#How to get drivers license Ireland
footygirl114 · 4 months
Operation (Leah Williamson x Reader)
This is definitely a result of too much Grey's anatomy but I was told that I need to let some of the ideas out of my noggin so here you go? (I think). Also I could be persuaded into this becoming a series...
Your pager going off interrupted the scrolling of TikTok you were doing while enjoying your morning coffee, after rounding on your patients. You glanced at the screen and noticed it was a 911 to the ER for an incoming Trauma. Kicking yourself into gear you moved and started to make your way down, the whole time kicking yourself for jinxing your pager since you were hoping to catch the Arsenal vs. Manchester United Game at the Emirates on TV during your shift. 
Knowing that wasn’t going to happen as you walked into the ER and it was organised chaos. You walked towards the head of the ER and asked “what happened?” 
He turns to you and says “A car jumped a curb at the Emirates stadium before the game, ran into a few pedestrians including an 8 year old and her dad. We have the driver, a 43 year old male, and the two victims on route now.” 
“damn it, how bad?” you ask him as you move to pull your hair back, and put on a trauma gown and gloves. 
“the dad, is in critical condition, they say he was able to get the girl out of the way but she sustained injuries when he shoved her out of the way.” He says as you walk with him to the ambulance bay waiting for the incoming ambulances. 
As you wait for the ambulance you listen to the other doctors conferring over what they think the driver was on, but you take the second to glance at your phone and double check the texts with your fiancé. They state that she was there an hour prior to this happening, and knowing the teams timing you knew she was on the field for warm up. 
When they finally pull up you wait to find out what one your patient is in. Once you know where the child is you step up and move beside her gurney listening as the paramedics rattle off her name and vitals. She meets your eyes and you can see how scared she is and you say to her softly “Hi Kenzie, I’m Dr. Y/L/N, and I am going to be taking care of you.”
She’s shaking as she asks “where’s my dad?” 
“Sweetie, he’s being taken care of by some of my very good friends, You and I are going to get you checked out so you can be ready for him okay?” you tell her as you move your hand to tuck a loose piece of her hair behind her ear checking her pupils as you do this. 
When she nods, you move to grasp her hand as you gesture for the team to get her gurney moving. You had waited so they could get her father inside so she wouldn’t have to see him too injured. Once you get her into a room and transferred onto a gurney you start your exam on her. 
She’s stays silent as you explain what you are doing, you tell her that you specialise in helping kids who have been injured or sick, and when you press on her belly and he’s hisses and pulls away in pain you know she may have some internal injuries. 
Once you determine she’s stable and waiting for scans you go to move away from her but she grabs your hand and says “don’t go.” 
You turn and squeeze her hand back and says “i am just going to check on your dad and then I will be right back, I promise.” 
She shakes her head and holds up her other hand, leaving her pinky up as she asks softly “pinky promise?” 
You smile at her and wrap your pinky around hers and say “I pinky promise sweetie.” 
She lets go of both of your hands and you move outside the door, watching as your favourite ER nurse immediately steps in and starts talking to the patient, keeping her distracted, you walk out of the room and the last thing you hear is them talking about the arsenal team. You smile to yourself knowing that she will be okay for a few minutes. 
You take the time to order scans for her, and check on her dad, you also manage to talk to someone from social services who is looking for her next of kin, but they are having no luck since her fathers License is from Ireland, you know it will take some time for anyone to get over here. 
Walking back into her room you smile at her and say “Hi Kenzie, I am going to take you upstairs now.” 
She meets your eyes and asks “how is my dad?” 
Moving back towards her you sit down on the edge the bed by her legs and say “he’s been taken into surgery, by those friends of mine. He’s getting the best care possible and they will do everything they can to help him.” 
She starts to cry and you move to grasp her hand and she says “I want my daddy.” 
It breaks your heart and you move closer and pull her into a hug softly whispering “it’s okay sweetie, let it out.” 
After a few moments of letting her cry she’s sniffles and pulls back and says “I’m okay, I can be a big girl.” 
You smile and wipe under her eyes and you say “you are strong sweetie, now lets go get some scans of your belly and then we can get you fixed up to be ready for your dad okay?” She nods and you gesture to the nurse to get her ready for transport upstairs for scans then into the paediatric floor. 
Less than an hour later, you walk into her room on your floor. You were one of the attending surgeons on the paediatric floor. “Hi sweetie” you tell her as you walk into the room when she turns and smiles softly at you, you continue “They called your grandma, and she should be here tomorrow.” 
“Grandma is old and cant move fast” she chuckles at you. 
“Well she does have to fly over her, like you and your dad did sweetie. Why were you over here?” you as her as you fiddle with her IV. 
She gasps and says “the game! I missed the game.” 
“The arsenal one? Were you guys over here to watch it?” you ask her. 
“It was my first game, daddy saved up and finally was able to bring me over to watch my favourite team play. Did I miss it? Can I still go watch?” she asks you with wide eyes pleading. 
You sit beside her hip on her bed and say softly “sweetie, your scans came back and I need to go in and fix your belly, we are going to do it now.” 
“So i wont get to see the game?” she pouts. 
You smile sadly and hold up your pinky and ask “I pinky promise when we’re done, I will come and watch the full game with you right here.” 
She smiles and wraps her pinky around yours and says “deal.” 
Before you can say anything more the surgical team walks in and you know its time to go, You turn to her and say “We’re going to take you in and put you to sleep and when you wake up we will get to watch Arsenal kick butt okay?” 
She nods and says “okay.” 
You follow the surgical team push her towards the OR, you help them transfer Kenzie over and you stay with her until she’s out. You move into the scrub room and pull out your phone, texting Leah like you did before every surgery, and told her that you would be in the OR and will update when you are done. 
Almost 6 hours later you were sat beside Kenzie’s bedside, it was dark and quiet and you were not expecting her to be awake anytime soon but you wanted to be here when she did. It had started to get late and when your phone buzzed you knew it would be Leah. You saw it was and you turned and looked out into the quiet hallway and decided to take the phone call there. 
You had been with Leah for almost 5 years, and it was the best 5 years of your life. You had been still a resident and Leah was gaining popularity and you both decided that you wanted to keep your relationship quieter. Leah was worried that some of her more enthusiastic fans would attempt to contact you through the hospital and she wanted to make sure that you were safe. 
It was sweet and when the opportunity came up to be an attending at this hospital in the middle of London you jumped at the chance to be close to your fiancé. You had been at this hospital for 6 weeks and as far as you knew, no one was the wiser to if you were single or in a relationship. Which is why you would make sure no one was around before you answered a phone call from her. 
“Hi babe” you greeted her when you picked up the phone call. 
“Hi love, are you still working?” she asks with a chuckle. 
“I am, I’m gonna stay here tonight actually.” you tell her with a soft smile, eyes on the sleeping form of Kenzie in front of you. 
You can hear her moving and she says “Are you going to be in surgery all night?” 
“no actually, this patient came in and I operated on her” you tell her softly. “She’s 8 and was here with her dad to watch your game, but she was hit by a car on the way to the stadium.” 
“Oh, love, is she okay?” she asks softly. Your heart grows three times the size as she just immediately understands why you need to be here and why you cannot leave her.
You pause on answering when Kenzie moves in front of you, but when she settles you say softly to Leah “she’s all alone Lee and I promised to watch the game with her when she wakes up.” 
“You’re amazing and I love you” she says “and I will miss you tonight.” 
“I miss you too babe” you tell her with a soft smile.
You listen as she moves around and it sounds like she’s gotten into bed and she asks “can you stay on the line with me while I fall asleep?” 
Smiling you move and adjust the chair so you are reclining as you softly ask “Do you have training tomorrow?” 
“Good, I will definitely be home tomorrow babe” you say softly. 
“Mhmm I want you here” she sleepy says. 
You stay on the line listening to her breathe evening out and you smile to your self, thinking about how much you love this woman. “Sleep tight babe, I love you.” you whisper when you hear her softly snoring you hang up the phone. Turning in the chair to settle into a light sleep. 
It’s early in the morning when you hear Kenzie moving around in her bed in front of you. You open your eyes to see her eyes open looking around. You wait to see if she will fall back asleep but when her eyes lock on yours you says “Hi sweetie.” 
“hi” she whispers. 
You move to stand up and check her vitals and move your hand to check her incision site and you ask her “how are you feeling?” 
“Tired” she answers softly. 
“do you want to go back to sleep?” you ask her, and move your hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. 
She shakes her head and says “Can we watch the game now?” 
You chuckle and tell her “yeah? lets watch.” 
You move the table over the end of the bed to be closer and you pull out your phone and find the recording of the game. You always set Leah’s games that you miss to be recorded so you can watch them back. You pull the chair closer and you set the phone up so you both can see. The first 15 minutes are quiet but when Arsenal scores one she gets excited and sits up more. 
After the third goal she’s more animated and is excitedly talking about the game and the players. The game has made her feel a lot better and more like a little girl and you are happy that she seems to be doing better. 
You are lost in thought watching when she says “holy crap thats Leah Williamson.” 
You chuckle without taking your eyes off the screen and say “sweetie she’s been on the whole game.” 
“No, she’s right there!” she shouts. 
You turn and meet the eyes of your fiancé standing in the doorway of the hospital room with two coffees, she winks at you and says “I heard we had a fan here that wasn’t able to make it to the game.” 
You pause the game and move to stand up and step closer to Leah and you say “this is Kenzie.” 
“Hi Kenzie” Leah says and she hands you a coffee and brushes by you to stand beside the bed “are you watching the game back?” 
“yeah, I missed it cause Dr. Y/N was operating on my belly.” Kenzie says, the smile bright on her face. 
“she’s pretty Awesome” Leah says and then continues “Can I watch the rest with you?” 
“Yes please!” Kenzie answers quickly with an excited smile. 
“I guess you don’t need me anymore” you say with a chuckle. 
Leah smirks at you and says “Sorry love.” 
“It’s okay, you guys enjoy I am going to shower and change.” you tell them both. “Kenzie please make sure to ask Leah all the questions okay?” 
“I will! She’s my favourite player.” Kenzie says with a smile and moves to press play on the TV as she says to Leah “What did the ref say to you there?” 
You chuckle to yourself and move outside the room, and you stand on the outside of the window looking in and you feel your heart grow again watching as Leah and Kenzie both talk with their hands about the game and you can feel the smile growing on your face knowing it may be time to have a conversation with Leah about what you want next. 
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lunarsilkscreen · 7 months
Why did I leave the military
In 2010, the repeal of don't ask don't tell happened, which was a landslide victory for gay men. But for Queer people in general? Iffy ground.
For the entirety of my existence I knew what I was, am, are. But gender confirming social policy and social stigma means you can't talk about it. Like the first two rules of Fight Club.
It exists, but you don't talk about it. Because quote: "It's morally and objectively wrong to wear clothes of the opposite gender."
That's the Line you can't cross. And yes, this includes Kilts if you're outside of the Ireland/Scotland area.
So if you're further than that on the queer spectrum, you look ambiguous, people confuse you for another gender, or they just can't tell. That is a moral and personal failing. One corrected through Hairstyles, clothing, and gendered perfume flavours.
So if you're a genetic men and other men are confusing you for a women, and other (maybe sapphic) women want to date you. They can't acknowledge that.
Just "Oh, we can't do that thing at all".
But the talk will go on behind your back regardless.
Some people look like me are upset because they aren't seen as the Pinnacle of masculinity. A trait I also shared, but not really cause it felt good mind you. I wanted to be a women. Right? At the very least, I was OK with ambiguity.
"so why the F*? Would you join the military if it would put you in the box?"
Oh you know, GI. Jane, the existence of the "Tom Boy". Video Games.
Plus I had a lot of reasons I couldn't continue staying where I had grown up, or with my family, or even continue going to college the first time around despite having qualified for the MEAP{ Michigan Educational Assessment Program } which awarded money to kids just out of high school for excelling at a test that summed up the entire school education.
Quick Google search says it's the "M-STEP" now. I dunno how many other students qualified. I just know I qualified for that *on top* of tuition incentive program.
To which people understandable ask what happened?
It was going great, but I had no way to practice for driving test to get out there. Had a friend, friend promised would help me. Which made me start the aid process. But that process had a two year limit on it.
That two year limit on it, along with no driver's license along with unstable home life, along with losing that friendship, because her words; "you're a bum". Along with whatever other list of grievances she had with me. Meant I lost that second year of aid. Gone. I need to stop trusting people.
So unstable home life, depression, definitely queer, definitely no friends. A friend of mine was joining the Air Force. And I thought "F* it, YOLO".
The complex reasons? That instability. That lack of future. The paycheck. And the possibility that I *might* be able to pursue my dreams that way.
So why the F* would I leave that behind?
In the Air Force, we're taught to lead from the front. I dunno if that's the same way in other branches, I assume it is.
At that time I was falling apart mentally, the only thing keeping me going was this knowledge that life sucked on the outside, and there was, and still is nothing out here for me. I re-enlisted for a little while, got to do a desk job with a lot of programming. But I was still falling apart mentally.
And when I went to pursue the reasons why, There still wasn't anything that I could do about it. Just me, and deteriorating mental health. And being Vaguely Queer, but not really getting along with other queer people cuz the community sucks. (most communities suck, but the gatekeeping in the queer community is something else man.)
And then, the cherry on top was the Executive Order by President Trump that trans people should be banned from serving in the military.
Many queer people accuse me of this being the only reason for it. F* them. You know why? Gatekeeping.
Excuse me for leaving on my integrity.
I could've stayed just a few more months until the end of my enlistment and not had to burn a bridge. But I used my other disability, let's just say arthritis. Because there's a list. As an instant out.
I could've waited and had the same benefits you know.
I could've stayed in and had a fulfilling career. Well, maybe. There was talk of a thing I was supposed to be up for. But it wasn't real until the moment I left. It wouldn't have stopped me from leaving either way.
But it was; A presidential declaration that the My (and by extension the Military's) Mental Health did not matter in the slightest. And the possibility of going back to a Job, Airline Mechanic, on a devasting weapon that had already taken a toll on my mental health.
And I couldn't deal with both of those possibilities.
So I saved what I could in order to bide my time for a job.
And everybody that I could've relied on back home. In any facet, I ended up being unable to rely on them, and with declining mental health that also didn't matter to them; made a string of decisions that put me in a bind.
And with no friends, and no backup, and relatively no voice.
I decided to protest the U.S. government. And Trump himself for being a megaphone for the Evangelicalsm that hated me. Made my family reluctant to support me. And just overall being Dick's.
Because, unlike those actually in the "queer community" I took a risk.
One that friends and family took advantage of.
I would say "calculated" but I knew what the ultimate price would be. Because I know how people act. I know how jealous and hateful and spiteful they are.
And they haven't proven me wrong yet.
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it's my monthly respawn time and what better to do than show off a tf2 merc oc i have and some shit about them 🗿👍
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There were a couple sketches I did not too long ago bc why sleep (it's almost 4am where I live btw), but I have more sketches of them of course. They were actually my first TF2 merc oc, and they're a support class mercenary who specializes in chemistry, hence being called The Chemist. They even have a chemical lab in the base that they've had to beg to get secured, as Scout keeps killing himself going in there. I'll rehash some of the basic notes too in case it's unclear on the image.
(Basic Notes)
The Chemist's legal name is Shannon Ridley.
They 35 years old in the game, and 39 years old in the comic; they were born circa 1933.
They are trans and nonbinary, and they use they/them pronouns.
They are 6'2" (189cm) and 200lbs (91kg).
They are Irish and Polish, and due to being raised in Ireland, they have an Irish accent. (When angry enough it bleeds into a near Scottish sounding accent.)
For the most part, they'd be the only merc to ever be consistently referred to by name, as most of the other mercs refer to them as Ridley (sometimes with a prefix of Mx. or Dr.), and their first name is rarely ever said.
Their lab coat is tight on them, aside from the bottom half of it. The upper half is tight though and it clings to their torso.
They are androsexual, which essentially just means they're attracted to masculinity.
Like how the other mercenaries have unique teeth shapes, Ridley has a vampire-like tooth structure, with their canines being pointy like fangs.
Their hair is a darker reddish-brown color, though for a while it was dyed to be a slightly brighter tone.
They carry a special carrier with them that stores their chemicals in a secure manner.
While they may be a strong merc they aren't the fastest. Their speed sits at about 93%, matching with Demo; so while it isn't terrible, it could be faster.
Their health matches with Medic (when he has Vita-Saw equipped), with their health being 140/210.
They seem to be close friends with Demoman. On the opposite spectrum, they're seen chasing Scout around a lot of times.
(Not so Basic Notes)
Ridley has attachment issues, and seems to want to cling to loved ones out of fear they'll leave them.
They have a romantic (and more) interest in Medic, though they get skittish about talking to him about it.
The "scars" they have above their chest are just tattoos.
They have a PhD in biochemistry, a master's degree in chemistry, and a bachelor's degree in biology.
Their bedroom is rather messy in comparison to their workspace, however like with their workspace, they don't like having open food containers in the area.
They overheat rather fast, and require white noise to sleep. Their solution? Two fans going constantly.
They were originally born in Poland, however due to the time period and certain circumstances, their parents made it so they could flee and at least try to live a good life. However, their aunt took this as an opportunity to raise the daughter she never had, at the expense of Ridley's own happiness.
Ridley is intersex.
They'd likely be one of the only mercs to not have a driver's license as they don't feel comfortable with driving like... at all.
They do research with Medic a lot, and they like to teach him stuff about chemistry, much as how he likes to teach them about medical practices.
They're a martial artist, and has a black belt in taekwondo. (They also do training sessions with Heavy, and Soldier has been mistaken a few times in thinking they're calling Heavy a hussy because of them saying "huss" when they do something.)
They do not use the bases tap water and instead has a water jug they use. They also claim they're trying to petition Teufort to install new water pipes and deep clean the water intake system, to no avail.
They crochet in their free time, and one of their melee attacks involves them trying to stick a crochet hook through someone's eye.
I'll likely post something later on that goes more in depth about them, but in the meantime, here they are! (And watch me disappear for like a few more months lmao)
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 10 months
Good morning
They are preforming heartless today
Yeah so I'm slightly upset I can't see it, and we don't have a date for the recording so I'm just kind of hanging in the balance. Was just looking at eBay for signed Marissa Meyer books and they're mostly like sixty pounds so that's a no
I'm just stalking the Heartless Instagram account and waiting for news even though I already have notifications enabled
Anyway, I feel like you've heard enough about me and my issues in the last few months to fill a law book
Therefore, question:
How are you? Anything you want to ramble about?
Have an astonishing day
Good evening
I saw that
Hopefully you get it soon. I take it that Ireland isn’t very popular with performers? I had to convert again, and I wouldn’t pay that much for a book either
I don’t mind listening
Next year I’m trying to move in w my aunt part time to go to school in the state over, but I need a birth certificate. And the reason I don’t have one is because on mine, my mums last name is spelt wrong (just swapped two letters)
and mums been dragging her feet for years to get it fixed. I keep harassing her to do it cause the years nearly over and blah blah. But what gets me is that she gets all pissy at me and pulls the “singe mum, works 40 hours a week” card?? She figured out my birth certificate was wrong when my sister was born, TWELVE YEARS AGO. And she was a stay at home mum for the first 9 years of my life. She had all the bloody time and resources to do it.
and like
did she never think “oh a fucked birth certificate could be a problem” because if I didn’t need it for this; I’d need it for a passport, a bank account and a drivers license
she finally ordered mine but bec we don’t live in the state which I was born anymore, she needs to take her ID to the copshop to verify she’s not trying to steal my identity (the best time to enroll is March. Of this year. I actually can’t with her)
(I did my waiting, tweleve years of it)
have a good night :)
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northliights · 2 years
𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻. repost,  don’t reblog
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basics ! FULL NAME.   Aurora May Phillips NICKNAME.   Rora GENDER.  female. HEIGHT.    5′3 AGE.  28 (but also verse dependent) ZODIAC.    aquarius (february 3rd) LANGUAGES.   English, Irish HAIR COLOR.   auburn EYE COLOR.   blue SKIN TONE.    fair BODY TYPE.    mesomorph is the closest fit. ACCENT. British with an Irish lilt every once in a while, especially when she is excited or angry. VOICE.    soft spoken but steel. She has the slightest hint of a lisp when she says her s’. It’s not high pitched or deep, fairly average. When she speaks, you listen, no matter how quiet or loud her voice is. She has a very commanding presence when she talks. DOMINANT HAND. Right hand.  POSTURE. Very straight. Never slouches. When she is tired, rather than slouching, she tends to lean more towards one side or the other. When she’s angry her shoulders are squared as she does her best to make herself look bigger than she is. Think puffer fish ;) SCARS.   A few. The noticeable ones are: She has a scar from the removal of her appendix. She’s got a scar on her upper left arm from an accident when she was a kid - she fell out of a tree. She also has a scar from the polio vaccine on her upper right bicep. TATTOOS.  There is a small pink rose on her left hip. Though she does know a guy whos really into tattoos so ... watch this space  BIRTHMARKS.   she has a small dark mole right on the upper part of her left breast, right in front of her arm MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   Her blue eyes.They are very bright and they sparkle, which really annoys her when she’s angry and accidentally throwing out mischievous fun eyes.
childhood ! PLACE OF BIRTH.  She was born in County Cork in Ireland. Specifically, the village of Crosshaven. HOMETOWN.    Crosshaven briefly until she was sent by her father to a boarding school in london. BIRTH WEIGHT.    6lbs 9oz BIRTH HEIGHT.    Literally no idea. FIRST WORDS.  mum and kitty.  SIBLINGS.  She is an only child PARENTS.   She was born to Fiona and Stephen Phillips. Fiona was 25 and Stephen was 32. They got married when Fiona discovered she was pregnant. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Her mother was very influential in her early childhood. Aurora was definitely a momma’s girl. She barely knew her father, he wasn’t around much due to work as an up and coming politician. Her parents divorced when she was 9 years old and her mum moved back to Ireland. Aurora was in boarding school in London and was not allowed to leave ( by her father). He later sent her to university where he paid for her to earn a degree in political sciences. Aurora was fine with this because it allowed her the chance to get into journalism and undo everything he has done/did
adult life ! OCCUPATION.   freelance journalist. CURRENT RESIDENCE.   London, England. More specifically, Brentford. CLOSE FRIENDS.   She doesn’t have many close friends, mostly just business acquaintances. She is always busy and on the go and works odd hours ..combine that with the fact that she can’t often talk about what she does and it makes maintaining both conversation and relationships difficult. RELATIONSHIP STATUS. She is in a committed relationship with @spynorth’s Lucas North FINANCIAL STATUS. She’s comfortable. She saves a little bit of money and despite the fact that her father always wants to pay for her flat or buy her things .. she can’t be bought. She does everything on her own and she makes a good living. She is perfectly capable of taking care of herself and refuses any assistance from her father. DRIVER’S LICENSE.    She has one, yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.   She was arrested once for a political protest while she was in university. Her father offered to have it expunged from her record and she refused. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Bi-romantic  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.    While she doesn’t need it to ‘function’, she does enjoy a healthy sex life. She considers herself a very sexual being and is very comfortable in her skin. She will not hesitate to initiate when the mood strikes. Definitely not a passive player. TURN ON’S.  partners who aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. Intelligence is a huge one - I’d say she is 100% sapiosexual. Good sense of humor. Clever. Someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. TURN OFF’S.   Being a Lannister. Poor hygiene. Ego. People who can’t take no for an answer. Intentional ignorance. LOVE LANGUAGE.   quality time together RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Aurora tends to very possessive in relationships. If you’re hers, you are hers only. She doesn’t like to share her toys. She can be bossy but it’s usually done in an affectionate manner. When in a relationship, she will check in throughout the day (text, phone call as time permits, etc.) as long as she knows her partner is comfortable with her doing so. In a relationship with Aurora, you always know you’re never far from her mind. She secretly is a huge cuddle bug but if called on it - she’ll stab you before she admits it.
miscellaneous ! CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   We Will Rock You by In This Moment. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   She loves to read. And read some more. She’ll stop a second to pet the cat.. and then read some more ... She also loves old movies (think cheesy horror films. the cult classics). MENTAL ILLNESSES.   a little ptsd PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  she had scoliosis as a child. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   If you go off by the classic stereotype she would be right brained. FEARS. Open water because she is not a strong swimmer. Heights, she is very low to the ground and likes to stay that way. But other than that .. not much scares her. She tends to be pretty unflappable. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Very high. VULNERABILITIES.   She tends to be lonely. She grew up lonely and whenever she finds herself feeling that way once more, it brings back a lot of those hurts from childhood.
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Choosing a Car Service for Worry-Free Family Arrival in Dublin, Ireland
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Travelling across the world and managing your kids at the same time can get challenging and overwhelming. Time is of the essence, especially when you’re at the airport, including ensuring you don’t lose baggage or get distracted. Therefore, the last thing you want to deal with after arriving at an airport in a new country is hailing taxis or figuring out public transportation with a bunch of exhausted family members.
Car Service Dublin Airport: Choose the right driving escort for your family
A reliable car service to pick you up at the Dublin Airport in Ireland can make your journey all the more rewarding. Let’s explore the factors you need to consider when on the travel trail with family.
Age of your children: when seeking transportation, you can pre-book a car service at the Dublin Airport. If you are travelling with children then you need to the number of children travelling with you, including whether or not they require car or booster seats.
The amount of baggage: Make sure you also tell your private car service operator about the volume of baggage, including how many in number. A vehicle will be allotted to you based on this factor as well.
Pre-book your car service: We are mentioning this in a separate point even though we wrote it earlier. We can’t stress the importance of pre-booking. It makes everything so much easier with family. Booking a car service in advance will make things run smoothly and also help you avoid last-minute stress. You don’t have to worry much, especially during peak seasons.
Opt for a meet-and-greet car service at Dublin Airport: You can book for a car service that offers a meet-and-greet option. This is so that it’s easier to locate and identify your driver. It can get difficult to stay focused on searching for your driver when managing little children at the same time.
Accessible customer service contact: Make sure that you can contact customer service in case your driver does not turn up. In other cases, if you need assistance with anything else or an untoward situation, the support line to the car service should be accessible.
Reliable and reputable services: While booking a car service that ensures the safety of you and your family, ask a few relevant questions. This can range from finding out whether the car service is licensed and insured, whether professional drivers are hired, whether they know about the designated driving routes, and the company’s safety record. You can explore a company’s reputation online through reviews, social media and recommendations.
From hungry tummies to separation anxiety, security lines and other unpredictable procedures, airport travel can get overwhelming when with kids. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that basic activities like booking a cab service or carrying baggage are made easier. This can help eliminate the additional stress that comes along. If you require help travelling with children to arrive in Ireland, use our car service Dublin Airport option to travel safely and comfortably.
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footloosephoenix · 5 months
Seems like 2023 was a hard year for a lot of people.
My life was no exception; between a move to a different (albeit nearby) city in May that set us back financially and generally poor mental health, it's been kinda fucking brutal. But I also landed a new job back in October with much better pay that actually gives me hope for the future. The long-term stability of this work is something of a question mark, but for the foreseeable future, I think I'm safe.
I'm also very grateful to have people in my life who are loving and supportive. I hope I'll be able to start paying them back soon. My mother has said she's always wanted to visit Ireland, and I want to take her while she's still healthy if I can manage to save up the money for it. It'll take some time, but I think I can do it.
As for 2024's goals, I'm also saving to take a driver's ed course in the spring and finally get my full license so I can be less dependent on the people around me. I'm budgeting to get an exercise bike soon to counteract my increasingly sedentary lifestyle, and a laptop so I can work anywhere would be an excellent investment.
I'm not sure what else I want to accomplish. My priority will be saving money since I'm finally able to do that again. As you can see, money's on my brain a lot lately, for better or for worse. But I'm going to take some time to think tonight and hopefully get some ideas on what I want to work on in other areas of my life.
Lately I've been happy to take a break from playing video games and focus on other hobbies, such as coloring and learning Japanese. I've been trying to get away from screens when I can. Part of me is kinda sick of computers, if I'm being honest. But my love of Final Fantasy remains as strong as ever; I'm still regularly picking up my Switch to play a few songs in Theatrhythm.
Anyway, I don't know how to close this off, so happy new year everyone! May this one be a little kinder on all of us.
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traxicabs · 8 months
What are the rules for taxi drivers in the UK?
Taxi drivers are an essential part of the transport system in the UK, providing convenient and reliable service to passengers. However, to ensure safety and quality, taxi drivers must follow certain rules and regulations set by the government and local authorities. In this article, we will explain some of the main rules for taxi drivers in the UK, and how they differ between taxis and private hire vehicles (PHVs).
Licence requirements
One of the most important rules for taxi drivers in the UK is that they need a licence to drive a taxi or PHV. A licence is usually issued for 3 years and can be renewed before it expires. To apply for a licence, a driver must:
be able to work legally in the UK
have held a full British or Northern Ireland driving licence (or a full EU driving licence) for at least 12 months
be a ‘fit and proper person’ - which means their background and character will be checked
complete an enhanced criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
undergo a medical examination
pass a ‘knowledge’ test
take a driving test
The licence requirements may vary depending on where the driver wants to work. Drivers should apply to the licensing authority where they plan to work, which is either the local council or Transport for London (TfL).
Vehicle standards
Another rule for taxi drivers in the UK is that they need an additional vehicle licence if they are operating their own vehicle as a taxi or PHV. The vehicle must meet certain standards of safety, accessibility, emissions, and appearance. The vehicle standards may also differ depending on the type and location of the vehicle.
Drivers should check with their licensing authority what vehicle standards apply to them and how to get their vehicle inspected and licensed.
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Operating rules
A third rule for taxi drivers in the UK is that they need to follow certain operating rules depending on whether they are driving a taxi or a PHV. A taxi can be hired at a rank or hailed in the street, while a PHV can only be pre-booked. Drivers who work as a PHV driver or operate their own PHV also need an operator licence.
Some of the operating rules for taxi and PHV drivers include:
displaying their licence badge and plate at all times
charging fares according to the meter or the agreed price
issuing receipts if requested
keeping records of bookings and journeys
not refusing or discriminating against passengers
complying with local bylaws and traffic regulations
Drivers should consult their licensing authority for more details on the operating rules that apply to them.
About Traxi
Traxi is a leading airport taxi & transfer company in the UK, offering fast, safe, and comfortable service to and from all major airports in the country. Whether you need a taxi or a PHV, we can provide you with a suitable vehicle that meets your needs and preferences. We also offer competitive prices, online booking, and customer support 24/7. If you are looking for a reliable and professional UK airport taxi service, look no further than Traxi. Contact us at +442045771002 to book your ride or get a quote.
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lsundarinfo · 9 months
A Comprehensive Travel Guide to Ireland: From Visa to Exploration
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Are you dreaming of lush green landscapes, historic castles, and enchanting folklore? Look no further than the Emerald Isle, Ireland! This captivating country offers a blend of breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm-hearted locals. In this comprehensive travel guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know to embark on a memorable journey to Ireland.
Preparation Before Visiting Ireland
Before you jet off to Ireland, there are a few essential preparations to consider. First and foremost, ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended departure date. Additionally, make photocopies of important documents like your passport and travel insurance. It's also wise to purchase travel insurance to safeguard against any unexpected mishaps during your trip.
How to Get a Visa and Other Required Documents
Ireland is part of the European Union, so if you're an EU or EEA citizen, you won't need a visa to visit. However, if you're from a non-EU/EEA country, you may need a visa depending on your nationality. Check the official website of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) for detailed visa requirements and the application process.
Places to Visit in Ireland
Ireland boasts a treasure trove of must-see destinations. Start in Dublin, the vibrant capital city, to explore its historic landmarks and lively pub culture. Then, venture to the Cliffs of Moher for breathtaking coastal vistas, and visit the ancient monastic site of Glendalough for a glimpse into Ireland's spiritual past. Don't forget to tour the Ring of Kerry for some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes in the world.
Places to Visit in Small Towns
While Ireland's cities are captivating, its small towns are equally enchanting. Head to Dingle, a quaint fishing village with colorful streets and traditional music in every pub. Kilkenny, known as the Marble City, boasts a medieval castle and charming streets to wander. Lastly, visit Westport, a picturesque town on the west coast, surrounded by stunning natural beauty.
Personal Vehicle vs. Public Transport
Ireland's efficient public transport system is a fantastic way to explore the country. Buses and trains connect major cities and towns, making it easy to get around. However, if you prefer the flexibility of a personal vehicle, consider renting one. The well-maintained roads and scenic routes make road trips a delightful way to see Ireland's countryside.
Booking Accommodation: Couchsurfing and Cheap Hotels
For budget-conscious travelers, couchsurfing can be a fantastic option to experience Irish hospitality firsthand. Websites like Couchsurfing.com connect travelers with locals who offer free accommodations. Alternatively, if you prefer more privacy, Ireland has a range of affordable hotels and hostels. Booking.com and Airbnb are excellent platforms to find budget-friendly options.
Renting a Vehicle as a Tourist
Renting a vehicle in Ireland as a tourist is straightforward. Major car rental companies like Hertz, Avis, and Europcar operate at airports and city centers. You'll need a valid driver's license and, if your license is not in English, an International Driving Permit (IDP). These permits are typically obtainable in your home country and are valid for one year.
Trekking and Solo Camping
Ireland's natural beauty is best experienced up close, making it a paradise for hikers and campers. The Wicklow Mountains National Park offers a plethora of hiking trails, while Connemara National Park's rugged landscapes are perfect for adventurous souls. When camping solo, ensure you're well-prepared with proper gear and knowledge of local regulations.
Applying for an International Driving License in Ireland
If you plan to drive in Ireland and hold a non-European Union driving license, it's advisable to carry an International Driving Permit Ireland (IDP). To obtain one, visit your local automobile association or AAA office in the United States. The process is generally straightforward, and it's a valuable document to have if you intend to explore Ireland by car.
With this comprehensive travel guide in hand, you're ready to embark on a remarkable journey through the captivating landscapes, charming towns, and vibrant culture of Ireland. Prepare, plan, and set off on your adventure, knowing that Ireland is waiting to enchant you at every turn. Sláinte!
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popmusic101 · 11 months
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
10th July 2023.
We have a new #1! Olivia Rodrigo's new single 'Vampire' has come out of the coffin hot and debuted in the top spot, knocking Dave and Central Cee's 'Sprinter' down to #2.
I genuinely quite like this one. It's fun, and the lyrics in particular are a stand out here. Singing along to 'fame fucker' is great because you get to really spit it out with venom! And the rest of the song has some clever lyrics as well.
"How's the castle built of people you pretend to care about?"
is a particular highlight. The lyrics were written by Rodrigo and Dan Nigro who has previously penned songs for Lewis Capaldi, Kylie Minogue, and Caroline Polachek, as well as working with Rodrigo on the songs from her first album.
'Vampire' is the first single from Olivia Rodrigo's upcoming second album, and has debuted at #1 in Australia, Ireland, and NZ and reached the top ten in four other countries, but it's only been out for a week so stay tuned.
This is Rodrigo's third #1 in NZ after 'Drivers License' and 'Good 4 U' back in 2021. It's highly likely that we'll see more singles from her sophmore album competing for the #1 spot in the coming months as well.
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paypant · 1 year
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schleifmanlaw · 1 year
Discover A Arlington, Va Car Accidents Legal Professional
New automobiles may be expensive, and the time and energy to discover a new source of transportation take from time with your liked ones. Car repairs could make an enormous dent in your budget, forcing your family accident lawyer arlington va to scramble to make ends meet. To claim compensation for damages to your vehicle, call the attorneys at Branch & Dhillon right now for a free session. A police officer will gather reports from you and the other driver.
For a free session with anauto accident lawyer near Arlington, full the contact form on this page, orcontact our officedirectly. Arlington, VA, and Northern Virginia generally are no stranger to auto accidents, and enduring a car crash is scary. Knowing when to get a lawyer to protect you is important.
The age drawback is even more tough to manage if you’re young. Hagr Elweshahy, an 18-year-old senior in highschool, is interning for a know-how company in Linden, N.J., and needed to rent a car to attend a week-long convention. Elweshahy is a straight-A pupil and on monitor to be class valedictorian. “If a company doesn’t assume renting to a senior is financially worthwhile, they won’t hire to them,” says Maximilian Wühr, co-founder of the automotive subscription supplier Finn. For Enterprise, the minimal age requirement to rent a automobile in Ireland and the United Kingdom is 25. In Germany, France and Spain, the company’s minimum age is 21.
Other legal professionals may command an hourly rate or mix an hourly price with a smaller contingency fee. If you’ve contacted your insurance coverage firm earlier than contacting a car accident lawyer Arlington TX respects, you could have encountered a wealth of issues. Insurance firms are identified to twist situations around in an try to avoid paying settlements or offer significantly less than what you deserve. Apart from getting compensation for medical payments accident lawyer arlington va, lost wages, ache and suffering, and property damages, you would possibly also be succesful of search punitive damages. These are typically searched for the damaging conduct on the a half of the motive force or negligent get together. The laws encompassing punitive damages are particular and might solely be utilized in sure circumstances.
Unfortunately, given the forces concerned in many types of bicycle crashes, the accidents suffered by cyclists are often critical, involving damaged bones or head and brain accidents, or accidents leading to death. Generally talking, the 2 categories of bicycling-related accidents and accidents we now have dealt with involve cyclists struck by a motorized vehicle or those involving a component of the bicycle failing. For greater accident lawyer arlington va than 40 years, I truly have offered intelligent and effective professional licensing defense for medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and therapists. I also have in depth experience helping folks recuperate monetary compensation for injuries they've suffered because of someone else’s negligence.
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How Can I Get A California Driver's Licence?
Whenever You Live In California, You Always Have To Make Sure That You Have Your Personal Car; Otherwise, You Won't Be Able To Easily Travel From One Place To Another Inside The City As The Public Transport Facility Here Is Not Available In Some Places. There Are A Number Of Steps Available With The Help Of Which You Will Be Able To Get The Best Driver's Licence. Now, You Can Take Help From These Tips Written Here To Get The Best Tips Regarding The Driving License You Can Get From Here. This Write-Up Will Help You Out Regarding How Can I Get California Drivers License ?
SSN Number
Whenever You Are Taking Help From The Driving Licence Facility, You Always Have To Make Sure That You Have An SSN Number, The Help Of Which You Will Be Able To Apply For The Driving Licence The First Time You Have To Provide Your SSN Number, And It Will Help You Out To Proceed With The Further Step, By The Help Of It, You Will Be Able To Get The Driver's License. When You Buy A UK Driver's License, You Also Have To Take This Step.
Provide Your Identity Details
You Always Have To Make Sure That You Are Providing Your Identity Details, The Help Of Which You Will Be Able To Make As The Identity Details That You Are Providing Is Enough To Prove You As A Resident Of California. You Can Also Buy Canadian Passport Online To Complete This Step.
Take Test
When You Buy Fake Ireland Drivers License, You Won't Have To Give Tests Regarding Your Driving Skills, Which Will Also Help You To Get The Driver's License At The Earliest. So You Always Have To Take A Driving Licence That Can Help You Have Your Own Car. You Can Also Buy Germany Driving License If You Don't Want To Give Tests Regarding Your Driving Skills, It Would Be Very Much Helpful For You. You Always Have To Take The Test And Get Your Original License. You Can Get Help From It, Which Will Also Help You Get Effective Results. If You Are A Resident Of California, Do Follow These Steps, And It Can Be A Guide For You To Get The Best Driver's License For You.
You Need To Take Help From These Steps That Can Help You Get The Best Facts Regarding The California License For You. You Can Get An Available License, Which Will Help You Become One Of The Most Effective Driving Licenses. You Can Get Help From It And Get The Facts Regarding The Driver's License, And It Would Be Helpful For You To Get The License So That You Can Have Your Own Car. If You Are Willing To Buy A License, You Can Also Get A Driver's License Hassle-Free. Hopefully, That Can Also Be An Easy Option For You To Get A Perfect Driver's License For You.
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e-idp · 2 years
Why Would You Need an International Driving Permit?
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Chances are you have driven abroad in the past, either for a holiday or work purposes. You may not have been aware, though, of the need for an international driving permit? (IDP) in some countries.
An International Driving Permit? allows driving in any country that accepts the permit as a form of driving licence.
There are a few variations of International Driving Permit?, and certain countries will only accept one type. Before planning to drive abroad, it is vital to check whether the country you are visiting requires you to have one.
In this week’s blog, we take a look at what they, plus and when and where you may need one.
Do I need an IDP?
You may need one, depending on a few factors. Not all countries will require one and your regular driving licence will be sufficient for you to drive.
The permit you will need will depend on two things: which country you are visiting, and how long you are staying. Before getting an IDP, you must first have a valid Great Britain (GB) or Northern Ireland (NI) driving licence.
Do I need an international driving license in France?
Despite Brexit, holders of a GB or NI driving licence will not need an international driving Permit? for France or any other EU country as long as they hold a valid photocard driving licence. As well as EU countries, driving in Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein without an IDP is also permitted.
In some cases, you will need an IDP in the EU and Norway if your current licence is a paper one or it was issued in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man.
For full clarity on whether the country you are visiting requires you to have an IDP, we would advise you contact the embassy of that country.
How do I know which International Driving licence I will need?
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There are currently three types of international driving permit?. The IDP you require will depend on which country you are visiting. The three IDP’s are governed by three international conventions:
The 1926 Paris International Convention relative to motor traffic
The 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic
The 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic
Each one is known by its year rather than by its convention name.
When a country has been contracted to more than one, the most recent one takes precedence and the older one replaced. However, if you are driving through more than one country, you may need multiple IDP’s.
The UK government website has a detailed list of all the current requirements per country, but if you’re unable to find the relevant information, you can contact the embassy for further guidance.
Can I apply for an IDP online?
Yes you can apply online using the following link. You have to have a full driving licence and be over 18 years of age to get International Driving Permit?.
When applying, you must upload your driver’s licence and a passport standard photo. However, if you only have a paper licence, you will need to upload bring your valid passport as proof of identification.
How long does an international driving license last?
Each type of IDP has a different expiration date. If your IDP is a 1926 or 1949 issue, it will last for 12 months. A 1968 permit will last for three years, or until your local driving licence expires.
Will I need an international driving licence if I am hiring a car?
Yes – unless you are driving in a country where an IDP is not needed, it is advisable to carry one with you when hiring a car. In some countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and Egypt, it is obligatory to hold a valid IDP.
It is also advisable to carry your passport alongside your IDP when driving.
Whenever you are driving abroad, always follow the guidance for that country. Whilst we can’t provide you with an IDP.
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drivingedonlineoh · 2 years
5 Steps to Pass Your Driving Test Fast – Step by step guide
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If you're searching to pass your driving test as quickly as possible, you must follow these 5 simple steps. Firstly, ensure you are up to date with all the latest driving laws. Secondly, be sure to practice for as long as possible. Thirdly, focus on your driving skills and fourthly, study the driving test questions carefully. Finally, be confident when you take the test, and you'll be on your way to a successful driving career!
Step 1: Find out what's wrong with your driving
Before attempting any test, one of the first things to do is to know exactly where you stand now and then work backward. Are your eyesight, reaction time, judgment, concentration, and accuracy good? Do you have enough knowledge about how to drive safely? If not, you need to start somewhere. Even though some people would say they're ready to take their test, they aren't really prepared. So ask yourself these questions and ensure you've covered everything. To build strong confidence within yourself, there are many online based driving courses from which you can enroll in a course on how to pass driving test successfully. 
Step 2: What are the rules?
The UK driving laws are similar to those in the US, Australia and Canada. However, if you live in Ireland, you'll find that the driving laws are slightly different. In fact, they are unique to the country and might vary depending on whether you're going out on public roads or private property. No single set of rules applies in all places throughout the UK. Each place has its own rules, regulations and guidelines.
Step 3 – What about your license?
If you don't have a full license yet, you should first get hold of your provisional license. Once you receive yours, you only need to pass 4 written tests to achieve your full license. These tests cover theory, road signs, vehicles, speed limits, traffic lights and overtaking maneuvers. After that, you need to undergo a practical examination and pass it successfully.
Step 4: Practice makes perfect!
You'd be surprised how much practice will help you improve your driving skills and technique. Practice regularly, often and under realistic circumstances. Try various road conditions (bumpy roads, wet weather) and use different vehicles (for example, motorbikes and vans). Try to understand what causes you to panic while driving. As soon as possible, begin practicing behind the wheel and doing some simple exercises.
Step 5 – Don't let yourself down!
It's always best to study hard, practice harder and perform well. Never give up, keep trying and never allow failure to stop you. If you don't feel confident enough after practicing for several days, simply repeat the process until you succeed. If you still fail, think again. Keep studying, getting advice and asking friends who have already passed for tips. Be persistent and remember; it takes time to learn how to drive.
In conclusion, following these 5 simple steps can help you pass your driving test in a short amount of time. Remember to stay calm and patient while taking the test; you'll be on your way to a new driver's license!
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lsundarinfo · 1 year
Tips For Solo Travelers in Ireland
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Ireland is a country full of stunning landscapes, rich history, and friendly locals, making it a great destination for solo travelers. Driving is one of the best ways to explore the country, allowing you to venture off the beaten path and discover hidden gems. Here is a traveler’s guide to driving in Ireland.
Best Places to Drive in Ireland
Ireland has many scenic routes, but some of the best include the Wild Atlantic Way, the Ring of Kerry, and the Causeway Coastal Route. The Wild Atlantic Way is a 2,500 km coastal route that stretches from Donegal to Cork, taking in rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and charming villages. The Ring of Kerry is a 179 km circular route that takes in stunning coastal and mountain scenery, while the Causeway Coastal Route is a 195 km route that runs along the northern coast, taking in castles, cliffs, and the Giant’s Causeway.
How to Drive as a Tourist in Ireland
Driving in Ireland is on the left-hand side of the road, which can take some getting used to if you’re not used to it. It’s important to be aware of this and to take extra care at intersections and roundabouts. The speed limit is in kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed limit on national roads is 100 km/h.
International Driving License in Ireland
If you have a valid driver’s license from your home country, you can drive in Ireland for up to 12 months without needing an international driving license Ireland. However, if your license is not in English, you will need to carry an official translation or an international driving permit Ireland.
Hiring a Car in Ireland
To hire a car in Ireland, you will need to be at least 21 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and a credit card in your name. You may also be required to provide proof of insurance and a passport or ID.
Best Places for a Long Drive in Ireland
The Wild Atlantic Way is one of the best places for a long drive in Ireland, taking in the stunning coastline of the west coast. Another great option is the Connemara Loop, a 300 km drive that takes in rugged mountains, tranquil lakes, and charming villages. The Boyne Valley Drive is also a scenic route that takes in ancient sites such as Newgrange and the Hill of Tara.
In conclusion, driving in Ireland can be a wonderful experience for solo travelers, allowing you to see the country’s stunning scenery and explore at your own pace. Just be sure to follow the rules of the road and take extra care when driving on the left-hand side. Happy travels!
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