#I Couldn't Give In I Swallowed The Poison (Gregory and Kyle - Gamblealife)
[ @gamblealife LIKED For A Starter || Kyle ]
[ Gregory ]
Much as Gregory hated to say it, he needed help. 
Wendyl had been busy, naturally, which had him turning to the only other person that dared to oppose him intellectually. At least, when they had been in school. Now, he really didn’t know. Kyle had flown under his radar, a forgotten relic of a time when he’d been younger.
Not dumber, of course, because Gregory Chadwick had never been stupid. He’d always been the top of his class in everything, and he knew what was right for the people when they didn’t know themselves.
Even still, he stood near one of the benches at the park, jaw set as he considered how he was going to open. It wasn’t like he’d ever been particularly kind to Kyle, after all. Not that he’d been nice to Wendyl, either, but he’d been much more... Complimentary to the other man.
Kyle had been a rival in a lot of things, and he had never found a way to make peace with him.
Finally, he ran a hand through his hair to be sure it was coiffed just right, before starting onto the basketball court to the steady, hollow thudding of the ball.
“Excuse me, Kyle, if I may--” He winced slightly at another bounce, “Have a word?”
At least he’d managed to stay sober for this. He was beginning to regret that decision, however.
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