ai-no-scenario · 2 years
grusha and rika my malewife and girlboss i am kissing them both passionately
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 years
ok 3.0+1.0 longpost -_-
it’s difficult for me to describe how I feel about 3.0+1.0 as a film because it’s artistic vision is just a 25 year cultivated response to the otaku fixation on nge. this film hardly feels like it can stand on it’s own feet as a coherent story -- it’s constantly introducing and reinterpreting symbols, contexts and concepts in order to lay down some kind of grounded world while also wanting to be evocative of the freeform flow of feelings occurring in EoE/Ep25/26. if this movie was it’s own thing and just living in the shadow of it’s predecessor, I could probably live with it and maybe even say that I liked it, but it’s flip flopping on if it wants the metanarrative to drive the story or if it wants to erect a new mythology of Eva altogether completely squanders maximizing the potential of doing either. what were left with is a very cowardly iteration of the message at the end of nge -- “human connections are important, even if they can be painful” becomes “ if we show you what you wanted to see for the past nearly 30 years, will you grow up now?”
"Defeated" feels like how I would describe the ethos of this film.
reiQ’s farmer adventures were cute, but in a way that felt bittersweet- because this character is not actually rei. not simply because she is not ayanami, but because she carries no actual development from her previous iterations like the other characters of rebuild. reiQ answers the question of “what if rei was actually as moe as she looks in official art” but forgets to pull the rug out from beneath you to unveil the depths of her turmoil. while Ayanami would say “I am not your doll to control”, reiQ has almost every aspect of her character dictated to her by other people - and this is depicted as fulfilling and human (because Anno wants you to get a job and have kids). not even her name is her choice. her sudden death only exists to serve as a motivator for shinji. I wanted to believe that this was some commentary on how a relationship without pain and loss cant exist, but it seems unlikely as rei (1, 2, 3, Q, Ayanami, lilith, etc) does not have an arc in this film. also the TV production quality of the village segment made it feel like I was watching a 12 episode sol as opposed to an actual film.
funnily enough, my feeling towards reiQ made me feel retroactive distaste towards 1.0 and 2.22. I’ve never thought rebuild was good, that much has never been a secret. 1.0 and 2.22 however carried enough over from the original series that it felt like the original characters were picking themselves up and getting better. I was happy seeing asuka, who had previously spent 26 episodes and a movie being miserable, open herself up to happiness. I was happy seeing rei connect more with shinji. even if the characters had to become simplified versions of themselves to find their own peace, it didnt feel thatbad. I didn’t realize until 3.0 came out how little this tetralogy had to it beyond puppeteering iconography and hoping that fans find meaning in it. 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 carried the same conviction of 1.0 and 2.22 of showing you characters you like doing things you wished they did, but with the support of the original series environment withering away to unveil half baked ideas, convoluted plots and meaningless regurgitation of every meaningful image this series has produced. seeing rei stripped even farther than her bare bones as reiQ put into focus what I thought I appreciated about 1.0 and 2.22.
there were a few times throughout this movie where I was trying to figure out what it was that anno was trying to say. as stated in my op paragraph, the film does carry it’s own simplified message about how important it is to grow up and face the real world, but this message largely betrays the framing. its cowardly. the pain that shinji experience does not come from the Other anymore, it is all self inflicted. learning to endure hardship simply became a matter of overcoming your own feelings, because now everyone else in your life effortlessly accepts you. there are 3 girls with who dont have any problems anymore and a solarpunk empire that would be all over you if you simply stood on your own two feet. there is no asuka experiencing hedgehog dilemma with shinji, there’s only asuka who exists so shinji can learn how to confess to a girl. there is no misato constantly subjecting shinji to a interplay of projecting her issues onto him and attempting to mother him (with varying degrees of success), there’s just shinjis step mom who accepts that she is responsible for him (which feels GREAT to see but feels bad when you think about what it sacrificed to get there). for a guy whose complicated relationship with otaku culture has bled into his work, you would think that idealistic fantasy of the real world wouldnt be the crutch of the delivering his message. when I say that “defeated” is the ethos of this film, I mean that it is so lacking in purpose compared to its predecessors that it wears itself thin trying to superficially have something for every conceivable audience while throwing out the meat of why people liked those things in the first point.
I was surprised to see that it was gendo who survived as the most introspective part of the film. i’m conflicted towards how I feel about a gendo redemption arc, but I feel as if his instrumentality sequence itself was decently shot (I hate having to compare it to ep 25/26 but it lacks the artistic flare for such a big budget film) and very well articulated. there’s a beautiful story in here about realizing your parents are people and parents realizing the responsibility they owe to their children, but I wish it could have been explored in a different film where characters are less held back by their established canon. honestly watching this whole sequence made me wonder if anno is still friendly with goro miyazaki LMAO
I was largely uninterested in the fight scenes, I think the only one that genuinely made me feel something was the one towards the end where asuka turns into an angel. the poor fight choreography coupled with weird shot composition and the overbearing usage of cg makes fight sequences overbearing and kind of difficult to decipher. cg fights are largely 1 eva vs a swarm of enemies that take up the screen, all of them having the same line weight which just ends up making all parties involved look like a mesh of colors. there arent real stakes for the most part either, asuka and mari tear through waves of enemies with effortless precision accuracy in a way that isnt visually or technically impressive.
believe it or not, I don’t actually dislike Mari. Mari enacts what Anno sought to do with the Rebuilds -- to destroy Evangelion. Mari (literally!) falls out of the sky into the story and is not gripped by the pain of the hedgehog’s dilemma as she exhibits her adoration for most things. her romance with shinji is intentionally analogous to how anno perceives his relationship with his wife -- that she saved him by encouraging him to live in the real world. the actual, textual ridiculousness in her character is softened when you realize that she’s just another component of his 4 movie long exhibition of telling everyone his life is better now that he’s successful and has a hot and talented wife.
is it worth complaining about all the crotch or ass shots. i think we all feel the same way about it. anyway i have more thoughts but these are my loose ones.
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Main 6 with MC in the snow (HCs)
(modern au - these got long-ish so portia, muriel, and lucio are under the cut!)
Don’t lose him in the snow because asra’s hair is snow so be sure to keep your asra near you at All Times
snow snakes because faust (later when you facetime her, coz she’s being babysat by muriel, and show her the pictures of the snow snake she’s ecstatic its adorable “twins!”)
He always makes sure you’re bundled up enough but show the slightest shiver and he’s piling more layers on top
if you two go tobogganing down together, asra doesn’t realise anything he’s just kinda cuddling into you and ignoring how fast you’re going down
“asra i think we’re gonna fall” “hm??” asra we’re gonna fall ohmyg--” “you’re so warm y/n” “a s r a”
he says so many stupid snow related pick up lines tho
e.g. “asra where’s your scarf??” “hmm... oh looks like it lost it... can i wrap you around me instead?” “... asra did you lose it on purpose”  
or, you two make a snow angel “you’re the real angel here y/n”
Warm up cuddles later on!! Because you gotta!!
Depending on your skills, asra can either a) pretend he sucks at skiing etc. or whatever just so you can teach touch him a bit or b) become your teacher to “correct” your stance just so he can teach touch you a bit - he’s flexible like that
And you know he’s playing but it’s a good game
Grace elegance and beauty even in the freezing cold
shes so happy to be able to have time with you in the snow because she’s so far away from her responsibilities and it’s just the two of you
You two make a fabulous snowman that … honestly looks really good wow
But the best part is not even out in the snow it’s when you’re both inside and you’re sipping your hot drink and nadia’s smiling at you and you’re like ??? and she just goes “You look charming MC” and you don’t quite believe her because your nose is running and your eyes are watery from the cold but nadia is so genuine that you’re not flushing just from the cold anymore
She’s super supportive when you go skiing/whatevering down and takes loads of pictures and videos and tells you you were amazing even if she’s already a pro at it
if you fall, nadia makes sure you’re alright first and foremost and frets just a bit before you reassure her you’re fine
if she falls (if that’s possible) she laughs it off and asks you to teach her with a very sly but subtle smile that makes you go >.>
on the snow lifts, she looks at you like flynn looked at rapunzal in that one tangled scene as you’re looking at the scenery
Snowball fights but julianised. So like every time you get a hit in he’s crying out in pain and dramatically falling to the ground because of course he is
You two probably reenact a death scene and it’s very very dramatic
“MC… remember i love you… my dear my sun my stars … not even the harsh coldness of this weapon of snow … could ever erase your warmth from my heart”
If they’re there, mazelinka and portia are not impressed but they do remark that you two are a match made in heaven considering you indulge in his drama
A few passerbys probably go wtf but it’s okay because you’re having fun with your dear, sun, and stars
And he does exude a sort of charisma so some kids aren’t afraid of taking a shot as well and its hilarious for them when he “dies” so this leads to a huge game of snowball fights and julian thinking he cant wait to have fun like this with your future kids
Going down the hill in whatever form more than likely ends up with julian on the ground with a face full of snow because he tried to do a trick five levels higher than his own
julian probably says stupid snow pick up lines like asra but his make you roll your eyes when he says it because he’s so smug and dramatic saying them
You two do everything there is to do in the snow
snow angels turn into snowball fights with portia making impressive fortresses and throwing snowballs with more force than someone her height should be able to use that turn into snowmen that collapse because you two are really just chucking as much snow as possible into one huge pile before just sculpting it into this vague humanoid shape that you two take one look at and go ...
“it kinda reminds me of vlastomil!! ” “maybe volta if you tilt your head..?” “oh! you’re so right y/n!” *snow figure collapses* both of you, in sync: “vulgora”
Go tobogganing down together and portia’s laughs and squeals are enough to last you the whole year who needs warm clothes or fireplaces when portia is the sun herself
of course that’s before she uses your weights to speed up as you go down and inevitably crash and burn and now she’s not so much squealing but screaming but still in joy let’s be real and now you’re not so much warm but panicking
The snow lift is fun but hopefully you’re not afraid of heights because portia unintentionally (or intentionally…) rocks your seat as she waves to people down below and probably gives you a mini heart attack when she holds the phone over the edge to take pictures
You two are in your own little corner because there’s a lot of people so you should definitely find a quiet place but not to worry inanna is with you of course and the whole experience is very very soft and wholesome with muriel
the only person you’d leave the snow super unharmed with. everyone else are varying degrees of a mess
He won’t do snowball fights but if you join in with someone else’s he may be coaxed into making snowballs for you to launch from behind your little snow fortress that has to be big to cover your mountain boyfriend
comment on how adorable he is in his seventeen layers of clothing and he’ll shortcircuit like. “!!!! w-what?? ...it’s-it’s cold. stop smiling.”
Snow angels are just sad comparisons of your angel to his, really, and you have to convince him to do it because why?? whats the point of that??
and that’s if inanna doesn’t come over and trample them as soon as you two finish and get up because she’s curious
You two try to make a snow companion for her but the resemblance is … not uncanny
Still it’s enough to get pictures!!
Take the opportunity to cuddle more than usual indoors because you can use the excuse that you’re “cold so let’s cuddle” and maybe some puppy dog eyes thrown in so muriel’s conflicted but ultimately kind heart is compelled to warm you up
snowball fights start off with one innocent ball that is a bit rougher than you’d like and then it snowballs into something bordering on vicious - people steer their families away from you two
at first he was just trying to annoy you but assuming you fought back, it is so on - good luck
If lucio wins he’s rubbing it in your face but if you win? He’s playing it off like “well it’s just a game anyway!” sure it is lucio sure it is
if a stranger throws a snowball at you, whether intentionally or not, he’s ready to protect you even from a little kid. no one can hit you with snowballs but him thank you very much
Snowboarding, skiing, whatever it is he wants to get to the bottom first. and lucio might not even be trying to win against you - someone passes him and he’s speeding the hell up
Take the snow lifts and he’ll take the opportunity to cuddle up with you under the guise of “don’t be scared MC, i’ve got you” but it’s more like you’ve got him if the lift stops and he’s like “what is going on??? Why have we stopped??? Has something happened?? This is ridiculous do they know who i am--” “lucio please--”
probably looks at you like miguel looked at tulio in that one road to el dorado scene
dare him hard enough to lick his arm and he would actually do it to show you he’s not a coward so like. your move
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