#I JUST Realized! this explains how hobie seems to make the first spot pun early!!!
gaasublarb · 10 months
IMO Miles and Hobie actually look similar enough to justify Actually Miles Is Young Hobie fanstuff and yet I haven't seen any
Same eye color
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The hairline and eyebrows are different but those are things that can be shaped
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I thought Miles had just rounded lips but even that's not right. And it's not as if Hobie's don't even out sometimes
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The face lines
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Even their ears are similar enough I can't say anything against it and ears are like super individual
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(Edit. Differences that age and stress maybe can't account for:
I think Miles has bigger ears? And maybe his lobes are more detached?)
((edit edit. I think the back of Hobie's jaw is shorter?? And the base of it longer????))
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"For Satisfaction" p.1 (R18! BTS x Reader)
Before anything else I would like to say sorry in advance for my first smut BTS story and ummm happy reading! For mature audience only!
___ opened her eyes only to see a man’s face beside her sleeping soundly, almost like an angel.
She smiled to herself as her feet rubbed against his.
“Good morning Hoseok,” She whispered, caressing his cheek.
Hoseok slowly opened his eyes into a half-lidded one, and he smiled at her sleepily.
He hugs her close to him once again, and she laughs.
“I need to cook breakfast with Jin.”
Hoseok groaned disappointingly, but removes his arm and leg around her anyway.
“I’ll wake up later."He mumbles before throwing the bed sheet over him. "Too early…”
“Okay Hobi,” ___ says as she closes the door.
Once sensing she was gone, Hoseok removed the cover off his face and looked at the door over his shoulder silently.
“___ can you please pass that bowl over there.”
Cooking with Jin is definitely fun, especially when he occasionally throws dad jokes at her. Seokjin on the other hand, enjoyed cooking with her then tasting the food they made afterwards first. The taste is satisfying, and you could really tell that they both made the food with love.
“Hey ___?” Jin flipped the egg, and he smiled at the smell.
“If I throw a tombstone at you, you are..?”
He could feel her frown from behind, stopping from whatever she’s doing.
“What? Why?”
“It’s a joke,” he explained.
“Ah, I see. Well I don’t know, what am I?”
“You’re in grave danger.”
His shoulders shook, and there he was again with his hyena + windshield wiper laugh. She rolled her eyes at the pun, but couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“What the heck, Jin.”
“The plate please."Seokjin requested a minute of laughing later, and she went to get it.
"Here you go.”
“Thank you,”
___ started setting up the table and after she thought she’d done a great job, she went to Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin’s rooms to tell them to eat breakfast together.
“You called them?"He asks when she came back to the dining room smelling of food.
"Of course!”
“Very good."Seokjin mockingly pets her. "Sit next to me, okay?”
“Okay."She shrugs and obeys, and he couldn’t help but smirk.
Sooner, people flooded the dining table and after chaste greetings, began digging down.
"Is it delicious?” Jin asked, and they all nodded their heads to his satisfaction.
His eyes searched for ___’s though, and just as he thought, she was looking at him.
“What?” He mouthed soundlessly, but he knows what’s up.
His hand was currently caressing her thigh under the table, and it was slowly climbing up.
“Stop it,” she mouthed back, then kicked his leg but he didn’t budge. His smirk only got wider as his fingers went under her skirt, and she sighs at his immorally childish act.
After breakfast, everyone scrambled about in the house and Seokjin went to wash his hand at the sink and ___ straight to the bathroom.
He couldn’t help but remember when ___ went silent while he was inserting two fingers to her wet core. Couldn’t help the way she shook violently as she tightened around his fingers minutes later as she came silently, unnoticed by the other people busy eating away to their heart’s content.
He couldn’t help but feel aroused. Looks like he would be using the bathroom when she’s finished.
Jimin hugged ___ tight and buried his face on her neck. Tickled, she laughed lightly and embraced back. They were both at the sofa, with her sitting on his lap, facing him.
Jimin was a sucker for cuddling, and at a cold time like this, he loves her against him.
She then started to lightly stroke his hair, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes. She really knew how to make him feel at peace.
Their moment was ended once the door on the entrance opened and Jungkook arrived with a box of donuts.
“Hey guys."He smiled, then looked at the both of them cuddling. His fingers twitched beside him, secretly annoyed at the sight he first sees.
"Welcome home Kookie,”___ greeted.
“I believe it’s my turn now,"Jungkook said as he walked pass them, signaling for her to follow. Jimin’s hold softened, letting her go. She flashes an apologetic smile at him.
"See you.”
Jimin hated this. He hated sharing her with anyone, especially with the boys, and that’s what made it harder. He knows that the boys are feeling protective of her too, but they couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t do anything. They were all struggling, all because of affection.
He hasn’t realized yet that he was pouting.
“Aww, Jimin."Before he knew it, she leans down and pecks his lips. He instantly kissed back, but she pulled away after a second.
He watches her leave, and suddenly his chest pained. He then grabs the soda at the table and decides to drown away his disappointment.
Jungkook and ___ went to the garden and sat at the garden table opposite of each other.
"I’ve bought your favorites.”
“Thanks a bunch,” she smiles, opening the box and grabbed a sprinkled strawberry donut.
Jungkook went to grab the nearest one, which is the cinnamon flavoured one and bit down.
“Jungkook? Where were you?”
“…the gym? I was surprised Jimin wasn’t there, but then of course, it’s because he’s doing something else.”
She kinda felt bad. Is she distracting Jimin from his daily workout routine? This is bad.
She shook her head instead. She shouldn’t think about Jimin too much when she’s with Jungkook!
She called his attention again.
“Mmm?” He raised his eyebrows at her.
“I got you a present.”
He eyed her fishing out something from her pocket and there it was, a box seated on her palm.
He couldn’t help but grin as he got it and examined it closely, bringing down the piece of donut on the box of pastry.
“An engagement ring?”
She rolls her eyes at him, giggling.
“Duh, no! Just open it..!”
He does, and he was surprised when he saw a gold necklace, with his name in English and Hangeul with it.
“It’s not that much…but I worked really hard for that!” She gives him an unwavering gaze.“S-So I would like you to appreciate it. And please don’t let the guys know I gave you a gift, I don’t have the money on me currently to give them a gift as well.”
“Okay, okay,” He chuckles, putting on the necklace. “It’s pretty.”
“It is?"She raises a brow at him.
"It is. I appreciate it,” He grins back. “What’s this for, though?”
“Well,” she started. “I figured I’d give a gift to someone who always comes over my room like he owns it.”
“I don’t know if you’re low key picking on me or not, but hey."He laughs as he picks up his donut and bites on it again.
"A token of gratitude for accompanying me at my sleepless nights, and for giving me cuddles. Like, massive amounts of them.” She smiles, and he stops and looks at her.
His cheeks flames red. She’s now looking at somewhere, and he took this opportunity to look away as well.
Taehyung was in his room, deep in thought, seated at his wooden rocking chair.
He wasn’t actually thinking about anything too serious. To be honest, he was just contemplating on what to play next. An online game? Nah. No thanks, some online games are full of trashtalkers. 1P games? Maybe some other time. It doesn’t appeal to him right now. A 2P game, he decides. Jungkook was home, and so is Jimin. He gets up and walks outside his room.
“Jimin,"he knocks on his door, and he doesn’t earn a sound.
"Jimin, let’s play a game,"he calls again.
"Jimin,"he knocks one last time, before sighing and went to look for Jungkook.
He knocks on the maknae’s door, but no sound. Again. Is he being ignored by everyone?
He frowns as he goes to the kitchen, thinking maybe someone was there.
“Hoseok-hyung,"he greets once he sees the fresh-out-of-bed man who was currently eating breakfast Jin set aside for him.
”‘Morning.“he greeted back.
"Want to play a game with me?”
“Pass,"he dismissed.
So he just went to get a glass of cold water from the dispenser.
He started walking around the house while gulping down water. He eventually arrives at the deserted living room and he neared the glass wall covered by curtains.
He parted the empty glass from his lips as he parts a portion of curtain to the side to peek into the garden.
He spots Jungkook, and he sees ___ as well. They were at the garden table, talking. With donuts.
His eyes softened.
She came into the household three weeks earlier.
Came not to solely become their maid, but someone who should satisfy their needs.
Manager Sejin introduced her as a simple girl from (City Name). He could clearly remember her being called to their front, and she wore a knee-length (f/c) floral dress along with strap sandals.
In his opinion, she was indeed simple. They met a lot of girls around the world before and she doesn’t quite stand out that much. But that doesn’t mean she would come out as a bland person.
He doesn’t know how Manager Sejin found her.
Heck, he doesn’t even know what he meant when he said,
"She’ll be staying here with you to satisfy your needs. You can do anything with her if you must.”
“So do we like…share her?” Namjoon asks.
“Yes."Their manager nodded."So don’t think too much of her…”
He doesn’t understand. Why are they talking about her like she’s some kind of toy?
He looks at her and she seems fine with it. Everyone was confused too though, to his opinion.
And so she moved in to the room between Yoongi’s and Jin’s.
At first everyone was polite around her, but she wasn’t that hard to be close with. She was a likeable person, so eventually the members treated her as one of their close friends. Some subtly. Maybe it, too, was because they had permission to do anything with her, but okay.
But as he looks at her and Jungkook interacting, he felt pity for her.
He knows she needed the money, and so she agreed to live with a bunch of strangers–and men at that.
It takes a lot of courage to move out from your home just for work.
Somehow, he sees himself in her. And he was sure that she, too, is tired.
He opens the door which made the two people look at him.
“Taehyung,"she greets, and he could only smile.
”___, Jungkook.“
The maknae pointed at the box of donuts."Want one?”
“Of course."he gets the donut dipped in green substance, and bit on it.
The three of them then ate in silence, and he wondered why neither of them started a conversation like before so he took the initiative.
"So, I was thinking of playing a 2P game,"he starts."Want to play?”
“Sure."Jungkook looked excited, and ___ nods.
"Me too.”
“I only have two controllers though,” he says.
Jungkook looks at her and she smiles, already knowing that he would say she should try the game and step down.
“It doesn’t matter if I can’t play. You go ahead, I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“Yes, yes.” She stands up.“There are plenty of donuts. I’ll put it in the fridge.”
She leaves them both carrying the box and Jungkook stood up.
“Let’s go,"he says and went in first.
Taehyung stared at the door for a minute or two, deep in thought, but it’s not like he’s thinking about something serious or anything.
He just thought the avocado-flavored donut tasted nice.
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