shiningstages · 1 year
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If I ever buy a piece of clothing again, please apprehend me ( aka I finished my laundry / closet cleanout...for now ).
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sbtlns · 4 years
Home, part six
Warnings: fight scene, angst, nsfw scene
A/N: hehe cliff hanger >:) 
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Part one | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
 Castiel quickly walked out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs to his room, careful to turn his body out of your sight. Once he reached the comfort of his room, he sat down on his bed and pulled his phone out. He really didn’t want to call Dean and ask for help, but he really had no idea what he was doing. Sighing to himself, he reluctantly dialed Dean’s number. “Cas, buddy, how are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Y/N find you? Where-” 
“Dean.” Castiel’s gruff voice cut off the older Winchester through the phone. He sighed before continuing, trying to be patient. “I am well, Y/N found me, we are at her old house,” he answered quickly. He heard the brother let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear man. How are things? Everything alright?” Dean continued to bombard him with questions. “Actually,” Castiel began before sighing again. “I have a bit of a...predicament,” he said vaguely. “...What kind of predicament?” Dean questioned. “My vessel...it appears to be..malfunctioning,” Castiel explained slowly. A moment passed as understanding washed over Dean. “And is this...predicament...in the downstairs region?” Dean asked, holding back a fit of laughter. “...Perhaps,” Castiel answered hesitantly. Dean couldn’t hold back the laughter any longer and Castiel rolled his eyes, annoyed at the lack of help being offered from his friend. “I’m..I’m sorry man...” Dean apologized between laughs. “Dean this isn’t funny,” Castiel scolded into the phone. “I made a fool of myself in front of Y/N. I hope I haven’t offended her..” he trailed off, voice becoming softer at the thought of offending you. “Cas, trust me buddy, you did not offend Y/N,” Dean said, clutching his side and breathing deeply, trying to recover from his laughing fit. “All right, bud, this is what you’re gonna do.” 
After you watched Cas awkwardly shuffle up the stairs, you decided to start on breakfast. You were craving eggs and toast, and you hoped that would be okay with Castiel. You fruitlessly tried not to think about his current state upstairs, but to no avail. You imagined how beautiful he would look in all his glory, head lolled against his shoulders. You fought the urge to run upstairs as you pictured his mouth slightly parted and eyes closed in pleasure. The soft moans he would make as he touched himself.....Get a grip, Y/N! You shook your head rid of your fantasy and pulled your attention back to the eggs you were frying up, ignoring the ache in your core and damp spot in your panties. 
You placed an egg, slice of toast, and some cut fruit on a plate for Castiel when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You placed his plate in front of his chair before turning around to greet the former angel. He had tried to make himself presentable; he had changed into jeans and an old tshirt of Dean’s, but the glow in his cheeks and his unusual relaxed state gave him away. “Better?” you smiled gently at him. His cheeks reddened and he gave you a tight lipped smile in confirmation before averting his eyes from yours. “I um, made some breakfast,” you said, gesturing to his plate on the table and sitting down. He nodded and muttered his thanks, still not looking you in the eye. Part of you enjoyed how flustered he was around you, but eventually you decided to throw him a bone. 
“So Cas,” you began, pushing a piece of egg around your plate with your fork. Cas briefly raised his head to look at your before looking back down at his plate. “How do you feel about going shopping with me today? We need to get you some clothes and I need some new jeans,” you said, looking up at him. He relaxed his tensed shoulders, relieved to be talking about something other than his..predicament..from this morning. “I would like that very much,” he said, smiling and looking up to meet you gaze. You stared back into his ocean eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in them for a moment. Castiel was the first one to break the silence. “This breakfast was lovely, thank you, Y/N,” he said looking down at his empty plate. You laughed as you stood up taking both of your plates, “it’s just eggs and toast, Cas,” you said, making your way to the sink. Castiel smiled to himself. Yes, but it’s your eggs and toast, he thought to himself. 
You went back upstairs to get ready for the day, stopping in the mirror to fix your hair. You slipped off your sleep shirt and put on a bralette before rummaging through your drawer for the shirt you wanted. Suddenly you heard Castiel’s voice along with your door creaking open. “Y/N I was w-” he cut himself off. You stood in shock just staring at the intruder. His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. You stood in front of him in nothing but panties and a bralette. He desperately searched for something to say-anything-but was rendered speechless. He couldn’t help his eyes wander to roam up and down your body, taking in every detail. “Cas!” you squeaked, trying to cover yourself up. He snapped out of it and took the hint, and practically tripped over his feet leaving the room. You stood there for a few minutes after he had left trying to regain your composure. You got dressed and took a deep breath before walking down the stairs. Castiel heard you coming down and immediately shot off the couch toward the bottom of the staircase. 
“Y/N I apologize it was not my intention to.. see you, I entered the room to-” “Cas,” you interrupted him, feigning anger, but soon broke when you saw his pleading puppy eyes and the way he held his hands clasped together by his chest. You giggled before saying, “it’s okay, just remember there’s a reason why doors are closed,” he nodded, lowering his head. “Well, now that we’ve both been sufficiently embarrassed, how bout shopping?” you said, raising your eyebrows at him. 
Shopping with Cas had been..interesting to say the least. He was surprisingly very picky. One shirt was too scratchy, another was too tight, another was too blue, and -your favorite- another one was “eh.” “What do you mean “eh?” you asked him. He scrunched his face up. “It’s just....eh.” You wiped a hand over your face before responding. “Cas, bud, do you like anything here?” Cas looked around for a moment before a table of flannels caught his eye. He walked over to the table and started picking up ones that he liked. You rolled your eyes before following him. “Really, Cas? Flannels? You really are a Winchester, huh,” you laughed. He smiled softly, picking up more. The two of you picked out several outfits for him before reaching the underwear section. “So Cas,” you said trying your best to hide your blush and sound nonchalant, “boxers or briefs?” He thought for a moment, looking between his two options. “Boxers,” he decided and you tried not to think of how he would look in each of the pairs he chose. After collecting his new wardrobe, you checked out and got back in the car. “Where to next?” you turned and asked him. “Wherever you would like to go,” he responded, smiling at you. You thought for a second. “I know a good smoothie place, we could go if you wanted?” “That sounds lovely, Y/N.” 
The two of you made easy conversation on the car ride over and you told memories from the places you were passing along the ride. You parked in the lot and you noticed two men in suits standing along the side of the building. Out of habit, you reached down to make sure your gun was still in your waistband. Shrugging off the uneasy feeling you had, the two of you hopped out of the car and headed to the store, your eyes still on the two men. You made eye contact with one of them, who quickly hit his partner to get his attention. “Heads up- 11 o’clock,” you said under your breath to Castiel. His brows furrowed and he looked up to see the two men walking briskly towards the two of you. “Fuck,” you muttered, reaching to put your hand on your gun. You became increasingly aware of the fact that Castiel was weaponless. As an angel he had no need for a gun, and an angel blade was hard to conceal without his signature trenchcoat. You cursed again at this realization as the two men were quickly closing the gap between you. 
“Castiel. We have been looking for you, brother,” one of them said from across the parking lot. Your blood ran cold as you realized two things at once: 1. they had every intention to hurt, if not kill your angel, and 2. your angel blade was in the car...20 feet away. “Castiel. Angel blade. Car. Go.” You said to him through your teeth, pulling your gun out of your waistband. He shot you a concerned glance. “But Y/N-” “NOW.” He hesitantly looked between you and his brothers before sprinting to the car. 
“Walk away while you still have the chance,” you said threateningly, stopping in front of them, gun pointed. The two angels laughed. “You know that gun isn’t going to kill us,” one said mockingly. You set your shoulders back and lifted your head a little higher. “No,” you started, “but it’s gonna hurt like a bitch,” you said, unloading a clip into one of them. The angel groaned and dropped to the ground as the other angrily charged at you. He used his grace to disarm you before winding up and punching you in the face. You stumbled backwards, pain searing across your cheekbone. You came back up, dodging his next punch, but crashing to the ground as he swept your leg out from under your. He pinned you to the ground, squeezing your neck tightly. “Silly human, just wait until we alert angel radio. You-” He was cut off as his eyes and mouth glowed brightly, before collapsing on the ground next to you. You gasped for air, coughing and holding your throat. Castiel stood above you where the angel had been, the angel blade in his hand covered in blood. “Y/N,” he said concerned, reaching his hand out to you. You took it and he hauled you up to your feet and pulled you into a tight hug. You were shocked for a moment before returning his embrace. “Y/N I’m so sorry they were after me not you I could’ve.. I could’ve lost you” his last words came out in a whisper as he gripped you tighter. 
“Cas,” your voice came out strained, a combination of being strangled and from how tight his embrace was. He seemed to pick up on this and released you, still gripping your forearms. “I’m okay, really,” you forced a smile. “Come on we need to get out of here.” The two of you started to make your way to the car when a wave of pain shot up your ankle. You stumbled for a second before Castiel caught you. “You’re hurt,” he said, voice filled with concern. “I’m fine,” you grunted, taking another step. You winced as you put weight on your ankle, which didn’t go unnoticed by Castiel. Without saying anything, he slid an arm around your back and swept your feet off the ground to carry you bridal style back to the car. “Cas!” you squealed. He smiled softly down at you. “You are injured,” he stated plainly, turning his gaze back in front of him. Your heart fluttered at the contact and you melted against his chest. 
He opened the passenger door and lowered you into the seat before walking around the car and getting in the driver’s seat. “When you branded my ribs it warded me against angels right?” you asked, looking over at him and wincing as you moved your neck. He shot you a pained look before answering, “yes. Why?” “Well did you also brand Jimmy’s ribs?” you questioned. Castiel was quiet for a moment before answering, “No, I did not.” You nodded and picked up your phone, searching for the nearest tattoo shop. “We’re gonna mark your vessel so no more angels find us. The one who pinned me down threatened to tell angel radio so at least we know no one else knows where we are.”
“You sure about that?” you questioned after Castiel told the tattoo artist where he wanted the warding. He looked up at you questioningly. “Yeah, tough guy, ribs are gonna hurt, I’m not sure if you can handle that,” the artist teased. Castiel clenched his jaw and glared at the man. “I can handle it,” he said firmly. You exchanged a glance with the artist before he shrugged and got to work. Cas hid his pain well in the beginning, but after the first half hour his eyes closed tightly and he winced as the artist continued. After what felt like years to Castiel, the artist was finally done and you paid him before getting back in the car with Castiel. “Looks good,” you said softly as he lifted his shirt up gingerly. A blush crept up his cheeks before he started the car and pulled out of the lot.
When you got home, Castiel insisted on carrying you up the stairs and tending to the cut along your cheekbone. After he was satisfied with his work, he turned his attention to your ankle. “I do not think that it’s broken, but it will be sore for a few weeks,” he said, carefully turning your foot in his hands. “I’m sorry, if I had my grace I would have healed you by now and you would not be in pain,” he said sadly, hanging his head. “Hey,” you said, lifting his chin up. “I’ll be okay Cas, thank you.” He gave you a small smile in return. 
“I don’t think I have it in me to cook tonight, is pizza okay?” you asked. “Of course,” he assured you. You called in a delivery order to your local pizza shop as Castiel carried you back down the stairs. He set you down on the couch and you put on a tv show to pass the time before the pizza got there. Halfway through the episode Castiel cleared his throat. “Y/N, I truly am sorry about today. You’re hurt because of me, because of a mistake that I made. And my brothers they almost....” he took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t know what I would have done if they had. I..can’t lose you, Y/N,” he turned to face you, desperation filling his eyes. “I-” he was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He sighed, closing his eyes and dropping his shoulders before rising from the couch. You sat in shock as Castiel greeted the pizzaman at the door. What was he going to say? Your heart fluttered at the thought of him confessing his feelings for you. You had been fantasizing about it for so long, it didn’t seem possible.. or did it?
Whatever Castiel was going to say remained unsaid. The two of you ate the pizza and got distracted by the show until you glanced at the clock and realized how late it was. “Cas,” you groaned, sitting up straighter. “We should go to bed.” He nodded and stood up before facing you and scooping you off the couch. “Cas,” you giggled,” “you know you don’t have to keep carrying me, right?” He gave you a toothy grin. “I know, Y/N,” he said, carrying you up that stairs and into your room. He set you down on your bed. “Goodnight, Y/N. Pleasant dreams,” he said before closing your door behind him. You sighed. “Goodnight, Cas,” you said softly. 
It was around 2am when you heard it. “No...NO....stop....please.” You shot up in bed, straining to hear. “Please..don’t...Y/N!....NO!” You jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain in your ankle and running across the hall to Castiel’s room. You burst through the door, gun at the ready. You didn’t find an intruder, but you did find Castiel writhing under his sheet, sweating, and clearly in distress. “Let..her..go,” he said through his teeth, thrashing again. You quickly set your gun on his dresser and sat down next to him on the bed. “Cas,” you cooed, running your fingers through his hair. The thrashing stopped, but his face was still contorted in fear. “Shhh, you’re okay Cas, it’s a dream. You can wake up, Cas,” you said softly, still stroking his hair. His eyes shot opened and stared up at you panicked. “Y/N..I..you..” he stammered. “Shhhh, it’s okay Castiel,” you cooed. His features softened and his body relaxed under your touch. You were tempted to stay and keep playing with his hair, but you knew you should let him sleep. “I’ll be right across the hall, Cas,” you said lightly, getting up. His hand flew to your wrist. 
“Please,” he choked out. You turned to him, eyebrows furrowed. “Please stay,” he looked up at you with puppy eyes and you had to restrain yourself from throwing yourself at him and holding him as tight as you could. “Of course,” you smiled at him. He hurriedly scooted back on the bed to make room for you and you climbed in beside him, back to his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” you asked softly. “No,” he said into your hair. You nodded slightly and adjusted to get closer to him. He tensed slightly as the curve of your ass brushed against his now hardening member. You felt heat pool in your core as you felt his cock hardening against you. Your body betrayed you and instinctively moved to slightly grind against him. You heard him grunt before pulling you tighter against his chest. “Y/N,” he said in a strained voice. “Hmm?” you hummed, moving your hips rhythmically against his hardening cock. He groaned, hands sliding up your shirt and pulling you even tighter against his body. The ache in your core began to grow as he moved his hands to grip your waist tight. You grinded harder against him, eliciting another groan. “Y/N..I,” he trailed off. “I...” The effect you had on him gave a major boost to your confidence. You turned around to straddle him and his eyes grew wide as his hardened member made contact with your clothed pussy. “I..” was all he managed to get out. “Use your words, Castiel,” you said, voice honeyed. 
tag list: @antoniamarie1989-blog @transparentfestivaltiger @tinymalscoffee 
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euphorianyx · 4 years
NOTHING SERIOUS |{opt}one shot|
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Pairing: Wooyoung & Reader & Choisan Genre: Not particular maybe angsty something / Cheating!W  Summary: You and Wooyoung have been together for some time yet things are about to change since he now officially has a group. What he does about it may not be easy on you and you find Choisan is the one sees that.
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The bell rang and you were more than happy the very second. Wooyoung finally arrived so did the comfortable evening. He looked more handsome than ever in his all black fit and damp hair falling each side of his face. 
You ran towards Wooyoung and he pulled you for a tight hug. His arms wrapped around you felt nice so when he decided to let you go you did not let him. With a warm smile he carried you to his room. 
Your favorite Netflix show was reflected on the wall. Laying down on the bed you started it. Through the giggles you could not focus on anything at all. You saw the familiar intense look in his eyes right before his hands skimmed on your body. Rolling yourself, you were hovering over him with your hands on his chest.
“I thought you were tired.”
You stated, since he came back from dance practice. One hand under his head other on your waist he raised his eyebrows.
“Not anymore...”
You knew what was coming and could not help the feeling pile up in your stomach. Soon your clothes mixed each other on the floor. Losing yourself in the pleasure you let Wooyoung take the control. Trying to muffle your screams you kept kissing him.
By the morning you realized you failed about that. The guys obviously heard you two since they kept talking about how they could not sleep. Seeing your cheeks getting red Wooyoung stepped in.
“Guys really... Don’t you have other things to talk about... Stop already...”
They did as he told and the crowded breakfast in the circle table was peaceful until that certain statement.
“So you two seem serious about each other...”
Focused on your plate, you waited for Wooyoung’s answer. They probably could hear your heart beating through the silence but you could not care less. Taking a look at your side Wooyoung bit his lip. He was and he would admit it but that meant putting everything at risk. The group, their future... Also the company made it clear they could not have any relationship so it was literally impossible.  
“We are just hanging out. Nothing serious.”
Those words hardly fell from his lips. Knowing he could not offer more this was the only thing he could do. After the way you closed your eyes and took that deep breath Wooyoung knew how hurt you were. Though you tried to smile as if everything was okay.
You tried your best to confirm what he said. However you could not hold yourself much longer so you excused yourself for something you made up instantly.
“I will help my sister for today so I should get going .”
Wooyoung knew why you left. It took all his strength not to run after you. He barely kept it together until he locked himself in his room. He tried everything to calm down and convince himself that he did the right thing.
Being the only one absent at the breakfast Choisan saw you by the main door. Getting closer he noticed you were a mess. Though you saw him only after he stopped right in front of you. His soft voice filled your ears as he asked.
“What happened?”
You did not want to tell him but San was not the one to give up. He did not let you get away. Eventually, you opened up and told him everything while still sitting by the stairs. Seeing you break into tears San never left your side. Even though you told him to go back he refused and kept walking with you. 
Spending the entire day together it was almost midnight. You sat down at a random café you found open. You only wanted something to drink but San ordered food of course.
“Listen... You really should eat something.”
You shook your head in disapproval.
“San I don’t want anything.”
San drifted the tray towards your side and feed you some of the fries. You thanked him then silence fell. Surprising you he was the first one to break it.
“Y/N I know Wooyoung likes you...”
With your index finger on his lips you stopped San from talking as you repeated what Wooyoung said.
“Nothing serious... If he actually did there would be more so let’s not talk about it.”
San tried to find something else to say but nothing seemed to be working so he kept quiet. When you felt another wave of tears coming through you burried your head to his chest. When you realized his white tshirt was strained with your mascara you apologized.
“I am sorry...”
San did not realize why you apologized at first but when he saw you looking at his tshirt he wrapped his arms around you.
“Hey...It’s okay.”
You spent a few more minutes with your head burried there until your sobs died down. You looked up at him to let him know you were better but stopped as your eyes met. His fingers between your hair felt good, his arms felt warm. Only then you realized you did not want to move. 
Even though you tried to fight the urge, your lips met. The kiss you shared was slow yet fiery. After shame kicked in you pulled away with your face behind your hands.
“We shouldn’t...”
Looking away from you San cleared his throat.
“I know !”
Seeing his hand turned into a fist, you reached for it.
“San, you both are friends and I don’t want to mess it up.”
San directed his deep gaze back to you.
“We live through our choices Y/N and what happens is also his choice so...”
Those words were literally a green light and you were in no mood to resist. When your hand reached for his face San leaned towards you right away. Your lips found each other again. You were out of breath when he pulled away. Without a single word you left the café hand in hand.
The closest motel did not seem luxurious or anything but it was moderate to spend the night. Since San could not do it, you went to the desk to book the room as if it was for yourself. The old lady believed you were alone so did not question you at all. You gestured San to follow you to the elevator.
The small place made things harder even though you avoided eye contact the tension was undeniable. You made it to the room one hundred fourty two and stopped by the wooden door. Your hands were shaking so you handed the keys to San. His hand reached for the lock but he stopped. His dark eyes were holding yours as he asked.
“Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to regret later because we can never take it back.”
Biting your lip you shook your head.
“I don’t know but I need you.”
Those words were enough for you to stick your bodies together and stumble inside the room. Your hands were hesitating on his tshirt but when San took the lead your doubts or shyness left you. Wasting no time you got rid of each others clothes. 
His kiss, his touch, how his skin felt under your fingertips were unfamiliar. Though you never felt uncomfortable. He explored the spots even you were not aware of. He pushed your limits in a different way. As San took you higher and higher his name fell from your lips again. When it all hit you like a wave your bodies let go. Then the only sound in the room was you two trying to catch your breaths. 
You both had a lot to say but neither of you dared to speak. He knew this was for one night but everything about you pierced his soul. You were like a venom he will need to get out of his system but the way your hand searching for him through your sleep did not help anything.
By the morning you woke up with the constant buzzing of his phone. Barely able to open your eyes you whispered his name but San gestured you to keep quiet or they could hear you.
“We have got another practice today.”
San explained even though he did not want to leave. Then the fact he was going to see Wooyoung hit you. He sat there with his head between his hands. You hugged him from behind softly asking.
“What do you think?”
Your gaze finally met each other.
“I don’t know if we should keep this a secret or tell him.”
You let a deep sigh out.
“If we tell him he will not forgive us, will he?”
San agreed with a nod then pulled you closer. With your arms around his neck you sat on his lap for a little. The screen on your phone lit so you reached for it. You both saw the text from Wooyoung.
I am sorry Y/N. I care about you and I want more. I tried to do what’s right but I need you. Can’t we talk about us?
When your eyes met again you could see San was expecting an answer for the unasked question. WHO WERE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE? 
Alright first I know this Y/N is far from being innocent even though she seems so. And I am thinking of two alternative parts on her choosing Wooyoung and her choosing Choisan. What do you guys say?
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