#I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY FRIEDN!! ^____^ <33333
mickmundy · 1 year
Ooooh number 17 for the kisses prompt.. or 61 >:)
EEEE OMG SO FUN!! YES... both... both is good... HEHEHHE
17. underwater kiss
Summer! Such a miserable time of year! But every now and then, the mercenaries got a break: Engineer and Sniper would mercifully fire up the grills and slow-roasters and whatever else they used to make the kind of food that made living in miserable Teufort worth it. Each merc often made something of their own and brought it to share, or would have some kind of game they could all play, like volleyball, dart throwing, or...
"Bobbing for apples?!" Scout wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "No way man. Nothing is worth gettin' water up my nose and in my mouth!" He shuddered. Sniper laughed, observing the large container that housed lots of delicious-looking apples of all varieties while and Engineer had a moment of downtime between cooking tasks.
"Okay, here's the rules," Engineer clapped his hands together. "Two people get as many apples out of the tub as they can without removing their hands from the edge of the bin. Harder than it sounds!" He teased, clapping Sniper on the back. "You keen to give it a go, slim?" The bushman nodded with a sheepish chuckle.
"Ah, why not. Who's gonna-"
"Me, of course!" Medic tittered as he trotted up to the tin basin and put his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels jovially. Medic was dressed in above-the-knee shorts and a short-sleeved button-down shirt, complete with socks and sandals. It was the most casual Sniper had ever seen him. Not that he'd seen much of him, but, well... He puts his hands on his hips and nodded, wondering what made the doctor volunteer. They hadn't interacted much, but hell, that didn't mean they couldn't now, right? Don't get wrapped up in it. Just have fun! "It'll be fun, ja? I know you'll be quite the worthy opponent!" He declared, baring his teeth in a wide smile.
Sniper smiled crookedly, nodding his head. He looked good. He swallowed thickly, remembering himself. "Yeah, you too mate." Sniper finally managed, watching the doctor's toothy smile twist into a smug smirk. Sniper cleared his throat, beginning to take off his hat and sunglasses. Medic stared unabashedly, appreciating how Sniper's white tanktop showed off his arms and the tender skin of his flanks just below them, how his round belly pressed against the white linen. The y-shaped scar of his own making taunted the doctor as it slithered beneath the fabric at his chest. The doctor didn't have to squint to see his nipples through the thin fabric, too. So very handsome.
Medic placed his glasses within Sniper's overturned hat just as he'd done, watching as the marksman swallowed thickly. They took their places beside one another and waited for Engineer's signal, the two of them leaned over the tub and ready to go. As their friend gave the GO!, they both hurried, remaining neck and neck as they caught apples in their teeth and spat them out into the bins beside them, held by Heavy and Demo. The mercenaries whooped and hollered, but it didn't steal their focus. Sniper was almost to the winning amount of apples, poised to take first place. As he went for the apple, he was intercepted by a gentle collision of Medic's lips against Sniper's. Underwater. Just Medic, Sniper and the apples.
Bubbles blew out of the bushman's nose as he parted his mouth, deepening the kiss, to which Medic eagerly reciprocated. Sniper's toes curled in his boots as he white-knuckled the basin. The doctor hooked his pinky finger with Sniper's, neither of their hands moving enough to disqualify them. Nobody could see it, anyway. Medic nipped at Sniper's lower lip and he wanted to moan as his legs wobbled, the sound coming up as nothing but bubbles as he sputtered, coughed, and threw his head up above water, his slippery-from-sweat hands sliding off the basin. He lost his grip, lost his footing and fell flat on his rear.
Medic grabbed the last apple he needed to win and was declared as such, though Sniper was barely paying attention. He kissed him! Whether it was because he'd really wanted to or because he wanted to win, Sniper didn't care. He liked a good dirty fight now and then, even though he hated to lose them. This time, he found himself a remarkably good sport. Two large, hairy hands extended themselves down to Sniper, helping him up. Sniper took them and grunted as he was pulled nearly flush against Medic's body. "Congratulations," Sniper heard himself say dumbly, watching Medic's face light up in a smile. "And... thanks," Was that really the best he could do?! "Thanks"?! Medic giggled, taking one of the apples out of his own tub and rolling it in his palm. The other mercenaries had since lost interest and were now egging on an axe-throwing tournament between Demoman and Scout.
"The pleasure was all mine, I assure you." Medic purred, bringing the apple to his own mouth and taking a bite, offering to hold it so that Sniper could do the same, raising his brows expectantly as he chewed. Oh, like a toast? Sniper licked his lips and eyed the apple; he could still taste the doctor on his mouth. Or like temptation? All too eagerly, Sniper sank his teeth into the fruit poised so delicately in his teammate's hand.
61. “I thought I lost you” kiss
It wasn't Medic's fault that he sometimes was guilty of bringing work home with him. Especially when Sniper was just as much of his home as he was his work. The title of greatest achievement was not one Medic regretted giving him, of course. Though, sometimes, he knew that such a title (and the falling in love with said greatest achievement) resulted in Medic... worrying a bit more about Sniper than he did the other mercenaries. Not outwardly, of course, not where anyone, Sniper included, could see.
Often times, this worry only managed to ensnare Medic when they were alone in Sniper's van, when the doctor would be curled against Sniper's side, holding his warm body flush against his own and tracing the y-shaped scar on his chest and the ones on his arm too, if Sniper's sleeping position allowed it. Everything was fine. Medic heard the glorious, glorious beating of the bushman's heart and begged himself to know peace. Listen to his breathing, how cute it is... His eyes fell closed as he made himself focus on the small chuffs and snores Sniper would make, and he couldn't help but smile. He was always so tired!
The doctor had never worried himself like this before he had fallen in love with Sniper, and most of the time he really, truly didn't worry like this. But when he did, it was like getting hit with a thick blanket of ice water and being shoved into a hot shower promptly after. It's okay, he's breathing. His heart is fine. Sleep finally took him as he rested his cheek on Sniper's breast, letting himself be lulled by the rise and fall of his chest.
Silence. Stillness. Medic's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up, banging his shoulders on the top of the loft bed's roof and running his hands over Sniper's chest, cupping the sides of his throat. Nothing. There was nothing. They weren't in his lab, he didn't have his medigun, his tools, there wasn't anything he could- He swung his leg over Sniper's waist and was getting ready to start compressions.
The marksman coughed, furrowing his brow and batting his eyes up at Medic sleepily. "Pidge? He yawned, nuzzling his face into the doctor's palm and pressing soft kisses to it. "C'mere," he sighed, leaning into one of Medic's hands and closing his eyes again. He was okay. He was okay. "What're you doing?" He heard Sniper ask. Medic thanked a God he didn't believe in and leaned down and pressed his lips to Sniper's, inhaling deeply through his nose as he felt his nerves melting away. He was okay.
"I thought I'd-" Lost you. The words died in his mouth as he pressed it against Sniper's again, feeling him reciprocate the kiss in kind. His hands rested on the doctor's thighs, stroking them in slow, even rubs. "I'm sorry my darling," he managed to keep his tone even and not raw with residual panic.
"S'okay, come to Sniper, gorgeous." He requested, and Ludwig couldn't deny him.
"No, you come to me," Medic whispered, laying back down and scooping his slightly-taller lover up in his arms. Cradling him close to him, he watched as Sniper made himself comfortable by burying his face in the dense hair between his breasts, slinging his leg over Medic's wide hips and waist. Sniper purred happily at the sleeping arrangement and yawned again, his teeth brushing against the doctor's soft chest.
"Sorry if I scared you, sometimes I hold my breath in my sleep. Waking habit, I guess..." He murmured, planting a hard kiss to the skin just over his beloved's heart. Medic let out a dismissive sound, holding Sniper close to him and burying his face in his hair. It seemed like both of their waking habits were quite troublesome ones.
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