malamiteltd · 7 months
Graphite's Infernal State
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The excess energy of Teijru, and all fervals in general, is known as "fervor." Often displaying properties of fire and electricity, it typically clings close to most fervals and can be manipulated via extrasensory abilities. If all the fervor is forced within the ferval's body, it can lead to the inner workings of the body going much faster. This allows the ferval to become stronger and faster, and can help the body heal significant wounds in seconds. But this can stress the body when used for prolonged periods of time, potentially leading to hyperventilation, seizures, and heart and/or brain damage, among other things. This is officially referred to as self-induced hyperfervor; to some, it's called an Infernal State.
This illustration shows Graphite in the Infernal State. He utilizes it the most out of anyone on Kheji, and is the driving force behind his Sforzando technique -- striking "suddenly with great force." He can perform complex, powerful moves almost instantly, one after another, by inducing the Infernal State in very brief instances. With the amount of fervor he possesses, he can perform several powerful attacks and still stand steady. That doesn't mean he's fully avoiding the dangerous risks of hyperfervor, but considering he's accepted death as a constant possibility in his line of work, he's not so worried about his well-being so long as he can defeat threats effectively.
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