#Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket RI
sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Drain Cleaning Service Implies
Drain cleaning service implies the home owner or place of business has a problem with a branch line. But not always.
A branch line is smaller than the main sewer line. Therefore, if water remains standing in a tub and say, the sink and toilet in that bathroom group does drain, you have a blockage in your tub drain. Therefore, there is a need for a drain cleaning service. However, suppose an in ground swimming pool has a clogged drain. The inside diameter of the pipe used for the drain on this pool could be as large as 8 inches in diameter. Due to the size of this “drain”, we must use knowledge and equipment suited for sewer cleaning service.
Drain cleaning service is possible by small waste line cleaning machines. These are also known as branch line machines. Drain cleaning service machines are generally a 3/8″ or a 1/4″ cable being spun in a branch line machine. A drain cleaning service machine is smaller and lighter than a main line machine. However, as previously stated, if a drain line is large enough, a mainline machine may be used.
When a drain cleaning service is called, the technician suspects he will be using his small drain cleaning service machine instead of a main line machine. Implied ‘drain cleaning’ service is interpreted by the technician due to the information gathered from a good office staff. The dispatcher will answer the phone and follow up the caller’s statements with some questions, leading to an understanding as to what service is needed. If the dispatcher concludes the caller has only a clogged branch line, then the dispatcher dispatches a technician proficient in understanding the different types of drainage material and systems serviced by a drain cleaning service. More times than not, the dispatcher will hear a very definitive, ” My bathroom sink won’t drain “. That pretty much takes the guess work out of what type of work will be done to restore flow.
If the dispatcher concludes the caller has a main line issue, the dispatcher would send a sewer cleaning technician. This is a technician who has a complete understanding of main sewer lines, the system design and the material used in the location the technician will be sent.
Occasionally, the caller will state there are simultaneous drain cleaning needs. For instance, the tub and bathroom sink are holding water. However, the toilet in that bathroom does not have trouble flushing. Again, since the problem is on the branch lines, the dispatcher will send a technician proficient at performing a drain cleaning service. The dispatcher understands the need for a drain cleaning service since the toilet, normally connected directly to the main sewer line does flush and the branch lines do not flow.
Suppose the call is from a commercial property. For example, a restaurant calls and says they are having trouble with floor drains and sinks not draining. Or, the caller says the sinks are draining. However, when the sinks empty their compartments, the floor drains allow water to rise and spill onto the floor. Sinks and floor drains are normally considered branch lines, so a the call would be logged as a drain cleaning service. Therefor, the dispatcher will send a drain cleaning service technician.
However, this is a difficult call for a dispatcher since floor drains can be as large as four inches in large restaurants and generally, sink drains in restaurants are no larger than 2″ in diameter. If the sink drains are branching into a part of the sewer system that is also picking up the floor drains, there may be a blockage in the fitting which conveys flow from both the floor drain to the main sewer line. This would be considered a drain cleaning service. Or, the blockage could be in the main sewer line just after the branch line fitting. This would be a main line service. In this case, the dispatcher will want to send a technician who is skilled and equipped to handle both a main line and drain cleaning service for branch lines.
At Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service, our technicians are skilled and knowledgeable in drain cleaning service and main line sewer issues.
Drain cleaning service and removing blockages from main sewer lines are not that different. Size and material are mainly what set the two services apart. As you read from the paragraph above, in a commercial venue, there may be a need for drain cleaning service or main line. That is why most sewer and drain cleaning service companies hire technicians skilled and knowledgeable at both main line and drain cleaning service.
One last scenario. Recall the pool situation at the top of this page. If the drain line on a pool is six inches in diameter and the drain line runs 200 feet, the technician responding should not be just a drain cleaning service technician. He should be someone skilled at both sewer and drain cleaning service. Reason being, the size and distance of the run, though it does not drain sewage, will call for drain cleaning service equipment.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Garbage Disposal Not Working in Woonsocket, RI, Drain and Sewer Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer and Drain Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI&How to Unclog a Bath Tub Drain in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Sewer And Drain Maintenance In Woonsocket, RI Part - II
Sewer and drain cleaning should be cost effective and efficient. Not only that. But, consumers need to be able to trust a service provider. Therefore, we want to build a relationship with you under our company motto: “Affordable, Efficient and Trustworthy”. We may not of had the opportunity to meet, yet. So, please take the opportunity to visit the “Reviews” tab on this website. All reviews recorded here, on our website have been imported from the actual site they were left on, by the consumer. A hyper – text link is also available under the “Reviews” tab to redirect you to the source from which we imported the review. A clogged drain is frustrating, inconvenient and messy. When you call Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service in Bellingham, MA (as well as Mendon, Wrentham, Foxboro and Franklin, MA) to restore flow to a clogged drain, we do our best leave your home like it never happened.
Our drain and sewer cleaning service administers the use of a jetter, snake and camera in sewer line issues and when needed for a particularly difficult clogged drain. Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning technicians will restore flow to blocked sewer systems, relieve a slow or clogged drain and resolve septic tank issues. Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning service also performs video inspections. We also network with reputable Rhode Island and Massachusetts plumbers for repair services needed while handling your sanitary drainage issues. Our goal is to provide a better standard for drain cleaning, sewer cleaning, septic cleaning, and septic system repair service in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, especially in our local service area of Bellingham, Mendon, Franklin, and Foxboro. Our technicians utilize solid sewer and drain cleaning techniques. Having experienced various types of sewer and drain systems up and down the east coast, our crew has seen many of the sewer and drain systems in use. In Massachusetts and Rhode Island, our drain cleaning technicians service large and small businesses as well as apartments and single family homes. We serve the entire area, but especially Bellingham, Franklin, and Mendon.
One of the benefits our clients have in a relationship with Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service is being invited to consult us and ask for over the phone assistance and advice on clogged drain and plumbing issues. We also provide you with an online reference tool where you will find diagrams, videos, step-by-step instructions and articles written with the intent to help the consumer help themselves before contacting a service professional. We can’t make you a professional sewer and drain cleaning service technician . Practice, technique, equipment and knowledge of the sewer and drain cleaning industry are the necessary elements to being an effective and efficient sewer and drain cleaning technician. If you want to restore flow to a clogged drain or a blocked sewer, look to Anchor sewer and drain cleaning Service, the drain and sewer cleaning experts of Massachusetts. An Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning service technician has those elements.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket, RI, Sump Pump Installation in Woonsocket, RI & Septic Tank Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Clogged Drain In Woonsocket, RI Part - III
You Do Not Have to Replace a Failed Septic System
The scope of this post is to discuss options for septic system maintenance and septic system failure. The over whelming majority of septic systems function by anaerobic bacterial action. Sewage leaves the house or place of business and is stored in the septic tank until the anaerobic bacteria breaks the sewage down. Then it is conveyed to the distribution box in the form of effluent.
The distribution box is a second tank in the septic system between the septic tank and the leach field. Effluent flows from the septic tank to the distribution box and to the various number of leaching lines in the leach field.
In the leach field, anaerobic bacteria continues breaking down, and digesting solids that have left the septic tank. The leach field is originally tasked with absorbing effluent. However, it was discovered that solids, still suspended in the effluent are found in the leach field, where the anaerobic bacteria is still attempting to digest them. The presence of biological material and anaerobic bacteria in the leach field is the death of the leach field. Remember, anaerobic action does not dispose of biological material very quickly. The build up in the leach field occurs faster than the bacteria can dispose of the material. This action begins on day one of a new septic system. It is just a matter of time, before the anaerobic system will need replaced.
Notice, to the bottom of the left side of the septic tank in the photo above, there is an inordinate amount of sludge. Even still, effluent carries with it, suspended particulate solids that do not break down or disappear under the digestive action of anaerobic bacteria. The sludge and scum level floating in the effluent are testimony to the inefficient performance of an anaerobic septic system. This inefficiency is why our septic system needs maintaining.
You will also notice the three risers on the top of the tank. Many septic tanks do not have this feature. There are, however, three covers you will need to unearth to provide maintenance service to your tank. Rather than dig these up every 1 – 3 years, install risers and cap them. This will make pumping your tank a lot easier and quicker.
Try as we might, the filter tee is the last defense in protecting our leach field and distribution box from solids accumulating in the distribution box or in the leaching lines. This will shut down a septic system before its’ time. If the problem is sludge and grease buildup in a failed leach field, this can be remedied by jetting. Hydro jetting or water jetting can be done as a diagnostic step toward remediation. However, with age, there exist a very strong possibility the leach field is not going to be functional after hydro jetting. Here is why and what you need to do.
What Can Be Done With a Failed Septic System?
Remediate a Failed Septic System
A failed septic system is not the end of the world. You just need to know what to do and how to save the thousands of dollars it would take to replace a failed septic system.
Septic systems fail due to 2 common developments in the leach field.
1.            Hard Pan Soil – Hard pan soil occurs due to mineral build up in the soil, around the leaching lines. There are some products on the market, today that offer relief from hard pan soil. The product used by Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning is Septic Drainer.
2.            Bio-Mat – Bio-mat occurs due to the migration of solid biological material and anaerobic bacterial action in the leach field. Because septic systems can not filter out 100% of the solid material that goes to the septic tank, particles accumulate in the leachfield. Anaerobic bacteria attempts to digest the solids. However, the anaerobic bacteria produces a slime. This slime builds, along with the accumulation of solids and creates an impervious membrane in the soil, baring leaching ability. Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning uses Pirana Aerobic Bacteria Generators to convert septic tanks to aerobic tanks. The aerobic bacteria is much more effective at digesting the solids. Also, Pirana uses a facultative anaerobe that has the ability to switch in and out of aerobic and anaerobic environments. When solids traverse to the drain field, so does the bacteria generated in the ‘septic’ tank.
Being pro-active is the best policy. Do not allow your septic system to develop such difficult problems as bio-mat and hard pan soil. A new septic system should convert to an aerobic system, such as Pirana. The benefits would be,
•             Protecting the concrete components of the septic system from corrosive gases
•             Protecting the soil from bio-mat in the leach field
•             A faster digestive action in the septic tank. Meaning there will be very little solid material arriving in the distribution box.
•             No sewer odor
 Every five years, instead of having your septic tank pumped, have the leach field jetted and treated with septic drainer. This will eliminate mineral buildup, keeping the leach field ready to absorb effluent from the septic tank. Which, in the case of a Pirana user, the effluent will have a much cleaner presence with minimal solid material, accompanied by facultative anaerobes.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket, RI, Sump Pump Installation in Woonsocket, RI & Septic Tank Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Sewer Jetting Or Hydro Scrubbing
Sewer jetting or hydro scrubbing is quickly becoming the most popular means of clearing clogged or blocked sewer and drain lines. This method of sewer cleaning is so effective, you will have to view the video by Super Jet Hydrojetting under this link in order to fully understand why hydro scrubbing is becoming the new standard for cleaning a clogged sewer line. As it has been stated, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. (Linked to Super Jet Hydro Jetting YouTube channel).
Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning uses sewer jetting on residential and commercial sewer lines for various reasons.
The number one reason to use sewer jetting technology is when your sewer line has an accumulation of grease or sludge. Grease and sludge accumulate in sewer lines due to off-sets, root intrusion or back pitched pipe. The sewer pipe should always flow down hill, away from the house or building. The most effective method of ridding the line of sludge or grease accumulation is to flush it with the highly effective force, sewer jetting offers.
A Video Illustrating the Jetting Nozzle’s Jets Descaling the Pipe Walls.
Sewer lines made of cast iron build scale of iron oxide. This scale holds debris and actually slows the waste in the sewer line, creating the need for more water to be flushed threw the sewer. However, because you do not know when the waste is flushed out of the line, you are not aware a blockage is being built in the sewer due to iron oxide deposits and imperfect making of the joints in the pipe. Again, these conditions promote sludge and grease accumulation which respond most effectively from the high pressure jets of a water jetting nozzle in the sewer line.
Other sewer construction is made from clay gasket type systems. What occurs with this type of material is shifting and offsetting. The gaskets deteriorate over years of being under siege by water and bacteria. When the gaskets are gone, the clay pipe shifts under the weight of the earth and the erosion created with water leaking from the pipe. The pipe comes unaligned, creating an off-set or a sag in the pipe. We in the plumbing industry commonly refer to this effect as a “belly”. This is the same condition as having a back pitched pipe. Again, accumulations need to be flushed out under the force of sewer jetting. Depending on the severity of this condition (having a belly in the line) the sewer may be manageable. Anchor sewer and drain can show you how to maintain your sewer with this condition. However, it is necessary to have a sewer jetting service performed before a sewer maintenance program can be considered.
Off-sets in the pipe can cause the sewage to build at the edge of the pipe. Bellies create ponding in the sewer line, where sewage collects and can not be flushed out by the natural flow of the sewer being used.
All of these systems and conditions are reason to have your sewer line flushed and scoured under the pressure and effectiveness of Sewer Jetting.
 For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us atRooter Service in Wrentham Ma, Root Intrusion in Wrentham Ma, Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Wrentham Ma,Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI&Clogged Sink in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Drain And Sewer Maintenance In Woonsocket, RI Part - II
Preventive Maintenance to Ward off a Clogged Sewer or Drain
Sewer and drain line blockages occur due to misuse, wear and neglect. Not much can be done to prolong the life of a sewer line when wear is the culprit for a failing sewer. However, we can address issues of misuse and neglect to prevent having a clogged sewer or a clogged drain.
“Misuse” is using the sewer system to dispose of objects or types and consistencies of fluids for which the sewer and drain lines are not intended to convey for disposal. (Grease, petroleum, cooking oil and dissolved fat).
“Neglect” is when we take the position of ‘my sewer is out-of-site, out-of-mind’ and it is autonomous and self sufficient.
Both, ‘misuse’ and ‘neglect’ will result in a clogged drain or a sewer back up. Even if you do not abuse your sewer and drain lines, a video inspection of the sewer line should be done in order to provide the home owner with peace of mind and time to prepare if it appears the sewer is becoming unreliable due to root intrusion or wear.
Let’s start with the garbage disposer (garbage disposal)
•             Ideally, the garbage disposer is used as a companion to the dishwasher. When we are about to wash dishes, pots or pans, we prepare by scrapping the large amounts of discarded food into the waste basket. Then we rinse those items in the kitchen sink. It is here that you will normally have a strainer to strain off those particles. After rinsing the dishes and cookware, lift the strainer from the kitchen sink strainer basket to empty it in the trash can. The garbage disposal allows us to omit using a strainer. However, in operating the disposer, we should allow for a generous amount of water to rinse the line, even after the garbage disposer is turned off. Using the garbage disposal with large quantities of left over food from a meal or cleaning out the refrigerator constitutes misuse. Also, you should avoid using the garbage disposer to grind rinds or fibrous foods. Fibrous foods such as celery or grapefruit rinds can jam the garbage disposal and simultaneously create an abusive use of the sewer and drain system. (See “maintenance” under Bathroom drains in this article). If your disposer does become jammed, there is the possibility of freeing it up. The garbage disposal should have an internal breaker that will trip under the load. Under the garbage disposer, there is a 1/4″ allen key or hex wrench hole. Insert a 1/4″ allen key or hex wrench and turn it clockwise and counter clockwise while running water. This should free up the grinding chamber in the garbage disposal. Be sure the power is off. Reach in the mouth of the drain and remove the offending item from the garbage disposer grinding chamber.
There are added issues with a garbage disposer and dishwasher that can be of concern and are potentially hazardous to your property. Overflowing dishwashers that do not get used. The usual suspect here is, improper installation. Water tends to travel from the discharge tube at the connection to the sink drain or garbage disposer and down to the dishwasher basin. This can be prevented if the hose is at some point lifted and secured higher than the connection to the drain. Refer to this post to see a diagram.
Bathroom drains
•             What can we say about the bathroom sink drain. A lot of unintended misuse occurs at the lavatory to create a clogged bathroom sink. Toothpaste, shaving cream, hair gel…etc. are hard on drain lines. Even if you use hot water to flush it passed the drain line to the sewer line, the water eventually cools and there sits the congealed paste, oil and gel. What we can do to provide maintenance to bathroom drains as well as the kitchen sink drain is introduce a bacteria or prepackaged selection of enzymes formulated for house hold drains. Ultimately, bacteria is the better option since bacteria will produce the correct enzyme to destroy buildup based on what elements the “sludge” is comprised. Bacteria will also destroy odor causing bacteria. See Bathroom Sink Odor.
•             The bottom line here is, do not flush anything that is not intended to be flushed. Flushable wipes are not going to traverse a cast iron sewer. Anything is “flushable” to a point. Flushable wipes should not be disposed of by any other means than the bathroom waste basket. They will only flush to where they get caught or the water runs passed them. Then, the “flushable” wipes will sit in the line, trapping particulate matter and building sludge. Or, they will certainly trap any other non-flushable items such as feminine hygiene products, paper towels or napkins.
Root Intrusion use Root-X
•             Root intrusion occurs where the sewer is not sealed and sewage leaks into the earth. During the winter months, it may appear the trees and shrubs are dormant and no growth occurs. However, cold climate produces an arid atmosphere. Trees and shrubs need to absorb water to ensure they do not dry out due to arid air. During the winter months, the ground temperature is a constant 56 degrees below the frost line. If sewage is leaking out, be certain that roots will find there way into your sewer in cold or warm temperatures. If this happens, the roots need to be cut out. However, a root destroying product such as Root-X should be used to prevent growth within and around the sewer after the sewer line is cabled. Even better, high pressure water jetting will be more effective at clearing the roots from the sewer and then follow up with Root-X. Some communities, such as East Providence, Rhode Island will pay to have a member of their community receive a Root-X treatment on a clogged sewer line where the blockage is due to root intrusion.
Septic Systems
•             Please visit Septic Tank Rehabilitation.
Chemical Maintenance (Bacteria, Not caustic, acidic and corrosive drain cleaners)
•             Chemical maintenance will greatly reduce issues with clogged bathroom sink drains and clogged kitchen sink drains. Chemical maintenance is also very good for ensuring grease and sludge will not build in your main sewer line and create a back up. See Chemical Maintenance of Sewer and Drain Lines
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Sewer and Drain Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaner and Drain Cleaner in Woonsocket, RI & Sump Pump Installation in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Bathroom Sink Odor
Bathroom sink odor occurs by virtue of what the sink does. It drains grey water. (Poor venting can also be the culprit behind bathroom sink drain odor. We will get to that. But first, let’s discuss the build and use of the sink.)
The bathroom sink carries bacteria from washed hands, cleaning stains from clothing and brushing teeth. Because the drain assembly allows for air to get to the moistened piping below the mouth of the drain, bacteria, mold and mildew settle into the drain assembly. With the bacteria that gets washed down the drain, the drain assembly is a natural sort of petri dish. With use, mold, mildew and bacterial growth continue and sink odor is what alarms us to a need to investigate the source.
Anatomy of a bathroom sink drain:                                                
Above the trap, there is usually about 14″ of pipe that is open to air. This is the tail piece and the pop-up assembly. Here is where every home’s built in petri dish resides.
In order to treat this part of the bathroom sink drain and inhibit odor causing bacteria from growing, the homeowner must be able to get an anti-microbial to the drain assembly and the overflow. (The overflow is locate just below the sink rim. Normally on the front or back of the basin).
One of the anti-microbial solutions that can be found on the shelves at The Home Depot is a product called Micro Ban found in a line of cleaners under the brand name, “Legend”. (HOWEVER, BE CAREFUL. IF YOU HAVE A SEPTIC SYSTEM, YOU DO NOT WANT TO INTRODUCE ANTI BACTERIA AGENTS INTO YOUR PIPES. YOU WILL WIPE OUT YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM.) The use of bleach kills almost any type of bacteria. However, mold only spores and becomes air born. This means, if you decide to ignore good advice and use bleach to kill mold, you may cause it to spore and lodge wherever it lands. That could be in your lungs or someone else’s.
Use a spray bottle to get the Micro Ban cleaner into the overflow. Dowse the overflow generously, as the flow will develop and then only trail in one part of the overflow conductor. Then poor about five ounces of micro ban into the drain assembly of the sink. This should inundate the piping and allow for a well treated drain line.
There is only two other methods of getting an anti-microbial to the overflow and the drain.
•             If your bathroom sink’s drain pipe has a flush mounted (Dandy) clean out in line, you could purchase an inflatable test ball to stop water in the line. Then fill the line with an antimicrobial up to the rim of the sink.
•  You could also remove the sink from the wall….(Turn the water to the sink off. Remove the trap and the supply tubes) now take the sink off the wall and soak it in an anti-microbial.
A second product recommended by Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning is, RX-66 Bio Enzyme Digester, by Airx Laboratories.
About the trap. The trap is supposed to be filled with water in order to bar gases coming from the sewer and entering the dwelling. However, if the trap does not have water in it, naturally, gas will emanate from the drain. If your trap does not hold water, call a sewer and drain cleaner or a plumber to investigate. We did say earlier we would provide more information on “poor venting”. Here it is:
A customer called describing a sewer gas odor coming from his kitchen sink, bathroom sink and tub drain. Upon visiting, we could see the kitchen sink drain was not connected to a vent. What made matters even more intolerable for the drains around the house is, there was a garbage disposal unit on the kitchen sink. Without a vent on the kitchen sink and the use of a garbage disposer, water is being pumped through unvented pipe and air has to be pulled into the pipe from somewhere. That somewhere is by a vacuum being created in the drain lines. The water in the traps in the tub and the sink is sucked into the sewer line, leaving the traps with no water. The absence of water in the traps, is to allow sewer gas to enter the dwelling through the sink and tub drains. (Traps are installed to trap water which seals out gases)
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Sink in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Toilet in Woonsocket, RI, How to Unclog a Bath Tub Drain in Woonsocket, RI&Garbage Disposal Not Working in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Remediation In Woonsocket, RI Part - II
Sewer cleaning was once known as “Rooting”, due to the need for removing root intrusion. Hence the title ‘Rooter Man” or ‘Rooter’ as the moniker to the sewer cleaning technician . Sewer and drain cleaning services were known as rooter service before the rotational sewer cleaning machine known as The Roto Rooter was invented. (Roto because of the rotational ability, verses the flat sewer tape previously in use)
Sewer cleaners of rooter service past, were tasked with removing root intrusion as the culprit for a sewer backup. Root intrusion would occur as roots grew through the bell and spigot connection of gasket pipe and created blockages. Home and business owners were then requiring the services of a sewer cleaning company to remove the roots. The rooter service or sewer cleaner arrived, knocking on the front door announcing, “rooter man”, here to remove roots!
Notice the trend? Rooter service or sewer cleaning companies? Todays drain and sewer cleaning companies garnered their registered names from the history of sewer cleaning in the context of having roots, or root intrusion in the sewer line. For what ever the reason, rarely was the blockage caused from anything else.
The words roto rooter were used earlier to describe a sewer cleaning machine originally used and still in use as a method of eliminating root intrusion from a sewer by cutting the roots from the interior of the sewer line. Sam Blanc founded the Roto Rooter Service company in 1935 as a more effective method of sewer and drain cleaning.
As we discussed earlier, root intrusion occurs as roots grow into the sewer line from a broken seal at the bell and spigot connection of a sewer pipe. Prior to the invention of the roto rooter (originally describing the first rotational sewer cleaning cable), the drain and sewer cleaner, or rooter man would visit the house to eliminate root intrusion by pulling roots from the sewer line. The roots were extracted by inserting a barbed rod (barbed for grabbing roots) through a cleanout in the sewer. The hope was to push the sewer cleaning rod down the sewer line, catching roots and tearing the roots from their beds. This was the extent of sewer cleaning until Sam Blanc fabricated his idea for sewer cleaning or rooting. Blanc thought there must be a better way for a sewer cleaner rooter service to cut roots and rid a sewer from root intrusion. He schemed a serrated blade on a rotating cable. The rotational sewer cleaning machine sent its rotating cable down the sewer with the blade turning. The rotating sewer cleaning cable would in fact cut the roots. Thus sewer line blockages generated by root intrusion were eliminated.
Sam Blanc had invented a sewer cleaning machine designed to eliminate root intrusion by spinning a serrated cutting blade on a rotating cable. Blanc traveled the country, pulling his rooting sewer cleaning machine in a trailer. On the trailer were the words, “The Roto Rooter”. That is how roto rooter sewer cleaner became a house hold name and is still in wide use today, even if the Roto Rooter Service Company is not purposefully referred to. As the need were recognized, more adaptations and modifications were made in order to expand the capabilities of the roto rooter sewer cleaner. More was written on this subject at Rooter Service on the Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning web page.
  For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Sewer Jetting in Woonsocket, RI, Pipe Video Inspection in Woonsocket, RI & Clogged Drain in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Remediation In Woonsocket, RI Part - I
Sewer blockages and clogged drains in South Eastern Massachusetts and areas of Rhode Island often involve a mainline sewer trap. This trap can make clearing a sewer blockage very difficult. Understanding how the drain or sewer becomes clogged or slow to drain is key to avoiding costly, inconvenient and destructive sewer issues that carry a risk to the health of the occupants in the building.
Many times, there is no access to these traps. The picture above demonstrates the proper installation and clearing of a mainline sewer trap. However, if the cleanout risers are too deep, chances of getting a cable to move to the down stream side of the trap are slim. (notice the cable being inserted at an angle. This is difficult to do if the trap is set too deep into the ground.) It may be possible to move a cable through the trap from upstream. Though, the cable has a tendency to navigate from upstream, down to the bend of the trap and then strait up to the cleanout plug. So, proper access and installation is crucial to clearing a sewer line if there is a mainline trap installed on the sewer.
The most common way for a sink drain or branch line to develop a blockage is by misuse. Water and liquid should be the only elements to pass the strainer and enter the drain line. However, garbage disposers offer conveniences we take advantage of.
When a garbage disposer is in use, it should be operated with plenty of water and moderate waste. That seems obvious. However, many people operate garbage disposers simply believing, since they no longer see the debris, the disposer has thoroughly done the job. The power switch and water are shut off and there sits a fine blend of organic sludge, waiting for the next use of the disposer.
Bathroom sink and tub blockages develop from a plethora of chemical compounds of different consistencies. Mouthwash, toothpaste, soaps, lotions, shaving cream, oils,…etc. all contribute to clogged drains in our bathroom drain line, or branch line. The branch lines are what allow gray water to flow to the sewer. However, the sewer line from the bathroom group which includes the toilet is also impacted by what flows from the tub and sink drain.
The material a sewer line or drain is comprised of must also be taken into consideration when we estimate what contributes to sewer and drain line failure. Cast iron and galvanized steel pipe rot from the inside out. Galvanic erosion also takes place when the sewer and drain line consists of dissimilar metals, such as copper drain lines joined to cast iron sewer lines. The electrolysis between the two metals helps build scale and iron oxide deposits, where debris lodge and build restriction.
Scale and iron deposits form in steel and iron sewer systems, pitting the pipe. This allows for pockets of particulate matter to lodge and begin building “sewer sludge”. The sewer sludge begins to build and over time, the inside diameter of the pipe is restricted.
Restriction of the sewer and drain lines are in essence a clog. Sewage and grey water flows slower. The lines were originally installed with consideration to size and gallons per minute the drain lines would need to convey the sewage to the sewer. Though water is flowing, you will notice it does not leave the tub or sink basin as quickly as it use too. This should be taken as a precursor to a blockage.
Finally, the main sewer line blockage. The main line fails in the same way the plumbing group drain does but, on a larger scale. Buildup in the main sewer line is often referred to as a “grease” by sewer and drain cleaners. When grease buildup consumes the sewer line, the sewer cleaning technician may offer ‘hydro-scrubbing’ in lieu of cabling the line to clear the blockage and restore the sewer line to optimum performance.
The main sewer line does often suffer from sludge and grease. However, there is another foe that prevails more often. That is “root intrusion”.
Root intrusion can devastate a sewer line. The roots begin infiltrating the sewer line through failed seals in the line. This type of pipe is known as “gasket pipe”. The gasket or seal in main lines wrought from years of submersion in water and various chemicals. Once the seal fails, sewage leaks into the soil and offers a nutrient rich water source for surrounding vegetation. Once the vegetation begins to infiltrate the sewer line by sending out the feeler roots, the roots grow larger and stronger over time. This is where serious trouble begins. The roots begin to force their way into the line. Pressing their way into an opening causing the pipe segments to spread or crack. Given enough time, the sewer line breaks or collapses, allowing dirt and debris into the line and most certainly results in line rehabilitation or an excavation to repair or replace the entire line.
In summary, this article implies the understanding of what must be done to protect our drain and sewer lines. To gain a deeper knowledge of sewer and drain line maintenance, see “Sewer and Drain Maintenance“.
Diagnosing and fixing the drainage problem for a sink, shower or bathtub may be a long and difficult process. Be safe. If fixing the issue is something that is risky or not being understood, contact a drain service company. The range of pricing for a company who cares to do the job correctly is within $145.00 – $225.00. Sewer cleaning service may be priced between $245 and $365. This depends on material used in piping, age of the house which would help the plumber understand the plumbing code that was used in assembling the plumbing system, access to the plumbing and what is assumed to be creating the blockage. Jetting may cost $465-$700 for non-franchised companies.
 For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Drain Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI & Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Tank Maintenance In Wrentham Ma Part - III
From a sewer and drain cleaner/plumber’s perspective, the following video is almost right. Please watch the following You tube video in order to have an understanding of the following steps.
This information will be useful for the do-it-yourself drain cleaner fattempting to clear a blocage on a bathroom sink. Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning wants to help you help yourself. In the event the bathroom sink does not drain, after implementing the following steps, give us a call. There are times when circumstances exist, which will not permit the use of the following steps in order to clear a drain.
1.            You will need to remove the water from the sink and drain pipe, at least to the trap.
2.            Remove the trip lever (ball and rod in video)
3.            Remove the pop-up plug
4.            Reinstall the trip lever
5.            Fill the sink bowl half full of water.
6.            Cover the over flow with one hand
7.            Place a plunger over the drain and plunge with the standing water. If water is beginning to drain out while plunging, add some water and remove the plunger to see if the sink will drain.
8.            Once the sink drains and water has been running for about 30 seconds and draining out of the sink, shut the faucet off and remove the trip lever.
9.            Reinstall the trip lever and pop up plug. Lower the pop up plug through the mouth of the drain. Insert the trip lever through the back of the drain assembly while catching the pop -up plug.
10.          When you are sure you have caught the trip lever, thread the trip lever back down to the drain assembly tee.
 That is how to get a bathroom sink to drain. If this does not work for you, please don’t feel bad. You probably have a stubborn blockage in which case, you need a professional. Give Anchor Sewer and Drain Cleaning a call at 508-530-1062 in S.E. Massachusetts. Or, if you live in Rhode Island, call 508-838-9645.
Discover what makes drain cleaning different from sewer cleaning in technique, machinery and knowledge by visiting “Drain Cleaning Service” .
Diagnosing and fixing the drainage problem for a sink, shower or bathtub may be a long and difficult process. Be safe. If fixing the issue is something that is risky or not being understood, contact a drain service company. The range of pricing for a company who cares to do the job correctly is within $145.00 – $225.00. This depends on material used in piping, age of the house which would help the plumber understand the plumbing code that was used in assembling the plumbing system, access to the plumbing and what is assumed to be creating the blockage.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Sewer Jetting in Woonsocket, RI, Pipe Video Inspection in Woonsocket, RI & Clogged Drain in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Tank Maintenance In Wrentham Ma Part - II
Kitchen sink drain lines not draining are popular with drain cleaning companies. This post is going to both illustrate and explain cause for developing a kitchen sink drain blockage.
We receive a lot of calls from home owners and tenants who have kitchen drain issues. The customer who most comes to mind at the writing of this post had some common issues with his kitchen sink drain line. “Common” as problems go, the drain line was too long and had quite a few bends. We were able to go to his basement and get a look at the kitchen sink drain piping. This drain line was over 30 feet long, from the sink to the stack.
When we run the horizontal length of pipe from the sink (or any fixture) to the stack, or main sewer line with a long run of pipe, the grade on the pipe is usually compromised. The International Plumbing Code requires the pitch of the pipe to fall 1/4″ per foot of horizontal travel. The pipe runs in a ceiling which is usually made a distance of no more than 8″ from the sub-floor above, due to the size of joist supporting the floor above the ceiling. The pipe may not penetrate the joist 2″ from the top or 2″ from the bottom of the joist.
Since the top of the two inch pipe is set at no closer than two inches to the top of the floor joist, the bottom of a 2″ pipe is resting at 4″ from the top of the joist. So, plumbers attempt to have the last few feet of pipe running along side the joist to prevent being restricted by penetration codes. This would mean the bottom of the 2″ pipe can rest at bottom (or ceiling side) of the joist after running a distance of 16 feet. The 2″ drain line running a distance of 30 feet was flat at some points and back pitched. A plumbing inspector should never had permitted the design of the plumbing system to have 2″ pipe running more than 16 feet, according to The International Plumbing Code.
When a long length of pipe, carrying debris from the kitchen sink drain line has little fall, or is back pitched, the debris lays in the pipe until it accumulates and builds a blockage. The water attempting to flow down is not enough to remove the blockage because the debris, building over time hardens. Now, there is little the home owner can do, but cable the line. Chemical drain cleaners will not have an effect on the drain.
This particular customer’s kitchen sink line was filled with egg shell and coffee. Apparently, the previous home owner had a bad habit of disposing of coffee grounds and egg shells in to the garbage disposer. Some people believe the egg shells will clean the disposer. Not sure why coffee grounds were flushed down the sink.
Since eggshells are calcium based, the shell fragments collected in the belly of the pipe adhere to grease that is washed down the drain over a period of years. This is a perfect recipe for a clog in the kitchen sink drain line. The grease and oils now have something to adhere to. Egg shells. Literally a mortar is being formed in the line. Layers of grease building in the line literally become like clay.
Sometimes a cable can be used to break up the blockage. However, do not be surprised if the kitchen sink backs up again. Grease is still stuck to the inside of the pipe. High pressure water jetting is a good option for cleaning the interior of the pipe wall. The ABS pipe spoken of in this man’s kitchen sink line would function good as new. However, some investigative measures should be taken to correct the problem he had with pitch. Please see the video at the bottom of this post for an illustration in plumbing a long drain line.
Click on this link to discover a tool that is made at varying sizes for all household size piping which may be useful to clear a kitchen sink drain. The following photo illustrates what the tool will look like. This one is from Brass Craft…
Garbage disposals are also a culprit in a clogged kitchen sink. Click on this link to review step-by-step instruction on clearing a jammed garbage disposer.
Diagnosing and fixing the drainage problem for a sink, shower or bathtub may be a long and difficult process. Be safe. If fixing the issue is something that is risky or not being understood, contact a drain service company. The range of pricing for a company who cares to do the job correctly is within $145.00 – $225.00. This depends on material used in piping, age of the house which would help the plumber understand the plumbing code that was used in assembling the plumbing system, access to the plumbing and what is assumed to be creating the blockage.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Drain Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI & Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Septic Remediation In North Smithfield , RI Part - I
The Old Method of Trapping Sewer Gas.
In areas of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, sewer blockages and clogged drains are often the result of having a main line trap. Main line sewer traps were originally installed with a few purposes in mind. One reason to install a trap on the sewer line was to literally trap debris or objects accidentally finding their way into the sewer line. Intended to be easy, trap cleanouts were installed with the idea of a home owner being able to remove the obstruction by removing clean out plugs and physically removing the items in the trap. The vision was lost somewhere in history and main line sewer traps have shown up in places where they are difficult to service from day one of their installation.
Throughout Rhode Island, a drain cleaning technician will encounter difficulty with main line traps being buried in such cities as Pawtucket, Cranston, Providence and Woonsocket. The locations around South Eastern Massachusetts where a sewer trap may or may not be installed are not consistent. For Example, throughout New Bedford, the drain cleaning technician may find a street where a few houses have traps and others do not have main line sewer traps.
In the drawing above, you can see the trap as a ‘u’ shape in the sewer line. It has two caps pointing to the sky. Here in the drawing, the capped ends are labeled as “clean outs”. This is where the Sewer Cleaning Technician will first attempt to clear a blockage from since sewer backups often occur here at the trap or “house trap”. However, if the trap cleanouts are not accessible, then removing the cleanout plug from the downstream side is not an option. In some cases, the trap is unearthed by excavation and clearing the line of a blockage is much more expensive than if the trap were accessible to the technician. The trap is no longer necessary. If the trap has to be excavated to service it, do not allow it to remain in the line. Replace it with a strait piece of pipe. Or, if your home or place of business is in Rhode Island, the plumbing code in Rhode Island requires the trap be replaced with a back water valve. Back water valves are a great idea, anyway. Ask anyone who has had sewage from the main city sewer, back into their home. Not just sewer water from your house. So, you can’t control it. You will get sewage from upstream of your house with out a back water valve if the city main backs up!
Reasons for drain cleaning difficulty
•             the trap itself inhibits the ability of the sewer and drain cleaning technician from getting the sewer cleaning cable across the trap. So, the outlet side of the trap must be opened.
•             the trap may not have been opened in decades. For the sewer and drain cleaning tech., this often means cutting the cap out or using a chisel to pry it out.
•             the trap is often buried in the ground, making the task of opening the trap impossible for sewer and drain cleaning technicians. This would then mean the technician will have to play a game of skill against the trap to manipulate a cable or a jet hose through the trap to clear the clogged sewer line.
More purpose was given to main line sewer traps. Traps were installed in mainline residential sewers to prevent sewer gas and rodents from entering the house and allow the home owner an opportunity to prevent sewer blockage by trapping foreign objects that are not flushable. However, if the trap is not serviceable, and buried in the earth, one of the advantages to having a trap is gone.
House traps are also irrelevant due to the fact once the piping on the house side of the trap becomes soiled, noxious and dangerous gases still infiltrate the home. So, the practice of installing a trap at every fixture in the house was implemented.
Having a house trap in the mainline and a trap at a fixture is what is known by plumbers and drain cleaners as double trapping. The international plumbing code forbids double trapping. Double trapping in itself can inhibit the flow of sewage and promote sewer and drain back-ups. So, it is worth having the main line trap removed in order to avoid inconvenience and costly sewer clogs.
House traps are very common in Pawtucket, Rhode Island; Cranston, Rhode Island; Providence and Woonsocket. However, they are spotty and often unpredictable as to where the sewer and drain cleaning professionals will find them with in the cities of Massachusetts.
Diagnosing and fixing the drainage problem for a sink, shower or bathtub may be a long and difficult process. Be safe. If fixing the issue is something that is risky or not being understood, contact a drain service company. The range of pricing for a company who cares to do the job correctly is within $145.00 – $225.00. Main sewer line cleaning service can cost $245-$365. This depends on material used in piping, age of the house which would help the plumber understand the plumbing code that was used in assembling the plumbing system, access to the plumbing and what is assumed to be creating the blockage.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Pipe Video Inspection in Smithfield, RI, Clogged Toilet in Smithfield, RI & Septic Remediation in North Smithfield , RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Clogged Sink in Wrentham Ma part - III
Many homes in Massachusetts and Rhode Island have galvanized and cast iron sewer and drain lines for their plumbing. This type of plumbing material becomes clogged and facilitates occlusion resulting in a slow drain in branch line fixtures, such as sinks, tubs, showers and laundry discharge lines. No air slows down the flow of grey water in a branch and sewer line. Maintenance use of chemical sewer and drain cleaning utilizing caustic, corrosives should not be a consideration. Instead, implement a maintenance program by cabling (snaking) of all clogged and un – clogged drains. Then, follow up with bacteria.
In part, the clogged sink drain on cast or galvanized pipe is due to not completely closing the spigot end to bell end connections in the fabrication of the sewer and drain system. Unfortunately, this results in plumbing trouble years after installation. A flawed sewer and drain system results in clogged sink drains and other branch line type drainage systems, giving way to sewer and drain cleaning, misuse of chemical drain cleaners , preventive maintenance and some times re-piping the plumbing.
Rotting cast iron drain line
Bell and spigot types of connections always have a seem where water sits, allowing particulate matter to come to rest and rot the plumbing. Eventually a damming effect builds in the sewer line, where more particulate matter comes to rest. The trend mounts until that section of pipe is completely clogged. At this point, a plumber or a sewer and drain cleaning professional should be called. Avoid hazardous chemical drain and sewer cleaners.
Rather than call a plumber or a sewer and drain cleaning technician, people make the mistake of attempting their own efforts to clear a clogged sink line in the form of chemical sewer and drain cleaning. Intentions are good. However, more times than not, sewer cleaning technicians encounter backed up sanitary lines with some form of liquid or gel type chemical sewer and drain cleaner applied to the line, still sitting in the pipe or sink. Not all chemical sewer and drain cleaners are good. Some chemical sewer and drain cleaners have corrosive properties.
At times, a corrosive bottled chemical sewer cleaner will open the clogged bathroom sink or the clogged kitchen sink line and restore flow. If flow to the clogged bathroom sink line is restored with chemical sewer and drain cleaning, it is normally temporary due to the fact the corrosive chemical sewer and drain cleaner is diluted and flushed away from the point of restriction when an opening is created. Therefore, the chemical drain cleaner has not completely cleaned the line.
The cost of chemical sewer and drain cleaning is not easily noticeable. The first assault is on the bacteria in the sewer. What ever healthy bacteria surviving water temperature and harsh drain cleaning agents are still in the sewer is wiped out by the toxic, corrosive sewer and drain cleaners purchased in a bottle.
Over time, with perpetual use of these harsh chemical sewer and drain cleaners, damage becomes noticeable. Eventually, the consumer will see it. Cast iron piping will develop puffy mounds of rust. Literally, this is the moisture and gases pushing through the now, thin porous walls of the cast iron piping.
Drain cleaning is not something just anyone should feel they can accomplish, successfully. The aid of a professional drain cleaner should be enlisted. However, for immediate relief of the waste line, occasionally and temporary at best, sodium hypo-chlorite (chlorine bleach), lye, enzymes and a plunger can be used as a generic cleaner. They may open the clogged kitchen sink or the clogged bathroom sink. The home owner may try using a box of baking soda combined with a bottle of vinegar left over an hour, then enlist the help of a plunger as a cleaner on a bathroom fixture or a kitchen sink to create some flow. However, a plumber or sewer and drain cleaning specialist is usually called to provide a more permanent fix.
The safe approach to sewer and drain cleaning for longevity of a clear bathroom sink line or a free flowing kitchen sink line is to call a sewer and drain cleaning professional to eliminate the blockage. Sewer and drain cleaning professionals can offer suggestions for preventive maintenance as well. However, in severe cases, there are occasions where a plumber must be called to re-pipe the sewer and drain.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Drain Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI, Sewer Cleaning in Woonsocket, RI & Septic Remediation in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Drain And Sewer Maintenance In Woonsocket, RI Part - I
Many homes in Massachusetts and Rhode Island have galvanized and cast iron sewer and drain lines for their plumbing. This type of plumbing material becomes clogged and facilitates occlusion resulting in a slow drain in branch line fixtures, such as sinks, tubs, showers and laundry discharge lines. No air slows down the flow of grey water in a branch and sewer line. Maintenance use of chemical sewer and drain cleaning utilizing caustic, corrosives should not be a consideration. Instead, implement a maintenance program by cabling (snaking) of all clogged and un – clogged drains. Then, follow up with bacteria.
In part, the clogged sink drain on cast or galvanized pipe is due to not completely closing the spigot end to bell end connections in the fabrication of the sewer and drain system. Unfortunately, this results in plumbing trouble years after installation. A flawed sewer and drain system results in clogged sink drains and other branch line type drainage systems, giving way to sewer and drain cleaning, misuse of chemical drain cleaners , preventive maintenance and some times re-piping the plumbing.
Rotting cast iron drain line
Bell and spigot types of connections always have a seem where water sits, allowing particulate matter to come to rest and rot the plumbing. Eventually a damming effect builds in the sewer line, where more particulate matter comes to rest. The trend mounts until that section of pipe is completely clogged. At this point, a plumber or a sewer and drain cleaning professional should be called. Avoid hazardous chemical drain and sewer cleaners.
Rather than call a plumber or a sewer and drain cleaning technician, people make the mistake of attempting their own efforts to clear a clogged sink line in the form of chemical sewer and drain cleaning. Intentions are good. However, more times than not, sewer cleaning technicians encounter backed up sanitary lines with some form of liquid or gel type chemical sewer and drain cleaner applied to the line, still sitting in the pipe or sink. Not all chemical sewer and drain cleaners are good. Some chemical sewer and drain cleaners have corrosive properties.
At times, a corrosive bottled chemical sewer cleaner will open the clogged bathroom sink or the clogged kitchen sink line and restore flow. If flow to the clogged bathroom sink line is restored with chemical sewer and drain cleaning, it is normally temporary due to the fact the corrosive chemical sewer and drain cleaner is diluted and flushed away from the point of restriction when an opening is created. Therefore, the chemical drain cleaner has not completely cleaned the line.
The cost of chemical sewer and drain cleaning is not easily noticeable. The first assault is on the bacteria in the sewer. What ever healthy bacteria surviving water temperature and harsh drain cleaning agents are still in the sewer is wiped out by the toxic, corrosive sewer and drain cleaners purchased in a bottle.
Over time, with perpetual use of these harsh chemical sewer and drain cleaners, damage becomes noticeable. Eventually, the consumer will see it. Cast iron piping will develop puffy mounds of rust. Literally, this is the moisture and gases pushing through the now, thin porous walls of the cast iron piping.
Drain cleaning is not something just anyone should feel they can accomplish, successfully. The aid of a professional drain cleaner should be enlisted. However, for immediate relief of the waste line, occasionally and temporary at best, sodium hypo-chlorite (chlorine bleach), lye, enzymes and a plunger can be used as a generic cleaner. They may open the clogged kitchen sink or the clogged bathroom sink. The home owner may try using a box of baking soda combined with a bottle of vinegar left over an hour, then enlist the help of a plunger as a cleaner on a bathroom fixture or a kitchen sink to create some flow. However, a plumber or sewer and drain cleaning specialist is usually called to provide a more permanent fix.
The safe approach to sewer and drain cleaning for longevity of a clear bathroom sink line or a free flowing kitchen sink line is to call a sewer and drain cleaning professional to eliminate the blockage. Sewer and drain cleaning professionals can offer suggestions for preventive maintenance as well. However, in severe cases, there are occasions where a plumber must be called to re-pipe the sewer and drain.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Clogged Toilet in Woonsocket, RI, Garbage Disposal Not Working in Woonsocket, RI & Drain and Sewer Maintenance in Woonsocket, RI
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sewer-cleaning-blog · 7 years
Clogged Toilet In Woonsocket, RI
Flushing a toilet has not always been a convenience in my life. Fortunately, I did not live every day of my life without indoor plumbing However, as late as the early 70’s, I recall having used an out house. Not the same outhouse every time. Not even the portable toilets the sanitation companies drop at carnivals and out door concerts. A few family friends of my mother and father had out houses on their property. So long ago, I don’t recall all of them. I just remember having used them. Hard to believe, much of the reason those awful things remained in the latter part of the 20th century is due to people having resisted the concept of bringing the toilet indoors. Sewage disposal may seem a natural concept. However, much thought has gone into bringing us modern sanitation amenities. The Roman Empire built great bath houses and coliseums with public facilities. There was not a lot of privacy. Just one seat after another with a hole under it that dropped to a trough of running water. The running water is easy enough to understand without going into too much detail.
Today, our society can not function without the indoor toilet and our sanitation systems. However, what do we do when our toilet just will not flush well? Do we need a new toilet?
Let’s begin our discussion on the poorly flushing toilet by starting with old toilets. To begin with, they are old. That in itself is reason to get rid of it. However, understanding how a toilet works and the various components of the toilet can help anyone make an old toilet flush like new.
Toilets in use prior to 1994 used more than 3 gallons per flush. They used a lot of water. Because of this wasteful practice, people would put bricks and objects in the toilet water storage tank, in order to conserve water and reduce their water bill. However, this practice lead to many toilets and sewer lines becoming blocked. This still occurs today. That has not changed. Except, now, it is due to older sewer systems and the mandatory act of all manufactures of toilets being made to reduce water usage from 3 gallons per flush to 1.6 gallons per flush.
1.6 gpf is adiquate if your sewer line is made of pvc or abs pipe material. However, this was not taken into account when mandating the change in engineering a toilet to reduce water consumption. This leads us to one of the popular problems plumbers and drain cleaners encounter. Toilets that do not permit adequate water to flow from the flush valve. Most of the time, this is due to a defective flapper. Or, the design is missing a float or some sort of device to hold the flapper open longer. And again, there are people who feel they are saving water by having a brick in the water storage tank. (Don’t do this. The toilet is already designed to save water).
Toilets built in the last fifty years, all work pretty much the same way.
•             Water is stored in a tank
•             When the trip lever is pulled or pressed, a valve opens and the water from the tank creates a syphoning through jets in the toilet bowl.
•             Start with the tank. The tank has a trip lever, a flush valve and a fill valve. When using the trip lever as it is designed. the flush valve opens by having the trip lever attached to a flapper. The flapper is engineered to permit only so much water to leave the tank before being overcome by the siphon power of water passing under the flapper as it leaves the tank, on its way to the bowl.
•             The fill valve is tasked with keeping the water storage tank filled with the required amount of water, as specified by the design and engineering of the toilet.
•             The flush valve is just what it sounds like…it is responsible for flushing the toilet. The water passing under the flapper as we read earlier. Water leaves the storage tank through a 2″ or 3″ valve. Head pressure is created and pressure shoots through orifices in the bowl’s rim and a main jet in the trap of the toilet. In unison, the action causes water to be quickly overflowing the trap in the bowl. The swirling created by the jets in the rim and the main jet push the water over the trap and a siphoning effect is created, which draws waste out of the bowl, into the sewer system.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Pipe Video Inspection in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Drain in Woonsocket, RI, Clogged Sink in Woonsocket, RI
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