snorpdawg · 1 year
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UPDATE: Being a shmooze and asking parents for favors works apparently
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daesthete · 4 years
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guess the TWENTY THREE OLD JANUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because ONG DAEJUNG is just as UNEXPECTED as the month of JANUARY. wait, why do they remind me of HWANG HYUNJIN? beyond that, they seemed CONFIDENT AND PRACTICAL upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of STUBBORN AND RESERVED though. i hope they get acquainted here in APT. 1 / FLOOR 2 ; they seem to have a lot going on with HIS job as CHOREOGRAPHER AND DANCE INSTRUCTOR. 
hello! sorry it took me so long to get this done but work. my name’s lu and i’m really excited to be here with none other than my incredibly piece of work daejung. i’m in the -5/6 tz (idk anymore bcs of the dls). i’m a little slow with the messages, but i’ll eventually get to them pls be patient with this old hag. my boy’s stats, personality, background are all up and here you’ll find a tldr of his background (because it’s a long read and i’m incredibly sorry, idk when to shut up). meanwhile, here’s a trivia and down below it, some plots and prompts.
⇢ his mom is the one behind his love for dancing, being a dancer herself back when she was in high school, though from a very different discipline; ballet. this is one of the many reasons why he was a better relationship with her than his father. 
⇢ he’s danced his whole life, but stopped doing it once he entered middle school and mostly because his new friends made fun of it, saying it was lame and such, which made him insecure regardless of his mother reassuring words. 
⇢ the reason he struggled so much with college were the theory-based classes and this is a burden he’s carried his whole life. however, in more practical classes, he was outstanding. reason why he wasn’t expelled from college neither losing his scholarship.
⇢ he’s pretty decent at playing other sports such as basketball and soccer, but after an injury that seemed worst than what it really was, he got really scared of getting hurt and unable to dance, so he’s very cautious in those rare occasions he decides to play.
⇢ got obsessed with videogames back in the states and only recently he got his very first playstation ever. he likes fps and rpg games, his favorites right now are overwatch and the witcher 3: wild hunt.
⇢ he’s a pretty decent neighbour... except when he isn’t. most of the time, he’s mindful of not disturbing the others, but every now and then he likes to throw very loud parties at his place just for the sake of it and they run till very early in the morning. 
⇢ daejung is not a morning person. even though he wakes up at 7am sharp, it’s not advised to make long conversations with him before this, the most he will respond with is a hum or an inaudible mumble. 
⇢ has several playlists on his phone, all for different reasons, moods and occasions. he can spend hours trying to curate the perfect playlist and loves sharing this with people he’s close to. if he likes you and you two have a good friendship, it’s really likely that he has a playlist with your name. 
⇢ likes covering dances a lot, especially those with more challenging choreographies and has a collection of videos he’s filmed, but never seen the light. sometimes she shares clips of them on his instagram account and has considered several times to open his own channel. it’s a thought that constantly sits on his mind.
⇢ despite his overall behaviour and attitude, he’s really good at teaching, especially kids. he’s learnt to be patient and professional in the practice room and he often wishes that could translate to his personal life. he’s trying to be better though. 
⇢ really values his job for all the opportunities it's brought and all the doors it's opened for him. he feels like he’s finally found purpose.
⇢ his family however it’s a really sensitive topic for him and will avoid talking about any of them, especially his mom. his relationship with his father is improving though, they have little moments in the waiting room whenever daejung visits his mom. his sister, on the other hand, doesn’t want to see him at all, and neither does he. they’ve said pretty awful and hurtful things to each other. there’s a part of daejung that wants to fix the relationship but he’s too prideful to. 
ex-best friend ( f / m ) open
the worst part was that there wasn’t even an argument, not a proper one. no big blow out, no screaming words of closure. they just stopped talking and as the days turned to weeks, then to months both had no idea how to breach the chasm between them anymore even when you wanted to. daejung might’ve seemed disinterested but it was because he didn’t want to dwell in the sadness that losing his best friend brought along. ​
​it’s tough ( f / m ) open.
ever since his mom was diagnosed with leukemia, the ong family visited the hospital constantly. the first year was the most difficult. daejung found it hard to stay in the room for more than few minutes as the doctors went over the treatment and such, reason why he preferred to stay in the waiting room. they were there one day (reason is up to the typist). somehow both ended up pouring their hearts out about how difficult everything was and bonded over sorrows and crude jokes.
polaroids ( f / m ) open
daejung’s gotten as a birthday present an instant camera and likes to snap photos of what he finds beautiful. one day he decides to take a picture of this beautiful, old fashioned building that you happen to be standing near. you notice that daejung is taking pictures. “well if you wanted to take my photo just ask.” daejung clarifies that it isn’t the case. regardless, you continue and even strike some poses, saying that you’re ready for your photo to be taken, making daejung laugh for a while, eventually agreeing to take a photo.
​short plots:
⇢ someone gave me a fake phone number and it’s actually yours. ⇢we hate each other but we both have a mutual friend so we have to put up with each other. ⇢while playing video games, a fight broke out over who got to be player ⇢ one and who player two, it escalates into something reminiscent of a war between them. ⇢ we had plans to do something fun, only to have those plans gone horribly wrong
dialogue prompts:
⇢ “you’re making a mistake.” “and that’s very on-brand of me.” ⇢ “this is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. of course i’m in.”  ⇢ “how long do you think it’ll take me to get arrested?” “what is this, a competition?” ⇢ “you had best rethink that sentence and try again, buddy." ⇢ "if you want me out of the way then move me yourself." ⇢ "okay okay, i can only handle so much sappy crap in one night.” ⇢ “i apologize for him. he has a severe case called….douchebag.” ⇢ “contrary to popular belief, I’m actually quite competent.” ⇢ “well, well, well… who the fuck are you?” ⇢ “i hate to disagree with you—” “please. you love to disagree with me. it’s your favorite thing in the whole world.”
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wwwps4 · 5 years
Just Cause 4
For me, Just Cause 4 was in the top ten expected games of 2018. Since the release of the first game on the PlayStation 2, I have loved this series for the freedom and dynamics of the gameplay, with each new part increased thanks to innovations, mainly tied to the hook-cat of Rico Rodriguez, the main character of the series. From the third part of the franchise began to change noticeably, adding serious notes to the previously crazy action, often devoid of meaning, logic and laws of physics. Actually, for which the series was loved by fans. But the degree of seriousness in Just Cause 3 was kept within the bounds of decency and did not destroy the cool atmosphere of madness — we had a charismatic dictator, not devoid of a sense of humor, a huge world and a wide Arsenal of tools of destruction.
From the fourth game it was quite logical to expect only the development of an established formula, and we got it. Partially. With the evolution of some game variables, unfortunately, others have noticeably degraded.
Looking back at the past, on the review of Just Cause 3, today's I wants to meet myself from the past and hit the head with a poker. Because the estimate is too high. But today's I also understand why this happened: against the background of the second part of the previous game looked and played much better, even despite performance problems. The new mechanics looked great and encouraged the player to use them. In Just Cause 4, the situation is different: new mechanics are curious, but experiments with them get boring after an hour or two, and you only return to balloons with boosters when you perform numerous and monotonous tests that make your eyes ripple. Finally, the game itself does not encourage the use of innovations.
Yes, the developers have tried to add some variety to the tasks that are set for the player, and now the mission to weaken the influence of the enemy in the region is not to destroy their bases, but to systematically capture them. On some bases, you need to disable and hack guns, on others-to steal drawings or weaken the protection, opening important rooms for passing with the help of specific models of cars, tanks and boats. But this is where all the diversity ends, because the mechanics of performing different tasks are still the same: find the switch — break the switch, find the generator-destroy the generator.
Story tasks and side activities in the game are tied to completely similar tasks, the variety of which is even more than in the previous parts of the series, but does not save you from the routine. Disabling switches and blowing up generators would be much more interesting if the developers had improved the artificial intelligence of their opponents, because in their current state, only some types of enemies pose a threat. And even then, not the biggest. A much more dangerous enemy of the player in Just Cause 4 is crazy physics, which can suddenly give out some stupid feint, turning the car over on an even spot or blowing up the helicopter from touching a tree branch with the rotor.
Helicopters in Just Cause 4 are your best friends, even though the body kit and weapons available to the player often don't match (for example, we see two types of projectiles and a machine gun, but we can only use one type of NUR and a machine gun). With them, you can perform most speed tests, clean up almost all the necessary enemy bases, and even destroy an enemy General trying to get away on a jet fighter. Yes, you can catch up with him by helicopter and shoot him. Not ask...
But it is worth paying tribute: the shooting in the fourth part is several goals higher than all previous releases in the series. Finally, Rico has learned to fire from the shoulder, which makes it much easier to aim and makes the control more comfortable. You can only praise the work on weapons and opponents. The hero's Arsenal grows as you progress, and each barrel now feels unique: different rate of fire, accuracy, alternative fire mode, reload speed, and so on. Worthily. Types of enemies also pleased — "Ghosts" and "Titans" can not only spoil the nerves of the player due to its elusiveness and strength of armor, respectively, but also send the invulnerable Rico to the next world.
Transport management has also improved, and all at once. The weight of the cars seems large, although they continue to be cardboard boxes, judging by the impact of game physics on them. Even tanks and armored personnel carriers take off here, like Chinese cars made of chocolate foil. Examples are in the video below! More pleasant than in Just Cause 3, was the management of air technology, but this is more due to its ease. But water transport is frustrating clumsiness, although it is most likely just quite realistic. Other things amuse: boats and jet skis sometimes feel good even on land. See for yourself:
There are also outright deterioration compared to Just Cause 3! For example, the tone of the project changed from casually playful and jaunty on "complex SSI", which has a negative effect on the atmosphere. The share of humor in the narrative and side activities has decreased, and attempts by some minor characters to dive into the pool of jokes ends with a painful blow on a newspaper spread out on the water. Alas, in Just Cause 4, there is no charismatic dictator, no cool boss battles, and most of the potentially cool moments are closed under a video lock. Seriously, instead of creating spectacular battles with the elements, the developers have translated all the "victory over bosses" in the format of videos. It turned out even worse than the battle with the final boss in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. And there are few things worse than her.
The plot of the game... Yes, someone will now say that the game Just Cause has never been, and so on. True, but the developers themselves decided to change this and tried to take the "new height", which they did not submit. And since Avalanche Studios themselves decided to bring the story of Rico Rodriguez to the forefront, they gave carte Blanche for appropriate criticism. But it is not worth much to crucify and complain about this, either, it is more expensive for yourself. In General, the story has a good potential, but little attention from the authors, who are constantly confused about the details, dates and events of the past.
Moreover, some of the game dialogs simply do not correspond to the events that follow them. For example, in one of the videos, Tom Sheldon, who decided to make peace with Rico and help his precious student, says: "I will lead", which causes an entertaining skirmish with references to the past. But he gets behind the wheel of an armored car, and Rico climbs in after him. And what do you think? The car, of course, is controlled by the player. Either we were temporarily given power over Sheldon, or the developers and writers again forgot to sync the project's cloud.
When performing tests in Just Cause 4, remember that most of the necessary vehicles for "through the ring on a particular vehicle" tests are located near the test itself. From a few meters to a couple of blocks. For example, if the marker indicates that the test at the top of the mountain requires riding through the ring on a motorcycle, do not rush to look for the bike and attach the balls to it, as I did-climb the mountain using a winch and you will surely find a bike waiting for you there.
As for the technical part and scripto, they are a good source of high mood. However, not when you once again can not get the local "fultons" or jet mini-engines of the hook to work humanly, and they begin to turn the raised objects against any logic. Unfortunately, there will be most of these situations. The Avalanche team came up with interesting chips, but it did not work to implement them in a human way, as well as to encourage players to use them. The entire game, story - wise, you can go through, almost without using hook modifications. So what's the point?! The variety of the "set it yourself" level has always worked in Just Cause, but before that, the game mechanics did not go beyond the daily combat comforts.
Even for most of the tests where you need to deliver a car to an island or the roof of a high-rise, it is much easier to use a cargo helicopter with a magnetic grip than to play with balloons that behave as inadequately as possible most of the time they are used. After completing half of the tests, of which there are more than four hundred, I met only two where it was necessary to use balloons. Here just came to the rescue modification for them, allowing you to control the direction of flight crosshair sight.
The moment just got into the video below, which also says a lot about the technical part, artificial intelligence, stupefied since Just Cause 3, and the gameplay in General:
However, I repeat - fans of the franchise will be more satisfied with the new game, because the basic gameplay is thoroughly prettier. Another thing is that game innovations are mostly meaningless, and if they are simply thrown out, Just Cause 4 will not lose anything. The weather conditions that Avalanche was so proud of look great and even work, but have a strictly plot-based meaning. Without the technology developed by the local dictator, Solis seems to have no tornadoes, no winter blizzards, no sandstorms, no rain and thunderstorms. I just want to start packing my bags and looking for air tickets! After clearing objects that control weather conditions, we can turn them on and off with a single button. What for? To complicate your life, for example.
And there is no need for more. Storm and Blizzard limit the field of view, once in them, the enemies become absolutely stupid and blind. And since computer idiots and so ... idiots, send their intelligence to negative values once again do not want to, because the game becomes not interesting. Tornadoes destroy some objects, but only in specific areas. As well as the storm does not go beyond its limits. It turns out that we can again subject to spontaneous rape already cleared and captured areas. What's the point?! Oh, deja vu…
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