huitangerine · 1 month
Sleepy Mangta Ray 😴 🫧
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🌆🎶Stream Hope On The Street Vol. 1 on Spotify!:
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junseo-ia · 2 years
»» 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙
[ @huimang-ia ]
Junseo took in a deep breath as he stood in front of the rows of display cases inside of the bakery, his eyes taking in every fluffy and soft pastry - senses overflowing with bliss. He loved bakeries and cafes more than anything else in the world. It was a reminder of the simple things that the world had to offer. No matter what realm - if there were sweets, you'd find him there. He held the little woven basket in his hands, already a few red bean buns inside as he started to browse the rest of the selection.
It was quite a sight really, seeing the stoic faced man in a setting like this. Only a few people who knew Junseo well would know that sweets were his weakness to almost any situation. He was one of those people who could be easily bribed if the right sweets were put on the table.
He walked around the middle display case and to the left he noticed a small fridge adorned with drinks and a few snacks. At first glance nothing seemed to catch his eye, but he then saw a lonesome small jar of pudding sitting along the side of the fridge. Junseo's brows lifted as his eyes lit up and to his dismay, a small boy was trying to reach the last cup. Junseo smirked to himself and looked down at him, their eyes meeting before both glancing at the pudding. He grabbed the last jar and the boy lit up, extending his hand out to the jar in Jun's hand.
"Hm? Oh you thought I was getting this for you?" Jun grinned knowingly and shook the jar a bit in his hand. "Oh no...this is the last one huh? Mm...shame. Maybe when you grow taller." He jeered at the boy. The child's face started off in disbelief and then slowly turned into a saddened expression, eyes starting to well with tears as he sniffled. Jun rolled his eyes and gave the boy one of the seven red bean buns he had grabbed and went up to the register, paying for all of his goods. Once everything was bagged, Jun left the bakery but not before cheekily sticking his tongue out at the boy as he walked out the door, shaking his bag of sweets in his hand before strolling out, whistling to himself.
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jaehyun-updates · 2 months
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160924 NCT Jaehyun at 10th Green Ribbon Marathon 'Huimang Concert'‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ © banana fish do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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minieviews · 2 years
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huimang.psd — before/after
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sweetwolf05 · 2 years
Some of pics may be not suitable for audiences.
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Dastardly Bombers in Bomberman XV Years
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spencer-ia · 2 years
"Welcome to Sueño Bubbletea & snacks, how can I help you today?" The imaginary asks the person who just walked into the shop- perhaps by accident. Perhaps on purpose, who knew.
Spencer shot the barista a smile despite the fatigue that sat heavily on his shoulders. He never understood why some people were rude or standoffish to anyone behind a counter. Because regardless of what one's mood was, the reaper knew that everyone was simply trying to get by in life.
"Hey, I hope you're having a great day so far." The words were said softly as brown eyes trail over the menu. Spencer couldn't help but bring up a fist to rub his eye, quietly hissing in pain as his lenses practically stabbed his eyeballs. He probably needed some eye drops, but getting caffeine was more important. "What drink do you have that has the most caffeine in it? Or sugar? I'm not picky really, I just need something to wake me up."
God, maybe he shouldn't have gone to that party last night. Whoever said that it was going to be "just a small and intimate get-together" definitely didn't know what those words even meant.
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serendipitous-seven · 7 months
dad!bts series mlist | a serendipitous life
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welcome to my dad!bts series, a world i created with comfort in mind while we see how ot7 navigate through hardship and moments of bliss alongside their families. i started this series on my original blog moon-write, never expecting it to touch readers the way it did; i'm eager to bring it back. this series & my little families are very dear to my heart so i hope you'll treat it with kindess. find a cozy spot & stick around.
disclaimer: this series contains content that may be triggering, including but not limited to, pregnancies, medical emergencies, mental health, and occurrences that are emotional and distressing, please heed content warnings before proceeding. readers are nick-named & written in a female perspective.
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meet the readers | the hyung's wives, the maknae's wives a little bit of insight on each members' partner.
how you met | backstories a look into the members' pasts and how they came to meet their future s/o's.
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↳ reader: bell jeon | offspring: eun jung
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: luv kim | offspring: haneul
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: chick park | offspring: jiun & jinyeol
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: moon kim | offspring: iseul & eunjoo
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: sunny jung | offspring: huimang
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
'i can hear him smile.' | hobi & sunny | family fluff | 1k + you aren't quite sure why hobi is so quiet since returning from tour.
childhood years;
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↳ reader: kitt min | offspring: dae
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: hart kim | offspring: gi, yun, & junsu
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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This is a work of fiction curated from my own imagination and written as a creative outlet for entertainment purposes only. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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vindicated-truth · 2 months
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In another universe, this is exactly how Joowon and Dongsik down the line would be when they finally reunite and finally have the choice to be together.
It's so easy to picture it:
They're having a meal at Jaeyi's, and Jihoon whips out his new polaroid camera; he keeps taking candid photos of everyone gathered around the table, Jihwa's amused exasperation and Jaeyi's laughter resounding in the background.
Jihoon turns to the two of them—and it hits him for the first time that this Dongsik and this Joowon, still sitting together even after all this time, but this time glued from shoulder to hip, not a smidgen of space between them at all, legs touching from hip to ankle beneath the table as they are lost in their own world, just the two of them, conversing in hushed tones as they fill each other's bowls with each other's preferred food, sharing smiles that now seem to come as easy as breathing, the crow's feet in Dongsik's eyes crinkling as Joowon's weighted gaze softens into something so tender and intimate—
And Jihoon realizes, for the first time, that this is how Dongsik and Joowon look like with their burdens finally lightened and the shadows that dogged their every step finally vanquished.
And as Jihoon raises his camera to capture the moment, Dongsik catches the movement out of the corner of his gaze—the reflexes of a detective still very much instilled in him, even after being out of the force for quite sometime now—
And with a full-on grin, Dongsik grabs Joowon to pose for Jihoon's camera, where Joowon is startled into laughter—genuine and bright.
And it makes Jihoon's chest constrict tightly, seeing this kind of happiness that only the two of them can bring out in each other, because Jihoon has never thought he will see it in them—like this.
Later, Dongsik finds Joowon standing quietly in the middle of their kitchen, thoughtfully caressing the photo; Dongsik pads up to him softly, letting his footsteps patter on the linoleum floor to gently alert Joowon of his presence, yet Joowon only sighs against Dongsik's chest when Dongsik sidles against Joowon's back to wrap his arms around Joowon's waist.
Wordlessly, Dongsik watches as Joowon pins the polaroid on their refrigerator with the xiezhi magnet he got Joowon as a gift. Together, they quietly gaze at the growing array of photos pinned around the fridge: little Huimang growing up quickly before their eyes in their photos with Dosoo and Seonnyeo; Joowon's strange expression of both annoyance and fondness as Hyeok joins their gatherings at the butcher shop; the wacky group photos at Gwangyoung's wedding where the rest of the guests were looking at them like they were insane; the photos during Ohsub's promotion as the Chief of Munju station; Joowon’s gobsmacked expeession when Jaeyi laughingly threw eggs at him as Jihwa brandished her barbecue tongs while chasing Jihoon around the lake house where they all had their summer outing in memory of Nam Sangbae.
"What a family we have, Joowon-ah," Dongsik murmurs by Joowon's ear, rustling the hairs by his nape; Joowon laces his fingers through Dongsik's hands and simply holds on.
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emerald-notes · 1 year
Jack In The Box, album by J-Hope
Notes: It’s time to express some of my thoughts regarding every member’s solo albums and singles. I’ve been putting it off for months. Let’s do it without further delay, starting with the first member to have released his solo album.
1. Intro: 9/10
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“It flapped its delicate wings as it danced around Pandora, lightly brushing against her shoulder.”
Basically it’s the story of Pandora in Greek Mythology and the origin of hope in the mortal world. If you haven’t heard it yet, this post is a sign for you to look it up (also check out Ted Ed’s video ‘The myth of Pandora’s box’ for more details). The narration of the story (J-Hope’s intro) is smooth and short. It sounds pleasing to the ears. And it is definitely a unique idea for his album’s intro. I believe what Hoseok’s been trying to tell is that what he is to the Armys is what hope is to all the people on earth.
2. Pandora’s Box: 10/10
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“J to the Hope, Jung to the Huimang, Jack in the box”
Only Hoseok can make a fine connection between a myth, a toy and his whole personality and also make total sense. It’s probably my first time listening to a song that is a retelling of a myth. And Hoseok did an amazing job here. The lyrics made my jaw drop, like literally. I said it once and I’ll say it a hundred times, BTS is one of the few artists who knows what poetry truly is. And this song is one of the many living proofs.
3. More: 8.5/10
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“My work makes me breathe. So I want more”
The first released song with the music video shook me a great deal like it did to many Armys I’m sure. The sunshine of the group in such a grim-emo kinda look was absolutely out of the blue. Nevertheless, this vibe suits him right. Comparing their passion for making art with an awful addiction is a thing BTS did in their early works too. I can see that theme portrayed from Hoseok’s perspective so well.
4. Stop: 6.5/10
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“The only belief that rules over me, ‘There are no bad people in the world’”
The struggle of freeing yourself of the innate nature of being judgmental is portrayed in this masterpiece. Shoutout to Hoseok for speaking about the truth of today's world and people’s values and ethics while still keeping an open mind, making sure not to judge anyone harshly. The lyrics definitely deserve praise. But personally I think it is not a song that I can listen to more than once.
5. = (Equal Sign): 7/10
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“Same, the breaths we breathe. Same, the dreams we dream of”
Yes! Sing it, J-hope. Who’s going to give us hope at times of despair if it isn’t you? The change is indeed soon to begin. We’re all in this together. Let’s make a better world without prejudice and hate. BTS, as well as us, the Armys; we believe in ‘Love’.
6. Music Box: Reflection: 10/10
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This one is actually brilliant. At first I played it on repeat many times a day. I even set it as my alarm ringtone and it is still there. I know, we shouldn’t be doing that because it makes us hate the music afterwards. But I still couldn’t grow to dislike it. This music has a whole aesthetic to it that makes me imagine myself in a music video everytime I play it.
7. What If...: 8.5/10
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“What if I have nothing?”
This one shows what Hoseok has been trying to portray through the whole album pretty directly. You can see him questioning his own personality. Is he really all sunshine and rainbows inside out? I mean, is that even possible for a human? You can hear his passion pouring out in the voice. Chef’s kiss to the bravery of finally speaking out; louder for the people on the back.
8. Safety Zone: 8/10
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“In my 20’s, I’m living an endless life”
It hurts when you look up a song and you find the lyrics so sad. The life of an idol is never really easy. People need to keep in mind that these idols are humans too. Give them some break for God’s sake. They talk about their struggles through their songs and yet we fail to see it. I really hope Hoseok finds peace and happiness that he deserves.
9. Future: 6.5/10
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“Walking in the future, a step of hope”
The fact that Hoseok worries about his future too shows how much he is like us. After all, at the end of the day, we’re all human. Let’s keep our courage and step forward.
10. Arson: 10/10
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“Do I put out the fire or burn even brighter?”
Just think about the poetic effect of the last line of the last song. Even though I liked most of the songs from this album, Arson takes the trophy. The music, the lyrics, the mv, everything is just fine as fine can be. J-Hope never disappoints us with his unique ideas. I’m in love…
Notes: The album is a masterpiece and it deserves all the attention it got and more. Apart from the fact that the music and the beats are all kinda dope, we need to focus on its lyricism too. This album feels like a cry for help. We need to acknowledge Hoseok's struggle as an idol and try to sympathize. Let's try to become the best version of ourselves as fans and let our idols live a normal life while supporting them unconditionally.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Does Hobi call Mia Huimang more often than not?
He does 🥰
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huitangerine · 2 months
Mangtober 2024 is coming!: "Mahou Mangie" 🐿️🎀✨
I'm working on my prompts for Mangtober 2024. It's a remake of "Mang and the Magic Wand" from 2023, but more retro magical girl-themed this time.🐿️🎀✨ I'll post the prompt list near the end of September. Here's a WIP of "Mahou Mangie":
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lyrics365 · 13 days
백색왜성 (White dwarf) (Feat. Vincent)
yeogi igose gallimgil soge seontaek He vanished without trace jeo meolli sarajyeoga machi yeogiseo momseorichideon gieok No pain no gain neukkiji mothan gieok sarajindan geol algo itjiman jueojin sigan namainneun geol majimak huimang soge gathyeoinneun geol deo keuge sorichimyeo tabeoril geoya dareun haengseongeseodo nareul chajeul su itge hogyeona nareul chatji mothaljirado bicheul taewo deo…
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jaehyun-updates · 2 years
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160924 NCT Jaehyun at 10th Green Ribbon Marathon 'Huimang Concert'‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ © chocolate do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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valentine-ia · 8 months
DONE. If I missed any- then the flower monster ate it!
Please check your inbox:
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lyricshot-net · 8 months
eonjengabuteo gileul ileotteo ttubeokttubeok gyesok geoleotteo dolagagien neomu neujeotteo mugeoun nuneuro haneuleul deodeumne giyakeobsneun huimange gadhyeo dwidolaboneun eolguleun seulpeo sandaneunge jidokhaedo jeongjikhan sarameuro jukgehaejwoyo ije tteonago sipeo domangchigo sipeo eodironga ije jayurobgo sipeo haneului saecheoreom dolaboji aneulrae 언젠가부터 길을 잃었어 뚜벅뚜벅 계속 걸었어 돌아가기엔 너무 늦었어 무거운…
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pink-factory · 1 year
Pink Factory 2023 International Exhibition
HONGCHEON CROSSING: Long Distance Short Cuts of Life
2023.09.23 (sat) – 10.22 (sun)
Hongcheon Art Museum (Gangwon-do, Hongcheon-gun, Hongcheon-eup, Huimang-ro 55)
open 10am–6pm, closed every Monday and Sept. 29th
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Jan Gartner, Kang Youngmean, Katrin Baumgärtner, Bae MiJung, Philipp Seiler, Maksymilian Suwiczak, Marian Waibl, Name, Lee Eun Kyong, Jeon Suhyun, Florian Karg, Johannes Klemen
director: Yong Hae Sook
curator: Kim Min-kwan
associate curator: Kyoung Jae Cho
coordinator: Aletheia Hyun-Jin Shin
design: Marian Waibl
hosted by Hongcheon Regional Culture Space “Pink Factory”
funded by Arts Council Korea (ARKO)
support: Hongcheon Town, Urban Regeneration Support Center Hongcheon, Hongcheon County, Hongcheon Central Market Association, Jungang Inn, Hongcheon Village Heads’ Council
OPENING 09.23 (sat), 5 pm, opening performances 6:30 pm
part 1: Pansori (singer: Kim Oksun, drummer: Lim Myeongseon
part 2: Black Air (band members: Florian Karg, Stephan Leeb, Marian Waibl, Philipp Seiler)
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