma incidence in mice treated with pure glyphosate, as well as potential links between GBH exposure and immunosuppression, endocrine disruption, and genetic alterations that are commonly associated with NHL.
Overall, in accordance with evidence from experimental animal and mechanistic studies, our current meta-analysis of human epidemiological studies suggests a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for NHL."
Sheppard told Sustainable Pulse,13 "Our analysis focused on providing the best possible answer to the question of whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic. As a result of this research, I am even more convinced that it is." Gillam also quotes Sheppard, saying,14 "This paper makes a stronger case than previous meta-analyses that there is evidence of an increased risk of NHL due to glyphosate exposure. From a population health point of view there are some real concerns."
New Lawsuit Focuses on Roundup's Effect on Gut Bacteria
Even if you're not exposed to glyphosate-based herbicides via application (which is the case with most who claim glyphosate exposure caused their NHL), your health is still at risk, as most foods (processed foods in particular) are contaminated with this chemical, and more than 70 percent of Americans have detectable levels of glyphosate in their body.15
A limited food testing program by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2016 revealed virtually all foods tested were contaminated with Roundup.16 The Health Research Institute Labs (HRI Labs), an independent laboratory that tests both micronutrients and toxins found in food, has also discovered widespread glyphosate contamination.
According to HRI data, people who eat oats on a regular basis have twice as much glyphosate in their system as people who don't (likely because oats are desiccated with glyphosate before harvest), and people who eat organic food on a regular basis have an 80 percent lower level of glyphosate than those who rarely eat organic.
Glyphosate kills weeds by inhibiting the shikimate pathway in the plant, and Monsanto has long defended the chemical's safety, saying it cannot affect humans because we do not have this pathway. However, the shikimate pathway is found in human gut bacteria, which we now know play a vital role in human health.
As reported by Bloomberg,17 a lawsuit filed against Monsanto February 13 now specifically focuses on this link. But glyphosate can also affect your health via a number of other mechanisms. For example, research has shown glyphosate also:18,19,20
Mimics glycine, an amino acid your body uses to make proteins. By acting as a substitute for glycine in your body, glyphosate can cause damaged proteins to be produced.
Glycine also plays a role in quenching inflammation, as explained in "Glycine Quells Oxidative Damage by Inhibiting NOX Superoxide Production and Boosting NADPH," and is used up in the detoxification process. As a result of glyphosate toxicity, many of us may not have enough glycine for efficient detoxification.
Interferes with the function of cytochrome P450 enzymes, required for activation of vitamin D in the liver, and the creation of both nitric oxide and cholesterol sulfate, the latter of which is needed for red blood cell integrity.
Chelates important minerals, including iron, cobalt and manganese. Manganese deficiency, in turn, impairs mitochondrial function and can lead to glutamate toxicity in the brain.
Interferes with the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and methionine, which results in shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate.
Disrupts sulfate synthesis and sulfate transport.
Disrupts and destroys the gut microbiome via its antibiotic activity.
Inhibits sulfur metabolism.
Impairs methylation pathways.
Inhibits pituitary release of thyroid stimulating hormone, which can lead to hypothyroidism.
How Much Glyphosate Do You Have in Your Body?
HRI Labs has developed home test kits for both water and urine, available in my online store. If your levels are high, you would be wise to address your diet and consider buying more organic foods.
You may also want to consider some form of detoxification protocol, and take steps to repair the damage to your gut caused by glyphosate and other agrochemicals. Chances are, if your glyphosate levels are high, you probably have a number of other pesticides in your system as well.
Fermented foods, particularly kimchi, are potent chelators of these kinds of chemicals. Taking activated charcoal after a questionable meal can help bind and excrete chemicals as well. Remember to stay well-hydrated to facilitate the removal of toxins through your liver, kidneys and skin.
Glycine is an important detox aid for glyphosate in particular. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, recognized as an international authority on metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, recommends taking 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks and then lower the dose to one-fourth teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day. The least expensive way to do this is purchase glycine bulk powder,21 which is very inexpensive.
This forces the glyphosate out of your system, allowing it to be eliminated through your urine. Using a sauna on a regular basis is also recommended to help eliminate both pesticides and heavy metals you may have accumulated.
Organic Diet Significantly Lowers Your Pesticide Load, Study Finds
An obvious answer to concerns about glyphosate exposure via your diet is to switch to organic foods. A study22,23 published in the journal Environmental Research, February 12, 2019, again confirms you can significantly reduce your toxic pesticide load by going organic, and results can be rapid.
On average, pesticide and pesticide metabolite level for neonicotinoids, organophosphate pesticides (OP), pyrethroid, 2,4-D and others (14 compounds in all, representing about 40 different pesticides) were reduced by more than 60 percent, on average, in just six days of eating an all-organic diet.
Urine samples were collected from four "racially and geographically diverse" U.S. families — seven adults and nine children in all — before and after they were switched to an all-organic diet. As a group, OP's were reduced the most, dropping by 70 percent overall.
Chlorpyrifos, linked to autism and reduced IQ in children, was reduced by an average of 61 percent, and malathion, a probable human carcinogen, was reduced by 95 percent while 2,4-D dropped by just 37 percent. The fact that 2,4-D appears to stay in the body longer could be a concern, considering we're bound to see far more of it in our food in coming years as genetically engineered crops are now being developed with 2,4-D resistant traits.
According to the authors:24
"We observed significant reductions in urinary levels of 13 pesticide metabolites and parent compounds representing OP, neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides and the herbicide 2,4-D following the introduction of an organic diet.
The greatest reductions were observed for clothianidin … malathion dicarboxylic acid, a metabolite of malathion … and 3,5,6-trichlor-2-pyridinol, a metabolite of chlorpyrifos … This study adds to a growing body of literature indicating that an organic diet may reduce exposure to a range of pesticides in children and adults."
To Avoid Toxic Pesticides, Go Organic
Other studies have found very similar results, including:
A 2006 study25 in Environmental Health Perspectives, which found OP pesticide levels were lowered to undetectable levels in elementary school-aged children fed an all-organic diet for five days; levels rose as soon as a conventional diet was reintroduced
An Australian study26 published in 2014, which found a diet of at least 80 percent organic food lowered pesticide levels by 89 percent in seven days
A 2015 study,27 which found OP pesticide levels were reduced between 25 and 49 percent in Mexican-American children aged 3 to 6, after being fed organic food for seven days
Bruce Lanphear, a professor at Simon Fraser University who was not part of the study told Civil Eats,28 "Families need this type of information. In the absence of a robust regulatory system that protects consumers, these types of studies are critical for consumers or families to make these choices."
Many Studies Support Eating Organic to Minimize Pesticide Exposure and Improve Nutrition
A 2016 report29 by the European Parliament, "Human Health Implications of Organic Food and Organic Agriculture," detailed the many benefits of organic farming, based on a global literature search. The report is unusually comprehensive in that it also reviews a wide range of effects of organics, from nutritional content and the benefits of fewer pesticides to environmental impacts and sustainability.
Its conclusions are based on hundreds of epidemiological and laboratory studies and food analyses. Again, the clearest benefits of organics on human health were found to be related to lowered pesticide, antibiotic and cadmium exposure. And, while U.S. regulators insist that set limits on pesticide residues in conventional produce are enough to protect the public's health, the report found negative health effects may occur in children even at current levels of exposure.30
According to research31 presented at a 2017 Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) conference in Washington, D.C., women exposed to higher glyphosate levels during pregnancy had babies born earlier and with lower adjusted birth weights.
What's more, the chemical was detected in more than 90 percent of the mothers in the study. Studies have also demonstrated that an organic diet provides better nutrition. Among them:
A Hungarian study32 published in 2006, which compared the nutritional value of organically and conventionally grown plant foods, found organics contained "significantly higher amounts of certain antioxidants (vitamin C, polyphenols and flavonoids) and minerals."
A 2010 study33 looking at grass fed beef versus grain fed beef found the former had healthier fat composition and higher CLA levels. As noted by the authors, "[C]hanges in finishing diets of conventional cattle can alter the lipid profile in such a way as to improve upon this nutritional package.
Although there are genetic, age-related and gender differences among the various meat producing species with respect to lipid profiles and ratios, the effect of animal nutrition is quite significant."
A 2013 study34 found organic milk contains about 25 percent less omega-6 fats and 62 percent more omega-3 fats than conventional milk, along with more vitamin E, beta-carotene and beneficial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
A British study35 published in 2014 found organically grown foods contain "significantly" higher levels of antioxidants than the conventionally grown variety, including beneficial compounds linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart and neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
A group of scientists at Newcastle University in the U.K. evaluated 343 studies published over several decades. The analysis,36 published in 2014, found that while many nutrient levels were comparable, a key nutritional difference between conventional and organics was their antioxidant content, with organic fruits and vegetables containing anywhere from 18 to 69 percent more antioxidants than conventionally grown varieties.
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture37 in Frick, Switzerland, has confirmed organic apples contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional varieties.
A 2010 study38 partially funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found organic strawberries were more nutrient-rich than conventional strawberries.
Research has also found that true organic free-range eggs typically contain about two-thirds more vitamin A, double the amount of omega-3, three times more vitamin E, and as much as seven times more beta carotene than conventional eggs.39
Organic Food Resources
While most people tend to think of organics only in terms of produce (fruits and vegetables), it's important to remember to buy organic, grass fed beef, poultry and dairy, as well, as conventionally raised animals are routinely fed a diet of genetically engineered grains that are loaded with glyphosate and other potentially hazardous ingredients.
If you live in the U.S., the following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods grown in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner:
Demeter USA — Demeter-USA.org provides a directory of certified Biodynamic farms and brands. This directory can also be found on BiodynamicFood.org.
American Grassfed Association — The goal of the American Grassfed Association is to promote the grass fed industry through government relations, research, concept marketing and public education.
Their website also allows you to search for AGA approved producers certified according to strict standards that include being raised on a diet of 100 percent forage; raised on pasture and never confined to a feedlot; never treated with antibiotics or hormones; born and raised on American family farms.
Weston A. Price Foundation — Weston A. Price has local chapters in most states, and many of them are connected with buying clubs in which you can easily purchase organic foods, including grass fed raw dairy products like milk and butter.
Grassfed Exchange — The Grassfed Exchange has a listing of producers selling organic and grass fed meats across the U.S.
Local Harvest — This website will help you find farmers markets, family farms and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass fed meats and many other goodies.
Farmers Markets — A national listing of farmers markets.
Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals — The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, hotels and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
The Cornucopia Institute — The Cornucopia Institute maintains web-based tools rating all certified organic brands of eggs, dairy products and other commodities, based on their ethical sourcing and authentic farming practices separating CAFO "organic" production from authentic organic practices.
RealMilk.com — If you're still unsure of where to find raw milk, check out Raw-Milk-Facts.com and RealMilk.com. They can tell you what the status is for legality in your state, and provide a listing of raw dairy farms in your area. The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund40 also provides a state-by-state review of raw milk laws.41 California residents can also find raw milk retailers using the store locator available at www.OrganicPastures.com.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/25/organic-food-health-benefits.aspx
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Eating Organic Significantly Reduces Health Risks
According to polls, the No. 1 reason people choose organic food is to avoid pesticide exposure.1 Not only do these chemicals threaten the environment, but they also pose a very clear and direct risk to human health.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, has made headlines because it's the most used agricultural chemical in history and because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified it as a probable human carcinogen.
New Meta-Analysis Strengthens Link Between Glyphosate and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
A meta-analysis2,3,4,5,6 of six epidemiological studies published between 2001 and 2018 now adds further weight to such suspicions, showing glyphosate increases the risk of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) — a group of blood cancers — by 41 percent in highly exposed subjects.
According to the research team, led by Luoping Zhang, a University of California, Berkeley toxicologist and a member of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) scientific advisory panel (SAP) on glyphosate carcinogenicity,7 there is indeed a "compelling link" between glyphosate exposure and NHL.
Two other researchers on the team were also members of the EPA SAP that met in 2016. At the time, all three expressed concerns about the EPA's determination that glyphosate was "not likely to be carcinogenic" to humans,8 noting the EPA failed to follow proper scientific practices in its assessment of the chemical.9
Senior author professor Lianne Sheppard told Investigative journalist Carey Gillam,10 "It was pretty obvious they didn't follow their own rules. Is there evidence that it is carcinogenic? The answer is yes."
Evidence also emerged suggesting the EPA had colluded with Monsanto to protect the company's interests by manipulating and preventing key investigations into glyphosate's cancer-causing potential.
Of the six studies included in this new analysis, five showed a positive correlation. One of the studies, known as the Agricultural Health Study11 (AHS), published in 2018, found no effect.
However, the team points out that results were watered down in that study due to the inclusion of people with very low exposure. It's only when you look at high-exposure groups independently that a clear link between exposure and NHL emerges.
Scientists Convinced Glyphosate Is a Dangerous Carcinogen
These findings are bad news for Bayer, which now owns Monsanto and its toxic product line. At present, some 9,000 individuals have lawsuits pending against Monsanto-Bayer. All blame their NHL on Roundup exposure. In its defense, Monsanto has relied heavily on the AHS study's findings showing no correlation between exposure and NHL risk.
However, as noted in the new meta-analysis, published online February 10, 2019:12
"Using the highest exposure groups when available in each study, we report the overall meta-relative risk (meta-RR) of NHL in [glyphosate-based herbicide-exposed] GBH-exposed individuals was increased by 41 percent …
For comparison, we also performed a secondary meta-analysis using high-exposure groups with the earlier AHS (2005), and we determined a meta-RR for NHL of 1.45, which was higher than the meta-RRs reported previously. Multiple sensitivity tests conducted to assess the validity of our findings did not reveal meaningful differences from our primary estimated meta-RR.
To contextualize our findings of an increased NHL risk in individuals with high GBH exposure, we reviewed available animal and mechanistic studies, which provided supporting evidence for the carcinogenic potential of GBH.
We documented further support from studies of malignant lymphoma incidence in mice treated with pure glyphosate, as well as potential links between GBH exposure and immunosuppression, endocrine disruption, and genetic alterations that are commonly associated with NHL.
Overall, in accordance with evidence from experimental animal and mechanistic studies, our current meta-analysis of human epidemiological studies suggests a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for NHL."
Sheppard told Sustainable Pulse,13 "Our analysis focused on providing the best possible answer to the question of whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic. As a result of this research, I am even more convinced that it is." Gillam also quotes Sheppard, saying,14 "This paper makes a stronger case than previous meta-analyses that there is evidence of an increased risk of NHL due to glyphosate exposure. From a population health point of view there are some real concerns."
New Lawsuit Focuses on Roundup's Effect on Gut Bacteria
Even if you're not exposed to glyphosate-based herbicides via application (which is the case with most who claim glyphosate exposure caused their NHL), your health is still at risk, as most foods (processed foods in particular) are contaminated with this chemical, and more than 70 percent of Americans have detectable levels of glyphosate in their body.15
A limited food testing program by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2016 revealed virtually all foods tested were contaminated with Roundup.16 The Health Research Institute Labs (HRI Labs), an independent laboratory that tests both micronutrients and toxins found in food, has also discovered widespread glyphosate contamination.
According to HRI data, people who eat oats on a regular basis have twice as much glyphosate in their system as people who don't (likely because oats are desiccated with glyphosate before harvest), and people who eat organic food on a regular basis have an 80 percent lower level of glyphosate than those who rarely eat organic.
Glyphosate kills weeds by inhibiting the shikimate pathway in the plant, and Monsanto has long defended the chemical's safety, saying it cannot affect humans because we do not have this pathway. However, the shikimate pathway is found in human gut bacteria, which we now know play a vital role in human health.
As reported by Bloomberg,17 a lawsuit filed against Monsanto February 13 now specifically focuses on this link. But glyphosate can also affect your health via a number of other mechanisms. For example, research has shown glyphosate also:18,19,20
Mimics glycine, an amino acid your body uses to make proteins. By acting as a substitute for glycine in your body, glyphosate can cause damaged proteins to be produced.
Glycine also plays a role in quenching inflammation, as explained in "Glycine Quells Oxidative Damage by Inhibiting NOX Superoxide Production and Boosting NADPH," and is used up in the detoxification process. As a result of glyphosate toxicity, many of us may not have enough glycine for efficient detoxification.
Interferes with the function of cytochrome P450 enzymes, required for activation of vitamin D in the liver, and the creation of both nitric oxide and cholesterol sulfate, the latter of which is needed for red blood cell integrity.
Chelates important minerals, including iron, cobalt and manganese. Manganese deficiency, in turn, impairs mitochondrial function and can lead to glutamate toxicity in the brain.
Interferes with the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and methionine, which results in shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate.
Disrupts sulfate synthesis and sulfate transport.
Disrupts and destroys the gut microbiome via its antibiotic activity.
Inhibits sulfur metabolism.
Impairs methylation pathways.
Inhibits pituitary release of thyroid stimulating hormone, which can lead to hypothyroidism.
How Much Glyphosate Do You Have in Your Body?
HRI Labs has developed home test kits for both water and urine, available in my online store. If your levels are high, you would be wise to address your diet and consider buying more organic foods.
You may also want to consider some form of detoxification protocol, and take steps to repair the damage to your gut caused by glyphosate and other agrochemicals. Chances are, if your glyphosate levels are high, you probably have a number of other pesticides in your system as well.
Fermented foods, particularly kimchi, are potent chelators of these kinds of chemicals. Taking activated charcoal after a questionable meal can help bind and excrete chemicals as well. Remember to stay well-hydrated to facilitate the removal of toxins through your liver, kidneys and skin.
Glycine is an important detox aid for glyphosate in particular. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, recognized as an international authority on metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, recommends taking 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks and then lower the dose to one-fourth teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day. The least expensive way to do this is purchase glycine bulk powder,21 which is very inexpensive.
This forces the glyphosate out of your system, allowing it to be eliminated through your urine. Using a sauna on a regular basis is also recommended to help eliminate both pesticides and heavy metals you may have accumulated.
Organic Diet Significantly Lowers Your Pesticide Load, Study Finds
An obvious answer to concerns about glyphosate exposure via your diet is to switch to organic foods. A study22,23 published in the journal Environmental Research, February 12, 2019, again confirms you can significantly reduce your toxic pesticide load by going organic, and results can be rapid.
On average, pesticide and pesticide metabolite level for neonicotinoids, organophosphate pesticides (OP), pyrethroid, 2,4-D and others (14 compounds in all, representing about 40 different pesticides) were reduced by more than 60 percent, on average, in just six days of eating an all-organic diet.
Urine samples were collected from four "racially and geographically diverse" U.S. families — seven adults and nine children in all — before and after they were switched to an all-organic diet. As a group, OP's were reduced the most, dropping by 70 percent overall.
Chlorpyrifos, linked to autism and reduced IQ in children, was reduced by an average of 61 percent, and malathion, a probable human carcinogen, was reduced by 95 percent while 2,4-D dropped by just 37 percent. The fact that 2,4-D appears to stay in the body longer could be a concern, considering we're bound to see far more of it in our food in coming years as genetically engineered crops are now being developed with 2,4-D resistant traits.
According to the authors:24
"We observed significant reductions in urinary levels of 13 pesticide metabolites and parent compounds representing OP, neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides and the herbicide 2,4-D following the introduction of an organic diet.
The greatest reductions were observed for clothianidin … malathion dicarboxylic acid, a metabolite of malathion … and 3,5,6-trichlor-2-pyridinol, a metabolite of chlorpyrifos … This study adds to a growing body of literature indicating that an organic diet may reduce exposure to a range of pesticides in children and adults."
To Avoid Toxic Pesticides, Go Organic
Other studies have found very similar results, including:
A 2006 study25 in Environmental Health Perspectives, which found OP pesticide levels were lowered to undetectable levels in elementary school-aged children fed an all-organic diet for five days; levels rose as soon as a conventional diet was reintroduced
An Australian study26 published in 2014, which found a diet of at least 80 percent organic food lowered pesticide levels by 89 percent in seven days
A 2015 study,27 which found OP pesticide levels were reduced between 25 and 49 percent in Mexican-American children aged 3 to 6, after being fed organic food for seven days
Bruce Lanphear, a professor at Simon Fraser University who was not part of the study told Civil Eats,28 "Families need this type of information. In the absence of a robust regulatory system that protects consumers, these types of studies are critical for consumers or families to make these choices."
Many Studies Support Eating Organic to Minimize Pesticide Exposure and Improve Nutrition
A 2016 report29 by the European Parliament, "Human Health Implications of Organic Food and Organic Agriculture," detailed the many benefits of organic farming, based on a global literature search. The report is unusually comprehensive in that it also reviews a wide range of effects of organics, from nutritional content and the benefits of fewer pesticides to environmental impacts and sustainability.
Its conclusions are based on hundreds of epidemiological and laboratory studies and food analyses. Again, the clearest benefits of organics on human health were found to be related to lowered pesticide, antibiotic and cadmium exposure. And, while U.S. regulators insist that set limits on pesticide residues in conventional produce are enough to protect the public's health, the report found negative health effects may occur in children even at current levels of exposure.30
According to research31 presented at a 2017 Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) conference in Washington, D.C., women exposed to higher glyphosate levels during pregnancy had babies born earlier and with lower adjusted birth weights.
What's more, the chemical was detected in more than 90 percent of the mothers in the study. Studies have also demonstrated that an organic diet provides better nutrition. Among them:
A Hungarian study32 published in 2006, which compared the nutritional value of organically and conventionally grown plant foods, found organics contained "significantly higher amounts of certain antioxidants (vitamin C, polyphenols and flavonoids) and minerals."
A 2010 study33 looking at grass fed beef versus grain fed beef found the former had healthier fat composition and higher CLA levels. As noted by the authors, "[C]hanges in finishing diets of conventional cattle can alter the lipid profile in such a way as to improve upon this nutritional package.
Although there are genetic, age-related and gender differences among the various meat producing species with respect to lipid profiles and ratios, the effect of animal nutrition is quite significant."
A 2013 study34 found organic milk contains about 25 percent less omega-6 fats and 62 percent more omega-3 fats than conventional milk, along with more vitamin E, beta-carotene and beneficial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
A British study35 published in 2014 found organically grown foods contain "significantly" higher levels of antioxidants than the conventionally grown variety, including beneficial compounds linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart and neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
A group of scientists at Newcastle University in the U.K. evaluated 343 studies published over several decades. The analysis,36 published in 2014, found that while many nutrient levels were comparable, a key nutritional difference between conventional and organics was their antioxidant content, with organic fruits and vegetables containing anywhere from 18 to 69 percent more antioxidants than conventionally grown varieties.
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture37 in Frick, Switzerland, has confirmed organic apples contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional varieties.
A 2010 study38 partially funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found organic strawberries were more nutrient-rich than conventional strawberries.
Research has also found that true organic free-range eggs typically contain about two-thirds more vitamin A, double the amount of omega-3, three times more vitamin E, and as much as seven times more beta carotene than conventional eggs.39
Organic Food Resources
While most people tend to think of organics only in terms of produce (fruits and vegetables), it's important to remember to buy organic, grass fed beef, poultry and dairy, as well, as conventionally raised animals are routinely fed a diet of genetically engineered grains that are loaded with glyphosate and other potentially hazardous ingredients.
If you live in the U.S., the following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods grown in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner:
Demeter USA — Demeter-USA.org provides a directory of certified Biodynamic farms and brands. This directory can also be found on BiodynamicFood.org.
American Grassfed Association — The goal of the American Grassfed Association is to promote the grass fed industry through government relations, research, concept marketing and public education.
Their website also allows you to search for AGA approved producers certified according to strict standards that include being raised on a diet of 100 percent forage; raised on pasture and never confined to a feedlot; never treated with antibiotics or hormones; born and raised on American family farms.
Weston A. Price Foundation — Weston A. Price has local chapters in most states, and many of them are connected with buying clubs in which you can easily purchase organic foods, including grass fed raw dairy products like milk and butter.
Grassfed Exchange — The Grassfed Exchange has a listing of producers selling organic and grass fed meats across the U.S.
Local Harvest — This website will help you find farmers markets, family farms and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass fed meats and many other goodies.
Farmers Markets — A national listing of farmers markets.
Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals — The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, hotels and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
The Cornucopia Institute — The Cornucopia Institute maintains web-based tools rating all certified organic brands of eggs, dairy products and other commodities, based on their ethical sourcing and authentic farming practices separating CAFO "organic" production from authentic organic practices.
RealMilk.com — If you're still unsure of where to find raw milk, check out Raw-Milk-Facts.com and RealMilk.com. They can tell you what the status is for legality in your state, and provide a listing of raw dairy farms in your area. The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund40 also provides a state-by-state review of raw milk laws.41 California residents can also find raw milk retailers using the store locator available at www.OrganicPastures.com.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/25/organic-food-health-benefits.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/eating-organic-significantly-reduces-health-risks
0 notes
alankippaxme-blog · 6 years
Written by Will Wiens: For Those Who Need to Know About Alan Kippax
I've known Alan approximately 10 years. My first impression was, "wow, this guy can sell!" That was my first time I went to a BIM meeting held at the Grand Hotel in Kelowna, BC. I got involved with BIM and went to as many meetings as I could. We went to a few social get-togethers with Alan after some meetings and enjoyed chatting about other interests as well, such as politics, news, and the state of business affairs in Canada. We shared a number of topics that we believed in similarly. 
Soon after, my work took me to Calgary, where I met Alan again on several occasions and later I joined him at a leader get together in the Toronto area. Here I also saw his passion for cool cars as he had them on display for those that were interested. 
In the beginning, my involvement with Alan was because of my interest in BIM. I found him to be a top-notch presenter, a good teacher, and did he ever know how to "close the deal"! Even though I was a supervisor in the construction industry, my interest in sales had always been there, as I've been involved with many networks, I was very much wanting to learn all I could so as to improve my skills. Alan was the best I had ever run into! For that matter, BIM was also the only such type of business that I ever made any money at!! 
My wife and I had many good experiences during my involvement with BIM. I think of one lady who really wanted to get involved with BIM, although she just didn't have the money. She wasn't even my personal recruit but was brought in by my daughter in law. I'm a trusting sort of guy who likes to help people, so I lent her the money when she promised to pay it back when her payday came. I don't necessarily recommend this sort of thing, and it could backfire, nevertheless, I felt this single mom would do as she said.
I actually will never again do or recommend doing what I did ever again. You see, I did that for a few more people but they never paid me back. And then I heard of a number of others who did the same but on a larger scale and it completely backfired. Here is why: lending money and especially all of the money is a terrible idea! Most will never pay it back as it’s too easy to quit and that's not fair for them or you. The person borrowing has "no skin in the game" so to speak, so he doesn’t learn the system, blabs all about the company though he knows nothing and therefore he has zero success and quits at the first NO! Instead, if it was his own money he would try a lot harder and actually make it work.
Now, BIM presentations were great and at the end, people who had paydays were invited to come up and share a little of their stories!  It was so interesting how BIM was "improving their lives"! One lady that my wife and I brought in gave such a moving testimony, of her success that everybody was touched. Then, unbeknownst to my wife and I, she publicly thanked us for believing in her and helping her. Wow! I don't think there was a dry eye in the place!!
BIM was a great place to meet people. We met so many really nice people, and a lot of them are still friends with us today! I have found that people who get involved with networking are basically good and decent people who want to improve their lives, by not only making some money to help out financially but also by becoming better people, who sincerely want to help others do the same! This opportunity basically allows people with a little money to work part-time, improve their lives and make new friends. 
During my time with BIM, I was also involved when some anti-mlmers started to hassle Alan. And I also saw first hand how corrupt the media was by wrongly reporting what they called the facts. 
During my time with BIM, even though I made money, I could still see some weak areas regarding the business model.
After BiM shut down, I have run into some people who choose to blame Alan for "loosing" their money. This is something I could never figure out. I think many people are very naive when it comes to business. When you get involved with these types of businesses, the terms and conditions are clearly laid out. When they are followed, you make money, when they are not followed, you don't! That's quite straightforward and simple to understand. Remember, if you do something foolish and against all recommendations, you have no right to blame somebody else for your error in judgment! From my perspective, nobody lost their money, because they received a product for their purchase! Yes I heard about some people who "loaned" a number of people the money for their purchase, and then conditions weren't met, and these people then didn't get paid and so they couldn't repay their "loans"!  All I can say is, "too bad, so sad"! I actually did the same, and I also didn't get repaid,  but it never occurred to me to blame Alan for that. That was my risk and therefore also my loss!
After BIM shut down, then the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) did a lot of very nasty things. I can speak personally to that. And then I ran into very many others who experienced the same injustices by our government. Even though I declared all my revenues under my business and paid taxes accordingly, the CRA decided that it was all personal income and reassessed me again for that. And to add insult to injury, they declared that I made about 4 times as much as I really did, which they intentionally incorrectly concluded from the records they took when they raided BIM's offices. Some people are still fighting these injustices with the CRA.  This has nothing to do with Alan, but some people are still choosing to blame Alan for that. That's just wrong. 
Well, enough of that. After BIM shut down, I continued to follow Alan's life for the next number of years by checking with his friends regarding his whereabouts. Then, just shy of two years ago, Alan and I became friends on Facebook, and we came into personal contact again. Since that time, we have talked repeatedly on the phone, probably for at least an hour or more every two weeks or so, sometimes more frequently and sometimes for longer periods of time. This has allowed me to get to know Alan much much better!  We've talked about many things other than business, on such topics as governments, religion, friends in common, and personal family things. I was very happy for him when his daughter was born, as my own 13th grandchild was born much the same time and it also was a girl! 
Needless to say, we also talked about business. He shared with me what he saw wrong with BIM, as did I. Then he shared with how he had spent countless hours working out improvements in this new plan and fixing all the weak points. From each new fix that he shared, I immediately could tell that the fix would solve the old problem!  Like everything else, once the problem was solved, it seemed simple enough, although the trick is first to solve the problem! That's where his genius comes out! I could tell, that he had spent an awful lot of time at it! I won't bother with rehashing the problems, except the one about the "dead boards". The fix is better than I could have imagined. You could now literally say that the slowest boards now become the best. 
Life has a way of throwing "curve balls" at you. My construction days came to an end and so I started trucking a little while ago. This allowed much time to think and talk  (through "blue tooth" speaker systems). This afforded me the opportunity to discuss at length with Alan the different aspects of HRI. In fact, there was a time when Alan and I were talking many hours almost daily.  I believe that I was a good sounding board for him discussing all the different details and "fixes", taking the older versions of TTI and BIM to new and better levels. I found it so interesting how the thought process went from problem to solution and how each detail has a specific reason for being there!  Like I said earlier, people who will see this business plan along with the remuneration system, will just think to themselves that this is really good, never realizing that good things just don't appear! They have to be created, concept by concept, detail by detail, and if I say so myself, it takes a genius to come up with a plan that covers all the potential pitfalls along the way, creating motivation at all the right places. I also made some suggestions along the way from my own experiences and I believe Alan even incorporated some of them. 
 Well, like so many others, I can hardly wait to see how successful HRI is going to be! I don't think there has ever been as good of an opportunity, as this fully revised "Time Leverage System" is now,  which has been made available to the ordinary individual! The other thing is the products.  The business has a few of the old products still available, but there are so many new ones!! Can you imagine, HRI having the ability to provide a platform to market any new product, manufactured anywhere in the world, and then sell it to anywhere in the world? And there are others, and all you have to do is look at the retail website! Truly exciting!!
0 notes
baehkhun · 6 years
Timesheet Reporter Review
Utilizing the timesheet reporter software program inside iPlanWare you may monitor precise time spent and financial efficiency precisely. The Hubstaff time tracker can provide the most correct insight into how billed hours are being spent. For instance, Hubstaff lets you keep monitor of whether or not or not your staff are working by letting you file up to 3 screenshots per hour whereas they are on the clock. The mobile app additionally enables you to monitor time working timesheet reporter or driving and offers fleet or worker location tracking through GPS. The app tracks time for various tasks and may robotically report idle time when there isn't any keyboard or mouse exercise. The effectivity of HRIS, the methods are able to produce more practical and quicker outcomes than might be achieved on paper. It is targeted on improving your team’s workflow and helps to plan your budgets and time extra efficiently. As well as it helps in providing real-time bulletins by means of e-mail. This, in flip, helps streamline their invoicing, improve bid accuracy and scale back unnecessary costs.
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Hand readers measure and analyze the overall construction, form and proportions of the hand (i.e. width, length and thickness of hand) and manages to still maintain accuracy when arms are dirty or injured. There are many reasons businesses select to update their worker time and attendance systems. TAMS put all worker benefits data on-line and created an open enrollment choice when TAMS changed healthcare providers. In my creative course of, I tend to have tabs upon tabs open. On that note, now we have created a step by step guide for developing an employee time and attendance administration system. These ongoing costs should be factored into your employee time clock software program evaluations and remaining funding. Clarify that the livelihood of the corporate and all of its employees depends upon correct time monitoring and management. General the software program is the proper online solution for venture cost tracking. Choosing a PSA (Professional Companies Automation) resolution isn't a straightforward process. Whereas there is always resistance initially as it's one other job to be completed, there may be more and more a greater understanding of the need for doing this. This known as the relationship or better yet, a linking idea that determines the similarity of two or extra entities from each other.
In fact, timesheet knowledge may show you how to get much better insight into the working process. In late December 2205, an Ameriprise Monetary staff laptop that contained unencrypted knowledge on approximately 230,000 customers and advisors was stolen from a automobile. Additionally it is difficult to separate an overall PSA selection, which might embody mission management, resource timesheet reporter administration, timesheet management and expense administration, in addition to undertaking accounting and invoicing, from the wants particular to skills tracking. You possibly can customise and export timesheets in lots of codecs together with PDF, CSV, XLS, HTML, as well as create invoices. Accounting features: Customizable quotes, estimates, and invoices. Nitin Mantri, CEO, Avian Media, is very optimistic about the usage of timesheets, he says, “Indian PR professionals are moving towards timesheet reporting format of their organizations. Natural integrations with Concur and Expensify make this a wonderful instrument for companies that use software program to automate time tracking, billing, and funds.
It consists of schedule, time & attendance monitoring, and payroll modules and is out there for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Review the method: map payroll tasks from begin to complete. Easy arrange of duties and initiatives, no training required, and a hundred% web based, make Net TimeSheet the best challenge management software program! If you’re on the lookout for a easy but powerful time administration instrument, Paymo might have the reply. Simple Undertaking Planning & Monitoring. Modern worker timesheets software program options have superior time tracking features. Worker timesheets are used by firms of all sizes for a variety of causes. Employee monitoring features are particularly handy if you’re working with a distant workforce. Cons: Costly. Lacks some features. Wiki says "A timesheet is a technique for recording the amount of a worker's time spent on every job". You'll be able to decide at what degree you track time including venture, process, enterprise as usual actions and time off and absence codes with the timesheet reporter
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technato · 7 years
How to Fly a Drone With Your Face
Send your drone flying by making a ridiculous face at it
Image: Simon Fraser University
It’s nice that consumer drones are getting easier and easier to use, incorporating more safeguards and autonomy and stuff. Generally, though, piloting them does still require some practice and skill, along with free hands and a controller that’s probably more expensive than it should be. This is why we’ve been seeing more research on getting drones set up so that unaltered, uninstrumented, and almost entirely untrained users can still do useful things with them.
At Simon Fraser University, roboticists are seeing how far they can push this idea, and they’ve come up with a system for controlling a drone that doesn’t require experience, or a controller. Or even hands. Instead, you use your face, and it’s totally intuitive and natural. As long as it’s intuitive and natural for you to make funny faces at drones, anyway.
Here is how to control a drone with your face in Canada:
Image: Simon Fraser University
Neutral faces (above) and trigger faces (below).
Ready: The user’s identity and facial expressions are learned and input is provided through touch-based interaction. Hold the drone at eye level, gaze deeply into its camera, and give it your best neutral look. Hold this neutral look until the drone is satisfied that you are consistently neutral. This should take less than a minute, unless you get the giggles. Next, rotate the drone so that it’s sideways, and make a “trigger” face, which is unique from your neutral face. If you’re super boring, you can make a trigger face by just covering one eye, but come on, you’re better than that.
Aim: The robot starts flying and keeps its user centered in its camera view, while the user lines up the trajectory and chooses its power by “drawing back” analogous to firing a bow or slingshot. Place the drone on the ground in front of you, and it’ll take off and over menacingly in front of you. Try and move from side to side to escape, and the drone will remorselessly yaw to keep you in view. Once you have it pointed exactly the wrong way, back away slowly and imagine that there’s a rubber band between you and the drone and it’s getting stretched more and more. 
Fly: The user signals to the robot to begin a preset parameterized trajectory. The robot executes the trajectory with parameters observed at the end of the Aim phase. When the drone is facing in the direction you don’t want it to go and you think you’re far enough away, make your trigger face, and the drone will fly off backwards (directly away from you) on a ballistic trajectory, the strength of which is moderated by how far away from the drone you are when you made the face, rather like a slingshot. 
Besides the kind of “slingshot” ballistic trajectory shown in the video, the drone could also be commanded to do a “beam” trajectory, where it travels in a straight line, or a “boomerang” trajectory, where it flies out and makes a circle before (hopefully) coming back again. The particular drone used here happened to be a Parrot Bebop slightly modified with an LED strip to provide visual feedback, and while the vision processing was done offboard, there’s no reason why it needed to be, because it doesn’t require a lot of power, according to the researchers.
In tests, this technique for controlling a drone works surprisingly well. The researchers had users try and send the drone through an 0.8-meter diameter hoop located 8 meters away. Most people managed to get the drone within about a meter of the hoop most of the time, although the researchers point out that “the robot did not fly perfectly straight due to the inevitable errors of real-world robotics.” Damn that pesky real world and all its realness! 
And finally, here are some conclusions, in no particular order, and lifted straight from the paper because I can’t possibly improve on them:
While the demonstrations in the paper have sent the robot on flights of 45 meters outdoors, these interactions scale to hundreds of meters without modification. If the UAV was able to visually servo to a target of interest after reaching the peak of its trajectory (for example another person, as described in another paper under review) we might be able to “throw” the UAV from one person to another over a kilometer or more… The long term goal of this work is to enable people to interact with robots and AIs as we now interact with people and trained animals, just as long imagined in science fiction… Finally, and informally, we assert that using the robot in this way is fun, so this interaction could have applications in entertainment.
I love that last assertion, because it’s too often overlooked in research—no matter what you’re working on, don’t forget how much fun robots are.
“Ready—Aim—Fly! Hands-Free Face-Based HRI for 3D Trajectory Control of UAVs,” by Jake Bruce, Jacob Perron, and Richard Vaughan from Simon Fraser University in Canada, was presented at the IEEE Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision.
How to Fly a Drone With Your Face syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
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