thelovelybitten · 2 years
ayo ichiryou stans come get y’all food !! I worked up a lil sumth sumth
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lacrossepapi · 6 years
Hold Your Devil By His Spoke
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Hi! This is my gift to @tahlreth for the @stetersecretsanta exchange! I went way deep off the prompt for this so uh I hope you like it and if you dont thats okay cause I wrote you another one! 
Ao3: Link                 Words:3099               Chapters: 1/1
The earth here still remembered his presence, the branches gently caressing him as he treaded softly underneath. The Beacon Hills Forest Preserve would always remember him and the taste of his family’s blood, though it was different now, changed forever by the feet of strangers. He found himself growling at the amount of garbage he could smell in his homeland.
The thought caused him to growl again. Who let these strangers trample this powerful, untamed land, so charged he could practically feel it thrumming beneath him?
This was Peter Hale’s home and the land knew it.
Approaching the ruins of his family’s once magnificent plantation would never be easy, but Peter was a resilient man. He’d been left standing after his home had burned and he would still be standing after the world was bathed in Hellfire and Brimstone. The Lord taketh away, but he would be giving eventually, if he didn’t Peter would just have to start taking.
Peter leaned against an old oak when his ears picked up the sound of a rumbling jeep. The only cars allowed in the preserve were the law and the handsome ranger Peter had glimpsed through a window sleeping on his desk when he’d entered the preserve. Peter would bet his inheritance that the Jeep rumbling towards him was not the law.
I said Lord, don't have mercy on me I'm looking for a light in the darkest of streets I said Lord, don't you have mercy on me I'm looking for a light in the darkest of streets
Peter rolled his eyes at the boy who drove past singing at the top of his lungs. Definitely not the law.
He sneaked through the overgrown grass, following the loud rumbling jeep with its loud caterwauling driver. This road went to the old Hale plantation and nowhere else, Peter felt anger wrap around him like a well known lover. Why did this loud annoying young man think he had any right to sully the god given land his ancestors had owned for generations?
Peter waited on the edge of the clearing till the sun had dipped low and the owls had started rustling in the trees before he finally heard the young man approaching, this time whistling Lonesome Drifter like a proper southern gentleman.
The boy reeked of cleaning chemicals and there was a lightness to him like he’d just caught the prize winning turkey at the fair, Peter didn't’t like it.
Peter turned around and quietly ran through the forest, leaping over rotten stumps as he raced to get ahead of the old jeep.
The sound of brakes screaming like the rapture hurt Peter’s ears but it was worth it.
“Holy shit fire, what the hell are you doin’ in the road there?” the young ranger’s voice called out as he shoved his head out the window to properly look at Peter.
“Afternoon, ranger! I seem to have gotten lost on my way out of this here park. I followed the sound of your singin’ and that ole’ beauty you got there and found the road, but I’m not quite sure where in the hell I am!” Peter hated talking like this.
He might have been born and raised in Beacon County but that didn’t mean he had to put his good education to waste, though a little Southern charm added to some simple ignorance always went a long way.
“Well shit, yeah I’ll take ya back to the ranger’s station. Promise not to tell anyone you got lost in my woods though, sir!” the ranger gave him a bright charming smile, but Peter knew the smell of shit by heart and this boy stunk like a pig pen.
Peter smiled back at the boy and lifted himself into the Jeep with a quiet grunt. Something was off about this young man and Peter wanted to know what he was doing in the Hale mansion.
“I was tryin’ to see the haunted house y'all got out here but I got dreadfully lost. Have you been?”
“Why yes I have, I’m comin’ from the old Hale house right now.” the ranger’s tone had lost its cheery edge.
“What’s it like?”
“Well it’s not empty if you’re in it right?” Peter laughed a charming sound.
“No, I guess not.” Now the ranger sounded plum irritated.  
“So, what were you doing up there?” Peter asked casually.
“I was just makin’ sure the teenagers weren’t drinkin’ in there again.”
“Kids these days are much wilder than my cousins and I were.”  Peter chuckled.
“Well sugar we’re here. Is your car close?” The ranger was all smiles once again now that Peter had backed off the topic of the Hale mansion.
“I walked here actually. Thanks for the ride, darlin.” Peter smiled before gasping, “I’m so rude! I didn’t even ask your name!”
“It’s Stiles Stilinski, sir. And yours?” Stiles asked curiously once they were both stand out in front of the jeep.
Stiles smiled his fakest smiled yet and said, “Well nice to meet you Peter No-Last-Name. Next time you want to go off the trails in my woods take a guide.”
With those parting words the ranger turned and entered the little station.
Peter would have to monitor this boy with his shiny smiles and lifeless intelligent eyes, something wasn’t right here.
The humidity hung through the air like a veil in Beacon Hills, one had to cross the veil with every step. Peter had never experienced the powerful feeling anywhere else. The sun made its presence overwhelmingly known throughout Peter’s day of crouching behind beat up two-door trucks and large well manicured shrubbery.
The young ranger lived an ordinary life, if one didn’t noticed the emptiness in his eyes or the way his aura screamed Danger. There was a sparking, angry energy wrapped around the man that the sweet, God fearing residents of Beacon Hills didn’t seem to notice. Peter could see it’s tendrils slithering towards people the longer Stiles talked to them, could see the way Stiles’ hands twitched when it touched someone.
During the day Stiles Stilinski was the son of the good sheriff that’d left this world too soon and the preserve ranger who kept the kids out of trouble. He was the epitome of a good southern boy and the townsfolk ate out his hand.
“This boy stinks more than a donkey in August heat.” Peter mumurred to himself once he’d finally sat down in the air conditioned Country Kitchen.
He’d been so preoccupied trying to find something that wasn’t disgustingly bad for the body that he had missed the door opening, but there was no way Peter could miss the electric taste of Stiles’ presence. His blue eyes flashed once before he looked up to smile charmingly at the other man.
“Well hello there, handsome ranger.” “Peter No-Last-Name I oughtta call your momma for that shameless flattery.” Stiles’ grin was more predatory than playful like a hyena on the hunt.
“She’s dead, bless her soul, so she’d be kind of hard to reach just for a tattlin’.” Peter had casually thrown it out to gauge Stiles’ reaction, but the man just shrugged.
“Mine’s gone too, bless her soul, don’t mean I can’t go tattlin’ anyways.” he flashed a cheeky grin.
“‘What can I get you two lovely boys?” The waitress’ appearance almost startled Peter, he’d been so wrapped up in his banter with Stiles he hadn’t noticed her approaching.
Stiles flashed one more sharp grin at Peter before his smile became sweet as molasses, “Can I get the Country Fried Chicken with grits and Country Gravy on both of those please, honey.”
“Sure thing sugar. What you want to drink?��
“Now darlin’ you ought to know I’d want a nice cold sweet tea.” Stiles replied with a wink.
The waitress giggled and hit his shoulder lightly before calling him a flatterer with the devil’s tongue.
Peter was enraptured by the display of effortless charm Stiles was putting on, now he just knew it was all candy coated lies.
“I’ll have the same please.”
“Coming right up, hun. Yall behave while I’m gone” she left them with a wink of her own and danced across the dining room to get to the kitchen.
“You’re as slippery as a snake.” Stiles’ words caught Peter off guard with their frigid delivery.
“Now why would you say a thing like that to a practical stranger?” Peter asked, leaning forward to rest his chin on his fist and inclining an eyebrow.
“Well, we aren’t exactly strangers are we Peter David Hale?” Stiles mirrored Peter’ body language while Peter tried not to react.
“No I guess we are not Mieczyslaw Jonathan Stilinski.” Peter smirked at the boy.
“Did you practice my name in the mirror for your big villain reveal?”
“Well you did the big villain reveal first now didn’t you? Are either of us an actual villain Stiles?”
The smile dropped from Stiles’ face and his expression turned stormy, Peter could feel the crackling tenders approaching him.
“I’d appreciate if your little friends didn’t leech my energy.” Peter finally got Stiles to show surprise with that reveal.
The men sat in charged silence until their waitress returned for refills and their plates.
“Thank you ma’am.” Peter smiled at the waitress, causing her to blush.
“The two of you could rule the world with your flattery alone.” The waitress smiled at both of them one more time before departing again.
“We would be formidable.” Stiles sounded like he was contemplating something.
“I am intrigued to see exactly what you’re doing out in those woods, ranger.”
Stiles nodded, “Well it looks like I’m takin’ ya out there, so hurry up now and finish your grits.”
Peter wasn’t foolish, he told the ranger he would meet him at the Hale mansion on his own. The jeep was a good place to try to incapacitate him and Peter wasn’t going to give Stiles the chance.
Peter let the preserve wrap around him once more as he hiked to the Hale mansion. The moss covered trees reached out to caress Peter as he passed, the wind moaning his family name. Peter’s blood was singing in his veins as he approached the clearing around his old home.
The younger man was leaning against his jeep singingly loudly.
Don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not
He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I’m begging you please
Don’t take that sinner from me
Oh don’t take that sinner from me
Peter entered the clearing as the boy finished.
“Perfect timing the song is just ending.” Stiles grinned before leaning in the window of his Jeep to turn it off.
Peter took a moment to get a good look at the ranger’s ass before he pushed his attraction aside and remembered this evening was most likely going to end in murder, and he wasn’t as confident that he’d win as he’d like to be.
“Well if you’re done looking at my rump let me show you what I’ve been doing out here.” Stiles’ grin and eyes were sharp with mischief.
“It’s a nice ass to look at darlin’.”
Stiles’ laughter echoed in the hollow bones of Peter’s childhood home. Peter wasn’t stupid enough to lead like Stiles was trying to make him, this was no longer the place of his memories Stiles had taken this skeleton and given it life again. Peter would not step blindly in this place, especially when he glimpsed a tripwire near the entrance. Stiles had set up traps but the more of them Peter noticed the more he also noticed the traps were set to spring as if to keep someone in than to keep someone out.
“Why are there so many traps?”
“You have keen eyes Peter Hale.”
Stiles’ response offered no answers and Peter rolled his eyes at the man’s back. Peter took a moment to let his shift wash over his eyes, with his wolf eyes he could see many many traps all over the house. Peter let the shift fall away before Stiles could see, but wasn’t sure the man hadn’t already figured it out anyways.
The deeper they went the more Peter’s skin started to crawl, he wasn’t sure he was ready to enter the room his entire family had died in. The room he’d snapped many of the human’s necks so they would have to feel the flames. The room he’d said goodbye to not only every member of his family, but also to the boy he’d been.
Never again would Peter be caught unaware.
As they descended the steps to the cellar Stiles began his story, “It started when I was about sixteen. My father and I had known the Hale fire had been arson, but my pa wouldn’t pursue it further. I think it was because the officials that did look into it usually ended up moving away and becoming mysteriously wealthy or they ended up dead. Little did I know that pops had been looking into it the whole time. I found his files the summer before junior year, just before he passed, may he rest in peace. In those files the name Kate Argent was circled, she was someone on the periphery of all the investigations, all the suspects had been seen at least once with Kate. Dad was leaving an unknown location in his cruiser when a semi hit him head on.” Stiles stopped at the base of the stairs and took a breath.
He didn’t turn any lights on, it was too dark for even Peter’s eyes meaning he had no idea where Stiles was now or what was going to happen now that they had reached the cellar.
“That unknown location wasn’t so mysterious when you had all of the puzzle pieces. I was young then, mind you, but I ended Gerard and Kate Argent a month after they’d made me bury another parent. I wish it’d been long and painful. I wish that for both of us Peter. They deserved so much worse than they got, but I was full of so much rage back then. I poisoned them. Potassium Chloride for Gerard and Succinylcholine for Kate. He was old so a heart attack wasn’t even worth lookin’ into and all it took was a little evidence planting to make Kate’s asphyxiation and paralysis look like an allergic reaction. Did you know that Kate was allergic to some of Gerard’s medicine? The report says that after she found her father dead she took all of his medicine and killed herself. How tragic.”
Peter’s entire body was rigid with tension, he didn’t like not knowing where Stiles was, but he needed to hear the rest of the story.
“After those two were gone I simply broke in and went through their files. Did you know werewolves are real, Peter David Hale? Are you named after David in this bible or David Kessler? Has the big American werewolf even been to London?”
“My name is biblical, Mieczysław.” Peter’s words floated out into the dark abyss around him.
“How boring.”
Suddenly Stiles was pressed against Peter’s body, his lips crashing into Peter’s. Peter wrapped his arms around the lithe body, his hands exploring every inch of Stiles that they could reach. The kiss was all consuming and full of a fire he didn’t know he still had in him. When Stiles stepped back and out of reach Peter couldn’t stop the high pitched whine that escaped him.
Stiles made a contemplative sound before saying quietly, almost like he was making a note to himself, “Needy.”
Before Peter could be offended Stiles continued, “I just wanted to taste you before I showed you. I didn’t want to kill you before I kissed you. I don’t want to kill you, Peter. I hope I don’t have to.”
With that Stiles finally turned the lights on, it took a moment for Peter’s eyes to adjust but when they did he gasped.
The entire cellar had been turned into a torture room, but Peter’s attention was drawn elsewhere before he could properly inspect the room. In the middle of the room was a bloodied stump of a man, who was on the cusp of death his heartbeat so quiet and slow Peter hadn’t heard it.
“And who is this unfortunate soul?”
“He raped three girls this summer.”
“And why is he still alive?”
“I was going to kill him that day I ran into you but my sparks told me I was being watched.”
Peter hummed, “So you did know. Interesting.”
“Oh baby you’re easier than pie. I saw through your little tourist facade almost instantly.”
Peter growled and stepped closer, noting that the sound aroused Stiles, “You’re little Blessed Ranger routine is flimsy at best.”
Stiles laughed before he pulled Peter forward by his belt loops. “So you aren’t gonna make me kill you?”
“You couldn’t catch me much less kill me, but no little ranger. I seem to have taken a shinin’ to you.”
They kissed once more before Stiles stepped away, “Wanna help me clean this up?”
“You made the mess darlin’, you can finish up. I’d like to watch you work.”
Stiles grinned sharp, “You just wanna stare at my ass.”
Peter flashed his eyes with a low rumble, “Not just that.”
Stiles shivered much to Peter’s delight.
“Well fine. You watch but next time you’re helpin’. Hit play if you will.” Stiles gestured to the speaker on the far counter.
I might be a part of this Ripple on water from a lonesome drip A fallen tree that witness me I'm alone, him and me
Peter knew this song and joined in with Stiles’ singing.
And then life itself could not aspire To have someone be so admired I threw creation to my king With the silence broken by a whispered, wind All of this can be broken All of this can be broken Hold your devil by his spoke and spin him to the ground
Their voices danced and spun around each other as the melody overshadowed the muffled screams of a soon to be dead rapist. The tree outside the Hale mansion sang their own song of triumph as the spark and the wolf finally joined. The land had called for a savior and had received two broken men ready to watch the world crumble down around them. They’d withstood catastrophe and now it was their turn to reap destruction on those unworthy of town they called home.
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macbetha · 6 years
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hi all! i’m so excited to share the playlist for chasing the dragon, the sequel to my first free! fanfic, eyes wide open all the time. as usual, these songs are what i use when writing each specific character / couple and i’ve highlighted some lyrics that might give you some pre-insight to the state of certain characters / gangs. you’ll notice there’s still a continuing theme of eyes and seeing that can change for each character given the context of their song. please let me know whatever theories you come up with, i’m very interested! 
G E N E R A L   T H E M E S
the prologue by halsey from ancient grudge break to new mutiny  our toil shall strive to mend
way down we go by kaleo oh, father tell me do we get what we deserve? and way down we go do you dare to look them right in the eye? ‘cause they will run you down, down to the dark yeah, son they will run you down down til you fall and they will run you down down to your core til you can’t crawl no more and way down we go
again by flyleaf i love the way that your heart breaks with every injustice and deadly fate praying it all will be new living like it all depends on you here you are down on your knees again trying to find air to breathe again right where i want you to be again
everybody wants to rule world by lorde welcome to your life there’s no turning back help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure nothing ever lasts forever
this is america by wunderworld
we carry on by the phantoms this fire won’t go out though just a flicker it may be shifting through the shadows to a vision we can’t see clinging to this dying breath holding on for a fighting chance hold fast to one another we will stand to one another we will stand stranger to brother we are one we carry on
fools by emi all this money won’t make me switch up on crew we all dying, til then i’m riding with you
D I A M O N D  B A C K
copycat by billie eilish you got your finger on the trigger but your trigger finger’s mine silver dollar, golden flame dirty water, poison rings perfect murder, take your aim everybody knows my name
sixteen shots by stefflon don  they gon' put hands on a chick? eyes watchin' when I comin' through the door what i'mma do, they ain't prepared for no boy can tell me 'bout my mother round here and safe everybody need ammo if you hear that da-da-da-don bullets gon' hit you wherever you are
R O U G H  R A B B I T
railroad track by willy moon come along with me i’ll take you to a place you never did see yeah said i’mma go down to the railroad track and we ain’t comin’ back, no i ain’t comin’ back no more
B L O O D H O U N D 
wolf by skott please do not give up on us i’m a wolf howlin’ on your door step callin’ out
ready aim fire by imagine dragons off in the distance there is resistance  bubbling up and festering blood in the writing, stuck in the fighting look through the rifle’s sight how come i never seen your face ‘round here? i know every single face round here here in the heckle, holding the shackle  i was never welcome here
heaven knows by the pretty reckless won’t be pretty, won’t be sweet, just sitting there on their feet if you listen close you can hear them cry oh lord, heaven knows we belong way down below
haru tachibana
my sweet prince by placebo me and the dragon  can take all the pain away my sweet prince you are the one
popular by emi fuck surveillance please just close your cases i’m about to make it and rub it in yall faces they know i got birdies they want me in cages stay off my line baby, you know that shit’s tapped on the move, yeah i always got a pack serve it, i still know my purpose trust me i ain’t worth it you don’t got my prints, oh i got my hands so dirty
makoto tachibana
devil’s backbone by the civil wars oh lord, oh lord what do i do i’ve fallen for someone who’s nothing like you he’s raised on the edge of the devil’s backbone i just want to take him home oh lord, oh lord what have i done i’ve fallen in love with a man on the run there wasn’t a right or wrong he could choose he did what he had to do don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not he’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that i got oh lord, oh lord i’m begging you please don’t take that sinner from me 
solider, poet, king by the oh hellos there will come a solider who carries a mighty sword he will tear this city down oh lay, oh lie, oh lord there will come a poet whose weapon is his word he will slay you with his tongue oh lay, oh lie, oh lord
rin yamazaki
promises by jhene aiko i been comin’ home late night i been sleepin’ past day light baby, that ain’t right i don’t think i can make it then i hear you say that i better not do nothing crazy nami really needs you and i would never leave you  everything i do is for you and i really do adore you everything is all right, everything is in your mind if anything should happen, cause anything could know that you’ll be all right  promise i’ll be, promise you’ll be, promise we’ll be all right
better by banks why are you so afraid?  i can see you waiting, waiting, waiting withering away i can see you dying, dying, dead, dying how couldn’t you see? all the water’s cold, cold, cold and why, don’t you see? baby, try try to see me
sousuke yamazaki
fire by barns country  lonely shadows following me lonely voices talking to me a thousand times i’ve fallen my mother told me, “son let it be.” sold my soul to a sweet melody
soldier by fleurie soldier, keep on marching on head down til the work is done head in the dust, feet in the fire labor on that midnight wire listening for that angel choir you got nowhere to run you wanna take a drink of that promised land? you gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands careful son, you got dreamer’s plans but it gets hard to stand
gou matsuoka
love club by lorde i’m in a clique but now i want out i was in but i want out there are fights for being my best friend and the girls get their claws out there’s something about hanging out with the wicked kids i’m sitting pretty on the throne there’s nothing more i want except to be alone the love is choking me what about the kid? it’s time the kid got free
stay by zedd and alessia cara (acoustic) make it on your own but we don’t have to grow up we can stay forever young
isuzu mikoshiba
bad friends by emi lil aries with an attitude men always put her in a bad mood bad libra with the gold tan she like an angel with the snow man yeah i got some bad friends no you cannot have them they wanna doubt her, let her show them if you wanna talk to them you talk to me, yeah we don’t keep no company we do not need, yeah we don’t fuck around with just anybody, yeah
hiyori tono
you should see me in a crown by billie eilish bite my tongue, bide my time wearing a warning sign wait til the world is mine visions are vandalized cold on my kingdom side fell for these ocean eyes  count my cards, watch them fall blood on a marble wall you should see me in a crown i’m gonna run this nothing town
ikuya kirishima
waiting game by banks baby, i’m thinking it over what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start what if it only gets colder would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart? cause lately i been scared of even thinking ‘bout what we are i was in love but i don’t wanna cause any pain and if i’m feeling like we’re evil we got nothing to gain
asahi shiina
smile by mikky ekko we’re trying so hard to get it all right i wanna be somewhere somewhere just a little closer to grace when i’m quiet i can nearly hear him say: smile, the worst is yet to come we’ll be lucky if we ever see the sun got nowhere to go, we could be here for a while but the future is forgiven, so smile
miho amakata
i want to be evil by eartha kitt i’m tired of being pure and chaste  i want to be evil i want to spit tacks and cheat at jacks i wanna be nasty and tell lies i wanna be mean and i wanna be bad
nii satomi
the lament of eustace scrubb by the oh hellos brother, forgive me we both know i’m the one to blame cause when i saw my demons i knew them well and welcomed them father, have mercy i know that i have gone astray  cause when i saw my reflection it was a stranger beneath my face when i touched the water they tell me i could be set free
yazaki aki-mikoshiba
i got you by ciara  hush little baby, don’t you cry momma’s gonna love you all your life and if you ever need a friend momma’s right there til the very end if you’re feeling down or weak momma’s got the strength you need there’s nothing in the world that i wouldn’t do cause i love you
natsuya + nao
the golden floor by snow patrol tell me that you want to dance i wanna feel your pulse on mine just treat me like a stolen glance dark shape on a golden floor a sleeping planet with a molten core i’m a peasant in your princess arms penniless with only charm
game of survival by ruelle who’s in the shadows who’s ready to play are we the hunters or are we the prey this is a wild game of survival
ayumu: breakaway by kelly clarkson
shizuru: generation why by conan grey
romio: jordan belfort by weswalker
haru + makoto
compass by zella day if we make it out alive compass point you anywhere closer to me where you are, i will be anywhere in between miles high in the sea
the good side by troye sivan i’ve got the good side of things left you with both of the rings i’ve got the good side of you sent it out into the blue the people danced, the sound of your heart the world sang along to it falling apart
i found by amber fun and i’ll use you as a warning sign i’ll use you as a focal point so i don’t lose sight of what i want  i’ll lose you as a makeshift gate of how much to give and how much to take and i’ve fell farther than i thought i could but i missed you more than i thought you would i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be right in front of me talk some sense to me
sousuke + rin
if it hadn’t been for love by the steeldrivers never would have run through the blinding rain  without one dollar to my name if it hadn’t been for love never would have seen the trouble that i’m in i wouldn’t be free if it hadn’t been for love four cold walls without parole lord have mercy on my soul
↳ namiko: boats & birds by gregory and the hawk if you’ll be my star, i’ll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when i turn jet black and you show off your light i live to let you shine ebbing and flowing and pushed by the breeze i live to make you free but you can sky rocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here, with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by
hiyori + ikuya
loyal by 6lack i been studying you ever since we locked eyes even knew your favorite pie, said that it was key lime i don’t want this kind of life, so can you please get it right why you keep lyin’ why the fuck you keep lyin? i know i been loyal, baby showed you how to ball like a hoya, baby see them talkin’ i’m like so what have you walkin’ through the fucking party with your nose up i treat you like you royal, royal, royal tell the truth, don’t you soil, soil, soil i can tell cause i know you, know you
sunflower by swae lee thinking in a bad way, loosing your grip screaming at my face, baby don’t trip some things you just can’t refuse ride my like a cruise and i’m not trying to lose you’re the sunflower i think your love would be too much
isuzu + gou
crush by tessa violet  you make it difficult to not overthink and when i’m with you i turn all shades of pink i wanna touch you but don’t wanna be weird but i could be your crush throw you for a rush 
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peachiejihoonie · 7 years
park woojin - demigod!au; hermes
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when he was younger, he was a master at pick pocketing 
in middle school, he wouldn’t stand up for kid being bullied but rather go to the bully and pick pocket back the lunch money 
he wouldn’t really hand back to them, he’d just put it on their desk, underneath their pencil bag or inside it
constantly transferred schools too, which meant constant new encounters, and he hated it 
he was sick of change, he just wanted something permanent
one friend, one home, one school, one setting 
he was always alone since he just kept leaving 
so when he made it to camp half blood, he was shook 
he wasn’t used to the atmosphere but he was immediately claimed by hermes 
he was quickly engulfed by a crowd, his siblings and they were are all so jolly, happy, snarky but also welcoming 
at first he was really reserved and shy but when head counselor taehyun introduced him to everyone, he was overjoyed 
overtime he came out his shell 
he was the master mind of plastic wrapping all the chariots together
is known for being very mischievous and silly 
very bro
is the type to blame it on someone else 
works half of time cause he’s good at playing innocent
“woojin it was you wasn’t it”
“what? me? why would i ever? no way!!!”
honestly, he does it for shits and giggles and never has intentions to ever hurt or anger someone
he’s really good at hand to hand combat (aka flipping people) 
he carries around a simple celestial bronze knife but rarely uses it 
is really talented 
raps and dances he’s pretty cool my dude
the apollo cabin doesn’t really see him as all that talented though they’re to busy thinking they’re better than everyone else 
you on the other hand, were constantly getting kicked out of schools because of your “problematic” behavior
it wasn’t your fault that people always listened to whatever you said
even if you had asked to cut in lines, get a’s or to skip class, it’s their fault for listening to you
at camp half blood, you were known to be quite fiery 
it was hard for anyone to believe you were an aphrodite child honestly 
you stand for what u believe in, you’re straight forward, and you have no problem with casting permanent make up on anyone 
one time, at the dining hall, someone tried to mess with your sibling’s food by placing a magnetic force around it so the food can never sit on the plate 
you immediately flung around to the giggling hermes cabin 
and this time woojin was out of the loop he doesn’t commit such petty pranks uhm hello??
“okay who did it?” you glared at all of them, honestly this happens everyday and normally you’d ignore it but honestly it was gettin out of hand 
“WOOJIN!” a hermes cabin kid screamed 
and everyone snickered 
he’s just there with a piece of bread of his mouth, puppy dog eyes, lost, looking up you 
and you glared at the one who yelled his name and you casted the permanent make up on him and everyone else who laughed got ugly outfits with neon colors 
and all the other tables are doing obnoxious ‘OOoooOOOOoooooOOOOOOOooooooOOoOOH shiTTTTTT”  
the hermes kids now think you have a bratty princess attitude
but did you care????????
and the next time woojin sees you, he kinda wavers around you, and you don’t recognize him at first
as you’re setting up your weapons for capture the flag (i love ctp okay im sorry if your’e sick of it omg) he just opens his mouth 
“sorry about my brothers and sisters yesterday…” 
at first you were like ??? oooOOOOHHH 
“hahahahHAHAHA no its no probleM!!” 
are you nervous ?? is he that cute ?? is it just me omg
he’s a little flustered, mainly cause he just feels bad 
may or may not have avoided playing pranks on you or just the entire aphordite cabin tbh 
he was gonna say something again but chiron calls for the teams to shake hands and you two are on different teams 
and so you had the found the flag, but your back up was taking forever
no one was on guard though, and the flag was just out and exposed in the creek
you wanted to go for it, seriously, your blood was chasing through your veins, it was getting hard to hold your back you impulsiveness. 
and suddenly there was cheering behind you 
and when you walked out of your hiding spot, you saw woojin being thrown in the air,
your team flag in his hand 
and you were chill, i mean it wasn’t the first time you lost
but what really bugged you was when hermes cabin wouldn’t stop reminding you 
this happened almost every time you lose 
and when you’re in greek history class, they were just at and you were trying so hard not to explode 
and just when you’re about to, woojin clears his through
“hyungs, please shut the fuck up, i’m trying to read here” 
everyone is shooketh
cause he isn’t that straight forward and he’s normally a witness rather an unpstander 
after class you thank him and he just shrugs it off like no big deal 
inside he’s all squishy and warm cause aw you thanked him ?? you thank people ??? 
and you’re blushy because aw he cared ?? 
and tbh you guys stay in this weird phase for a while 
very small talk, short glances
but nothing more
it was awkward for the both of you 
it was the first time to feel this warm in the inside 
you both knew there was something more there
there’s no way you two are just friends 
ya’ll both squishes for each other 
but you’re both convinced otherwise 
all of woojin’s siblings tell him to not for fall an aphordite kid 
they tried to convince him that he was just falling for your stupid but blessed love charms and looks
“they’re all heart breakers !! don’t know you know about their little game” 
yea, your cabin loved doing this point system thing 
each time they “won” a person, a point 
and whoever got the least amount of points got the shoes of shame 
you H A T E D it 
you’re cabin was trying to explain to you that you weren’t falling for some “disgusting, annoying dumb, hermes kid”
“no way !!! you have to date one of the hot apollo kids, or the ares kids, but cMON, not a hermes kid. don’t be silly!”
and it just makes you want woojin more
he started getting bolder though 
but hes still shy 
your little talks became conversations, you glances became eye contact 
then the conversations would last through the lunches and he would even walk you to your next activity or back to the cabin 
his eyes not only lingered but he would also flash his cute little canine at you or even make silly faces when chiron is teaching 
and you were complaining about your cabin with him one day during your shared free hour together 
“i just don’t understand them at times, i really don’t think i fit in that cabin a at all” 
“well i think you do”
you’re laughing as you look over at him but he aint laughin
“i think you fit in that cabin perfectly. you’re really genuine, kind to everyone but you’re definitely not a push over. you know that the inside personality is what is important, not the outside. everyone thinks that you’re just being mean, but i think it’s because you base your attitude on personality.” 
and at first his explanation doesn’t make sense
he thought he was being weird and he freaks out 
“oh my go-god,i-uh- i ig-ignore what i just said hah ha ha hahahah” he would utter out, redfaced and looking away 
“no please explain what you mean woojin” and you place your hand on his shoulder
“i-it’s just like how your siblings are with looks! not to say that they’re aLL vain!! i-i i mean li-like if they’re ‘ugly’ they would kin-kinda isolate them ya know?? and when they’re pretty they date them. you’re kinda the same, but with per-personality.”
you’re speechless and his eyes are glued to the grass 
“y-you just share beauty in a different way, that’s all, and i like that, a lot” he chuckles as he palms his neck nervously 
“t-thanks” you mumbled out and he’s grinning to himself cause you’re so cute
and the feelings are just floating in the air 
since he’s all shy and awkward and doesn’t know what to do
“i like you too” you smiled back 
and yall slowly and slowly become more comfortable 
you like watching him pick out the food you don’t like in your pasta
honestly he’s the cutest when he eats
his checks are puffed out and you can see the way he’s chewing and he’s just fluffy omg 
and he would catch you staring and have his confused mouse face 
how could you not want to feed him at that point 
but slowly he would start getting flirtier and flirtier 
he would run up to you and wrap his arms from behind 
omg imagine his cabin is so surprised and they cannot believe he swooped an aphordite child 
“brurhruhrhruhr you hella scored omg hooow???” 
“well i mean, i just told them i liked them ?? and they happened to like me back ??” and he’s blushing, lookin down and a small grin on his face
they all watch you both in amazed 
like you guys are laughing and smiling, arms linked, walking towards the mess hall and they’re just watching all wide eyed and jaws dropped 
“that’s so unfair” they’d all pout 
he secretly enjoys them being jealous
imagine him look all aggressive and hot while playing capture the flag 
you can’t even play properly ???? how can you function ???? 
like you’re suppose to be his back up but you’re so distracted 
you’re teammates know to never put you guys in the same team/group ever again
but he doesn’t realize you’re distracted by him,
he’s all sweaty and puppy like comin to you 
“babe are you sick ?? are you tired ??? you don’t look okay ..” 
“nO woojin i’m fine hahahha!!! don’t worry !!!” awkward laughter 
“ookay..” is still slightly worried 
the next day he comes by with cookies and he’s such a nervous mess cause omg your sibling opened the door 
ya’ll exposed af, all you’re siblings are watching the gesture 
and you slam the door on their face LOL 
“woojin what are you doing ??” 
“i was just worried, and i knew you liked jinyoung’s cookies so i got some for you cause you didn’t look well yesterday” and he’s all flustered 
one hand in the pocket, the other palming the back of his neck nervously 
he’s such a pup omg help the cutie out 
but all you could do is stutter a thanks out
your siblings on the other side are just giggling
jihoon, your half brother thinks you two are disgusting 
especially cause 2park is lyfe and you don’t in 2park
but overall, he’s very sweet and loving 
he maybe shy at times even though he’s wild with his siblings 
it’s just cause you make him nervous
you guys prove stereotypes wrong and people lOVE it 
i’m so sorry this took so long lmao, thanks 4 waiting  !!! esp the anon who asked for woojin a long long time ago
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