#Hush now Kipper
tornadoyoungiron · 11 months
TRAINTOBER | Day 25 - Distress Signal
Tornado has firebox issues one morning on Sodor and is ashamed of her design. Luckily, Henry understands.
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It was well after dawn as Henry came back into the sheds after pulling the Flying Kipper. He always enjoyed the trip back with the empty wagons. The sun was rising and the air was crisp, smelt of tree sap and morning dew. 
It was without a doubt, heavenly. All these years pulling trains, and roaming the island of Sodor, no matter his task, it never once lost its beauty nor its charm.
The sweet scent of morning dew was however broken by the smell of aerosol and smoke as Henry entered his berth for a well-earned rest. To his surprise, he found Tornado still in the sheds looking half asleep and out of it.
“Tornado? Aren’t you supposed to be pulling the express today?” Henry inquired and Tornado gave a weak moan and glanced at the other green engine.
“I don’t feel well,” she grumbled wearily. “I can’t keep my steam pressure up.”
“Oh,” Henry knew that feeling all too well. “I know, a damn shame when that happens.”
Tornado just moaned in reply and gave an unhappy sigh in response.
“I want to run,” she tried to assure Henry. “But I feel so weak, the engineers built my firebox too small at first. They said they fixed it but… I still have days like this, it’s awful!”
Henry’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“That’s the same issue I had with my original shape!” Henry pointed out and Tornado glanced over at him.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yes, my design was flawed because I was built from one of Gresley’s rejected blueprints of his Pacifics, of Gordon’s class,” Henry explained. “According to Olivia, she examined the original blueprints and said that her great-grandfather threw out the design because the firebox was miscalculated and drawn too small!”
Tornado gave a soft hum and then looked at the floor.
“Well, my design flaws are more, they had to interpret the designs without notes,” Tornado murmured. “No one back then made notes on the shorthand on the designs, so my trust had to do a lot of guesswork when building me.”
“Ah I see, well now that is a pain,” Henry murmured and Tornado chuckled. 
“I feel a bit better talking to you though, thank you Henry,” she smiled at him and Henry returned it. 
“It’s my pleasure Tornado!” Henry chortled. 
Both engines looked over as they saw the Fat Controller enter the roundhouse.
“Hello you two! Hope you had a good run this morning Henry!” The Controller greeted the engines.
“Yes sir, an excellent run thank you sir!” The Black 5 informed him and the man nodded to him before turning to Tornado. His eyes softened when he saw the distress in her eyes.
“I’m sorry for not being able to pull the express sir! I really don’t want to let you down! Please sir! I’m trying my best to keep my pressure up but I can’t-” Tornado began rambling at him but he quickly intervened by gently hushing her.
“It’s not your fault Tornado, please, please calm down, I know that you’d never let your passengers down if you can help it, it’s okay!” He reassured the fretting engine. He turned to her lead engineer, Chloe who looked equally regretfully. “Do you think she’ll be able to up and running in time?”
“No sir, her problems are a design fault that needs to be rectified with a redesigned firebox,” Chloe regretfully claimed and Sir Topham Hatt looked concerned. “She can steam perfectly well some days but on others she struggles to even breath.”
“A familiar problem I see,” Sir Topham murmured with a glance at Henry who blushed in response. “Well then, for today you a relived of your duty in looking after Gordon’s express.”
“But who will take it instead?” Tornado whined in response. “I can’t let down the passengers!”
“I’ll take it sir!” Henry interjected before the man could respond. Sir Topham Hatt raised an eyebrow at him, a sceptical look on his face.
“Henry, you have just come back from the Flying Kipper, you wouldn’t have had a rest before pulling the express,” the Controller pointed out but Henry just smirked.
“It just means I’m already warmed and ready to go, sir!” Henry exclaimed. “I can take Tornado’s crew and one of my morning shift crew to help them out!”
Sir Topham paused for a moment then gave him a brilliant smile. 
“Well now, who am I to deny such enthusiasm!” He laughed jovially. “Very well Henry, you may take the express this morning!”
“Thank you, sir! It’s been a while, sir!”
“I’m sure you’ll do great!” The man cheerily waved Henry off before turning to address Tornado. “You have access to the Sodor Steamworks if you should need them, young lady.”
Tornado smiled gratefully in return, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that sir!”
“Righty-o then! Good morning all!” With that, the man was off with a bounce in his step.
Tornado glanced back at Henry. “You didn’t have to do that Henry.”
“It’s nothing,” Henry smiled. “Besides, I know what you’re going through and I always appreciated the help when I was having a morning.”
Tornado grinned before glancing around to check no other engines were around.
“I heard Gordon doesn’t think you’re fast enough for the express,” she smirked.
“Oh, we shall see about that!” Henry puffed up as he went to steam out of the sheds. “We shall see indeed!”
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Tornado begins to play big engine games with the big engines for she is a big engine.
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memory-bees · 4 years
if you or a loved one have watched the ending of supernatural you might be entitled to financial compensation
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forvalor-blog · 5 years
DISCLAIMER:  All ‘’English’’ in this drabble is actually Kipper, my muses’ native language.
                 The longer he's remained here, the more hopeless he's become.  The Kippuh District is home to the Kipps, a group of successful, diligent, powerful creatures that maintain order and peace...  or, at least, that’s what they want others to believe.  What Jon has lived amongst is nothing more than a bunch of spiteful, brutish monsters who have no regard for others.  The more time he spends here, the more twisted up about his kind that he becomes.
                 His isolation was slow but steady.  The more disgust he’d stored inside, the more he’d taken himself away from his creed.  Morning classes were something he’d been avoiding for a while, too embarrassed by his slow development and lack of improvement to keep on facing his disgruntled elders, but now he made a point of missing them, of walking past when he should be seating himself firmly in place.  He simply has no desire to serve these creatures any more.
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                 ❛❛ If you keep sulking on your own like this, you’ll never improve. ❜❜
                 Her voice cuts through the night like the edge of a serrated knife.  Hurri has always been forward in nature, so unrelentingly fierce that most refuse to cross her.  Her magical prowess is mostly unrivalled and it’s clear that their teachers have taken a shine to her.  Even so, Valor suspects something more sinister at play.  They pull her aside often, speak in hushed whispers as if divulging governmental secrets...  though he wants to know the truth, he doesn’t know if he’d be able to stomach it like she can.
                 The lake he sits at is a curious sight.  It’s fairly narrow, though appears bottomless in nature.  Even throwing objects in and listening for the impact hasn’t yielded any results as to how deep the pit runs.  Back before the law was altered, people used to be put to death by having contraband books that been bound together with magic tied to their feet and being submerged.  They’d sink ‘’forever’’, drowning in the ether, along with the garbage that the district couldn’t find another use for.  Sometimes, he ponders on whether he should drown himself there too.
                 ❛❛ I guess it’s easy for somebody who doesn’t struggle with the practise to say. ❜❜   He doesn’t mean to sound bitter, but he can’t help himself.  Even she, somebody he admires and respects greatly for her prodigious power, makes him feel unreasonably irritated.
                 ❛❛ It wasn’t always easy, ❜❜   she declares with a haughty huff, moving to sit beside him.  There lies a small portion of distance between them, ever the fleeting specie, but it feels like an age away.  Their robes touch though, a mix of tan and white cast out over the bank like a short row of ghosts.   ❛❛ You have to practise to be any good at anything, you dolt.  Or did you expect to walk in and be a master? ❜❜
                 ❛❛ I didn’t expect anything. ❜❜
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                 The tense silence between them weighs heavily on their shoulders, though neither of them feel equipped with the appropriate language to break it.  From Hurri’s perspective, Valor is a pitiful case, but that doesn’t mean she hates him.  In fact, it just means that she does what she can to urge him on.  If that means approaching the ostracised despite the outward disapproval of her peers then so be it.
                 Physical contact is a rarity for their solitary breed.  It’s why Valor jumps when she places her hand on his arm.  Even through the thick material, a soft warmth blossoms across his skin.
                 ❛❛ ... Jon. ❜❜   His first name is such a foreign sounding word.  It prompts his ears to twitch, head turning in her direction.  In the moment, he doesn’t know whether to be offended or bashful, a blueish tint flaring up along the tips of his ears as he stares wordlessly at her.  Sure she has his attention, the usually stone-faced Kipp offers him a small smile.   ❛❛ I know you can do it if you keep trying.  These silly fantasies about running away will only put you into an early grave.  Stay and prosper, like I know you can. ❜❜
                 Not the type to be kind nor personal, Hurri’s words take their place in his brain.  Hope blooms in his cavernous chest, a light feeling filling the gaping chasm that his heart would sit in if he possessed one.  He hasn’t felt so carefree in decades.  The stress of being behind in his teachings has been steadily burning a hole through his confidence.
                 A meek smile shapes his lips, thankful and raw.   ❛❛ I really appre-- ❜❜   His words are interrupted by an alien beam of light encompassing the pair of them.  Instinctively, both of their eyes travel upwards, staring straight into the emerald light.  An odd star-esque thing that neither of them have ever seen before hovers above them.  It appears a lot closer than it actually is;  an obscure rhombus shape that fizzles with green light, basking their surroundings in a quaint jade glow.    ❛❛ ... what is that...? ❜❜
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                 ❛❛ I...  don’t know... ❜❜   she replies truthfully, voice quiet, as if she’s afraid it will shatter the thing into pieces if she raises it.
                 A strange feeling fills them, both existential and hopeful.  In that moment, they both know they’ve witnessed something extraordinary.  These kinds of things don’t happen often, especially not in a place as strict as Kippuh is.  Jon half-anticipates being whisked away somewhere, being lifted into the air against his will and carried across the cosmos, travelling the course of this divine light until he’s inevitably left stranded amongst the stars.  At this point, he doesn’t even know if he’d mind that.
                 The bright flash that suddenly occurs blinds them both, arms flying up in an attempt to shield their eyes.  Even through both sets of limbs and their thick garments, the light burns, as if it’s trying to leave its scalding imprint on the backs of their eyelids.  After a few seconds, it dims down--  enough for Jon to squint into the sky once more.  He watches as this nameless shape morphs into something else, a small smokey cross, before it bursts into fiery lime embers that are carried away by the breeze.
                 Jon stands up quickly, as if he expects to catch one of them.  An elation he’s never felt before fills him slowly, cobalt eyes alight with excitement.  Pointing at her, he barks a redundant:   ❛❛ Did you SEE THAT?! ❜❜
                 ❛❛ Well, Valor, I do have eyes. ❜❜   She blinks a few times, trying to clear her vision.  Even though the light is gone, it seems to have left its lasting impression on her.   ❛❛ I’m unsure whether they work now, though-- ❜❜
                 ❛❛ That was AMAZING!!  What WAS that?! ❜❜   Before she can reply, his hand dives into his robe.  The sound of ruffling parchment and the flap of a quill can be heard.   ❛❛ I’ll document it!!  Maybe I can study that instead of magic spells-- ❜❜
                 ❛❛ Valor. ❜❜                  ❛❛ Maybe there’s cross-over!!  It HAD to be magic!!  Surely I’d be allowed. ❜❜                  ❛❛ Valor. ❜❜
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                 ❛❛ What should I title it?  ‘’The Turquoise Terror’’?  ‘’The Emerald Enigma’’?  Oh, maybe I could... ❜❜   His surroundings flicker, words trailing off into silence.  Steadily, his head becomes clouded, filled with fog, and for a few seconds, he think he’s discovered what the colour green feels like.  His head is full of it, vibrating with its intensity, and then there’s a flash of white that sees him dropping his writing utensils to the ground.
                 The last thing he recalls is the sound of both of their bodies plummeting back down to Earth as they collapse.
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disrepairhouse · 5 years
Chapter 23 - It Begins
Itara’s ear flicked again, as it had been for the past half hour of the tour.  She was still up on Metal Sonic’s shoulders, attempting to escape, but between the twitch and the heavy dread returning so suddenly and violently she was finding it hard to focus on escape plans.  At first she attempted to rationalize it away as a combination of her dreams and the worry that she may not be able to get to the manuscripts, but it was quickly feeling like much more.  Frowning, she reached up to flick the offending ear, though cringed at her own assault and returned to pouting.
“Sparky.” He ignored her, prompting her to hiss sharply, “Sparky.”  Finally she got a slight shift from the robot that was likely drowning the world out.  Once she was sure she had his attention, however, she continued in a hushed tone, “Something’s wrong.”
“Something has been wrong since RK plotted against me to force me on this trip,” the unamused bot growled.
“No, I mean something is… actually wrong.  I… I don’t know what… but…,” she trailed off, looking around.  They were at least back outside, crossing from one building to the next, headed from some classrooms to the main building, but Itara felt no relief.  It meant she was finally closer to the museum, but she couldn’t shake the dread and neither could she pinpoint the problem.
“If this is your attempt at a ruse,” Metal sighed, but was quickly cut off.
“As if I’d be so obvious.  No, something is happening… I just don’t know what.”
The robot looked to the trail of children before coming to a stop, scanning the immediate area.  It was difficult to pinpoint anything specific in such a crowded area, not that he knew what he was looking for to begin with, but figured he would pick up on a major energy signature if there was one to find.  After an initial scan, however, nothing came up and he peered back at the hedgehog child with a sharp gaze.  “My scanners are picking nothing up, what are you scheming?”
“Look, Metal, it’s….”  She stopped herself, however, and sighed instead.  Leaning heavily against him, she motioned towards the group that had yet to notice their stop.  “Forget it. Just go back to the group.”  To be fair, not even she knew what was wrong. Maybe it was just her dreams getting to her.  It was hard to tell anymore.  Not even she was oblivious to her loosening grip on reality lately and was finding it increasingly difficult to trust her own judgement.  She was growing paranoid.
Metal eyed her suspiciously for a moment longer before continuing on to catch back up with the group, though three of his much longer strides put them right back with the group of tiny, shuffling legs easily. Itara remained silent for several minutes afterwards, though whether it was from her apparent concern or because she was still plotting to escape, Metal didn’t know.  She’d tried several tactics between the dormitories and the classrooms, none of which being overly successful, so her silence and stillness now was suspicious to him.
As they entered the main hall of the largest building, however, the tiny hedgehog let out a long, quiet sigh of relief, prompting another glance from the bot.  To his surprise, he felt her lean further against him and tightened his grip ever so slightly on her ankles.  The children and guide in front of them continued on, utterly unaware of the disquiet behind them.
Until the mobian children and chaperones stopped rather suddenly, ears perked, as they looked in several directions.  Their human classmates and tour guide stopped with them, turning curious glances on their animal companions before exchanging looks with one another.  The movement hardly went unnoticed by the two at the back, either, as Itara’s ears perked and Metal Sonic’s radars alerted him to an enormous amount of building energy, both organic and robotic in nature.
“Is something wrong?” the tour guide questioned, unsure of the mobian reactions.
“Do you guys not hear that?” one of the mobian children asked, turning to a human friend.
“Hear what?”
“I suggest you vacate this area immediately,” Metal stated flatly, showing little genuine concern for those around him and barely keeping the grin off his face as he pulled Itara up and off his shoulders.
“Sparky,” Itara warned, having a decent idea of what might be coming, at least one source.
“That includes you,” Metal added, eyeing her.
“What are you picking up, exactly?”
“Anomalies… and a substantial electric power with familiar readings.”
Itara’s brows furrowed as she considered what he meant while her classmates grouped up and talked in hushed tones with each other. Once the realization hit, however, her eyes widened as she moved closer to him again, “Do not.”
“You plan to stop me?”  The towering, red-eyed robot was already loosening up to fight the encroaching enemies with little reserve.
“Are you insane?  You can’t engage with badniks, Sparky.”
Itara glared over her shoulder at the approaching scorpion, “not now, Sceira.”  Turning back to Metal again, she hissed a final warning, “Do you want to get caught?”
“That implies anyone can catch me.  No one is faster than me.”
“What are you two planning, exactly?  You don’t intend to actually fight whatever’s coming, do you?” Sceira questioned, shocked.  “If a Robotnik robot is near we need to vacate immediately, as you said.”
With the mention of Robotnik an all-out panic struck the group of school children, a cacophony of distressed questioning erupting and causing a chain-effect throughout the university halls as it reached student and faculty ears.  The panicked tour guide, in an attempt to keep them under control, suggested going to find the rest of their class and taking the blue hedgehog’s suggestion to leave. Metal and Itara watched the chaos ensue for all of a second before returning to their own argument, though were interrupted again by Sceira grabbing Itara to drag her over to the retreating group of children.
“We need to leave, come on.”
“Sceira, release me this instant.  You may flee if you so please but I have business here.”  She wrestled her way out of the scorpion’s grasp and back over to Sparky, only for the commotion to finally reach the university campus.  An echo of snarls and roars erupted first, followed by terrified screams from the students that had been outside.  Sceira stared off in horror, likely listening to the chaos outside, while Itara sighed and glared up at Metal.  “You can fight the monsters, but stay out of sight of the robots.  I mean it.  Don’t forget the last time you ignored my warning about this.”
Metal had initially only rolled his eyes at her tiny demands, but finally stopped to consider her warnings with the final one. The last time.  One of the many filled-in memories from the reset timeline, the source of a majority of his upgrades and, ultimately, his recapture by Robotnik.  According to the tiny child, she had warned him of his imminent failure to defeat Sonic before the fight, and was proven right after he ignored her.  But that was all also filled-in by the time traveler, not even RK could verify that memory, as he’d been inactive at the time.
But he had no more time to debate it, either way, as the monsters crashed their way through the university walls.  Sceira screamed at the noise and attempted to run, though was caught up in the rubble and nearly crushed if Metal hadn’t been much faster than the destroyed wall and moved both mobian children out of the way of the attack. Itara only cursed but Sceira curled up in fear.
“Get out of my way,” Metal growled back to the children, glaring at Itara specifically, “neither you nor he control me.  I fight who I please.”  And with no more words, the robot turned back to the towering, deep purple monster rampaging through the university halls, wasting no time planting a boosted foot in the side of the creature’s head.  If Itara didn’t know any better, she would have thought she actually saw a smug grin on the blue bot’s face.  But he was right, there was nothing she could do to stop him.  On the one hand it was infuriating that he was risking being seen and recognized when they could easily just escape.  On the other hand, however, his insistence to fight meant he now also had no control over her and the panic from the monsters guaranteed an empty museum.  She could reach the manuscripts.
“Kipper.”  It took little time for the doll to fade his way out of the backpack and float next to her, scanning the area before his eyes fell on the cowering scorpion. Itara followed his sight and debated leaving her there.  An opportunity to get the manuscripts and get rid of Sceira in the same day?  What luck.
However, as she turned towards the now empty hallway, she stopped, frowning.  That infuriating pseudo-scorpion.  What did she care if she got crushed by a collapsing wall? Sceira had been nothing but a thorn in her side since she met her.  She should leave her there to die.  It wouldn’t be the first time she’d left someone to die.  She’d done it numerous times, in numerous timelines.  What did one classmate matter to her now?  But even as she mulled this over, even as she told herself she didn’t care, she found herself turning back and pulling the infuriating girl to her feet.
“Kipper, find the museum and locate the manuscripts. I’ll meet you there,” she growled.
The doll stared at her, a look of disgust touching his blank features for all of a split second before returning to normal.  “Don’t die on the way.  Though I bet your soul would be quite the power source, if you do.”
“I’m sure it would, shame you’ll never have it,” Itara noted flatly, shooing the doll towards the museum while she dragged Sceira to the nearest exit, “I still hate you.”  Sceira, however, remained unresponsive, much to Itara’s amusement. The less the scorpion talked, the less likely Itara was to come to her senses about leaving her to die.
They exited the broken wall at the front and Itara scanned the area for both monsters, robots, and one robot in particular, before moving further out.  In addition to Gaia’s Nightmares, there were once again Iblis Biters, as well as the bird-forms of both monsters diving in from above.  There was one larger golem smashing through the buildings and that was where Itara spotted Metal Sonic again.  The university grounds became a monstrous hunting ground and, even more concerning, was the harsh buzz of electrified robots not far in the distance.  Robotnik wasn’t far.
But why?
Why now?  Why today? Why here?  There were attacks happening everywhere, why was the university a sudden hotspot? Unless…
Itara hissed at the realization, hurrying Sceira along, though having to skirt around much of the square to avoid the monsters, in addition to her own slowness.  She wasn’t even sure where to head the scorpion off to, either.  Everyone scrambled during the attack and the bus they’d arrived in laid, halved, in the center of what used to be the fountain. Maybe she should have kept Kipper with her to help her search.  But getting those books was more important.  But if Robotnik was coming for them, too, would Kipper be able to handle it on his own?
Luckily, she finally caught sight of a familiar face in the running form of one of her teachers and called out to them, seeming to get Sceira’s attention for the first time in several minutes.
“Itara?!”  There was as much confusion and shock as there was panic in the other girl’s voice.
“Sh-shut up.”  She called out to the teacher again, grabbing their attention over the chaos and waved wildly to call them over.  Once they were, however, Itara moved away from Sceira immediately and took off in the opposite direction.  If she stuck around, the teacher would insist she stay with them, and even if she had to crawl her way back to the museum halls, she would. She vaguely heard both Sceira and her teacher’s calls after her as she stumbled back towards the university square, but ignored them and continued on.  She was so close.  She just had to get there before Robotnik.  She couldn’t let him get them, not after everything she went through. Sceira was enough of a distraction, she couldn’t afford more.
However, in her attempt to vault over a fallen bit of rubble, she drastically overestimated her ability to clear it and tripped instead, only managing to avoid going face-first into cement by curling up and rolling halfway across the clearing.  Her backpack suffered the worst of the damage, at least, tearing open and spilling everything, creating a trail to her final stopping point, where she had to sit and stop her head from spinning for a minute.  As she was shaking her head clear, though, the screech of a phoenix echoed above her, hardly giving her a second to dive out of the way before it slammed beak-first into the pavement where she once sat.
She scrambled to her feet as quickly as possible, only glancing back at the bird, which was attempting to right itself again, before taking off for the university building again.  Or at least, that was her plan.  Her shaking legs, however, had an entirely different plan as they sent her stumbling back to the pavement, raising a string of curses from the small hedgehog.  She didn’t have time for this!  Even as she attempted to pull herself back up, or even crawl away, the heavy thud of a line of warbots shook the ground, opening fire on the various monsters rampaging on the path.
Itara curled up tightly, covering her ears and crying out in utter terror, wishing she hadn’t sent Kipper off, wishing Metal had stayed with her, wishing RK was with her, anything.  She could feel her crystals spiking again but didn’t have the energy to care, she was too scared of dying to worry about letting people see her crystals.  No one remembered that timeline, anyway, it didn’t matter.  She just wanted out of there!  She should have gone with Kipper to the museum.  She should have left Sceira where she was.  Why did she bother?!
But as her panic hit peak, she realized the gunfire had stopped and there was a voice near her.  She could hear sparking robots behind her and screeching monsters above her, causing the voice to be nothing but garbled nonsense, but just the sound of a voice was a source of comfort for her at the moment as she reached up to grab onto whoever it was.
“Whoa!  It’s okay, no need for tears!  I’m here now!”
It took longer than Itara was comfortable with to recognize that cock-sure tone but much less time to regret her choice to cling to him. Unfortunately, she could do nothing about it, despite her best efforts.  Her body was still shaking violently and even he was more protection than she had previously.  She could hear someone else shouting in the background, but didn’t recognize the voice, and thus could only focus on the hedgehog awkwardly attempting to pat her head despite the jutting crystals.
“Come on now, calm down.  It’ll be alright.  I gotta finish kicking butt, though, so why don’t we get you to safety?  You’re gonna have to loosen up that grip, though.”
Itara had to take several deep breaths before her arms unlocked enough to do so, though kept her eyes shut tightly.  Sonic gave a slight sigh of relief when she did, but as he was moving to pick her up, a light clack rung out nearby and stopped him in his tracks.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“It’s been awhile, Sonic.”  That voice, Itara recognized immediately causing her eyes to shoot open.  Robotnik was right there!  What was he thinking?!
“Man, not long enough.  Though I suppose with a wide scale Egghead attack, I should have expected you to be here, too, Metal.”
“Hmph, I no longer work for that idiot.”
“You don’t say.”  There was a brief moment of silence before Sonic turned back to Itara, seeming caught off-guard for a moment when he looked down at her, before shaking his head.  “You may wanna move back.  Are you gonna be okay to move on your own?”
Itara had no idea how to respond.  She knew she needed to stop Metal, but knew that was an increasingly impossible task.  Stopping him from fighting a random monster was one thing, even with all his pent up aggression, but stopping him from fighting Sonic was a beast all its own. She doubted she could even stop RK from fighting Knuckles if they met face-to-face again, let alone Metal and Sonic.  All she could do was nod, glance towards Metal, and back away from the fight.  What was she supposed to do?  What if Metal got caught?  What if he got too damaged and couldn’t get back home to get fixed?  She didn’t have anything to fix him here.
She had to call RK.
She had to tell him to stop Metal.
As the battle continued, she searched frantically for her phone, only then realizing that her backpack had been torn open and she lost everything inside.  Throwing the remains of the straps off and searching frantically for the phone, she had to retreat before long due to the continuing battle.  Between Metal, Sonic, the monsters, and the badniks, her search was only getting more dangerous.  She had to get out of the way.  She couldn’t chance it.  But then what did she do?!  Maybe she could find Kipper again.
Looking towards the half-collapsed university building, she cringed as she realized there were already badniks heading in to retrieve what Robotnik was after.  She couldn’t outrun them.  Even if half the entrance wasn’t covered in rubble, she wouldn’t be able to reach the museum before the flying bots.  But she could at least maybe find Kipper.  Maybe he got the manuscripts first, but more importantly, she didn’t want to be alone right now.
Keeping to the edges of the grounds and skirting around the monsters again, she continued towards the building, knowing at least the haunted doll would be safe from the chaos.  Even if he ran into monsters or robots, he could turn incorporeal and be fine. She just had to find him again. She just had to reach the building.
But once again, long before she ever got to the entrance, something picked her up by the back of the shirt and stopped her trek short. A number of possibilities of who it was ran through her head before they turned her towards them, to the point that she didn’t know if she should be panicked or relieved and only went back into a defensive curl.  She couldn’t take much more of this today.
“You again?  Why do I always find you at the center of this?”  It was none of the voices Itara had initially expected to hear and opened an eye to look up at the tall, blond-haired red robot.  “There is more to you than initial appearances suggested.” It wasn’t a question and Itara could only stare in confusion, too frantic from the day’s events to fully process what he was saying, or the fact that he was walking away from the university with her still in-tow.  “I have questions and I feel as though you may be able to answer some of them, so I’m bringing you back for questioning.  I have no intention to harm you, so long as you don’t attack first, but I want information.”
Itara shook her head to try and clear her thoughts, the sounds of battle growing distant much quicker than she expected, and attempted to look back to find out.  The university grounds, with the monsters and robots and fighting hedgehogs, were far behind them now, causing enough minor panic.  Now that she was thinking more clearly, she realized they had gone behind the line of warbots and were headed towards a far-off, distinctly egg-shaped aircraft hovering nearby.  Robotnik! He was taking her to Robotnik! She couldn’t go there!
Panic set in full again as she thrashed around, attempting to escape or call out for Metal or Kipper, causing Zero to stop and fix his grasp to keep her from simply slipping out of her shirt.  “Keep still, as I said, I won’t harm you.  I only want answers.”  His voice was flat and harsh, despite his attempt to reassure her, though luckily she was used to that dealing with robots and Gods.  What she feared was the hovercraft in front of them.
“D-Don’t ta-take me to… Robotnik!” she begged, still attempting to escape his grasp, though was getting nowhere.  “I c-can’t!  He can’t! I… I…!”
There was a moment of silence as Zero tightened his grip to keep her from squirming, getting the much smaller hedgehog in a lock, but remained in place.  “Do you fear Dr. Robotnik?”
“I-I fear n-nothing!” Though the tremble in her voice did little to convince him of that.
Another silence.
Then, “Do you have reason to fear the Doctor?”
“No!  He’s nothing to me!  Nothing! I just… I… he…”  She couldn’t explain this to him.  Not only did she know next to nothing about this bot, no one even remembered the past timelines, and in Robotnik’s case it was best kept that way.  If he was working for Robotnik, explaining that he’s a bad person was meaningless, and explaining his potential of wanting to harness her power was even worse. “Please… just… ask me what you want… just please don’t-.”
But her begging was as meaningless as her attempts to reach the museum as Robotnik, himself, walked out from hovercraft to meet Zero. “How goes the retrieval, Zero?” Though once he spotted the tiny, crystallized hedgehog in the robot’s grasp, his eyebrow rose, “what is this?”
Zero looked between Itara and the Doctor, suddenly unsure how to answer.  He’d had his suspicions about the Doctor for a while now, but hadn’t found anything concrete just yet, nor had he found anyone else with the resources to help him. Without details on the situation, he decided to remain on-mission, and explained, “A child that I have crossed paths with a couple times before.  I found her at the university.  Though she appears different from your normal mobians.”  Itara whimpered, attempting to curl in on herself further.  Stupid, stupid crystals!
“I’ll say,” Robotnik muses, walking closer to inspect the young girl, “bring her inside for now, we’ll… talk to her later.  For now, how goes the retrieval of the Gaia Manuscripts?”
“Unsuccessful.  It seems they were stolen from their casings before we arrived.  Also, Sonic arrived, just as you predicted, though someone else has attracted his attention.”
“I believe Sonic called him ‘Metal’.”
“Metal?  Are you certain?!”
With another whine from Itara, the doctor huffed and crossed his arms, turning back towards the hovercraft, “Draw back for now. We’ll leave some scout-bots behind to keep an eye out for those manuscripts.  We need to revise our plans in the meantime.”  Zero nodded, looking over the silent hedgehog in his arms before following the doctor inside.  He would be keeping a personal eye on the hedgehog while she was in their company. Both to ensure no harm befell her, but also to see what answers he could get from her.
 “Humph, are you slowing down with age, faker?” Metal grinned over at the blue hedgehog as he attempted to pull himself up out of the rubble.  Though they had both received considerable damage throughout the fight, Metal easily enough noticed the slower movements from his organic counterpart halfway through and took quick advantage of it.  He didn’t know if it was the upgrades, or how long it’d been since ‘the blue blur’ had a true rival in terms of speed, but it satisfied the robot far more than he expected.  Having been out of commission for so long, even missing limbs for several months after reactivation, it was vilifying, finally fighting Sonic again, and even winning for once.
“Who me?” Sonic grinned, his legs visibly shaking once he pulled himself back up, his grin never leaving his face, “Nah, I’m just takin’ it easy on ya to make you feel better.  What with always getting beat down and destroyed time after time.”
“Is that so?” Metal grinned, taking off after him again, planting a foot firmly in the hedgehog’s chest, sending him flying once more. As he watched with amusement, even going so far as to outwardly laugh, a floating, half-visible orange figure floated over.
“Aren’t you supposed to be babysitting?” the doll reprimanded, his usual amusement ever-present, his bright red gem glowing considerably stronger than his half-corporeal body.
“Leave me, ghost. I have no time for your mockery,” Metal growled, not taking well to the interruption.
Kipper only laughed and shrugged, scanning the area before adding, “Have it your way.  But I won’t be around when you face the wrath of Mama Bear.”  The doll slowly floated further away, giving Metal enough time to sigh heavily and stop him.
Kipper continued floating for a moment before stopping and looking back with a fang-filled grin, “Because the little hedgie just got nabbed by Robotnik.”
A string of curses escaped as Metal scowled back towards where the line of warbots had disappeared to.  Scanning the distant hill, he noticed the easily recognizable hovercraft taking off and looked between it and the struggling Sonic with a seething hatred.  If she had just been badly injured or disappeared, it would have been one thing. RK would have been pissed but he could deal with that.  But being taken by Robotnik was an entirely different story.  Not only was being in Robotnik’s hand’s a worse fate than being dismantled, but it put them all in danger.  She spent so much time warning him about being caught by Robotnik, but then it ended up being that reckless child!
Growling furiously, he threw one final threatening look at Sonic before turning on his heel and taking off after the hovercraft, haunted doll following close behind.  She would regret this, once he got his hands on her again!  Distracting him from finally fighting Sonic again! That selfish brat!  He no longer cared about this stupid trip of hers, as soon as he retrieved her they were both going home.
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staytheb · 5 years
Previous Chapter: #SUNSHINEYOUNGJAEDAY Word Count: 2,403 Summary: It’s Jinyoung’s birthday and Melanie suggests a sleepover as he receives a book from Serena for his birthday.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
and the last september birthday one is here! now off to the other parts of the story as we’re 2/3 done and have another third of the story left. so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Even after twelve freaking years I still can't beat this stupid ass boss even with the damn walk-through." Serena gritted her teeth as she witnessed her characters dying again from the boss battle with Angra Mainyu of the Final Fantasy X-2 game. "I hate this fucken boss." Serena growled as she used the PlayStation 2 remote controller to turn off the game while using another remote control to turn off the TV. "I need a break." She muttered while stretching her limbs and standing up. "Maybe a snack might help me." She chuckled just as she turned around to be met by her sister and GOT7.  "Is this what you do all day?" Melanie teased. "Basically." Serena answered as she looked at the GOT7. "Aren't you guys supposed to be practicing for your comeback next week or something?"
"Do you know what today is?" Jinyoung asked instead. "It's a Thursday." Serena answered before cracking a smile upon the realization. "And it's still your birthday. Happy birthday, Jinyoung. I'll be right back." Serena dashed off towards her bedroom with everyone's eyes following after her. "You think by now I would have gotten used to this." Jackson commented as Melanie laughed while looking over at the idol. "Yeah, you would think so." She looked at the rest. "She's probably looking for Jinyoung's birthday gift right now in that messy room of hers." Melanie stated. "I'm gonna change. ust make yourself comfortable like you guys usually do."
She cast them a teasing smile. "Try not to break anything, okay?" "It was an accident." BamBam stressed with a pout as Yugyeom whined. "How many times do we have to keep on hearing that every time we come over?" "Until you guys actually stop breaking things." Serena countered as she emerged from her bedroom with her hands behind her back. "We said we were sorry about the table, the bowl, and the cat figurine." Youngae pouted looking forlorn. "We're sorry." The sisters laughed as they cast one another a knowing look. "Okay." They both answered as Melanie hurried off to her room and Serena held out a black book towards Jinyoung. "Here's your present." "Ahh, thank you, Jyongri noona." Jinyoung thanked her as he took the object from her grasp.
Jinyoung stared at the spine for a few seconds as he read the English printing aloud. "Moonlight. Time Dragon? It's kind of a weird name for an author." He glanced at the front cover and did a double take as he brought it even closer to his face. "Is that me on the cover?" Jinyoung asked as he looked at Serena unsure before turning the book over to look at the back cover. "These words seemed kind of familiar." He said as he re-read the back cover again. "Those are your lines translated in English." Serena informed him. "It's from your guys' song, Moonlight." Jinyoung flipped through the book and looked at the covers again with the members joining him this time around. "I don't get it, noona." Jinyoung admitted with a sheepish laugh. "Is this book supposed to be about me?"
Serena chuckled with a nod. "Yes, Jinyoung, as this is a one of a kind book just for you. From one avid reader to another, I had put this book together specifically and especially just for you." She laughed shyly. "It's a bunch of my stories featuring you as the main guy." "So what you're saying, Serena, is that this is basically a fanfiction book for Jinyoung about Jinyoung written all by you?" Mark clarified while speaking in English with an amused expression. "Basically." Serena admitted as she opened the book and spoke in Korean. "You can see it right here in the dedication part. Sorta." "Still can't believe you call yourself that nickname as an alias." Melanie stated as she returned shortly afterwards as Serena nodded. "I know, me too, but it's popped into my head first and I went with it."
Jackson yanked the book out of Jinyoung's grip. "Why didn't I get something like this?" "Honestly, I hardly knew you at the time." Serena admitted before continuing in a sarcast manner. "Oh yeah, Jackson, just let me present to you a book of fanfiction stories I've written about you just a few weeks after we met for your birthday gift. Warning sign, she's a crazy fan. She might stalk us. Sure. Okay, let's not." Serena ended her silly little rant while the idols chuckled at her explanation. "You're so dumb." Melanie commented while shaking her head with as a laugh. "Shut up, you." Serena hushed her sister while shoulder bumping her. "You're the main reason I write fanfiction in the first place." "I know." Melanie replied with a smug look as Serena rolled her eyes. "Jerk."
"What kind of stories did you write about Jinyoung, Jyongri noona?" Jaebeom asked returning the conversation back to Korean as he was interested in the book as he took it from Jackson. "Whoa. It's in Korean and English." He said in surprised as he flipped through more of the pages. "Ah yeah." Serena sheepishly laughed. "I originally wrote all of this in English first before translating it all into Korean and realizing that not all of my English slang terms had a Korean equivalent and so had to revise it to make sure it worked out in both langauges." She explained. "It's why I also left the English in it just in case Jinyoung wanted to practice or whatever."
"Thank you for your hard work, noona." Jinyoung thanked her as he took back the book from Jaebeom. "Welcome." Serena smiled. "How about reading some to us, noona?" Yugyeom suggested as he grabbed the book from Jinyoung's hands and opened it to the table of contents. "I wanna know the stories." "Like can we not?" Serena said as she tried to get out of reading any of the fanfiction aloud as she snatched the book from Yugyeom and shoved it towards Jinyoung. "Maybe Jinyoung can read it instead, like you know, back at your dorm or something." Serena suggested with a smile. "How about you guys go do that for his birthday?"
Before the boys could disagree Melanie thought of something as a sly smile appear on her face and Serena did not like how it was directed in her direction. "What are you thinking of doing?" "You'll find out soon enough!" Melanie stated as she ran off and Serena noticed that she entered the room that Jeannie used to use when she and Jasmine used to stay here. ]"I can't live." Youngjae cast her a curious look. "What's wrong, Jyongri noona?" "You'll find out soon enough." Serena told him as she used the same words that her sister just used a few seconds ago.
"Let's have a sleepover!" Melanie sang happily while returning to the living room and carrying several blankets, pillows, stuffed animals before dropping them onto the floor. "Melanie looked at the idols with a grin and Serena face-palmed at her sister's suggestion. GOT7 instantly agreed and went about claiming spots in the living room and moving the coffee table off to the side. "I want to be near this wall!" BamBam exclaimed while standing at his spot as Yugyeom was across from him with a happy expression. "Then I claimed this wall." Serena shook her head as they all began setting up their blankets and what not before spotting a few of her plush dolls in the mix. "Hey, what's Deffy, Susu, Kipper, Min, and Maki doing out here again?"
Serena began collecting her alpaca, panda, dog, penguin, and rabbit plushies. "I was gonna sleep with that." Mark said as he pulled on one of Kipper's legs while Serena held onto the dog plush tightly. "He's mine." The duo began some sort of a tug-of-war with the stuffed animal until Melanie intervened. "Just share." Melanie told Serena as she pulled on the other plushies and tossing them towards the others to sleep with. "Don't be such a baby." Serena made a face, but let go of the dog plushie. "Fine." She sulked while marching her way to the couch and sat cross-legged on it as she muttered under her breath. "I know they have their own since fans always give them stuff."
"They spend too much time here." Serena mumbled as she was still sulking about the whole plush doll ordeal. "Did you say something?" Jackson asked a second later as he was the closes one to her. "It's nothing." Serena dismissed the thought as she shot him a weak smile. "Okay." He regarded her a bit and returned to setting up his makeshift bed. Serena let out a silent sigh as she re-positioned herself onto her back on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling before Jinyoung's book came into view. "How about reading us a bedtime story?" Jinyoung suggested once Serena's eyes turned to focus on him. "That's awkward, Jinyoung." "It's still my birthday, noona." "Fine."
She sat back up and watched Jinyoung make his way to his spot in the living room with her penguin plush doll. "I guess this sleepover is really gonna happen whether I like it or not." She muttered as she opened the book after seeing that everyone was situated except her sister who joined her on the couch a moment later. "How Are You?" Serena read the first title of the book while everyone instantly became quiet and leaned forward just a tad bit, except for Melanie who just sat where she did and just cast her sister an amused look. Serena narrowed her eyes at her little sister before glancing at GOT7 with an unsure gaze and returned to reading the rest of the story with a deep breath.
"'Hey' was all I could really think of to say at that moment. I really wanted to say more, but nothing wanted to come out. It was like the words were caught in the back of my throat and unable to pass through for you to hear. It's been like this for the past few months. Just only a simple, but useless 'hey' and nothing further. When I wanted to talk with him, the words wouldn't form. When they finally did, he was already gone. I missed my chance. I missed a lot of those chances with him. I'm not sure what was wrong with me at the time though. It's like, it's like it wasn't worth it anymore. Like, we used to be so close and I couldn't remember the exact moment when we started to become distant. Maybe, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe, maybe it was me. Maybe, it was me after all of this time. Maybe I couldn't say anything else because I made it personal. Too personal, but one day out of the blue, I heard him ask me 'how are you' like there was never a distant between us to began with. At that moment another simple 'hey' left my lips, but it sounded different than before."
"And Jinyoung's holiday spirit was restored once again simply from the simple magic that Arilany had opened his eyes to believe in again. To believe in himself and to love without regrets one more time." Serena read the last line of the fifth story, Where's Your Holiday Spirit?, and BamBam spoke soon afterwards. "Why was hyung so mean to noona?" BamBam wiped away his tears. "She didn't do anything to him. He even ruined her snowman. She just wanted to build a snowman. You're so mean, hyung." Jinyoung gave him an incredulous look. "I didn't do anything. That's a story, BamBam-ah." "Bam. It's not real." Melanie stated. "It's just a story, remember?" "Oh yeah." "Shall I continue?" Serena asked hoping they'll say no this time around. "Yes!" They answered once again and Serena turned the page and began to read the sixth story of Moonlight, Love Letter.
Some time later Serena was on the eleventh story, Chasing You. "Piece by piece, it all comes together, or eventually falls apart. It can't all be undone at once, unless the inner rage within you takes over and does what you will surely regret. Once broken it cannot be mended so easily, even if you put it back all together. Because it's been through an incident that changes it and leaves invisible or sometimes visible scars of its experiences behind. It made more than a mark and the battle scars are there as proof. You can pick out the pieces you don't like. You can pick out the pieces that you want instead. But deep down inside, it really doesn't change who you really are. It doesn't make you what you are. It's the being that makes you who you are. It's simply just knowing and being aware of yourself. It's you, that makes everything be."
Serena paused in her reading when she heard heavy breathing and slight snoring.  She glanced at the idols who eventually fell asleep before glancing at her sister who already knocked out after the seventh story. She chuckled as she closed the book, set it aside, and stood up to stretch while making sure she didn't step on anyone in the process. Later Serena bent over to shake her sister awake. "Hmm?" Melanie groaned as she stretched in her sleepy state. "Go sleep in your room. They all fell asleep." Serena whispered to her while speaking in English. Melanie gingerly stood up, stretched her limbs once again, and stared at the sleeping idols before her. "Just now?" She asked facing her sister as she shrugged.
"I was still reading and didn't pay attention." She gesture at the stuffed alpaca that Jaebeom was cuddling with. "You do know I usually sleep with Deffy, right?" "You'll get over it." Melanie smiled as both sisters made their way towards their rooms. "Make sure to put out the night light for them." Serena told Melanie as the younger woman shook her head. "Nah, I'm gonna sleep." "You were the one that let them in." "True, but this is your apartment." Melanie countered as she stepped into her room closing the door. "Brat." Serena muttered as she got the night light and placed it in the living room and turning off the main light. "Good night, GOT7, and sweet dreams." She bid them a good night with a soft smile before heading to her room.
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memory-bees · 4 years
y’all ever think about how since nobody in the smp is allowed to go to the end to beat the ender dragon, that none of the characters will ever get to know about the end poem? how tommy and tubbo, two kids who have been fighting since the fucking beginning, who think the universe doesn’t care, who think that they’re tools to be used and used and used? they’ll never get to know that they’re wrong? that they universe loves them? that the universe cares? that the universe thinks that they did well? i need to lay down.
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memory-bees · 4 years
platonic husbands
whatever u do don’t think about ranboo and tubbo laughing their asses off as they get married and don’t think about them falling asleep on michael’s floor with him holding onto one of their hands and don’t think about ranboo going out of his way to get tubbo pink tulips so their whole manor is decorated with pink bouquets and don’t think about ranboo being weak and getting tubbo a nice ring just because he can and don’t think about michael and ranboo playing together and tubbo taking a picture and framing it on the wall yeah definitely don’t think abt that mhm mhm bad idea
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memory-bees · 4 years
tubbo, tommy, and abandonment issues
alright here’s some more meta no one asked for (this is all abt the roleplay btw and in analysis of their characters)
tommy and tubbo both have abandonment issues, obviously. but the difference in how they came about these fears and how they cope with them is interesting to me, so here’s my view point on it.
tommy's had a lot of people ripped from him really fast, suddenly, or violently (wilbur, technoblade, phil, even dream) so he's clingy to a select few people and gets antsy when said people interact with others (tubbo is the biggest one he doesn't like interacting with other ppl tommy doesn't really trust a lot) and doesn't really think about protecting the people he cares about long term, mainly thinking about short term and making sure the people he's around don't just up and leave.
tubbo on the other hand has people leave him pretty slowly. he hasn't really had people ripped from him as violently as tommy has, it's always gradual. wilbur slowly not trusting him during the manberg arc, phil slowly leaving him for technoblade, ranboo always not really part of l'manburg, tommy slipping away during exile and teaming with technoblade, hell jack and niki trying to use him to kill tommy right now, etc. so tubbo's clingy, it's just part of his personality at this point, but he also thinks about protecting the people he loves long term. exiling tommy to try and save him from himself and to protect l'manburg was him trying to protect people he loves, tubbo spying for pogtopia while he was serving under schlatt, making the nukes to show people that he can't just be pushed around anymore and explicitly saying 'i never really wanted to hurt anyone with these anyway, they're just for protection.' tubbo thinks if he can protect the people around him and prevent any sort of future attacks, then they won't leave
and it’s not like they’re avoiding the causes of these fears, either. badboyhalo and antfrost are trying their best to tear puffy and sam away from tommy, for example. and with tubbo, niki and jack manifold are trying to use him in order to kill tommy, another long term betrayal.
tldr; please get these kids some therapy.
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memory-bees · 4 years
okay but clingyblr how are we feeling about
"Tubbo stick with me!" "I am still with you, right by your side."
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memory-bees · 4 years
chekhov’s gun meta and some theorizing
*cracks knuckles* alright here we go (i’d also like to clarify that this is all roleplay and i am referring to the characters not the actual cc’s in this, thank you and good night)
Tommy finally getting Wilbur’s crossbow, Chekhov’s Gun, is huge. From a character standpoint and story telling standpoint. But let’s talk about it in regards to the characters and their development first.
Chekhov’s Gun, the crossbow, was one of the few things that Wilbur kept with him throughout his time being alive. He even had it for a while as a ghost (I’m fairly certain at least, I don’t really know when he lost the crossbow or gave it away or what happened for it to end up with Connor, but I digress) and it obviously meant a lot to Wilbur. It was one of the few things that were left of Wilbur from before the Pogtopia vs Manburg wars, it’s like a piece of history in of itself.
Now throughout Tommy’s stream today it’s clear that he has been thinking a lot about how things used to be, especially with whatever will happen tomorrow with Dream. He even went so far as to recreate the drug room, one of the first things that was created for and by L’manburg. He has happy memories with the room, and while he was recreating it and setting up the potions he spoke about Wilbur a few times. And then Connor showed up and Tommy received both Ghostbur’s pick and Chekhov’s Gun. Tommy was very clearly moved by this, and it could be said that Tommy saw it as Wilbur trying to give him hope.
Chekhov’s Gun is, to put it simply, showing the connection that Tommy and Wilbur had. It’s tying up loose ends and while Ghostbur is there and Tommy can talk with him, he’s not Wilbur. Chekhov’s Gun, however, is a piece of Wilbur. It’s a piece of history and it’s a piece of Tommy’s brother, before everything really started to go to shit. And it gives Tommy a new feeling of hope.
But that’s really not all, because while Chekhov’s Gun as a crossbow is obviously significant, it’s namesake- the dramatic and literary device- is also very interesting in this sense. Chekhov’s gun is pretty much synonymous with foreshadowing. The principle states that every element of a story should be relevant to the plot, or at least help guide the characters through it in some way, if it’s not it should be taken out of the picture. Because if you introduce an element of the story and it never comes into play significantly, it can be considered a ‘false promise’, and thus should be taken out, hence the gun.
This detail can be taken in a few ways, but I find it most interesting in the sense of the discs. And I know a lot of you are tired of the discs and are ready for this story line to be ended, but the discs are a huge driving force in a large part of the plot lines. They are the driving force behind both Dream and Tommy’s actions, they are their characters motors. When the discs are out of the picture their arcs will be pretty much complete. And it’s been said before that Tommy is the one who gives the discs (and by correlation anyone who has them *cough* dream *cough*) power. And now Tommy has Chekhov’s gun, literally and metaphorically. He could deem the discs as a useless plot device and just not care about them anymore, or just give up on them. If that were to happen Dream’d lose his power. Over Tommy and Tubbo, and pretty much anyone who still follows him. Whatever happens tomorrow rests on Tommy’s shoulders from here on out.
He has the gun, all he has to do now is pull the trigger.
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memory-bees · 4 years
hey friendly reminder that ponyboy michael curtis is an unreliable narrator because he is a traumatized fourteen-year-old boy who has been living with a single mind set his whole life and can’t look at all the characters in the book for who they really are as 3-dimensional and you should take most of the things he says about other characters with a grain of salt
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memory-bees · 4 years
rest easy, theseus.
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memory-bees · 4 years
new uquiz because why the hell not
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memory-bees · 4 years
okayyyyyyyy doing an updated ‘interact with this post and i’ll follow you’ post now, so interact w this if you post about
Dream SMP
Mcyts in general (specifically tommy nd tubbo)
The Mandalorian
Sanders Sides
Cool original art!
And I’ll follow you!
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memory-bees · 4 years
Tumblr media
N o! I'm f..fOuuRtte;eenee[!! I',,vee been f,oursteen for a mmonth! And 'm iny t aas  ;muuch  aa;s  youu,, ar,,e. I 'll ssttopp, rcying  ii;;n a inuttee...; Ic aann't  hlep  it.
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memory-bees · 4 years
sodapop "i didn't tell anyone i broke my wrist when i was 11 because it was ponyboy's birthday and i didn't want to make it about me" curtis
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