rorynne · 2 years
Me: not everyone needs a redemption arc! Let bad guys be bad! Let them be evil! The war crimes are cute!
My brain: yeah, sure, whatever you say. Now heres 15 ideas for redemption fics for you to write, I'm not giving you ideas for anything else.
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pan-fangirl-345 · 4 years
Compliments and Appreciation
Summary: Kageyama isn’t normally one for compliments, but when he suddenly starts spewing them, you know something must be wrong.
TW: None
Something was wrong.
More importantly, there was something wrong with Kageyama.
“(Y/L/N), you’re bel-bo-beautiful,” Kageyama stammered, cheeks flushed pink as he avoided eye contact.
“Kageyama? Are you okay? You’re not sick, are you?” you inquired, reaching your hand up to feel his forehead for a fever.
Kageyama was not a wordy person. He tended to show affection through actions, if he showed it at all.
He just huffed and stormed down the hallway to his classroom.
The next time it happened, he was walking you home. You had waited for his practice to be over, and he had asked if he could walk you home.
“You . . . you have goo-nuff . . . nive- nice eyes,” he mumbled, bumping his hand against yours.
Your brows furrowed as you glanced at him.
“Kageyama? Are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, watching his body language.
“I’m fine,” he snapped, making you frown.
“Are you completely sure? You don’t feel hot, or cold?” you questioned.
“I feel fine,” he told you.
You frowned, but you didn’t want to push. He would tell you when he was ready.
“Kageyama, there you are,” you murmured, stopping in front of his desk. “Hinata said that he wanted to practice with you during lunch.”
“Tell him I said no,” he muttered.
“What? Why?” you asked, nearly tripping over nothing as you stood there.
Kageyama almost never said no to practice with Hinata.
“Because I wanted to spend it with my liv-love-lovely girlfriend,” he stuttered, flushing.
“Are you sure? You know I don’t mind when you practice with him during lunch. You don’t have to each with me,” you told him, leaning against his desk.
“I know, I want to eat with you,” he said, glancing up at you.
“Liar,” you teased, smiling at him. “Go practice with him, I know you want to.”
He frowned, but he stood, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, disappearing into the crowds.
Kageyama made a small noise of contentment as you ran your fingers through his hair.
His head was pillowed by your thighs as you sat together on your couch.
You had a book in your hand as he relaxed from a hard practice.
“Your hands are really soft,” he whispered, moving it from his hair so he could hold it.
“Yeah?” you asked, smiling down at him, setting your book aside.
“Mmm hmm,” he hummed, giving you a tentative smile in return.
“Your hands are so much bigger than mine,” you mused, lining them up together.
His hands were broader than yours, and his fingers were a lot longer, they were made for setting.
“(Y/F/N), we’re home!” your mother yelled. “Oh, hello Tobio.”
“Hello ma’am,” he murmured, sitting up.
You laughed at his hair, smoothing it out for him as he blushed.
“Go back to what you were doing,” your mother teased.
Your parents liked Kageyama, and they thought you were cute together.
“Hey Kageyama,” your father said, nodding to him.
Kageyama nodded back, but he didn’t let go of your hand.
“(Y/L/N), are you . . . are you an angel ‘cause you’re . . . hoove- have- heavnely,” Kageyama stammered.
“Kageyama, are you . . . are you trying to use pick-up lines on me?” you asked, smiling at him.
“Is it working?”
“Kageyama, you have a lot of personality traits. Confidence is not one of them,” you teased, bumping your hand against his as you made your way to the gym for his practice match against Nekoma.
He pouted, but you smiled at him again and he gave you one back.
“Go kick their asses,” you told him, kissing his cheek before heading for the watching area, ignoring the whistles that his team was sending your way.
“Kageyama? Can I ask you something?” you asked one night while you were over at his house.
His parents had invited you for dinner, and you and Kageyama were doing the dishes in the kitchen.
“Why have you been complimenting me so much lately?” you inquired, watching him from the corner of your eye as he wiped down a plate.
He paused for a moment before he said, “Hinata said I was being a bad boyfriend.”
“He said that I should be showing you how much you meant to me, how much I appreciated you.”
“If it made you uncomfortable you shouldn’t’ve been doing it,” you told him, wiping your hands off so you would wrap your arms around him.
He slid his arms around your waist, holding you close.
“When you asked if I was feeling okay the first time I did it, it made me realize how little I did it.”
“C’mon love, I know you appreciate me,” you told him, burying your face in his neck.
“You thought I was sick because I complimented you,” he muttered.
“Love, words aren’t your thing, I get that. There are other ways to show me you care. If you don’t want to say it, that’s okay,” you informed him, running a hand through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I like it when you smile though,” he murmured, running a hand up and down your spine. “You smile when I say things like that.”
“I smile when you hug me too, remember? I also smile when you text me. I smile a lot around you Tobio, you just don’t always see it,” you told him, smiling.
He jerked in your hold and you instantly let go, taking a step back.
“What?” you asked, pulling your hands back towards your body, scared you had done something.
“You . . . you used my first name,” he mumbled, cheeks flushed pink.
“I’m sorry, I guess it just slipped out.”
“No, I . . . I liked it,” he admitted, his cheeks bright red now as he glanced at you.
“You did?”
He nodded.
Just when you thought his face couldn’t get any redder.
“You can use mine if you want,” you mumbled, picking at your nails, a nervous habit.
“You sure?” he asked.
You nodded, feeling the heat flood to your own cheeks.
“Okay,” he murmured.
You stood there for a second before you went back to scrubbing at the dishes that were left in the sink.
“Hey, (Y/F/N),” Kageyama said.
“You’re beautiful.”
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onwesterlywinds · 4 years
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Ingvald Bloodhound: There you are, you hellion. Helisent Wynter does a 'who, me?' gesture. Ingvald Bloodhound: Yes! You! Helisent Wynter: ... What did I do this time? Ingvald Bloodhound: My first-ever linkpearl call from my brother, and it's about you. And your antics. Ingvald Bloodhound smirks. Ingvald Bloodhound: Well done. Helisent Wynter bursts out laughing. Helisent Wynter: You should've seen his face when I fell off the cliff when he refused to teach me initially. Ingvald Bloodhound: Oh, he told me of that. I can just about imagine the face he made. Helisent Wynter grins at that, shrugging. Helisent Wynter: I felt bad for giving him a heart attack so I kept it to a minimum for the next few days. Lif Silverlode descends the stairs with several books in her arms and nods a greeting at at the two unfamiliar Hyur as she passes them. Helisent Wynter snaps her fingers. Helisent Wynter: You're ... Lif, right? I think we met a while back. Ingvald Bloodhound is still ready to berate Helisent Wynter - lovingly - but stops at the arrival of the young woman. Lif Silverlode squints at the woman, taken aback, then her eyes light up.
Lif Silverlode: Oh, you're...Helisent, right? I think we met shortly after I first came here. Helisent Wynter: Mhm! Yeah, that sounds about right. How've you been? Lif Silverlode: I've been well, thank you for asking. Work has been slow, but I've kept myself busy with the Sandsea's library. Lif Silverlode gestures to the books in her arms. Lif Silverlode: How have you been? Helisent Wynter: Terrorizing his twin brother so he will teach me how to be a monk, she says, motioning at Ingvald. Ingvald Bloodhound: It's going well. For her, at least. Lif Silverlode turns to the stranger. Lif Silverlode: My apologies. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Lif. Ingvald Bloodhound: Reading anything interesting? Lif Silverlode: I just found a few books on Sil'dih that I haven't read before. Helisent Wynter's head tilts curiously at that. Ingvald Bloodhound nods in greeting. Ingvald Bloodhound: Ingvald. Lif Silverlode nods. Lif Silverlode: A pleasure to meet you. What brings you to the Sandsea? Are you another Riskbreaker? Ingvald Bloodhound: Something like that. I patrol Gyr Abania most of the time. Lif Silverlode nods to Ingvald Bloodhound. Helisent Wynter gives him the most innocent grin. Ingvald Bloodhound shrugs at Helisent Wynter. Lif Silverlode looks at Helisent Wynter with relief. Lif Silverlode: I was actually just wondering that. I don't think I've met your sister yet, but I'll keep an eye out for her. Lif Silverlode: So how do the two of you know each other? Ingvald Bloodhound: We're both Gyr Abanian. We met at some point during the reconstruction, and she hasn't left me alone since. Helisent Wynter: He looked like he needed some brightness in his life, really, she shrugs. I also met Orella, his partner, while I was traveling through the Fringes. Lif Silverlode: Well, after everything Ala Mhigo's been through, I think most of your people could do with some cheer. At least you now have a chance at finding some. Ingvald Bloodhound doesn't quite know what to say to that statement, except for the opinion that he thinks “cheer” may still be a ways off. Ingvald Bloodhound: Hm. Helisent Wynter kicks his shin. Helisent Wynter: Stop brooding, for fuck's sake. Just be happy. Ingvald Bloodhound: Ow! Helisent Wynter kicks his shin again for good measure. Helisent Wynter: Or do I need to do something drastic. Ingvald Bloodhound: You brat! Lif Silverlode bites her lip, suddenly realizing how flippant her statement had been. Lif Silverlode: I am so sorry. That was insensitive of me. I did not mean to make light of what Ala Mhigo's been through. I am truly sorry. Helisent Wynter sticks her tongue out at Ingvald Bloodhound. Ingvald Bloodhound: No, I should apologize. As this one can doubtless tell you, I'm an ornery old man with little to no conversational abilities. Helisent Wynter: I mean, yeah, it's been horrible, but ... You also kinda have to learn to try and be happy, or you just stick in the same patterns of sadness and bad moods. That's why I'm working at getting him and the other block of wood to at least smile sometimes. Ingvald Bloodhound: You are deeply unpleasant. Helisent Wynter: And that's why you kicked me off to go bother your brother! Ingvald Bloodhound: Well, it worked. Helisent Wynter stage-whispers to Lif Silverlode. Helisent Wynter: He likes me, don't let him fool you. Lif Silverlode can't help but smile at the antics of the two Gyr Abanians. Lif Silverlode: I'll have to take your word for it. Lif Silverlode's smile falters for a moment as she feels a stab of nostalgia and longing, but she quickly numbs herself to it. Lif Silverlode: You sound like siblings. Ingvald Bloodhound sobers at that. Helisent Wynter: I implied that he and Orella adopted me, actually. Helisent Wynter gently guides the conversation away from siblings. Helisent Wynter: They both had heart attacks. Ingvald Bloodhound just sighs. Lif Silverlode: It sounds like you didn't have much say in this, Ingvald. Ingvald Bloodhound shrugs at Lif Silverlode. Ingvald Bloodhound: She knows I can throw her into an ancient Ala Mhigan pit if she ever truly irks me. Helisent Wynter: ...You know I can fly, right. Ingvald Bloodhound: Oh, I'm all too aware. Ingvald Bloodhound: ...And now, so is Wilhelm. Ingvald Bloodhound can't help but let out a single chuckle. Helisent Wynter sighs; a breeze that ruffles her clothes, despite being indoors. Helisent Wynter: True. I can only play that joke once on unsuspecting people. Lif Silverlode: I don't mean to pry, but who is Wilhelm? Ingvald Bloodhound: My aforementioned brother. Ingvald Bloodhound has never willingly divulged information about him before. Lif Silverlode: Ah, I see. Lif Silverlode nods, but does not pursue the topic, having sensed the tenderness around the subject. Ingvald Bloodhound: What about you? How long have you been a Riskbreaker? Helisent Wynter looks over interestedly. Lif Silverlode: Only a few months now. I joined up shortly after I first met you, Helisent. Helisent Wynter blinks at that, not having really realized that at all. Lif Silverlode: I'm still trying to learn faces, and there has not been much work to do, but I try to make myself useful where I can. Helisent Wynter: Hey, that's more than I can really say, honestly. I'm mostly here at Nive's invitation. Lif Silverlode: Well, you clearly bring some much needed levity to all of your dour countrymen. Ingvald Bloodhound: Have you been put to any tasks as of yet? Ingvald Bloodhound ignores that last comment. Lif Silverlode: No, I mostly impose upon the Grand Steward's hospitality and read her books, unfortunately. Ingvald Bloodhound: Then we've that in common, at least. Helisent Wynter: That sounds about right. I also heal people, on occasion. Lif Silverlode: Well, at least you didn't accidentally lure a foul-tempered Seeker here. Honestly, I'm surprised I still have a job after that. Helisent Wynter gives a slow head tilt of incomprehension and starts to mentally go through a list of any Seekers she may know. It's not a lot. Ingvald Bloodhound makes an almost identical face. Lif Silverlode: An old friend of mine followed me here and forced herself into the free company. She's a good person...but she can be... a lot. If you see a small, brown-haired Seeker with a scar on her cheek, tread carefully. She's prickly. Assuming she hasn't gotten herself killed antagonizing someone bigger than herself, that is. Ingvald Bloodhound: Given the nature of this company's membership, I imagine that would be most everyone she meets, if she's a Seeker. Lif Silverlode: She's small, even for a Seeker, so you're not wrong. Helisent Wynter smothers a giggle, mostly at Nivelth Ajuyn's offense. Helisent Wynter: I'll keep an eye out. Oh, speaking of short Miqot'e: If you want a research partner, Nive might be willing to help. I don't know if she knows anything about Sil'dih, but... Lif Silverlode: I appreciate that. I am just reading for pleasure, but I always enjoy talking with people who know their history. Ingvald Bloodhound: Supposedly there's an author in residence at the Sandsea. I've not met her yet. Helisent Wynter: I'm not much of a scholar myself. I can read and write, and I know a fair amount of history, but that's mostly because I travel around a lot. Lif Silverlode: An author... Might that be... Priscilla, I believe? The Ga-er... *ahem* Ingvald Bloodhound: Hm? Helisent Wynter knows that name from somewhere, she thinks. Then she turns slightly pink, and coughs, looking away. Ingvald Bloodhound: What. Helisent Wynter: Nothing. Lif Silverlode: I... met a woman named Priscilla who said she was an author. She handed me a book to read, but it had a different name for the author. It was... something. Lif Silverlode turns pink and shifts uncomfortably. Helisent Wynter: That they are. Ingvald Bloodhound looks back and forth between the two young women, and shrugs. Lif Silverlode: *ahem* Anyway... Helisent, you said you are a healer? As I recall, you are skilled in conjury, correct? Helisent Wynter nods at that, grateful for the subject change. Helisent Wynter: Mmhm. Gridanian trained, at that, though I left the Fen. Lif Silverlode smiles, pleased that she remembered. Lif Silverlode: And what kind of work do you do, Ingvald? If I may ask. Ingvald Bloodhound: Red magic. As to what I do with it, that's another question entirely. Ingvald Bloodhound isn't even sure of it himself - aside from hunting down fugitives and surveilling for Garleans. Lif Silverlode nods, inwardly pleased that her guess had been correct. Lif Silverlode: A red mage? That's a talent you don't see much anymore. I'm not sure I've even met one outside of a book. Lif Silverlode is very careful to keep her expression straight and her voice curious. Ingvald Bloodhound: Which makes it difficult to learn from others, as one might for a more common discipline. Helisent Wynter taps her chin, thinking. Lif Silverlode: I bet it does. I'm glad that there are still some that art alive, and I hope that a day will come when I can meet more. Ingvald Bloodhound: As do I. Ingvald Bloodhound looks around briefly. Ingvald Bloodhound: Speaking of which, I'd best get some training in. I hope you'll excuse me. Ingvald Bloodhound: It's good to meet you, Lif. Helisent Wynter: I've heard stories of the Crimson Duelists, while I traveled around Gyr Abania, actually. They sounded interesting. Ingvald Bloodhound: I'll tell you what I know of them. Perhaps another time. If you're good. Lif Silverlode: It was very nice to meet you, Ingvald. Feel free to seek me out any time you're here. I will be around for the foreseeable future. Helisent Wynter, in true contrary fashion, goes to kick his shin again. Helisent Wynter: I'm always good. Ingvald Bloodhound manages to dodge this time. Helisent Wynter almost overextends and faceplants, only to be saved by a breeze that seems to push her up from the ground. She makes a face at Ingvald Bloodhound. Helisent Wynter: Spoilsport. Lif Silverlode: The same goes for you, Helisent. I would love to talk with you again at some point. Helisent Wynter turns back to Lif Silverlode and grins. Helisent Wynter: Sure! I'd like to get to know you some more, if that's alright. I'm just currently sort of in training, and only came back to grab a few things. Lif Silverlode: Ah, right. The monk training you mentioned. I hope your training goes well, and you don't give your 'parents' too many grey hairs. Lif Silverlode smiles. Helisent Wynter: Orella's hair was already grey. Ingvald Bloodhound makes a straight face. Helisent Wynter: ... Don't look at me like that. I'm the light of your life. Ingvald Bloodhound thinks it's more silver, but says nothing.
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thecat-inthehat · 7 years
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Interview Meme, for Nive! 
Tagged by: @thelegendofivalice
Tagging: uhhhhhhhhh. @dat-paw @steak-n-popotoes @varae-ver-you-are @cogflox ! If you’ve already been tagged, sorry!
What is your full name?
“Nivelth Hel-Shine Ajuyn! My adopted sisters and I took each others names as middle ones, when we formally cemented being sisters.” She looks sad for a moment, but smiles again. “Even if Shining isn’t here, she’s still with me, somehow.” 
What do your friends call you?
“Nive, or Nivie, for Hel. I’ve been called the Hat Cat, but I’m not sure if that’s a nickname or a detriment...?” 
What is your favorite animal?
“Coeurls, since I don’t think carbuncles count. Besides, Mila would have my scalp if she heard me say anything other than a coeurl.” 
Where were you born?
“The ... East Shroud, I think?” She ponders for a moment. “Possibly the South. Mother never did say.” 
Do you have children?
“Only Mila’s kit, Mila’a. I still don’t know how that damned cat got pregnant.” 
Is there a person/people you love?
“My sisters. Hel is the only one still alive, but... I love them both. I love the Riskbreakers too, they’re kind of like another family to me.”
What is your favorite color?
“Purples and blues~” She grins, tugging at her blue tipped hair. 
What is your full occupation?
“Er.. that’s a bit tough,” she says, thinking and scrunching up her nose. “I suppose being a Sergeant in the Maelstrom counts as my ‘official’ occupation, but I’m more involved with my Free Company as a researcher and adventurer. I also work for the miner’s guild in Ul’dah, and rarely the armorsmith’s guild in Limsa.”
Are you good at physical fighting?
Nive groans. “Not ... really. I can run away, or I can toss a few punches, but anything with a blade I’m not good at.” 
Which form are you best at?
“The not dying kind?”
What about magic?
“I’m excellent at magicks.” There’s not a smile on her face however, just a statement of fact. 
Which type are you best at?
“Arcanima and summoning, which are similar, and Astromancy and fate manipulation. Conjury never sat well with me, and Thaumaturgey felt too wild.” 
“I can mine quite well, and I’m also learning how to craft armor. I’m not very good yet, but I can make relatively good mythril sabatons.”
Any other skills?
“I make a mean cup of tea?” She laughs. “Ahh, well... I’m ambidextrous, and I trained very hard on tactics and strategy. I also have an innate sense of when my cats are getting into trouble.”
Are you an only child?
She looks down, frowning. “No. Well, now I am, but... My birth family had myself, a few kits who didn’t survive their first winter, and my little brother. I hope Nald’thal took him peacefully.” 
Where do you see yourself in five years?
“I don’t know. Probably still with the Riskbreakers, provided the company doesn’t break up.” 
Have you ever almost died?
“Multiple times, the most recent was just a moon ago.” 
Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret, hardly anyone knows?
“That’s a strange question. Um. I have over thirty six hats, but wear only about seven of them on a regular basis?” 
Salty or sweet?
“Savory, actually. Salted jerkey is a favorite of mine though.” 
Do you like yourself?
“Well enough, I suppose. I never feel like I’m good enough, but that’s why we all keep improving, isn’t it?”
Do you believe in the Twelve?
“Who doesn’t?” She asks, then blinks. “Wait, stupid question.” 
Are you religious?
“Yes. Mephina was who my mother and grandmother prayed to, but I worship Althyk, after he saved my life, when our clan was destroyed.” 
Do you carry prejudice with you?
“A little. Gridanians can be stuck up pricks when it comes to their laws, and Garleans are even worse.” 
What do you consider entertainment?
“Creating new summoning spells, or curling up with a good mug of tea.” 
Favorite drink?
“Tea! Of any kind, really. I can’t have alcohol, unless you want a spectacular fireworks show,” she laughs. 
Do you have any family traditions?
Nive looks a little pained. “Yes. My mother taught all the kits songs to keep the Wood at bay, and it was also a lullaby... Hel and I, we also made a tradition of spending Saint Valontine’s day curled up together and counting what we love.” 
Are you a good person?
“That’s not a fair question.” 
Thank you for answering my questions.
“Of course!” She grins. “Don’t forget to get a drink at the Sandsea, if you’re around~” 
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byakurendawn · 7 years
Nightmare/Memory Fanfic Special Birthday
English version:
(Sorry for late i have been, very busy)
(Sorry for bad english too. My lvl still a little low)
                                                My Best Memory
He looked at him...he was only looking at him. Through his mirror he didn't stop observing him. He saw him so sad, so solitary...his soul squeezed up at this vision. However he wasn't alone. He was surrounded if we could say...but very often be surrounded didn't mean not being alone. Maybe because it wasn't him who be visited? Maybe because people were afraid of him? His nature had to push away people however he wasn't nasty. He didn't feel sorry, through his mirror he had seen of tens even hundreds of other person more sad than him. But for he didn't know which reason he had a lot of sympathy for this boy. He wanted...to bring him a little of enjoyment.
«It's not your business» that we had told him. «It is not your work» that we had told him. «You are not here to bring happiness» that we had told him. He was perfectly aware of his duty. He didn't care about of it was happening in the other worlds since that didn't break the balance...all that he made it was to collect the memories and to protect them. But...were not the memories to bring of the enjoyment? At least the happy memories, and then this boy had happy memories nevertheless. He frowned and took out his tools and his material that he put on the table inside hisstand filled with mirror all more beautiful some than the others, then pulled down the clapper, locking itself inside...apparently not ready to go out of it.
-I'm not evil...
It was that repeated the small skeleton dressed in black, sat in the shade of a big tree decorated with golden and black apples. He sat, alone, a book on knees. It is true he protected the dark side of the tree, it is true he was silent and reserved contrary at his brother who was much more energetic and bright. But it didn't mean that he was malefic or he knew what. He released his book of a hand to wipe the tears which rose to his eyes. No he had not to think of that, he was strong, he could surmount all this and ...
-Hi Nightmare.
At the heard of his name, Nightmare raised the orbits towards...
-...Who are you ?
He had never seen this skeleton before. There was no other skeleton that his brother and he to DreamTale. And...he was pretty cute. He had an adorable little face, turquoise blue diamonds shined in the eyes, he had a soft and friendly smile. Whiteness of its clothes seemed to get the sunlight above them, he carried a long white and turquoise blue coat with nine long veils behind him as fox's tails, a white hood with turquoise blue fur was folded on his head. Maybe he came from another universe, but it was rare not to say unique that he receives such a visit. He closed his book, waiting for the answer of the skeleton.
-My name is Memory, nive to meet you.
He always smiled, Nightmare didn't know what to answer. It was the first time that we spoke to him so friendly.
-What...do you want ?
Memory scratched his cheek while his osseous cheekbones took a bluish tint.
-Well in fact...I wanted to offer you a little gift...I know that it is sudden while we have hardly just met...but...
Nightmare winked orbits not sure to understand what it wanted to meant, he whispered:
-You...don't talk about my brother ?
-Dream ? No ! It's you i wanted to see ! T...To tell you the truth you...it has been a long time I observe you...I...I wanted to come to speak with you for a long time but I didn't dare and...I mean...hem...
He racked his fingers, not really sure of what he said, the whole face had become blue. Nightmare looked at him, a little bit purple cheekbones, he was so cute...this shyness and this way of stammering...it was adorable. He squeezed a little fists on the cover of his book, didn't knowing how to react, never anybody had been so kind with him...at point to offer him something while they did not even know each other. Finally in his sense, after all Memory had not said that he had observed him for a long time? It was a little strange but he fel no hostility coming from this skeleton.
-W...What is it ?
Memory put his hand in his pocket and took out a small mirror of it, a hand mirror, the surface was smooth and impeccable, he was completely made by gold like his crown, decorated with graphics of root of tree leaving in undulation and circle in all directions, we could feel reliefs under fingers, on the top of the mirror was a glass sculpture in the shape of apple, it shined with one thousand fire in the light. A little bit uncertain, Nightmare took the mirror in his hand by the handle and looked at his counterpart who smiles:
-Look at you inside.
Nightmare made as says...and opened big eyes, his reflection in the mirror began waving as if it made waves...the image disappeared little by little to give way to an other one...he saw himself under the tree, beside his brother, it rained in torrent but nevertheless they smiled both, sheltered under Dream's yellow cape. They were so happy like that, bottom. Unconscious of the outside world...tears rose to his eyes again and he raised them towards Memory.
-T...This is...
Memory sent him a small soft smile:
-It is a mirror of memory, one of my specialities, I cast him a small spell. Every time that you will look at your reflection you will see your most expensive memory. The one who makes you more happiest.
-But...why did you do that for me ?
The mirror maker tapped the ground with his foot, hands in the back.
-Well how to say...I always saw you so sad...I wanted to bring you a little of enjoyment...I...I wanted to see you smiling.
Nightmare felt his cheeks beginning to burn, his soul pulsed in the rib cage...W...What was that ? This feeling...
-Hum...well...I leaving now. See you soon !
Memory began to go away and Nightmare deeply straightened up.
-W...Wait ! Hum...would you...come back tomorrow ?
Memory turned around, a little surprised...but smiles and shake the head.
-Of course.
Nightmare smiled by looking at hismirror...it had been now two months since he had met Memory, and one might as well say...that he had never been so happy. Dream had noticed well his change of attitude and had tried to learn it more but his twin wanted to say nothing. Strangely, he didn't want to share this secret with his brother. He wanted that Memory remains his only friend. He didn't want that Dream intervenes in their conversations. They had so many tastes in common both, they adored reading and he had discovered that Memory had a penchant for the sculpture, he had shown him some works, it was magnificent. They saw each other almost every day, when Dream wasn't, when it left helping the inhabitants of their world.
He sighed by contemplating the image in the mirror...his most beautiful memory...it wasn't anymore the same, was an other one now...his most beautiful memory...it was...
-Hi Nightmare it's me !
Nightmare jumped and tidied up his mirror in his jacket while Memory settled down in his side by smiling, immediately they took back their conversation of yesterday. Memory never spoke about his world, doubtless he couldn't allow to speak about it, doubtless it was the secret place which had to remain so. But it did not disturb Nightmare on the contrary, he didn't care about it, he understood. And then all that it was important to him it was that he was by his side. Whether it belongs to him whom he speaks. Whether it belongs to him that he smiles. He swallows by detailing the profile of Memory...he was so beautiful to smile like that, the eyes of diamond getting the light. He turned and put the hand on the shoulder of his friend who looked at him by raising eyebrows.
-Nightmare ?
Nightmare looked at him straight in the eyes and began to bend...to bend...until his teeths settle on those of Memory who jumped the wide open eyes. He had a backlash, the cheekbones of an intense blue:
Nightmare opened big eyes, the face deep purple, he stood up:
-I...I have to go ! See you soon !
Immediately he runs away, returning under the tree while Memory raised a hand to put it on his teeth, cheeks quite blue. What was that...?
The next day, Nightmare was curled up under the tree, mumbling...why...why had he done that?! He...He had broken down...at the see of the adorable little face of Memory. He took his head in hands...but what idiot! The first one to be friendly him outside his brother and now he wasted all ! It was hardly credible and...
-Hey Nightmare what are you doing ? I waited for you at our place !
Nightmare quickly raised the head towards the voice...to cross the look of Memory which smiled tenderly, cheeks blues. The guard of dark side of the tree didn't dare to believe that...he came back ? He really came back ?! After what happened ?! A smile stretched on its teeth and it got up immediately his friend took him the arm by touching the cheek of his tooth making him blush.
-You come ? I read a new book and I would love talk to you about it !
Three weeks...it had been now three weeks that Memory hadn't come! At the beginning Nightmare hadn't worried after all he would have been very well able to be busy in his world...but now he was sure ! Something happened to him ! He felt it in the deep of him ! Memory was too kind to abandoning him ! He would really like to go to see him but he didn't know where he lived! He squeezed his mirror against him....What could he do ? What could he do ?! And...
BAM !!
-Aie !
He massed the crane by turning...to see a group of monster farther which chuckled by shaking stones.
-Bah what do you have the monster ?!
-You're angry ?!
-Carefull he's going to hurt us the devil !
-Get out ! You have nothing to do here! You don't deserve to live with Dream!
Not again...that not happened at him any more since Memory was here...but now that it wasn't here any more...that was going to begin again he was sure of this ! He deeply moved back to avoid a stone but his foot slipped...he fell to the ground...everything seemed to take place in slow motion...it slipped...under the surprise he had released his mirror which fell to his side and...
Crack !
He fell on the coccyx by grimacing and winked orbits to try to get back his sens...he turned the head...and opened big eyes by seeing his mirror, by his side...in crumbs...the glass was completely broken...
He knelt down, looked his reflection in the pieces broken, spread on the grass...he tightened teeth with tears in the eyes...no...not that! He concentrated his look in the biggest piece...the image became confused...it's still worked?! The reflection gave way to something else...his most beautiful memory... Memory sat to his side smiling to him...He clenched teeth by collecting the piece. What could he do ? He wanted to see Memory again so much...but how ? If only he wasn't so weak...he could find him...so only...when he moved the glass piece the vision disappeared and the reflection of the tree appeared. The tree...the golden apples...he raised eyes towards apples...if he...if he could become more strong...he could protect his brother and the complete tree...and especially...he could...find Memory. On these word, holding the glass piece against him, he stood up and raised the hand...before picking a golden apple.
Nightmare, sat on its throne, shaking its tentacles in all directions, contemplated the piece of mirror hung on his neck. Since how long he explored the worlds to find him ? He had lost the account. But it didn't matter, he had spies everywhere. A day will come where he'll find him. He dropped the piece which fell on his rib cage and rested his cheek on his fist.
-I know that you are alive...your power wouldn't act any more on this mirror...hahahaha...soon...very soon...I am sure of this...I'll find you. And you'll be mine. Finally...
He licked his teeth by chuckling.
-My sweet Memory...héhéhéhé...
-Memo ? What's wrong ?
Memory turned to the crystal child behind him, they were sculpturing a memory. He smiles to the child of a sorry look.
-Sorry Frisk. I was thinking.
-About what ?
Memory raides his eyes toward the empty sky of UnderMemory.
-Nothing...I just...had the impression that something came to caress my soul. As if somebody or something tried to make me understand a strange feeling.
-A memory ?
-I don't know Frisk. Maybe. If it's that I hope to find him quickly. This sensation is so soft. I am sure that is a good memory.
Frisk smiled to his best friend who stood up before to pick him up in his arms.
-You come ? It's diner time. I'm going to make your favorite plate today !
The child screamed with enjoyment by snuggling up in the arms of Memory who carried him in direction of their house. He was empty...he had no more memory...but this soft sensation gave him the hope that one day...he could remember in his turn. He was convinced of it.
                                                     THE END
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onwesterlywinds · 5 years
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Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn tilts his head. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Anythin' else we need to know? Malla Velius: At the risk of being glib, what else would you like to know? A'zaela Linh: Where do we go, what do we do, who are we fighting? Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Well, who's this person who betrayed you and is he a threat? Malla Velius: His name is Grissom. He is - was - a senior member of the Dalmascan Resistance for several years. Malla Velius: He has gone to an area south of Dalmasca called the Snowfly Forest. Sylvan and Orella have agreed to lead the efforts to track him and put him to justice - whatever justice that may be. Sylvan Rain: One way or another. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: I'm not a big fan of rats, especially rats with bombs. Sounds right up my alley.
Malla Velius nods to Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn, then turns to Eindride Stokys. Malla Velius: And you meant to remain and surveil, yes? Eindride Stokys: Ah, yes. I am not yet sure who else will be accompanying me, however. Malla Velius: And there is a third team who will go into the sewers in an attempt to defuse any explosives Grissom has left in his wake. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Makes sense... Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn doesn't know bombs, but the thought of defusing one sounds fun. Nivelth Ajuyn taps her chin with her pen, and looks back to Malla. Nivelth Ajuyn: ... Is this a test by the Resistance, to see if the Riskbreakers are capable of actually helping? Malla Velius: I can assure you that it is not. Nivelth Ajuyn nods. Nivelth Ajuyn: I wouldn't put it past them, but I'm glad it's not. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: I was gonna say, that's a hell of a test... Nivelth Ajuyn privately still thinks it is. Malla Velius: I've met Grissom only once or twice throughout the years, and never in person - but he murdered my primary contact on his way out of the Garamsythe Waterway. Nivelth Ajuyn sucks in a breath and winces. Nivelth Ajuyn: My apologies. Malla Velius shakes her head. Malla Velius: I understand. You all have very good reason to be suspicious. Nivelth Ajuyn: The stones worry me more than anything else, but that's due to my day job. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Better we have those stones than someone who could use them against us. Eindride Stokys nods in agreement. Malla Velius agrees with them both, each to an extent; she is, rather like her niece, a worrier. Nivelth Ajuyn nods to Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn. Malla Velius: In any case... I thank you for your willingness to participate. And while the Resistance have... their own way of doing things, I have no doubt that the sentiment is shared. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn rolls his eyes. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Can't be that bad. We're in it with a common goal, and we'll need each other to make it happen. Malla Velius: Do you have any questions so far? Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn shakes his head. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Seems pretty cut and dry to me, not speakin' for anyone else here though. Sylvan Rain: I just want to know who's going to go after Grissom with Orella and I. A'zaela Linh: ...Just point me where I need to go. Nivelth Ajuyn expresses her worry with A'zaela Linh. Malla Velius: That's entirely up to you. I'm no leader; I won't order you in any one direction. A'zaela Linh hums, but otherwise doesn't reply. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: I'm interested in this Grissom guy - I'll bring him back by the scruff with his tail between his legs. Sylvan Rain nods to Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn. Malla Velius: Then you'll be with Sylvan and Orella. And, I daresay, with the Ala Mhigan Roegadyn among you. Sylvan Rain: I figured you'd be coming with me. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Ala Mhigan Roegadyn... must mean Fawn. I'm sure that'll make her happy. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn seems lost in thought. Nivelth Ajuyn: Admittedly I'm curious about the stones - I'd like to study a few of them if you have more on hand, though I'm wary of them to begin with. Malla Velius: It would be with Ashelia. Alternatively, the principal of the Majestic Theater Company - Jenomis cen Lexentale - may have one. He would appreciate a scholar's eye. Nivelth Ajuyn catches the coeurl kitten out from the air so he doesn't jump on the weaving table and nods. Nivelth Ajuyn: I might do so -- arcana and aetherology is more my skillset, though I'm no slouch on the battlefield. Malla Velius: Of course. ...I would be interested to see your findings as well, if you wouldn't mind. A'zaela Linh: I...will do as needed. I'm inclined to follow Nive, but I don't believe I'll be much help. If you need another warrior, Sylvan, I will go there. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn pounds a fist into his hand. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: It'll be like old times, A'zaela. Lookin' forward to it. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn smiles at A'zaela Linh. Sylvan Rain: If you wish to come you are more than welcome, my friend! I don't know anything of bombs... Sylvan Rain shrugs at A'zaela Linh. Sylvan Rain: So I tend to go for the fighting. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Be kinda cool if I could defuse one though... Malla Velius is somewhat surprised by the level of camaraderie she sees; it's something she's never fully experienced for herself, particularly as a Garlean conscript. A'zaela Linh cracks a smile for the first time since she entered the room; with that, a lot of tension releases from her. A'zaela Linh: I'm no bomb expert myself. My interest in Allagan technology has me curious as to what you may find, Nive. If you would keep me updated, at least? Nivelth Ajuyn: Of course, A'zaela. I'm not sure if it's Allagan or if it's something else entirely, but I'll keep detailed notes so you can look through them. A'zaela Linh: My thanks. Sylvan Rain: And once we have Grissom's auracite back, Nive can take a look at those as well. Eindride Stokys puts it in the back of his mind to bother Nivelth Ajuyn for notes on the auracite at one point or another as well. Nivelth Ajuyn nods at Sylvan, tapping her chin. Nivelth Ajuyn: ... I might end up making a company wide report on what I find, given the general amount of interest. Eindride Stokys: That would be of interest to myself as well, if it's something you decide to do. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: I'm sure if you give me the easy-to-read version I'll find some use in it! Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn laughs at Nivelth Ajuyn. Nivelth Ajuyn offers a smile to the newcomer, noting his soot-covered hands, to ask about later. Nivelth Ajuyn: By all means - and don't worry Bull, I'll try to keep it simple for everyone. Nivelth Ajuyn smiles at Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn. Malla Velius: Sylvan - would you be averse to explaining what we know of Grissom? Sylvan Rain: Well, from what I remember it's not very much. We have no idea what kind of resistance we'll be dealing with, but... Sylvan Rain pauses, looking to Malla for confirmation. Sylvan Rain: ...You said his brother was a mage and was killed, yes? Malla Velius: Yes. He was killed in the Barheim Incident - a Garlean assault that took place five years ago. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Garleans killed his brother, and now he wants to help them? Don't make a lot of sense to me. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn shrugs. Sylvan Rain: Whatever the case, let's just find him and carry him home unconscious. Nivelth Ajuyn chuckles softly. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn: Probably worth more alive than dead, I'd say. Sylvan Rain shrugs at Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn. Malla Velius: Now, then. I've other matters to attend to, but if you have any questions, you need only seek me out. Rhotfarr Sundyrfyrsyn nods. A'zaela Linh: Before that... A'zaela Linh turns toward Sylvan Rain - and without any hesitation, she throws a punch directly into the Roegadyn woman's stomach. It, of course, doesn't do much damage, if any at all. A'zaela Linh: WHY did no one think to tell me that you were ALIVE?! You sense something amiss with A'zaela Linh. Nivelth Ajuyn jumps slightly, though she had been wondering the EXACT SAME THING. Sylvan Rain blinks when the small fist hits her stomach, and despite there being no damage, she notes that A'zaela Linh has gotten stronger. Sylvan Rain: Ah.. I'm sorry. It's... a long story. A bit complicated... Eindride Stokys tilts his head as he watches the scene play out curiously. Malla Velius, too, looks more than a little confused for maybe the fist time since the Riskbreakers boarded. A'zaela Linh: Another time, then. Perhaps when we're traversing the forest together, if it won't give away our position. Nivelth Ajuyn crosses her arms in Sylvan Rain's general direction. Nivelth Ajuyn: I hadn't wanted to make a scene, but I was wondering... A'zaela Linh would go on to hug Sylvan Rain, but there are two strangers in the room and that would be weird. Malla Velius: Very well. I will... leave you to your reunion. Malla Velius: And thank you again.
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