shoggothkisses · 7 months
Since you asked so nicely: WHAT THE HECK ?!?!? REMAINS OF THE THIRD DESCENDER??? WHOMST ??? Do you think the Heavenly Principles are gonna do something about Focalor's masterful trick ?
I haven't done the last world quest and I'm not ready™
THERE IS SO MUCH I WANT TO DISCUSS ABOUT THE THIRD DESCENDER THING. I am going to be 0% coherent about any of this but I'll do my best
So we know of four Descenders at this point:
The Primordial One (who Neuvillette calls the "First Usurper," which I find very spicy of him);
The Second Who Came - who, according to Before Sun and Moon, fought and lost to the Primordial one, BUT who, according to Neuvillette, then proceeded to help The Primordial One make the Gnoses from the remains of the
THIRD Descender, who we know nothing about besides that their remains are the seven Gnoses!?; and
The Traveler [Abyss sibling ISN'T considered a Descender but this might be because they don't REMEMBER it (see: Battle Pass quote from Venti and the gnostic Hymn of the Pearl).]
We still don't know WHERE they came from, WHY they came to Teyvat, WHY they insisted on having beef with the Dragon Sovereigns or why THEY are the only ones allowed to create human beings while anyone else who tries to do so gets the hurt put on them. However we DO know that apparently they can be split into pieces Horcrux-style. (Which probably shouldn't surprise us at this point considering how many times various Water GoddessesTM have done so)
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"Functions ruined" !? Cool so what IS the Primordial One if they have "functions" ???
"Resentments and loathing of the world" is, I'm assuming, a reference to Forbidden Knowledge (which, as I've discussed previously, has shown itself to be VERY emotionally-based).
If the PO and the "one who came after" created the Gnoses together - what happened to the Third Descender? Did they die? Was this a punishment? Did they willingly sacrifice themselves? Who WERE they in relation to the first two descenders!?
"Thus did humans come to ONLY possess these seven remembrances" - so THIS and what comes after it is, i am almost CERTAIN, a reference to the Archon War. We know that there could theoretically have been more than seven Elemental Vision types, based on the Elemental Specialist namecard. This would, however, imply that ALL OF THE ARCHONS, living or dead, are pieces of the Primordial One ("fragments of the primordial") that proceeded to fight amongst themselves for the chance to have one of the Gnoses.
WE HAVE CONFIRMATION THAT even though the "heavens" are the ones that pick whether someone has a strong enough "wish" to get a Vision, THE ARCHONS THEMSELVES ARE THE ONES THAT GIVE THEM OUT. That's not that important for lore I don't think but DAMN IT, it's important to me and my love of forming character dynamics where there are none!!!
As far as the last thing is concerned I will be genuinely shocked if Focalors' little switcharoo on the Heavenly Principles doesn't come back around later in the game. Like, she hacked the system. Someone's going to notice eventually.
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I’m a bastard so I dare you to do All of the questions on the most recent ask list you reblog he’s. It’s also because I want to learn more about you but shhhhh
rose: what makes you feel beautiful?
But basically, if you compliment any part of my physical appearance, no matter how small, I will feel beautiful for that moment and will last for a long time for me!
lace: how would you describe your best friend(s)?
At this moment, the only way I can describe my best friend is.... They're You! Lololol, hope that makes you happy Beetle!
wish: what are your favourite memories?
The parts of my childhood where I was just ENGULFED in my maladaptive dreamworld where I had used to talk to and interact with my "imaginary friends" in (they were fictional characters from all my favorite things but whatever)
Now I wish that my DreamWorld took over my senses to the point where I was in a different world more often like I used to as a child
I mean, I still have maladaptive daydreaming, it's just not as intense unless I'm spinning for my stim!
heaven: describe your ideal date
I've discussed this before but I can't find any asks where I talked about it before so imma say it here!
I actually would want to have my dates be pretty simple, either be have it be going out to eat, going to the theatre to see a movie, go sightseeing if we're in a fun place, or just chill at home and watch movies and shows and just talk!
I don't really like to make things too complicated, as long as it's something fun with my partner, I'd be pretty happy!
angel: what is your dream aesthetic?
All of the aesthetics and vibes I like being mushed into one horrifying Aesthetic Homunculus would be perfect for me since I can't pick which is best for me since I love all the aesthetics I like all equally!
wings: list five things you love about yourself
My Nose
My Eyes
My Skin
My Ability for Multitalent
How I've been able to stay myself
marble: what do you look for in a partner?
Honestly, I'm not really that picky these days, as long as they share my interests, are kind, compassionate, caring, and able to be the healthy partner I need with proper communication between the both of us
Also it would be great if they were autistic like I am too, just so we could be able to understand each other more, and we need to have the same life goals and ideas in mind
(like we need to both want kids since I want kids and a family one day and we need to have most of our politics be the same)
Basically, I just want the opposite relationship that my parents had: which is two people who actually love each other, don't fight and yell at each other constantly, we don't abuse substances like alcohol and tobacco (basically I'm only gonna be ok with tolerating weed and psychedelics, drinking, tobacco smoking and vaping are deal breakers for me), and we actually can show each other affection (like loving words and hugging each other) in front of our kids and we don't have to pretend we don't hate each other cuz of the kids,
velvet: describe your dream home
Talked about it right here!
pearl: what is your favourite: scent, flavour, sound, texture?
Scent: Fruity smells (ex. Apples, Cherry Blossoms, Citrus) and Sweet smells (ex. Cotton Candy, Birthday Cake, Pop Rocks)
Flavour: Sweet and Savory (and Umami)
Sound: Any kind of music made with a acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, or a synthesizer
Texture: Anything that's Soft and Fluffy!!
sunlight: list five things you find to be beautiful
Nature/Plants (esp from woodlands and forests)
Human Compassion and Kindness
cherry: what words of advice would you give to a stranger?
Honestly, it would be the same thing that Meet the Robinsons told me:
"Keep Moving Forward"!
blush: describe your ideal future
Answer to that question is here my friend!
Very cliche and basic, but it's really nice to think about so yeah!
sea: what music, art and/or literature brings you peace?
Honestly, anything that's from a previous place of time (like the 70s or 90s for example) that gives off that nostalgic and warm feeling in your chest and head are the best things that give me peace
Milo and Otis is a big example of a movie that sets off the peaceful vibe I long for in my life longterm!
wine: talk about something you are looking forward to
I'm basically just looking forward to the holidays and the new year in general, I'm hoping that the new year when it comes around will feel like a clean start for at least a little bit!
Also am looking forward to finishing up and putting up the clayface plush I'm making for a family friend's store to sell there so yay!
honey: what do you do to relax?
Gosh,,,,, I have such a hard time making myself wind down enough to relax since I'm always trying to make myself busy so I can make myself feel like I actually do things around the house and not a lazy fuck (from doing chores like cleaning dishes or throwing out garbage to drawing or other art projects)
But one way I do relax when I stim! The way I stim is that I spin around in circles with my feet while I listen to music for hours on end if I desire to (and because I've been doing this for so long, I lack the ability to get dizzy)!
silk: describe your most recent dream
Well I don't remember any specific ones
But I have recently started having reoccurring dreams/nightmares(??) where all I can remember about it is that I start having a much harder time breathing (I think a couple times I wasn't even able to breath at all) and I seem to actually feel dull aching pain all over my body in said dream (I think I actually died in one of this once, but I could be wrong)
So that's been weirding me out as of late!
matte: what is something you are proud of?
One thing I can think of is that we were all able to get the house we were all living in right now since we took back from my abusive aunt that stole it from us with dirty legal means years ago
We were living in a trailer across town from when I was 18-19) until we got the house back! I think it's gonna be 3 years that we lived here by next year so I'm proud of that!
gloss: list ten songs you love right now
FNF VS Mickey, Satan & Donald (Mix) Accelerant V2 Slowed + Reverb - VS Wednesday's Infidelity V2 + Daxy
Keyboard V3 - Friday Night Funkin' vs Dave and Bambi Golden Apple
In My Car - The Pack
Streets (Slowed + Reverb + Lofi Aesthetic) - Doja Cat
Santa Monica - EverClear
Slaughter Beach - Clutch
Mexico - Butthole Surfers
Hypnotize - System of a Down
If I Wasn't So Small (The Piglet Song) - Carly Simon
Close Eyes - DVRST
satin: what never fails to make you happy?
My special interests and my maladaptive daydreaming (when it's about fun and positive things at least lol)! Whenever I think about those or maladaptive daydream, I almost always seem to cheer up eventually!
opal: talk about your interests and passions
Uhhhhh,,,,,, I feel like I've been talking on here for so long I don't wanna make this any longer than it should lol
Besides, I can't pick a topic to talk about to save my life at this moment, sorry about that!
kiss: what do you want from life right now?
Well, as of right now, I'm just wanting to save up enough money to buy myself my own up-to-date and working laptop or PC and to move out
Maybe I'll take up my Mom's offer of moving in with her in her apartment sometime in the new year once I get the courage to actually ask and talk to her about that idea, so we'll just have to see where that goes in time
Right now, I'm just waiting for the holidays to come lol!
I'm soso happy that you wanted to learn more about me this much, it makes me feel that people can actually be interested in me as a human being and what I'm like in personality and in my life in general!
I hope that you show back up here again and that you have a fun time reading all of this! Have a fantastic evening my shiny Beetle friendo!!
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