#How to Unclog a Bath Tub Drain in Woonsocket RI
sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Drain Cleaning Service Implies
Drain cleaning service implies the home owner or place of business has a problem with a branch line. But not always.
A branch line is smaller than the main sewer line. Therefore, if water remains standing in a tub and say, the sink and toilet in that bathroom group does drain, you have a blockage in your tub drain. Therefore, there is a need for a drain cleaning service. However, suppose an in ground swimming pool has a clogged drain. The inside diameter of the pipe used for the drain on this pool could be as large as 8 inches in diameter. Due to the size of this “drain”, we must use knowledge and equipment suited for sewer cleaning service.
Drain cleaning service is possible by small waste line cleaning machines. These are also known as branch line machines. Drain cleaning service machines are generally a 3/8″ or a 1/4″ cable being spun in a branch line machine. A drain cleaning service machine is smaller and lighter than a main line machine. However, as previously stated, if a drain line is large enough, a mainline machine may be used.
When a drain cleaning service is called, the technician suspects he will be using his small drain cleaning service machine instead of a main line machine. Implied ‘drain cleaning’ service is interpreted by the technician due to the information gathered from a good office staff. The dispatcher will answer the phone and follow up the caller’s statements with some questions, leading to an understanding as to what service is needed. If the dispatcher concludes the caller has only a clogged branch line, then the dispatcher dispatches a technician proficient in understanding the different types of drainage material and systems serviced by a drain cleaning service. More times than not, the dispatcher will hear a very definitive, ” My bathroom sink won’t drain “. That pretty much takes the guess work out of what type of work will be done to restore flow.
If the dispatcher concludes the caller has a main line issue, the dispatcher would send a sewer cleaning technician. This is a technician who has a complete understanding of main sewer lines, the system design and the material used in the location the technician will be sent.
Occasionally, the caller will state there are simultaneous drain cleaning needs. For instance, the tub and bathroom sink are holding water. However, the toilet in that bathroom does not have trouble flushing. Again, since the problem is on the branch lines, the dispatcher will send a technician proficient at performing a drain cleaning service. The dispatcher understands the need for a drain cleaning service since the toilet, normally connected directly to the main sewer line does flush and the branch lines do not flow.
Suppose the call is from a commercial property. For example, a restaurant calls and says they are having trouble with floor drains and sinks not draining. Or, the caller says the sinks are draining. However, when the sinks empty their compartments, the floor drains allow water to rise and spill onto the floor. Sinks and floor drains are normally considered branch lines, so a the call would be logged as a drain cleaning service. Therefor, the dispatcher will send a drain cleaning service technician.
However, this is a difficult call for a dispatcher since floor drains can be as large as four inches in large restaurants and generally, sink drains in restaurants are no larger than 2″ in diameter. If the sink drains are branching into a part of the sewer system that is also picking up the floor drains, there may be a blockage in the fitting which conveys flow from both the floor drain to the main sewer line. This would be considered a drain cleaning service. Or, the blockage could be in the main sewer line just after the branch line fitting. This would be a main line service. In this case, the dispatcher will want to send a technician who is skilled and equipped to handle both a main line and drain cleaning service for branch lines.
At Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service, our technicians are skilled and knowledgeable in drain cleaning service and main line sewer issues.
Drain cleaning service and removing blockages from main sewer lines are not that different. Size and material are mainly what set the two services apart. As you read from the paragraph above, in a commercial venue, there may be a need for drain cleaning service or main line. That is why most sewer and drain cleaning service companies hire technicians skilled and knowledgeable at both main line and drain cleaning service.
One last scenario. Recall the pool situation at the top of this page. If the drain line on a pool is six inches in diameter and the drain line runs 200 feet, the technician responding should not be just a drain cleaning service technician. He should be someone skilled at both sewer and drain cleaning service. Reason being, the size and distance of the run, though it does not drain sewage, will call for drain cleaning service equipment.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Garbage Disposal Not Working in Woonsocket, RI, Drain and Sewer Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer and Drain Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI&How to Unclog a Bath Tub Drain in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Bathroom Sink Odor
Bathroom sink odor occurs by virtue of what the sink does. It drains grey water. (Poor venting can also be the culprit behind bathroom sink drain odor. We will get to that. But first, let’s discuss the build and use of the sink.)
The bathroom sink carries bacteria from washed hands, cleaning stains from clothing and brushing teeth. Because the drain assembly allows for air to get to the moistened piping below the mouth of the drain, bacteria, mold and mildew settle into the drain assembly. With the bacteria that gets washed down the drain, the drain assembly is a natural sort of petri dish. With use, mold, mildew and bacterial growth continue and sink odor is what alarms us to a need to investigate the source.
Anatomy of a bathroom sink drain:                                                
Above the trap, there is usually about 14″ of pipe that is open to air. This is the tail piece and the pop-up assembly. Here is where every home’s built in petri dish resides.
In order to treat this part of the bathroom sink drain and inhibit odor causing bacteria from growing, the homeowner must be able to get an anti-microbial to the drain assembly and the overflow. (The overflow is locate just below the sink rim. Normally on the front or back of the basin).
One of the anti-microbial solutions that can be found on the shelves at The Home Depot is a product called Micro Ban found in a line of cleaners under the brand name, “Legend”. (HOWEVER, BE CAREFUL. IF YOU HAVE A SEPTIC SYSTEM, YOU DO NOT WANT TO INTRODUCE ANTI BACTERIA AGENTS INTO YOUR PIPES. YOU WILL WIPE OUT YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM.) The use of bleach kills almost any type of bacteria. However, mold only spores and becomes air born. This means, if you decide to ignore good advice and use bleach to kill mold, you may cause it to spore and lodge wherever it lands. That could be in your lungs or someone else’s.
Use a spray bottle to get the Micro Ban cleaner into the overflow. Dowse the overflow generously, as the flow will develop and then only trail in one part of the overflow conductor. Then poor about five ounces of micro ban into the drain assembly of the sink. This should inundate the piping and allow for a well treated drain line.
There is only two other methods of getting an anti-microbial to the overflow and the drain.
•             If your bathroom sink’s drain pipe has a flush mounted (Dandy) clean out in line, you could purchase an inflatable test ball to stop water in the line. Then fill the line with an antimicrobial up to the rim of the sink.
•  You could also remove the sink from the wall….(Turn the water to the sink off. Remove the trap and the supply tubes) now take the sink off the wall and soak it in an anti-microbial.
A second product recommended by Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning is, RX-66 Bio Enzyme Digester, by Airx Laboratories.
About the trap. The trap is supposed to be filled with water in order to bar gases coming from the sewer and entering the dwelling. However, if the trap does not have water in it, naturally, gas will emanate from the drain. If your trap does not hold water, call a sewer and drain cleaner or a plumber to investigate. We did say earlier we would provide more information on “poor venting”. Here it is:
A customer called describing a sewer gas odor coming from his kitchen sink, bathroom sink and tub drain. Upon visiting, we could see the kitchen sink drain was not connected to a vent. What made matters even more intolerable for the drains around the house is, there was a garbage disposal unit on the kitchen sink. Without a vent on the kitchen sink and the use of a garbage disposer, water is being pumped through unvented pipe and air has to be pulled into the pipe from somewhere. That somewhere is by a vacuum being created in the drain lines. The water in the traps in the tub and the sink is sucked into the sewer line, leaving the traps with no water. The absence of water in the traps, is to allow sewer gas to enter the dwelling through the sink and tub drains. (Traps are installed to trap water which seals out gases)
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Sink in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Toilet in Woonsocket, RI, How to Unclog a Bath Tub Drain in Woonsocket, RI&Garbage Disposal Not Working in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Remediation In Woonsocket, RI
For the most part, a drain that completely stops flowing can not easily be restored to full operating condition. Clogged drains usually occur over time. That means, the drain began restriction with gradual buildup and finally, something went down the drain and closed the remaining orifice. Or, a shift in loose, heavy buildup closed the narrowing pipe to come to a complete stoppage. What ever the cause, the fact remains, the drain is clogged and you need flow restored.
Tub drains are surprisingly unpredictable as to what you will need to clear the drain. For plumbing, sewer and drain cleaning companies who work on flat rate, showers and tubs are where the technician can lose money, working on a difficult drain line.
If your tub is slow, you may try a home made concoction of baking soda and vinegar. (This is a trick used to create movement. No one Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning has spoken to has ever reported clearing a blockage with vinegar and baking soda. However, plenty of advisers are giving their clients this information. This article was originally written June 2013. Today, 10-27-14, a customer reported attempting this remedy. No success.)
Bail as much of the water from the tub as you can. Wait about an hour. Then, pour a half a cup of baking soda into the drain of the tub. Follow it by a half cup of vinegar and allow it to sit for about 3 hours. (When adding the vinegar, pour it quickly into the drain and pull yourself away. The two ingredients will react causing fumes and foaming action.) It does not matter how accurate you are at getting the vinegar into the mouth of the drain because the tub is designed to drain to the mouth of the drain.
Tightly stuff a cloth or sponge into the overflow so it will not fall into the piping. Use a flexible plunger. Not a plunger with a funnel on the end. Nor a plunger you feel you have to stand on to get it to work. You want to center the plunger over the mouth of the drain, run a little water and plunge rapidly for about five seconds. Remove the plunger and take note as to how much water is draining out. If the water has run out completely, run water into the tub to see if the tub drains normally. If it is at the least, slow, plunge the tub while water is flowing from the spout. If you still have a clogged tub drain, take note of the blunt instrument being inserted through the overflow in the diagram above. You will need to attempt cabling the drain with a drain snake. Many home owners perform these steps and do not have success at freeing a clogged tub drain. Don’t feel bad. Call a drain cleaning company.Before you do, there is one more post in this blog that may help. It is titled, “ My Tub Won’t Drain”.
Diagnosing and fixing the drainage problem for a sink, shower or bathtub may be a long and difficult process. Be safe. If fixing the issue is something that is risky or not being understood, contact a drain service company. The range of pricing for a company who cares to do the job correctly is within $145.00 – $225.00. This depends on material used in piping, age of the house which would help the plumber understand the plumbing code that was used in assembling the plumbing system, access to the plumbing and what is assumed to be creating the blockage.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at
Sewer Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI, Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI & Sewer Jetting in Woonsocket, RI
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