foxsfiction · 2 years
New IF; Howls of Rebellion.
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Howls of Rebellion is a +18 WIP Interactive Fiction about anthro animals navigating a war.
Age rating; +18
I'm fairly certain that this will need some trigger warnings, so I'll add them as I write the scenes. Current triggers would be;
Detailed injuries and gore
(mentioned) Domestic abuse
If you have a hard time reading about anything listed above, then this story isn't for you. Please, put your mental health first!
Demo will go here when it's ready.
Summery & Setting;
You are faceless, nameless in the sea of people yearning for change. The King of Selme, Eris, is heinous; rumors in his nation say that he's had affairs in attempts to secure a heir, that he's ate his children out of a paranoid fear that they'd overthrow him, that he's killed his advisor in cold blood during a particularly nasty disagreement. No one knows what is and isn't true.
Truthfully, you shouldn't be concerned by King Eris; you don't live in Selme. Though there is talk in the streets of Loa that the King will declare war on Seam, a neighboring country. That would drag Loa, and you, into to it; to protect and help Loa's political ally.
Under the threat of war, your childhood friend Clay has decided that it's time to take down King Eris. Ever the loyal friend, you follow along. Clay has been pulling strings in Selme to gain the upper hand, but secrets lay hidden just beneath the surface.
Will you discover them? Will you help lead a rebellion to victory?
Only time will tell.
Pick your species; are you a feline? Canine? Perhaps a Avian, or even Draconic?
Customize your appearance, personality, interests and hobbies
Define your gender and sexuality; Hetero, gay, bi, pan, aro, ace, demiro or demisexual.
Change history as you know it
Dive deep into Selme's secrets, or be a unwilling participant
Fall in love in the middle of a war; with possible poly options
Play matchmaker a bit
Clay Harris (25, Agender, They/them, Not romanceable)
A tall deer with black fur and splotched with purple dots. Their lavender eyes are striking and intense. You've known them your entire life; they're your childhood bestfriend. They always apologize for dragging you into their war. They've always been there to pick you up when you fell; literally and figuratively. They're protective of you; you're really the only family they have. They'd follow off the face of the earth if they could.
Clover (27, Genderfluid, He/they, Semi-romanceable)
A small black cat that somehow always leads trouble to you. His yellow eyes are always moving, searching; for what, you can't tell. They seem to have a personal vendetta against King Eris, which lead them to join Clay and their army. They always tease the people around them, but know where the boundaries lie.
Ezra Kono (24, Gender-selectable, Romanceable)
A huge lion with fawn colored fur. They're a unusual presence in Loa; a healer in a land made for barbarians and warlords. They're very gentle and soft-spoken. When pushed, they can deliver a nasty wound; they've apparently mangled people before. They avoid the topic like the plague, though.
Wil Quille (30, Gender-selectable, Romanceable)
Selme's general; they're not willing to follow their king anymore. They're your mole; collecting inside information. A hippo that towers over everyone they encounter. You've learned the hard way that no part of them is plush fat. They, like Clay, are willing to follow you anywhere. They...aren't shy, to say the least.
Minx (32, Fem, Not-romanceable)
A average height Avian with black feathers. She's a strategist in Clay's army. She loves to share her knowledge; about anything. One of the more cheery people in the ranks, and one of three mages.
Maxim (????, Masc, Not-romanceable)
A short Dragon covered in purple scales that fade to orange, not unlike a pretty sunset. He's been your guardian for as long as you can remember. Another mage, he's been training you and attempting to train Clay...with limited results. He's amicable, but a bit distant. He dismisses folk legends and seems to dislike them overall.
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foxsfiction · 2 years
Navigation Post
Your one stop shop for all my things!
A Life Worth Living(WIP)
About the Game
Tindra's Pinterest Board | Dante's Pinterest Board | Markus' Pinterest Board | Laverne's Pinterest Board | Fox's Pinterest Board | Dagon's Pinterest Board |
Note for the Pinterest boards, they include face claims for when the child aged characters are older, think 18 or so.
Howls of Rebellion(WIP)
About the Game
Demo goes here when it's ready.
Tags under the 'keep reading' Tags will be added as need be
What got done?
Markus Laaksonon
Dagon Abram
Laverne Berne
Tindra Laaksonen
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foxsfiction · 2 years
A long overdue Progress Update
Hey! It's... been a while, huh?
I've been navigating life on my own, dealing with my mental health and helping my family figure out where to go from where we are.
Anywho, you guys aren't here to listen to me make excuses!
One last thing; if you send in a ask/question for ROs, please clarify what game you're asking about!
What got done?
Let's start off with A Life Worth Living
Funny story that, aha. I had to redo a lot of the stuff I had already done because I forgot to save and almost everything got deleted when my laptop restarted and updated. But I've been making good time, since I know where I'm taking things.
As for Howls of Rebellion...
I haven't made visible progress there, since I've been focusing on ALWL. I do, however, have a better idea of the plot and how I want things to happen/what needs to happen.
I'll wrap this up here, since I don't have a whole lot more to say. I'm still actively working on these IFs, and if you have any sort of questions/scenarios/whatever else you want to send a ask about, please feel free to do so!
Thank you all for your time!
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foxsfiction · 2 years
Howls of Rebellion; Soft moments with the ROs
I'm using this as a opportunity to get into my characters heads while I work on finishing the demo. And I'm also using this as a way to tease out three mystery ROs. The second mystery RO turned out more... ✨spicy✨ than soft. Whoops~
The room spins as you try to catch your breath. It feels like your clothes are too tight, too stiff and hot. Too many people, too much noise. You feel like a fish, gasping for air to no avail. "Hey, are you okay?" a soft, feather-light voice comes from somewhere next to you, making you jump. Your head snaps around to see yellow eyes with flecks of ochre; Clover. You'd recognize those eyes anywhere.
They cringe, but their eyes scream with worry. You can't seem to muster any words for him. "I'm going to grab your wrist, okay, tesoro?" He says, gingerly wrapping their hand around your wrist. Their paw-pads are comfortingly warm, but also seem to sear into you like a brand. His grip is loose enough you could pull from them at any moment. "Sorry," they mutter while they pull you away from your spot.
He forces his way through the crowd, making way for you as they go. You're not sure where you're both going, but it has to be better than standing in the middle of a ballroom as panic courses through your veins. "I spotted a balcony earlier; the doors were closed, but I'm sure our hosts won't mind too much if we help ourselves," Clover whispers to you conspiratorially. Just as they say that you catch a glimpse of a huge set of glass double doors, past the crowd in front of you. It is, indeed, closed.
When you approach it Clover lets go of your hand and puts their paws flat on the glass. He pushes it open just enough for you and him to slip out. "Surprised this thing didn't make any noise, but it's lucky for us," They comment.
A cool breeze hits you as you step out into the open air. This balcony hangs over the back gardens, and you get to see the display of flowers and flowering trees that reach across the property. "I'm taking your wrist again, okay?" Clover says as they grab your wrist again. He leads you to the railing, then lets go. You look down at your hands, still jittery and shaking like a leaf.
"It's okay, take deep breaths. In...out. Again, in...out," Clover whispers, letting their shoulder bump into yours. Their warmth grounds you, reminding you of where you are. You breathe deep, trying desperately to calm your breathing. Clover offers their hand, which you take. "Squeeze as hard as you want, tesoro. Won't hurt me a bit," He whispers, their thumb gently tracing non-existent circles.
You're not sure how long you're out on the balcony, and you've somehow ended up sitting on the floor. Your breathing has evened out, but your nerves are frayed. You glance at Clover; his black fur has gained a orange tint thanks to the light from inside and he's looking out past the railing, towards the mountains far beyond the oversized garden.
They feel your eyes on them and turns to look into your eyes. His eyes are almost entirely black thanks to their dilated pupils. Their pupils shrink a little when they look to you, "Hey, tesoro. You doing any better?" His voice is still very soft. "Yeah...I think," You shrug.
Clover chuckles, "Understandable, tesoro." They study you a bit, then look back to the mountain range when they can't find anything amiss.
"Is... it okay if I ask...?" You start, unsure of how to ask about their fascination with the mountains. Hurt flashes on their face, but they quickly shake it away. "Let's not worry about it, tesoro," he says, then they smile cheekily. They stand while extending a hand to you, "the fancies are starting to dance in there, so why don't we join them?"
You smile up at them and take his hand. He helps you up and brings you close. Their other hand wraps around your waist and they lean in close enough that you can feel their breath on your lips, "Let's dance, mi tesoro."
Pain shoots through your body as you try to open your eyes. When you manage it, you're in a small room that's sparsely decorated. The only furniture in this room is the bed you're laying on, a small desk and chair, and a wardrobe. The curtains are drawn, only slivers of light filtering through. You also notice the door that leads out of the room is cracked open just enough that you can look out into the hallway.
The tranquil silence is interrupted by the creak of a wooden floorboard. A few moments later you see the person that caused it; a giant lion is walking carefully down the hallway, busily scribbling in a tiny notebook. Their fluffy mane is unkept, like they've just woke up, and they wear a plain green button up shirt and pants. The claws on their feet gently click on the floor as they walk.
They approach the door, looking up and mustering up a smile. "Hello! Glad to see you're awake!" They greet you as they push the door open enough for them to slip through. "Hey, Dr. Kono," You reply. They pull out the chair at the desk and sit in it as carefully as possible. "You don't need to call me Dr. Kono, Ezra works just as well, yeah? Anyhow, are you alright?" They ask, gently adjusting their glasses, "I was worried when I heard you were the one that fell off the Redwood."
"My head hurts still, but nothing feels broken or anything like that," You answer. Ezra nods and scribbles in their little book. "That's very good, and you are quite lucky. Falling off the Redwood building normally results in a few broken bones. I suppose Mages are built different, hm?" They smile at their joke.
"I will recommend that you take it easy for a little while, but I know you, so I know that won't be easy. So, I'm requiring you to stay here for at least two days so I can observe you," Ezra continues. You gape at them, having not expected that. "I can 'take it easy'!" You fold your arms over your chest. "Mhm," Ezra hums knowingly. They start to stand from the chair, "I'll be back with some tea and my bag; a proper examination is in order now that you're awake."
Your mind goes blank when you hear them say this, and they notice. "What are... oh!" They fluster suddenly, "N-not like that! I pr-promise! I-I ju- Nevermind!" They hurry out of the room, leaving you to deal with your own flustered mind.
You watch as Wil laughs with one of the soldiers, wondering what they'd needed from you. Wil feels your eyes on them and turns to face you, lighting up when they realize you're there. They quickly wave the soldier off and rush to meet you. "Hey, Mage! Glad you could meet with me!" They say, voice booming across the space.
"Yeah, glad to be here. What did you need me for?" You ask, curiosity piqued. "I want to show you something; c'mon!" They give you their signature cocky smile and start to walk towards the exit. You follow, but can't help but be a little skeptical thanks to the looming darkness that comes with night time. "Aw, worried 'bout the dark? Don't worry, little Mage, I'll protect you,~" Wil comments. You fluster at that, "You...!" Wil laughs, but doesn't say anything else.
Your little trek with Wil took you out to the grassy dunes that look over the beach. You gawk at the surroundings; the night sky was clear of any sort of clouds, letting you see the stars and the stretches of purple and lighter blues. You can't see any sort of moon. "Look at the ocean, little Mage," Wil urges. When you do, you see surprisingly calm waters. The night sky is reflected almost perfectly and in the distance, under the water, you see little lights. "What are...?" You start asking. "The plant-life in this ocean does that. I'm not sure why, but I have a theory it's because of all the magic here," They respond with a shrug.
"I love this view; it almost makes the travel worth it, heh," They remark. You look up at them, questioning. "It takes almost three days to get here by boat, and it's not fun," Wil responds, shrugging again. They lower themself to the ground to sit down. They pat the ground, welcoming you to sit with them.
Mystery RO #1;
"Oh, hello Mage!!" The dragon cries when they see you, shoving the wares they were putting away onto shelves they definitely don't belong. Their wings flex with excitement. "It's great to see you again! Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need a relaxing bath? Or-or a good book?" They fire question after question at you. "I'm fine, I'm fine! I just... wanted to see you," You reassure them. Their yellow eyes widen and they launch themself at you. "Oh, Mage! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" The pastel dragon screams, hugging you tighter.
When they pull from you, they reach to move a few strands of hair from your face. "I wanna see you more often, Mage," They murmur, pouting. "You could always come with me," You say. Surprise stains their features, then they light up; "I'd love to follow you, Mage. I'd follow you to the sun if I could."
Mystery RO #2;
A harsh growl reverberates through you as the man leaning against you glares at the storm trapping you inside. "Why are you so close to me?" You tease. "Shut it, Hell-spawn," He hisses, sending the glare at you briefly. "You aren't scary, you know," You start teasing him again. "Ah, that's definitely what you said when I almost impaled you with my horn," He smirks at you. "Unicorns aren't scary," You double down. Without warning, he pushes you up against the wall, holding you up by your wrists. His single horn is angled down, dangerously close to your left eye. You let out a shaky chuckle. That causes the unicorn to chuckle himself.
"Not scary, hm?" He teases, releasing you.
"Jokes on you; I wasn't scared!" You fire back, which was...partially true. He gives you a confused look, before a smirk rises to his face. "Oh? If you want anything more, then you'd better keep dreaming~" he purrs, before turning back to the window.
Mystery RO #3;
You peer past the building as the mob of guards rush by. You then look to your guide just behind you, pressed against the wall. She holds a clawed finger up to her beak, signaling for you to keep quiet. You nod, but watched as her tail flicked in irritation.
Minutes pass, but they feel like hours. A pair of hands grab your arm. "I think we can leave, but we shouldn't go that way there," your guide whispers in your ear. The smell of rain-soaked dirt and paper seeped into your nose; her scent somehow always surprised you. She then lets you go and beckons you to follow her down the alleyway.
As you walk you ask her a question that's been on your mind. "You... aren't part of a rebellion, right?" You whisper to her. "Nope," she states simply. "Why are you... helping us?"
She doesn't answer at first. You almost think she isn't going to answer at all, then she responds, "For you, I suppose."
You fluster a bit, "Wh-what?"
"I'm helping you, because I like you. You don't just use me then throw me away, and you try to help me when I help you. That's made me grow to like you, and seek out your company... even in shitty situations like this," she says, gesturing at the alleyway around you. You're... not sure how to respond to her.
She giggles, "I'll have to fluster you later, when I can actually enjoy it.~"
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foxsfiction · 2 years
Conspiratorially is a big word that I've somehow managed to pull out of my brain.
Other news, I'm working on some soft writings for the Howls of Rebellion ROs.
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