hungerhutch · 5 months
This is me btw. if you even care :3
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agaypanic · 10 months
HI! I saw your requests are open so I wanted to request Rory x reader x Benny love triangle? none of them are officially dating but both of the boys have a crush on reader and they constantly try to compete for her attention (it can be hc’s or a fic) :)
Benny Weir and Rory Keaner Crushing on You Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: took a bit of inspo from my mbav simp headcanons lol
You were probably the new girl in town/school
Benny and Rory share first period together
And you came in
“Class, we have a new student joining us. Her name is Y/n.” The teacher announced, gesturing to you. You stood at the front of the room, smiling awkwardly at everyone. “Y/n, hun, how about you take a seat over there?” She pointed to the only available seat.
It was a table with three chairs, and two boys were sitting next to each other, leaving the chair on the edge empty. The brunette nudged the blonde, who moved to the vacant seat. They watched you move to sit in the chair in between them.
“I’m Rory.” The blonde introduced himself, giving you a toothy grin with puppy dog eyes.
“And I’m Benny.” The brunette said, resting his head in the palm of his hand as he looked at you.
As the day went on, the boys found out that they each shared another class with you
Being the only people you really knew so far, you chose to sit next to them in those classes
They totally brag about that
“Have you guys seen the new girl yet?” Rory asked his friends excitedly as he sat down at the lunch table. Everyone except Benny looked at him confused.
“There’s a new girl?”
“Yeah, and she’s hot,” Benny responded. “She’s in our first period; the teacher sat her between us.”
“She’s in my art class and wanted to sit next to me because I was the only person she knew!”
“Same with me in math!”
“Is that her?” Sarah asked, discreetly pointing to the unfamiliar girl who was looking around the cafeteria. There were no empty tables for you to sit at, so you stood awkwardly, wondering where to go.
Rory waved his hand to get your attention, beckoning you over. He grinned at the relieved and excited look on your face when you recognized him.
“You can sit with us if you want, Y/n,” Rory said, patting the empty seat next to him, which you took graciously. Benny frowned, hiding his reaction by scratching his face. Rory introduced you to his friends, and when he was about to point to Benny, your face lit up in recognition.
“Benny, right?” You asked with a smile. He grinned and nodded, giddy that you remembered him.
Sarah, Ethan, and Erica looked at the three of you, both dreading and curious as to how this would all play out.
You quickly became friends with the whole gang
But you’re closest with Benny and Rory
They’re always trying to impress you, constantly battling for your attention
You had wanted to check out a local bookstore in Whitechapel for some time now. And Rory, who wasn’t busy and would spend time with you whenever he got the chance, asked if he could go with you. He almost started floating when you enthusiastically responded with a yes.
“Rory, you don’t have to carry all of my books.” You said, feeling a bit bad as you watched him carry around the growing stack of items. “I know it’s a lot.”
“Y/n, don’t be silly.” He said, looking at you with a shrug. “I wanna carry them. Besides, this is light work.” That surprised you, considering Rory had very skinny arms. Of course, you didn’t know about his vampire strength.
Or him being a vampire in general.
After purchasing, Rory carried your bags to a cafe you insisted on going to, wanting to buy him something as a thank you for spending over an hour in the small store and offering to hold everything you looked at. He didn’t object, wanting to spend as much time as possible with you.
“Benny?” You said in surprise as you and Rory entered the cafe. The brunette was standing by the counter waiting for his drink when he perked up at the sound of your voice.
“Hey!” He said with a big smile, focusing on you. Rory glared at him from beside you, but you didn’t notice. “What are you doing here?”
“Just exploring Whitechapel a bit. And I wanted to get something for Rory for being such a gentleman today.” You gently nudged Rory as you spoke, who giggled at the compliment and physical touch.
“She called me a gentleman.” The blonde said in a dreamy haze.
“Right…” Benny said, grabbing the drink he was waiting for. He stared at Rory for a few seconds before looking back at you. “You know, I know a lot of cool spots in town. If you’re free, I could show you around.”
“Yeah, that’d be great!” The response made Benny internally celebrate and Rory pout. “How about Saturday?”
“That’s good with me,” Benny said, now ready to leave the coffee shop. “I’ll see you later then, Y/n. Rory…” 
“Benny…” You didn’t notice the staring contest between the two boys, too focused on the menu.
When you find out about the gang’s supernatural abilities, Benny and Rory’s secret competition amplifies
Wanna go somewhere?
Call Rory
You had woken up later than usual, which threw you into a panic. You scrambled around, trying to get dressed and grab all of your things. Looking at the time, you realized you’d be late for school, even if you ran. So you picked up your phone and called Rory, hoping he’d pick up.
“Hello?” Rory answered your call after the first ring, not caring about seeming desperate to talk to you.
“Hey, Rory.”
“Hey, Y/n. Where are you?” He asked, looking around the school courtyard. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just woke up late.” You grabbed your bag and ran out of your room. You were a bit flattered that he had noticed you weren’t at school yet and seemed concerned about it. “I was wondering if-”
“Need a ride?” Rory asked, cutting you off.
“If you don’t mind! I’d hate for you to go out of your way-”
“I’m here.” You walked out the front door, and sure enough, Rory was in your front yard. He hung up the phone and waved at you. “Ready?”
You nodded and ran up to him. Rory turned around, crouching enough for you to climb onto his back, wrapping your limbs tightly around him.
“Hang on.” He said, gripping your thighs before speeding off. The school that was a five-minute walk away appeared in front of you after a second. When you climbed off of him, Rory tucked some hair behind your ear that strayed away from the wind that blasted you on the way over.
“Thank you, Rory, you’re the best!” You kissed his cheek before grabbing his hand, missing his now bright red face. “Come on, let’s get to class.”
Benny loves using his magic to impress you
He gives you flowers “just because”
Need a spell or potion to fix some problem you’re having? Done
“How’s the cutest girl in Whitechapel doing?” Benny asked as he walked up to your locker, pulling out a small bouquet of your favorite flowers from behind his back.
“Aww!” You cooed, taking the flowers from Benny. “Thank you, Benny! I’m doing okay, just stressed about a test I have tomorrow.”
“You shouldn’t sweat it, Y/n. I bet you’ll ace it.”
“Yeah, hopefully.”
The next day, you sat next to Benny in math, clearly still stressed about the test you had at the end of the day.
“Guess you’re not feeling better about the test?” Benny said as he looked at you. You nodded, rubbing your tired eyes.
“I spent all night studying and feel like I can’t remember anything.”
“I might have something that can help,” Benny said, making you perk up. He fished around in his pocket, pulling out a necklace with a charm. When he handed it to you, you realized that it was a letter charm of your initial. “It’s enchanted. Supposed to make you lucky.”
You smiled, clipping the necklace on and fiddling with the chain. You held up the initial charm, letting it dangle in front of you.
“A literal good luck charm.” You said as you looked at it, before letting go of the necklace to hug Benny. “Benny, you’re amazing. Thank you!”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Benny said shyly, hugging you back.
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sarahfoxlesbian · 5 years
el gee bee tee mbav!!!
ethan figures he's trans pretty early on
although he doesn't really know the word for it at the time
he actually explains the feeling w out having the word for it to his parents and they help him figure it out
they're aggressively supportive
which is always a huge relief
he enters middle school as himself, but he knows p much everyonefrom elementary, and they're not all that nice
although seventh grade himself and his family move across town so he starts at a new school that had only ever known him as ethan which is always nice
the first person he meets after he moves is benny weir, the neighbor
it takes ethan a lot longer to figure out he's gay, mainly because of internalized homophobia
he tries Very Hard to understand girls in a romantic sense and fails repeatedly, but from that point to realizing what that meant there was a looong road
he doesnt ever really come out as gay, he just sort of starts dating benny and lets everyone make their own assumptions
it could be said benny came out (the first time) when he was seven and watching the little mermaid and screamed at the top of his lungs that, no, ariel couldn't marry prince eric because he wanted to marry prince eric
not that he'd ever admit to this particular moment ever happening later in life
benny came out (the second time) to his dad and grandma when he was thirteen in a really rushed sentence during dinner
grandma weir, a trans lesbian herself, was totally supportive, as was benny's dad
after that he came out to ethan, who at this point he'd only really known for a but over a year but would probably trust with his life, and to rory who has taken to sticking to them
rory berates him for his lack of usage of puns in his coming out and high fives him, saying theyre bi as well
after that pretty much every single person benny knows just found out through him using a pun in conversation
rory is Proud
gender??? whats that??? - rory keaner
he's nonbinary and does not particularly care for which pronouns are used
rory is the kind of person to make everything they own have the coloring of their flag
so he has colored pens and uses exclusively patterns that make out the bi flag, trans flag and enby flag
he lifts up their notebook during class to show anyone he knows and often just gets a "Nice" from benny
they think their mom knows but she does not which makes for quite the situation once she figures it out
she is very awkward at first which is kind of a huge letdown for rory who had up until that point thought she was just completely cool w it and never mentioned it
she does a lot of Intensive Research and eventually looses the awkwardness
she will also beat up anyone who looks at rory funny
sarah!!! she's pretty much in a Lowkey Questioning stage all of highschool
*all of eternity
the thing is, looking back at any crushes on guys she's had, theyve always been very Convenient and "this ones dateable I GUESS"
her and ethan have occasional talks about like "oh yeah im totally into [opposite gender] but would Never date them"
they nod at each other like yes yes this is us Heterosexuals
it takes her many many years but she eventually just goes by lesbian as it seems most fitting
erica has been with guys, girls and nb pals but no one knows what label she uses pr if she uses one at all
everyone assumes she just doesnt bc if u ask her she shrugs at you
and well, if she's gonna live eternally she plans to spend it WELL and kissing pretty people just falls into that category
that's all ive got gays
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fearful-kitten01 · 4 years
I want to be desired by someone. This will make me sound like a jealous bitch, but so be it, I need to get it off my chest.
It hurts. I hate it. I know that this isn’t the end-all be all of life, but it sucks that I don’t know of any guys that have ever just looked at me and thought “Shit, she’s hot, I think I might have a crush on her.” And it sucks even more that my two best friends have had countless guys crushing on them. With me, it’s never because of it, it’s always despite it, or at least that’s what I feel like. It happened once because I defended a guy from bullying, and it happened another time because I shared some of my personal writings with him. And I’m honored that someone looked at those traits and fell in love with me, but it sucks so much that it’s out of that.
And I hate so much how when I’m watching a movie, I see myself in the characters that are never wanted. I’m closer to the fat funny friend than to the actual protagonist, and I’m not even funny. I’m closer to Rory than to Ethan or Benny, for my five mbav fans out there. When my friends talked about stranger things characters, they told me I looked like Barb. And they meant it as a compliment, I know that, but it hurts. Because I wanted to be Nancy. Because the only things I share with Barb are my sense of responsibility, the fact that I had recently painted my hair red, and that I’m fat. Or at least not skinny, whatever. People get angry when I define myself as fat (I still don’t see why I can’t use the word that’s been throw around about me all my life to describe me, but whatever)
Thanks guys. I’m really happy that you see me as the secondary character whose main purpose was to die so that the plot could keep moving.
When will I be looked at and be desired? Who will ever look at me and see me as more than a fat, clumsy, comic relief friend? Because I’m really tired. I’m tired of watching everyone fall in love around me while all I can do is daydream about my favorite character.
I want to be touched. I want to get someone hard or wet with a look. I want to be lusted for.
It’s not about self-esteem. I know I’m beautiful. I know I’m hot. It’s about never being seen as such, and about how tiring it gets to be the only one telling myself that, to the point that it almost starts to feel like a lie.
It annoys me when I talk about this with my girl friends. Because all they can do is tell me that I’m beautiful. And all it makes me feel is anger.
If I’m that beautiful, how come you won’t fuck me?
I’m angry. I’m pissed off. I know I have no right to be. But I am.
And I get angry when I see my skinny friends complaining about their bodies and talking about how fat they look, because hey, what the fuck do you think I look like then? A fucking whale? Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Don’t come talking to me about how fucking fat you look, or how much you hate your stomach. Even if you don’t mean to, all it translates to is “you should hate your stomach too, since it’s bigger than mine”. And fuck off. I’m not doing that. So shut the fuck up and go talk about it with someone else.
God, this is all over the place. But if I hadn’t at least written it down, I’d explode right in my sister’s face the next time she mentioned the boy she had a fling with or how much she hates her stomach but “yours look good I swear”
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