#when i start going to classes again and wearing more actual clothes though...maybe a subconcious cleanout part2
shiningstages · 1 year
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If I ever buy a piece of clothing again, please apprehend me ( aka I finished my laundry / closet cleanout...for now ).
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years
When I’m With You Ch. 4
The long awaited “Reddie and Ben go to Target” chapter
Eddie can’t stand the barista at his favorite coffee shop. Richie has fallen in love with the man he sees twice a week. Stan is dating someone but won’t let his friends meet them. Ben is in love with Beverly, but is so afraid of scaring her away he’s not moving forward. Chaotic friends navigating college together. 
Ch. 1
Ch. 5
Read on AO3
5k+ words
Eddie sat in the union waiting for Stan to show up. He texted to say he was running a little behind and told Eddie to go ahead and start eating without him. He’d chosen the Mexican place, getting a bowl with brown Eddie sat in the union waiting for Stan to show up. He texted to say he was running a little behind and told Eddie to go ahead and start eating without him. He’d chosen the Mexican place, getting a bowl with brown rice and veggies and probably more cheese than was advisable. Despite how hungry he’d been when he arrived, he was having a hard time eating, taking small bites at a time. His stomach had started churning as soon as he remembered that after class, he was going shopping with Ben…and Richie.
It was honestly stupid for him to be so anxious. There was no way it would be that long of a trip. Maybe two hours of his life with travel time and then he could go home and relax. He didn’t know why he was so nervous to spend the day with Richie anyway. He’d already seen him the last two days. Sure, he was used to seeing him behind the counter at the café, but on Monday he’d been in his apartment. So, going to a store with him would be less intimate, right? And Ben would be there. He wouldn’t be alone with him and could cling to his friend if he needed to. It would be fine.
When Stan finally arrived, he’d already gone to get a slice of pizza and a drink. Eddie hadn’t even seen him amongst the crowd, not that he was really paying attention as he poked at his food. Stan seemed in good spirits as he sat, greeting Eddie with a smile. Of course, he wasn’t going to let him get away with avoiding him and Ben for days.
“Oh, hello. Who are you again? Steve?” Eddie asked, taking a sip from his water.
“Oh my God, get over it. I’m here, aren’t I?” Stan rolled his eyes.
“No, wait, it’s Stan, isn’t it? Of course, it’s easy to forget when I haven’t seen you in a week.”
“You’re lucky I even showed up for this. My…partner…asked me have lunch today and I had to turn them down so I could meet with you instead.”
“What’s that? You mean you aren’t attached at the hip?”
“You’re just jealous because I’m in love.”
“Yes, I’m fucking jealous, but I’m also mad because you still won’t introduce us. Which one of us are you ashamed off?”
“Definitely you.”
“Oh, fuck you. You know that if I were seeing someone, I’d introduce you, like immediately.”
“I will introduce you! Soon.”
“You’ve been saying that for months.”
“It’s just complicated, ok?”
“It can’t be more complicated than that girl you dated freshman year who practically moved herself into your dorm after three dates.”
“That…was a mistake. This relationship is way better and that’s why I’m afraid of messing it up.”
Eddie was glad for the distraction from his own confusing thoughts, but he couldn’t help thinking that Stan was overreacting. Not that that was anything new. Eddie and Ben had discussed this mystery person multiple times, trying to figure out why Stan was actually keeping them hidden from his best friends. They’d known since high school that Stan was bi, and he’d never been shy about introducing them to whoever he was interested in. In fact, he usually came to them for advice when he was interested in someone. Him being so secretive was not something they were used to at all and they couldn’t help being a little concerned about who he was hiding and for what reasons.
“So, your best friends meeting the person you’re dating could ruin the relationship…how?” Eddie asked, realizing that his appetite had come back and he’d already devoured half his bowl.
“It wouldn’t. I just want to take things slow.”
“Dude, you just said you’re in love. How is that taking it slow?”
“Ok. I’m done talking about this. I will introduce you when I’m ready.” Stan sighed, not giving Eddie a chance to protest. “Now, it has been a week so catch me up on your life.”
“What life?” Eddie asked, sitting back in his seat. “I recently found out that the person I hate is my neighbor and now I have to go shopping with him and Ben after class.”
“How did that happen?”
“We’re shopping for a gift and he knows the recipient better than either of us so he’s helping.”
“So, you invited him?”
“Not intentionally.”
Stan smirked, noting the way Eddie’s cheeks colored a shade of pink as he talked about this guy he supposedly hated. He knew his friend too well to not see the underlying feelings he had for this person. He couldn’t tell if it was romantic or just friendly. It was rare for Eddie to get romantic feelings for anyone. Even after he’d come out to them, he was excessively picky about who’d he pursue. He wanted to know more about this person, find out exactly what it was about him that Eddie didn’t like so he could determine what he was feeling.  He wasn’t going to push it though as he was sure it would circle back around to his own relationship and they’d just moved past that.
“If you’re free this afternoon, you could come with. Be an extra buffer between us.” Eddie suggested.
“Have a date?”
“No. Not really. We’re studying.”
“Ok, what about tomorrow night?”
“We’re going to a party together.”
“Of course. Don’t you get sick of seeing each other all the time?”
“Not at all. We’re in a…what do they call it…a honeymoon stage? I like being with them. All the time. I’ve never been this happy before.” Stanley smiled in a way that Eddie had never seen on him before. He’d dare to say that he looked honestly and truly happy.
Part of Eddie was happy for him, glad that his friend found someone who could make him make that goofy face just at the thought of them. It made him second guess his worries about this person and how they treated Stan. He wouldn’t fully put his worries away until they met them, but in this moment, he pushed that out of his mind. He hadn’t been lying when he said he was jealous. He wanted what Stan had, what Ben and Bev were sure to have soon. He wanted to be in love and smile whenever he thought of that other person. He wanted butterflies and that feeling like his heart was going to burst just from seeing their face. He ignored the face that flashed through his mind then, pretended like it didn’t happen as he shoved a forkful of rice and vegetables into his mouth.
Eddie had always been the shortest of his friends. He wasn’t really that short, he was average height. His friends were all just so tall. None of his friends owned a car either, so when they wanted to go shopping, they had to take an uber. These two things factoring together meant Eddie was squished between Ben and Richie in the backseat of a stranger’s car, extremely unhappy. When he’d told Ben that he’d unintentionally invited Richie to join them, he’d expected, or hoped rather, for him to be against it. Instead, he was excited about having someone who knew Beverly so well helping him.
In a moment of desperation, Eddie had suggested that maybe just the two of them go shopping then. Ben wasn’t having that though.
“You promised, Eddie.” He’d reminded him.
So, there he was, arms crossed tightly over his chest, frown in place as they quietly sat closer than he wanted. He leaned closer against Ben, but with the limited space he was still in constant contact with Richie. When the shopping center came into view, he just about cheered. Luckily, he managed to hold it in, but he couldn’t suppress the sigh of relief that slipped out.
Eddie made sure to make Ben walk in the middle as the three made their way into the store. Ben was nervous, so he didn’t even notice that he was being used as a barrier. None of them had very much money and Richie had told them that he and Bev often went to Target together and they could definitely find gifts for her there. So, that’s where they went in hopes of finding three moderately priced gifts that their mutual friend would appreciate.
“I think I can manage to look for a gift myself, so why don’t we split up and I’ll meet you guys when we’re done?” Eddie suggested as they walked in the front door. Hopefully this attempt at a hasty escape wasn’t too obvious to the other two.
“What? No. Eddie, I need your opinion on what I pick out. You said you’d help me.” Ben said, almost whining.
“I know, but Richie knows her better than I do. Does my opinion really matter?”
Eddie sighed. “Alright. Fine. Let’s go.”
He didn’t miss the smile on Richie’s face and his conversation with Bev from the day before invaded his mind without his permission. “You just called him adorable.” And suddenly his face was feeling warm and he had to focus on not looking at the other man. He had already admitted to himself that he thought Richie was attractive. Wasn’t that enough for his stupid subconcious? It didn’t matter though. Didn’t matter if he thought he was adorable. Which he didn’t because he didn’t like him.
Richie grabbed a cart and steered them toward the women’s clothing. Bev loved clothes and would surely like something they picked out for her, right? Maybe she didn’t like Eddie’s style all the time, but he kind of knew what she tended to wear. Ben and Richie probably did as well. Not that he imagined any of them really paid close attention to her daily attire. It was just dumb little things they would notice, like how she seemed to favor dresses when it was nice out. The women’s clothing section was vast and overwhelming ranging from juniors to maternity clothes.
“Alright, when it comes to clothes, I feel like Bev wears a lot a crop tops.” Richie said, grabbing a dark blue one with a key printed across the chest.
“It’s the middle of winter.” Eddie pointed out.
“Ok…well…what about a sweater?” Ben asked, grabbing a dark maroon sweater from a nearby rack.
“You can’t give her a sweater.” Eddie said, taking it from him.
“What? Why not?”
“Because you’re trying to woo her. Clothing is not the way to do that.” Despite his words, Eddie threw the sweater into the cart. “I, on the other hand, can give her sweater.”
“Seriously, Eddie?” Ben said with a smile. “Are you really trying to help me, or did you just want to steal my idea?”
“I’m helping, but I do think she will like the sweater.” Eddie said, pretending to be slightly defensive.
“I agree. You can’t give the person you like a sweater for her birthday.” Richie chimed in, pushing the cart across the aisle to where the jewelry resided. “This is where you should be looking.”
“Jewelry? Isn’t that the kind of gift you get a girlfriend?” Eddie asked.
“Or a girl you’re trying to ‘woo’.” Richie grinned, teasing Eddie for his choice of words.
Ben scanned the display of earrings. There weren’t many options that looked like they were meant for adults. Some looked like little colorful balls of slime with different neon colors sticking up in spikes. He remembered that being a thing when they were in middle school and high school, but couldn’t see someone Bev’s age wearing them. Finally, he grabbed a pair of golden hearts. He held them up for the other two to see, with a hopeful look on his face.
“No. Absolutely not. Too obvious.” Eddie said, crossing his arms.
“She doesn’t really change out her earrings either.” Richie said, shaking his head.
Ben’s smile fell away and he put them back, giving up and moving on to the bracelets. There were plenty to choose from there, but they were all fairly ugly. Bev often wore a black cord wrapped around her wrist and he didn’t see anything that seemed similar enough that she’d like. The necklaces weren’t much better. There were some made from chunky mismatched beads that looked like a child had made them from one of those plastic jewelry making kits.
With the lack of good options, Ben was getting ready to give up entirely when his eyes landed on a necklace hidden behind a large pendant. He pulled it out to get a better look at his eyes lit up as his smile returned. He turned to the others and held it up. The chain was golden and thin, hanging from it was a stone wrapped in gold wire. The stone’s color was a reddish orange that looked like it was glowing when it caught the light. Like an ember that was still glowing before it burned out.
“It’s like her hair.” He said, in awe.
Eddie held the stone in his hand and looked it over. “It’s nice.”
“You think so?” Ben turned to Richie, expectantly. “Would she wear something like this?”
“She does love necklaces. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without one. I think it’s perfect, my dude.” Richie gave a thumbs up.
Ben cradled the necklace in his hands, not wanting to put it in the cart in case it fell out. Richie already had an idea of what he wanted to get for her and lead them to the electronics. Specifically, the video games. Eddie took control of the cart when Richie turned a corner too quickly while also trying to ride the cart and nearly knocked over a display.
“I swear, you are like a child.” Eddie griped, smacking Richie’s hands away from the cart handle.
Across from the electronics was the kitchen wares section and Eddie was suddenly reminded of the note he’d made in his phone. He left Ben and Richie to look at the games while he wandered over to the kitchen appliances. He walked past toasters, hand mixers, and blenders before he stumbled across the coffee pots. He didn’t need a full pot for just him but right past them were the one cup machines. They were kind of pricey and he knew he couldn’t ask his mom to help him buy one. She didn’t even know he went to a café twice a week. There was a reason he always paid with cash. It was better than her asking him why he was throwing his money away on coffee and then fretting over him getting too much caffeine and how it would mess with his sleep.
Near the end of the aisle was a single cup machine that was smaller than the others and about $80 less. He grabbed the box and looked at the features, hoping to find out how easy it was to use. If he could get this and a box of the pods, he’d never have to go to the cafe again. As if on cue, as soon as he started thinking about him, he could hear Richie’s voice nearby, growing closer.
“I’m usually the best at these games, but she kicks my ass about half the time.” Richie was saying.
“She’s just amazing at everything isn’t she?” Eddie could practically hear the heart eyes in Ben’s voice.
They rounded the corner and immediately spotted Eddie. Richie had a game in his hand and Ben was still carefully holding the necklace in his hand, out in front of him. As they approached, Ben came to stand beside Eddie to see what he had, while Richie dropped his gift choice in the cart.
“What’s that?” Ben asked.
“One of those one cup coffee machines. Figured I could use it in my apartment.” Eddie answered.
“Uh…no way.” Richie said, snagging the box from his hands.
“Excuse me?”
“You can’t buy one of these.”
“And why not?”
“If you make coffee at home, you won’t come in to see me anymore. Besides, the coffee we make is way better than the crap they put in those pods.”
“Not going to the café anymore is the point. I’ll save a lot of money if I get this.” And I won’t have to see you, he thought.
“Yes, but at what cost?”
Eddie took the box back from him. “I’m not too concerned about the quality of my coffee. If I were, I wouldn’t trust you to make it for me.”
“Oof, you hurt me, Eds.” Richie put his hand to his chest. “I still think it’s a mistake.”
Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes as he slid the box back onto the shelf. “Yea, well, I can’t afford it right now anyway.”
“Oh good, then our relationship is safe.”
Ben smiled, enjoying listening to them argue. Having known Eddie for so long, he’d seen him argue or bicker with others on countless occasions, but there was something about his interactions with Richie. They were different, less confrontational and more teasing. Ben wondered to himself if Eddie even realized that the corners of his lips turned up whenever he rolled his eyes at Richie. He said that he hated the guy, couldn’t stand to be around him, was upset that he had his number and lived so close. But Ben couldn’t help thinking that Eddie actually enjoyed it. Why else would he keep going back to the same café, knowing well that Richie would always be there when he went? To think, Ben was the one he called clueless and oblivious about matters of the heart.
As they made their way to the front where the registers were, Richie grabbed the handle of the cart and forced Eddie to turn it toward the grocery section. Of course, he was annoyed, but he also couldn’t help the jolt that went through him when Richie’s fingers overlapped his own. He pulled his hand back quickly, using it to slap Richie’s arm for grabbing the cart in the first place.
“You could have just asked me to turn, jackass.” Eddie grumbled.
“I need some stuff for Bev’s cake.” Richie explained, heading into the baking aisle.
Eddie and Ben followed him as he gathered things and dropped them into the cart. Flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, sugar. Beverly had told Eddie about his baking but for some reason he had been expecting him to buy a cake mix, not the things to make one from scratch. He grabbed three cans of chocolate frosting, which the other two thought was kind of excessive for one cake. The last things he grabbed were a bottle of vegetable oil and a pack of chocolate chips. Turning to the others, he smiled.
“That should do it.” He said, putting his hands on the side of the cart.
“You’re baking her cake?” Ben asked.
“Yea. I do every year. It’s a tradition.”
“I wish I could do something like that for her.”
“Want to help me make it? If I tell Bev it was made with love that might help you woo her right?” Richie winked at Eddie as he said this.
Eddie again felt heat rising up his neck, though he couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment or annoyance that was causing it. It was just a stupid word to he used to describe Ben’s pursuit of Beverly. He kept using it just to get to him and it, admittedly, was working.
“I don’t want to mess it up.” Ben frowned, earning a look from Eddie.
“Impossible. If this idiot can bake without burning the building down, so can you.” Eddie said, patting Ben on the shoulder.
Richie grinned. “How do you know I’ve never burned a place down before? You never asked what happened to my last apartment.”
“Even more reason to move.”
“Well, if you’re serious, then I’d love to come and help.” Ben said, ignoring their banter.
“For sure, man. I’m gonna make it tonight.”
Ben smiled and turned to Eddie, who was looking less than thrilled. “Is it ok with you if I postpone hanging out tonight to bake the cake instead?”
“We literally hang out all the time. We’re going to the party together tomorrow. I think I’ll survive one night.” Eddie said, dismissing it with a wave of his hand.
“When you’re ready to admit that you’ll be lonely, you know where I live.” Richie said, taking the cart from Eddie and finally steering them out of the baking aisle and toward the registers.
“That’s not going to happen. You couldn’t pay me to step foot into your apartment. You let a mouse live with you, it’s probably filthy.” Eddie said, following after him, his cheeks flushed.
The ride back to the building Richie and Eddie both lived in was less awkward. Ben and Richie chatted the whole way about Beverly, her birthday and the cake. Eddie was sat between them again, trying to zone out watching the road beyond the windshield. Occasionally one of them would ask him something and bring him into the conversation, though he really didn’t want to talk to Richie anymore. Everything he said was teasing and either made Eddie angry or caused a weird flutter in his stomach that he hated.
They rode the elevator up to their floor together and Eddie made a beeline for his door while Ben and Richie continued down the hall to the latter’s apartment. They asked Eddie if he was sure he didn’t want to join them, and he insisted he had things he needed to do. Once inside his apartment, away from the other two, he finally relaxed.
Eddie hung up his coat and kicked his shoes off before making his way to the couch with his bag and collapsing into its cushiony embrace. He’d grabbed a gift bag and some tissue paper to wrap the sweater in. He put it all together, grabbing a pen to write ‘From Eddie’ on the attached tag.
He sat back on his couch in the quiet room when he was done and sighed. Every day this week he’d been forced to see Richie. Monday when his disease carrying pet invaded his apartment, Tuesday at the coffee shop, then spending his Wednesday shopping with him. Thursday he’d have to see him once in the morning at the coffee shop and then at Bev’s party in the evening. Friday would be the first day that he could enjoy a Richie free 24 hours and he was so ready for it.
He closed his eyes, letting his head fall back against the cushions behind his back. Richie really was annoying. Always trying to get a rise out of him, always encouraged by whatever Eddie said in response. It was infuriating. Even the things he did. Like nearly crashing the cart or just grabbing the handle and nearly making him crash.
The feel of Richie’s fingers against his jumped into his mind and his heart seemed to leap as his stomach stirred. Opening his eyes, he let out a long deep breath. It didn’t mean anything. It had just been a while since he’d had any physical contact that wasn’t Ben, Stan or Bev. It also wasn’t a normal occurrence. Sometimes their hands brushed when he was handing his money over or taking his drink at the café. Then there was the other night when he’d ruffled his hair. He’d never had a reaction from it though. It was all Bev’s fault for pointing out that he’d called Richie adorable. He couldn’t stop thinking about it and it was all because of her teasing him.
One thing Eddie was certain of, he didn’t like Richie.
Ben dried his hands on a towel while he watched Richie gather everything they would need to make the cake for Beverly. Despite Eddie’s assumptions, the place really wasn’t that messy. Maybe a bit cluttered compared to Eddie’s, not as meticulously clean as his either, but clean. Ben had yet to see the mouse but thought it best to wait until they were done making the cake before he asked to meet her.
“Mmkay, I think that’s everything.” Richie said, setting the oven to preheat. “I’ll tell you what to do so you can tell Bev you made it.”
Ben suddenly felt nervous. He’d baked before with his mom, but not like this. She would usually mix it all up and he’d just scoop balls of cookie dough onto the parchment paper. This wasn’t just some random baking lesson, this was Beverly’s birthday cake. For a party that was the following day. If he messed it up, they’d be screwed.
“I don’t know that that’s a good idea.” Ben said, stepping up to the counter anyway.
“Dude, it will be fine. I know what I’m doing, and I won’t let you mess up.” Richie came to stand beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Bev likes you. I can tell. And from what I’ve seen so far, I think you’ll be good for her. I’m not going to let you look like an idiot.”
Ben smiled. “You’re different than you are around Eddie.”
Richie couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Oh, believe me, I’m just as bad when he’s not around. I’m also a good guy when I need to be, though.”
“So, is it just him you like to annoy then?”
“We can get into that while the cake is in the oven.” Richie said, pulling back and handing him a measuring cup. “Chop, chop. We’ve got baking to do, good fellow!” He changed his voice to a British accent as he said that last bit.
Ben smiled and took the measuring cup, ready for his instructions. Around forty minutes later, feeling overwhelmed, Ben slid the cake pans onto the oven rack carefully. The recipe wasn’t really that intense, he just kept almost spilling everything with his nerves getting the better of him. Somehow, he’d managed to get the batter into the cake pans without spilling any of it on the counter. When he’d opened the bag of chocolate chips, he had managed to nearly drop the open bag. Twice. Luckily, Richie found it hilarious.
“Time is set. We’ve got 30 minutes to kill.” Richie said, slipping his phone into his pocket.
“Right…so…about this mouse.” Ben said, eager.
“Penny. Do you want to meet her?” Richie smiled.
“Yes. Please.”
“C’mon.” Richie motioned with his hand for Ben to follow as he made his way from the kitchen to the bedroom.
While his apartment was relatively clean, his room was kind of a mess. Not enough to be gross or annoying to walk through. Just like he hadn’t picked up in a while. This would definitely annoy Eddie and with the way Ben expected their relationship to grow, he assumed he’d definitely see this room eventually. He thought it best not to mention that though, in case he was wrong.
Against the wall was a low and wide dresser with a large glass tank sitting in the middle of it. Richie went straight to it and took the lid off. Ben crouched down in front of it and looked at the small brown mouse scurrying around inside. Richie dipped his hand down into the tank and she immediately ran over and climbed onto his fingers. He lifted her out slowly and held her out toward Ben.
“This is Penny. She’s very social and mischievous and likes to escape.” Richie said, affectionately while running a finger over her head.
“Eddie told me about how she infiltrated his apartment.” Ben laughed.
“Yea. I think she likes him too.”
Ben looked from Penny to Richie. “So…Eddie…” He said, hoping it was enough encouragement for him to start talking.
“Eddie.” Richie looked up at Ben as Penny began crawling up his arm. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”
Ben shrugged and smiled despite his best efforts not to. “No. I already know. I can tell from the way you look at him.”
“What has he said about it?”
“Nothing. I love the guy, but he’s completely oblivious. Back in high school, there was this girl who really liked him. She started hanging around outside his classes and sitting near us in the lunchroom. It was completely obvious that she was practically stalking him. I told him that she was into him when she asked to join our group for a project in class. He didn’t believe me at first and then panicked when he realized that it was true.” Ben laughed at the memory of Eddie grabbing for his inhaler while he explained why this was a terrible revelation.
Richie smiled, lifting Penny from his shoulder back into his hand. “Here I thought he hated me because he was straight and knew I liked him.”
“Oh no, Eddie’s definitely not straight. I don’t think he really hates you either. He’s just…not used to someone like you.”
“Is that the nice way of saying ‘asshole’?”
“No, no…I mean the way you interact with him. Sometimes when someone annoys him and he gets snippy with them, he ends up saying something that comes out wrong and…it’s been bad. But you always laugh and just say something right back. I think it’s good for him. I just don’t think he realizes that yet.”
Richie grinned and looked down at Penny. “I like talking to him. His face gets all red and he glares at me with this intense look. It’s so funny and so fucking cute.”
“If you like him, you have to tell him. I guarantee he has no idea.”
“I guess I’ll have to be more obvious.” They were quiet for a moment, both watching Penny as she climbed up one arm, scurried behind his neck and then back down the other. “Want to hold her?” Richie asked.
“Yes. I really, really do.” Ben said excitedly.
He cupped his hands together out in front of him and Richie held his hand out to him. Penny sniffed his fingers for a second and then crawled right over. Her little toes were scratchy against his palms. She sniffed around for a little bit, her whiskers and nose tickling as she went. When she was satisfied, she began crawling up his arm.
“She likes you.” Richie said, leaning back against the dresser.
“I’m in love.” Ben said, making Richie laugh.
Just then, the timer on Richie’s phone went off. “I’ve got it. You bond with Penny.” He said, shutting off the alarm and heading back into the kitchen.
He took the trays from the oven and tested each one with a toothpick. The two moved to the living room while they cooled, sitting on the floor opposite one another with their legs stretched out and their feet pressed together so Penny could run around the floor between them while remaining locked in. When the cakes were cooled enough, Penny was returned to her tank and they stacked and frosted it. Ben watched in amazement as Richie managed to use all three cans of frosting, explaining the Bev really liked chocolate.
Richie had a lot to think about after his conversation with Ben. When they were finished and he said goodbye, Ben thanked him for helping him and letting him make the cake. In turn, Richie thanked him for giving him some insight into Eddie. Richie had gone into this hoping to spend the day with Eddie, and instead he made a new friend, who he truly enjoyed spending time with. Not everyone loved Penny the way he did. Having mutual friends with Eddie wasn’t a bad thing either.
While settling into bed, Richie made a decision. Tomorrow he’d see Eddie again. He’d make sure he was as obvious as he could be that he liked the boy. Before falling asleep, he pulled out his phone and sent Eddie a screenshot of an article with the headline “Man arrested for putting fake arrow decals on the floor of IKEA and for creating a labyrinth with no exit”. He added “Date night ideas” beneath it before hitting send and closing his eyes with a smile.
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