foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
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New Chapter Released!
Hello again! Hope your winter has gone well ❄️
With the public release of this new chapter we’re setting up the Crown’s daily routine as a monarch, while romance and courtly intrigue continue to build:
Diverging paths depending on your love interest, including scenes from your main LIs point of view! R and A accompany the Crown, but what are D and X up to in the meantime?
While the Crown becomes used to ruling, each LI experiences a shocking revelation in their main route, one that will cascade into future chapters
The Crown continues to grow and learn, being tutored in various subjects to increase their knowledge
Tutoring is not merely in theory: the Crown enjoys physical training, as well. Choose your favorite weapon and shape future fight scenes!
The Imperial Court is finally taking shape. Choose certain positions, receive political proposals, even form an alliance, if you have the points…
A few additional changes made to the game overall:
The codex page for the Crescent Blades has been added, including character art! It should be unlocked for all saves that are past Chapter 1
Changed various lore related names, mainly the ones referring to the Major Spirits, in order to better reference the Zoroastrian inspirations that Arsur’s religion is based on
Darkened the background color further to be friendlier on the eyes. Some day, I’ll add a proper dark mode, but that day is not today haha
Edited the Arsurian Calendar to match with the new background color, and also corrected the start and end dates of the months!
Thank you for all your patience and support, I hope you enjoy the new chapter with the nearing end of this winter 💖
For those that are unfamiliar with the game
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy romance story, told in the form of a text-based interactive novel with choice mechanics. The setting is inspired by Kurdish culture as well as other historical settings in the Middle East such as Ancient Persia, but it also draws heavily from other cultures and countries in the region.
Your character is native to Arsur, a vast empire overseen by a single ruler known as the Crown. Unlike traditional monarchies, however, the title is not inherited through blood. Whenever the Crown dies, their famed golden eyes pass on to the one chosen by the Spirits of this world to be the new Crown. In this story, your MC takes on that role.
There are four different love interests to choose from, whose genders will be customized to suit the preferences of your Crown. You can find more info about them on the blog page!
Also note that this current version of the game is safe for those 16 years and older.
Like the premise so far? Play it and give it a try! The entire game is free!
If you enjoyed the game, please reblog! Share it with your friends! Recognition and reader interaction is just about the only thing I get in return for creating it ❤️
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Valentines Day Drabble
Dagon takes a deep breath and clutches the bouquet of wildflowers to their chest. Their heart jumps to their throat when they hear your front door open. They turn around to face you with a big, goofy grin and red cheeks. They thrust the flowers into your chest. “Happy Valentines Day, chickadee!” They cheer. They shuffle their feet as you take the flowers and inspect them. “I know you’re probably tired of flowers, thanks to Dante, buuut I picked these. And looked up their meanings! …..They might not be the most accurate, though, aha,” Dagon scratches the back of their neck, “I’m not great at research and stuff, you know that. But I tried my best!”
They shake their head, “Anyways! I was wondering if you had any specific plans? For today? If not, I’d like to go on a little… walk. Show you something you might like!” You tell them you have some time before whatever you had planned, and would love to take a walk with them. Their smile grows, if it’s even possible. “Oh, good; great!! I’ll let you put your shoes on and stuff. Oh, and uh, leave the flowers here. You probably don’t want them to wilt or anything like that.”
Dagon takes your hand and leads you towards the direction of town. They don’t stop in town, though. They lead you right through, towards the woods. You both cross the railroad tracks and step onto the path. Then, they lead you carefully off the path towards a little clearing. A couple of thick blankets sit in the middle. A visibly full basket sits on those blankets. “Nothing like a picnic, huh? Little cold, but we should be okay,” Dagon says, letting go of your hand. They beckon you towards the set up, telling you all about what they’ve packed.
Tindra smiles softly to you as you open the front door. “Hullo, angel. Happy Valentines,” She greets, presenting you with a clumsily wrapped box. The only way you could tell she was flustered was by her eyes, which are a little wider than usual. “I’ve cleared my schedule for you. Father wasn’t happy about that, but he can shove it. My only concern today is you and making you happy,” She says, a tiny bit of anger popping into her voice when mentioning her father. You move away from the door, inviting her into your home.
You manage to clear the kitchen for yourself and Tindra. She gently prompts you to open her gift. You easily tear the heart-decorated wrapping paper and open the box to find a pink, white and red desert tray laid out for you neatly; three cupcakes with perfect white icing, chocolate pretzels, marshmallows, truffles, and cookies along with some of your favorite candy. When you look at the blond across the table, she’s watching you intensely. She actually blushes when she realizes you’re looking at her, “Do… do you like it, angel?”
Laverne smiles brightly as you open your front door. “Happy Valentines Day, lovey!” He borderline screams, holding out a giant box of chocolates and dropping a teddy bear that was tucked under his arm. He curses, scrambles to pick it up and winces as he holds that out too. His blush is bright, easy to see and his unusual fluster is admittedly cute. “I…. really have no idea what I’m doing honestly, lovey. Sorry if it’s too cheesy or cringy for you. I would’ve taken you to a fancy restaurant or something like that, but the idea makes me a little uncomfy. But, we can still have a good day around town! We can roam around the shops, and I’ll buy you whatever you want!” He rambles, showing off his nervousness. 
Seems you’d have to take the reins from here. But you know that no matter what you do, Laverne would be happy to spend the day with you.
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Poll unrelated to IFs
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
hey if you're a UK resident can you sign this petition and if not please rb to spread the word
this is an official UK government petition that they have to respond to if it reaches 10,000 signatures
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Sneak peek 2
When you opened the door the first thing you seen was Dagon. They took up a lot of the space; they’d gotten pretty tall. They smiled and offered an awkward wave. “Hey chickadee, ready to start the day?” Their voice had grown out of the squeaky, high pitched one they’d had before. It’d become smooth and whispery, but you could always understand them. “It’s too early for this,” You joked. They chuckled, “Sorry. I promise I’ll sleep in with you tomorrow.”
“You said that yesterday. And the day before that.”
Dagon scratched the back of their head sheepishly, “Oops?”
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
On a scale from 1 to 10, how weak are the RO to MC's puppy eyes?
As teens,
Laverne is a 9; he caves surprisingly quick lol. There are very few things that he won't give or do for MC. If MC told him to jump, he'd ask how high lol.
Tindra is a 2; she can hang on pretty good. She only gives in if it's a special occasion or something like that.
Dagon is a 5; they don't usually see the point in not giving you what you want or doing what you want to do. But they can put their foot down and be stubborn when they want or need to.
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
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Uroboros - Demo TBD
A 17+ fantasy interactive fiction story written in Twine where you play as the deity of eternity, deemed useless for having nothing within your domain. A struggle between mortals and gods sparks a conflict that may bring an end to the age of divine rule.
This game will be completely FREE to play in its entirety; no necessary in-game content will ever be monetized.
Keep reading
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
<<setGender>> macro
I decided to make a program that automatically writes a macro to set gender and code for initializing gender variables, ready to use! All you have to do is copy and paste it. This works for SugarCube as of 1/20/2023.
By default, she/her, he/him, and they/them are available, but through the program, you're able to add in more sets of pronouns if you'd like.
Demo - code written for initializing variables and widget entirely automated. You can also download the demo and upload it to your Twine to look inside.
<<setGender>> Syntax: <<setGender [RO] [gender]>>
RO: Indicate which character whose gender you want to set. Make sure it's lowercase.
gender: (optional) indicate what gender you want to set the RO to. Make sure this is lowercase. By default, you can write "f" for she/her, "m" for he/him, and "n" for they/them, but you can add more pronouns through the program. If you do not add this, gender will be randomized.
<<setGender "s" "f">> <<setGender "l" "m">> <<setGender "c" "n">> <<setGender "a">>
This will set S to she/her, L to he/him, C to "they/them" and A to a random gender.
How to implement it?
Make sure you have a StoryInit passage. If you don't know what that means, make a new passage and title it exactly as StoryInit
Make a widget passage. Name it "setGender" and then tag it as "widget" (no quotes)
Make sure you're on PC. The program makes it hard, if not impossible to copy the code if you're on mobile.
Go to the program. LINK TO THE PROGRAM. Follow the instructions. If it spits out an error code, re-run the program from scratch. Step-by-step guide below.
Once the program writes a whole load of jumbo, copy the entire thing and put it in your "setGender" passage.
After you press "y" to proceed, it'll write out what you need to copy and paste into your "storyInit" passage.
Code has been written!
<<setGender "s" "f">> <<setGender "l" "m">> <<setGender "c" "n">> <<setGender "a">>
This will set S to she/her, L to he/him, C to "they/them" and A to a random gender.
How to use in text?
If for Character S, you want to write "You saw them go to the market" but want to change them to whatever gender S is, you write $s_them. This will change it to him, her, or them depending on what gender they are.
If you want to do that for C instead, write $c_them. Just change the letter at the beginning.
You can use $x_they , $x_them , $x_their , $x_theirs , $x_themself . Change x to the initial of the character.
If it's "They are" vs "She is", write $x_is instead of "is" or "are" and replace x with whatever character is indicated.
If it's "They look" vs "He looks", write $x_s in front of "look", replacing x with the character. It'll add an S when needed.
If you want to capitalize the first letter of a pronoun, write <<print $x_they.toUpperFirst()>> , changing x to the character and "they" to whatever kind of pronoun you want to use.
Untitled Passage
<<setGender "s" "f">> <<print $s_they.toUpperFirst()>> sigh$s_s. You look at $s_them. <<print $s_they.toUpperFirst()>> look$s_s at ''$s_themself. That is $s_their dress. That is $s_theirs. <<print $s_they.toUpperFirst()>> $s_is sad.
She sighs. You look at her. She looks at herself. That is her dress. That is hers. She is sad.
Using the Program - Step by Step
This is additional help for anyone who needs it. Link to the program.
1 HOW MANY ROs. Set how many ROs whose genders you want to be able to change. Must be a whole number like "4" or "3". Technically can do up to 20 ROs. 2 INITIALS. Give each RO one letter initial. Alex is "A", Mickey is "M," and so on. If there are any ROs with the same initials, just give them another initial. 3 IS THAT CORRECT? Press either "y" to confirm you wrote their initials correctly, and "n" to redo.
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4 EXTRA PRONOUNS. After confirming what you've written is correct, it'll ask you if you want any more pronouns other than just she/her, he/him, and they/them. If not, press "n" and skip to Step 8. If you do, press "y" and keep reading. 5 ADDING PRONOUNS. Give your new pronouns an initial. Do NOT use "n", "f" or "m" as they are already to set the genders to they/them, she/her and he/him respectively. For example, I want to add xe/xem, so I'll make the new initial "x". 6 START WRITING THE PRONOUNS. Pronouns can be she/he/they, her/him/them, and so on. Write what your pronouns will look like in each form. Mine will look like xe, xem, etc. If it asks if the pronoun is plural, it's to differentiate whether to use "is" vs "are." For example, they are vs he is. 7 IS THAT CORRECT? Make sure the pronouns are correct. If not, the program will ask if you want to redo it. If yes, it'll ask if you want to add a new one. If either of this is the case, go back to Step 4. If not, go on to the next step.
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8 WIDGET. The program will write the entire code for the widget. Copy everything from <<widget "setGender">> to <</widget>>, and then paste into your "setGender" widget passage. To copy the text, highlight the text, right-click it, and select "Copy". Ctrl+C might not work.
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9 STORYINIT. If you're done, press "y" and it'll write the code you need to put into StoryInit. Remember to scroll up to make sure you're copy and pasting the entire code. To copy, highlight the text, right-click it, and select "Copy". Ctrl+C might not work.
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I hope that helps!
Writing gender variables is tedious. Not necessarily difficult, but very tedious. Hopefully, this goes a long way to eliminating the worst part of gender variables.
Please let me know if it does not work as intended, or you have any questions. Much love <3
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Help the author get their life back on track
Hello everyone.
As you likely know, I am not in a good position right now. I talked about how I lack the bare necessities in my apartment and how that is taking its toll on my mental energy, which in turn has a devastating effect on my creative stuff.
The situation is thus:
I am without a job and can't get one either due to various frustrating factors, health being one of them, another being living at... not the ass of the world, but if you head towards to light at the end of the tunnel that would be where you'd end up.
Anyway, my financial situation is dire. You people helped a lot in the past and got me out of some tight spots, but unfortunately the worst bits remain:
My teeth, and my apartment.
I talked about my teeth, so here's the issue with my apartment: It is -nice-, don't get me wrong, but it isn't a home yet, due to never having been able to get furniture (new or second hand) to store away everything proper.
For the past 13 years I've been living out of laundry baskets, moving stuff from one surface to the next if i needed one of them, and not being able to cook when I did laundry, cause the only space to dry my stuff is in the kitchen, in an are so small I can't even dry one load of laundry in one go, but have to wait about 2-3 days till everything's dry.
All of that is really getting me down. I feel pathetic and helpless, and I just can't do it anymore.
So, I am asking for help.
My k0fi is here:
Click Me For Coffee
Below is stuff I need to make my apartment a home and get myself back on track:
tumbledryer and new washing machine
wardrobe/closet (this has to be customemade (IKEA) due to my bedroom being cut very unfortunate and not being able to fit most off the shelf closests)
kitchen and livingroom shelves
fridge (I'm decently certain mine is close to going BOOM...)
potentially a new stove (same situation as the fridge)
Worst bit is, all of the above is still cheaper than getting all my teeth fixed, and I hate everything about that.
Sorry to be like this. Please, if you can help, do, I want to get back to writing without my brain noping out because we can't dry laundry while cooking.
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Emberwood is looking for Beta Testers!
Now that Chapter 2 is almost at the finish line, I would like some beta testers to help me make sure it's ready to be published !
Some things to take note of:
I do want to make it clear that beta testing will be done on Discord (when I figure out how to work it...) and you will need a Discord account to do it.
I would prefer beta testers be 18+ only because I'm 23 years old and would rather not privately chat with minors. I just feel uncomfortable! Plus, the story's rating may or may not change to reflect that in the future.
I ask for discretion. There will be chats that will be heavily spoilery, I may say things to add context for present chapters that beta testers need. Casual chats may be spoilery so I ask that beta testers keep it in the chat and don't spread the details of the story and keep it between our group.
Thanks ! <3
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
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(9/11/2022: chapter one and prologue fixed and updated.)
genre(s): small-town, romance, action, sci-fi, mystery
He leans forward, growing serious and looking at you right in the eyes. "I have a place. A place where you can serve your sentence without being stuck in a maximum security cell in some lab. Because where they will take you, it won't be an ordinary prison. Not for people of your caliber."
You sit backwards, a churning heat settling in the pit of your gut. Everything comes crashing down, falling over you at once. This man is proposing you live with him and other possible criminals. Criminals with powers like...you.
How the hell did you end up here?
Emberwood is a small-town romantic interactive fiction WIP described as X-Men meets Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.
When you get into an unexplainable accident that results in severe casualties, you're forced to relocate to the small town of Emberwood to serve your sentence in Dufner House, owned by a reclusive scientist who also happens to be the town's pariah.
It's either that or jail.
That's where you find out you're not the only one born with a unique ability that shouldn’t be possible. In fact, the eccentric Dr. Dufner is the caretaker of six other people with equally mysterious circumstances as you. And they are now your roommates—or more accurately, fellow inmates—for the foreseeable future.
But when oddities around town start cropping up and signs of a powerful threat lurk in the shadows, the truth of your past comes into question, and you begin to wonder how exactly you and everyone else in Dufner House got these powers.
Seems like your stay in Emberwood is going to get a lot more complicated.
— features.
Customize your characters appearance and sexuality and mold their personality as you see fit. The text and your character’s actions/reactions change based on your stats.
Romance and/or befriend seven characters with different personalities and backstories, six of which are gender selectable.
Have an option of 3 different abilities your character can possess (with the high likelihood of more being added later)
Get to know the town of Emberwood and the secrets of your past. This town is hiding many layers, will you care enough to find out? Or will you remain blissfully indifferent until your time is served?
Work on controlling and strengthening your power (or don’t) and discover all the things you can do.
Take down a looming threat that’s come to Emberwood.
…And maybe listen to a badly told Dad joke or two
— the characters.
Perry Dufner [M] — the dutiful son of Dr. Dufner, Perry is the makeshift leader in place of his chronically lazy father. Perry is kind and described as approachable both by appearance and personality, there’s not one unlikeable bone in his body. As the oldest in Dufner House, Perry tends to be the leader in most situations, especially due to his knack for charming the pants out of everyone. But still, people this good have to be hiding something, right?
Kind - Complacent - Responsible | Character Post
Finn/Fera [gender select.] — If there’s one thing F is, it’s the life of the party. With a penchant for flirting and a knack for getting into the biggest trouble, there’s never a dull moment with F. They’re aware of their own greatness and will make sure everyone knows it too. Still, their outgoing personality may be charming to some, while horribly obnoxious to others. In other words, F is an…acquired taste.
Energetic - Flirtatious - Outgoing | Character Post
Alexander/Alexandra “Alex” [gender select.] — Alex has probably spent more time napping than existing. Rivaling Dr. Dufner as the most lazy in the house, you can likely find Alex trying to catch some Z’s as much as possible. With a monotone voice and a preference for indifference, Alex has become accustomed to watching from afar, finding pleasure in mischief and gossip. They observe rather than engage, but don’t let their nonchalance fool you; Alex doesn’t mind a little chaos.
Lazy - Mischevious - Indifferent | Character Post
Kade/Kiera [gender select.] — The second oldest in the house, K isn’t much for fun and games. They spend most of their time in the library, avoiding the rest of the more energetic ones of the group (F). With a calm exterior and sharp wit, K is a good palette cleanser after a day of chaos from the rest of the house. Still, it can be hard to get along with them due to their lack of filter and sometimes brutal honesty. You can never really know what they’re thinking, and you get the sense they prefer it that way.
Studious - Reserved - Honest | Character Post
Daniel/Danielle ‘Dani’ [gender select.] — Dani is one word: angry, and they’re not shy about letting you know. You sense they don’t like you, but it seems like they don’t like anyone. Stoic and serious, befriending D seems like the most impossible outcome out of this whole thing. It’s quite obvious D has a lot of baggage, and their resentment comes from a dark past. Maybe, with enough effort, you can make a crack in the coldly harsh exterior of theirs….maybe.
Stoic - Intimidating - Loyal | Character Post
Noah/Nora [gender select.] — N is the last one you meet, and the most distant. Quiet and reserved, they don’t talk much…or almost at all. You can’t tell whether they actually like Dufner House or would rather murder everyone, but it’s not like you’ll get an answer either way. It doesn’t seem like N has any opinions of you; you’re just another face living in a house they want to be free from. Maybe you can change that.
Quiet - Melancholy - Uneasy | Character Post
Detective Eva/Everett Morales [gender select.] — E Morales is the detective of Emberwood and the main face of the town, right behind the mayor. They’re deeply embedded into the workings of the place and ever so curious of what goes on in mysterious Dufner House. You’ll be lying to them, and that’ll only make them more determined. Maybe a good thing? Or maybe not.
Determined - Suspicious - Respected | Character Post
Emberwood is my first IF and my first foray into Choicescript and interactive fiction telling. As usual, if there are any errors or typos, please let me know and I'll be sure to fix them. Thank you and hope you enjoy <3
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
Drafting some scenes you guys won't see for a WHILE, but I thought I'd share some of them
This is 1 of... I'm not sure how many I'll post, actually.
He pulled you close and buried his nose in your shoulder. His embrace was as warm as a fireplace after an entire day in the snow. The gesture told you everything he couldn’t verbally tell you; that he cared for you, and would love you no matter what. You felt him gently kiss your cheek and murmur, “Sorry I’m not good with words… I wish I was. You deserve… just… every good thing. You deserve love and happiness and comfort and just… everything. I love you so, so much.” He buried his face in your shoulder again. You hadn’t noticed until now that he’d started subtly rocking side to side with you. The two of you stayed that way for a while.
When you untangled from each other, Laverne took hold of your hands. He held them gently and carefully played with your fingers.
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
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The Our Life Now & Forever Demo has been updated!
Thank you to everyone who has been looking forward to this. If you’ve played the demo before, here’s a quick rundown of what’s new; 25,000 more words, new MC doll accessories, the ‘create your own MC bio’ feature, sound effects through all scenes, plus other small tweaks and improvements.
Besides the build itself, the store pages were remade to feature new promotional art, screenshots, and an improved description. Progress and polish for the game are coming along very well 💕.
Itch.io Page (PC, Mac, Android)
Steam Page (PC Only)
Game Premise:
Fall settles over the charming mountain town of Golden Grove as the story begins. But it isn’t only glittering leaves that are changing. You and your mom leave behind everything you knew before when you move to a new home nestled right in the middle of a tight knit cul-de-sac. It’s there where a paper airplane lands at your feet and brings you to unanticipated crossroads.
Make your own path through life as you grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. Even in the chilly autumn weather, it’ll be a truly heartwarming time.
Demo Features:
A 75,000-word script and dozens of choices to make
Design your own MC in terms of appearance, identity, personality, and preferences
Make a personalized bio image for your MC that can be saved and shared
Develop your own custom dynamic with the two leads
Customize the font style and textbox arrangement to suit your preferences
Enjoy a music room to listen to the OST at your leisure
Thanks again for waiting for the update. It’s been great seeing how excited people are to spend more time in the town of Golden Grove. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon there in these new scenes!
[The beta build you can get on Tier 2 and up of the Patreon has an additional script section not in the public demo.]
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foxsfiction ¡ 1 year
quick! choose ONE song that you feel is your IFs "theme song"
Ooof, first ask in a while. Uh, for A Life Worth Living I'd say Brand New by Ben Rector.
For Howls of Rebellion, I really can't put a song to that one. It's currently getting completely redone, premise and all lmao.
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foxsfiction ¡ 2 years
Would anyone be up for starting a writing club? Kinda like study club but for writing. I’m having trouble focusing on writing because I don’t have a dedicated time for it at the moment, so I wondered if doing it with other people might help. Let me know if you’re interested!
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foxsfiction ¡ 2 years
friends warned me that downloading genshin impact is a bad idea because I’m very susceptible to getting addicted to things and yet…I’m still doing it even though I should be writing ack!
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foxsfiction ¡ 2 years
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An Emberwood Halloween: 2022 Special
Halloween has rolled into the sleepy town of Emberwood in the shape of a festive carnival. You and the Dufner residents (and E) have decided to take a break from the craziness in Emberwood for some well deserved reprieve. 
Dress up in a costume (or don't) and hang out with the group or your favorite RO. Remember: be sure to have fun and enjoy the lighthearted atmosphere because it does not last :)
Go ferris-wheeling with Alex
Play a stall or two with Perry
Go on a swing ride with K
Go pumpkin carving with N
Get lost in a corn maze with Dani
Grab a bite to eat with F
Go to a haunted house with E
Or engage in a very mature and adult round of hide-and-seek with the Dufner residents, but be careful: you can lose.
(This is non-canon bonus content and isn't part of the main storyline.)
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