velvettapeworm · 6 months
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Untitled Fervor 5, 2024
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lady-mclean · 17 days
I treasure every stolen moment with my lover. Intoxicating kisses, his mouth on mine. His lips trail down my neck and across my clavicle. He smells faintly of the ocean and Ivory soap. His hands span my back and pull me more tightly into him. This is the only aspect of our relationship in which he seeks control and I freely give it. This is not just a gift to him, but to myself. I am the one to make decisions in all other realms of my life, so it is a joy to have him take these decisions from me, to decide how our pleasures will take their course. The anticipation is exhilarating. Sometimes not having to make choices can bring a glorious freedom. The freedom of being a blank canvas upon which another can create a work of veneration can be magnificent indeed.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 11 months
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"If your blood doesn't run hot, I will make it run in the sands!" —Maraxus of Keld
Artist: Franz Vohwinkel TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ashleyrowan · 2 years
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A little late this weekend but here's the next batch of Therapy Dungeon characters! I really like this sad child and their angry dad.
There's one last batch, I'll try to release next weekend!
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mx-trashgoblin · 4 months
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malamiteltd · 7 months
Graphite's Infernal State
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The excess energy of Teijru, and all fervals in general, is known as "fervor." Often displaying properties of fire and electricity, it typically clings close to most fervals and can be manipulated via extrasensory abilities. If all the fervor is forced within the ferval's body, it can lead to the inner workings of the body going much faster. This allows the ferval to become stronger and faster, and can help the body heal significant wounds in seconds. But this can stress the body when used for prolonged periods of time, potentially leading to hyperventilation, seizures, and heart and/or brain damage, among other things. This is officially referred to as self-induced hyperfervor; to some, it's called an Infernal State.
This illustration shows Graphite in the Infernal State. He utilizes it the most out of anyone on Kheji, and is the driving force behind his Sforzando technique -- striking "suddenly with great force." He can perform complex, powerful moves almost instantly, one after another, by inducing the Infernal State in very brief instances. With the amount of fervor he possesses, he can perform several powerful attacks and still stand steady. That doesn't mean he's fully avoiding the dangerous risks of hyperfervor, but considering he's accepted death as a constant possibility in his line of work, he's not so worried about his well-being so long as he can defeat threats effectively.
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chronivore · 16 days
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Rezei com fervor, mas sentia que ainda não era suficiente, e continuei a rezar por mais tempo. Diário 828.
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quotes-for-the-soul · 2 months
I find it especially vital to remember that political dogmas become dogmas expressly because they are repeated with fervor. When a politician or pundit starts to sound more like a commercial jingle or broken record than a scholar, that's a cue to listen more closely--to bear in mind that knowledge isn't always meant to go down like a nursery rhyme.
The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality by Amanda Montell
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velvettapeworm · 11 months
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What Remains, 2023
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lady-mclean · 6 days
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
----Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter 2
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amalgamgooze · 2 months
fervent wind - oppressive gale
It's always exciting when the weather app shows "wind" as the weather for the next hours.
I mean, to watch rain buffet and trickle down the windows while unseen thunder accents your cozily-lit (or cozily-unlit) bedroom vantage point during a storm, or to gaze out upon a squall of fluttering snowflakes as the world is covered in white powder during a blizzard, perhaps while sipping hot cocoa and sitting by some source of warmth (be it a space heater or a fireplace)... while those are both incredibly cozy, they're not quite like windy days.
When it's windy out, you can take walks in the wind.
Enthralling, no?
I get it. There's a lot of charm to watching rainfall/snowfall. It's nostalgic to even think about it--all the times I'd woken up and looked out at a newly snow-covered world or the late summer nights accentuated by the soft pitter-patter of rain as I stayed up until ungodly hours playing Terraria on my 3DS.
But wind is different.
Wind isn't cozy.
It's exhilarating.
It doesn't matter if the wind's blowing from in front of you or behind you. Either way, you'll still feel that same rush.
Strong, oppressive headwind makes you feel purposeful. It makes you feel as if you're fighting something--and winning. Yes, you may face oppression in the form of the gale rushing past you, but you're still making progress. At best, this headwind is a child clinging at your ankles, a pitiful ball-and-chain, only barely hindering your forward progress. In fact, the dust and debris it blows in your face is probably the worst part about it. You're conquering nature when you march onward in the face of oppressive gales.
On the other hand, immense, empowering tailwind makes you feel hopeful. It's the rush of nature on your side--the wind carrying you to your destination, Mother Nature cheering for you from the sidelines of whatever battles you might be fighting. You feel enhanced in tailwind. It's almost as if you resonate with the winds on a deeper level when it blows from behind you.
And tailwind after headwind is just more exhilarating. The battle's been fought, the campaign is over. Once adversaries, locked in combat, now friends, perhaps sharing a drink at the local bar. A gentle reminder that our "enemies" in this time are just friends in another.
And when the headwind gets so immense, when it kicks up so much dust you can't help but look down and shield your face, *that's* evocative. It's like the rush from riding a rollercoaster--"Haha, I feel threatened! I might be in danger!". However, wind is no meticulously engineered novelty ride--it's the uncontrollable (as of now) pressure gradient between two different systems, it's beyond the puppet wizardry of mankind's hands--again, for now.
Wind gets me riled up. It excites me. Especially the warm, sticky summer wind. After a long day of programming abstract, so-far-removed-from-actuality bullshit statistical analysis algorithms all day, these incredible gusts prove their worthiness of my appreciation through their rejuvenation of my spirit.
Have you ever felt the winds blowing in your face, as you stand on a bridge high above the rushing currents below? As you gaze out at an empire built of steel and concrete, as bikers and cars whizz past behind you?
It's existence. It's the proof of my existence. It's small, pitiful, and meaningless on a cosmic scale, but on a smaller, personal scale, these valiant winds blow past a hero fighting their own personal battles.
I've fallen before, but just as the winds die down and return stronger, I too don't go down without a fight.
The winds fill me with fervor. What do they do for you?
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bing-iplier · 3 months
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hello!! :^)
this is my first artfight so i'm very excited
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mx-trashgoblin · 4 months
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Alright fuckers, my hair is gone now
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moonlights-tears · 1 year
Caught by my hook
My eyes more than look
Wiggle on my rope
Fingers hunger to grope
That body more then ready
Teeth locked and held steady
Brace for this carnal fervor
The want to just ruin her
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