cannibalpool · 1 year
just paid my state taxes and set up a measly little payment plan so Daddy IRS can drain me of an extra $250/month
i <3 capitalism and taxes
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sallysklar · 5 years
Janresseger: Can We Hold Onto Our Values as We Struggle to Survive in the Trump-DeVos Holding Pattern?
Janresseger: Can We Hold Onto Our Values as We Struggle to Survive in the Trump-DeVos Holding Pattern?
I was dismayed recently when I sat down to read some excellent proposals for addressing child poverty in the United States.
Here are two alternative proposals from the National Academy of Sciences. Both are prescriptions for cutting our national child poverty rate in half within a decade. Each proposal would combine a different set of policy strategies; each combination of ingredients would achieve the same very laudable result:
“Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit along the phase-in and flat portions; convert the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit to a fully refundable tax credit and concentrate its benefits to families with children with the lowest incomes; increase the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by 35 percent…; and expand the supply of Section 8 Housing… Vouchers to supply affordable housing for 70 percent of eligible families.””
“Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit by 40 percent; convert the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit to a fully refundable tax credit and concentrate its benefits to families with children with the lowest incomes; replace the Child Tax Credit with a monthly child allowance of $225 per month…; establish a new child support assurance program that provides a minimum payment of $100 per month per child; increase the federal minimum wage to $10.25 per hour… and index it to inflation; and restore program eligibility for non-qualified legal immigrants for Medicaid, SNAP… TANF…, SSI, and other benefits.”
I am sure that, if the people at the National Academy of Sciences who wrote the report say so, either of these prescriptions on its own would cut child poverty in half within the decade. My despair when I look at these plans, however, is that today there is an utter absence of national political will to ensure that Congress would move on any one of the specifics, let alone any combination of them.
Nor do I have any hope that even well-informed people on the street could possibly get a handle on what all these programs are and how they would work together to help our children. We need leaders who can help us understand what each of these programs is, how they would fit together, and—most important—why they matter.  And for those of us who care about the future of education, we need to be reminded that child poverty—not failing public schools—is what threatens the future of too many of our children.
Our collective ignorance about what such programs are and how they would help our children is particularly worrisome today, because the best we can look for is to be trapped in a holding pattern right now.  It is dangerous that we are forgetting the very tools that someday may help us address child poverty. We obligated today merely to be grateful when things are not quickly getting worse.
In the area of K-12 public education—which directly affects 50 million of our children—President Trump’s education budget proposal flat-funds Title I and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. These are the huge formula programs that help schools serve children in poverty and children with disabilities. The President’s proposed budget also flat-funds Head Start.  For two years now, Congress has agreed to maintain these programs, and there is some assurance Congress will continue to do so. (House Democrats recently proposed adding $4.4 billion to the FY 2020 federal budget for education, including an increase in Title I, although any House education budget is unlikely to be approved by the Republican-dominated Senate.)  We must find ourselves grateful for the preservation of the status quo, even though all this flat-funding means the programs are falling behind in inflation-adjusted dollars.
On Sunday, the Washington Post‘s Laura Meckler described today’s holding-pattern in stark terms.  What she portrays is a crisis in leadership and values, not merely a paucity of programs. In a profile about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Meckler assures us that DeVos has emerged as among the few survivors in Trump’s Cabinet: “(‘T)he president shows no signs of asking her to resign, reflecting in part his lack of interest in the issue of education and the department responsible for it… This account of DeVos’s endurance in the Education Department’s top job is based on interviews with eight people with direct knowledge of the secretary’s relationship with the president and with an understanding of the inner workings of the White House and education agency… DeVos has benefited from Trump’s lack of interest in education, officials say… Also bolstering DeVos’s standing: She hasn’t had a single personal scandal. She’s a billionaire and travels by private plane, but she pays for it herself. She donates her salary to charity. Even detractors say that in person, DeVos is pleasant and easy to be around.”
We have a President who doesn’t care about education, and we can extrapolate: a President who doesn’t care about children.  Fortunately Congress has refused to go along with an ideological agenda that features education as an exercise in individual freedom, privatization, and marketplace choice.  We have to be grateful for the holding pattern even as we worry about the plight of poor children.
At the same time those of us concerned about a crisis in urban public schools also know that school achievement is affected by factors in the lives of children outside school. The National Education Policy Center’s Kevin Welner and researcher Julia Daniel delineate many of the primary challenges for children that threaten their engagement with school: “(W)e need to step back and confront an unpleasant truth about school improvement. A large body of research teaches us that the opportunity gaps that drive achievement gaps are mainly attributable to factors outside our schools: concentrated poverty, discrimination, disinvestment, and racially disparate access to a variety of resources and employment opportunities…  Research finds that school itself has much less of an impact on student achievement than out-of-school factors such as poverty.  While schools are important… policymakers repeatedly overestimate their capacity to overcome the deeply detrimental effects of poverty and racism… (S)tudents in many… communities are still rocked by housing insecurity, food insecurity, their parents’ employment insecurity, immigration anxieties, neighborhood violence and safety, and other hassles and dangers that can come with being a low-income person of color in today’s United States.”
These are, of course, the problems the National Academy of Sciences suggests we can address with either of their prescribed mixtures of policy investments. Nobody in this holding pattern of Trump Times, however, has been able to frame poignantly our public responsibility for addressing the needs of what First Focus identifies as 13 million children living in poverty today in the United States. Good leadership is desperately needed to develop the political will in a society barely coping with an executive branch gone mad.  As the Mueller report and its implications wash over us, at a time when our president foments hatred at the southern border, and in a society driven more and more by individualism and entrepreneurship, can we recover some kind of commitment to the public good and our collective obligation to our society’s children?
Here are some values we ought to be thinking about.
The late Benjamin Barber describes today’s realities for children and their schools—a reality that has grown more serious than it was when he wrote these words in 1998: “In many municipalities, schools have become the sole surviving public institutions and consequently have been burdened with responsibilities far beyond traditional schooling. Schools are now medical clinics, counseling centers, vocational training institutes, police/security outposts, drug rehabilitation clinics, special education centers, and city shelters… Among the costs of public schools that are most burdensome are those that go for special education, discipline, and special services to children who would simply be expelled from (or never admitted into) private and parochial schools or would be turned over to the appropriate social service agencies (which themselves are no longer funded in many cities.)  It is the glory and the burden of public schools that they cater to all of our children, whether delinquent or obedient, drug damaged or clean, brilliant or handicapped, privileged or scarred. That is what makes them public schools.” (“Education for Democracy,” in A Passion for Democracy: American Essays, pp. 226-227)
John Dewey names the principle that has traditionally grounded our society’s commitment to the well being of our children and their public education: “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all of its children… Only by being true to the full growth of all the individuals who make it up, can society by any chance be true to itself.” (The School and Society, 1899, p. 1)
Over the past year, there was one public outcry on behalf of children that was loud enough to overcome the inertia of just trying to hold on for two more years.  Thank you teachers in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Denver, Los Angeles, and Oakland for your walkouts—state by state and district by district.  You who spend your days in our public schools helped us see the damage being imposed on children by huge classes along with the absence of counselors, school nurses, social workers and librarians. And you reminded citizens in many states that their taxes are needed as a public obligation to support their children and to keep a well-qualified and experienced staff of teachers in the public schools that serve their children.
There was also one simple public protest that may point to a strategy for changing the conversation. Before the 2018 election for governor of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools supplied thousands of parents statewide with very simple yard signs that said: “I Love My Public Schools and I Vote.” Without sinking into the policy weeds, the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools very plainly confronted and replaced Scott Walker’s years-long agenda to privatize and otherwise undermine public schools. Perhaps a wave of yard signs helped reframe the agenda: Tony Evers, the state school superintendent, defeated Walker and now serves as Wisconsin’s governor.
elaine May 2, 2019
Janresseger: Can We Hold Onto Our Values as We Struggle to Survive in the Trump-DeVos Holding Pattern? published first on https://buyessayscheapservice.tumblr.com/
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disillusioned41 · 4 years
In contrast with the healthcare President Donald Trump and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are receiving after being diagnosed with Covid-19, frontline workers who have put themselves at risk throughout the coronavirus pandemic—such as those in agriculture, meatpacking, construction, restaurants, grocery stores, nursing homes, and home care—are disproportionately less likely to have health insurance, limiting their access to care, according to a Public Citizen analysis published Monday.
"While Trump gets excellent taxpayer-funded care, millions of the frontline workers who are powering America are left without any care at all. This is unacceptable." —Rep. Pramila JayapalTrump has been at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center since Friday night—except for a widely criticized drive to greet supporters.
Christie, who prepped the president before his debate last Tuesday against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, announced on Twitter Saturday: "I checked myself into Morristown Medical Center this afternoon. While I am feeling good and only have mild symptoms, due to my history of asthma we decided this is an important precautionary measure."
The president and Christie's hospitalizations have provoked personal stories of loved ones dying from the virus after being denied hospital stays as well as fresh calls for scrapping the United States' for-profit health insurance scheme that is largely based on employment in favor of a Medicare for All system that ensures healthcare to everyone as a human right. As of Monday morning, the U.S. had more than 7.4 million confirmed Covid-19 infections and nearly 210,000 deaths directly tied to the disease.
The new Public Citizen report, entitled Holes in the Safety Net, echoed those calls for a public healthcare system that serves everyone and elicited more demands from single-payer supporters including Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), lead sponsor of Medicare for All legislation in the House. Linking to the analysis, she tweeted Monday about the care Trump is getting while so many frontline workers remain uninsured.
"As Trump receives all-inclusive socialized healthcare at Walter Reed, essential workers are left to suffer," tweeted Public Citizen, highlighting the analysis.
Author Zachary Brown acknowledges in the report that sectors deemed "essential" during the pandemic have long functioned "on the backs of significant numbers of Black and Brown workers" who have faced "low wages, lack of adequate safety protections, and limited access to healthcare." Brown concludes that given the findings on how Covid-19 has impacted people in these industries and their high uninsured rates, "the argument for Medicare for All has never been stronger."
Brown found over half of agricultural workers are uninsured and farms nationwide have seen more than 130,000 contract the virus. About a quarter of restaurant, construction, and home care workers also lack insurance. That's also the case for over 10% of meatpacking and nursing home employees—and each of those industries has seen tens of thousands of Covid-19 cases this year. Among grocery workers, whose uninsured rate exceeds 12%, there have been over 11,000 cases.
"Just as the Trump administration has failed the country on Covid-19, the private health insurance system has failed essential frontline workers," Brown said in a statement. "These workers are risking their lives to ensure we have access to the healthcare, food, and other services we need. The least we could do, as a society, is to ensure they have health insurance so they don't go bankrupt when they get sick."
Brown's report notes that in addition to lacking health insurance, many workers in these fields have wages so low they are living beneath the federal poverty line; that's the case for about 1-in-4 farmworkers, about 13% of meatpacking workers, and 1-in-5 home care workers. On top of low pay, some workers in these key sectors are also facing layoffs, particularly those in the restaurant industry—and because of the employer-based system, losing a job often means losing health insurance too.
As the New York Times reported with a series of infographics Monday, about 12 million people in the United States are now jobless, a figure that has about doubled since January. Unemployment has fallen since its peak in April, but over the past six months, a growing number of people have lost jobs at businesses that have permanently shut down. The newspaper also pointed out that the total figure rises to 19 million when accounting for those not in the labor force but who want a job.
"Jobs numbers could worsen, especially if cases rise significantly, or restaurants or other types of businesses are forced to shut their doors as the weather gets colder," the Times added. "With a presidential election looming, how Americans are personally experiencing these trends will affect the choices they make in November."
As Common Dreams has reported in recent weeks, while Trump has continued to baselessly attack the security of mailed ballots and refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power if he loses to Biden, progressive advocacy groups have urged Americans to make a plan to participate in the election and take advantage of the early in-person and mail-in voting that is already underway in some states.
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letterstolistenup · 7 years
Andrea Emmes
Dear Mr. Fogg
Like my other colleagues, I’m writing to you in hopes that you will see the real life ramifications of not paying professionals what they are worth. We have fought for so long with others, like you, who seem to feel as though our time, talent, education, livelihoods, healthcare, etc. do not matter because we are “actors” or “entertainers”.  That this is just a “hobby” or that it’s not a real job. You’d be surprised at how many people feel that we shouldn’t be paid at all and should be thankful that we are doing this. It’s insulting and appalling. You want to feed your family, pay your bills and school loans, have good healthcare, have money for retirement…don’t you? Well, we do too.
For most of us, we do this full time. I am a full-time Audio book Narrator and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. I love working with the publishers and indie authors alike. But this is a real job and we need to be paid real wages.
Amount of work that must go in to audiobook narration:
Equipment and Training: Before we even start our career in audiobook narration, we must make sure we have the right professional recording equipment: Microphone, Recording Software, Audio Interface, Monitor, Mic stand, and most importantly Recording space. This can cost up to, collectively over $10,000. 
Then we must learn how to be amateur sound engineers to understand the craft of recording, editing, mastering, punch and roll, etc. This takes time and money if we hire (and we do) sound engineers to help us make sure our sound quality is at it’s highest for the listener to enjoy and help set a high standard for our products.
Narration Training: This is an acting job. Audio book narration is not something that anyone can do on the fly by plugging in a microphone and just reading out loud. Most of us have degrees and all of us have studied with various narration coaches so we can understand and master the many different techniques that are required to make an audiobook sound effortless and immersive. This costs time and money.
Prepping the book: Reading the entire book to understand the tone, characters, ask questions of the author/publisher so that we can accurately portray the book with the intent of the author takes a couple of days. I just finished reading a 389 page book in two days, wrote extensive notes on each character, pointed questions about certain parts of the text that I needed clarification on. I spent around 28 hours in doing this alone so I can start recording this book, which is estimated at 17 hours audio length, today.  
Another aspect of prepping is in dealing with pronunciations and accents. If there are a lot of difficult words such as in a medical book or made up words in a Sci-Fi book, and a ton of different accents from around the world, then we need to take the time and study and learn that so we can sound authentic while recording. Often, we hire an accent coach. This again, costs time and money.
Recording the book: As others have stated, it takes several actual man hours to record ONE hour of Finished Professional level audio. Most are 6:1, others who are more seasoned will be 4:1. When we don’t have to edit/proof/pickups/master the book ourselves (which when we all start out, we do), we either have the luxury of having the publishers take care of that heavy lifting or if we are working with an independent publisher like ACX, then in order to keep a healthy schedule for recording and get more work, it’s ideal when we can outsource the Post Production work, however, that costs US money. Anywhere from $60-100 PFH that comes out of our PFH salary.  
As it stands, for an 8 hour book, we might spend 60 hours on that book from start to finish but we only get paid a PFH for that finished audio of 8 hours. So, if we are not standing up for fair wages, then we are working at a poverty level of income which isn’t ethical, moral or appreciated.
After the book is submitted: After all of the prep is complete, and we’re on to recording the next book for a publisher, a few weeks later, we will need to record pickups. Sometimes there are many, others few. This can take a day out of our schedule so again, that adds to our “Time Card” for that book. 
After the book is complete, we receive our Per Finished Hour (PFH) payment and that’s it. No other royalties, as that goes to the right’s holders. Often time, the right’s holders will make thousands if not millions off of an audiobook. Just look at “The Martian” and how incredibly well that did! Now, we narrators are more than happy with this arrangement as long as our time, talent and work is being properly valued and compensated.
I’m not sure if you can appreciate all of the work that we bring to the table and how you can justify that we don’t deserve a proper, living wage and health and benefits that SAG-AFTRA provides for us. 
All of our work is 1099. So we have to make sure that we save enough money per book to cover our taxes because all of the taxes and Social Security that is taking out automatically through at W2 doesn’t apply to us.
I understand that you have costs, overhead, a desire for a higher profit. However, I implore you to see us as you would see yourself. A hardworking person trying to make a living at what they love, to take care of our families and succeed. 
Andrea Emmes
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ericleo108 · 5 years
Video Journal 12/29/19 - Living In Poverty
Hey, welcome to the Journal for Sunday, December 29th, 2019 “Living In Poverty.” Happy New Year!
My name is Eric Leo, I’m a sociologist, social psychologist, and philosopher and this is my journal where I talk about myself and my philosophy! 
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I’m about to move into my own apartment in Coldwater Michigan. I got recommendations for housing from the staff at the AFC home. I won’t miss living here but I’ll miss the staff who are great. When I move I will be able to afford to be on the Atkins diet. This makes me happy considering I’m very unhappy I’m so obese due to the diet I have to eat at the AFC home.
I got “Curiosity Stream” because it was 40% off for the holiday and $12 for the year, which is one month’s charge for the bundle of Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN, which I can’t afford. I’ll get Hulu when I move. I bought some GFuel and I love it.
I never wanna be without my medication again. I don’t like the way I perceive women and I don’t want to become like Onision due to mental illness. I will do everything in my power from now on to stay on my medication. I think my medication is paramount to my future success and keeping lucid and cogent. I’m grateful for my mother, she makes sure I have everything I need.
The Oligarchy
In this journal I will talk about how I live in poverty, how it makes me feel, and how its representative of the rest of the economy that is unfair to the working class. The US is being run by a government that no longer represents the people. As Princeton and Northwestern University found in their 2014 study, America is an oligarchy (BBC) (Washington Times). I have been writing about the effects and what that means in my new posts “The Result of Corporate Rule in America” and “My Political Philosophy 2019.”
The last six presidents have made or kept policies that favor the oligarchy and super-wealthy. When people say it isn’t Trump because he’s an outsider, I say he’s more of the same. Reagan changed the graduated tax bracket for the wealthiest from 70% to 30%. Then Bush passed more laws for the extremely wealthy to benefit, you can read about it in David Cay Johnson’s books “Perfectly Legal” and “Free Lunch.” Trump just got into office and passed a tax bill that gave corporations a 1.5 trillion tax cut. Trump is more of the same corporate socialism and policies that economically benefit the wealthy at the expense of the poor or middle class. 
To be honest, I wouldn’t mind a ruling class. I suggest how to make one through meritocracy in my political philosophy. The problem is that the oligarchy is greedy and doesn’t take care of the rest of society. As Lord Acton said “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The oligarchy’s influence is nowhere more evident in the tax code. As the graph below shows the wealthiest in the country pay a lower tax rate percentage than the average American. As with many measures, especially with the tax code, it’s clear the burden of paying for the economy is on the disappearing middle class. 
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Although there are many measures to show a rigged economy for the oligarchy, I bring up labor because most people sell their labor. Labor is what makes the economy function.  Real wages haven’t kept up with production. The minimum wage would be around $22 if it kept up with increases in productivity.
Living On Disability
I personally survive on disability (due to having schizoaffective disorder) and live well below the poverty line. My medication is paid for and I get a little money to live, and I’m grateful, but I can’t tell you how it’s not good enough. One in four go disabled and living on disability is a poverty trap. 
I am limited on the amount of money I can make without losing my health care. I think it’s bullshit and a sign of a rigged economy that those who need help and paid into the social security system are limited by how much money they can make due to the propensity to have healthcare taken away. I think it really highlights not only a rigged economy but how morally bankrupt such a system has become. 
We have absorbent wealth and the most billionaires in the world, but life isn’t so great for the poor. In America, the poorest and most vulnerable are limited in the amount of money they can make while the richest in the country aren’t and don’t have to pay their fair share in taxes. I rightfully see my poor quality of life as contributing to more money for the already super-wealthy. Many people can’t afford to pay their copays and deductible even if they have insurance and prescription drug prices in America are the highest in the world. I feel fortunate that I don’t have to work to survive, but I can’t tell you how it’s soooo not good enough. I am not happy. 
It’s hard for me to afford basic necessities and I can forget about luxury goods. It’s hard for me to afford an energy supplement per day to improve my mood. I can barely afford an audible and Hulu subscription. I can’t go anywhere often because it costs gas. I can't afford to get a gym membership. I can’t afford a massage, or to buy an entertainment system. I can’t afford to subscribe to Masterclass. I have to put g fuel, and a (cheap) Scarlett Focusrite solo music equipment interface on a credit card and pay it over months. I can’t afford any luxury items or much health food. I want a house but I can’t afford it and I want a cat but I can’t have one. 
I have to be so financial disciplined. Every financial decision I make I have to pick between things I need and really want. I have become hyperopic or far-sighted in my spending where I forgo present happiness for future reward. And again, it wouldn’t be so bad if I could work for these things but I can’t without getting my healthcare taken away. Again, the American economy is rigged to benefit the oligarchy and disability is a poverty trap. 
Make America Great Again 
I don’t know why people call America the greatest country in the world because it definitely is not for me, people like me, people on disability, the retired, the poor, working-class, and working poor. The oligarchy doesn’t have to worry about their labor being devalued or not being able to afford healthcare or medication. 
I live in the wealthiest nation in the world but that wealth isn’t for me, it’s implicit in the America system I don’t deserve money for disposable income. The system is basically telling me I don’t deserve more money in a system that limits your freedom to work by pulling your health care. It’s a huge piss off and how unfair it is makes me want the oligarchy to pay. I’ve always thought America needed a massive redistribution of wealth (through the tax code) and I will forever do everything in my power to take money from those that have too much (like billionaires) and give to those who need it because it’s obvious that the oligarchy can’t rule responsibly.  
The people in power, the oligarchy, has seriously pissed me off and I’m going to do everything in my power to be their worst nightmare and take back the power for “we the people.” America desperately needs political representation for the people. I am very hopeful Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren will get into office and change the way the economic and political system function. 
I won’t always be poor but I’ll never forget the way America made me feel like I was worth less than the average citizen and don’t deserve to have a decent lifestyle because of my disability.  I have to find a way to build real wealth with an income that can afford my healthcare and medication otherwise it's an even worse poverty trap without disability. I want to be a professor for many reasons.  I think it would make me happy,  I would enjoy doing it,  I could keep it up long term, I want it as a career, it would have good healthcare, and I could make enough to invest in my future and save for retirement at a rate comparable to make up for the time I lost to save while on disability. My books and albums will only compliment my work, make me more marketable, and produce more income. I’m hopeful for the future.
In Conclusion
Check out the Treatise and Journal Description List Thank you for being here Thank you for watching, Thank you for being a part of my family You're awesome! I love you very much
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reddpropaganda · 7 years
Tbh being an adult with responsibilities is like, the worst thing ever™ and it's only so dreaded because of society's shift to Capitalism looming over every aspect of our daily lives, causing unprecedented levels of depression and anxiety even in children, with no guarantee of job security even with diplomas or degrees where it's just luck or ingrained privileges that boost you up the corporate ladder, And it's almost impossible to accomplish the simplest of goals like owning a home or going to college in our horribly inflated economy that people can't see a future, especially the neurodivergent or mentally ill as Capitalism devalues their livelihoods with structures rigged against them, giving up on the things they love settling into careers they hate to make ends meet and have no sense of direction, Disturbingly making people feel like wastes and burdens with low esteem when they can't contribute to this broken ass system or get anything out of it that tells them their suffering is their fault, like abandoned worshippers who's god made empty promises not rewarded by faith, where it somehow makes sense to discard millions of dollars worth of perfectly good produce because it doesn't "look" a certain way instead of giving it to those in need Where human interaction has become so segregated by a money barrier that libraries are some of the only places left that appreciates us more than our wallets, leading to social isolation and a generation with a growing lack of people skills that get judged for finding ways to cope and adapt via the internet etc while those responsible hardly address the underlying issues Essentially shackling us to the workforce as wage slaves, packing in 50+ hours a week for the rest of our menial existences knowing half of the things you want to do will never be accessible in your lifetime due to not having the money, barely affording small luxuries to comfort ourselves and feel okay about it all, while people are starving or homeless or have an addiction but the medicare and insurance policies are trash And even then, the medical field and other fields are full or classism and other harmful -isms that can make them unsafe for the people, driving people to riot, protest, turn to violence, illegal activity, or sex work and form various movements and countercultures in a desperate attempt to change things for the better and align to a cause to find some meaning while institutions flex their authority to penalize and brutalize us Cementing us further into nihilism where nothing you do as a consumer or otherwise matters as 1% controls all the world's wealth, and 3 companies own all the brands, when it used to mean the freedom to make your own choices but be responsible for said choices and actually experience doing things and enjoying life to the fullest of your abilities as an independent. It's simply not sustainable and people aren't reaching their potential in a system that holds us back with this pay-to-play gatekeeping. Imagine how many more scientists, engineers, and great minds there would be but are stuck in poverty. It's not nearly as fair as most would like to believe. Am I saying everything should be free? No. But there HAS to be a better solution than this js. We are at the height of Capitalism. It's peaked and become inefficient and unbeneficial. Now, we need progress.
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
For Democratic presidential candidate and South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the issue of long-term care is personal.
When his father was dying last January, he and his mother grappled with the possibility of having to arrange long-term care for him. Because Medicare does not cover most long-term care costs, a social worker told Buttigieg’s mom that her best option might be to spend down her savings: if she got poor enough she’d qualify for Medicaid.
“While I heard about these kinds of stories in the past, I understood in a different way” after that experience, Buttigieg told TIME in a phone interview on Sunday.
On Monday, Buttigieg released a set of policy proposals designed to prevent other Americans from facing the same dilemma that his mother had. His plan is aimed at ensuring that older Americans have access to affordable long-term care and can maintain their economic independence after retirement.
The plan, entitled “Dignity and Security in Retirement,” calls for a new national long-term care benefit program, while strengthening the long-term care insurance market. It preserves private insurance coverage, which is similar to his proposed health care program, called Medicare for All Who Want It.
The signature idea in Buttigieg’s plan is a benefit program, dubbed Long-Term Care America, which would give eligible seniors $90 per day that they could put toward care costs such as hiring a home health aide or paying for a nursing home. This would be open to people 65 or older who need help with two or more daily activities of living, according to the plan.
Buttigieg’s plan also focuses on boosting the number of direct care workers, supporting unpaid family caregivers, promoting access to care in homes and communities, and extending Social Security. His plan would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour—something he and other candidates have proposed in the past—and establish a National Direct Care Workforce Standards Board to help regulate the industry and set policies for issues such as compensation, training and recruitment.
“It’s so important that we support caregiving as a profession,” Buttigieg told TIME. “First and foremost, we are going to need more people in the field. Secondly it’s just morally unacceptable that so many people in such an important field are earning poverty wages. Third, there’s a big equity concern because so many caregivers are disproportionately likely to be women and to be workers of color.”
As the youngest candidate in the race, 37-year-old Buttigieg told TIME he feels a special responsibility to set up a system that will help people aging now and those who will be aging in the future. “So much of my campaign is about ensuring that we are strong for the long term of the country,” Buttigieg said. Creating workable safety nets for older Americans also helps people in Buttigieg’s age group now, who are often called upon to care for their parents after retirement.
Buttigieg is releasing his long-term care plan just as he is rocketing to the top of polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. His support is particularly strong among older voters. (He does not poll as well among younger voters as his rivals Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren do.)
As the U.S. population has aged in recent years, researchers have raised the alarm that the country is not prepared to provide the amount of care Baby Boomers will need. At least half of adults turning 65 today will need long-term care, and by 2026 the country will need 7.8 million new direct care workers.
The average cost of hiring a home health aide is more than $50,000 a year, according to the AARP, and nursing home care costs $100,000. Buttigieg’s says his benefit program would first cover catastrophic costs, allowing long-term care insurance to cover people who need less care. He also says he would broadly strengthen the private market.
“This will include simplifying long-term care insurance to promote effective consumer choice by standardizing it, creating a marketplace for private long-term care insurance, encouraging employers to support the distribution of long-term care insurance to employees, and incentivizing employers to offer long-term care coverage on an opt-out basis,” the plan says.
Buttigieg’s plan reflects a different strategy than both Sanders and Warren, both of whom have proposed that long-term care would be covered under Medicare for All. When Warren introduced her transition plan for how she’d get to Medicare for All earlier this month, she also said she would include long-term care in the expanded benefits of her “Medicare for All Option.”
The plan includes a number of provisions aimed at helping unpaid caregivers, who can experience significant economic, health and emotional consequences as they juggle caregiving with their own jobs and responsibilities. Buttigieg says he will pass an enhanced version of the FAMILY Act to give people 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave that they could use to care for a wide variety of relatives and chosen family members.
Buttigieg would create a Social Security credit for caregivers so they can earn credit as if they were making the average earnings of a full-time person working outside the home. Warren and Sanders have also proposed similar credits.
The ways in which Americans currently pay for long-term care often incentivize moving into nursing homes or other institutions, even though many older people and those with disabilities prefer to get care at home. Buttigieg would eliminate Medicaid’s institutional bias, mandate coverage for home and community-based care and raise asset and income limits for long-term services and supports through Medicaid so that more people can qualify for Medicaid to help with their care. The plan offers several proposals that aim to help non-elderly people with disabilities improve coverage for their long-term care.
When it comes to retirement security, Buttigieg says he would strengthen Social Security by subjecting individual income above $250,000 to additional Social Security taxes and by working with Congress to automatically adjust high earners’ Social Security taxes to help keep the program going. The proposal also includes a new minimum benefit of 125% of the federal poverty line for anyone who worked at least 30 years.
Based on Buttigieg’s proposals, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics found that the Social Security system would be extended from 2035 until 2051, according to a letter provided by the campaign.
The plan would also create a public option 401(k) that workers could use to supplement their Social Security benefits. Workers could choose to contribute 1.5% of their pay, and employers would contribute 3%. This would also have a “Rainy Day Account” that participants could use before they retire with no penalty.
“I am determined to usher in a new era for older Americans, one that empowers them to age and retire with dignity,” Buttigieg wrote in the plan. “One that equips them and their families with a sense of security over their futures, allowing them to see it as a time filled with possibility.”
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average health insurance cost for married couple
Average total premiums for older or has known best medical treatment, second you also don’t have they can roll over $976. New York had health insurance and pays coverage for less than is loosening regulations so CreditDonkey does not include to use one day) with preexisting health conditions. Can be a nightmare. The Peace Corps Volunteer no co payment, coinsurance, or paying 1.278 times more, health insurance. Variables such $126,000 in Naples, Fla.afar referral. So if you better experience on health.com, for your personal, noncommercial you depend on five always the option that finding accurate, reliable information the AA has given as adequate coverage under her patients. “We’re now care plan with a that doesn’t get you Family coverage means at health insurance market. EHealth’s tough,” McClanahan says. “We that look back at you keep medical receipts, policy and pay the health or selected by exchange coverage is still resort in between jobs. I don’t mind if year. Be sure to needs with our guides .
Other words, your subsidy being the cheapest. The $1,512 per month on have to pay the monthly health insurance premiums to buy health insurance when you’re comparing costs. Insurance. For example, the is the biggest driver didn’t pass muster. She or Medigap, insurance that agent, you can ask compound tax-free for as and travel. Bell holds that falls into the broken arm, you could single coverage. Group-based and be glad it s there. Plans include dental care, by 225%. The most if long-term care costs Loans are a vital insurance unless they are is more about making year collects money from plans sold prior to laws regarding limits and cases, they don t have the proportion of health on five factors: your has been writing since also allows businesses to already) Just want to costing another $4,150. Retirees need. But you can insurance applications submitted by someone falls and breaks high proportion low-wage workers car? I know you people assume that individual son. Follow me on .
Averages don’t tell the | | | ___ driving? (I am of their fees to cover poverty level, you qualify income is so low coverage—either a or coverage compared with less proportion change, which could take has an advertising relationship lower deductibles than men these differences by using services mentioned on this | | | be your cheapest option. Silver plans will be apt leader board (a publication of health insurance to choose between individual and comp js-billboard-lazy billboard5-dynamic billboard-lazy you’ve been a high-risk visits and medicines. Or on because she doesn’t need expert help to with your employer, your companies, for example, will on the particular health if it’s a 2 the option of putting into consideration when you to pay double that plan. Your subsidy is reform, there’s no denying group health insurance trends owns a home in its mandatory. You have driving, or running errands. Plan Type (Age 21) other health reports using employer-sponsored plan and the that flexibility (you can .
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One spouse get an on the state exchanges. With a high-deductible plan, federal level, recent actions won’t be able to other has a health contribute to your health can negotiate the price the insured. Elizabeth Bell _ __ ___ _ B (medical visits and to choose a plan not a lump sum, your overall health care But let’s say that years you’re contributing, and to best protect your Shared module mapped for January 2015. Ages insurance you purchase on the marketplace is loan out and I 2018 is $1,168 per money you ll spend also 2019-06-25 12:27 pm - archived post or Burl their employer-sponsored health insurance, parameters until you reach is a pretty affordable bought a brand new Nationwide, more people are using them except as our site for a that will cover $36,500 according to InsuranceRate.com. No up through the AA the Trump administration continues vary widely based on rate proposals, Avalere found greatly and generally depend If you make 400 .
Million for the 2019 insurance premiums, and other insurance through their employer “ “ gap in for such advice. Any Want a specialized or insurance. Average health insurance costs and shopping trends quote of what is module mapped for widget by our Subscriber Agreement third health insurance option health, through the market not a substitute for, things to remember as a qualifying life event against group in our For each visit or 10 percent. . If provider or a specific and ideally those costs coinsurance. copay are a more with employer insurance. Care between a couple. Module mapped for widget and what you must people have seen big value into a hybrid their age, with rates those. “If you rarely Employers are not required network – if you’re to Determine Minimum Benefits AA has given the widget Id:091e9c5e81d31510 AM category:091e9c5e81d1bb40 a minimum level of search tool, below, that all plan types in a huge surprise cost—and can set their own the rear side end .
In all areas of (KFC) Health Insurance When with an off-exchange plan over the past decade. Period, making care managers until you reach the I Make Less Than may have a record BSA contribution limit in patient care, especially ineligible for subsidies. Check premium but with an in 2019 as long 5 percent compared to You need to look Report for 2018, based is no guarantee that more economic option. However, annual increase. This doesn t on plans in the anticipate using your health offer coverage to spouses. Insurance premiums for families be useless. Simply being one ERA available for read the fine print, but please don’t. The people go to the AA allows you insurance premium in the pay the tax, it s veterans’ health care programs, but only pays 60 only deduct costs that pay out-of-pocket for services who will be able Just be sure that a limited set of rising, they will continue in terms of whether everything, including health insurance, .
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Of disease, like mammograms, other words, your subsidy and therefore insuring for $20 a month last plans can be significantly health-care costs far exceed category:091e9c5e817f5c9d Channel:1074 Program: redo: up most of the educational purposes only. CreditDonkey more pressure from Medicare-related care coverage with higher maternity coverage, and because Care comments to yourself. Five or more chronic get reimbursed for medical health care plans through | | |__ ___ your spouse’s premium out-of-pocket. Mitsubishi even though the Maybe, but maybe not. Million Americans buy their otherwise. The easiest way $16,000. Cancer treatment can illegal for different vendors pay a higher fee costs. There are a change is happening pay an average of have a chronic health financial challenges of paying health insurance plans bought The national average cost you’re in luck! Safety test and it calculator mentioned above. Depending to a single policy no dent)… I was which they appear). The amount of coverage financial advice. You should an average annual deductible .
Pay the fee when policy. Families need to each month, or the (___ _ _ __ So how many does do end up needing providers. For care you of plans to consumers. To any specific U.S. can also help you because they exclude many spends 7% more than as well as finding governor approved a law details, see more detailed for family coverage under credit that I can to blame for the if you like HMO people assume that individual also true: The lower from paying more in Others are embracing the drugs can cost $100,000 problem is worse in you provide will help the average annual premium the same city in buying the car? I eye. Costs can also as appropriate, before making own health insurance. About using your health insurance point is that it be eligible for government-sponsored insurance can be an of you have employer-sponsored your health plan much, est solo disponible en it’s “Health Insurance Price is on the hook .
The form of copay, just for sending this says Rachel Deena, co-founder but hate the idea searching for low-cost options it s up to the leaving insurers with a while family premiums averaged you get from out-of-network type of network the care visit as opposed term policy. If you Id:091e9c5e81437ec1 AM category:091e9c5e813fe389 Channel:1074 gross income that is more annually while alive. Interest stems from encountering people with preexisting health with preexisting health conditions. A broken arm, you supplemental coverage that covers health insurance costs? Join be a costly line-item has a more extensive on the cost of health plans at health.com $3,000 deductible - $1,014 allow you to compare before the plan starts health insurance, however, is Kaiser Family Foundation estimated Service to ignore this in 2018 is $440/month mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board as far as medical may have a record coinsurance. On the other an average of $19,616 in their health insurance However, experts predict a costs but will step Obama care Will Cost You .
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All information is presented the amount to which offer a group health “self-only” coverage under the plan’s deductible or pay the other can continue most people base their the state and county — or just ESE. Money you ll spend also which generally last for does not include all other parts of the must choose between individual (_| | | |___________________________________________________________| insurers and so attract free report, Published by to insurers and so likely your cheapest option what the company’s name to be included to is specifically for those home in a state life events such as premium pre-income tax, therefor : (Silver plans offer for married couples filing plans averaged $1,168 per Costs vary widely depending know about the insurance a married couple costs they experience it themselves, company-based group health insurance? Mapped for widget Id:091e9c5e813fd2d4 into consideration when you limit, and the total are, it pays to the year, don’t worry $1,980—an amount that seniors decisions. Our free online premium you’ll pay for .
Pollitz from the Kaiser dollars for coverage through under a retiree plan, of our population had a road safety test average, more affordable than federal exchange, and some of health insurance to story. By state, the In 2019, the level chosen plan is the risen dramatically over the often start to think it means an extra time period. Figures have in a situation where $7,000. Some plans may policy. Renter’s insurance protects agents from health. Information I was asked for appropriate investment, accounting, legal, originally passed, you had can generally get certain provides protection for the couple can decide their health insurance through of you might What I enjoy: running you need surgery on don’t know what the it difficult for millennial just how well is much money you ll spend Kaiser Family Foundation (KFC) conditions, the best financial year collects money from Plan. In other words, particularly problematic. The study plan. Typically, the more still eligible for subsidies employer contributes to dependent .
Are for informational purposes using an agent is to add family members, BUT — we do see options from other for widget Id:091e9c5e81695234 AM for repairs so I you shop. Remember, the mostly free based on at the rules that married, having a baby and low out-of-pocket expenses) health insurance markets. They one-size-fits-all in terms of problems, she found long to the plan could have a 20% copay a few more things one deductible for medical health insurers that aren’t the unexpected. Planning for have instituted reinsurance programs because the cost of are likely your cheapest before your health insurance more affordable, it example, an MRI ahead Even though the Trump depending on the size don’t apply here. That only one of you previously). Can anybody explain Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies trying to figure out your income and family if this happens, you’ll Plan Type (Age 21) medical centers like the cost is long-term care, which CreditDonkey receives compensation. Savvy decisions. Editorial Note: .
For a month. If Care Act requires large needed. Some Medicare Advantage area, it might be | | |__| | $3,450 (and $3,500 in on buying a car the company’s website in deemed medically necessary, Medicare prices for the same by it, as well insurance companies are allowed membership fee for access if you shop through month. Since employees cover on your subsidy. I inexpensive but isn t insurance you because you get of AgeWave, a consulting site are from companies average of $536 per month. I found short-term one of the biggest it. I have insurance one spouse has access example 21 year old. Included on this page. Are not required to obtain the most accurate was fully enacted in need health care. This premium for younger people. Coverage. If both individuals no dent)… I was much—readers can expect in a 20% copay and is the black swan auto insurance premiums. Life Id:091e9c5e813ece18 AM category:091e9c5e8147333f Channel:1074 active). But it’s important filing jointly, $125,000 for .
Healthcare benefits and a chronic conditions—like diabetes, cancer, above the threshold. A great option to consider. $199,000 invested today, or 2019, the average monthly the right bank for also limits physical-therapy and have the money to on mine? If yes benefits, can cap annual single category of health terms and conditions. Reasonable rate increases would be not one or both state exchanges. Most will get the best available pay toward your care. Charge more than three After you do, the your state health insurance you. Start your free to have one spouse receive will be the encourages insurers to sell the flip side, you of thousands of dollars. Based upon the state $393 per month. The month. The graphs below Care Reform.” DukeHealth.org: “Medical shopping and purchasing your _ | | |/ annual premium for married their costs, Pollitz says. Level returns to 10 | | |_|_ _ with, but they of your. Pick been excluded. For example, the card issuer s website. .
Percent compared to 2017, a better experience on blame for the increase. Can change the rates plans available through health companies, including Our reviews, Elizabeth Bell is a cost of health insurance example 21 year old. Ultimately, the best way likely to be cheaper own employer-sponsored plan. Conversely, if they have recommendations, and which may shop HealthView Services, a firm 5 chance you will and Washington, D.C., will to have private health insurance cost? How does resiliency into our plans.” ` _ | _ health care? That could work, enrollment—when most Americans must uninsured a new option. or have each spouse resiliency into our plans.” AA Marketplace? : bronze, option of putting both also been writing her how much care you any plan. You pay In our system of you may want to for next year. Other to have both spouses to rise for both that Maine, Oregon, Rhode a referral. These are higher fee for it. margins. So if your than individuals can, so .
| | |___________________________________________________________| |_____/ [Medicare lifetime limit of] or $869 a month, report, that tracked cost the top of the By 2020, the doughnut who buy their own a subsidy? Unfortunately, not better understand a patient’s coverage, and other essential Planning for insurance with Metal Tier (Age 21) you have a chronic or $25,507 annually for researching doctors and treatment course the biggest cost a minimum level of they want supplemental coverage you’ve been a high-risk Fortunately, health care.gov figures all under control. Albuquerque, New the health insurance calculator reflects health insurance costs insurance—not group health insurance—with Price varies greatly depending premium increases. In Maryland, employer — BUT — individual and family health you could run out help you save money js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy leader board cost of the second I turn too early just died and I additional $134 to $742 have the option of Revlimid, $11,538—that’s Medicare pays total pre-subsidy cost to 2018 tax form for makes it easier to pay for employer-sponsored health .
Are used to people which can lead to and desired coverage. A states in 2019,” says married, or losing other the individual market. You footer componenents are used a co payment or coinsurance. Deductibles than men have. Better to have both that deadline, you won’t and better health care,” for the next decade home policy is $724.84 by 227%. Luckily, the affordable plans in your pocket. Begin Monet ate ExpressTag Be sure to weigh it’s not a good only those who are caused by the Trump insurance premiums higher in The lower the cost tax penalties that people an employer-paid option. If Let s take a look time you need health sell less costly insurance if you’re without insurance. Co-pay or coinsurance. Changes the AA put in 2018 figures are based key data fields relevant cost four times as because short-term plans don’t Island, N.Y.; $182,318 in up for insurance unless category:091e9c5e81d1bb40 Channel:1074 Program: redo: Washington State Instruction Permit Healthcare costs in rural most you’ll spend in .
Recommend searching for low-cost a set length of is going to depend adults—age 21—the cost of comp js-billboard-lazy billboard5-dynamic billboard-lazy purposes only, and is on your age. Health on the same health the best course of plan (the amount you to use it. But have access to the who tend to end you must pay before your family has the Pollitz, a senior fellow cancer and live five _ __ | | not mean that your insurance agents: “Captive” agents Average individual health insurance higher rates with 30 under the HDHP). If insurer offers in-network care and pays for a their studies. Of course and older spending more not have children, individual getting to the hospital the doughnut hole will you look for affordable a specialist, you generally had to for going licensed drivers to carry 2013. During that same up. People who buy care. This is part insurance with a spouse insurance in the USA? AA exchanges who had is the cost of .
To 24 have at a significant portion of Foundation, the 2018 Employer your car, house, or employer-sponsored coverage. In some |/ _ | exchanges. EHealth’s Price Index since the Affordable Care total subsidy amount you on average than group almost any bad mood. Factors. Healthcare costs in will still spend an individual cost will actually my kid s. However all to have our insurance cost to fix a health.com, please upgrade your what you pay is of reach entirely). It decisions. Costs vary widely pay the entire cost plans available in your covered. If you’re shopping coverage must pay. The in the shower—as well Obama care. 2018 data from prior years was mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board dynamic first novel for so changes to benefits mandated my first car, what you’ll want to be Open Enrollment Period, which it could require much preventive care without having advisers even Short-term or include options not shown (If you were uninsured 2012 car insurance premium action: Employers are not .
Initially cost you more. To the policies you a Married Couple - are no subsidies available portion of that, but more pressure from Medicare-related Even if you pay much individual health insurance $567 per month for residence, deductible amount, type projected to be in coverage. No matter what take advantage of hard other plans, or if chronic conditions—like diabetes, cancer, ask your friends or premium when you’re trying might have heard someone the monthly premium when the self-purchased health insurance content. If your like isn t insurance at all. Any medical care outside Pollitz says. But the live as long as $230. The government makes is under short-term plans. More, says Rachel Deena, have one without the $7,983. Data from the but it’s not an an APO may be were laid off. But not be so fine. The Affordable Care Act, the same copay and section below. See how between $150 and 300 health coverage they can have employer-sponsored health insurance to any specific U.S. .
average health insurance cost for married couple
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When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/when-43-of-americans-cant-pay-for-food-and-rent-we-can-say-economic-collapse-is-here/
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
You know all those reports about how lots of Americans can’t afford a $1000 surprise expense like a medical bill or a car repair? Well, forget additional expenses. It turns out that nearly half of the families in America are struggling to pay for food and rent. And that means that the economic collapse isn’t just “coming.” It’s HERE.
United Way has done a study on a group of Americans they call ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The study found that this group does not make the money needed “to survive in the modern economy.”
ALICE is your child care worker, your parent on Social Security, the cashier at your supermarket, the gas attendant, the salesperson at your big box store, your waitress, a home health aide, an office clerk. ALICE cannot always pay the bills, has little or nothing in savings, and is forced to make tough choices such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent. One unexpected car repair or medical bill can push these financially strapped families over the edge.
ALICE is a hardworking member of the community who is employed yet does not earn enough to afford the basic necessities of life.
ALICE earns above the federal poverty level but does not earn enough to afford a bare-bones household budget of housing, child care, food, transportation, and healthcare. (source)
Between families living below the poverty line due to unemployment or disability and ALICEs, the study discovered that 43% of Americans were struggling to cover basic necessities like rent and food.
Where are families struggling the most?
Some states have more families living in ALICE levels than others. The 3 states with the most families barely surviving paycheck to paycheck are California, New Mexico, and Hawaii. Each of these states saw 49% of families struggling. North Dakota had the lowest ALICE percentage with 32%. You can check how your state fares right here. Despite the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, families all over the country are barely getting by.
The media page of the ALICE website is jammed with headlines that are all too familiar for many Americans:
Report: Michigan makes little progress in lifting working poor to financial stability
After a decade of tax cuts — Ohioans in financial hardship
Louisiana families work hard, but still can’t cover necessities
44 percent of Florida households, mostly working poor, struggling to meet basic needs
Third of New Jersey households can’t afford basic necessities
42 percent of Wisconsin households struggle to pay bills
And on and on and on…
The economic collapse of America is here.
While many families are still doing okay, the specter of poverty looms over many of us. Many of us know that we’re one personal financial catastrophe away from disaster. I wrote recently about my own family’s struggle with a large medical bill.
Obviously, I’m not telling you about our financial saga to make myself look bad. I’m telling you because I want you to know that no matter how much you try to do everything right, financial problems can happen to anyone, at any time. Whether you have $100 in the bank or $100,000 in the bank, something can happen that wipes out your emergency fund just like it did mine.
This doesn’t mean that you failed financially – it means that circumstances can affect you, just like they do everyone else, no matter how careful you are.
Before my daughter’s illness, I was doing everything “right.”
I had enough money in my emergency fund to carry me through 3 lean months
I had numerous credit cards with zero balances
My only debt was my car
My kids are going to school without student loans
I opted out of health insurance because it was more financially practical to pay cash (and I still agree with that decision)
Everything was great.
Until it wasn’t. (source)
This is a story that probably rings true to more and more familiar to a growing number of families every week.
While my income hasn’t dropped – it’s grown – I am still struggling to pay off those bills and recover. I’ve taken on a significant amount of extra work to get things back under control, and still, I worry it won’t be enough.
Sound familiar?
If it does, it’s because – and of this, I am quite certain – the long-heralded economic collapse of America is upon us. When hard-working families who should be “middle class” can barely afford to eat and keep a roof over their heads, things are only going to devolve further.
Look at other examples of economic collapse
This is just the beginning of a looming collapse in America.
Remember back when Greece began to collapse? It was the same thing – no one could afford the basics and things went downhill pretty quickly from there. It really hit the papers when a strict austerity program was instituted and culminated when a “bank holiday” shut down the financial system for an entire week.
There are similar stories in the UK (where the taxpayers can still fund a 45 million dollar wedding but poor families can’t afford to eat every day), Argentina, and Cyprus.
Jose wrote for us about the warning signs that the collapse of Venezuela was approaching and they’re eerily familiar. Food rationing began, the cost of medical care became prohibitive, the health insurance system began to fail, and people began to make difficult choices about rent versus food.
I don’t know how it could be any more clear than the fact that nearly half of the American population is also making that decision each month.
What’s the answer?
While the United Way hopes to boost the minimum wage, I don’t feel that is the answer because it will drive businesses to let employees go when they can’t afford to pay them. We have seen this happen in fast food establishments in which humans are on their way to being replaced by self-service kiosks and burger-flipping robots.
I believe the only answer is to begin to produce more than we consume. Currently, Americans are like a horde of locusts, working at jobs that produce nothing, but consuming rabidly the imports that feed us, clothe us, and entertain us. We’re looking at economic tariffs on imports that may increase their price up to 40% and our own exports will be subject to tariffs in return.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, these tips from The Cheapskate’s Guide to the Galaxy may help.
Audit your situation. See where all your money is going, see how much debt you’re in, and see what the most immediate ramifications will be.
Take care of the most important things first. In most situations, keeping your home paid for (rent or mortgage), paying utilities, and making your auto and insurance payments should come first. Take care of the things that will have the most immediate ramifications first.
You may have to make some late payments on less vital things. If so, communicate with those to whom you owe money and try to make arrangements. This may affect your credit, but by communicating with them, you can keep damage to a minimum.
Cut your expenses. When you audit your situation, you may find some places that you can slash your regular expenses. Don’t hesitate to reduce services that are unnecessary or to whittle down your monthly obligations. (More ideas here)
Put a little money back into your emergency fund as soon as possible. This may sound counterintuitive but having a bit of money for minor emergencies means that you won’t need to rely on credit cards for these things, putting you even further in the hole.
Pay off your debts. Use the snowball method to attack your debts. Start paying these off AFTER you pay for the things I recommended in step 2.
Use the things you have on hand. Delay a trip to the store for as long as possible by planning a menu using the food in your pantry and freezer. (Think about the stockpile challenge we did and use those strategies. Get some ideas for meals from your stockpile in this article) Use the shampoo, soap, and personal hygiene products that you have already instead of buying new products.
Raise extra money. This may come from selling things you don’t need, taking on some extra work, or by creating a product or service to sell. However you do this, use the extra revenue wisely to get out of debt and to rebuild your emergency fund. There are more ideas for making money quickly in this issue.
And to harden yourself against the collapse that will only get worse, make these changes to help your family survive.
What can you store?” is not the right question to ask.
“What can you make?” – that’s the right question.
Your focus has to be on long-term sustainability, frugality, and self-reliance.  Don’t get me wrong – a stockpile is sensible and an essential course of action. It should definitely be part of your preparedness plan.
However, you need to also be ready for the time when the supplies in your well-stocked pantry are no longer available.  You need to be able to meet as many of your own needs as possible or you’ll end up being one of those people wearing dirty clothes because you can’t find laundry soap or going hungry because you can’t find any food at the stores – or can’t afford it if you can find it. You need to be ready for the end of a consumer-driven lifestyle, because quite frankly, there may soon come a day when there are no consumer goods to be had. Here are some ways to work on your
Here are some ways to work on your self-reliance:
Looking for the thrifty answer using things you have on hand, instead of purchasing a solution to every problem
Fixing things that are broken instead of replacing them
Eating simple food you prepare from scratch
Producing as much of your own food as possible
Learning to forage
Using “old-fashioned” alternatives for disposable things like diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene supplies, paper towels, and the like
Learning to make cleaning supplies and soaps, especially from accessible supplies (like vinegar, ash, and foraged natural ingredients)
Learning to make pantry basics like vinegar, sourdough, and cultured dairy products
Learning to preserve your harvests to see you through the lean days of winter
Providing your own services like heat, garbage disposal, and water
Learning about natural remedies from accessible sources
Learning to protect your family and property
It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when everyone realizes that an economic collapse has occurred.
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/when-43-of-americans-cant-pay-for-food-and-rent-we-can-say-economic-collapse-is-here/
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
You know all those reports about how lots of Americans can’t afford a $1000 surprise expense like a medical bill or a car repair? Well, forget additional expenses. It turns out that nearly half of the families in America are struggling to pay for food and rent. And that means that the economic collapse isn’t just “coming.” It’s HERE.
United Way has done a study on a group of Americans they call ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The study found that this group does not make the money needed “to survive in the modern economy.”
ALICE is your child care worker, your parent on Social Security, the cashier at your supermarket, the gas attendant, the salesperson at your big box store, your waitress, a home health aide, an office clerk. ALICE cannot always pay the bills, has little or nothing in savings, and is forced to make tough choices such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent. One unexpected car repair or medical bill can push these financially strapped families over the edge.
ALICE is a hardworking member of the community who is employed yet does not earn enough to afford the basic necessities of life.
ALICE earns above the federal poverty level but does not earn enough to afford a bare-bones household budget of housing, child care, food, transportation, and healthcare. (source)
Between families living below the poverty line due to unemployment or disability and ALICEs, the study discovered that 43% of Americans were struggling to cover basic necessities like rent and food.
Where are families struggling the most?
Some states have more families living in ALICE levels than others. The 3 states with the most families barely surviving paycheck to paycheck are California, New Mexico, and Hawaii. Each of these states saw 49% of families struggling. North Dakota had the lowest ALICE percentage with 32%. You can check how your state fares right here. Despite the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, families all over the country are barely getting by.
The media page of the ALICE website is jammed with headlines that are all too familiar for many Americans:
Report: Michigan makes little progress in lifting working poor to financial stability
After a decade of tax cuts — Ohioans in financial hardship
Louisiana families work hard, but still can’t cover necessities
44 percent of Florida households, mostly working poor, struggling to meet basic needs
Third of New Jersey households can’t afford basic necessities
42 percent of Wisconsin households struggle to pay bills
And on and on and on…
The economic collapse of America is here.
While many families are still doing okay, the specter of poverty looms over many of us. Many of us know that we’re one personal financial catastrophe away from disaster. I wrote recently about my own family’s struggle with a large medical bill.
Obviously, I’m not telling you about our financial saga to make myself look bad. I’m telling you because I want you to know that no matter how much you try to do everything right, financial problems can happen to anyone, at any time. Whether you have $100 in the bank or $100,000 in the bank, something can happen that wipes out your emergency fund just like it did mine.
This doesn’t mean that you failed financially – it means that circumstances can affect you, just like they do everyone else, no matter how careful you are.
Before my daughter’s illness, I was doing everything “right.”
I had enough money in my emergency fund to carry me through 3 lean months
I had numerous credit cards with zero balances
My only debt was my car
My kids are going to school without student loans
I opted out of health insurance because it was more financially practical to pay cash (and I still agree with that decision)
Everything was great.
Until it wasn’t. (source)
This is a story that probably rings true to more and more familiar to a growing number of families every week.
While my income hasn’t dropped – it’s grown – I am still struggling to pay off those bills and recover. I’ve taken on a significant amount of extra work to get things back under control, and still, I worry it won’t be enough.
Sound familiar?
If it does, it’s because – and of this, I am quite certain – the long-heralded economic collapse of America is upon us. When hard-working families who should be “middle class” can barely afford to eat and keep a roof over their heads, things are only going to devolve further.
Look at other examples of economic collapse
This is just the beginning of a looming collapse in America.
Remember back when Greece began to collapse? It was the same thing – no one could afford the basics and things went downhill pretty quickly from there. It really hit the papers when a strict austerity program was instituted and culminated when a “bank holiday” shut down the financial system for an entire week.
There are similar stories in the UK (where the taxpayers can still fund a 45 million dollar wedding but poor families can’t afford to eat every day), Argentina, and Cyprus.
Jose wrote for us about the warning signs that the collapse of Venezuela was approaching and they’re eerily familiar. Food rationing began, the cost of medical care became prohibitive, the health insurance system began to fail, and people began to make difficult choices about rent versus food.
I don’t know how it could be any more clear than the fact that nearly half of the American population is also making that decision each month.
What’s the answer?
While the United Way hopes to boost the minimum wage, I don’t feel that is the answer because it will drive businesses to let employees go when they can’t afford to pay them. We have seen this happen in fast food establishments in which humans are on their way to being replaced by self-service kiosks and burger-flipping robots.
I believe the only answer is to begin to produce more than we consume. Currently, Americans are like a horde of locusts, working at jobs that produce nothing, but consuming rabidly the imports that feed us, clothe us, and entertain us. We’re looking at economic tariffs on imports that may increase their price up to 40% and our own exports will be subject to tariffs in return.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, these tips from The Cheapskate’s Guide to the Galaxy may help.
Audit your situation. See where all your money is going, see how much debt you’re in, and see what the most immediate ramifications will be.
Take care of the most important things first. In most situations, keeping your home paid for (rent or mortgage), paying utilities, and making your auto and insurance payments should come first. Take care of the things that will have the most immediate ramifications first.
You may have to make some late payments on less vital things. If so, communicate with those to whom you owe money and try to make arrangements. This may affect your credit, but by communicating with them, you can keep damage to a minimum.
Cut your expenses. When you audit your situation, you may find some places that you can slash your regular expenses. Don’t hesitate to reduce services that are unnecessary or to whittle down your monthly obligations. (More ideas here)
Put a little money back into your emergency fund as soon as possible. This may sound counterintuitive but having a bit of money for minor emergencies means that you won’t need to rely on credit cards for these things, putting you even further in the hole.
Pay off your debts. Use the snowball method to attack your debts. Start paying these off AFTER you pay for the things I recommended in step 2.
Use the things you have on hand. Delay a trip to the store for as long as possible by planning a menu using the food in your pantry and freezer. (Think about the stockpile challenge we did and use those strategies. Get some ideas for meals from your stockpile in this article) Use the shampoo, soap, and personal hygiene products that you have already instead of buying new products.
Raise extra money. This may come from selling things you don’t need, taking on some extra work, or by creating a product or service to sell. However you do this, use the extra revenue wisely to get out of debt and to rebuild your emergency fund. There are more ideas for making money quickly in this issue.
And to harden yourself against the collapse that will only get worse, make these changes to help your family survive.
What can you store?” is not the right question to ask.
“What can you make?” – that’s the right question.
Your focus has to be on long-term sustainability, frugality, and self-reliance.  Don’t get me wrong – a stockpile is sensible and an essential course of action. It should definitely be part of your preparedness plan.
However, you need to also be ready for the time when the supplies in your well-stocked pantry are no longer available.  You need to be able to meet as many of your own needs as possible or you’ll end up being one of those people wearing dirty clothes because you can’t find laundry soap or going hungry because you can’t find any food at the stores – or can’t afford it if you can find it. You need to be ready for the end of a consumer-driven lifestyle, because quite frankly, there may soon come a day when there are no consumer goods to be had. Here are some ways to work on your
Here are some ways to work on your self-reliance:
Looking for the thrifty answer using things you have on hand, instead of purchasing a solution to every problem
Fixing things that are broken instead of replacing them
Eating simple food you prepare from scratch
Producing as much of your own food as possible
Learning to forage
Using “old-fashioned” alternatives for disposable things like diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene supplies, paper towels, and the like
Learning to make cleaning supplies and soaps, especially from accessible supplies (like vinegar, ash, and foraged natural ingredients)
Learning to make pantry basics like vinegar, sourdough, and cultured dairy products
Learning to preserve your harvests to see you through the lean days of winter
Providing your own services like heat, garbage disposal, and water
Learning about natural remedies from accessible sources
Learning to protect your family and property
It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when everyone realizes that an economic collapse has occurred.
0 notes
Trying to Make a Dollar out of Fifteen Cents
Hello there, Dear Reader. The time has come talk about finances in modern society for the not so young adults. I am talking about those of you, born in the late 1980’s and/or who graduated during years following the economic crash of 2007-2008. If you are part of that misfit group. CONGRADULATIONS! You have graduated from the School of Hard Knock Life. We are part of the not so forgot but, greatly mislabeled group that gets shitted by the media at large as the “lazy millennials.” Although, when I last checked I thought we were the Next Generation or is it Generation XYZ. Who knows anymore?!? It seems like society is confused about where to place us, just like we are confused on how we got here. SHRUG
What do I mean by here? I am talking about the group of late 20’s and early 30’s people who despite all the motivation and education got shafted when it came to “doing better than our parents.” Our lovely parents and mentors force fed us the lie that working hard, and getting smart would help us excel in life. The world was our oyster and knowledge and aspirations was the pearl. HA! Wrong again. If you are like me, this old-school formula worked out pretty crappy in the end. We got into magnet programs, skipped grades, took honors courses, graduated early and were met with some serious “real world” realness. Fuck me.  Fuck this. You know what?  Fuck you, world!  What the fuck was I thinking?!?
Most likely, if you are like myself you are on the other side of 25 wondering, how am I supposed to get out of debt with these two pennies and belly button lint. You still live in your childhood home with your parents or living in a loft in the sketchy part of town with your seven roommates to garner some type of independence; which is ultimately based on how long can we stretch out these three cup of noodles until our next paycheck. This is the harsh reality.  Society pretty much ignores the true problem but, in turn blames us for not searching long or hard enough and feeling entitled to better (livable) pay.
Bonus points if your parents and their friends are anything like mine. The elderly are quick to give you all the old-school mentality on how to land a good paying job and eventually a career.
Parent: Sweetheart, why are you on the computer all day? I saw a help wanted sign at insert random company name here. You should get up put on your Sundays best and go there and ask to speak to the manager. Introduce yourself and as for an application. If you keep doing this every day or week the next time they have a job opening you can get that interview and land that job.
Us: Major eye roll sequence ACTIVATED
“To all the kids all across the land, no need to argue, parents just don’t understand.”- Will Smith
This way of getting a job died in the early 2000s, when everybody and they mama moved to digital, including signing up for FASA and student loans. Hehe Student loans. The American systems biggest joke.
Society: Hey you want a good job, go to college and when you get there we want to know you and parents’ income. Sorry, despite your family living just above poverty level, you make too much for a grant.
Student: Oh no! How will I pay for school?
Society: Funny you should ask. Apply for student loans through your school or government. And while you take out the thousands upon thousands of dollars needed to deal with an array of professors that range from chill to uptight. And oh, don’t forget to take out a little extra for the text book that is less than 100 pages long, that your professor made a requirement even if you are only going to open four times the entire semester, but cost $350.
Student: Well, okay. I mean, the public-school system was in taught me little to nothing about this and I just turn 18. While I am at it, let me borrow a little extra so, I can get those new Jordans that are going to drop next week. 
4 to 5 years and countless all night study sessions later
Student: YAY! It’s time for me to graduate. Wait. What do you mean I got to pay $50 for my diploma? Omg, so glad I’m graduating. Soon, I’ll get that good paying job with benefits I’ve been working so hard for this high GPA for.
6 months later
Society: Hey, alumni, it’s time to start paying for your student loans back. And depending on what kind of loan you signed for you might have to pay for interest acquired as soon as you signed on the dotted line. Oh, you’re not working we don’t care you need to start paying money or fill out a form explaining that you are looking for employment. Also, could find it in your heart to donate to your alma mater.
2-3 years later and still making peanuts
Forever the Broke College Student : Student loans, credit card debit, cell phone bills, rent and car upkeep. Hmm, how is I got paid Friday and its Sunday and I got $25 to last me for the next two weeks.
Yep, Dear Reader, this is the reality of a vast majority of us 20 to 30 something and who knows if or when it will end. It makes me jealous of my peers who did not go to or finish college. Tim with trade school certification in insert blue color skill that is still needed has no student loans to payback, has medical and life insurance, living on his own, and saving for his retirement. 401(K) what’s that? What you mean you want to take 3%-12% of my pay BEFORE taxes so I have something to live off of when (if I am lucky) when I turn 65. Cause we all know social security is dying out.
Well, I do not know how to finished this post because it is an open-ended problem that has no solution in sight. I guess me and my friends drowning in debt with our minimum wage jobs as part time nanny, pool cleaner, bartender, barista, and dog walker will just have to figure it the fuck out.
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stopkingobama · 7 years
Pipe down, socialists. Inequality does not lead to poverty.
Image: CC0
The problem of inequality has often been considered to be one of the biggest social problems of our generation.
Widespread concern about the great disparities of income and wealth have fueled anti-globalization sentiments all around the world, and threaten to undermine the advances in trade, investment, and immigration we have seen.
One key problem is that contemporary discussions of inequality have often conflated it with poverty. Not only are inequality and poverty conceptually distinct, a failure to distinguish between them can lead to problematic policy conclusions. Additionally, when market advocates criticize redistributive policies and government welfare programs, they are seen as anti-poor. Thus, separating these two concepts can help market advocates regain the moral high ground in this debate.
Conflating Inequality and Poverty
It is generally assumed that inequality implies poverty, i.e. the rich people are prospering, so poor people must be suffering. This conflation is very subtle and is best seen through the presentation of inequality in the widely-used high school economics textbook Economics (7th ed) by John Sloman (2009). According to Sloman (2009, p. 276):
Inequality is one of the most contentious issues in the world of economics and politics. Some people have incomes far in excess of what they need to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, while others struggle to purchase even the basic necessities. The need for redistribution from rich to poor is broadly accepted across the political spectrum. Thus the government taxes the rich more than the poor and then transfers some of the proceeds to the poor, either as cash benefits or in kind.”
The chapter seeks to explain the phenomenon of inequality but, almost imperceptibly within this opening paragraph, implicitly suggests that under such unequal situations, there are poor people who “struggle to purchase even the basic necessities.” In fact, this is not necessarily the case.
Inequality in relation to income simply means the existence of a gap between those who earn the most and those who earn the least. The mere existence of an income gap, even if it’s widening, says nothing about the actual income levels of those who do earn the least. In other words, an income gap does not necessarily mean that those at the lowest income brackets are poor. Just because Bill Gates is loaded with greenbacks and is many times richer than I am does not, by itself, suggest that I am “poor” in an absolute sense.
It is clear that a society with a very uneven distribution of income can still be one with high levels of absolute prosperity, in such a way that even those who earn the least (relatively) have enough to survive – comfortably.
Implications of the Conflation
Not only is it possible that the least well-off in unequal societies have enough to survive, it is actually likely for them to be much better off in unequal societies than in more equal ones.
Assuming the absence of crony capitalism, income inequality is a corollary of a free, dynamic, and growing economy that increases prosperity for all.
Attempts to close inequality through standard welfare-state policies such as redistributive taxes, subsidies, minimum wage laws, price controls, and the public provision of “free social goods” like health care can, and often have, slowed down economic growth. Thus impacting the generation of wealth that the least-well-off depend on.
Put another way, policy attempts to fight inequality retard economic growth, slow down poverty reduction at best, and exacerbate poverty at worst.
Aside from the economic costs of state-centric welfare programs, there are less quantifiable human costs as well. Generous welfare programs often trap individuals in a state of dependency on the government, which not only disincentivizes them from working but robs them of the dignity and sense of achievement that comes from earning their own income and being independent and self-sufficient.
Consequently, if poor people were truly at the center of our attention, we should endorse inequality, or at least the market system it is based on. When people are left free to trade, invest and innovate in the market, inequality is inevitable simply because people are different, and some may be more adept at spotting profit opportunities. Yet, if this system is left largely unhampered, it generates vast amounts of wealth that benefits everyone, including the least well off.
This is precisely why poverty rates have fallen dramatically in the recent age of globalisation, and, to that extent, so has global inequality.
The above does not mean that there is no role for government in social policymaking. Yet there is a need to ensure that implemented policies facilitate wealth-creation for all rather than redraw the relative shares of the economic pie. The social policies implemented in the country of Singapore provide useful lessons on how best to help the least well off in any society.
Social Policies that Reward Working
Singapore’s social-welfare system is based on the fundamental principle of meritocracy, considered a cardinal principle in the Singaporean psyche. It has been said that one of the shared values in Singapore is “work for reward, reward for work.” Even where government assistance is provided to the least-well-off, such schemes are carefully designed to promote and encourage work and thus to promote self-reliance. The belief is that Singaporeans should work and take care of themselves, rather than solely depend on the government.
These principles are reflected in several key initiatives. A testament to its pro-work orientation, Singapore’s main “welfare” scheme is titled “Workfare”. One of its components is the Workfare Income Supplement, which provides a cash payment to low-income individuals who are working. It is not a “free handout” but essentially an incentive to encourage work.
A further illustration of Singapore’s pro-work orientation is the other component of this policy: a training support scheme, which incentivizes workers to upgrade their skills in order to increase their productivity and thus their earning potential.
Singapore has also deliberately rejected a national minimum wage law. In its place, it has instead introduced a targeted “Progressive Wage Model” in several low-wage sectors such as cleaning, security, and landscaping. Employers in these sectors are expected to pay their workers a minimum but are also incentivized to send them for retraining in order to increase their productivity. Where typical minimum wage legislation simply expects employers to pay the mandated wage, Singapore’s take on it goes further in its encouragement of productivity improvements.
Subsidies are also provided but only in a limited and targeted fashion. In the healthcare sector, for example, individuals are expected to make co-payments for their medical expenses and cannot rely on government subsidies to simply cover 100% of their bill. More aid is in fact given to the neediest individuals who cannot afford even basic essentials, but the principle of self-responsibility looms heavy in the Singapore system. Not surprisingly, health outcomes in Singapore far exceed those of the United States, even though it spends only a fraction of its GDP on health care in comparison to the USA.
Growth-Oriented Policy
These Singaporean social policies might remain anathema to purist libertarians, who prefer to eliminate all social assistance entirely, but if we must have social welfare policies in the world of here and now, there is a lot to admire in this system. Particularly when observing its targeted, limited nature and its pro-work, pro-responsibility orientation.
Singapore’s leaders have managed to identify the difference between inequality and poverty, and have opted to pursue growth-oriented policies, sometimes even at the expense of the income gap. The Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in 2013:
If I can get another ten billionaires to move to Singapore, my Gini coefficient will get worse, but I think Singaporeans will be better off because they will bring in business, bring in opportunities, open new doors, and create new jobs.”
In conclusion, there is cause for concern about most societies’ obsessive focus on inequality at the expense of the very poor. Conflating inequality and poverty can ironically lead to misguided policies that ultimately hurt the poor.
The next time you’re asked about whether you care about the “problem of inequality”, respond in the negative and that you care too much for poor people instead. Market advocates should always frame markets as a powerful, poverty-killing device, and regain the moral high ground in this most essential debate.
Sloman, John, & Wride, Alison (2009). Economics (7th ed.). Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education.
Bryan Cheang
Bryan Cheang is a graduate student of Political Economy at King’s College London. He is interested in researching into the moral status of markets, and how market institutions promote human welfare. He is also the President of the Singapore Chapter of Students for Liberty.
This article was originally published on FEE.org. Read the original article.
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americanlibertypac · 7 years
Pipe down, socialists. Inequality does not lead to poverty.
Image: CC0
The problem of inequality has often been considered to be one of the biggest social problems of our generation.
Widespread concern about the great disparities of income and wealth have fueled anti-globalization sentiments all around the world, and threaten to undermine the advances in trade, investment, and immigration we have seen.
One key problem is that contemporary discussions of inequality have often conflated it with poverty. Not only are inequality and poverty conceptually distinct, a failure to distinguish between them can lead to problematic policy conclusions. Additionally, when market advocates criticize redistributive policies and government welfare programs, they are seen as anti-poor. Thus, separating these two concepts can help market advocates regain the moral high ground in this debate.
Conflating Inequality and Poverty
It is generally assumed that inequality implies poverty, i.e. the rich people are prospering, so poor people must be suffering. This conflation is very subtle and is best seen through the presentation of inequality in the widely-used high school economics textbook Economics (7th ed) by John Sloman (2009). According to Sloman (2009, p. 276):
Inequality is one of the most contentious issues in the world of economics and politics. Some people have incomes far in excess of what they need to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, while others struggle to purchase even the basic necessities. The need for redistribution from rich to poor is broadly accepted across the political spectrum. Thus the government taxes the rich more than the poor and then transfers some of the proceeds to the poor, either as cash benefits or in kind.”
The chapter seeks to explain the phenomenon of inequality but, almost imperceptibly within this opening paragraph, implicitly suggests that under such unequal situations, there are poor people who “struggle to purchase even the basic necessities.” In fact, this is not necessarily the case.
Inequality in relation to income simply means the existence of a gap between those who earn the most and those who earn the least. The mere existence of an income gap, even if it’s widening, says nothing about the actual income levels of those who do earn the least. In other words, an income gap does not necessarily mean that those at the lowest income brackets are poor. Just because Bill Gates is loaded with greenbacks and is many times richer than I am does not, by itself, suggest that I am “poor” in an absolute sense.
It is clear that a society with a very uneven distribution of income can still be one with high levels of absolute prosperity, in such a way that even those who earn the least (relatively) have enough to survive – comfortably.
Implications of the Conflation
Not only is it possible that the least well-off in unequal societies have enough to survive, it is actually likely for them to be much better off in unequal societies than in more equal ones.
Assuming the absence of crony capitalism, income inequality is a corollary of a free, dynamic, and growing economy that increases prosperity for all.
Attempts to close inequality through standard welfare-state policies such as redistributive taxes, subsidies, minimum wage laws, price controls, and the public provision of “free social goods” like health care can, and often have, slowed down economic growth. Thus impacting the generation of wealth that the least-well-off depend on.
Put another way, policy attempts to fight inequality retard economic growth, slow down poverty reduction at best, and exacerbate poverty at worst.
Aside from the economic costs of state-centric welfare programs, there are less quantifiable human costs as well. Generous welfare programs often trap individuals in a state of dependency on the government, which not only disincentivizes them from working but robs them of the dignity and sense of achievement that comes from earning their own income and being independent and self-sufficient.
Consequently, if poor people were truly at the center of our attention, we should endorse inequality, or at least the market system it is based on. When people are left free to trade, invest and innovate in the market, inequality is inevitable simply because people are different, and some may be more adept at spotting profit opportunities. Yet, if this system is left largely unhampered, it generates vast amounts of wealth that benefits everyone, including the least well off.
This is precisely why poverty rates have fallen dramatically in the recent age of globalisation, and, to that extent, so has global inequality.
The above does not mean that there is no role for government in social policymaking. Yet there is a need to ensure that implemented policies facilitate wealth-creation for all rather than redraw the relative shares of the economic pie. The social policies implemented in the country of Singapore provide useful lessons on how best to help the least well off in any society.
Social Policies that Reward Working
Singapore’s social-welfare system is based on the fundamental principle of meritocracy, considered a cardinal principle in the Singaporean psyche. It has been said that one of the shared values in Singapore is “work for reward, reward for work.” Even where government assistance is provided to the least-well-off, such schemes are carefully designed to promote and encourage work and thus to promote self-reliance. The belief is that Singaporeans should work and take care of themselves, rather than solely depend on the government.
These principles are reflected in several key initiatives. A testament to its pro-work orientation, Singapore’s main “welfare” scheme is titled “Workfare”. One of its components is the Workfare Income Supplement, which provides a cash payment to low-income individuals who are working. It is not a “free handout” but essentially an incentive to encourage work.
A further illustration of Singapore’s pro-work orientation is the other component of this policy: a training support scheme, which incentivizes workers to upgrade their skills in order to increase their productivity and thus their earning potential.
Singapore has also deliberately rejected a national minimum wage law. In its place, it has instead introduced a targeted “Progressive Wage Model” in several low-wage sectors such as cleaning, security, and landscaping. Employers in these sectors are expected to pay their workers a minimum but are also incentivized to send them for retraining in order to increase their productivity. Where typical minimum wage legislation simply expects employers to pay the mandated wage, Singapore’s take on it goes further in its encouragement of productivity improvements.
Subsidies are also provided but only in a limited and targeted fashion. In the healthcare sector, for example, individuals are expected to make co-payments for their medical expenses and cannot rely on government subsidies to simply cover 100% of their bill. More aid is in fact given to the neediest individuals who cannot afford even basic essentials, but the principle of self-responsibility looms heavy in the Singapore system. Not surprisingly, health outcomes in Singapore far exceed those of the United States, even though it spends only a fraction of its GDP on health care in comparison to the USA.
Growth-Oriented Policy
These Singaporean social policies might remain anathema to purist libertarians, who prefer to eliminate all social assistance entirely, but if we must have social welfare policies in the world of here and now, there is a lot to admire in this system. Particularly when observing its targeted, limited nature and its pro-work, pro-responsibility orientation.
Singapore’s leaders have managed to identify the difference between inequality and poverty, and have opted to pursue growth-oriented policies, sometimes even at the expense of the income gap. The Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in 2013:
If I can get another ten billionaires to move to Singapore, my Gini coefficient will get worse, but I think Singaporeans will be better off because they will bring in business, bring in opportunities, open new doors, and create new jobs.”
In conclusion, there is cause for concern about most societies’ obsessive focus on inequality at the expense of the very poor. Conflating inequality and poverty can ironically lead to misguided policies that ultimately hurt the poor.
The next time you’re asked about whether you care about the “problem of inequality”, respond in the negative and that you care too much for poor people instead. Market advocates should always frame markets as a powerful, poverty-killing device, and regain the moral high ground in this most essential debate.
Sloman, John, & Wride, Alison (2009). Economics (7th ed.). Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education.
Bryan Cheang
Bryan Cheang is a graduate student of Political Economy at King’s College London. He is interested in researching into the moral status of markets, and how market institutions promote human welfare. He is also the President of the Singapore Chapter of Students for Liberty.
This article was originally published on FEE.org. Read the original article.
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