cobaltfluff · 1 year
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Arcana Ahri papercraft I made for a friend’s birthday
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kiss4kazu · 4 years
Hi! could I request some headcanons for what kissing Ashe and Dimitri (Felix too if thats not too much if not its fine) would be like for the first time?
☆ first time kisses with ashe, dimitri, felix 
↳ ashe babie boy 
although ashe is really innocent and pure i think he’s easily one of the most romantic in blue lions and would really go above and beyond always for the person he loves. 
i know a lot of people probably see ashe as someone being too reluctant and nervous to actually ever make a move first but i think if he really liked someone, he’d be extremely obvious about it, blushing like crazy, a stuttering mess, etc and after enough pep talks from sylvain he’d finally make a move to ask u out on a date and it would be an absolute wreck.
would literally put together something so fckin cheesy n corny but in the most adorably ashe way that it makes you want to punch him from being so precious
like a cute picnic or something by a lake and he’d make cute little cakes with some help from annette and it would just be so pure. 
he’d rehearse how he’s going to confess in his head like a million times but when the moment actually comes it ends up just being a jumbled up mess filled with “ums” and he’d try to stick to the script him and sylvain came up with and get out a “y-you’re r-really… u-uh… p-pretty..” but then he’d fuck it all up by saying something weird n dorky like “a-and you s-smell really nice… w-wait that’s weird i’m sorry-” and you’d just hold back ur laughter, ur heart swelling with so so much affection for him. 
ofc he’d ask for permission to kiss you, cheeks crimson and his eyes looking up at yours like tht one starry eyed emoji. you’d give him a vocal response, since he rly needs that reassurance. no stutters just “of course ashe” and he’d smile so so big and then just swoop down totally uncoordinated. 
would probs miss your lips and have to readjust. 
kissing ashe for the first time would be … messy. he’s not experienced at all, and doesn’t know what to do with his hands and he’d honestly be a dead fish for a good few moments. but as you ease him more into the kiss, he’d loosen up a bit, tilt his head and just stop overthinking. his lips would be really warm and would taste so sweet from the cake and he’d smile so hard into the kiss that your teeth end up bumping into each other and you’d pull away laughing
ashe kisses are the best honestly the butterflies fireworks the whole shebang yknow. 
as he gets more confident he’d probably try out a few things he’s seen in books like slipping his tongue in and would be completely taken aback by just how nice it feels. would probably whine into the kiss, cradle your face in his hands, and once you guys pull apart for some air he’d just breathe heavily against your lips with the dopiest smile on his face :( <3 
he’d be rly slap happy after kissing you for the first time and would probably tackle u onto the picnic blanket laughing from happiness kissing your face everywhere and showering you in compliments, shoving his face into ur neck and just breathing in ur scent. 
he’s very clingy ok. 
↳ dimi !!
whew. ok so we’re gonna do academy phase dimi since feral dimi is uh… probs not sfw & violent skjdfjslkjfd  
academy phase dimi knows NOTHING about kissing n he has 0 experience so it takes him forever n a day to finally get the balls to kiss u and when he does … whew. 
i can imagine kissing dimi to be during like , a deep convo or something late at night, when he’s having trouble sleeping or something and ur just running ur fingers through his hair, listening to him as he vents and admiring the sound of his voice bc he’s always more talkative at the dead of night when he’s sleep deprived. 
he’d just look at u so so lovingly and it would be suffocating and ur just staring at his lips but u know ur probs way in over ur head bc uh he’s the future king of faerghus 
but then he’d ask for permission too like ashe tbh bc he’s just polite like tht and has too good mannerisms 
plus he cares a lot about your comfort and would never want to make u feel unsafe or uncomfy especially by his doing
and you would nod with quickness n he’d waste not a second to connect ur lips 
kissing dimi is like a trance tbh, type of kiss that feels like something in u is short-circuiting 
literally the type of kiss that makes ur knees buckle u know the ones. 
he’s a rly rly good kisser n it makes no sense bc he’s literally never kissed anyone before in his life n it kind of makes u mad bc why is he perfect 
a rly rly passionate kisser and he can be kind of rougher than he intends to bc he’s not good with fragile things 
clearly v dominant in the kiss, one hand with an iron grip on ur hip the other tangled up behind ur neck, gripping ur hair. after a while gets reluctant and starts to overthink things and pulls away apologizing for being too rough
you’d probs have to reassure him a million times tht its okay dimi ur not hurting me!! 
he’s rly touch starved tbh so he always tends to take pecks into full-blown makeout sessions or when he intends to just kiss ur forehead he ends up kissing ur cheeks too, ur jaw, down ur neck just riling himself up tbh and then he finally  looks up at u with his eyes all dark n ur just like … here we go
did i mention he groans a lot during kisses bc he does 
dimi’s other sides shining through when his emotions overwhelm him is just .. dimitri 101. 
he’s rough, seemingly an expert at this shit, his tongue shoving past your lips and completely taking u off guard. he’d literally kiss you so hard your head would spin and he’d do it all with a blush on his face bc he’s still a shy babie.  as soon as the moment is over he’s back to stuttering n being all awkward boyish prince. 
he’s also the type to shower u in compliments between kisses.
kisses lips “you’re so gorgeous” smooches neck “so amazing” kisses jaw “goddess i love you” 
im scream crying
↳ felix too bc WHY NOT ! i love him 
this little fucker kisses the life out of people u heard it here first folks. 
he’s 100% a heat of the moment type of kisser. it could go two ways tbh. like if you got hurt or something on his behalf he’d scream at you with glossy eyes for a good 5 minutes and then just stare at you all >:( and then he’d just grab you and  kiss the fuck out of you.
probably the most passionate kisser out of the three, he kisses to the point where u can’t feel ur toes and stuff he’d just completely indulge without any fucks given bc he almost lost you and he’s not good with explaining his emotions so hopefully this helps you understand. 
the other way i can see a first kiss going down with felix is more.. vulnerable, despite his hard exterior. he is rough and mean but it’s not bc he’s genuinely a bad person he just has walls built up so high tht its impossible for anyone to rly climb over 
to get a kiss from lix, u definitely have to have climbed over tht wall of his, or just fly a wrecking ball through it n send it crumbling to the ground
you’re literally the only exception, the only person who can rly get through to him 
he’d probably turn to you for comfort a lot, when dimitri agitates him with memories of glenn or his dad says something that ticks him off and he wants to punch something he’d just go to you instead, knock on ur door and just waltz in like he owns the place, sitting down on ur bed and u would know he wants cuddles bc this is how felix communicates 
if he had to actually say “i want cuddles” out loud he’d probably shoot himself in the foot with an arrow so he’s glad u understand, u always understand him just by looking at him n it’s reassuring bc he’s never been good with words.
its kind of cringe to him that he likes being held but shocker he likes being held 
he also rly rly likes it when u play with his hair he’s like a cat he will literally start nuzzling into you, so warm and pliant to your touch
ok im getting distracted back to the kissing shit
felix would probably just be rly overwhelmed with emotions n he doesn’t rly know how to tell u “i like u” so he just says “im going to kiss you.” like a literal statement n then he does it n ur just like o-o bc wtf. 
if ur not responsive at first he’d just pull away after a while and wouldn’t meet eyes with u and be all blushy. 
would let out a tch like the little shit that he is, and u have to turn his face so he’s properly looking at u again and meeting eyes with u 
he looks so vulnerable and stupidly gorgeous so u kiss him this time so he knows the feeling is mutual and it’d take him a min to really gather whats happening but once he does he’d literally. suck. the. life. out. of. your. face. period. 
felix kisses r rough n messy n just completely self-indulgent and he groans shamelessly when u pull his hair tie out from his bun and tug at his hair yes i have a thing for felix’s hair leave me alone.
gives 0 fucks would literally shove his tongue down your throat pull you flush against him and he always calls sylvain insatiable but rly its this fucker who’s insatiable he is literally eating your face. 
you’d have to pull him away from you and he’d just pant so hard against your lips and look at you like he wants to devour you and its kind of overwhelming bc he’s fucking hot !!!!! 
would shove his face into ur neck and mumble out an “i like you”  and u would tease him n be like “what did you say i cant hear u?” and he’d elbow u in the ribs  and groan into ur neck and u would laugh n kiss his head, telling him u like him too
at tht he’d lift his head up, his hair falling over his amber eyes and u would just push the strands away from his face and kiss him softly one last time before going back 2 ur conversation about punching sylvain’s face or sumn
anyway i love felix thanks 4 coming to my ted talk. 
requests are open! <3
- vivi ★
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jungshookz · 5 years
so in love [valentine’s day 2019]
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→ summary: a series of valentine’s day themed drabbles featuring some of your favourite boys.
→ genre: a HEAPING amount of fluff (approach with caution) and a cheeky sprinkling of nsfw 
→ wordcount: i don’t fckin know just enjoY the drabbles gosh darn it 
→ note: i’m sorry that i couldn’t include all of the boys in the drabbles but my dang fingers probably would’ve fallen off if i did! also i,.., tried making a fic header for a first time but i’m not sure if it looks good or not?? lmao anyways happy valentine’s day!
(gifs aren’t mine!) 
(((and the read more function iS there so if it doesn’t work for some reason i am sorry don’t attack me)))
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“what are you doing out of bed?? that totally just ruins the whole romantic breakfast in bed thing” you perk up when you notice yoongi step into the bedroom
“hbrushingn my teef” you murmur through a mouthful of toothpaste before bending down and spitting into the sink
you rinse quickly and wipe your mouth with the hand towel before stepping out of the bathroom and taking a look-see as to what your husband’s done for you this fine morning
“happy valentine’s day” you grin as yoongi purses his lips
you lean forward and give him a smooch
“now get bAck in bed so i can do this properly”
you hop back into bed and pull the covers up
you’re practically vibrating with excitement because a) you weren’t expecting breakfast in bed and b) you’re hunGRY
“heart-shaped pancakes. i never thought i’d live to see the day when min yoongi made heart shaped pancakes.” you tease as yoongi places the tray over your legs carefully
yoongi holds a finger up “chocolate chip heart-shaped pancakes, thank u very much”
now thAT gets you more hyped
there’s a single rose in a small vase in the upper corner
your plate in the middle holding a stack of heart-shaped pancakes (it took waY too much effort and he’s never going to do it again) ((just kidding he’s probably going to do it again)) and even the slab of butter’s been shaped into a tiny heart
a glass of chocolate milk in the other corner
all of your favouRITES
“i just realised i forgot to bring the utensils.” yoongi frowns
you grab onto his wrist before he can leave “it’s okay! i can use my hands”
“y/n, you’re not a child- oh, okay, you’re already using your hands”
“come n sit!!” you pat yoongi’s side of the bed and he sits down and crosses his legs as he faces you “thank you for breakfast!! happy valentine’s day i love u” you beam and lean over a bit to give yoongi another kiss
“happy valentine’s day. love you more.” yoongi mutters fondly and reaches over to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear
you rip a chunk of the pancake off and pop it into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
an exclamation mark appears at the top of your head
“this is so good” you hum happily before instinctively wiping your sticky fingers on your shirt
maybe breakfast in bed wasn’t such a good idea
“you better not get any syrup on the bedsheets” yoongi warns and you raise a brow before holding your sticky fingers out and wiggling them in his face
he scowls playfully and smacks your hands away before scooting closer to you
“here, i’ll feed you” he rips a heart in half and folds it in half so that he’s not touching the syrup and he holds it up for you
you wrap your fingers around his wrist as you take it into your mouth and yoongi whines in complaint “how’d you get your fingers so sticky so quickly??”
“it’s a natural talent” you swallow the bite and yoongi reaches over to wipe a droplet of syrup away from the corner of your mouth with his thumb
he swallows thickly when you take his thumb into your mouth and proceed to suck the syrup off with a happy hum
that shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did
and it also shouldn’t have turned yoU on as much as it did
within a couple of seconds the pancakes have been abandoned and yoongi’s on top of you with his lips pressing hot kisses on your neck
your fingers curl around the cotton material of his shirt as he slides his hand under your thigh and pulls it up to rest against his side
“god, yoongi…” you breathe out and yoongi groans when you roll your hips riGht into his crotch
you’re so soft and warm and yoongi wants all of you right now
he has a finger hooked in the waistband of your panties and your hands are starting to push his briefs down and-
the two of you freeze when the baby monitor sitting on the bedside counter crackles to life and hwayoung’s cries start filling up the space of the bedroom
you both turn to look at it
yoongi lets out a quiet groan before tucking his face into the crook of your neck “so close…”
you can’t help but laugh before patting his back gently “c’mon, you. duty calls!!”
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jimin loves you with his whole ass heart already
so when he discovers that there’s a whole dAY dedicated to smothering the person you love with moRE love??? 
bitch??? he is HERE for that
“iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouoUoUOUoUoUOU!!!!!!!!!!” jimin murmurs into the crook of your neck as his fingers tickle your sides
this morning the bedroom is fiLLEd with the sound of you laughing (with the occasional snort thrown in there) and jimin continuously confessing his undying love for you
“jimi- oh goD you have to stop-!” you’re howling with laughter and there are tears prickling at your eyes
it tickles so much to the point that your entire body is starting to huRt
“alright, alriGht” he decides to cut it out to give you a chance to breathE and flops down on his back next to you
he’s out of breath too “can’t have you dying on me on valentine’s day”
“touché” you prop yourself up on your elbow before shifting closer and snuggling up to him
jimin pulls the covers up and wraps an arm around your waist  
his fingers are tracing patterns on your bare thigh absentmindedly “so what else do people do to celebrate valentine’s day?”
“well, we can do plenty of things. we can laze around in bed all day-“
“i like that option”
“we can do… other things in bed”
jimin stops tracing patterns on your thigh and you can hear the smirk in his voice
“that option doesn’t sound half bad either” he murmurs and his finger trails up your thigh slowly
you scowl and smack his hand gently before propping yourself up on your elbow again
“but we can always start off with breakfast in bed first! how do strawberry waffles sound?”
jimin perks up and you two move on quickly from the obvious fact that later tonight y’all are probably going to break the damn bed
“ah- i like the sound of that too!!”
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you’ve never been a fan of romcoms
all those cheesy cliché heart fluttering moments just don’T get to you
if someone stood on your front lawn blasting music from a boombox confessing their love for you you’d tell them to get the hell off your lawn and then you’d turn the sprinklers on
if someone chaSed after you in the airport to stop you from getting on that flight to new york city because i love you you’d scoff and purposely maintain eye contact with them as you scanned your ticket and walked through the gates
and kissing in the rain?? sounds like a monTH of eating nothing but chicken noodle soup and chugging down bottles of cough medicine
AND you hate that the prices of flowers just inflate dramatically when valentine’s day rolls around
why would you waste good money on some weeds that are just going to die in a couple of days??
you get the point
it’s a well known faCT that you have a heart of pure steel and jungkook takes pride in knowing that he’s the only one who’s able to melt all that cold steel away
hehe :~)
“a caramel macchiato for y/n?” jungkook doesn’t have to call for you as if you were just any old customer but he likes doing that because- “don’t forget about my tip, jagi”
“you are the absolute bane of my existence.” you tease but lean in anyway to give him a smooch
he hands you your coffee and that’s when you notice the sprinkling of cinnamon that’s been shaped into a heart
you look back up at jungkook and he’s grinning at you and rocking back and forth on his feet “happy valentine’s day!!!”
“happy valentine’s day, you cheeseball.”
“do i get an extra special tip for the extra special decoration?”
“u know-“ jimin squeezes in next to jungkook “i was actually the one who helped shape the heart, so i think i deserve an extra special tip too-“ jimin leans forward and purses his lips exaggeratedly and jungkook is [this] close to tackling the older boy to the ground
“don’T MOOCH OFF MY tiP u biTCH”
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“happy valentine’s day, bookworm” namjoon jumps in surprise when your arms slink around his waist and he lets out a small breath of relief before his lips tug up in a fond smile
“happy valentine’s day!” he presses a kiss to your forehead before grabbing a book from his cart and sliding it into the bookshelf
“i have a surprise for you”
“it better not be like last time when you told me you had a surprise and the surprise was that you accidentally spilled coffee all over the monitor” namjoon snorts and slides another book into place
“hey, now. that was an accident!” you’re about to pull away from him but before you get the chance to do so he quickly reaches down and grips onto your wrist to keep you in place
you scoff and prop your chin up onto his shoulder “you haven’t given me a proper kiss yet, by the way. frankly, i’m offended!”
“hold on, you whiney baby. lemme just finish doing my job first.” namjoon glances over at his almost empty book cart “you could always help me out a bit” he teases and reaches over his shoulder to pinch your nose playfully
“i can’t reach the top shelves without my trusty stepladder, so you’re going to have to take care of this on your own”
you’re reaLLy excited to give namjoon your valentine’s day gift
you ordered it back in december and it finaLLY got here last week
it’s a first edition copy of immanuel kant’s (you vaguely remember joon blabbing to you excitedly about this philosopher guy and you only remembered his name because it sounded funny to u lol) ‘critik der urtheilskraft’
“wait, before you show me the surprise-“ you’re leading namjoon back to the front desk but he stops in his tracks and yanks you backwards so that you twirl riGht into his arms “c’mere, you” he leans down and plants his lips on yours and you hum happily and wrap your arms loosely around his neck
he nudges his nose against yours after pulling away
both your guys’ cheeks are warm and rosy and you giggle before giving him another quick peck “we have plenTy of time to kiss later let me show you what i got for you!” you drag him back behind the counter before bending down and rummaging through your backpack “close your eyes and hold your hands out!!”
“i have a bad feeling about this” namjoon murmurs but does as you say
you place the book on his open palms and namjoon grimaces
“ohgodohgod what is it what is that” he whines and squeezes his eyes shut even moRe
the smile drops from your face momentarily and you scoff playfully
“it’s a bOOk you moron” you jab a finger into his chest and namjoon peels an eye open slowly before opening them both and blinking down at-
“ohHHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDD” namjoon literally shRIEKS and you’re pretty sure your ears are bleeding “no way- how did you even- what the hel- oh my go-“
oh god
you think you broke namjoon
“,..,so i’m guessing you like the- woAH” the next thing you know namjoon’s tackling you to the ground and smothering you in kisses like an overactive puppy
if you guys were in a cartoon there would be hearts floating up and around your lovE pile
you laugh as namjoon squishes your cheeks together and gives you one big fAT kiss
how the heCK did he get so lucky to land someone like u!!!!!!!!!
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yoongi really doesn’t understand you humans
first of all there was that whole mistletoe thing during christmas (which he definitely didn’t mind and deFINItely took advantage of but was still confused by the concept) ((kissing someone?? because they’re standing underneath a sprig of grass????? he appreciates it but still doesn’t get it))
and now there’s this
valentine’s day
febRuarY foUrtEenth
he can’t help but scoff to himself as he thinks about it
valentine’s day
a day where candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of saint valentine
you know what valentine’s day is
it’s the negative side of capitalism
it’s become so commercialised and no one’s reaLLY celebrating it because they love their partner they’re only celebrating it because they love the idea of love
the point is
yoongi doesn’t want to celebrate valentine’s day
and he’s not going to celebrate valentine’s day
“good morning~” yoongi glances over his shoulder before rolling over onto his other side to see you coming out of the washroom
“mm.” he grumps in response and tugs the blanket up a little higher “by the way, don’t expect me to be all lovey-dovey because it’s valentine’s day. we’re still getting takeout for dinner.” yoongi flops his head back against the pillow and shuts his eyes
“alright.” you chirp in response and yoongi opens his eyes immediately
you didn’t even put up a fight
no protest?
yoongi props himself up on his elbow
“did you hear me?”
“loud and clear” you pull your hair up into a ponytail
“…i said we’re not celebrating valentine’s day.”
you dab some lip balm on your lips and press them together before humming “i know. i don’t care.”
you can’t lie
you care a little bit
you know how weird yoongi is when it comes to humAn traditions
but then again this’ll be your first ever valentine’s day noT being single so you kinda wanted to celebrate it?? but also you’re super busy today (you have a midterm to study for so it’ll be anoTher late night at the library) and you’ll probably be too tired to do anything suPer extravagant so
it’s fine
you don’t need the chocolates or the flowers or the fancy dinner
you love yoongi and you’re pretty sure yoongi loves u (u guys haven’t actually said it to each other yet) and that’s all that matters !
meanwhile he’s still in a daze
you don’t care
you don’t.., “”””””care”””””” ???
what does that mEAN
you can’t not care
you usually care about these kinds of things!!!!!
“i’ll see you after my classes.” you prop a knee up on the bed before leaning down and giving yoongi a quick kiss “you know, it’s a good thing we’re not celebrating valentine’s day. otherwise i’d have to go out and buy all those overpriced red lacy lingerie sets and pink fuzzy handcuffs just to impress you for a night! this is great! my wallet loves this!”  
yoongi isn’t even paying attention to what you’re saying because what the hell is going on
“right. yeah. valentine’s day is… we’re not doing that. like 500% not doing it.” yoongi clears his throat and waits for a second to give you one more chance to start protesting
but again
absolutely nothing from you
it’s after you leave and yoongi is left by himself that the realisation hits him
oh god
you’re going to break up with him aren’t you
that’s why you don’t want to celebrate valentine’s day is because you’re going to bREAK UP WITH HIM
what’s he going to do
where’s he going to go he can’t go back to hell and he certainly doesn’t want to live out on the streets
you guys are bound together you can’t break up with him!!!!!! are you allowed to do that??? he literally gAVE you a piece of his AURA  
,.,.,.,.you’re going to break up with him and then you’re going to get together with jimin
oh HELL fuckiGN NO
yoongi immediately sprinGs out of bed
there’s no way in hELL he’s going to let that happen
“what’s the matter with you?” you snap out of your little trance when jungkook waves his hand in front of your face
“i’ve eaten like 98% of your fries and you haven’t made a move to stop me yet” he scowls when you smack his hand when he reaches for another fry “never mind”
“ah, it’s nothing.” you wave it off
“that’s a lie and you know it” kook points out before taking a swig of water
“it’s just… it’s valentine’s day today, y’know?” you murmur and pick at your cuticles
you didn’t think you’d care about valentine’s day and stuff but now that you’re in a relationship you.,., you wanna celebrate valentine’s day tOO :( you just wish yoongi would open up more easily to human traditions
like yeaH he’s a demon and naturally he’s the most pessimistic i-hate-the-world kinda guy but,.., u just want him to put in some effort sometimes
jungkook slowly lowers his water bottle and narrows his eyes a little “was i… was i supposed to get something for you?”
you scoff and raise an eyebrow and let your expression answer the question
jungkook lets out a small breath of relief because he deFINitely didn’t have anything prepared
he can make a rose out of your ketchup-stained napkin if you want him to
“okay, yeah, it’s valentine’s day… so… why are you so bummed out again? you’re in a relationship. i’m the single one here!”
“yoongi doesn’t do valentine’s day.” you roll your eyes at how woRKed up you’re getting over this
this morning you literally told him you didn’t care but here you are a couple hours later whining about how you’re not getting a valentine’s day celebration
you look over and see a couple snuggling up to each other
at another table a boyfriend is feeding his gal a damn chocolate covered strawberries and he even got her a bouquet of flowers!!!!
all these couples just ruBBing it in your face!!! DISrespectFUL
it’s odd
you’re not single but you certainly feel very single right now
you push your lunch towards kook before slumping down on the table
you’re not so hungry anymore
you feel a small tap on the top of your head and you look up
“…happy valentine’s day?” jungkook offers weakly as he holds up his makeshift rose to you
a small smile twitches at the corner of your lips and you take it from him before taking a whiff
smells like ketchup and french fry grease
“ever the romantic, aren’t you?” you sit up straight and pinch at one of the petals
“tell me something i don’t know”
yoongi is going crazy
he can’t recall a time in his long, long life where he’s worked as hard as he’s working now
this is what he’s been up to since his little realisation
he made the bed
he did the laundry
he took the trash out
he vacuumed the entire apartment
and now he’s starting on dinner because it’s nearly 5 o’clock and woW time goes by so quickly when you’re STRESSING THE FCUK OUT
he’s in the middle of chopping up the onions (his eyes are stinging so badly but he needs to power thru for u) when he notices something
a presence
an.,,. angelic presence.,.,,
“what do you want??” yoongi groans immediately and turns around just in time to see jimin appearing in a golden glow
“hello to you too.” jimin snorts and picks a loose thread off his silky white shirt
there’s a little heart embroidered on his chest pocket
it’s valentine’s day after all!!
“y/n’s not here - but she will be in like an houR so you need to get outta here”
“i never pegged you for the devoted, stay-at-home-and-make-dinner partner, you know” jimin teases and pushes himself up onto the kitchen island
“oh, shut the hell up” yoongi growls and jimin raises his hands in defence
“goodness. what’s the matter with you today?”
“i’m just-“ yoongi stops himself and he lets out a small breath before putting down the knife and turning around “look, it’s nothing, alright? get outta here”
“you know i’m not going to leave til you tell me what’s wrong…” jimin whistles and plops back down onto his feet before nudging yoongi to the side and taking over the role of onion dicer
yoongi steps aside and slumps against the kitchen island and stares at the back of jimin’s blonde head
“i… i’m not good at… human things, you know?”
“makes sense considering the fact you’re far from human”
“no- you know what i mean, man. and i’m especially not good at… romantic…” yoongi cringes “romantic human things.” he clears his throat “i’m not good at them like you are.” he adds quietly
jimin pauses and glances over his shoulder “huh.”
he’s never seen yoongi so insecure before
jimin picks the chopping board up and slides the diced onions into the bubbling tomato sauce before putting the board into the sink “i don’t know what you’re talking about. the whole cleaning the apartment up and making a valentine’s day dinner seems romantic enough. don’t be so hard on yourself!”  
“i dunno…, i just feel like i’m screwing everything up and i really- i really, really like y/n and i don’t want her to feel like she’s.. stuck with someone like me for the rest of her life and stuff… am i making sense? like, i don’t want her to-“ jimin already stopped listening to yoongi like a good thirty seconds ago
he think it’s endearing how obviously whiPPEd yoongi is for you even though he’ll never admit it
jimin holds a finger out and yoongi trails off slowly before raising a brow in confusion
“-i’m willing to offer my services from the goodness of my heart.”
yoongi narrows his eyes and immediately feels jealousy prickling at his skin
“..,what kinda services.,.,.,. there’s no way i’m sharing y/n with you just because it’s valentine’s day i’m not going to give y/n the giFT of a threESOME you perv-“
“i was talking about sprucing up the romantic factor in the apartment, you idiot.” jimin snorts “sure, you vacuumed, you dusted, but you didn’t even put any decorations up! how’s y/n supposed to know about your romantic intentions?? and also, look at what you’re wearing!! that’s not appropriate valentine’s day attire” yoongi looks down at his t-shirt and grey sweats  
“what am i supposed to wear?” yoongi furrows his brows and looks at jimin’s outfit “i’m not wearing anything like what you’re wearing”
“you can’t pull off silk anyway.” jimin purses his lips “i’ll figure it out for you, don’t worry about it!”
yoongi clears his throat “you’re doing this for free?”
“only because i like y/n and i think she deserves a nice valentine’s day. now - you stay here and work on dinner, and let me work my magic.”
yoongi lets out a breath after jimin leaves the kitchen
he sure hopes jimin knows what he’s doing
“you sure you don’t wanna come over to my place and binge-watch bad romcoms??” jungkook swings his backpack over his shoulder and you laugh lightly before shaking your head
“as tempting as that sounds, yoongi’s probably waiting for me at home. we’re getting takeout for dinner and his favourite chinese restaurant closes in like an hour so i better get my ass home otherwise he’s going to be gruMpy for not getting his orange chicken, you know him”  
“alright, well… happy valentine’s day!!” jungkook’s been trying to cheer you up all day and you keep insisting that you’re over it but he’s you best friend and he can tell you’re still a tiNy bit upset about it
as you sit on the bus back home you can’t help but let your mind wander
what if you and yoongi had celebrated valentine’s day tonight
where would he take you? what would he wear?
the thought of yoongi wearing a crisp tux makes your heart flutter
and then you remember his obscenely mint-green hair and that paired with the suit makes you giggle for some reason
also.,.,,. not to be that person..,., but you can’t help but feel like valentine’s day sex would be a loT more intense than normal sex
you feel your cheeks redden and you quickly shake the thought off
no use getting hyped up over something that’s not going to happen
at the end of the day yoongi still makes you happy and that’s all that matters
you settle back against the chair and check the time on your watch
looks like you won’t be getting chinese takeout tonight
“i know i’m late but hopefully you’re willing to forgive me if i order us an extra large pepperoni-“ the moment you open the door to your apartment you immediately notice that something is wrong
not necessarily wrong
something’s different
you take a couple cautious steps forward and narrow your eyes “…yoongi?”
you don’t hear anything in response but you take this moment alone to take in the atmosphere
what the hell
is this your apartment “yoongi…”
..,.,did u walk into the wrong apaRtment
there are lit candles everywhere (they’re the ones you used to summon yoongi with lol)
the lights are dimmed
there’s.,,. classical music playing from your bluetooth speakers
what the hell is going on
you’re about to call out for yoongi again but then you hear someone clear their throat and you whip around quickly
your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets
woW yoongi looks good
he’s wearing a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up
his shirt’s tucked into a pair of blue jeans
and did he
this bitch is wearing cologne
for the first time in forever
yoongi looks
min yoongi?? nervous??
“what are you-“
“this is for you” yoongi stammers and thrusts a bouquet of roses into your hands
“i-i made dinner too” yoongi points over your shoulder and you turn around to see the dining room table all spruCed up
there are two plates of spaghetti sitting across from each other
a candle burning away in the middle of the table
he even brought your nice wine glasses out  
you turn back around to face yoongi and he has his lips pressed together looking like he’s waiting for you to say something
you set the bouquet down on the coffee table “i thought you were too good for the whole valentine’s day thing.” you tease gently in hopes that he’ll loosen up a bit because he’s literally sO nervous it’s kind of scary
yoongi lets out a breath and runs his hand through his hair “i mean… at first i didn’t think we needed to celebrate valentine’s day because i didn’t think i needed to prove that i love you through fancy dinners and flowers n stuff-“ yoongi looks down and picks at the dry skin around his fingernails nervously and he looks up to see you with a megAwatt smile on your face “…..what”
you shrug casually and take a couple steps closer to him with a pleased smile on your face
yoongi lets out a small groan “what?? you know i hate guessing games.” yoongi doesn’t budge as you wrap your arms around his neck
of course his arms snake around your waist instinctively
“seriously, what?” he pouts and you give his bottom lip a lil kiss
“you love me” you whisper
yoongi furrows his brows “…yeah no dUH i thought that was pretty obvious considering the fact i slaved away all day tryna give you the beSt valentine’s day ever-“
“say it again” you grin adoRAbly and yoongi is reminded of how TRULY w h i p p e d he is for you
yoongi clears his throat and rolls his eyes when you reach up and tap your ear as if you can’t hear him
“i love you… you needy, whiney, attention-seeking little human.”
“love u too you literal spawn of satan”
yoongi didn’t know why he was so worried you were going to break up with him
he knows he has you wrapped around his pinky finger
but he’s probably wrapped tiGhter around youR pinky finger if we’re being real
after dinner and dessert (yoongi made chocolate covered strawberries) you head upstairs to wash up real quick and you’re surprised to see a white box sitting on your bed tied up with a pretty red bow
what is this
you approach it cautiously before peeling the little sticky note off the top
‘you can thank me later. happy valentine’s day!’ you raise your brow at the sticky note and yelp in surprise when it suddenly disappears and fades into sparkles- oHhHHHHhh now all of this makes sense
you knEW yoongi couldn’t fold the napkins into little swans without jimin’s help
it’s the thought that counts tho so you still appreciate it
you tug at the bow gently and pull the top off to reveal a lingerie set
you gasp at how pretty it is as you pull it out
jimin has good taste
it’s a practically see-through baby doll dress and it’s a smoky grey colour (kinda matches yoongi’s hair)
triangle lace cups
an empire waist with a shiny satin bow around it  
and of course you can’t forget about the matching thong
you let out a quiet squeal of excitement and clutch it to your chest
“gimme a second, jagi. i’m almost done with the dishes…” yoongi pokes his tongue out in concentration as he scrubs at a particular stubborn stain in the metal pot
he can’t help but wonder if jimin would be willing to help out with the dishes too
“one second, yeah?” he glances over his shoulder to acknowledge you and-
o fuk
yoongi immediately freezes and his mouth goes dry
he was certainly not expecting that
he clears his throat and turns back around
he reaches over and turns the tap off and sets the pot down in the sink gently
jimin really is an angel
you have your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth to keep yourself from bursting into giggles
yoongi dries his hands on a cloth before turning around and leaning against the sink and giving you a quick nod “c’mere, baby.”
you make your way over to him and his grip tightens on the edge of the counter
you look so good and he’s literally -1 seconds away from ripping that off of u
“happy valentine’s day.” you murmur with a small smirk and reach up to pop one of the buttons on his shirt
…,,..,yoongi wants everyday to be valentine’s day
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atelop · 5 years
I just want Someone to F*ckin’ Show Up for Me
I’m not asking for much—all I want is someone to just fuckin’ show up for me.
This isn’t going to be about how independent of a woman I am, or how self-reliant. This won’t even be about finding my “other half” or being such a fierce feminist that I debate whether I even actually need a man.
Because the truth is—I am fuckin’ tired. Exhausted, really. I’m tired of not having someone just show up for me in the simplest way possible, and the only thing I really want is someone to just be here.
I want someone who can show up in the evening, and stay until morning—but more than that, I just want a life with someone. I want to sit in bed next to my lover on a windy, snowy morning while he reads, as I lay my head against him, letting my dark hair trail over his arm. I want to feel the way his morning stubble tickles the soft skin of my collarbone.
I just want someone to fuckin’ show up for me.
Sex is great, and adventure is better, but life with someone who has your back is the best magic there is.
I want to sit over take-out containers of Chinese food, scroll through Netflix and have nights where our biggest decision is which movie we are going to watch. I want to talk throughout the day about what we will do in the evening, and who’s going to cook.
I want to hear about your plans and your schedule, and I want to spend quiet Saturday nights roaming the market aisles laughing as we collect the ingredients for the meal that we’re going to enjoy later.
I want you to see me in the first morning light, and I want to feel your strong hand slide in between my warm breasts and you nudge yourself even closer to me, meeting me in the moment when dreams and reality collide.
I just want someone to fuckin’ show up for me.
Life isn’t all quiet and bliss, but it’s made up of moments of the “in between,” because anyone can smile when the sun is shining—but what I’m after is someone who will give me a reason to dance in the rain.
I want to have someone to take care of me while I’m sick—someone who will stop and pick up medicine and my favorite drink on the way home just because he knows what I need.
And I want to take care of him, even if he never thought he would need it. I want to bring him a cold washcloth when he’s fevered, and run my hand alongside his sweet face as I kiss his forehead letting him know that I will be there no matter what.
I’m done with being alone and pretending that I can somehow find what I want between the distractions and chaos of online dating and Facebook profile checking, because I’m so over the superficial and way beyond the inconsequential.
What I want is the real deal—not just someone who shows up, but someone who stays.
I want to navigate family holidays and laugh together in the middle of the night when we both can’t sleep. I want to kiss him first thing as he walks through the door and lay my head against his chest as the moon shines overhead.
I want to plan a future with him—vacations, dreams, ambitions and the sacrifices to make them happen. I want someone who I can build with, someone who can sit with me in the quiet and just simply be.
I want a man who I won’t need to explain my every thought to, because somehow he’ll just get it.
I want to bump hips as we navigate my small kitchen, and I want to see the way laugh-lines break out around his eyes as I turn up the music and dance, moving my body alongside his, tempting him to let his desire make the most of this moment.
Because all I’m really after is just someone to fuckin’ show up for me.
Show up when I need someone, when I need help—when I don’t know what I need. Be there without me asking him to be, not because he has to, but because there isn’t anywhere else that he would rather be.
I want to have an emergency contact, not just on the forms we have to fill out, but in life. I want a lifeline—someone who will always be there to help me with the things that evade me. And if something happens, and I find myself stranded on a dark road at midnight after having drinks with friends, I want to know that if I call him, he’ll be grabbing his coat before I even say what’s wrong.
I want to be a priority. I want to be important.
I want to someone worth showing up for.
Sure, we can make this relationship as difficult as all of our others have been—and we can go in and out of intimacy, never really appreciating one another—but all of that wears on a soul like mine.
And the thing is—I’ve had enough.
Because in the end, all of the passion and love in the world don’t really matter if someone can’t show up for the person they say they care about.
But more than that, I know that I’m worth it—I know that I am one helluva woman, and that I deserve someone to show up for me every day in all of the small little ways that people often take for granted, but that end up meaning the most.
I want a partner—but more than anything in the world, all I really want is someone to just fuckin’ show up for me—and never leave.
I didn't write this but I'm sure there are a lot of us out there that can relate to this.
The original piece can be found here. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2016/12/i-just-want…
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deadveiled · 2 years
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@fckin-bubbles-multi​ whispered: ❝ Your nose gets so pink during winter…I have to kiss it. ❞   -M to C (but like.. their first snow together and she just gives him a little kiss on the nose 🥺)
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affection sentence starters.
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✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚     AT HER WORDS,  he gave a soft chuckle, somewhat of a soft wave of embarrassment flooding over him.  He knew that his face was burning ;  it wasn’t just pink from the cold weather, but her affection always managed to do something to his heart.  He stayed still at the feeling of her lips gently pressing against the tip of his nose, pressing his body close to hers.  He shyly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, those dimples next to his ear deepening as he leans forward to gently press his lips against her forehead.  ❝ ... It’s not just from the cold, to be honest ... ❞
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jokingalldday · 3 years
After 3 attempts to color my hair, making the bathroom look like a murder scene and coloring my ears I successfully dyed 2 hair locks in red, a red that you barely can distinguish in my swampy brown hair........
[Edit] and my nails, I have more colored nails than hair strands, give me a fckin break
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neokollection · 7 years
Makeout with Mark? Thanks!
A/N: Mark will have more scenarios someday, but I’m going to answer this in this format
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He’s rlly gud with his mouth so I’d assume his lips and tongue would work just as well when kissing as when rapping.
Initially, he’d come off as kind of timid because of his lack of experience. If you knew what you were doing or are more dominant he’d let you take charge, but if you’re more of a meek and submissive partner he’d take the lead [even if he isn’t exactly an expert].
I feel like he has rlly spontaneous makeout sessions, like he just gets sudden urges to shove his tongue down your throat [srry I could have worded that more eloquently].
He has gentle and relaxing makeouts: maybe throw in some chill J.Cole and just get lost in each other at 2pm on the couch.
He could spend hours just admiring you, murmuring sweet things to one another as your teasing lips chase one another’s in the afternoon.
He also has more fervent & spicy makeouts: some JB bgm late at night, both of you feeling one another up, your hand slipping beneath his shirt as his teeth graze your lip.
It just depends on the atmosphere.
He’d really fckin love it though when you run your hands through his hair, tugging at the disheveled strands.
Also, he likes it when you get a bit feely. His hands usually stay in the standard positions [atop your clothes], but I feel he’d really like it when your nails sneak beneath the back of his shirt, etc…
I don’t think long sessions would occur often though because that would require a lot of free time on both of your parts to sit in private together.
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jungshookz · 6 years
ceo!yoongi - the wedding
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: ceo!au, the fluffiest fluff, humour, you look like a pRINCESS, a lil bit of n s f w, jungkook is a brat no surprise there
→ wordcount: 7.7k
→ notes: it’s hERE the big day!!!!!! i’m so happy that you guys like ceo!yoongi you blew my expectations for the response to this fic out of the water!!!! i had,,, such a good time writing this i fckin love weddings as you can tell i got a little carried away because this ‘“”””drabble”””’’ is nearly 8000 words long?? whoops ALSO i used google translate for the korean part so,,,,,,, if it’s not an accurate translation please don’t come for me i am SORRY 
if u wanna ask yoongs or y/n anything u know what to do ;-)
you’re getting married to min yoongi today. holy shit. 
(gif isn’t mine!) 
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’ve never felt more like a princess than in this moment
“not half bad” you mutter to yourself, turning a little and checking yourself out in the mirror
your gown is beaUtiful you got it custom made and everything and it even came with a VEIL
“oh my god,,,, i’m going to cry” jimin appears behind you in the mirror and he presses a hand to his chest “you don’t even look like yourself whERE are your mismatched socks”
“i couldn’t find a pair of socks to go with the heels” you joke and turn your head a little but the makeup artists turns your head back so she can dab a little more lipstick on your lips
yoongi hired like a miLLion stylists because he didn’t trust jimin to do your makeup and hair (and tbh jimin doesn’t trust himself to do your makeup and hair either lol)
a minute goes by before she decides you’re good to go but she fixes your veil a little and then dusts some glittery powered on your exposed chest and your shoulders
you really are a disney princess now
“could you guys give us a second?” you give the many stylists a polite smile and they all agree and eventually file out of the room
you lift the dress up a little so you can step off the mini podium and jimin immediately rushes over to grab onto your shoulders
“i can’t believe you’re getting married before me”
“i know!!! crazy stuff” you smile
“i’m so happy for you” jimin sniffles and you coo before leaning in to give him a hug but he stops you before you can hug him and you pull away clearly hurt
“you’re going to get glitter all over my suit and i dO not want that” but he leans in to kiss your cheek very very gently
“i miss yoongi” you pout and turn to look at yourself in the mirror (wat u look rly good okay)
you haven’t seen yoongi in like 24 hours because both of you had your bachelorette/bachelor parties and then it’s the whole ‘the bride and groom can’t see each other before the wedding’ thing so you and yoongi had your own hotel rooms :-(
of course jimin shared a room with you so it wasn’t that bad
“yoongi looks really good in his suit” jimin grins and stands next to you in the mirror “just to let you know”
“i-“ suddenly your phone vibrates on the table and you click-clack over in your heels to grab it
your face immediately lights up in a smile when you see who’s calling
“hey boss” you pick up the call and you hear yoongi’s raspy laugh on the other end
“hi, baby.”
“i miss u”
“i miss you too. i can’t wait to see you.”
you glance over your shoulder and jimin’s preoccupied with fixing the rose in his suit pocket
“i’m wearing the thigh garters and the lacy white panties you bought for me under my dress” you lower your voice a little so jimin can’t hear you
“oh yeah? quit trying to lure me out of my room - you’re the one who said we weren’t allowed to see each other” yoongi teases
you hear some commotion from yoongi’s end and you check the time on the clock
it’s time
“i think that’s my cue. i’ll see you soon. i love you.”
“love you more” you whisper and then yoongi hangs up and you put your phone on the table
“i can’t believe you’re making me walk down the aisle with jungkook” jimin grumbles and fixes a strand of his hair
“we didn’t have enough bridesmaids!!” you giggle and jimin rolls his eyes before giving you a quick hug and another kiss on the cheek
“i’ll see you out there?” he raises his fist and you fist bump him gently and nod
once jimin leaves a second later your parents enter the room and your mom coos at how gorgeous her daughter looks on this wonderful day
“look at you!” she gasps and wraps you up in a hug and you laugh lightly
“never thought i’d see the day where you actually put in effort with how you look” your dad jokes and your mom smacks his arm in warning “you ready, champ?”
“as ready as i’ll ever be” you grab your bouquet off the chair and link arms with your mom
it’s only once you’re standing in front of the closed double doors that you realise you are noT as ready as you’ll ever be
your heart is going like a million miles per hour
and you didn’t think it would happen to you
but you have cold feet
what if you’re too young to get married?
maybe you and yoongi are diving into this relationship too quickly
like you’ve only been dating a couple months and that iS a pretty short time to date and then suddenly decide to get married
what if you turn into those couples who get married young and then eventually the spark disappears from the marriage and you guys turn into a bitter old couple stuck with each other forever
oh god
if you and yoongi divorce you’ll have to find another job and you don’t wANT to find another job
there was an opening at the damn sandwich station
you don’t want to spend the rest of your life making sandwiches with too much mayo and too little tuRKEY
you don’t want to be a LISA
lol shady
you are 110% not prepared when the wooden doors open slowly  
but the first thing you see is yoongi waiting for you at the end of the aisle
and oH
he looks so handsome in his crisp tux
and he has a red rose in his suit pocket
his hair is styled perfectly and he’s positively glowing
the venue itself is gorgeous too
fairy lights twinkling everywhere the rose gold and white go reaLLy well together 
the lights are the perfect level of dim and everything just looks so romantic and well put together 
everything is perfect
and this is the part where you’re supposed to start walking
thIS is the part where you’re supposed to start walking
okay nOW
your feet feel like they’ve been glued to the ground and everyone’s just… staring at you
“you okay, honey?” your mom nudges your side gently and you’re snapped out of your thoughts
your mouth is all dry and you can’t open your mouth to say anything but you nod quickly
your heart is like exploding in your chest
of course your mother knows best and she can tell you’re like suPer nervous
“you know, i was pretty nervous before my wedding too.”
you immediately turn to look at her and you’re like …go on
“i thought i was too young to be getting married. thought i was ruining my life. i had so many things i wanted to do, so many things i wanted to see, and i thought getting married was going to hold me back. but… i loved your father so, so much. all those things that i wanted to do and all the things i wanted to see? i ended up doing those things with him right by my side. it’s your wedding - of course you’re nervous. but tell me - you see that man at the end of the aisle?”
you turn to look at yoongi and he’s staring at you with worry in his eyes because you stILL haven’t started walking and the crowd is getting a little antsy
“do you love him?”
“of course i love yoongi” you breathe out
you love yoongi with your entire heart
you love how sweet and caring he is like when you stay late with him and end up falling asleep at your desk and you always wake up with yoongi’s suit jacket around you to keep you warm
sometimes he carries you to the car and he’s sO gentle with you to make sure he doesn’t wake you up
you love how thoughtful he is like when he knows you’re having a bad day and surprises you with cookies or a pint of ice cream even though that’s the last thing he wants you to eat
you love how considerate he is like when you tell him an awful joke and he laughs anyway even though you’re like the least funny person in the entire world
and hello?? he’s so snuggly in the morning you loVe that
you love min yoongi.
“and you want to marry him?”
“more than anything else in the entire world”
“then what’s the problem?”
“...i don’t wanna trip down the aisle” you squeak out and your dad stifles a laugh before patting your arm gently
“c’mon, y/n. can’t keep your fiancé waiting.”
there seems to be this collective sense of relief in the crowd when you start walking and jimin reaches up to dab the bead of sweat lining his forehead before shooting yoongi a thumbs up
both you and yoongi are just staring at each other as you make your way down the aisle and yoongi can’t help but think about how fuckign lucky he is to be marrying you
you give your parents a hug and a kiss before they’re handing you over to yoongi
you wobble a little on your heels but yoongi grabs your hand before you can topple over thAnk god
yoongi lifts the veil up over your head and his heart flutters when he sees you smiling at him with rosy cheeks
“hi” you whisper quietly and yoongi smiles in response before brushing some of your hair back
the crowd takes a second to settle in and yoongi takes advantage of the rustling
“hi. you okay?”
you nod quickly and squeeze his hand “i love you”
his cheeks immediately warm and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips “love you more”
the two of you turn to face the priest
“dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of min yoongi and y/n y/l/n…”
the priest goes on and on and the entire time you and yoongs are just staring at each other and giving each other knowing looks like ‘good god, this is boring’
yoongi pinches your hand hard when it looks like you’re about to let out a yawn and you quickly suppress it when he gives you a warning look
finally it’s time to exchange vows and noW you know what you forgot this morning
your cue cards
you were never really good at improvisation so this… is going to be interesting
luckily the priest invites yoongi to go first so that gives you some time to come up with soMEthing  
“y/n. when we first met, i have to be honest - i did not like you. like at all.”
it doesn’t get much better than that lol
“you insulted me in the elevator, you spilt coffee all over me, you kept forgetting to remind me when my meetings were scheduled, you nEver threw away your cookie wrappers-“
“okAy i think we get it” you scowl and everyone in the audience can’t help but laugh
how the hell are you getting roasted even at your own damn weDDing
yoongi smiles and squeezes your hand
“but even after all of this, somehow, someway, i fell in love with you.  i fell in love with the way you stumbled into my office every morning with a half-ass made cup of coffee, the way you were willing to stay late with me even though i know you would much rather go home and watch TV, the way your face lights up whenever i bought cookies for you... i knew you were the one for me the night that we kissed, and i wouldn’t want to have anyone else in the world help me tie my ties. y/n y/l/n, i loved you then, i love you now, and i’ll love you forever.”
aW that’s so cUTE you didn’t know yoongi had it in himself to say something that cheesy without puking
“i actually left my cue cards in the office. so. there’s that.” you clear your throat and give yoongi an apologetic look “i…” for a second you blank because you actually forgot what you had planned to say
bits and pieces are coming back to you but daNg it you spent like a week’s worth of lunch breaks writing them out
“yoongi. i also wasn’t a huge fan of you when we first met. no matter what i did, you’d always give me a look of disappointment and scold me for being a bad secretary. all i know is…”
fuck it
time to improvise
you clear your throat and stand up a little straighter
“all i know is that you’re the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person i can be. i feel truly blessed that out of all the people in the world - you chose me. you chose me, and i get to share my life with you, and you’ve chosen to share yours with me. you make me happier than i ever could imagine and more loved than i ever thought possible.” you clear your throat because you feel a lil lump growing in there
you’re not usually this emotional but
there’s just something about weddings
“…min yoongi, you are my person. you are my love and my life - today, and always.”
everyone bursts into applause when you finish and you can’t help but feel a sense of pride because everyone’s tearing up and also yOONgi’s eyes are gLASSY
and yoongi nEVer cries
and now it’s time to make it ~official~
“Min Yoongi. Do you take Y/N Y/L/N as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”
yoongi’s never been so sure of anything in his entire life
“I do.” he slips a ring onto your trembling hand and you try your best to calm your nerves but you’re just sO happy
“Y/N Y/L/N. Do you take Min Yoongi as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or-“
“yES i dO” you reply a little too enthusiastically and the crowd bursts into a murmur of giggles
the priest smiles before gesturing for you to slip the ring onto yoongi’s finger
“i now pronounce you man and wife. you may now kiss the bride.” yoongi immediately swoops down and plants his lips on yours and you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck when he places his hands on your hips to pull you closer
everyone’s cheering around you but all you can focus on is yoongi
it feels like you guys are the only ones in the room
“aLright you two save it for the honeymoon” jimin smacks you with your bouquet and you blush before pulling away but you still cling to yoongi
“i love you” you beam and yoongi leans down to give you another kiss
“love you more”
you and yoongi are all over each other at the reception
not like thAT but like in a more romantic lovey dove ooey gooey way
“we’re married” you giggle and nuzzle against yoongi’s neck and he reaches over to yank your chair closer to him
“we’re married” he repeats and holds your hand out so he can look at the twinkling ring on your finger
you pull away and look at him
“i made you cry”
“you did no such thing”
“i maDE you tear up” you tease and jab at his chest and yoongi swats your hand away
“there was dust in my eyes”
“there was nO dust anywh-“
clink clink clink
jimin’s suddenly standing up from his seat next to you and he’s clinking the side of his flute of champagne
“everyone! i’d like to make a toast.”
you turn your attention to jimin and woW your best friend looks especially handsome tonight!!!!
this lighting makes his skin look greAT
“first of all - congratulations to the newlyweds.” everyone applauds you and yoongi and the two of you give nods and smiles of acknowledgements “y/n and i have been friends for as long as i can remember. i’ve always been the one y/n goes to in times of need, i’ve always been her pizza/movie night buddy… but everything’s different now. boss, please take care of my girl for me, okay?”
“of course i will.” yoongi nods and you push your bottom lip out in a pout when you see jimin’s eyes glimmering
your eyes are getting watery too
“okay. that’s all i have to say.” jimin’s voice wavers and then he sets down the microphone and you immediately get up and coo and wrap your best friend up in a big fat hUG
“mY babY!!!!!” you sniffle and press a kiss to jimin’s cheek and basically cling to him and you and jimin are off in your own little world and yoongi’s like ahEm i am your husband pls pay attention to me
“i wanna make a toast too!!!!” jungkook stands up and nearly knocks his chair over
clink clink CLONK
he clinks the side of his flute and it immediately shatters into a trillion pieces
“whoops” he blinks down at the shards of glass and then sets his flute down and picks up the microphone
“i’d just like to let everyone know that y/n herself said that if yoongi wasn’t in the picture she would’ve definitely ended up with me. yoongi - i can still steal your girl, so don’t piss me off”
“excuse me?” yoongi’s glare immediately makes the smile drop from jungkook’s face
in that moment he knew he fucked up
so yeah everyone’s having a pretty good time
you break away from all the socialising to get yourself a drink
and the next thing you know you’re hearing jungkook over the loudspeakers and you’re like oh nO what is this punk what up to
“everyone! please help me welcome mr and mrs min for their first official dance as a married couple!”
o god
o gOD you forgot the first dance was a thing
obviously you like the part where you dance with yoongi but not the part where everyone like staRes at you dancing with yoongi
yoongi knows how much you hate crowds buT also he wants to show you off as his wife so u better get ur ass over here or he’ll literally drag you over
you end up getting nudged back to the dance floor by everyone and you whine quietly when yoongi takes your hand and pulls you in
“this is so embarrassing” you groan and yoongi laughs before wrapping his arms around your waist
“only you would be embarrassed at your own damn wedding”
you peek over yoongi’s shoulders and see literally evERyone staring at you and your cheeks flush instantly
“hey, look at me. it’s just you and me, hm?” yoongi presses his forehead against yours and you crinkle your nose in responsethe two of you dance for a little while longer and you want to stay in the moment forever because yoongi’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear and you are just so so SO in love with him
he has his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and your arms are dangling loosely around your waist
occasionally he’ll swoop down to give you a small kiss but he keeps it PG because you do have an audience after all and he’s not about to make out with you in front of ur parents lol
finaLLy the slow song switches back to a pop song and everyone floods the dance floor once again and you’re like phEw but also kinda bummed out at the same time because you wanted to slow dance with ur mans for a little while longer you felt like you were at prom lol
cutting the cake had to be the most fun part because you got to smash it into yoongi’s face
“y/n, i swear to god, this suit was sO expensive if you get onE dollop of cream-“ yoongi doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because you’re suddenly pushing the slice of cake right into his face and everyone bursts into laughter at the sight
yoongi staggers back and is like :0000000!!!!!!!!!! and he wipes the chunks of cake off his face and off his precious suit before glaring at you and you’re like uh-oh
and then you realise he’s not actually mad because he’s lunging for you grabbing your face and pulling you in for a FAT kiss
you squeal because cake is getting all over your face but you kiss yoongi back anyway and giggle against his lips
and of course yoongi gets his revenge because he digs his gruBBy hand into the cake and you’re like N O   W A IT
anyways you end up getting cake all over your chest and yoongi gets it all over his suit but you both clean up to the best of your abilities
the party finALLY gets started and all you have to say is that your friends and family get wild sOoo quickly
everyone here has obviously taken advantage of the endless cocktails
people are jamming out on the dance floor
some people are enjoying drinks by the bar
jimin dragged yoongi off somewhere so you’ve kind of just been hopping from table to table thanking people for coming
“joon you look so handsome tonight!!!! thank u for coming!!” you bend down and wrap an arm around him to give him a hug from behind before pinching his cheek and sitting down in the empty seat next to him
“of course i had to come to my favourite coffee-thief’s wedding” he teases and takes a sip of his champagne “also this champagne is like reALLy good”
“right??? it’s the really bougie stuff i almost picked the one with real gold flakes in it but i resisted because i don’t want to completely destroy yoongi’s wallet”
the two of you end up chatting for a little while longer before suddenly jimin appears out of nowhere and drags you out of your chair
“wOah where are you taking me???” before you know it you’re being plopped down on a chair in the middle of the rOOm and there’s a crowd around you
and when you turn to face the front you see your husband walking over to you
you immEdiately feel warmth ziP down to your nether regions
he’s taken off his suit jacket and his tie and he’s unbuttoned a couple buttons on his shirt anD he has his sleeves rolled up and holy shit did it suddenly just get warm in here or what
you can tell he’s a little tipsy because he has a lazy smirk on his face and his eyes are kind of cloudy
“hi baby” yoongi cups your jaw before bending down and pressing his lips against yours
he tastes faintly of beer and mint
“how much did jimin give you to drink?” you giggle and push at his chest gently then watch as he drops to his knees in front of you
and the way he looks up at you with dark eyes makes your insides melt
it takes a second for you to realise what’s actually happening
the thigh garter
the crowd goes wild when yoongi’s head suddenly disappears under your dress and you feel his hands grip at your knees before pushing them apart so he can wiggle himself in between them
“yOongi!” you gasp quietly when you feel him nip at your inner thigh
he’s definitely noT supposed to go this far up
your face is on fire at this point but yoongi’s having the time of his life and everyone else seems to be into it
you feel him press a trail of warm kisses from the inside of your knee all the way to your inner thigh
and then he’s taking your garter in between his teeth and slowly pulling it down your leg
a bunch of cheers and whoops echo around the room when yoongi crawls out from under your dress with the lacy garter in his mouth
he smirks up at you and your cheeks heat up and you quickly shuT your legs
he ruffles his hair quickly to fix it before getting up off his knees and immediately tossing the garter into the eager crowd of mEN
you’re not surprised that jimin is the one who catches it (he shoved like three other guys out of the way) and you’re like alREADY planning his bachelor party for him in your head
yoongi’s like the last person you think of when you think of ’dance floor’ so when he suddenly drags you towards it while you’re in the middle of getting another glass of champagne you’re like genuinely shook
jungkook and jimin and all ya friends are all bopping on the dance floor and you feel yoongi grab your wrist before he’s twirling you around in a circle
you stumble into his chest and giggle before wrapping your arms around his neck loosely
“what has gotten into you!!!!” you’re not complaining at all you’re a huGE fan of this loosey-goosey yoongi
“i’m just really happy that’s all” he murmurs and leans down a little to give you a kiss
“yeah? you’re just really happy?” you giggle when yoongi abandons your lips and instead decides to begin planting kisses down your neck before biting down playfully on your shoulder
“i think we should go and consummate our marriage as soon as possible” yoongi purrs into your ear as he sways the two of you back and forth “our suite is ready for us”
the whole thigh garter thing put him in a certain mood
“we can’t just leave our own party” as muCh as you want to leave it would just be rude!!
“it’s not like anyone’s going to notice with jungkook dancing on the bar like a madman” you look over and sure enough there’s jungkook jumping up and down on the bar while the poor bartender’s just trying to do his job
of course
because he’s min frickin yoongi
a Professional Businessman Who Is Good At Convincing People To Do Things For Him
he convinces you to leave your own damn party
the two of you manage to sneak out but not before jimin rushes over with yoongi’s suit jacket and tie and your phone and tells the two of you to have fun wink wonk
yoongi slips into his suit jacket and leaves his tie hanging around his neck and then he’s grabbing your hand and the two of you are slipping out the back door
and now it’s just the sound of your heels and yoongi’s dress shoes clicking against the marble floor while the two of you practically sprint down the hallway in a fit of giggles
“can’t you move any faster?? you’re wasting my time here woman” yoongi groans playfully and you’re like this dress is like fiVe pounds and these heels are like six inches what do you expect me to dO
“take your heels off then”
“u know what that is a very good idea yoongs” you bend down and step out of your heels before picking them up
and the next thing you know you’re being swept off your feet and thrown over yoongi’s shoulder like a sack of damn potatoes
“jEsUs-“ you shriek in surprise and yoongi smacks your bum over your dress as he walks the two of you into the elevator “u know there are more romantic versions of doing this”
you’re getting red from all the blood rushing to your head and yoongi chuckles before bending over to let you get back onto your feet
“alright, fine. i’ll try to be more romantic just for you.” yoongi grabs your arm and wraps it around his neck before he’s lifting you up and carrying you bridal style just like how u wanted
you coo and lean in to kiss his cheek before you’re holding your left hand out and admiring the glimmering wedding ring on your finger
“i’m married” you beam and watch the ring reflect under the light
“wow, me too. what a coincidence!” yoongi replies sarcastically and you pinch his cheek before taking the room key out of his breast pocket
yoongi lets you back down onto your feet after the elevator door opens and he’s not surprised that the first thing you do is basically scream rACE U TO THE ROOM and you zip down the hall
yoongi laughs when he sees you stumble a little and then chases after you
unsurprisingly he catches up to you right as you reach the doors
it’s hard to unlock the door to the suite with yoongi nipping at your shoulder and very subtly grinding into your bum and you giggle and swat his wandering hands away before finally pushing the door open and wOW
how did they fit a damn chandelier in here??
your heels fall to the floor with a clatter and you walk in even further and there’s a golden cart sitting by the couch with chocolate covered strawberries and champagne with goLD flakes in them and um??? ARE THOSE
you gasp and nearly trip over your dress as you stumble over to the cart and yoongi’s like i should’ve hID the food cart damnit because it’s pretty obvious you’re not in the fuck me mood you’re in the fuck me uP WITH THIS FOOD mood
you plop down on the couch and it bounces underneath your weight and yoongi can’t help but laugh because you’re like drowning in your dress you kinda look like a cupcake
he sits down next to you and pulls the food cart towards him
“what a perfect way to end the night” you sigh happily and yoongi turns and is like what do u mean end the night pls tell me we’re not ending our night like thIS
you reach over to nab a cookie while yoongi pops the cork off the champagne
some of it flows out from the top and yoongi shakes it off his hand before pouring some into the two flutes
he hands you a glass and you take a sip and your eyes roll to the back of your head because that is sO good
you watch yoongi underneath the dim light of the chandelier and watch as his adam’s apple bobs after he takes a sip
he looks good
you snap yourself out of it and your attention turns to the food
“gimme a strawberry” you poke yoongi’s side before shuffling a little closer to your husband
yoongi rolls his eyes playfully and sets his flute down before bending forward a little and choosing the biggest strawberry for you
“here you go, you big baby” you giggle and as yoongi raises the strawberry to your mouth  
you take a bite of it and he pops the other half into his mouth
he raises his hand and his fingertips are stained with melted chocolate and he turns to look for a napkin because he is not about to stain his suit with chocolate
and what he’s definitely nOt expecting is for you to take his hand and bring it to your mouth
o,,,,,oh m,.,my
you wrap your lips around yoongi’s pointer finger and pull away with a pop
and then you’re taking his thumb into your mouth and sucking gently before you pull away and wipe the corner of your mouth and yoongi swallows thickly
“there you go, all clean” you murmur shyly and that,,,, was.,.,. the hottest thing he thinks he’s ever seen in his entire life “gimme another one”
yoongi raises another one to your mouth and when you go to bite it he pulls it away and smirks
you see the playful glint in his eyes and you go for the bite again and he pulls it away aGain
“yoongi!!!” you whine and pout and yoongi grins at you with his gummy smile and cocks his head
“what? come and get it” yoongi holds the berry in between his teeth and points to it and you immediately scramble over to take a bite
before you get the chance to do that yoongi spits the berry out quickly so you end up kissing him instead
and you could technically pull away and grab a berry from the plate yourself but like
making out with yoongi is always nice
“that was sneaky” you mutter into the kiss and yoongi hums in response
his hands are starting to wander
you feel one hand disappear under your dress and the other moves to your back to tug at the zipper of the dress
you jump when you feel yoongi’s hand give your ass a good squeeze and dang now your dress is fully unzipped and is starting to slide off your shoulders
“waiT wait” you pant and push yourself away from yoongi
“what’s the matter?”
“i wanna go to the bedroom i’m not letting u fuck me on a couch on our first night as a married couple r u kidding me”
yoongi groans impatiently and flops onto his back on the plush bed because once you get the bedroom ur like okay give me a minute i need to pee
what!!! he’s a man with simPLE neeDS
he just wants to make love to his wife okay!!!!!!!!
yoongi doesn’t know how he forgot this detail but when you emerge from the bathroom dressed in a very vERy sexy pair of lacy bra and panties that he bought for you to wear especially for tonight he’s suddenly like lol the wait was woRth it omg
“like it?”
it came with this short silky robe that’s slipping off one of your shoulders as you approach him
yoongi swears his mouth is watering
“like it? i fucking love it.”
holy fuck
you are
you giggle because you’ve never seen yoongi so flustered before
you straddle him and his hands are like hovering over your hips
you’ve worn lingerie for him before but tonight you look extra ravishing
you look at him and his eyes flicker up to from your boobs (he can’t help it they’re like right in his face okay) to your face
his eyes are all dark and blown out and he places his hands on your hips before giving you a squeeze and taking his bottom lip in between his teeth
“fuck, look at you...” even after all this time you have to admit you still get blushy when yoongi sees you wearing lingerie just for him
now you’RE the one who’s flustered  
once he gets the flimsy robe off of you and tosses it to the ground you instinctively cover yourself up but yoongi grabs your wrists before you can do that and he holds them behind your back with one hand
“c’mere” yoongi rasps, hooking a finger under your chin and pulling you down towards him so he can kiss you
when he lets go of your wrists you immediately reach up and start undoing his buttons as he peels his suit jacket off and tosses it somewhere
“you gonna make love to me now?” you feel yoongi unclasp your bra before he’s helping you take his shirt off
“cheesy,” he teases “but yes, i’m going to make love to you now”
you never know why yoongi buys so much lingerie for you because they all end up on the floor like -5 seconds after you show it to him
“fuck, fuck, that’s it, you’re so good for me” yoongi pants and tilts his head up in pleasure because you feel sO tight and soft and warm around him “you’re a-all mine,” he grunts and thrusts into you again and it hits thAt spot inside of you making you cry out
“yours, i’m yours,” you moan and yoongi wants to fall apart when he hears you whimper an ‘i belong to you’ into his ear
he intertwines his fingers with yours before leaning down to plant his lips on yours
it’s reminiscent of the night he proposed to you because he feels your ring biting into the sides of his fingers when you squeeze his hand
the only difference is that now it’s a wedding ring instead of an engagement ring
yoongi wraps his fingers under your thigh and hitches it up against his waist
and he can’t help but look down at where the two of you are connected and he watches himself disappear into you as he thrusts
“shit, baby, don’t squeeze like that” yoongi warns you and you apologise quietly before you nudge your nose against his and kiss him
it only takes another minute or so before you start feeling warmth bubbling inside of you
“yOon- ’m not gonna- please let me c-cum i’m so close”  
yoongi bites down on your shoulder hard when he feels you dig your nails into his back
the bed starts to creak underneath the two of you but yoongi literally does not give a shit because all he can focus on is getting you to cum
his fingers are rubbing figure-8s on your clit while he’s hitting the sweet spot inside of you over and over and ovEr again and you think your soul actually leaves your body when you finally are pushed over the edge
it’s just the sound of your guys’ moans and groans and skin on skin echoing around the room
“i- ah! i love you i l-love youiloveyouiloveyou” you’re crying out yoongi’s name and he just wants to hear you cry out his name on loop for the rest of his liFE
“love you- fuck - love you m-more” yoongi lets out the most guttural groan when he cums and you feel him spurt inside of you as he rides out both of your orgasms
yoongi leans back on his heels and pulls out of you slowly and you immediately clench around nothing
“pretty little pussy n it’s all mine” yoongi mutters more to himself than to you and you immediately blush and clamp your legs shut because you never know what to say when yoongi says something like thAt
“nuh-uh, don’t get shy on me now, you minx” yoongi pries your legs apart with a grin and slots himself in between them again before leaning down to give you a sweet kiss
anyways you and yoongi end up having sex like three more times that night because you guys can’t get enough of each other and each time you finish your hormones are like lol nopE let’s do this AGAIN
thank god the walls here are thick otherwise you’d get many many noise complaints
you wake up early the next morning and find yourself snuggled up to yoongi
you unravel his arm from around your waist and sit up before stretching out your limbs
you pull the sheets up so that it’s covering your chest and you turn to look at your snoozing husband
he’s still glowing from last night and his lips look so soft and pouty
his eyelashes cast a shadow over his cheeks
he looks so beautiful in the soft glow of the morning light
you’ve never been more in love with him than at this moment
your eyes trail down his face to his bare chest until they reach his left hand and your heart warms at the sight of a silver ring wrapped around his ring finger
your heart flutters in your chest because you are no longer ms y/l/n you are now mrs min
you guys are married
you’re his wife
he’s your husband
holy shit
he stirs underneath you and you wait for him to open his pretty brown eyes
“good morning, mr min” you have your chin propped up on your folded hands and yoongi wraps his arm tighter around you before yawning and stretching his limbs out
“good morning, mrs min” his voice is low and raspy from just waking up but he reaches down to poke your nose gently “…how long have you been watching me sleep, you creep?”  
who says romance is dead?
next week you guys are flying to yoongi’s hometown daegu for a traditional korean wedding
which you’re reALLy excited for because you’ve always loved learning about different cultures and traditions
and hello??? the hanbok you’re going to be wearing is a deep purple colour and you love that
plus you’ve been brushing up on your korean lately and you’re preTTY much fluent at this point
(not rly)
you know what though you realised that you can pretty much get away with anything as long as you keep saying 네 [yes]
“shouldn’t you be working right now? i’m not your tutor” yoongi snorts when you stumble into his room with a bunch of korean textbooks clutched to your chest
“listen liSten i’m like basically fluent now okay just have a conversation with me i promise u i will be able to hold a basic conversation” you sit down across from him and yoongi leans forward on his folded arms on the desk
“okay, fine. 안녕하세요.” [hello.]
“안녕하세요!!!!!!!!!!!” [hello!!!!!!!!!!!] you say hello a little too enthusiastically and yoongi chuckles at how cute you are
you have a slight accent (obviously) and he thinks it’s just the cuTEST thing ever
“잘지냈어요?” [how are you?]
“좋은. 그리고 너?” [good. and yourself?]
yoongi figures maybE he can have a little fun with this
“좋은, 고맙습니다. 너 쿠키를 가져간거야?” [good, thank you. are you okay with me taking your cookies away?]
your eyes widen a little in surprise because whaT did he just say,,,.,,,
okay don’t panic
“오! 좋은. 또한 점심 시간을 없애고 있습니다.” [oh! good. also, i’m taking your lunch break away.]
“너는 더 이상 지민을 볼 수 없다.” [you’re not allowed to see jimin anymore.]
okay you heard jimin in there somewhere
maybe he’s asking you if you like jimin???
“나는 리사와 결혼하고 ���와 이혼하고있어..” [i’m marrying lisa and divorcing you]
your brows immediately furrow because did he just mention,,, liSA
you don’t know what he said but if lisa’s in there it can’t be good
“아니!” [no!]
“i think you might need to brush up on your korean a little more” yoongi smirks and tilts his head before gesturing to the door “go back to work, jagi”
“why!!!!!!!!!!! my korean’s like noT half bad”
“really? because you just agreed for me to take your cookies away, take your lunch break away, and you’re no longer allowed to see jimin. at least you said no to me marrying lisa and divorcing you. i have a conference call, you gotta get outta here” yoongi gets up from his chair before placing a hand on the small of your back and nudging you towards the door
“wha- that’s SO unfair you know i only know the basics you can’t just do that!!!!!“ yoongi opens the door for you
“sure i can! you agreed to all of it. 키스 [kis-su], please.”
okay at least you know what that means
you cup yoongi’s jaw and pull him down to give him a lil kiss and he taps your bum
“waiT wait i have something else to say” you turn around before yoongi can push you out
“what is it noW”
he’s expecting you to swear at him or say something dumb but instead you wrap your arms around his waist and prop your chin up on his chest to look up at him
“사랑해~” [i love you]
and yoongi’s heart grows like a triLLION TIMES BIGGER YOU ARE SO CUTE
“너를 더 사랑해.” [love you more]
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