lonestormwriting · 10 years
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-Please help spread this.
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Sorry of those last couple of reblogs if they annoyed you. I thought I was logged onto my personal account. My bad
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
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but wait, there’s more.
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nope, not done yet. 
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hold on… almost done
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oh trust me, I can go on. 
Yeah, Nicki Minaj seems like a terrible role model to me. 
But really, Nicki Minaj isn’t here to mother your children. She’s confident in who she is as a woman and she’s not afraid to show it off. 
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Anon requested: Hello,may I ask if yixing/lay’s wife died from giving birth? Thanks sorry if I had asked before it was open..
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, Anon. I hope you don’t mind, but I took some inspo from the movie “Steel Magnolias”. If you are from the South or have Southern relations, you have probably seen this movie. It’s just about one of the only movies that makes me shed the Luhan-single-man-tear. Prepare yourself, because if I did this right, there are some feels ahead.
That’s all that he could think about. All that his mind would allow him were the previous memories that he had collected over the past several years. Some of them sweet…
Yixing precariously shifted his weight as he tried to open the second-story window. He hadn’t seen _____ all day. They had made up last night after their fight, but he still needed to see her. After undoing the latch and opening the window, Yixing pulled himself up and over the window ledge, as he had done countless times before. The action was muscle memory, much like that of a gymnast performing a well-known, gold-winning routine. Yixing observed the still room, much unlike the rest of the home. For a moment, he thought she might have already left for the salon, but that theory was debunked when he heard water splashing from the attached bathroom. Sneaking around the corner, he pushed the door open to find ____ in the tub. "What are you doing here?! You know it’s bad luck to see me before the wedding!" _____ hissed. ”____ _____, please say you’re going to marry me.” Yixing sat on the edge of the tub and watched as ____ got out of the tub, dried off, and got dressed. "I thought we discussed this. Now get out of here before Daddy sees you or he will cut your thing off." _____ motioned back towards the still open window as she pulled back her still-dry hair. As soon as she turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror in the opposite corner of the room, Yixing came behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, watching _____ as she made sure her outfit was suitable. "I just want to hear you say it." Yixing whispered into her hair, which smelt of vanilla and honey. _____ turned around in his arm, kissed the end of his nose, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Meet me at St. Paul’s. 3 o’clock. I’ll be the one in the veil down front." Yixing smiled and leaned forward to kiss ____, but was met by her newly manicured fingers pressed against his lips. "Save it for the ceremony, Romeo."
Those were his favorite and the ones he re-visited most often.However, with the light comes the dark…
"The weddings off!" ____ sat in the passenger seat of Yixing’s car in tears. "Listen to yourself!" Yixing reached for _____’s hand, but she pulled away. In that moment, Yixing’s heart broke. _____ was sobbing by herself and she wouldn’t allow him to help. ”_____ I don’t care!” "Yixing, don’t lie to me! Everyone knows you want a family so bad, you can taste it. I can’t give that to you!" ____ rested her head against the dash board. "Listen to me. I. Don't. Care. Even if I did, that wouldn't stop me from marrying you. Don't do this to me." Yixing could feel his eyes swell with the tears he was holding back. "I don't want to make you feel like you have to stay." "_____ I love you. Nothing, especially something that you can't even control, will stop that. Sure, I would like a family, but there are other means about that. There are plenty of kids out there that need good homes. We'll buy 'em if we have to." Yixing ran his fingers through _____'s hair as her breathing started to return to normal. "Please, just say you'll marry me." Yixing whispered into _____'s  hair and inhaled the familiar vanilla-honey comfort of her scent. "You can't buy kids. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. But I appreciate the thought." _____ laughed and sat back up to look Yixing in the eyes. In that moment, he knew everything would be okay.
"Yixing." ____'s brother softly called for him and motioned to follow. Yixing stood up on weak legs and followed.
Then there were the moments that were in-between...
The family Christmas party was a success. Yixing and ____ were able to make it at the last second. They were surrounded by _____'s entire family. Yixing was able to bring his parents along as well. Tonight was a big night. "Excuse me! Can we all gather in the living room? _____ and I would like to make an announcement." Yixing called throughout the house as ____'s father and brother helped herd the family into the small space. _____ swam through the crowd and hooked herself to Yixing's side. "Yixing, what are you doing?" ____ asked. "C'mon! I'm getting claustrophobic out here!" Some disgruntled uncle called from the back of the room. "_____'s just worried that I'm gonna tell you she's pregnant, but I was only going to tell you I'm gonna be a Dad!" The room erupted with cries of joy and surprise. However, ____ couldn't help but notice a dark aura slink its way out of the room. ____ followed her mother out of the room while Yixing stayed behind to receive multiple claps on the back and many a 'congratulations'. Among all of the commotion, Yixing almost missed the clatter of broken plates coming from the kitchen. As soon as the excitement died down a bit and he thought he wouldn't be missed, Yixing escaped to find ____ sitting at the island in the kitchen and her mother facing the sink, a broken dish littering the counter. "Is everything okay in here?" Yixing asked as he stood beside ____, who had her head in her hands. "You put her up to this didn't you?" _____'s mother turned from the sink to face Yixing. "Mom, please." _____ groaned. "This was all your idea! Didn't you listen to any of the doctors or specialists?! How dare you!" _____'s mother was upset. "Mrs. ____, I know how you must feel but this was a mutual decision. I would never force your daughter to do something that she wouldn't want to do." "You're killing her. Her body can't take it!" _____'s mother was irate. "Mom! I want this. Please, can't you just be happy for us?!" "I don't support this." _____ stood up and left the room at that point, Yixing soon to follow. "Hey! There's the two beautiful people who are giving me an equally beautiful grandchild! To the soon-to-be parents!" Cheers and applause filled the room while the two tried to paste smiles on their faces and enjoy the moment.
"Yixing." _____'s brother motioned for Yixing to follow him. Yixing stood on shaking legs and did as told.
That's how he felt.
When the doctors started to panic and had to escort him and ____'s family out of the room, he knew that things weren't going well.
The pregnancy had been rough.
______'s body fought her choice to have a child, but _____'s will seemed to be stronger than any physiological enemy.
She had been so strong...
But strength can only get you so far.
The baby is fine, Mr. Zhang. However, there were many complications. We did all we could.
Everything stopped.
Until then, it didn't seem real. Yixing still had this feeling that ____ would walk through the door, holding their child in her arms and they would go home and everything would go back to normal.
Everything was fine.
Everything was...
_____'s brother led Yixing to the large window into the nursery.
A nurse in crisp, clean scrubs opened a door and wheeled what looked like a crib into the room.
The nurse gently lifted the infant from its comfortable rest and stood towards the front of the room, the tiny baby in her arms.
All of the pent up emotions Yixing had been denying were slowly churning inside him. He could feel them bubbling to the surface.
He stood closer to the plexiglass window and placed a hand on the cold surface to help steady himself.
The tiny child opened their eyes and Yixing audibly gasped.
She has her eyes.
The reality was starting settle.
_____ was gone.
She would never meet the child she fought so hard for.
This child would never know how hard her mother fought for here, giving up her life so that this child could live.
"Yixing, you okay?" ____'s brother laid a hand on his shoulder. It wasn't until Yixing saw his reflection in the window that he knew he was crying. He wiped away the already fallen tears and tried to stop the ones that were threatening to fall.
"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine! I should be so happy. I finally get to see my daughter. But my wife can't." Yixing backed away from the window. ____'s brother tried to console Yixing, but he only pushed him away.
"I'm mad. I'm just so mad!" Yixing forgot about trying to save face, he couldn't hold it in any longer.
"I want to know why! I want to know why _____'s life is over. I want to know how that precious baby will ever know how wonderful her mother was. How she will know what she went through for her." Yixing felt the strength in his knees falter and fell to the ground, sobbing and shaking.
"I wish I could understand." Yixing didn't even know if he was even audibly speaking any more. Everything came out as a hoarse whisper.
"Yixing, I know you are upset. I know! She was my sister." _____'s brother sat down in front of Yixing to look him straight in the eye.
"But right now, you have to take care of my niece, okay? We will help you. We'll do anything we can. I know my mom fought you on this, but you gave _____ her dying wish; a child that will bring nothing but light into this world. You can grieve for as long and as hard as you want, but we have business to attend to."
He was right. Yixing knew he was right.
After tying up a few loose ends, the doctor approached Yixing.
"Mr. Zhang. We have everything ready to go, there's just one thing. No one has given us a name to put on the birth certificate. Do you have one for us?"
Yixing gave it some thought and turned to the rest of ____'s family, who all nodded in response. They knew what he was already thinking. Yixing turned to the doctor, holding his child in his arms.
A/N: Wow, what a one to come back with. The first scenario of the year would be a sad, angsty one. I promise to lighten things up next time. For now, however, I am going to sleep. My late night blogging is done for the night!
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
For the funzies:
So I was tagged by thefaultinjonginssmile a million years ago to do this and since I can't sleep and am lacking inspo for scenarios, here's a little bit about me!
1. Name: Ashton
2. Nickname: My mom calls me "Ladybug"
3. Birthday: January 16
4. Gender: Female
5. Sexual Identity: I'll get back to you on that
6. Favourite Colour: Blue
7. Time/Date Current Time: January 7th, 2015 12:15AM
8. Average Hours of Sleep: Recently, it's been about 6 or 7
9. Lucky Number: Don't have one
10. Last Thing I Googled: "Dissociative Identity Disorder" (its a long story)
11. First Word That Comes To Mind: chandelier? 
12. One Place That Makes Me Happy: My bed 
13. How Many Blankets I Sleep Under: Two. My room is freezing so I have a small heated blanket and then my actual blanket. 
14. Fav Fictional Character: Right now it's a tie between Levi from Attack on Titan and Mako from Kill La Kill
15. Book: Animal Farm by George Orwell
16. Animation: Attack on Titan 
17. TV Show: The Walking Dead 
18. Fav Beverage: Coffee (my starbucks order is a venti Americano with two extra shots of espresso) 
19. Fav Food: Chinese food (I know that's really broad but I love it!)
20. Last Movie I Saw In Theatre: Big Hero 6 (so good!)
21. Dream Holiday: to go to Disney! I've never been and I'm a Disney fanatic.
22. Dream Wedding: with the person that I love and surrounded by my closest friends and family 
23. Dream Job: an actress or Forensic Anthropologist (two really random things, I know but just go with it)
Alright! So I tag catpopfeels kaityko mushimaronutjelly blossomangel01 and affectixns
Have fun!
Stay Awesome, Ashton
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
I recently added some new features to the blog. They include:
To Do List Here I will post any requests that I have read or are currently working on.
Newly Added When requests are done, they will be moved from the To Do List to the Newly Added page. Requests will stay up about a week or so before being removed and added to the archives.
Link to my Twitter!! If you are so inclined, there is a link to my Twitter in the Menu. You should check it out. Sometimes I have funny thoughts and I put them there. I also post pics and updates on my daily life.
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Hey, how's it goin?
I just wanted to apologize for my inactivity. I haven't been in the best place mentally for the last couple of weeks now and have kind of lost my motivation. I've been working with some health professionals to get at least back to functioning. That's been taking up majority of my time honestly.
If your request has been sitting in my box for a while now, I sincerely apologize. I have read all of them and I do have some ideas, but health comes first so I haven't had to time to sit down and write them out. I'll try over the next couple of days, but you guys know how consistent I am at being inconsistent. Thanks for putting up with my shizz. I'm sure it can be a little annoying at times.
Hope your holidays were awesome and here's to an amazing new year.
Stay awesome, Ashton
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
big shout out to the non-mutual followers whove been following me for a long time and like lots of my posts and have been around for months or even years. sorry i never gave u the followback but i see you guys consistently supporting me and enjoying or vibing with my content and i appreciate you, so thanks for stickin around
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Can you ship me with an EXO member? I'm 5'2. I have blue/turquoise eyes and blonde hair. I'm fluent in six languages. I have an hourglass kind of figure, but more on the skinny side. I love music, reading. I'm a little shy at first and a really kind person (I get told so). I love to laugh and people find me funny but I can also be a good listener and hopeless romantic. I'm also very loyal and easily hurt, altough I'm (too) forgiving. (that sounds like I'm so full of myself lol) (:
I ship you with Kris!
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
I am oeaving for vacay tomorrow so i am closing the ask box FOR SCENARIOS. I will still do ships since those take maybe two minutes but im scared i wont have the time to write out scenarios while im out of town. I have a lpng flight tomorrow so ill work on a few while im sitting at the airport and on the plane and im bored out my gourd.
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Hi!!!! Could i request sehun getting rlly angry when u accidentally ruin his music sheet becoz u were preparing for ur anniversary with him. And u r a shy, quiet and innocent kind of person. Happy ending pls^^ Thx so much btw😊
A/N: Here you go, natjchua. I am so sorry for the wait. Especially since you had to send this in twice! I hope you like it!
Okay. Music, check. Lighting, perfect. Outfit, laid out. Dinner, on its way. Makeup, in progress.
You went through your mental checklist as you prepared for the anniversary dinner you had prepared for Sehun. You wanted it to be special as it was your first year anniversary. Usually, you weren’t one to get too into these types of things but this time was different.
Sehun made you feel different. Lord knows you weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, nor were you the smartest. However, whenever you were around him, he made you feel intelligent, eloquent, and beautiful. He hung on every word as if his life depended on it. He made you feel heard when everyone else tuned you out.
If only for tonight, you wanted to make him feel half as special as he made you every day. Therefore, you put on your nicest dress and took the time to look up multiple makeup and hair tutorials in order to look just right.
Once everything was in order, you only had to wait on the food.
You couldn’t cook to save your life. Sehun tells you otherwise, but you are almost certain you have burn water. He always appreciated the simple things you attempted to put together, but tonight had to be special, so you ordered a fancy dinner from a famous restaurant across town.
You checked the time on your phone.
Sehun would be home in about half an hour. The food should have been here twenty minutes ago, but you still had a little time left and it was rush-hour, so you gave the delivery guy the benefit of the doubt.
Making last minute preparations, you nervously checked your phone.
Ten minutes until Sehun was supposed to be home.
Where the heck is this guy?
Almost on queue, the doorbell rang and you leapt across the room to answer.
“Thanks for choosing us for your dining needs. That will be $47.83.”
“It’s about time.” You tossed the money at the guy, took the food, and quickly shut the door without handing over a tip. It wasn’t like you didn’t intentionally slam the door in his face. You were so frazzled with the lack of time, you forgot.
Quickly, you started to unpack all of the food and begin to plate the vast array. When you were just about done, you heard the front door open.
“Happy anniversary, ______!” You heard echo through the apartment.
“Don’t come in yet!” you hollered from the kitchen. He obviously hadn’t heard you since you listened to his footsteps make their way towards you.
“What was that?” He asked as he placed his stuff down on the table.
“Nothing. Dinner will be ready in just a little bit.” You hurried while still trying to be as neat and clean as possible. You finally had everything on a plate or in a bowl, all that was left to actually place it on the table. Grabbing as many plates and glasses and as much silverware as you possibly could, you carefully stepped into the dining room to an awaiting Sehun. He had taken off his coat and was putting his belongings down and as out of the way as possible.
“That smells great, _____. Where did you order from?” you pretended to laugh as you placed every plate, table, and bowl down with grace and excellent dexterity, not spilling a single drop or losing a single morsel.
“Let me grab the drinks and we will be good to go.” You headed back towards the kitchen when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, preventing you from taking another step.
“You haven’t given me my welcome-home-hug yet.” You turned around in his embrace and reciprocated the hug while expertly slipping from his grasp.
“Give me one second and I will be right back.” You tried to make your escape, but Sehun once again wrapped you in his arms and rested his head against the crook of your neck.
“I don’t care about the drinks. I just want to be with you. It was a long day at work. We got a new song which we’re scheduled to record next week. Joonmyun made us practice like crazy people. I’m tired. I just want to relax with you.” As compelling as an argument that was, you weren’t about to waste the money you spent on drinks to appease your needy boyfriend.
“Just one second, okay? I got your favorite.” Sehun loosened his hold on you and reluctantly let you go.
Rushing through to the kitchen, you grabbed the bottle and hopped back into the dining room. Walking over to Sehun, you showed him the bottle and began to pour his drink.
“Thank you, ____. This looks great. I can’t wait.” He began to run the small of your back as you poured his drink. He accidentally nudged you too hard and you completely missed his glass, pouring the drink all over the table and a few papers.
“Oh my god! Sehun, I am so sorry. Let me get a towel or something.” You rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a couple towels. When you got back to the dining room, you noticed Sehun staring down at the table.
“What’s wrong?” You inquired as you began to wipe up your mess.
“My…” you looked up at the seemingly startled Sehun.
“Sehun?” You followed his gaze to the table. There, stained and torn, was a stack of papers… or what used to be papers.
“Oh no. Was it something important?” You asked. You tried to pick up the sodden papers.
“_____ no!” Sehun shouted as the papers simply ripped in your hands. “That was my sheet music! We were supposed to have the song memorized by tomorrow for vocal rehearsals and now it’s ruined! I can’t even read it anymore! Joonmyun is going to kill me! Why did you do that?!” You couldn’t meet his gaze and simply stared at the floor.
“I’m sorry. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to.” You looked up at his enraged face which immediately made your heart sink into the pit of your stomach.
“Sorry isn’t going to save my butt when I look like an idiot tomorrow in front of everyone!” Sehun began to rub the bridge of his nose and mumble beneath his breath. Something he only did when he was very upset.
“You can tell them it was my fault. I’m so sorry.” You could feel tears forming at the outer corners of your eyes. As soon as Sehun saw your down-trodden expression, he immediately shifted.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that. I’m sorry, _____. I shouldn’t have put something so important in such a spot anyway.” You were thankful for his apology, but you couldn’t help but begin to cry. Sehun pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head gently.
“_____, please don’t cry.” Sehun ran his fingers through your hair. You grasped the hand and squeezed it assuringly.
“Everything was supposed to be perfect. I ruined it.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him even tighter, which Sehun returned the hug.
“No you didn’t. Look the food is getting cold. Let’s hurry and eat and then we’ll put on some comfy clothes and put on a movie, alright?” You nodded your head and wiped away the excess moisture from your cheeks. You smiled to let Sehun know you were okay and sat down at the table. Just before you began to eat, you saw Sehun’s extended hand laying in the middle of the table.
You slipped your hand into his and both began to eat in comfortable silence.
“Happy anniversary, ______. I love you very much.”
“I love you more.”
“No way.”
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
!!IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! (and a rando update)
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! I will be going on vacay with my aunt, uncle, and cousins next week so I will be closing the ask box here soon!
I'm trying to get a good enough queue built up so yall will have something to read over the holidays.
Sorry I haven't been as active, but I just finished finals and now that I'm on break, I will have little bit more time to work on these for you guys.
As I said, I will be going to NYC with my aunt, uncle, and cousins next week and won't be able to update so if you have any requests get them in here soon. I haven't decided exactly when I'll close the box, but it ill be later on this week.
I will continue to do ships since those are relatively quick and easy.
Rando Update! So ya! I will be in NYC for about 10 days and I'm so excited! This is the first vacation I've gone on in a long time. It will also be my first time on a plane and I'm only slightly freaking out. I've been to New York before, but I was only in the city for less than a day so I didn't get to see anything so having 10 days to see the city is going to be amazing. Not to mention I'll be spending time with my family which I haven't seen in over a year! I haven't even met one of my cousins that I'll be with! I can't wait. 
If you have any suggestions for what to do, let me know! I know we'll be going to the Met and Central Park, but other than that I have no idea what we're going to do. I'll need ideas for, restaurants, stores (if y'all know of any KPop stores or things like that LET ME KNOW!!!), monuments, experiences, filming locations, ANYTHING!
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Just putting in my two cents...
I decided to take a break from working on scenarios and scroll through Twitter when I saw many a tweet referencing to the speculation behind Suga/Min Yoongi's sexuality. BTS is one of the many groups that I also stan. To see such a private and personal aspect of someone's life put on blast like that makes me question the integrity if this fandom, and I find myself doing this a lot lately. Lets forget about the fact that Yoongi is an idol for a moment. As a human being, having this put on a medium for all to see, comment on, and even tear down in some cases is terrible and gut-wrenching. We know they see this stuff. From the way Big Hit released a statement about the condom in the background of Mins picture and J Hopes response to the trolls on Twitter, we know that they are active on social media so it's a safe bet to almost assume they see what you're writing in some way shape or form. Before you get me with "But, Ashton. Aren't you doing the exact same thing you're asking people not to do?", let me point out there are no tags on this post. This is strictly a conversation between me and my followers. But back to my rant. As a queer fan (that's a different rant in of itself) struggling with a few aspects of her life, yes it would be awesome to see a little bit of representation but I honestly don't expect it or demand it. I've been doing fine without it. Before this gets too long or I go on a completely different tangent, let me wrap up by saying It is none of our business. Just sit back, take a deep breath, and if we need to know or they want us to know, we will know. If they want to keep it private, that's perfectly fine as well. If this is all just people losing their minds over a weird translation, then I hope it blows over quickly. Stay awesome, Ashton
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Ship me? :D I'm asian, dark skin (but not too dark), long black hair, dark brown eyes, 162cm, people thought I was arrogant at first but when they got to know me they said I'm nice, can be childish at times. Thank you! :D
Hmmm I don't know why but I am getting major ship feels with you and DO!
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
I'd like to req a scenario, plz! Suho took his GF/Wife on a romantic weekend getaway at a ski resort. She was almost 8mos pregnant & it would be the last time 4 any getaways once baby arrives. The 1st night a very bad storm had hit taking out power, phne srv & the worst part the doors werent able to be open due to the snow, She was scared that mde Her water break & labor start. He couldnt notify anyone and to his horror he would nd to deliver his own baby into the world.Happy ending & thank you!
Sorry if this is formatted really weird. Im working on my tablet in my aunt and uncles basement. That sounds like im being held hostage lol im staying here for thanksgiving. Anyway, because of the weird circumstances, please excuse any grammatical errors or typos only because i WILL NOT be editing these very efficiently. Alright! Onto the long overdue scenario! ❤--------------------The fire crackled in the fire place of the large cabin Joonmyun had rented as a final getaway before the baby came. You both knew that as soon as your little girl was here, there wouldnt be anyvmore vacations for a while. Peaceful, relaxing ones at least.Shifting your weight in the huge, plush chair that could double as a throne, you watched the snow fall through the large window. You couldnt remember the last vacation you took with Joonmyun. Usually he was away on business, working, or helping you v prep for the babies arrival. You didnt mind, though. You knew what you signed up for when you married the heir to the biggest chain of hospitals in the world. "You know, i cannot recall a time when you looked more beautiful." Joonmyun remarked as he snapped a picture of you on his phone."Oh whatever. Im a huge, swollen mess." You joked and patted the arm of the chair/throne."I cant beleive some nurse that i happened to come across on a tour of the hospital is now my wofe and will soon be the mother of my child." Joonmyun reminisced."You make it sound so romantic. You caught me while i was performing CPR on a patient. I was sweaty, exhausted, and breathing all heavy. Really romantic, Joonie." You felt Joonmyun kiss the side of your temple and gently caress your swollen abdomen. Even in your very pregnant state, he always made you feel beautiful."Its really coming down, isnt it?" he stated. You noticed how the very clear view of the town below the hillside your cabin was perched was now hidden by a curtain of snow."You think well be okay or should we head down into town?" You didnt want to get snowed-in. You were pretty secluded in this cabin. Who knew how long it would take for help to arrive if you got snowed in."No. I think well be alright. You ready for bed?" You nodded and let Joomyun help you out of your chair and into bed. Being as pregnant as you were, your bladder now had little to no holding capacity. You hoosted yourself out of bed, trying not to wake up Joonmyun, and headed towards the bathroom. As you headed down the hall, a very strange glare caught your eye."Oh no." you whispered as you looked out of the huge window and saw nothing but a wall of snow.All of a sudden, you felt a liquid run down the side of your leg and it hit you.You didnt have to pee.Your water just broke."Oh no!" you scurried back into the bedroom. Joonmyun was sound asleep, but you were abput to fix that."Joonmyun! Wake up!" you shook Joonmyun who turned to face you and rested a hand on your cheek."Cant sleep?" he smiled and his eyes fluttered shut again."No, Joonie. Its time!""Time for what?" he sleepily asked."Joonmyun Kim! Its TIME!!" You violently shook his shoulders until he shot straight up in realization."Wait! Time? Like TIME time?!" He ripped the comforter from the bed and stood."Yes! But were snowed in! The whole cabin is probably under snow. What are we gonna do?!" You started to breathe heavily at the sheer thought of being trapped in the cabin."Calm down. You havent had any contradictions yet, right?" Joonmyun placed his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down. You shook your head. You couldnt believe the predicament yoir were in. You had little to no pain tolerance. A home birth was not in the plans. You wanted to be numb from the neck down because the thought of childbirth had always been daunting ever since they made you watch that birth video in high school. "Let me make a quick phone call, okay? Everything is going to be fine. Trust me." You sat on the bed and mentally prepared yourself for the long struggle ahead of you as Joonmyun pulled out his phone."Hey! ______ is in labour and were trapped in the cabin. I,dont care what you have to do. Get here as soon as possible and get us to the nearest hospital. Ill text you our location. Please hurry! Were in the master bedroom when you get here." Joonmyun hung up and turned to you."How are you doing, ____?""Oh, you know. Just waiting in anticipation for a contrac-" almost on que, you felt your first conraction. It was terrible. You fell back on the bed and cried out in pain."______!" Joonmyun grabbed your hand and began petting your hair. "Tell me what to do!""Mark the time and length of the cractions." you instructed through gritted teeth."Okay, okay. Just breathe. You are doing so great." Joonmyun squeezed your hand in support."This isn't even the hard part, Joonie.""Well you're still doing awesome. Just hang in until help arrives, okay?" you nodded and braced yourself for another contraction.Three hours passed and help was still a long way from arriving. Your contractions were getting closer and closer together. Joonmyun had you by the arm as you placed the bedroom floor. You tried to hold back the urge to push but it was to great. You stopped and looked at Joonmyuns tired, worried face."Joonie." you panted after your latest contraction died."Are you okay?""Yes, but i have got to push.""_____, help will be here any minute just wait." You could tell Joonmyun wasn't ready for the task at hand but you were in nurse-mode and at this point you could care less how he felt."Joonmyun i have waited as long as possible. It it's time. All you have to do is tell me when you see the head and essentially catch her as she comes. Can you do this?" Joonmyun wiped the sweat from your brow."I guess i dont really have a choice. Where do you want to do this?" You got into position on the ground."You ready?" you asked Joonmyun as he got into position as well."You just do what you gotta do, _____. I'll be right here." you took a few deep breaths, sat up and pushed as hard and as long as you could."Gr we at job, ______. You're doing just fine. Everything looks good on this end.""Just shut up and tell me when you see a head!""Okay okay okay.""Alright. Here we go." you coached yourself, preparing for another push.This continued for quite a while. You were exhausted and in so much pain, you didn't think it would ever end."Joonie, i cant do this anymore!" you wailed."______ you can't!""What do you mean i can't?! You're not the one in labour!""Because i see her head! You're so close, _____! You can do it!""Really?!" you asked. You lifted your head to see Joonmyuns half excited and half traumatized face. He nodded and prepared to grab the baby."Okay! Here we go!" you put all of your will and strength into this final push. All of a sudden you felt a great release from your abdomen and saw as Joonmyun quickly got to work.You laid back down, held your breath and waited.There it was. Your childs first cry. You sat up and watched as Joonmyun took a towel to clean up your newborn daughter."What do i do, _____?""Okay, don't touch the cord. Push on the sides of her nose like this." you demonstrated on your own nose, running your fingers down each side. Joonmyun quickly followed instructions."Okay. Now lay her on my stomach and dry her off as much as you can.""Got it." You watched as Joonmyun placed your crying daughter on your belly. "Joonmyun, shes beautiful.""She's got your nose." you tried to examine the newborns face"You think so?" Joonmyun nodded as he kept working on cleaning your daughter."Hey." you grabbed his hands and looked in his eyes. There was a sense of relief and panic behind them at the same time. "Thank you. You did great.""I love you so much." he leaned forward and pecked your lips."I love you too. I'm going to try to get her to nurse." you gingerly held the newborn."Hey! Is anybody here!" you heard a voice coming from the hall."In here!" joonmyun called back. An EMT enetered the room and immediately got to work. Joonmyun realized you were naked from the waist down and quickly grabbed a sheet to cover you."Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Is everything okay? I see youvr already done most of the job for me.""Yes. You just missed the fun part." you joked."Does she have a name?" the young EMT asked."I think Winter fits, dont you?" Joonmyun asked. You modded in reply."Alright. Lets prep you and Winter for transport."
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been as active since I opened the box. Work, school, and other obligations kind of got in the way. The end of the semester is coming up, the holidays are upon us, and I'm in my best friends wedding so there's been a lot to do with that. I have to make 9 center pieces before tomorrow for her shower. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I have a 3 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow and I'm not driving so I should have something up. Sorry for those of you who have been waiting a while! I'll get my crap in gear here soon, I promise!
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lonestormwriting · 10 years
Procrastination Station & Following Spree!
Hey y'all. So I have a speech tomorrow and I need to write up my outline, but what am I doing instead? Why, Tumblr, of course!
I just thought I should let ya'll know that if this blog aint enough for you and you would like to find me on other social media, I am also on the Twitters. You should go follow me. I have funny thoughts and sometimes put them there. I also am not following enough people so hit me up!
Here is the link to my Twitter: @Ashton_Lake95
For the next 24 hours I will be follwing back e'rybody! Don't let the Disney facade fool you. I post things about Exo and other groups I stalk. I just happen to love Disney (specifically The Little Mermaid) a whole lot too.
So go follow me and have a great life!
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