turrondeluxe · 1 year
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Male werewolf (Rollo) x female character - Part Two (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. 
Here’s the third out of my batch of five commissions for you! I hope you enjoy it. It features my commissioner’s feisty girl Frost, and our gruff but sweet werewolf boy Rollo.
Contents: There’s a healthy dose of pining and idiots in love, with a bit of minor aggression from another party towards Frost, who handles it pretty easily, and some nsfw to finish, featuring knotting and claiming. Wordcount: 7048
Part One, in which they rescue a Lord Blackthorn’s prize stallion, and Frost makes a reluctant friend in doing so, can be found here (3rd person, sfw)
I had so much fun with this one, so thank you for letting me borrow your OC again, dear commissioner, who wished to remain anonymous again.
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“How long will you be away this time?” Livia asked with surprising clarity of diction, given the choke-hold in which Frost currently had her. “Gods dammit!” she laughed, tapping out. “How do you always get me in a head-lock so quickly?”
Frost snorted, glanced up, smirked, and with a calculated shove, released the nobleman’s daughter, sending her reeling across the dusty yard. Livia screeched and windmilled her arms in a vain attempt to avoid planting face-first in the dirt, but her staggering fall was broken by the quick reactions and strong arms of the russet werewolf whom Frost had seen coming over, and Livia had not.  
The blush on her friend and pupil’s cheeks was almost better than the way Levi’s ears swivelled back shyly and he set his employer’s daughter back on her feet with a mumbled apology and a dirty look at Frost.  
Frost cackled unapologetically, and cracked the tension from her neck. Across the other side of the yard, a grey-pelted werewolf was watching her with steady, golden eyes, and as their gazes met, he smiled a fraction and shook his head slowly. Even from that distance, she could tell that Rollo was amused by her antics, and was also trying not to show it.  
“Please try not to dump the lady in the dirt,” Levi said flatly.  
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Livia chuckled, patting her father’s guard on his huge bicep and making his tail wag inadvertently.
He stopped when he caught Frost’s eyes on it, and growled a fleeting warning to her as he stalked off to talk to his brother on the far side of the yard.
Oblivious, Livia turned to Frost and asked, “So? How long will this trip be? Your last job took you away for a month. Levi refused to help me with my training, and you said when you got back that I was worse than when we started!”  
This time Frost’s playful mood softened and she folded her arms, cocking a hip. “You know I only said that to tease you, right? You’re doing fine, Livia. Better than fine. I mean, you won’t be joining me to protect Miriam’s shipment this time, but you’re stronger and fitter than you were when all you were doing was needlework and wistfully staring at Levi’s broad shoulders and chest…”
Livia yipped and lunged at Frost, clapping her hand over the other young woman’s mouth and glaring at her. “Shut up!” she laughed. “By the Gods, don’t embarrass me any more today, alright? You’ve already made him have to catch me, for goodness’ sake.”
“Well, you are quite the catch, darling,” Frost purred, and Livia rolled her eyes. “And he loved it. Why do you think he had to leave so suddenly.”
“To talk to Rollo?”
Frost raised an eyebrow. 
“Stop deflecting,” Livia grumbled. “How long will you be gone?”
Frost shrugged. “It’s, what, a four day ride by horse and cart to Harrow Ridge?”
The young noblewoman gave a nod and started to brush down the smart riding trousers she wore whenever Frost was giving her a self-defence lesson.  
“So just over a week then, at a guess. Miriam’s paying me enough to stay the night in town after we’ve delivered her lace shipment, so once the horses have rested, I’ll come straight home. It’ll be a piece of cake, and you’ll barely miss me.”
Livia grinned, and they headed inside the main house for some refreshments.  
Of course, the best laid plans, and all that…  
Rollo, in his usual werewolf form, had seen her off after walking with her in companionable silence to the drider’s lace workshop. Their friendship had been slowly developing since the successful return of Lord Blackthorn’s prize stallion, Silver Shadow, but Rollo was still gruff and silent most of the time. Of course, after their adventures together, Frost knew that he wasn’t being actively hostile — that was just how he was. There was a steadying pull to his silent presence, and she found almost any excuse just to be near him these days, even if he was as hard to read as he ever had been. Still, he hadn’t sent her away, so she supposed that was a good sign.
With the two valuable crates of lace securely fastened to the small cart, and the two mules harnessed and ready, Frost swung up onto the back to sit with the cargo, and grinned at the driver to set off. Dangling her legs over the edge like a child, she waved at Rollo before he nodded once and turned away, his storm-grey tail dragging through the dust as he headed back to Lord Blackthorn’s fancy townhouse, and she left Linden Corner for the wide open countryside and the market town beyond.  
The driver didn’t say a word to her as they rumbled along the well-kept Queen’s Road to Harrow Ridge. Frost thought the small, wiry, taciturn faun was named ‘Sage’, but she had only met them once in all the weeks she’d been at the town, despite the fact that she’d been employed as an extra pair of hands by almost everyone at one point or another.  
They had dyed their long, curly hair a pale, lichen-green, and the entire length of both cervine ears were pierced with a series of gold rings, with another through their septum, and they had the most startlingly dark green eyes Frost had ever seen, but what their voice sounded like, she hardly knew. After the four days it took to reach the bustling town though, she finally worked out that they were simply extremely shy, which manifested in an awkward exterior, and a solitary career as a wagon driver for the village.
None of that bothered Frost, and she left them to their own devices while they travelled, though she quietly hoped the space would let them adjust to her presence. The weather held, the bandits stayed away, and she spent most of the ride staring up at the open autumn sky above, with the rattle of harness, the rumble of wheels, and the soft snorts of the mules for company.  
It was only once she reached the town that things went a little downhill.  
Frost should have heard the footsteps coming up behind her, and she should have reacted sooner, but she and Sage had finally managed to have an actual conversation as they made their way from the adjoined stables round to the inn, and she was tired and distracted.  
A gang of three surprised her and Sage, emerging from the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Two of them took Sage by the arms and dragged them back into the dark like a spider down a tunnel.  
“Where’s that fat sack of coin we saw you pocket earlier then?” a third man growled as he grabbed her and looped his thick forearm around her neck.  
A moment of blind panic shot through her before she made her body go limp and awkward and heavy until her boots hit the stone again, at which point she jabbed her elbow into his ribs and used her shoulder to flip the surprised and winded assailant over her shoulder onto the ground. He knocked himself out on the cobbles as he landed, and she sprang away, drawing her knives from her belt instead of her sword since the alley was narrow.  
The scrap didn’t last long, and it ended with one of the thugs bleeding from a cut on the thigh, crying for his mother with Frost’s blade at his quivering throat, and the other trussed up in their own scarf. Sage darted away to fetch the City Watch, and before too long they were explaining what had happened to a Watch Captain in plate armour.  
The centaur staring down at her with a stern expression nodded. She told her and Sage to be more careful, and then dragged the big man on the floor away by the scruff of his shirt, his back scraping on the flagstones of the street as she hauled him off to the clink with an orc and a minotaur handling the others.  
“You alright?” she asked Sage as the pair stepped shakily into the inn, and the faun nodded shyly.  
Word had apparently spread of the assault and of its outcome, because they were heralded as something akin to conquering heroes by the entire common room of the inn, much to Sage’s embarrassment and Frost’s amusement.  
“You should hear about the time I had to rescue a harpy from three rampaging boars, with nothing but a pot of honey and a small zither…” she muttered to Sage as they collected their free drinks and headed for a table in the corner. Sage’s eyebrows sailed high, but they grinned, and Frost realised she had made another friend from Linden Corner.  
It wasn’t until much later that the previously unseen bruise blossomed fully around Frost’s eye, and when she came down to breakfast the next morning, Sage gasped. She hadn’t known the wiry faun had it in them to fuss so spectacularly, but somehow they managed it. They didn’t let up until Frost informed them that she’d received far worse by accident from her rough-and-tumble, adoptive gnoll family.  
Still, Sage did let her ride up beside them on the way home, and when Miriam insisted she keep a little more coin than they’d agreed on for the inconvenience of the black eye and split lip, Frost didn’t argue. “My money was well spent on you, clearly,” the older drider said in a motherly tone that reminded Frost of her own adoptive mother’s.  
“Thank you,” she said, and pocketed the extra gold without further protestation.  
With the extra coin to spend, she could have gone to the inn, but Lord Blackthorn had let her keep a cot above the stables, in the section of the hayloft next to Rollo’s room, and she fancied a quiet, private evening to herself. She went to wash up in the kitchens of the townhouse first though, praying she wouldn’t see Livia just yet and have to explain to her pupil how her self-defence teacher got surprised in an alleyway by three common footpads.  
Combined with the contents of the small lock box under her bed, she also now had more money in her possession than she’d ever had in one go in her life, and thoughts of her family nagged at her.  
“I’ve got to go back and see them,” she muttered to herself as she left the kitchen by the side door after her bath, wet hair plaited and dangling down her front, while dusk pooled in the corners of the courtyard beyond and torches were just beginning to be lit in the town beyond.  
Her plans to be stealthy, naturally, were foiled when Rollo emerged from the stable block and stopped dead at the sight of her. As usual, he was in full shift, with his smoky grey fur rippling softly in the evening breezes. The little white highlights at the tips of his ears and the flashes of scarring over his muzzle and cheek were picked out like lines of lightning in the twilight. He stalked over like another of the shadows in the courtyard, looking relaxed and happy to see her again, but when he joined her, his lip curled and he growled, reaching for her face with his paw-like hand. His black claws pricked her skin and made it tingle.  
“What happened? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Rollo,” she snorted, pulling her face back however reluctantly. “Don’t get your tail in a twist.”
“Who did this to you?” he growled. “Who hurt you?”
The protective rumble in his voice went right through her, but Frost had to laugh. She waved her hand dismissively at him and rolled her eyes. “Some losers in Harrow Ridge who thought they could help themselves to Miriam’s coin,” she said. “Don’t worry, they’re all in irons now, and I doubt they’ll get off lightly. Gods, you should have seen the muscles on the centaur who dragged them away after I wrapped them up for her like Yule gifts.” A slight exaggeration of events, but still; she’d won.  
His soft growling filled the air again and looked up at him. The gruff wolf’s shoulders dropped and his growl turned into a pathetic little whine. “You're really alright?” he asked in a low rasp.  
Taking pity on him, she stepped close and boldly put her hand on his cheek. “Yes,” she breathed, letting him nuzzle her palm. He closed his bright gold eyes and his tail swept once across the dirt behind him in a quiet, relieved movement.  
“Good,” he rumbled. “That’s good.”
“You’re sweet to worry about me, Rollo.”
He stared at her for a long moment and went sad once more. “You’re not sticking around are you? You’re heading out again.”
She nodded. “Yeah. My family gave me everything when they took me in as a child, and I owe it to them to share my good luck with them,” she said, patting the coin purse on her belt.
Thoughtfully, he nodded. “I’ll go with you. I’ll have to clear it with his Lordship, but —”
“— no, Rollo. It’s fine. You could keep training Livia for me though.”
He raised his lip at that. “I’m not a nursemaid.”
“Good thing she’s not a child,” she fired back, laughing. “She doesn’t need to become the next leader of the Queensguard, Rollo. She just wants to feel like she’s not completely helpless. Plus, she wants to impress your brother a bit, and we all know he’s got a crush a mile wide on her. Help a pair of hopeless lovers out for me while I’m gone, would you?”
Something flashed in his eyes but he looked away before she could tell what it was. She thought he was going to argue more with her, but instead, he fell silent and subdued, nodded, and stalked off without a word, the tip of his tail dragging in the dirt of the stable yard.  
She didn’t see him again before she left.
Lord Blackthorn lent her one of his rangy old mares from the stables for the journey, but Rollo was nowhere to be seen when she went to collect the horse. She rubbed Silver Shadow’s nose as she passed, leading the bay mare out towards the sunny courtyard, and the stallion whickered at her, hoping for an apple. “Sorry, you spoilt little brat,” she laughed at him. “Any treats I’ve got are for Moss here.”
Moss, the scrawny bay mare, swished her tail and pretended like she wasn’t the least bit interested in any apples Frost may have had, but by lunchtime, the mare was reluctantly eating out of her hand, and Frost had made another friend.  
She spent a fortnight with her family, and definitely picked up a few more black eyes and bruises as she sparred and scrapped with her five brothers, though each blow dealt was accidental and was hardly serious.  
“Tell me about him, this werewolf ‘friend’ of yours,” her adoptive mother smiled one evening as she raked her clawed fingers through Frost’s hair while her daughter rested her head on her scarred thigh and stared into the flickering campfire flames in front of them. Her mother’s ears were ragged from her years of fighting to maintain her territory, and her muzzle bore more bite marks than almost the rest of the clan put together, but it had never hardened her heart. She listened while Frost reluctantly spilled her growing feelings for Rollo, speaking of their adventure through the woods to rescue the stallion, and when her younger brother — sitting cross-legged nearby and whittling a new amulet — heard her tale, he flicked an ear and listened too.  
She’d expected playful teasing from the gnolls about falling for a werewolf, but in the end, her family told her that if he was a good soul, then she should muster the courage to tell him how she felt. “If only it were that easy,” she muttered.  
Two weeks later, she hopped back onto the rangy mare and prepared to head back to Linden Corner.  
“Frosty, wait!” At the sound of her younger brother’s friendly yip, she rolled her eyes and turned in the saddle to look at him.  
“I hate that name and you know it,” she groused but he just giggled and bared his teeth at her in a shy smile.  
“I’ve got something for you,” he said, holding out a necklace in his paw. A delicately-carved, birchwood pendant dangled on a long leather cord, and as she leaned down to take it and turned it over in her fingers, she saw that it showed a pine tree with a stylised moon behind it. He’d carefully singed the wood black to make it stand out against the unmarred moon, and he’d found some green ink to dye the tree before sealing it and stringing it.  
She turned it over and over, and then looked down at him from the horse’s back with blurred vision. “You’re really good you know?” she croaked, and his big, round ears swivelled back against his head and he wagged his stumpy tail.  
“I wanted you to have it. To… To give to your werewolf,” he said shyly. “As a courting gift. Blessing from the family and all that…” he added in a mumble.  
Frost choked softly and hopped down from the saddle, flinging her arms around his neck. “Love you, you big softie,” she said into his fluffy mane.  
His arms closed around her and he held her tightly. “Love you too, sis,” he grinned. “Take care out there, alright?”
She nodded, mounted the horse for a second time, earning a soft snort and a flick of her tail in admonition, and with a final glance back over her shoulder to wave at her gathered family, she set out for Linden Corner again.  
This time when she rode into the stable yard after a long journey, it was bustling with people.  
Savi, the gnollish guard she’d first encountered on duty out the front of the house with Aster the enormous minotaur, let out a long, low whoop when she saw her, and it made something tug inside her at the family she’d just left behind. Rollo was nowhere to be seen, but his brother was training what looked like a new recruit in how to use a sword, and to her surprise, Livia stood beside him, following along with her own wooden practice sword.  
“Those two finally figure things out?” she asked in a whisper as Savi joined her and took the mare’s reins from her.  
Savi rolled her eyes and then giggled so loudly she had to clap her hand over her muzzle to shut herself up.  
“Took them long enough,” Frost smiled.  
Livia looked up halfway through one of the patterns and screeched with delight. Letting her practice sword fall to the earth with a clatter, she left the small class and raced over. She slammed into Frost, nearly knocking her over and ignoring Levi’s yelled ‘oi!’ to get her to come back. “We missed you!” she said, pulling back. “Welcome home.”
“I hear you had something to take your mind off my absence though,” she snorted pointedly, and Livia blushed a deep crimson as she shot Levi a look over her shoulder. His gaze was very deliberately not directed at her.  
“How can you have heard already?”
Frost nodded at Savi’s retreating back as the gnoll led Moss away to the stables for her.  
“She’s probably still annoyed that she didn’t win the betting pool on which one of us would make a move first. Well, I suppose she’s still in with a chance to win the one on you and Rollo, but —” her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my goodness, I wasn’t supposed to tell you about that!”
Frost halted. “Does Rollo know about it?” she asked first. “He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who’d take something like that too well.”
“Don’t think so,” Livia said.  
Levi came up behind her a moment later and casually put his hands on Livia’s shoulders. She leaned into him and Frost grinned. “Welcome back, Frost,” he said, and the conversation slid away from bets and wagers. “How was your family?”
“Well, thank you,” she smiled, looking around the yard and finding the absence of a certain dark grey werewolf disconcerting. “Your brother around?”  
“He’s moping in the hayloft,” Levi grinned. “If you head up now, you might catch him before he goes for his usual evening run. He’s been going further and further each time.”
There was a note to the older werewolf’s voice that sent a quiet chill through her. “Levi, is he alright?”
Levi huffed a laugh and nodded. “Yeah. He’s been moping around since you left; trying to tell himself he’s not worried about you out there in the world, all on your own…”
Frost rolled her eyes. “I arrived at this town on my own. How does he think I got here?”
“Not through your nice manners and pretty needlework,” Livia grinned and Frost lunged for her.  
To her pleasant surprise, Livia fought back well, though she was quickly overwhelmed. Right before she yielded though, Levi grabbed frost by the belt and yanked her back like a pup by the scruff of her neck. “Go find my brother and pull him out of his funk, and leave Livia alone.”
With a playful scowl, Frost nodded, but ducked into the stables first to check that Moss had been made comfortable. Savi was rubbing her nose and the mare was tolerating it politely. “Ah, you love it really, girl,” Frost grinned at the mare, who tossed her head but certainly didn’t object to the continuing attention.  
By contrast, Silver Shadow whickered warmly at her as Frost passed his stall, and she paused to scratch him between the eyes the way he liked. “Good boy,” she smiled, kissing his velvety muzzle. “I’ll see you later. Got other hellos to make first.”
The smooth rungs of the wooden ladder up to the hayloft felt familiar under her hands as she climbed, but instead of turning left to her own, small, partitioned-off section, she went right and knocked on the rustic door. The wall was hardly more than a series of vertical planks nailed to the beams above and the floor below, but it afforded a hint of privacy, and it was warm enough for a werewolf up here. Come full winter, she’d need more insulation, but for now, it was fine.  
“Rollo?” she called and pushed the door open.  
Curled on his bed, fast asleep with his nose under his tail, was Rollo. She drew up short, not ready at all for how sweet he looked, but she couldn’t help noticing the slant of his ears and the slight pinch to his brows. He didn’t look relaxed, even in sleep.  
His right ear twitched and he jerked his head up with a snarl, lifting his lip until he saw who was standing there and, rather comedically, froze. “Frost?” he breathed, getting up and swinging his legs off the bed before pausing with his hands on either side of his thighs. “You’re back.”
“Yeah,” she smiled. “I… uh… I just arrived. Listen,” no point beating about the bush, “I’ve got something for you… From my family. Well, from me, but my little brother carved it. I…” and with that, she marched over to the bed and tugged the leather cord off over her head, thrusting it out to him. The pendant dangled at the end of it, swinging back and forth, and for a long moment, Rollo just stared at it.  
Carefully, he took the warm pendant in clawed fingers that trembled slightly, and he turned it over to see the moon and pine tree.  
“I told them all about rescuing Silver Shadow from those bandits,” she mumbled, cheeks heating with awkward embarrassment. “I think it inspired him.”
It became apparent that he couldn’t wear it when he was a werewolf — the continuous length of cord wouldn’t fit over his head, let alone around his neck — so he nosed it once and then hung it reverently over the wooden post of his bed frame. “I’ll wear it when I’m human,” he said, though that was as rare as a blue moon, “And it can live there while I’m a wolf.”
She smiled. “Glad you like it. Listen, I should… I should go. I… I need to grab my things from Moss’ stall. I left my saddlebags with her stuff, and I should clean the tack, and I need a bath because I’ve been on the road for days and I literally slept in a bush last night, so… yeah. Anyway.”
“I’m glad you’re back safely,” he said once she’d stopped herself rambling, with his steady gaze locked on her face. “I’m glad you came back.”
From the doorway, she paused and looked at him. He’d actually doubted that she would return at all, she realised with a sudden crushing sensation in her chest. “Yeah,” she said, voice unexpectedly rough. “Me too.”
Three days later, her frustration with herself for not coming out with her true feelings for Rollo started to get the better of her.  
She snapped at Levi when he quipped in passing that she had been going easy on Livia’s training. “Alright then, tough-nuts,” she snarled, balling her fists and bristling. “Come on.”
He’d agreed to spar with her readily enough, but when she started to get too serious, his ears flattened and his eyes sharpened. His claws dug into the dirt of the stable yard and he had her on her back, winded, in under a minute.  
“Again!” she called, shoving herself upright and raising her fists. “Come on, Levi. Stop holding back.”
He shook his head. “No. You’re done, Frost. Go clean up.”
“What? Afraid I’ll make you eat a muzzle full of dirt this time?”
He rolled his eyes and darted at her, grabbing her around the middle and depositing her inelegantly onto her backside again. She sprang back to her feet immediately and swung wildly at him with a fist and a yell. This only gave him ample opportunity to grab her by her punching arm and simply tug her off her feet, using her own momentum against her. She fell face-first into the dirt with a disgruntled, bitten-off screech, but she knew she was bested.  
With another inarticulate snarl, she got up and slouched off across the yard, pausing by the water pump to clean herself up. She took a deep breath and then meandered more calmly into the stables to find Silver Shadow looking at her quizzically from his stall. He whickered gently, and she softened, heading over. He exhaled his warm, hay-sweet breath over her palms and then nodded his head when she moved up to stroke the whorl between his eyes, lifting his silvery forelock to one side.  
“I’m an idiot, Shadow,” she sighed.  
They stayed there a long time before he twitched back, ears flat, and eyes rolling. He gnashed his teeth and nickered a warning, and Frost laughed quietly. “There’s only one person he hates that much,” she said, turning to find Rollo standing well out of range of the stallion’s pincer-sharp teeth.  
“Mmhmm,” he agreed. He wasn’t looking at the horse though. “You alright?”
Exasperated, she rolled her eyes, folded her arms, and turned to lean her backside against the stable door, using Shadow for cover to keep Rollo out of range. Coward, she scolded herself. “Yeah.”
Rollo’s wolfy brows rose and she made another grunt of disgust. “Fine. Levi wouldn’t spar with me properly. I needed to blow off some steam, he was holding back, I goaded him into going more full-on, and he just tipped me into the dust. I got exactly what I deserved, but I just… I was annoyed with him for going easy on me to start with.”
“You do realise how strong a shifted werewolf is, don’t you?”
“I grew up with a whole clan of gnolls, Rollo. I’m not an idiot.”
“And yet you goaded a werewolf in full shift to fight you?”
“Shut up,” she snorted, unable to stop the good-natured laughter creeping into her voice.  
Rollo moved a pace closer, but Shadow wasn’t having any of it. The stallion lunged over the stable door at him, teeth bared and snapping, and Rollo snarled right back at him.  
“Stop it, both of you,” she said, stepping forwards and grabbing Rollo by the arm to pull him out of the stables. Over her shoulder, she pointed her finger at Shadow and said, “That was rude. No more treats for you.”
The horse looked unrepentant and glared at Rollo.  
“C’mon,” Rollo chuckled. “Walk with me?”
However much of a mess she was feeling, emotionally, she was unwilling to pass up the chance to spend time alone with Rollo, so she nodded and they headed through the back of the stable yard and out into a small copse that bordered the fields where the horses would be turned out during the day. Almost all the fiery autumn leaves had been whisked away by the strengthening winter winds, and the branches stood starkly against the deep blue of the evening sky like delicate, black lacework.
“I know…” Rollo began uncertainly as they wound leisurely down a path between the trees, “…I know you don’t seem to set much stock in your own wellbeing…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she laughed.  
He shrugged. “You’re not afraid of anything, it seems,” he said. His tone was somewhere between awestruck and anguished. “But you…” he sighed heavily and stopped walking. “Frost, it scared the shit out of me when you came back with that black eye.”
“Rollo, it was just a bruise. You should have seen the other guy!”
“What if he’d had a knife? What if —”
“Then I would have changed my fighting style. I’m not an idiot. I know how to handle myself.”
Rollo let out another rough exhale. “I know you do. I just…” He turned his smoky grey muzzle away. With his ears and tail down, and his hands clasped behind his back, he looked the picture of misery.  
“Rollo?” she murmured, stepping close to him and touching the soft pelt on his chest. It drifted through her fingers like campfire smoke and she splayed them wide, enjoying the warmth radiating off him in the chilly evening. Rollo gave a low rumble and she looked up to find his eyes closed. “Rollo?”
“Frost, I’ve… I’ve grown… fond of you. I’m not good at expressing myself, but… I don’t think I could bear it if something happened to you, and seeing you hurt — even a little bit — it spooked me. Left me… shaken.” And with that, he did look at her again. Somehow, despite being much taller than her, he managed to look at her through his lashes, and her heart swooped.  
“Rollo, what exactly are you saying?”
“I’m saying I care about you. A lot. More than I ever thought I would care for a human — for anyone. And the idea of something more serious happening to you… scares me. And I don’t know what to do with that.”
She slid her hand up through his fur to his face and cupped his jaw in her rough hand. Wolves obviously didn’t purr, but he rumbled something quiet and gentle and closed his eyes again, leaning into her touch like a cat all the same. He let out another shaky breath and didn’t open his eyes.  
“I didn’t know you felt that way about me, Rollo,” she said. “Savi’s going to have a field day. She’s got a betting pool on how long we’re going to keep dancing around each other or something.”
“You’re kidding?” he laughed, letting his eyes fall open and finding her face. “I’m going to have her running drills for a month for that.”
“I knew you’d hate it.”
“How come you knew about it and I didn't?” he chuckled, his shoulders dropping and the tension dissolving from his muscles.  
Frost grinned gnollishly and Rollo just stared at her.  
“You’re so fierce,” he whispered at last. “Gods, you’re so beautiful, and so fierce. Frost, I’d… I’d like to court you, but —”
She shook her head and his ears swivelled back so quickly she was surprised they didn’t fall off. “No, Rollo. I know what I want.” She paused, and stepped right up to him, gazing into his face while he stared down at her with his jaw slack with disbelief and his hands soft at his sides. “I want you.”
With that, he leaned down in a rush and scented her, rubbing his cheek against her neck and face with his soft fur, his hands going to her hips while he whimpered quietly and keened her name. “I’m yours,” he whispered, drawing back a little. “Come on,” he added, with an eye to the fading light and the way their breath fogged between them in the deepening dusk. “Let’s get back.”
He led her by the hand back to the grounds of the townhouse, and he followed her up the ladder and into his secluded part of the hayloft without a word. He closed the door behind them with a soft click and stared down at her, waiting like a hunter for a signal to move.  
She smiled up at him and crossed to his bed, undoing her belt as she went and slowly turning back to look at him. “Gods, look at you. You’re gorgeous, Rollo,” she laughed as she stared at him. “You could be quite intimidating you know? Standing in the doorway all menacing like that…”
A long, low, rumbling growl rippled across the room from him and she grinned at him.  
“Oh, I love that sound,” she smiled, eyes flashing. She lifted her top over her head, her long plait swinging down her back, and undid the simple bindings that held her chest during the day. Only after she began to unlace her green buckskin leggings and lever off her boots did Rollo move.  
He dropped to all fours and paced across the bare floorboards to her, and as she let the very last of her smallclothes hit the ground, he took her hips in his hands and nosed between her legs. His tongue laved over her sex and she bucked, shivering. “Rollo,” she breathed, hardly daring to believe it was finally happening after all those months of looking and wondering and fantasising…  
After tasting her again with the tip of his tongue just once more, Rollo reared up to his full height again, hands still on her hips.  
For a long moment, he just stared at her, pupils blown huge, tongue just beginning to loll, shiny with drool as he started to pant, and she glanced down his body to see the red tip of his cock starting to show through the soft fur. “I want you,” he growled, still waiting for her cue.
“I’m yours,” she echoed back at him and he finally acted on it.  
He began to scent mark her neck and collarbones and cheek again, first slowly and then with growing urgency until he was rocking his cock against her hips as well. Then he began to snarl and mouth at her neck, raking his teeth across her pulse and laving his tongue along her throat. She shuddered and went slack in his grip, letting him hold her up in his arms, her spine bending backwards like a willow towards the river.  
Rollo couldn’t stop growling, the vibrations of it rumbling through her as he moved his cold nose and hot mouth to her breasts and began to curl his tongue around her budding nipples, finally taking them between his front teeth and tweaking her hard enough to make her jerk and gasp against him.  
“Rollo, please…” she grunted. He still had hold of her hips, so she simply lifted her legs and latched them around his waist, just above his tail. At that, he snapped his teeth with a groan and laid her down on the bed behind her. She did not unclasp her legs from around him.  
He locked his jaws right around her throat, pinning her in place for a moment. Her hands scrabbled at his chest as she gasped in pleasure, and Rollo loomed over her with his tail high behind, his hips still rocking against her. His slick, hot tip nudged against her entrance and she moaned, spreading her legs further for him. “Yes…”
“You’re so wet,” he grunted, pushing back and putting his palms on her thighs to stare openly at her. “So beautiful. Can I use my mouth on you?”
Mutely, she nodded, and nearly passed out at the sight of him disappearing between her legs and licking his tongue in a searing hot strip across her sensitive, wet folds, upper teeth resting on her mound. She felt almost devoured by him. Now, he took his time with her clit, working her into a shaking, shivering, begging mess until she arched her back and almost screamed his name in frustration. “Rollo please, I need… I need you… All of you.”
His lips lifted into a beautiful snarl, and then he finally — blissfully, tantalisingly — lined himself up with her. And then the bastard halted again. “Are you sure?”
“Gods yes,” she yowled. “Rollo, if I don’t have you inside me right now, I swear I’ll —”
He didn't give her the chance to finish that, sheathing himself inside her with a slow but unyielding thrust.  
Frost had never felt so full, and she grabbed onto his shoulders, breathing hard while he let her adjust to the sheer size of him all the way inside her. “Alright?” he asked, his voice making him sound wrecked already. He was shaking all over from the effort of holding himself back.  
“Yes,” she said, relaxing and looking up at him. “Gods yes…” she said with a smile when she met his eyes. “Look at you… I’m good. You can move. Please move?”
He laughed softly and then rocked his hips and she let out a long, broken mewl.  
“Gods you’re so tight, Frost,” he said, leaning forward after a few long, deep strokes to brace his weight on his left hand and letting the other close around her exposed breast. His claws pricked her skin and she bucked, clenching around him until he growled again and didn’t stop. His teeth closed on her collarbone as he picked up his pace, drool sliding down his tongue and over her skin as he marked her, snarling his pleasure as he fucked into her over and over without releasing his jaws from her shoulder.  
“Gods, Rollo,” she panted as he sped up, thrusting deep inside her with calculated force. “I’m close. I’m going to come.”
The werewolf didn’t have words any more, and she felt what was unmistakably his knot swelling inside her. He wasn’t able to pull all the way out any longer with each stroke, and he began to whine behind the continuous growling.  
“Shh, I want it,” she crooned, stroking his fur and making him whimper and shake. “I want you to knot me. Gods that’s big,” she grunted. “You’re so big. You feel so good…. that feels so good. Your knot feels so good…” she babbled senselessly.  
Heat crescendoed in her muscles as he swelled, her core tightening to a white hot furnace, and she began to lose track of herself as she bucked upwards into him, taking his knot as deep as she could. The bed rocked beneath them as he still tried to thrust, but he was tied to her now.  
Without warning, his relentless rhythm faltered and he flung his head back, arching his spine and emptying himself into her with a howl that no one would ever let them live down. In that moment though, tied to him as he filled her, he then claimed her as his own with his cock buried inside her and his teeth around her neck, gripping her tightly without breaking the skin.
Her vision whited out as she came around his huge knot while he was still coming inside her, and he shook with the intense pleasure of it all until finally he collapsed on top of her, breathing hard. When she grunted, a little sore and almost mindlessly full, he rolled sideways and dragged her with him, holding her carefully.  
He opened his eyes at last and his gaze drifted down to the marks he’d left all over her neck and shoulders. He looked horrified for a long moment until she laughed and brought her fingers weakly up to run them over the tender bruises.  
“Yours,” she smiled dazedly up at him.  
“Yours,” he mirrored, licking the tip of his tongue sweetly over them. “Did I hurt you? I didn’t plan to knot you… I haven’t… had one in a—”
She shook her head and kissed the tip of his scarred nose to silence him before she burrowed into the paler fur of his chest. “No, you didn’t hurt me. It was perfect. I won’t be able to walk properly for a week, but I don’t mind right now.”
With a soft, doting chuckle, he tugged her somehow even closer and cradled the back of her head with one paw-like hand. “I probably should have been in my human form for our first time,” he mused.  
“When have I ever gone about things the easy way, Rollo?”
“True,” he said and nuzzled his nose into her hair. “Gods I love you.”
She squeezed his ribs until he wheezed, and then, just because she could and she was curious, she clenched her inner muscles around his over-sensitive knot and he whined, snapping his jaws in a gentle rebuke.  
“You're courting trouble with that, Frost,” he growled without bite.
Naturally, she did it again.
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kinsbin · 6 years
Theme Parks and Fireworks
Title: Theme Parks and Fireworks Ship: Alexys/John Doe [Joker] [Self Insert/Canon] Word Count: 2595 Summary: John is determined to take Alexys out on a fun, romantic date. And what better place to do so then an amusement park? Rollercoasters, ice cream, and games...It sounds like the ideal date, but, will she think so?
A/N: A commission for @bad-blue-moon-rising! Sometimes you just need a classic carnival date with ur bf man.
Alexys gazed around the open area, the tips of her toes straining under her weight as she searched desperately for the man she was supposed to meet. While the late night and the weekday date kept the majority of amusement park goers at bay, there was no denying that it was still busy. Couples bustled around her, the chattering of their teeth combined with the echo of theme-park music playing high over speakers around her made her feel trapped despite being out in the open. Anxiety welled and lowered every so often as nerves and excitement combined into the perfect cacophony on the inside of her heart.
It was the first time that John had suggested they go out together on a date in public. Rather, it wasn’t the first time he suggested it. He had suggested it many, many times at a constant rate as they lay together in the safety of either her apartment or his home, fingers entwined while they rested on one another’s shoulders. One thing or another kept coming up to stop them from doing so, of course. A crime scene had John lay low. Work kept Alexys busy, or Bruce Wayne had a particularly free day to spend with his best friend...There was always an excused that felt heavy in their hearts as it kept them from doing things they said that they longed to do with each other.
This weekend, of course, was different. This weekend...they were both free.
Unable to choose the place to go, they had literally filled a small bowl up with scraps of paper and shook it up. John said it would be fun to allow chance to take them wherever it wanted them to go. It was only after she pulled out the note that said ‘amusement park’ that he revealed to her that, in fact, just about all of them had said ‘amusement park’. “I really wanted to go to an amusement park,” Was John’s subtle argument that had Alexys giggling with delight at how sheepishly adorable it all was. Her laughter brightened him up as he leaned forward to find her lips, kissing them as they began to plan their day out.
And now there she was, standing nervously as she waited for John to join her. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, she second guessed it all with terror in her mind, maybe they had out to reschedule it for another day. There were still so many people, maybe he got lost. Maybe he-
A familiar voiced sung her name out with complete adoration. Alexys followed its tone with her eyes, wide and hopeful as she picked out a waving hand through the crowd. She felt her own smile grow in relief upon her lips as she pushed through as politely as she could to get to the man reaching for her. John, on the opposite end of the spectrum, seemed to have no qualms with powering through whoever dared get in his way in an effort to make it towards Alexys.
When they were united, he gripped at her hips and brought her into a kiss, lips forming into smiles as they both laughed while John twirled her around and off of her feet. Her hands, in turn, found their way around John’s neck and held on tight as he swept her up in his greeting. He loved hearing the muffle of her laughter as he kissed her. Feeling the smile on Alexys’ lips as he surprised her was, by far, the greatest thing he had ever felt in his life. John could feel his heart beating ten times faster in his chest than he had thought physically possible. God, was this what being in love felt like? It only made him want to smile more. To make HER smile more as he finally put her down and held her hands to his own chest, eyes twinkling with excitement at the stimulation the world around them provided.
“Sorry I was late,” He informed while simultaneously gazing around at the park before him, “Traffic was absolutely horrible! There was this guy on the freeway and an overthrown pizza cart, it was a nightmare-Oh my god is that a rollercoaster with two loops?!”
Alexys whipped her head around, eyes wide with shock at the sudden change of conversation. Sure enough, the park’s major attraction shone in view of the colorful lights slowly beginning to shine on, enhancing the already mystical feeling of the world they were in. The screams of those riding it could be heard from where they stood, the ground shaking as nearby roller coasters flew by the both of them with practiced, mechanical ease. Alexys could feel her heart thump in the center of her throat, nerves and excitement overwhelming her senses as she looked back at John. She grinned and him and he grinned back, the decision in their minds clear as their thoughts seemed to harmonize together in the base of their stems.
Oh they were getting on that coaster.
The journey to it, of course, would take them all across the park. Alexys was not against stopping at every colorful game and miniature ride that caught their attention and John, oh, John welcomed it. Though their shared goal remained the daunting coaster inching its way closer to them with each and every step, it was easy to drown yourself in the colorful booths that people hyped up. The prizes and the park’s lights were easy to disappear into with every passing moment.
A hand touched at her shoulder, pausing her movements in favor of turning to face her date. John’s eyes were fixated on something else, his gaze locked hard on something far to the side of their original route. She followed his gaze carefully, watching as it lead up to one of the more traditional carnival games in the area. The smiling clown faces winked brightly back at the both of them, animatronic giggles echoing against it as they hummed along to carnival music. Children and adults alike aimed water guns into the center of their faces, the fastest ones filling up the balloons over their head until they burst with water, spraying down near the carnie manager, who laughed and declared the winner.
His eyes tore away to stare at Alexys, the single pleading word in his eyes that she saw with such clearness it almost made her smile with adoration at just how sweet it was for him to ask the permission:
“We GOTTA try it.” Was her only response.
John laughed, his grin returning two-fold as his hand moved to grip at her own. Alexys smiled, fingers entwined together with his  as the two tugged one another gently along. They arrived in record time, each step feeling like two with the way John chose to jump and move as eagerly as he did. The wonder he found in a world that always felt like it was going to disappear warmed Alexys’ heart. She felt her stomach churn with butterflies and love as she watched him practically dive into the seat of one of the booths, ordering two tries for her and him with a smile so wide it practically stretched his face. Alexys jumped into the seat at her side just in time to witness the face of the booth manager contorted in the stereotypical teenage eye roll that signaled they simply weren’t paid enough to complain about any of this.
“If I win,” John hummed playfully, “You need to buy us ice cream, okay?”
“You mean if I win,” Alexys challenged back with a laugh, “You buy us ice cream AND I get to keep the cool stuffed animal we get.”
“In your dreams,” John snorted, shutting one eye and sticking his tongue out comedically, “I am a trained marksman. A creature of perfect aim. There’s no way you could beat me at my own home game...It was meant for me.”
HIs dramatic money was put where his mouth was when the game started, the balloons filling and filling with endless fuel until at last one burst form the seams. Alexys gasped as water was sprayed down on her, the buzzer above her head signaling her the winner. John gasped, but the look of shock morphed into a laugh and grin as he clapped for her, the prize of one large stuffed bear being handed down in her fingertips. Over the stuffed animal, Alexys grinned wide at her partner.
“What was that about winning again, expert marksman sir?”
“Clearly I’m out of practice,” John huffed dramatically, hand over his heart as he puffed out his chest, “Green Arrow who? I would have won that if your beauty hadn’t distracted me.”
A blush coated her face and Alexys wheezed, hiding her face in the bear’s soft purple fur as John laughed at her reaction, reaching out to stroke her hair with a kiss to her temple. “How about some ice cream to cool that cute face down?”
“Chocolate with extra sprinkles.” Alexys declared in a mumble, using the fur to continue hiding her smile. John saw it anyways, though, and smiled back.
A bought of ice cream altar and the two were walking hand in hand, cones held between grips of their free ones and the bear Alexys had one was huddled between them as she tried to eat her ice cream over it’s massive amalgamation of fur. He couldn’t help but admire how adorable she was, tucked together in his hand with ice cream and a prize almost as big as she was. His face heated up to immeasurable heat as he observed her, grin breaking on his lips as he sighed dreamily at the way she brushed some of her hair out of her face so she could enjoy the ice cream more.
God, he really was in love wasn’t he?
“Oh! John look!” Alexys’ eyes widened and her mouth split into a grin as she pointed down at the massive roller coaster they had initially seen upon their arrival, “It’s there! And the line is short, we have to try it!”
In response, John’s eyes widened with delight as well. Finishing their ice creams as fast as they could, the two made their way to the rollercoaster. Sure enough, they were put on in the next batch of riders, shoes and bear placed in a small and nondescript cubby that the security team kept on the sides for unallowed objects. The strap was put over their bodies, locked in place with a mechanical clicking noise before the announcement of safety blared monotonously over the edge of the speakers around them.
When the ride finally began moving, the lurch in Alexys’ stomach as full fledged and shocking. Her eyes widened as she realized what they were doing. Where they were going. What felt fun in theory was now unnerving in practice to say the least. Her breath quickened as they moved higher and higher, her grip tightening on the ride’s safety bar as she swallowed and looked around. The top was inching closer and, with it, the view of the entire park was breathtaking. Visible from end to end, it shone under them like an ocean of lights and sounds, making everything seem so small compared to where they were.
A hand found hers once again, fingers gripping her own. Alexys turned to face John with wide eyes. He was smiling at her. As the wind whipped against his messy hair, he gazed with such adoration that it almost...surprised her. How could he look so calm when they were so high up? How could he look at her like that? Before she could ask more questions to him in panic, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips, slow and sweet. It tasted like vanilla ice cream and rainbow sprinkles, same as his ice cream order a moment after.
“You look so cute,” He murmured with a grin, “On the top of a roller coaster. I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love.”
There was a moment where she considered getting the words out in return, a smile or giggle...Instead the rollercoaster tipped forward and her stomach went with it, drowning in screaming and laughter as the ride took over both of their senses. Twists and turns lurched them back and forth, filling their minds with adrenaline as both found the courage to wave their hands high above their heads, cheering as the loops sent them careening through the air. Alexys felt the blood in her cheeks as she laughed, bright and excited. Airy and delightful.
The ride came to a halt. Getting out of it was a more dizzying task than not, the both of them stumbling over one another through fits of giggles and light banter as they hugged one another through the exit, bear and shoes back in hand as they escaped the thralls of the park for a moment in favor of sitting down to organize themselves again.
“That was,” Alexys breathed as she tried to find the words through her smile, “intense! And fun, I was so terrified but it was so worth it.”
“Sometimes you need a little adrenaline rush,” John returned, leaning his shoulder on hers with a heavy sigh. She leaned back, eyes shutting for a moment to enjoy the warmth of his form at her side. He was so soft...so kind...and to kiss her on the top of a rollercoaster? It made her smile remembering it.
“Oh, Alexys, look!”
Her eyes opened in time to catch the explosions of light dancing across the sky as the late night fireworks show of the park began to unfold. Each rocket bathed them in several different colors upon their dissipation. She felt her jaw drop in awe at the shapes and sights they created before her eyes. Each display made her stomach clench with delight. Her eyes trailing from the light to the man at her side, she felt her face heat up to see John staring at her. His lips were parted in an awed smile, his eyes narrowed at her in a careful glance.
“Thank-you,” He smiled with sincerity, “For doing this with me...I can’t imagine anyone else I’d want to go on a date like this with.”
Date...though they didn’t use the word out loud, its sudden appearance made Alexys smile with approval. How wonderful it was to have that man to herself...to have that laughter and that sincerity all to her.
Leaning forward, she placed a kiss on his lips. He returned the kiss with equal excitement, their hearts pouring into one another as they shared the moment under the fireworks, the sparks of the world above matching what they felt between one another. It felt like the pieces of a puzzle falling. It felt like the end of a perfect night.
When John pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers. The two sat like that for a while, smiles bright on their faces as he held her hand in his own, bringing it up to kiss her knuckles while taking in a deep breath and sighing gently.
“I love you,” He murmured, “More than rollercoasters and ice cream, I love you Alexys.”
Alexys giggled at the comparison, moving forward to peck his cheek.
“And I love you too.”
To their proclamations, a chorus of fireworks exploded as the grand finale of the park’s last showing.
An explosive end to a perfect night.
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