#I Believe that luke & elliot are capable of genuine unrestrained softness for as many as five minutes at a time
petedavidsonscock · 1 year
the wind whispers to us all and to me it’s whispering about luke and elliot dancing.
elliot and luke, at a sunborn wedding (there’s got to be like 10 of those a year), dancing together. elliot had ballroom dancing classes when he was a kid. luke was taught probably by his dad some slow day out at the fortress. the wedding is probably outdoors which elliot has been complaining about (it’s a lightly breezy spring day and flower petals keep drifting down from the trees and getting stuck in his hair. luke does not mention them at all or help pick them out which is a crass betrayal on his part) and now dusk has fallen and they’ve lit up the wedding tent (“does no one else see the problem here? canvas tent, three dozen torches? is everyone else fine with this? we are all going to die”) and elliot’s pulled luke onto the dance floor despite his reluctance.
“just one dance, loser, c’mon. imagine it like we’re sparring but there’s no dangerous objects involved or risk of death.” luke scowls. “so nothing like sparring, then.” but serene and golden are dancing and elliot will keep bugging him until he agrees so he says fine.
elliot lead and luke focuses on not tripping over himself. due to his natural athleticism and competence at all things movement-related, it only takes him a few minutes to get the steps down. his frown of concentration eases and he stops looking down at his feet and starts looking at elliot. and oh. oh. elliot is beautiful in the (hazardous) flickering lights. elliot is smiling at him, just slightly, so much love in that small curve of his mouth.
elliot is probably thinking about ten other things right now, the sunborns he’s talked to already and the ones he’s planning on talking to before the night is out (elliot treats all of luke’s family get-together like networking events), his work back at the fortress, his newest ambitious diplomatic project. but he’s here, too, looking at luke like he never wants to do anything else again.
“i love you,” luke whispers, and feels himself flush a little.
elliot’s smile shifts decidedly towards ‘amused,’ but he leans in to kiss luke anyway, eyes warm. “i love you too.”
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