#Hybrid digital workplace
aitalksblog · 4 months
Powered by AI: Redefining the Office Landscape and Work Dynamics
(Images made by author with Microsoft Copilot) The landscape of work has undergone significant transformation in recent decades, propelled by the rapid development and adoption of telecommunication and information technologies, as well as the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI). The traditional office, once regarded as the cornerstone of administrative work organization and…
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hrtechcube1 · 10 months
Employers are neglecting important elements in employee experience that can have the biggest impact on the bottom line. Here’s what leaders need to know.
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aviralz · 2 years
IT Leaders Need to Rethink Governance in Hybrid Workplace
As organizations continue to build and integrate applications to sustain their operations in today’s dynamic workplace, they need to rethink governance to reach their full potential and business goals.
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The accelerated digital transformation journey has forced enterprise organizations to integrate multiple software platforms to keep their operations running smoothly.
Here are three factors IT leaders should consider before building a SaaS governance model:
Strategic collaboration with C-suite executives
According to IDG’s “2021 State of the CIO” report, CIOs are tasked with new revenue-generating initiatives. Organizations can take steps to develop new revenue-generating strategies: SaaS tool consolidation and automating workflows and processes.
Enabling team to work autonomously
As per industry experts, active citizen developers will soon outnumber professional developers in the current enterprise workforce. Also, as more and more enterprises plan to move their workloads to the cloud, IT must provide teams of organizations with autonomy for developing SaaS platforms that are easier to maintain from an administrative perspective.
Integrating core technology stack
Integrating software tools is essential for organizational alignment in terms of cross-functional collaboration and establishing a SaaS governance model. It enables teams to gain as well as sustain their work momentum and provides leaders and managers with better visibility into work at various levels.
With digital transformation initiatives continue to accelerate, IT and business leaders should opt for software platforms and applications which can safely transfer data between the two systems.
Hybrid Workplace
B2B tech publications
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amalabhilash · 2 years
What is a Custom Dashboard? How important is it in a Digital Workplace?#
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iww-gnv · 4 months
As Fashion Week in New York kicks off on Feb. 9, a growing chorus of hybrid model-actors are drawing attention to the woeful working conditions that models face and are calling for meaningful change. Variety spoke with eight people who have straddled both professions and who argue that the modeling world suffers from a lack of guardrails. Their grievances range from sexual misconduct to racism to an inability for models to own the rights to their own image. All are backing New York’s Fashion Workers Act, which would close a legal loophole that allows modeling agencies to act with impunity. Taking a page from last year’s WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes that shut down the industry before settling in September and November, respectively, these actors-models believe that it’s time for a reckoning within the fashion industry.
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
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The future of the four-day work week is looking brighter after the results of a major new study were released last month.
Nearly 3,000 workers at over 60 organizations took part in the latest trial of reduced working time — and the findings surpassed most expectations. A large majority of workers reported significant improvements in their quality of life. And it wasn’t just employees who preferred the shorter working week: more than 90% of employers who participated opted to continue the arrangement.
The U.K.-based experiment introduced a four-day week or equivalent cut in hours, with no loss of pay, from June to December 2022. Research teams at Boston College, Cambridge University and the London think tank Autonomy studied the effects. Overall, workers reported lower levels of stress and burn out, higher job satisfaction and less conflict between work and family demands. They also said they felt more capable at work and better able to manage their time.
Almost all (96%) said they preferred working four days and most put a high value on their new free time. Asked how much money would persuade them to return to a five-day week, 29% said they would want a 26-50% pay increase, while 8% wanted more than 50% and another 15% said no amount of money would lure them back.
Employers benefited as well. Compared with the pre-trial period, there were fewer staff resignations and days off for illness. Revenues saw a slight increase. Asked to score their experience on a scale from 0 (negative) to 10 (positive), the average among employers was 7.5 for productivity and 8.3 overall.
One likely reason for the trial’s success is that it recognized there was no one-size-fits-all formula. Each organization could choose its own approach to work time reduction so long as it offered significant reductions without loss of pay. The trial was also meticulously prepared, with two months of workshops, coaching, mentoring and peer support, drawing on experience from earlier pilots in more than 100 companies in the United States, U.K., Australia, Canada and Ireland. This approach was geared to help participants improve well-being and economic prosperity at the same time — by designing new working practices and changing company culture.
The trial took place during a pitched moment in history, as evolving digital communications combined with a global pandemic to wreak havoc on the concept of ​“normal” employment. More employees than ever could work anytime and anywhere with a suitable device and internet signal. And most everyone who took part had fresh memories of when workplaces closed down, human proximity seemed lift-threatening and online meetings redefined personal interaction.
In some ways, the Covid pandemic gave the four-day week a boost by forcing companies to adapt to new ways of thinking and working. One manager of a manufacturing company in the UK trial observed, ​“I think we have come out of the pandemic with a new outlook on life… There’s a greater expectation around flexible working, hybrid working — people are taking that opportunity to think ​‘I want to do something completely different.’”
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cupidcreates · 2 years
-Basement Bird-
MHA Kinktober 2022 - Day 1
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🎃🦇🍂Prompt - Captive🍂🦇🎃
The National Hybrid Conservation Service has classified all Half-Human hybrids as endangered. Interference with them or their natural habitats is an automatic life sentence with no possibility of parole. This law is the only thing keeping you from showing off your captive
Reader x Keigo
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Tags: 18+ Content / Monsterfucking / Implied Murder / Gore Mention / Consumption of a Body / Explicit Sexual Content
- Reader Insert - Race Ambiguous Reader - They/Them Reader - DFAB and DMAB Smut Variants -
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  You quickly unlock your front door, slip inside, and close it behind you with an ominous snap. You’re quick to latch it slightly and the resounding click echoes through the empty halls of your home. Only once inside do you allow yourself to relax and slump against the thick wooden surface, the last duffel bag slipping off your tired shoulder and falling to the floor with a wet thump.
    You know you can’t let the bag sit there for too long - not unless you want to add bleaching blood out of your floorboards to your to-do list - but you know you deserve just a moment of reprieve after the night you’ve had.
The heaviest bags have already been secured and moved to the basement bathroom, where they can leak in relative peace. After a year and a half of doing this you know you’ve got a few minutes before his excitement overcomes his patience. He’ll be wanting his dinner soon, if the low rumbling rising from beneath the floor was anything to go by, and the sooner you get it to him the sooner the evidence of tonight can be properly disposed of.
    Shouldering the bag you quickly make your way to the basement stairs, not bothering to turn on the lights as you move through the house. You know your house well enough to maneuver around the furniture, and it’s not like you’ll be coming back upstairs tonight anyways.
    You unlock the heavy padlock on the basement door, press your keycard to the reader, and type the 13 digit passcode into the keypad. The door swings open and you descend the basement stairs without bothering to close it, if anyone was able to get into your house and down the stairs, they had little chance of making it back out.
    As you approach the second door at the foot of the stairs you can’t help but grow frustrated, not only at your nosy (former) co-worker but also at the inevitable lie you’ll have to weave into your already tangled web of deceit. Monoma didn’t make a habit of consistency in the workplace, so at the very least you’ve got about a week to come up with an alibi to cover your ass. 
It was unlikely you’d be implicated in his disappearance, his litigious ex-wife would be the primary suspect, but it’s too much to ask that the camera’s didn’t catch you leaving work together and driving off in the same direction. After all, that was how Monoma came to suspect you of foul play in the first place, the nosy cockhead.
    It was a problem for another day, you decided as you drew level with the second door. It was just as heavy as the first but lacked any sort of locking system, more of an obligatory thing than an actual precaution. Pushing it open you’re hit with the musty stench of old blood and wet fabric, making you recoil. Regardless of how long you’ve been doing this, the smell of the basement always curdles your blood.
    The room was completely dark, save for the small sliver of light leaking out from the ever so slightly ajar door to the bathroom, and the dull glow of the tv you left turned on in the far corner. You always had the channel set to some wildlife station, it was the only one that kept him from getting restless.
    Soft rustling noises and a low purring rose from the darkness, though you couldn’t see him you knew he was watching you intently. You moved slowly but with confidence to the center of the room, towards the pull chain dangling from the ceiling illuminated just enough to be visible. Giving it one gentle tug you click on the light and the room is flooded with an off-white light from the singular light bulb.
    The room is as bland as one might expect from a basement, every surface is concrete and the decor, if it could even be called that, is sparse. There’s the aforementioned television with an old and stained couch sat before it, an old dresser with uneven legs, and a king-sized bed who’s frame and mattress were both covered in gouges. Flung halfway off the bed was a duvet and atop said duvet lay the head of a stuffed moose, its body not immediately visible.
Turning around you find Keigo just as you’d expected to find him, sitting just outside the bathroom door watching you with over-bright golden eyes. The hypnotic gaze steals the breath from your lungs, and as you draw near you reach your hand out to him. He places his face in your palm, soft cheek brushing your fingers as a deep rumbling purr reverberates from his chest.
You run your other hand through his windswept blonde hair, carding through the soft locks and massaging his scalp. His eyes roll up into the back of his head as he relaxes into your touch. 
He’s just as beautiful now as he was the day you met him, black and gold markings adorning his handsome face around his eyes, cheeks, forehead, and jaw. You admired how his lithe and muscular human form transitioned smoothly into the digitigrade  legs of a feathered beast. 
If you had to liken him to a mythological creature, a harpy would be the first that came to mind. The feathers along his legs, wings, and cat-like tail were bright red and fluttered as you continued to stroke his face. His hands came up to grip your wrists, long black talons digging into your flesh just slightly and making you wince. 
His grip was strong, and you admired the dark flesh of his forearms as he flexed them. The skin there was just as black as his nails, as if he had dipped them halfway up in ink and then let the dark liquid run down to his elbow. The darkness was only broken up by gold markings that glittered in the soft light.
His patience finally lost to his excitement and he removed his face from your hands, turning to slip through the bathroom door with a grace unexpected of a beast so large. You took a moment to mourn the loss of his soft hair under your fingers before following him into the small room.
His wings fill the room so you have to maneuver carefully so as not to trod on them as you make your way to the bathtub. He’s sniffing curiously at the duffel bags you left there, the smell of fresh blood making him trill excitedly. He reaches in and lifts a bag experimentally, as if weighing it’s worth before making a decision. Keigo has a kind of power about him, not just physically but in presence as well; you can’t help but feel small in every way when you’re around him.
As you lay the final bag down in the bathtub you recall your first meeting, when he decided you’d be more useful to him as a mate rather than as dinner. He’d picked you up so easily, as if you weighed nothing, and pinned you to the forest floor even easier. His wings and legs kept your limbs from breaking free as he’d used his clawed hands to reach under your shirt and-
    A sudden ripping noise snaps you back to reality. Keigo has gotten impatient with your daydreaming and has begun shredding the heaviest duffel bag, his razor sharp claws ripping through the fabric with ease. Through the hole in the material a torso dressed in a blood soaked white polo is visible, the red liquid bursts forth and spills over Keigo’s forearms and hands.
    “Hey, hey now,” you say as you lay your hands on his shoulders and gently push him back from the edge of the tub, “Don’t ruin all my bags, we might need them again. Let me get it open for you.”
    You begin unzipping the bags as Keigo licks at the blood covering his hands and arms. Dismembered body parts tumble out and paint the bottom of the basin red. Two arms and a head from one bag, a pair of legs cut into segments from another, and Monoma’s entire torso and hip bone in the last. Once empty you move the blood soaked bags to the end of the bathtub and perch yourself on the edge, letting Keigo have full access to the gore.
    Keigo leans over the edge and examines the body, now reunited with itself, and dithers. Spoiled for choice he appears to have a hard time deciding where to start, but you know he’ll begin with an arm like he always does. Sure enough after a moment or two he picks up the predicted appendage, sniffs it, and sinks his razor sharp teeth into the pale flesh. He rips a chunk of meat off and chews slowly, deep rumbling purrs reverberating from his chest again.
    You watched him quickly dispose of the arm, consuming the meat entirely in just a matter of minutes. The bones of the hand and arm are dropped back into the tub - the fingers having been swallowed whole - and the second arm is retrieved. He sits back on his haunches and eats contentedly, at this rate it wouldn’t take more than half an hour or so for the meat and intestines to be devoured. A few days more and the bones will be gnawed on so completely they’ll be reduced to dust, as had been the case every other time.
    It was only once Keigo ripped the flesh from Monoma’s face that you decided to let him eat in peace. You’d seen him do it before and every time it got less shocking, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed seeing a face get decimated piece by piece.
    You made yourself comfortable on the couch, letting the wildlife program play without really taking any of it in. Something or another about African Wild Dogs, it didn’t matter really, you knew what you were waiting for.
    Only when that program ended and a new one about rain-forest animals started did you feel a feather gently caress your face. Looking over you spotted Keigo lazing belly-up on the bed, gazing at you with a soft contented look on his face. His belly had distended from the amount of food he ate and his claws and face were still caked in dried blood. The upside to all of this was that you wouldn’t have to let Keigo out to hunt for a few days, Monoma was large enough to sustain him for about 48 hours.
    You rose from the couch and approached him, unable to keep your pace steady as excitement began to thrum through your veins. You kneel in front of the bed and pull a small box out from under it, moving the body of the stuffed moose you find the packet of wet wipes stored within. You clean the blood from Keigo’s mouth and chin, careful not to rub too vigorously, and wipe his hands and arms clean. Keigo rumbles contentedly as you wash him, snuffling when you determine his sufficient and give him a kiss on the cheek.
    You shove the box back under the bed and lift yourself up onto the mattress, pushing the duvet out of the way and facing Keigo. He pulls himself into a sitting position and nuzzles your neck, licking a long strip up your skin and causing goosebumps to erupt from your flesh. His hands come up to grip your arms with a practiced gentleness and he guides you to him, moving back to lay against the pillows and pull you on top of him. His mouth never leaves your neck and you can feel his sharp jagged teeth graze you.
You shudder as you straddle him, you can feel his cock hardening underneath you and feel the molten hot flame of arousal erupt in the pit of your stomach. You pull away just enough to remove his mouth from your neck and press your lips to his, groaning as his tongue immediately slips between your lips to tangle itself around your own. The pressure in your groin is too much and you grind it against him to try and relieve some of it. He matches your motion and thrusts up into you, fully erect cock smearing precome onto your shirt and leaking onto his taut stomach.
    You’ve done this so many times that by now it’s routine. It’s not long before you’re stripped of your top and pants; You know you don’t have to take the top off, but doing so frequently saves it from being shredded in the ensuing frenzied fucking, and you only have so many shirts.
    Keigo whines and humps up into you, cock now sliding along your weeping cunt. He’s clearly pent up and you feel a momentary twinge of guilt for keeping him held captive down here. It can’t be fun for him to only be allowed to hunt once a week or so, but you also know if he was truly unhappy he could have killed you and escaped long ago.
    As you press the head of his cock to your cunt and lower yourself onto him, you think you may know why he hasn’t tried to leave yet. 
    Keigo throws his head back and groans, arching up to bury himself as deeply in you as possible. He speaks words of lust in a deep, guttural, and rudimentary language that you don’t understand. You’ve tried to communicate with him before, of course you have, but your attempts never seem to get you anywhere. Especially since Keigo can’t be in your presence for too long without succumbing to the need to breed you within an inch of your life.
    You grind your hips in a circle, letting yourself adjust to the feeling of being so full, before rising up slowly and falling back down. He shudders and whines and meets you thrust for thrust, hands moving to grip your hips and guide you down.
    You balance yourself with one hand on his abdomen and use your other to rub circles around your clit, shocks of pleasure shoot up your spine as you grind your fingers around the puffy nub and Keigo’s cockhead hits your g-spot. 
    You feel your pace stuttering as your orgasm builds, so focused on your own pleasure you don’t notice Keigo’s tail slipping around your waist until it’s tightened around you. You feel yourself being lifted up and nearly off Keigo’s cock as he re-adjusts his position and slams you back down onto him. He’s left your one arm free to touch yourself but you’re now completely at his mercy as he fucks himself into you.
    You feel his legs shuddering under you and know he’s just as close as you are. You roll your hips best you can and tense up just as he moans and stills, spilling inside of you. The hot cum flooding your insides sends you over the edge and your body shakes as your orgasm washes over you, wave after wave of pleasure crashing against you and leaving you weak.
    You relax and slump forward as his tail unwinds and allows you to lay on his chest, panting and recovering from aftershocks. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head, wings rising up to envelop the pair of you in a bright red feathered cocoon. Rumbling purrs emit once again from his chest, as he runs his claws up and down your back. It’s not hard enough to break skin, but it will certainly leave marks.
    You might have him held captive here, but he’s got you equally as ensnared.
You shudder as you straddle him, you can feel his cock hardening underneath you and feel the molten hot flame of arousal erupt in the pit of your stomach. You pull away just enough to remove his mouth from your neck and press your lips to his, groaning as his tongue immediately slips between your lips to tangle itself around your own. The pressure in your groin is too much and you grind it against him to try and relieve some of it. He matches your motion and thrusts up into you, fully erect cock smearing precome onto your shirt and leaking onto his taut stomach.
    You’ve done this so many times that by now it’s routine. It’s not long before you’re stripped of your top and pants and properly lubed; You know you don’t have to take the top off, but doing so frequently saves it from being shredded in the ensuing frenzied fucking, and you only have so many shirts.
    Keigo whines and humps up into you, cock now sliding along yours. He’s clearly pent up and you feel a momentary twinge of guilt for keeping him held captive down here. It can’t be fun for him to only be allowed to hunt once a week or so, but you also know if he was truly unhappy he could have killed you and escaped long ago.
    As you press the head of his cock to your hole and lower yourself onto him, you think you may know why he hasn’t tried to leave yet. 
    Keigo throws his head back and groans, arching up to bury himself as deeply in you as possible. He speaks words of lust in a deep, guttural, and rudimentary language that you don’t understand. You’ve tried to communicate with him before, of course you have, but your attempts never seem to get you anywhere. Especially since Keigo can’t be in your presence for too long without succumbing to the need to breed you within an inch of your life.
    You grind your hips in a circle, letting yourself adjust to the feeling of being so full, before rising up slowly and falling back down. He shudders and whines and meets you thrust for thrust, hands moving to grip your hips and guide you down.
    You balance yourself with one hand on his abdomen and use your other to stroke your cock, shocks of pleasure shoot up your spine as you thrust up into your fist and Keigo’s cockhead hits your prostate. 
    You feel your pace stuttering as your orgasm builds, so focused on your own pleasure you don’t notice Keigo’s tail slipping around your waist until it’s tightened around you. You feel yourself being lifted up and nearly off Keigo’s cock as he re-adjusts his position and slams you back down onto him. He’s left your one arm free to touch yourself but you’re now completely at his mercy as he fucks himself into you.
    You feel his legs shuddering under you and know he’s just as close as you are. You roll your hips best you can and tense up just as he moans and stills, spilling inside of you. The hot cum flooding your insides sends you over the edge and your body shakes as you paint his stomach white, wave after wave of pleasure crashing against you and leaving you weak.
    You relax and slump forward as his tail unwinds and allows you to lay on his chest, panting and recovering from aftershocks. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head, wings rising up to envelop the pair of you in a bright red feathered cocoon. Rumbling purrs emit once again from his chest, as he runs his claws up and down your back. It’s not hard enough to break skin, but it will certainly leave marks.
    You might have him held captive here, but he’s got you equally as ensnared.
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@smileybokuto @furfoxsake22 @iambashfulperson @sailorcorgis @barnesparkers @fucktheworlddude @andrastesbeard @chaosatmidnight @thepuckishrogue @black-rose-29 @loveinhaikyuu @katsumi-sumi @rvgrsbrns @andrastesbeard @fantasyismyreality @kara062284-blog @ofinkandpaper​ @askingdaniella-blog  @sunnywonki @hiqhkey​ @phoenixdaneko​
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theemployerdomain · 1 year
Role Of Metaverse In Future Remote Work Culture
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In a world full of changes and upcoming trends, technology has adapted to new and emerging updates worldwide. Earlier, when tech was just a word with no meaning, people used to travel long distances to earn some bucks being the only bread-earner in the family. People had no space to enjoy their personal life due to long working hours and traveling huge distances. 
Slowly, when the technology updated itself, every state and city became reliable enough to offer employment opportunities. During covid pandemic, more than 90% of organizations switched to remote work, where the users logged in/out and worked from home. In this way, they were able to have a healthy work-life balance. Some workplaces allowed hybrid work mode, where they can work 2 days from the office and the remaining days from home. 
Finally, when AI and metaverse stepped into the tech industry, remote work can be a great choice for firms to adapt. Before we even begin to discuss, let's know, 
What Is Metaverse?
Metaverse is a network that connects 3D virtual worlds to assist people with each other, shop intriguing products via cryptocurrency, hang out, adapt personal digital avatars, etc. While metaverse locations depict through virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), they can also be accessed using a computer or smart device. However, to fully experience the three-dimensional immersion, using a VR headset is necessary.
The availability of VR-enabled headsets has increased significantly, to the point where organizations include them as part of the office equipment covered for their employees. It leads us to the next point, i.e., the role of a metaverse in future remote work culture: 
Team Solidarity: 
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Even when the whole world is all set to adapt metaverse, you must ensure that your team's unity should not be disturbed. With metaverse technology, you can see your team's collaboration in your success. People who belong to a united team often prioritize collective interests over their own individual concerns. Furthermore, they exhibit greater enthusiasm and drive to contribute towards achieving the team's objectives.
Customer Interaction: 
With metaverse and intriguing VR features, the employees can interact with their customers virtually without hassle. Discuss the challenges that employees often face when interacting with customers and how virtual reality can revolutionize these interactions by eliminating significant obstacles. The emergence of virtual reality technology will enable remote employees to connect with customers in unprecedented ways, surpassing previous limitations.
Virtual Office Environment: 
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The metaverse, leveraging Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), will simplify the remote work experience for employers and employees. It will be possible to establish a virtual workspace that replicates either the real-world office environment or the specific settings of the company. Within this digital realm, individuals can collaborate on tasks and projects, effectively completing work in a virtual format.
Team Collaboration: 
The metaverse will enable remote workers to enhance their communication skills and place a strong focus on teamwork. These virtual environments have the potential to amplify a team's capacity for innovation and goal attainment in a more streamlined manner. Operating within the metaverse is expected to address the issue of remote workers feeling disconnected and lacking a sense of accomplishment as part of a team, a challenge that many currently face.
Virtual Conferences: 
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Virtual trade shows are poised to supplant traditional conferences and expos as they prove to be more efficient and offer enhanced engagement opportunities. Irrespective of their physical location, remote attendees can conveniently access live, interactive networking opportunities and content using their computers or smart devices. These virtual conferences take place entirely online, often within metaverse ecosystems, eliminating the need for travel, hotel bookings, or catering arrangements.
You can also watch: EmpMonitor | Leading Employee Workforce Productivity Tool
The Verdict: 
So we hope the users will finally understand the role of a metaverse in future remote work culture. It will inspire them to adapt and go ahead with the changing technology. 
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eventindustrynews · 1 year
5 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Way We Work
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Throughout history, the advancement of technology has made our lives easier.
Mechanization has improved working conditions, automation has given us more free time, and computing has facilitated global communication.
Where once we had to dial up a switchboard and ask to be connected, we now have virtual PBX systems that give us multi-channel solutions to all our communication problems.
So, what is the next step in technological evolution?
According to many experts, it’s the Metaverse.
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Stephenson’s Metaverse was a virtual reality that people could access via goggles or terminals and live out their lives in cyberspace.
Now, global tech pioneers are clamoring to bring that fictional vision to life. To create a virtual/augmented reality universe where people from all over the world can come together to share a reality, work together, have events, learn, socialize, and do so much more.
At Facebook Connect 2021, Mark Zuckerberg defined the Metaverse as, “an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it.” He went on to say, “we’ll be able to feel present like we’re right there with people no matter how far apart we actually are. We’ll be able to express ourselves in new, joyful, completely immersive ways.”
How Will We Embody the Metaverse? VR (virtual reality) technology already exists.
Currently, its main use is in gaming; you put on a headset, grab your controllers, and enter a digital world where you might solve puzzles, fight bad guys, or be thoroughly jump-scared.
The Metaverse is set to expand this virtual world to every aspect of our lives.
1. Learning–virtual classrooms and training courses.
2. Socializing–remember Zoom happy hours? Imagine a more immersive experience where you share a virtual reality with your friends and family instead of just a screen.
3. Healthcare–virtual appointments, as well as VR training for healthcare professionals.
4. Entertainment–attend concerts and conventions without the expense of travel and accommodation.
5. Fitness–virtual gyms with personalized trainers, or beautifully crafted worlds that allow you to feel like you’re running or biking outdoors.
6. Commerce–virtual stores offering highly-personalized shopping experiences.
And finally and perhaps most transformatively, work.
Five Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Way We Work
1. Virtual workspaces The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot of things about the world, –but especially how we work.
It’s safe to say that we’ve all learned a thing or two about ourselves these past few years.
There is a renewed focus on mental health, workplace health and safety, and work-life balance emerging. We’re more aware of our vulnerabilities than ever. We understand that our mental and physical health suffers when we’re anxious, isolated, and restricted.
This has led to a deeper craving for flexible working environments, and a widespread need for more remote solutions to our jobs.
The Metaverse is a solution to our modern working expectations and needs, providing an opportunity to improve your digital employee experience.
You can don a headset and enter a virtual workplace where your team can come together, look each other in the eye, and collaborate.
You can be at work, developing your phone system with international calling, from the comfort of your living room.
One example that already has legs is Meta Horizons. Being a pioneer in the business of virtual reality, Meta has developed thousands of digital worlds around their Meta Quest headset. You just create an avatar and jump right into your new workplace.
Other companies are developing similar technologies, paving the way for all industries to offer their staff hybrid working environments with more flexibility and collaboration than ever before.
Imagine being able to put on a VR headset and enter a conference room filled with your colleagues from all around the world. It looks and feels like you’re physically embodying that space, with no screens, microphones, or keyboards to detach you from that experience.
2. Diversify Workplaces The Metaverse is anywhere and everywhere.
It will allow companies to hire from a global pool of talent, bringing together people from all different walks of life.
Diversity is conducive to innovation, so imagine what a worldwide team of people could accomplish if given the right tools to seamlessly come together.
From email services to VoIP apps, technology is vital to the way we communicate. The Metaverse goes one step further by breaking down the walls of time zones, geographical locations, and even language barriers.
3. Education and Training The Metaverse offers a new way to train professionals by providing an unprecedented level of immersion.
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Whole battlefields can be created in the Metaverse, allowing soldiers to hone their skills in a safe environment that also prepares them for real-life situations.
Virtual manufacturing lines where staff can be trained on machinery without risk to themselves and problems can be discovered and rectified without wasting precious resources.
Industries all over the world are adopting virtual reality for education purposes. From pilot training to testing a mobile app to seminars, virtual worlds offer you an entirely immersive learning experience.
The Metaverse is safer, allows for better trial and error, and produces less waste.
4. Conferences, Conventions, and Meetings The Metaverse offers a new way to host people, from the smallest meetings to the biggest events.
The costs and logistics of planning work conferences can be vast. There’s the location, travel, accommodation, catering, and safety of putting dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people in one space.
Virtual events considerably lower costs and alleviate safety concerns, but they can suffer due to a sense of detachment. Actually, being there is an experience that can’t be replicated through a screen.
The Metaverse allows you to walk around, speak with your peers, attend seminars and talks, and even visit booths.
And there are tools to make your stay even more productive. You can record events and replay them at your convenience so that you never miss a piece of important information. Talks can be AI transcribed on the fly for more efficient note-taking. And live language interpretation makes language barriers a thing of the past.
5. Creating New Jobs New technology creates new jobs.
Building VR hardware and coding virtual realities are just a couple of new avenues of employment.
JP Morgan has opened a bank in the Metaverse called Onyx, which moves banking to a decentralized blockchain. Boeing has stated that their next line of planes will be developed in the Metaverse. BMW has created its Omniverse, where cars are designed and virtually manufactured to improve safety before they’re brought into the real world.
The Metaverse could alleviate many pain points related to remote employee onboarding and management, opening up new ways of approaching HR.
The Metaverse brings us new challenges such as hybrid working environments, where employee onboarding and training are entirely remote. This forces us to consider new ways of approaching HR and employee management.
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It’s no wonder that brands like Microsoft, Nvidia, and, of course, Facebook/Meta are investing so heavily in the Metaverse.
But there are problems to solve.
1. Environmental Impact Sustainability is on everyone’s mind, and the computing power required to run virtual worlds is vast. The development of cloud application architectures can cut down on the hardware required to run web3, but power consumption is still a problem.
2. Hardware Currently, VR hardware is heavy and bulky. The headsets are known to cause nausea and headaches in some people due to motion sickness. To seamlessly inhabit the Metaverse, the hardware involved needs to be much less intrusive and debilitating.
3. Cost VR headsets can range anywhere from $200 all the way up to $2,000. For most of us, even low-end hardware is a big expense. If proponents of the Metaverse want widespread adoption, manufacturers will need to find ways to make access more affordable.
4. Security The Metaverse is uncharted territory. With any unmapped landscape, security threats are new and emerging.
Virtual worlds blur the line between digital space and reality, which could lead to online scams becoming more efficient, more personal, and more consequential. Increasing amounts of our personal data could put us at risk as we inhabit these new worlds.
These issues haven’t curbed the Metaverse’s appeal, though
Across the top 10 virtual platforms, $1.9 billion worth of virtual real estate has been purchased.
Tech experts are working tirelessly to locate and solve problems, develop better hardware, and make virtual worlds more enticing than ever.
The Metaverse will very likely change the future of work, commerce, education, and entertainment forever.
Source — Eventcombo
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hyphenscs · 2 years
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It was a pleasant surprise and absolute pleasure for Arun Pandit ® Co-founder of Hyphen SCS to catch up with Anoop Poonia, founder of Veris & fellow Indian Institute of Foreign Trade alumni and batchmate at an event hosted by Recur Club. His startup Veris is powering workplaces of the future very similar to what Hyphen SCS is trying to do in the warehousing & fulfillment domain. Veris is a workplace experience platform. They enhance the experience, well-being, and productivity of all stakeholders of a workplace from employees to guests to management. They are a 5-year-old SaaS company having their solution deployed across 18 countries and 80 cities with more than 10 in-app languages. For the post-covid world where hybrid work is becoming a norm, they are building a workplace management solution that offers safe & hybrid return-to-work via app-enabled, conversation-centric access to every workplace service. They are leaders in designing tech-enabled journeys and experiences that create an impression that is a class apart. With over 200+ enterprise clients, over 50 Million Digital interactions, and 250K client employees on board, their solution makes visitors feel welcomed, employees feel valued & management in control by creating a unified interface for all important workplace service interactions. Their solutions are plug and play, configurable based on an enterprise’s needs. Visit hyphenscs.com to know more! #hyphenscs #arunpandit #anooppoonia #veris #warehousing #logistics #iift #recurclub #work #experience #digital #management #leaders #building #future #tech #startup #event #productivity #covid #saas #startupdiary #batchmate #founders #startupindia #warehousing #iiftian
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adityaguptablogs · 17 hours
5 Employment Trends that will Reshape Work in 2024
As we move further into the digital age, the landscape of employment is constantly evolving. With the rapid advancements in technology, changing demographics, and global events, 2024 is set to be a transformative year for the world of work. GK HR Consulting, a leading Recruitment agency in India, is at the forefront of these changes, helping businesses adapt and thrive. Here are five employment trends that will reshape work in 2024 and how GK HR Consulting's Temporary staffing services in India can assist your organization in navigating these changes effectively.
5 Employment Trends that will Reshape Work that will Reshape Work in 2024
1. Remote Work Revolution
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, and this trend is here to stay. In 2024, more companies will adopt hybrid work models, allowing employees to work from both home and office. GK HR Consulting understands the importance of flexibility in today's work environment. As a top Recruitment agency in India, they can help you find qualified candidates who are comfortable with remote work and can thrive in a digital-first workplace. Additionally, their Temporary staffing services in India offer the flexibility to scale your workforce up or down based on your business needs.
2. Skills Over Degrees
Gone are the days when a college degree was the only ticket to a successful career. In 2024, employers will prioritize skills and experience over formal education. This shift towards skill-based hiring opens up opportunities for candidates from diverse backgrounds and non-traditional educational paths. GK HR Consulting specializes in identifying candidates with the right skills and experience to fit your organization's needs. As a leading Temporary staffing in India, they have a deep understanding of the local talent pool and can help you find candidates who are a perfect match for your requirements. Their Temporary staffing services in India also provide access to skilled professionals on a short-term basis, allowing you to meet project deadlines and fill skill gaps quickly.
3. Employee Well-being and Mental Health
2024 will see a greater focus on employee well-being and mental health. Companies are recognizing the importance of creating a supportive work environment that prioritizes the health and happiness of their employees. GK HR Consulting understands the significance of mental well-being in the workplace and offers resources and support to help organizations create a positive work culture. As a trusted Temporary staffing in India, they can help you find candidates who prioritize their well-being and are looking for employers who value work-life balance. With their Temporary staffing services in India, you can also ensure that your temporary employees have access to the same support and resources as your full-time staff.
4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) will continue to be a top priority for companies in 2024. Employers are recognizing the benefits of a diverse workforce and are taking steps to create more inclusive workplaces. GK HR Consulting is committed to promoting DEI in the recruitment process and helps organizations build diverse teams that drive innovation and creativity. As a leading Recruitment agency in India, they have a diverse network of candidates from various backgrounds and can help you build an inclusive workforce. Their Temporary staffing services in India also offer opportunities for candidates from underrepresented groups to gain valuable work experience and contribute to your organization's success.
5. Gig Economy Growth
The gig economy has been on the rise for several years, and its growth will continue to accelerate in 2024. More people are choosing freelance and contract work over traditional full-time employment, seeking flexibility and autonomy in their careers. GK HR Consulting's Temporary staffing services in India cater to this growing trend by connecting businesses with skilled freelancers and contractors who can contribute to short-term projects or fill temporary roles. As a trusted Temporary staffing in India, they can help you navigate the complexities of the gig economy and find the right talent to support your business objectives.
2024 is poised to be a transformative year for the world of work, with these five employment trends leading the way. From the remote work revolution to the growth of the gig economy, companies will need to adapt quickly to stay competitive. GK HR Consulting, a leading Temporary staffing in India, is here to help your organization navigate these changes effectively. With their Temporary staffing services in India, you can access a flexible workforce that meets your business needs, whether you're scaling up, filling skill gaps, or embracing the gig economy. Partnering with GK HR Consulting ensures that you have the right talent, strategies, and support to succeed in this evolving landscape.
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Empower Your Digital Transformation with Sify's Comprehensive Digital Services
In an era where digital transformation is paramount to business success, having a robust digital strategy is essential. Sify Technologies, a trailblazer in digital transformation, offers an extensive suite of Digital Services designed to accelerate your journey towards digital excellence. From cloud solutions and cybersecurity to application modernization and digital experience, Sify’s Digital Services provide the foundation for innovation, efficiency, and growth.
The Comprehensive Digital Services Portfolio
Sify’s Digital Services encompass a broad range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Each service is designed to address specific challenges and opportunities, ensuring that your digital transformation journey is seamless and effective.
1. Cloud Services
Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Sify’s cloud services offer the flexibility to choose the best cloud environment for your business. Whether it’s public, private, or hybrid cloud, Sify provides seamless integration and management, ensuring that your cloud infrastructure is optimized for performance and cost-efficiency.
Cloud Migration and Deployment
Moving to the cloud can be complex. Sify’s experts facilitate smooth cloud migration and deployment, minimizing disruption and ensuring a secure transition. Their comprehensive approach covers everything from planning and execution to ongoing management and support.
2. Cybersecurity Solutions
Advanced Threat Protection
In today’s digital world, cybersecurity is a top priority. Sify’s cybersecurity solutions include advanced threat protection, intrusion detection, and response strategies to safeguard your digital assets. Their proactive approach ensures that your business is protected against evolving cyber threats.
Compliance and Risk Management
Sify helps businesses navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and risk management. Their services ensure that your digital operations meet industry standards and regulations, minimizing risks and protecting your business from potential penalties.
3. Application Services
App Modernization
Legacy applications can hinder innovation. Sify’s app modernization services revitalize your existing applications, leveraging modern technologies to enhance performance, scalability, and user experience. This transformation enables your business to stay competitive in the digital age.
Application Development and Maintenance
Sify offers end-to-end application development and maintenance services. From initial design and development to ongoing support and enhancement, Sify ensures that your applications meet your evolving business needs.
4. Digital Experience
Customer Experience Management
Delivering a superior digital experience is crucial for customer satisfaction. Sify’s customer experience management services include user experience design, digital marketing, and analytics, helping you create engaging and personalized customer interactions.
Workplace Transformation
Sify’s digital workplace solutions enhance productivity and collaboration. By integrating the latest digital tools and technologies, Sify transforms your workplace into a dynamic and efficient environment, supporting remote work and enhancing employee engagement.
5. Data and Analytics
Data Management and Governance
Effective data management is the cornerstone of digital transformation. Sify provides comprehensive data management and governance solutions, ensuring that your data is accurate, secure, and accessible.
Advanced Analytics and AI
Unlock the full potential of your data with Sify’s advanced analytics and AI services. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Sify helps you gain actionable insights, drive decision-making, and foster innovation.
Why Choose Sify for Digital Services?
Expertise and Innovation
With decades of experience and a strong focus on innovation, Sify Technologies brings unparalleled expertise to digital transformation. Sify’s team of certified professionals ensures that your business benefits from the latest advancements in technology and best practices.
Customer-Centric Approach
Sify places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting the unique needs of each customer. Their customer-centric approach ensures that the solutions provided are tailored to your specific requirements, delivering maximum value and satisfaction.
Comprehensive Solutions
Sify offers a full spectrum of digital and network services, providing a holistic approach to your IT needs. Whether you need cloud services, cybersecurity, application modernization, or digital experience solutions, Sify is your trusted partner for all your digital requirements.
Proven Track Record
Sify has a proven track record of successfully delivering digital solutions to businesses across various industries. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned them a reputation as a reliable and innovative digital partner.
Sify’s Digital Services are more than just a suite of technological solutions; they are a strategic enabler for your business. By providing comprehensive cloud services, robust cybersecurity, advanced application modernization, exceptional digital experiences, and powerful data analytics, Sify empowers your business to achieve digital excellence. Embrace the future with Sify and transform your business operations to drive growth, innovation, and success.
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viravol · 2 days
Ensuring Digital Experience Uniformity in Enterprises
In 2020, businesses were forced to adopt essential tools to enable remote work. Over the past two years, leadership teams worldwide have been reminded of the crucial role technology plays in driving business outcomes. But what is necessary for success?
The challenge becomes apparent as businesses adopting a hybrid approach must catch up to provide an equitable work environment. Frequent connectivity issues often arise from common oversights, such as underestimating the required bandwidth for collaborative tools. Sometimes, outdated software and hardware integrations fail to support hybrid meetings, resulting in a poor user experience. This frustration affects both in-office and remote employees, potentially impacting partner and customer satisfaction.
Chief Experience Officers (CXOs) are helping forward-thinking businesses achieve digital experience consistency – an environment that ensures all employees, whether remote, on-site, or hybrid, have a positive and uniform experience. While investing in the right tools and technology is essential, businesses must also change their perspective on collaboration.
Achieving Digital Experience Consistency
Before the pandemic, in-office employees would leave their desks to collaborate in meeting rooms, while remote team members joined via conference calls or video calls. Although this setup met the criteria for a hybrid workplace, remote employees often faced second-tier treatment, struggling with connection issues, subpar audio and video quality, and inconsistent connections. This experience gap allowed in-person participants to dominate conversations, hindering effective collaboration.
In 2020, the transition to virtual meetings highlighted the challenges of replicating in-person meeting dynamics online. The absence of whiteboards, body language cues, and spontaneous brainstorming sessions impacted productivity and increased video conference fatigue.
To create a level playing field for all employees, leaders must work towards digital experience consistency. This requires a shift in mindset regarding true collaboration within their enterprise.
Identifying Individual Needs and Solutions
To optimize a hybrid workplace, leaders must first identify the obstacles to collaboration. Executives should collaborate with IT and business unit leaders to discuss pain points and determine the technology needed to scale the current infrastructure to support a hybrid environment before officially returning to the office.
This might involve upgrading individual headsets, integrating virtual whiteboards, equipping conference rooms with AI-powered cameras and visual collaboration tools, and setting collaborative security and governance standards. Technology is a tool to facilitate successful collaboration, not the end goal. The diverse needs of various teams and departments mean there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Leaders must approach communication and collaboration with a deliberate, experience-driven mindset to achieve digital experience consistency.
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vijay1225 · 3 days
Remote Workplace Services Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Remote workplace services are a collection of technology-enabled services and technologies that enable employees to operate from locations other than typical office settings. This enhances productivity and save time and money.
Sizing and Forecast The remote workplace services market size has grown exponentially in recent years. It will grow from $25.88 billion in 2023 to $31.84 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.0%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to business continuity planning, cost efficiency and flexibility, focus on employee well-being, cybersecurity concerns, globalization and distributed workforces.
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The remote workplace services market size is expected to see exponential growth in the next few years. It will grow to $73.14 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to hybrid work models, focus on employee experience, regulatory compliance requirements, global events and crisis preparedness, ai and automation integration. Major trends in the forecast period include digital transformation initiatives, evolving communication technologies, technological advancements, customization and scalability, cloud-based solutions dominance.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The remote workplace services market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Component: Solutions, Services 2) By Deployment Type: On-Premises, Cloud 3) By Organization Size: Large Enterprises, Small And Medium Enterprises 4) By Verticals: Telecommunication, Banking, Financial Services, & Insurance, IT and ITeS Manufacturing, Retail & Consumer Goods, Media and Entertainment, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Government and Public Sectors, Other Verticals
North America was the largest region in the remote workplace services market in 2023. The regions covered in the remote workplace services market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The improved initiatives and employee participation in remote working are expected to propel the growth of the remote workplace services market. Improved initiatives for remote working refer to the operational structure, where the employers keep communication open, make recognition public, introduce mentors, and ensure that remote working is productive and cost-effective. Employee participation refers to engaging with the team and project by connecting through technology, fostering social interaction, recognizing smart objectives, and striving to continue the company’s growth by working remotely. Improved initiatives and employee participation can play a critical role in the growth of remote workplace services. For instance, in 2022, according to Upwork Global Inc., a US-based freelancing platform, 36.2 million workers, or 22% of Americans, are estimated to be working remotely in 2025. Also, in 2022, according to the study conducted by AT&T Inc., a US-based telecommunications holding company, the hybrid model (office + remote) workplace is expected to grow from 42% in 2021 to 81% in 2024. Thus, improved initiatives and employee participation drive the remote workplace services market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the remote workplace services market report are Wipro Limited, HCL Technologies Limited, Capgemini SE, Atos, Accenture PLC, Unisys Corporation, NTT DATA Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, VMware Inc., DXC Technology, Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, Cognizant, Zensar Technologies Limited, Mphasis Limited, Tech Mahindra, Fujitsu Limited, The International Business Machines Corporation, TRIANZ Holdings Pvt. Ltd., Infosys Limited, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Amazon Web Services Inc., Orange Business Services, BT Group PLC, Verizon Communications Inc., AT&T Inc., Deutsche Telekom AG, Telefonica S.A., Vodafone Group PLC, Citrix Systems Inc.
The remote workplace services market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Remote Workplace Services Market Characteristics 3. Remote Workplace Services Market Trends And Strategies 4. Remote Workplace Services Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Remote Workplace Services Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Global Remote Workplace Services Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Remote Workplace Services Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Remote Workplace Services Market 34. Remote Workplace Services Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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Relationship Between Return To Office Mandates and Employee Retention
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In recent years, how we work has dramatically transformed, with remote and hybrid work models becoming the norm. However, with changing times, companies are increasingly pushing for return-to-office (RTO) mandates. These mandates, designed to bring employees back to traditional work environments, are stirring debates. 
While some see RTO as a way to rebuild workplace culture and collaboration, others fear it could decrease employee retention as workers prioritise flexibility and work-life balance. This article explores the complex relationship between RTO mandates and employee retention, understanding the factors that drive these trends and how effective office designs and company culture can help make RTO mandates attractive for employees.
The rationale behind return to office mandates
RTO mandates have gained traction among business leaders seeking to reestablish traditional work environments and enhance team collaboration. According to a recent KPMG survey of 1,325 CEOs across 11 countries, 60% of managers and business leaders support RTO policies. This preference for in-office work is majorly driven by the perceived benefits of face-to-face interaction, greater team cohesion, and improved company culture. 
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Proponents of RTO believe that working together in a physical space promotes creativity and productivity, especially with a well-thought-out office design. Modern office design plays a critical role here, aiming to create spaces that facilitate collaboration while maintaining flexibility.
Employee retention challenges with RTO mandates
Employee retention becomes challenging because many employees have grown accustomed to the benefits of remote or hybrid work. These include flexibility, improved work-life balance, and the absence of long commutes, which contribute to higher job satisfaction. Companies implementing RTO policies risk disrupting this balance, leading to decreased morale and job dissatisfaction. 
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According to a recent study, 42% of companies that have mandated RTO saw a higher employee turnover than anticipated. Additionally, almost one-third of companies found recruiting new talent became more difficult due to RTO mandates. These outcomes emphasise addressing these concerns to maintain a productive and motivated workforce.
How workplace design affects RTO and retention
Flexibility and adaptability in office layouts are essential in accommodating diverse workstyles and creating a sense of community. Innovative workplace design solutions can impact employee retention by providing an environment that inspires creativity, collaboration, and productivity.
A notable example is the workplace design of BCG’s Gurgaon office. Before the office redesign, transforming the space into a hub for collaboration and creativity was a challenge. The key here was to address the issue of a remote work culture that had taken root even before the pandemic. 
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It led to the creation of 'UnOffice,' an innovative workspace designed to address critical challenges and nurture an environment where peak performance became the new standard. This design incorporated a digital immersion area within the client experience zone, allowing BCG clients to experience the firm's solutions fully. 
The project resulted in a 3X increase in return-to-office numbers at peak occupancy, demonstrating the impact of modern office design. It shows how visionary office design concepts can transform workspaces, driving employee productivity, nurturing creativity, and reinforcing a company's core values and purpose.
Strategies to improve retention in the face of RTO mandates
As organisations navigate the challenges of RTO mandates, retaining talent becomes a top priority. Here are some effective strategies to improve retention.
Emphasis on creating a balanced and flexible work environment
Legato, a leading healthcare solutions provider, showcases how a balanced and flexible work environment helps improve employee retention. The workspace reflects the company's innovative spirit and promotes flexibility while embracing a cohesive culture.
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Legato's office spans three floors and features various spaces to cater to different work styles. The design includes focus rooms for individual work, meeting rooms, boardrooms, cabins, a training zone, a work cafe, a wellness zone, and a coworking lounge. Variety allows employees to choose spaces that suit their tasks and preferences, promoting a sense of autonomy and comfort within the office.
Furthermore, the workplace has infused the "One Culture-One Community" ethos into its design. This approach has brought everyone together with a sense of oneness, reinforcing the brand's culture while providing a flexible and adaptable environment for employees. Emphasising balance and flexibility in office design has helped Legato create a workplace that resonates with employees, supporting retention despite RTO mandates.
Collaborative spaces and individual workstations
Brookfield has designed its headquarters to embody its brand and attract the best employees. The office design focuses on minimalist sophistication, openness, collaboration, and flexibility. These principles are reflected in soft whites, beiges, and wood finishes, creating a calm and inviting environment.
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To encourage collaboration, the workspace features flexible areas with work booths, café-like seating, and bar stools in the pantry, allowing employees to interact informally and brainstorm ideas. At the same time, individual workstations offer high-backed armchairs, height-adjustable seats, and ergonomic chairs, providing autonomy and comfort for focused work. These collaborative and individual spaces blend and align with modern office design trends that value adaptability and personalization.
Recessed and decorative hanging lights create a warm and intimate atmosphere, creating a welcoming ambience. These design choices enhance the sense of belonging, reinforcing the Brookfield brand's culture and values. Promoting trust and transparency through versatile workspace configurations has helped Brookfield create a work environment that resonates with employees.
Wellness-focused design elements
Wellness-focused design elements are essential in creating a workspace that prioritises employee health, comfort, and productivity, which can improve retention. Ansys lives up to this commitment to employee well-being through its thoughtful office design. The company's office layout includes wellness-centric features, like perfect acoustics for noise cancellation, biophilia, and ergonomic furniture.
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Advanced acoustic technology helps Ansys reduce background noise, creating a serene and focused environment that minimises distractions. The integration of biophilia enhances aesthetics and contributes to employees' psychological well-being. The approach reflects modern office design principles that recognize nature's calming and therapeutic effects in a work setting.
Ergonomic furniture is another crucial aspect of Ansys's design. It provides employees with maximum comfort to boost productivity and diminishes the risk of injuries. Adjustable desks, supportive chairs, and other ergonomically designed furniture allow employees to customise their workspace to suit their preferences, promoting better posture and reducing physical strain. These wellness-focused design elements collectively contribute to a work environment that encourages a sense of care and respect for employees, which is a decisive factor in improving retention.
Navigating return-to-office mandates: Strategies for employee retention
Companies like BCG, Legato, Brookfield, and Ansys are showing how modern office design can play a critical role in promoting environments that attract and retain talent, even amidst the push for RTO. As workplaces continue to evolve, your organisation must consider the impact of RTO mandates on the employees and adopt office design strategies that promote retention. The key is to create environments that balance collaboration and individual autonomy, support employee well-being, and align with the company's values and culture.
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goldnewsblog · 5 days
Ricoh becoming a digital services firm, seeking "Fulfillment through Work" | Stories | Global Ricoh becoming a digital services firm, seeking "Fulfillment through Work" | Stories | Global “Utilizing digital solutions presents a viable option for alleviating the modern issues that companies face.”Akira Oyama, President & CEO, RicohDiversifying workplace, evolving workstyleRicoh is known the world over as a premium manufacturer and distributor of office equipment, including multifunction devices, printers, consumables, imaging equipment, and other information and communications technology products.However, while maintaining its commitment to manufacturing high-quality electronics and hardware, Ricoh is now evolving into an integrated digital service provider focused on the changing workplace, explains the company’s President and CEO, Akira Oyama. Digital Experience Centre in Birmingham, UK, designed to be an open and agile space to facilitate innovation and collaboration between its hybrid workforce“The work styles of our customers have been evolving in recent years, driven in part by the diversification of values in the world and the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Mr. Oyama. “This has led to an increasingly hybrid work environment where remote work has become prevalent. To support a dispersed workforce, our customers must now digitize various business processes and workflows, and our digital solutions have successfully met their needs in this respect.” Overview of Ricoh’s 21st Mid-Term Management StrategyNavigating global challenges with digital solutionsMr. Oyama explains: “During Ricoh’s 21st Mid-Term Management Strategy, Ricoh is focusing on three areas. First, IT services that support the construction and operation of the information and communications infrastructure that form the foundation of the workplace. Second, business process automation, which helps customers improve their productivity by digitizing their business processes. Lastly, the communication services that help our clients strengthen their creativity through meeting room design and the construction of hybrid work environments. “ RICOH Spaces, a cloud-hosted workplace management platform“Ricoh has a broad base of approximately 1.4 million customers around the world – from global companies to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in various industries – and a network of sales and service touch points. One of the challenges Japanese SMBs face is the labor shortage due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and slow ICT utilization. Inequality and information disparity caused by the digital divide are becoming global issues as well. One of the most promising ways to address these challenges is to promote digital solutions usage. Recognizing that SMBs often lack the necessary resources for digital implementation, Ricoh offers comprehensive solutions tailored to customer needs, encompassing a packaged approach that demands minimal maintenance and effort.”Also, Ricoh is building a strong track record in IT services, communication services, and business process services for companies around the world. Mr. Oyama outlines that it is Ricoh’s objective to provide a holistic solution to address the modern challenges companies face. Ricoh is committed to creating value at the customer interface in every region of the world it does business in by enhancing the expertise of its digital workforce and localizing offerings per customer needs.Enhancing workplace experience“As a workplace services provider, Ricoh focuses on developing comprehensive solutions for customers. “explains Mr. Oyama. “While continuing to enhance edge devices that convert analog data into digital workflows, our research and development focus is on software, cloud technology, and platform. For example, by combining low-code/no-code development with the problem-solving capabilities of Ricoh’s global sales and support structure, we can help customers to improve their field-driven operations led by frontline workers.
Furthermore, cloud-based platform RICOH Smart Integration is the key to unifying hardware and software components to provide a consistent digital workflow experience. We are making substantial investments in these areas to ensure continuous innovation and service improvement.”Ricoh’s unwavering commitment to working peopleAs Ricoh continues to evolve from manufacturer to digital services provider, its business philosophy remains steadfastly the same – which is broadly to support its customers’ creativity and contribute to their “Fulfillment through Work.” RICOH PRISM, a next-generation meeting space“I believe that creative work is worth doing in person, and the office will be a space that helps people to be more creative.”, stresses the CEO.“Similarly, with the advent of generative AI, tasks traditionally performed solely by humans have become more specified, highlighting that creativity is a unique value only humans can provide. While the traditional purpose of work has been earning a salary, finding satisfaction and fulfillment in one’s work has become increasingly important for overall happiness in life. We believe our digital services unleash our customers’ and employees’ creativity by releasing people from the tedium of repetitive tasks and enhance productivity, and ultimately increase the happiness of their lives.”Ricoh becoming a digital services firm, seeking “Fulfillment through Work” | Stories | Global #Ricoh #digital #services #firm #seeking #Fulfillment #Work #Stories #GlobalSource Link: https://www.ricoh.com/news/stories/articles/external-seeking-fulfillment-through-workRicoh becoming a digital services firm, seeking “Fulfillment through Work” | Stories | Global:“Utilizing digital solutions presents a viable option for alleviating the moder… Ricoh becoming a digital services firm, seeking "Fulfillment through Work" | Stories | Global Global
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