feral-mouse · 1 year
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I am desperately trying to keep my MC alive but I keep dying spfdjspfj
I'll figure it out tho 😤
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valerie-royeaux · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @enchantment1385​! Thank you so much, I love these tags! And I’ll do all of them, believe me!
1. Favourite game of the series? Dragon Age: Origins, by far. In every aspect, in every category I can think of. The characters are better, the story is better, the origins themselves are mind blowing, the companions are unique... The only thing I think Origins does worst than the others is Character Design. Leliana and Morrigan are obviously made to please the BroGamerTM, whereas Sera, Cassandra and Josie are muuuuuuch better designed. 
2. How did you discover 🐉 Age? Pure luck. My wife got me a bunch of games she bought in a bundle, and DA:O was among them. It was 2010, and ever since then, the quantity of games I play dropped *significantly* because DA:O became the bar by which I measure other games. Bioware ruined gaming for me.
3. How many times have you’ve played the games? To quote the wise words of @enchantment1385​:
Ahahahahaha… Umm… I don’t know..? 
So many multiples times since 2010 I honestly have no idea.
4. Favourite race to play as? Given my OCs, I’ve played humans and dwarves. I can’t say I have a favorite. Wait, I can: dwarves.
5. Favourite class? Sword & Shield warrior. I’m the tank, and will always be!
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? Quoting @enchantment1385​:
I kinda vary it, but not as much as I sometimes want to. I’ve never done a pure ‘asshole’ playthrough, even though sometimes I would like to see how it ends up. I blame Bioware for making the NPC’s likeable.
That being said, I do have two OCs already lined up for DA4. And one will be a slave-owning, selfish bastard mage.
7. Go-to adventuring group? In DAO, battle dictates the group. I play on PC with friendly fire on. So I can’t carry companions just because I like them. The party to go is John, as sword & shield warrior, Leliana for Ranged Damage, Morrigan for Crowd Control, and Wynne as Support.
DA2: Meh. Not Varric, Not Isabella.
DAI: Unless I’m out for dragon killing, I take those that have to do with the story. So, for instance, Blackwall will tag along with Crestwood and Adamant. Bull and Sera will never go to Halamshiral. And so on. But for Dragon Hunting, Junia as a dual wielding Rogue for a lot of damage, Cassandra as the tank, Cole for even more damage, and Solas for Support,.
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
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I’d say both of them saw the same amount of effort. John’s and Junia’s stories are intertwined from almost the very beginning. And it shall remain thus!
9. Favourite romance? Sera and Morrigan. Simply for the sheer amount of content and cutscenes, which is more than the other romances. 
10. Have you read any of the comics/📚? Nope. o.O I don’t like most comics.
11. If you read them, which was your favourite 📓? N/A
12. Favourite DLCs? Awakening. I wish it had romance, but I still it’s awesome. 
13. Things that annoy you? Varric’s book cover art, or anything he opens his mouth about the publishing industry, really. It breaks immersion for me in a way I can barely deal with.
14. Orlais or Ferelden? 
Wise words again:
Who in the shit picks Orlais? For Ferelden!!
15. Templar's or Mages? Templars. I know when it boils down to it, it’s abuse. But when you boil down to it, if left free, the mages will rule. It’s either them of us, unfortunately.
16. If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? The same one. John and Junia are interwined, as I said. I never managed to bond to a Hawke, though. So my Hawke is a parallel universe version of my wife’s Hawke.
17. What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.) John had Thorand, Maker rest his soul. Junia never had a Mabari.
18. Have you installed any mods? Only for DA:O. None for Inquisition. I love the ones that enhance the romance with Leliana.
19. Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?     Not. Really.
He was forced to do so because his twin sister had been conscripted - not only Gwen had more chances of restoring the Couslands if not bound to the Wardens. He also had to protect her - give his life, so she wouldn’t have to give hers. And he broke his promises to Junia in doing so - spelling the end of their relationship for many years to come. It’s complicated. More details here.
20. Hawke’s personality? None. I don’t have a Hawke. I use my wive’s who’s 3/4 Purple. 1/4 red.
21. Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition? Not really. I don’t think I got the question.
22. If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? John would change everything. He regrets the most having joined the Wardens, despite carrying his duty as a Warden loyally. That one decision, he thinks, doomed him and Junia to a good deal of suffering that could have been avoided if only the told Duncan to go to hell, and not have nor him nor Gwen.
Junia wishes he hadn’t given her son to the care of her mothers. The convent where they lived was sacked - and she never saw her child again.
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? ALL OF IT.
24. Are any of your character(s) based on someone? John is a shameless self insert. Junia came to life all on her own. She’s this... thing, that exists, that came to life in a way I could not fathom... And I am in love with her.
25. Who did you leave in the Fade? No one. This Inktober sketch shows well what happened with the Nightmare:
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26. Favourite mount? Junia, given her height, prefers Harts. John, knight to the bone, horses.
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winemum-ignis · 7 years
yoo, im vibrating like we know nothing about ignis?? & im ready to learn more like ive seen theories like he was groomed to be next if lucis line fell, he was a nif agent and his use ran out and etc. like does he only have an uncle? was he nobility or a commoner picked off the streets & groomed into nobility since theres never meant of scientia line like amicitia? why him? imagine each dlc is gonna get more depressing and ignis dlc is gonna hurt so bad. aaaah sorry 4 ranting i just love ignis
ohohohoOHOHOOOH anon you have opened up a whole can of worms bringing this to my inbox and i lowkey love you for it. Never apologise for ranting to me about Mr Scientia ♥  This means it is my opinion o’clock o/ 
I’m going to apologise now for how long this may well end up because as I am pretty sure you have all picked up by now, I have A LOT of thoughts and feelings about Ignis Scientia. and i have zero regrets and could talk for days about him if given the platform. I will try my best to keep it to a reasonable length though.
Okay.  So.  *cracks knuckles*
EDIT: wow that is a wall of text I will put in a read more here to save your dashes from my incessant ramblings ☆⌒(*^∇゜)v
First off I have a very sinking feeling that there is a reason we know so very little about Ignis and his background because SE are cruel and have basically already said that the Ignis DLC is going to shit on us from a great height the most out of the three so I wouldn’t be surprised if they pull something out the bag that will just.  yeah. 
So all that follows is just my opinion, and will probably all be null and void if/when we get more info but you think that’s gonna stop me? I think not!
Any family he has outside of his Uncle I do not believe is in Insomnia, if they are even alive.  I am positive I read something somewhere about how he is originally from somewhere outside of Insomnia/Lucis hence his different accent to the rest of them, however I can’t seem to find this anymore so I may have been imagining things, but i feel it is most likely.  
No matter where they were from, I believe his Uncle was established in Insomnia with his place as an Attendant of the King and he was sent to go and live with him for any of multiple possible reasons. They recognised from a young age his skills, there were better opportunities and education in Lucis so he went, was enrolled in the gifted school program and originally was being prepped for the same job as his uncle.  Alternatively, his parents were dead or ill and unable to look after him so, shipped off to the only other family they had to be his legal guardian.  And what I believe to be the last option they were in a Nif controlled area/under threat from them and they didn’t want their son to be caught in such an area so somehow got him out and sent him over to Insomnia.  Or any combination of the above. and i bet you they are all wrong. 
But now a slight detour to if it does involve the latter option in anyway I am going to put my theory of origin location forward; Tenebrae.  One and the most obvious reason; the accent.  It is the only place where we have seen multiple people from their with a British accent in particular the Recieved Pronunciation. Another theory I have; Noctis was sent there to recover from his accident 12 years ago which to me hints that maybe the Tenebraens have a more natural nack for the healing arts.  Maybe it is just more of a prominant thing there but I think that accents quite nicely to how Ignis is the main support for the group; he is the only one with specifically healing abilities and techniques (not excluding that in I want to say episode duscae he full on had ‘cure’ as an ability so…). While Tenebrae was seized by Nifleheim a while ago, Fenestala /manor remained independent so what if one or both of his parents worked in the manor under the Oracle?  They would see what the Nif’s have done to the rest of the territory, want better for their son, there has always been that bond between the Oracle and the Lucis Royal Family plus they had a brother over at the Citadel; it would be entirely plausible that they sent him there to try and safeguard his future knowing Insomnia’s defences etc.  He went at a young age so they would have gotten him out before the Empire seized full control with the attempted attack on Regis twelve years ago.  
Idk to me it just makes sense but that could just be me. Also, this is just what I think is the most likely of different area’s we know about, there are so many out there we don’t know about and more than likely a more viable location ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And as for grooming, I am not sure how much of that was done externally and how much he actually brought it on himself.  I firmly believe that if Noctis never got married and something happened to him and he left no heir apparent that, if he was still around, Ignis would probably take what would be the Kings position. ( I can’t say ‘he would be king’ because that is a lineage thing and he doesn’t have it and I don’t think he would want the title) But I think he would do all of the kingly duties just with a different title just for the sole reason that there is no one else qualified to do it all.  He knows the expectation of what has to be done, and above that he knows how to do it.  He would lead the ‘royal’ council and see that what had to be done was done.  
BUT, I don’t think that was ever the primary intention on anybodies part, more just a happy coincidence.  
So either way however he got there, he is in Insomnia more than likely with the intention of becoming one of the King’s Attendants.  So they get him started, turns out this little blonde kid is hella intelligent and intuitive so yup, there he goes into the Gifted Education programme.  This much we know happened.  He is the dog’s bollocks, the bee’s knees, and on top of that little Noctis really takes to him and vice versa and they become adorable little citadel buddies.  All of this has happened before Noct has had his accident so we are talking Ignis is no older than 9/10.  
The incident happens and Ignis see’s just how shaken the little prince is and takes it upon him to try and get him back to his former happy self.  He starts going above and beyond to do things for him and this is picked up on and I think this is the point where they enhance his intended path.  He is special so they begin introducing to his education things that would be beyond that of an Attendant, that’s when they are looking at more specialised skills and guess what, he excels at that too.  There is this kid, not even a teenager who is so selfless in the things he does for Noctis and the thing is, they don’t even know the half of it; the things he does for him that they don’t know about i.e. how he takes the fall for Noct every time he follows him out on his escapes from the citadel, the fact that he learnt how to bake solely to try and put a smile on his face.  They’ve seen the potential, so they push it a bit, try and see how far it goes.
A few years down the line, Noctis is supposed to be attending all these meetings and crap and learning how to rule a kingdom but guess who is doing most of it on his behalf?  That little blonde kid who appeared in Insomnia to live with his uncle.  A few more years and he is all grown up, perfect human being,  full on adviser to the heir, strategist extraordinaire, knows all the ins and outs and workings of Insomnia who, if push came to shove in a dire situation, would be fully capable of leading.  Happy coincidence that nobody ever would have expected to happen 15 years prior. 
And I am going to stop this here as I already spent muuuuuuch more time on this than I intended but I just had to get it out!  He just.  He makes me. щ(ಥДಥщ)  Uuuughhhhhh he gives me so many feelings and I know it will only get worse with his DLC.  Look what you have done to me SE, look at the monster you have created. 
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