sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
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cinammonelles · 5 months
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hotpinkstars · 18 days
hello hello! for the reqs, how about helping kafka get ready for one of those fancier missions? just some sweet intimacy (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
FANCY! - kafka x reader
- helping kafka get ready for a more fancy mission.
- I LOVE TJIS GN. i'm so crazy about kafka i need her to have a rerun rn!!!!! anywayssss this request is so fluffy i love it sm. thank u anon, and enjoy!!
- slight mentions of murder and theft, besides that pure fluff. wc 970
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It was, once again, time for Kafka to leave off for a mission.
You’ve gotten used to this schedule, but you got to keep her a little later today. She didn’t have to be at the banquet hall until 9:00 at night, giving you two the whole day. When the clock hit around 8:00, she hurried into your shared room to put on her dress of choice. 
It was a plum colored dress, very similar to her hair. Instead of the updo her hair was usually in, she decided to leave it down, but she wanted help styling it while she did her makeup.
“Dearest, would you come here?” She called, your footsteps taking you from the other room into the bedroom.
“Yeah? What's up?” You asked, tossing your phone onto the plush bed before standing behind her. “That dress is gorgeous. Suits you well.”
She smiled. “Thank you. I just need help styling my hair for tonight. I don’t know if it should be flat-ironed or curled.”
You hummed, going into the bathroom to grab some supplies. You grabbed both the curling iron and the flat iron, taking some heat protectant so her luscious hair doesn’t fry. 
“How does flat ironing sound? I think it’ll look nice with the dress style. Pair it with some gold eyeshadow and gold jewelry, too,” you stated, running your hands through her hair, applying heat protectant.
She nodded, applying a light coat of foundation while keeping her eye on the time. “Straightening it sounds fine. I barely do it, anyways.”
So you got to work, taking fine care of each strand and going over them a couple times to make the look perfect. She was applying makeup, occasionally chatting with you about little things, or joking about her look. 
You were going over her hair a second time, making sure that all ends and pieces were not missed. 
“So, what's this mission even about anyways? Or is it top-secret?” You smiled, lightly prying. “I won’t tell a soul about it, I swear on my whole life.”
She giggled, looking at you through the mirror. “Jail worthy, as usual. But I won’t get caught. It’s to steal a jewel that Elio needs and wrote in the script. I know exactly how to be successful.”
You nodded. “As long as you don’t kill too many people… but anyways, who’s going with you this time? This seems too nice to have Silver Wolf assist you. Is it solo, or is Blade going with you?”
“Just Bladie. He’s going to be there for a distraction, anyways. I’ll throw him in the middle so everyone will pay attention to him,” she joked, pulling a laugh from you. “But, in all seriousness, he’s necessary to complete the job.”
You were still paying attention to her hair, careful not to leave any strand under the heat for too long. 
“Which gold would look better? The one from this pallet, or this one?” She held out two pallets, one with a more glittery gold, and one that’s a lighter, more toned down version that doesn’t have all of the sparkles. You took another look at her dress before picking which one would look the nicest. 
She nodded, applying the shade of choice. You liked times like this- times where you both could be with each other without conflict waiting to arise, times where she’s not trying to keep away from bounty hunters, and times where there's no tension or anxiety coursing through her veins. This was a moment of peace, where you could both drop your worries and relax for even just a few minutes (in this case, a system hour). 
“Finished! How do you like your hair?” You stepped back, shutting the flat iron off and unplugging it from the side of the wall. She ran her hands through the strands, nodding in approval before smiling at herself through the mirror. 
“It looks nice. It goes well with the dress style. Good call.”
You smiled, happy that she likes the look. You put everything back, allowing her to finish up her makeup. 
When you re-entered the room, you pulled out a couple pairs of high heels for her to pick from. There were varieties of colors- white, nude, silver, gold, black, you name it. She stood up, looking over the selection.
“If you’re going to wear gold jewelry, and you have gold eye makeup on, wear the gold pair of heels. Trust me, it will balance out everything just perfectly!” You advised. You sounded so passionate, leaving a gentle smile painted on the stellaron hunters face. She picked the heels up and put them on, spinning around in the mirror to make sure they fit nicely and feel good to walk in. 
You took some jewelry out of the jewelry box, presenting her with a couple of nice gold necklaces and rings, topped off with a pair of pretty earrings that match the same theme. She chose one of the necklaces and two rings, sliding the rings on and having you put the necklace on. She put the earrings on before toying with her hair, throwing it over her shoulders to hang off her head, spilling onto her back. 
“You’re beautiful, Kafka,” you mumbled, in slight awe of how gorgeous she looked right now. She giggled. “Thank you, dear. I wish you could come with, but it’s too dangerous. I wouldn’t want to risk you being kidnapped, hurt, or killed.”
You nodded, sitting down on the bed. The time hit 8:45, and she walked over to you.
“I better head out now, but I should be back by tomorrow morning,” She said, smiling. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Kafka,” you replied, giving her a long kiss on the lips before escorting her out the door.
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kurjakani · 6 months
Blorbo bingo for courtiers from the arcana?
Omg sorry rhis will be long
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Like i genuinely dont know wjat tonsay. Tjis bitcb is currenrly ravaging my grey matter. I keep thinking about making a double coned hat inspired by them & sm medieval images ive found. I am going to buy the shaker charm for them when i havw some money again i rly fucking rarely buy any merch but for them. If anyone has anu rly good fanmade merch to link pls hmy i need to fill my life with their visage.
Me and valdemar r like. We r girls who made a blood pact at age 11 under a creek.
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Idk what to tell u im p much like. I am Volta? Volta is me. I am her but if she was like a little guy from modern times. Volta is me? I am deadass planning to cosplay her.
Genuinwly tho she rlu reasonates w me. Glutton, (and in my case its a food thint but also a glutton for pleasures) to the point whrre it blanks out her ability to comprihend situations. Also runs away from problems. Pathetic little whimp. Thats me shes me im the same stature/shape as her also. Btw im Volta
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He is 8ugjkshhaushajakjsisjsjsd. Ok so. I defi wish we got more of him im SOSOSOSOSOSSO HAPPY that we get to swe his mansion in gamw?????? Its fuckinh dope btw. Anyways he is like one of the hottest characters in arcana. S2g ppl do not give him enough credit and when im done w work today i might try to doodle some tit pics of him.
I dont think. I need to say rhis. But the autism is rly strong w thisnone. Like not tje my autism attaching on him (which, that too yes), but like. He is so fucking. Oh my god
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This is rly tough for me ro say bc i love all the courtiers but. I think along w Valdemar, Vulgora IS my favourite? They're just. So. Fucking. Intense. And as a rather intense person myself, i find it rly rly delightful (in fiction. Kinda scares me irl) when someone is capable of matching that? I am drawn 2 characters who are off the wall- weather visibly like Vulgora & Vlastomil & Volta or more Subdued like Valdemar. But Vulgoras energy just GETS ME. I think it would be so fucking fun to mess with them. God. I think along w that brash anger and pompousness does come a lot of frusturation which is SO fucking cute.
Also i think Vulgora jas just a rly fucking fun design???? Like they were not shy when designing them. Honestly their design rn is giving me some inspi for some of my own projects on just "your3 allowed to be extra and get inspiration from those golden palace theatre costumes".
I wanna marry Vulgora ans drive them fucking nuts
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askthevolcano · 5 months
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to Five Nights at Freddies, an indie horror game that you guys suggested in mass, and I saw that Yamimash played it and he said that it was really really good; so I’m very eager to see what is up - and that is a terrifying animatronic bear *reads off script* family pizzeria looking for security guard to work the night shift. Oh, 12:00 A.M, the first night. If I didn’t want to stay the first night, why would I stay any more than five? Why would I say anymore than two - hello. Okay...Hello? Hello - oh, ah I can’t move. That’s a creepy skull...There’s creepy things on the wall - Oh, hello. *Phone Guy begins dialogue* “Hello, hello hello,” Hi! “Uh, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night.” Eugh.. “Um, I actually worked in that office before you, and I’m finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming..” Euuagh..! “But I’m here to tell you, there’s nothing to worry about,” Agh.. “You’ll do fine! So, let’s just focus on getting you through your first week..” Okay! Sounds go- “Ah, let’s see..First there’s an introductory greeting from the company that I’m supposed to read - i-it’s kind of a legal thing, you know, ahm - ‘Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza-” Okay “‘..A magical place for kids and grownups alike-” *Mark wheezes indistinctly in the background* Heheha.. “..Where fantasy and fun come to life,” Eugha..! “”Freddy Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person, upon discovering that damage or death has occured, a missing person report will be filed within ninety days or as soon as property and premises had been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpet’s have been replaced,’ blah blah blah - now that might sound bad, I know, but-” Yeah! “-There’s really nothing to worry about! Uh, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No, if I was forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years, and I never got a bath, I’d probably be a bit irritable at night too. So just remember, these characters hold a special place in the hearts of children, and you need show them a little respect, Right?” Okay! “-Okay-” Ha-okay! “So just be aware, the characters fo tend to wander a bit-” Nehaheugh- “They’re one some kinda of free-roaming mode-” hehauhuhugh! “Uhh.. Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for two long,” Oohoohoo- “Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day, too, but then there was the bite of eighty-seven.” markiplier
You... got the wrong universe, buddy..
//I GAVENT USED TJIS BLOG IN SO LONG HRKP HELP im bringing it back but like I'll only draw when I want to so it's mostly going to be text posts
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akascow · 2 years
had a dream where
a witch played by kate siegel was trying to kill me and my sister and some other kid through an old looking apt and the door wouldnt lock so i started looking for a wand i hid in the walls for emergencies but found a big on that fell and broke on yhe grounf instread and my sister picked it up and we all held hands snd stared at like a fairytale picture of a man painted on the wall a d she waved the wand and we werre teleported to this island and the man on the wall was now real and ge was like 7ft tall and he greeted us all and took us to this room with two other kids and i looked at the back of this dark haired boy and i was like omg edmund and he turned around and it was edmund from tbe narnia movies and spperantly he was our brother in tjis and has been missing for like awhile bc he went after the white witch and never came back so ig tallman rescued him and brought us here and me n my sister ran up and hugged him hard and cried bc yay reunion hes safe but also i was kinda lucid bc i was like wait edmunds still young which means ghey gilmed this before the last few movies but this was never released i wonder why
then i woke up in desperate need of a hug lol
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
I'm about to head into my third training shift which I was unable to adjust my sleep schedule to. So I'll need to stay awake until 8am. And from what I've heard this shift is VERY low key and I'll have nothing to do most of the time.
So idk if someone wants to send me asks or hcs or fic ideas or just talk to me lol I'd appreciate it. Please help keep me awake tonight lol
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waitinginthecorner · 2 years
I need to start learning to sew bc I need clothes w iridescent pink tule on them. I NEED THEM.
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eternalscribbles · 3 years
(I need to excersize my writing muscle more, otjerwise I’ll just keep making bad stuff like what I’m about to sjow. But you can never get better at anytjing if you don’t use it, like art or languages! Sp that’s wjy tjis also exists! Tjis is set as a sort of alternate occurrence of Season 1, Episode 41 of Steven Universe: Horror Club. It only jas spoilers for tje ending of tje episode kinda? It only goes to a certain point in tje end wjicj overlaps, but after tjat lil part, it’s a wjole new story kinda. Paragrapj 1 is tje part tjat overlaps. It’s pretty bad tjo still, so read at risk of cringe ig. BTW it’s under a cut after P1 cuz it’s kinda long-)
Angry, screeching, the house wails and roars, keeping Sadie behind the bars of it's teeth. She screams in fear as she tries her best to climb out. Ronaldo, Lars and Steven stare forward, taking in the scene. In a quick moment of thought, Ronaldo takes Lars in a headlock and marches forward. "Hey! Let go!" He struggles in his arm. "Wait, stop, what are you doing!" Ronaldo raises Lars up high like an offering. "SPIRIT, I DELIVER THE PACKAGE OF DARKNESS! RETURN TO US THE INNOCENT SADIE!" The wall screeches Lars' name. "C-c'mon man, we used to be friends!" "And you threw me AWAY!" Ronaldo chucks Lars in like garbage. Steven calls out, "Lars!" and runs after him, Ronaldo doing the same to Steven. "No! Steven! He's not worth it!" Steven jump in with Lars, who complains. "Why does everything bad always happen to me!?"
They struggle in its mouth, but they are no match, as its tongue pushes them to its pearly whites (somehow, they were spotless) which begin to close down. And in a last minute thinking, Steven pushes Lars out the Mouth, having to stretch to do so. Leaving his gem right below the incoming dentures. They  bite down with all their might, and two loud cracks echo around the room. For a moment, everyone stops, everything stops. It feels like they're all frozen in time. Suddenly, a large cloud obscures Steven, accompanied by the sound of a 'poof'. Curling in on himself, Steven shakes on the ground. At the same time, there's a 'clink' of a gemstone hitting the ground, and Sadie. "Sadie!" The boys smile, relief washing over them. Sadie smiles back and opens her mouth to say something, only for it to fall at the sight of a pained Steven. "Steven!" She rushes to his side. "What happened!?" "I... I think my- my gem- I- g-get me to- to the gems..." Each movement he makes rings with indescribable pain, and his brain is actually ringing. The boys now mirror Sadie's worried expression, although in their own way. Sadie tries to pick Steven up gently, he winces and curls in further, his arms covering his stomach. Next to Sadie, Ronaldo walks and picks up the gem. "What do we do with the spirit?" "Bring it w-with us, the- the gems'll know." He doubts his bubbling ability and the moment. And even if he knew he could bubble it, he would rather not move much at the moment. "Hang in there, we'll get you home." Carful not to harm Steven further, Sadie begins a speed walk, the boys following behind. Lars' eyes dart around as they go up stairs, go out doors, and travel through buckets worth of grass. "Is he bleeding?" "No. It might be something internal." "We did hear a crack when it bit down on him." "It BIT DOWN ON HIM?" Sadie turns her head slightly to Ronaldo. "Yea, then it disappeared!" Ronaldo waved around his arms in exaggeration. "Steven might have some anti-spirit properties! Steven, when you're okay, could I study you for research purposes?" "Wh- what? Nno!" He shifts uncomfortably in Sadie's arms as they enter the more beach-like part of Beach City, near his house. His eyes are shut tight. They delve back into conversation, but this time, the words all start to blur for Steven. They become muffled, as if they were behind a wall.
Next thing he knows, he hears the panicked screams (and gasps) of the Crystal Gems. He perks up a little, home at last. Turning his body around in Sadie's grip, which was surprisingly light yet also strong, he groans a little in pain. It burns, but he wants to see the gems. Opening his eyes feel like turning on the light after a day in the dark, they sting. Pearl has her arms out, shouting something in Steven's direction, most likely to be something of 'Don't move!', or maybe his name again. Garnet's usually quite stiff pose is broken, showing slight vulnerability even without her eyes being shown. And Amethyst, having fresh memories of being cracked, looks at him with the purest concern ever with a familiar bubbled gem in her hands. Steven strains himself to listen to what they say. "Why are we standing here, get moving! We need to get to Rose's fountain!" Pearl quickly snatches Steven from Sadie's arm, pausing for a moment as a pang of heightened pain makes Steven whimper. He opens his mouth, only to be cut off by a barrage of coughs. Pearl tried to pat them away. "Give him to me." Garnet's arms extend out to take him. Cautiously, she gives him to Garnet, who instantly spring into action to the warp pad, prompting everybody else to follow. They enter the warp stream.
Garnet's holding a weak, shaky and pained Steven, who has closed his eyes again. He shivers for two reasons now, one being the freezer that is the warp stream. Pearl is panicking, quietly talking to herself. Amethyst is fidgeting with her hands, starring at the poor boy. Sadie worriedly stares forward, her worry shared by Lars, although outwardly dulled. Ronaldo only has a bit of worry, instead examining the warp stream and asking the Crystal Gems questions they'd rather not answer in such a dire situation. Not like it mattered, considering Ronaldo would instantly switch the the next question anyway.
They quickly arrive to their destination, not that Steven notices. He's gone back into a state of complete drowsiness, any sounds of pain that accidentally leaks through being slightly more noticeable. Garnet pushes forward toward the fountain, everybody following close behind. And when they arrive, Garnet wastes no time in swiftly and harshly submerging Steven in the tears. His eyes shoot open in surprise and fear and he screams under the sort of shallow water and moves around like a madman. Good news though, he seems to have a lot more strength than before, so his gem must've fixed. With a smile, Garnet pulls a gasping Steven out of the water. He pulls up his shirt just enough to see a shining, clean rose quartz gem, no longer cracked. Garnet pulls him into a hug which he reciprocates, followed by all the gems and humans, minus Lars. Steven starts to laughs, now healed and safe, tears pooling in his eyes. Cracks littered his croaky voice. 
"I thought I was gonna die..!"
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rulay · 6 years
tagged by nico its under the cut
Stupid. tag memes. songs im obsessed with currently or smth. will i do only 10? will i do more? we will see
1. before the lobotomy tops this list as it always will bc i am always thinkinh about it
2. same with good grief. I Am Always Predictable
3. rose colored boy - paramore
4. masterpiece theater... like 5 songs on this album but mainly mt3
5. holiday. rory echoing in my head: "when i hear The govenor of California has the floor! my primal instincts kick in" this is the funniest quote of all time
6. nearly witches this is also a stay on tjis list
7. fucking. bishops knife trick. die pete wentz
8. twilight - electric light orchestra i dont need to explain this to you no one influenced this everyone go away
9. im trying to keep it to one per album but comfort of stramgers has been stuck in my head all day
10. bpuncing off the wall which is a song that absolutely fucking sucks
11. back in the usa. how many of these are green day tracks?
12. sleepsong - bastille
13. dont try/pinkish - gerard way
14. THIS FUCKING THING: https://youtu.be/MeQbf_90d_A
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koko-lolly-blog · 7 years
warning: daddy kink, smut (ok no shit tho), dom thom, sub maria -- It was around quarter to 9pm. Maria was at her and Thomas' apartment. She wore an oversized sweater with kinky thigh highs. They had little straps to connect to the panty line of her lingerie which was under the sweater. Maria was on the bed, her plump ass waving in the air as she played around on her phone. Thomas was working a late shift and she was horny. -- {Daddy💖} I miss you, thomas im sorry bbygirl, ill come around 9 but I'm hornyyyyy.. its just about 15 min baby girl, get ready for daddy cuz i might come anytime 😘 okay daddy~~ -- Maria giggled and smirked. She set her phone aside and rolled over. 'get ready for daddy' replayed in her voice as Maria imagined Thomas saying it. She loved him, he was so hot. He had the most genuine smirk, best sex moves, and he was dominant. Like really. Plus, Thomas was taller than maria. And he had a long one. Maria bit her lip at these thoughts. She slipped off her sweater and revealed the lace lingerie. It was red, and Thomas gave it to Maria as a Christmas gift (mind that everyone around the Christmas tree cringed when she opened it,). It was beautiful and very lustful. It had a thing that connected to the outfit, that nicely hugged Maria's curves. Her waist and stomach was flat, as the lace patterned over it in a floral manner. Moving up to her breasts, damn were they huge. Maria's lace lingerie had a very small filtered fishnet as the bra, but two floral decorations censored her nipples.  Maria wish they didn't. A few minutes after admiring herself in the mirror, Maria heard the door opening and closing briefly from the entrance of their apartment. Thomas came home, and he was very horny for Maria. She was currently on the bathroom counter on her phone. "Mmmmm~ Where's my baby~? Daddy's hungry.." Thomas muttered throughout the apartment, looking for maria. He smirked a toothy smirk. Maria gasped, setting her phone down and hurrying to Thomas. "Babe!!" She cheered and pounced onto him. Thomas flinched and chuckled, biting his lip at Maria's attire. "Mm, I like your choice of clothing~" He complimented, holding her waist and pecking her on the lips. Maria laughed, "Thank you." She muttered as she smirked up at her very tall boyfriend. "So, did I come home early for nothing or what?" Thomas muttered, smirking as he picked up Maria. Maria's eyes widened. "Oh!" She grinned. "You're strong, tommy." Thomas, without a word, lifted his small but thicc girlfriend to their bed. "Oh my," Thomas laid her down on the bed, holding her thighs up and looking down at her dripping wet panty. Maria blushed, averting eye contact with him. Thomas smirked, giggling. "You're always so wet when thinking about me, eh?" He said, quickly leaning his head down to lick it, teasingly. Maria shuddered. Thomas thought for a bit, before moving the part that was covering her pussy and quickly inserting a finger. "Ah-!" Maria gasped, as Thomas move his finger quickly. She gave small yelps. Thomas dare himself to insert another finger. Now his index and middle fingers were giving Maria orgasms. Soon Maria yelped and huffed more heavier and faster each second, before releasing a load onto his fingers. Thomas grinned, taking his fingers out. He made eye contact with Maria, smirking as he licked his fingers clean. Thomas then proceeded to lick her pussy clean as well, which he gained a moan from Maria. "Daddy... I need you," Maria begged, swinging her ass in the air, but it was grinding against Thomas' boner. He gave a groan, holding her ass. "Aight, baby girl." Thomas unzipped his pants, making the boner more hard. He finally pulled out his 8 incher, thick and throbbing for Maria's pussy. "Daddy, hurry up.." Maria begged once more, grinding against Thomas harder. "Okay okay baby, be patient." Thomas smirked as he spread her ass, hot dogging her with his dick. "O-Ooohh.." Maria moaned, clenching the sheets just a bit. "Daddy, p-please." She begged again. Thomas sighed and inserted slowly. Every inch he inserted, a moan or yelp or cuss was gained from Maria. He was now all the way in, grinding against her. Now, just for the fun of it, Thomas gave Maria a spank. She gasped, which ended in moaning. "..Did that hurt?" He asked, thrusting a bit slowly. "yes" was all Maria whispered, not enough for Thomas to hear. He groaned, spanking her again. "What was that~?" "Y-Yees~!!" She yelped out louder. Thomas smirked, "That's what I thought." Soon he was thrusting really fast, in and out. Maria let her drooling tongue stick out. Thomas was about to come, so he thrust once more and pulled out, releasing on the bed. "Woops," He chuckled. "I'm n-not-- c-cleaning t-that.." Maria huffed, still recovering. Soon Maria got on all fours, facing Thomas. She licked her lips as Thomas pumped himself before she could start. "alright baby girl, its all yours." Thomas leaned back and relaxed as Maria did whatever she needed to. First, she gave a small lick at the tip as she worked her way down half way, her hand doing what she can't. Maria tried deepthroating, which she failed by gagging. "Its okay b-babygirl. Don't pressure yourself like that," He played around with her hair a bit. Maria nodded, returning to her occupation. After a few minutes, Thomas was on the verge of coming, again. "Mmghm, b-baby..i-im gonna," Thomas got cut off by him releasing a huge load into Maria's mouth. She didnt expect it,because he gave a late warning. But now Thomas' cum was in her mouth, and she didn't know what to do. "Hm.. spit or swallow?" Thomas smirked, glancing down at her. Maria shrugged and gulped, without shame. "Ohoho, how did it taste?" He asked, holding her chin up. "G-Good." Maria muttered, licking her red lips. Thomas sat up, letting Maria sit on his lap. "Let's take a break," Thomas suggested as Maria face him, her legs around his waist. "Okay," Maria nodded. But Thomas couldn't help but to give her a few hickeys here and there. "Mm.." Maria moaned softly, giggling. She slipped down her lingerie so it wasn't so sweaty. Thomas couldn't help but stare at her chest. "Its been a while since I saw those~" Thomas smirked. Maria returned a smirk.. and a yawn. Thomas didn't hesitate on playing around with her tits. "T-Thomas.. I'm t-tireddd.." She softly moaned, leaning her head against his chest. Thomas sighed, accepting the fact that he was tired as well. "alright baby girl, let's watch some Netflix til we sleep, mkay?" He smiled down at her, as she reflected the smile also. "Okay," Maria nodded as she laid down on the bed, grabbing the remote. Thomas pulled his pants down, only leaving him in boxers shirtless. Maria just changed into a bra and underwear. They cuddled up together on the bed, turning on the TV across from their bed (it was mounted on the wall) and watched marathon on Netflix. "I love you, Maria." "I love you too, Thomas~" IM SO SORRY FOR TJIS AHAHAHHSSGAVXVVZ
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fandomsofagrrrl · 6 years
I'm taking a media affects class this very moment and we have been analyzing commercials. There was a Heineken commercial that showed two men working together and building a bar. At the end of their DIY project, they were told that they had opposing viewpoints. The men looked at each other in bewilderment because here they have been working together on a huge project for a week and had kind of become friends but when confronted with political differences they were taken aback, surprised. They were asked that they could either share a beer and talk about their differences or they could simply walk away. They chose to drink the beer. Obviously, this is really good marketing... but what does this have to do with my senior seminar in American politics class?
*trigger warning ahead* - *possible trigger warning ahead*
I have to get real for a second. This senior seminar class that I'm taking, is really going to hopefully do 1 of 3 things. It's either going to make people reconsider their whole educational career, it's going to open many eyes and change the lives of millions more Americans one day if Any of us that GET IT win office one day, or it will simply make people inexplicably angry and better and stagnant.
My whole time at CSULB, I have been feeling like my point of view is not in line with my peers. Sometimes I felt like it was not really important. Not talking about anything political in particular really, just about some realities that I've learned about firsthand. The people in my class right now, are on some sort of high horse. I feel like all of these students in my class, maybe are too young to comprehend what our professor is telling them. They straight up said they didn't watch the State of the Union Address because they didn't want to hear Cheeto Trump speak. I get it, I hate the guy too!!
But we are all supposed to be political scientists.
We know that we should do better. Because, when we get our diplomas, we can no longer say, "that is not my job"- when we get those diplomas we are supposed to be educated and tolerant enough of someone's opinion. A famous quote says, "everyone is entitled to their own opinions, just not their own facts". I get that this might offend people. But if you are in my major, if you are even considering to be a political scientist, to study the political sciences, and you do not understand and you are not tolerant of differing viewpoints, what the hell do you expect to be walking into?
Look... I have been in school for a very long time. I know all about public administration decision making policies, models, theories, how to weigh the benefits and the cost when dealing with people's lives!!!! and now that I am in my last semester, I am taking my very last class in political science, I have realized that the way that I used to think about certain policies, issues, movements really!.... was in a way, wrong.
There's been literal tears running down my face... I've gotten into arguments with people I love... all because I have been trying to marry two things that simply don't go together.
A lack of information, and a career or even an education in political science, is never going to happen.
And the lack of information only gets fixed if you are willing, open enough, and smart enough to comprehend and understand and be tolerant of differing viewpoints.
I am guilty of a bunch of things that some peers in my classes are blind to...because they are making themselves blind. You can't be that way and succeed in politics nor in life.
The cool thing about all of this now, is that in this class I'm learning about what those things really mean, the theories behind them, what they're called, that there's whole studies being done about what is actually happening to us Millennials in this era of "Trump".
My professor posed a question today as we entered class. That is usually how he likes to start his class. He gives us a question and we talk about current events and, you know, we analyze graphs or whatever charts and PDF'S we had to read for the week and at the end of class we sort of give him an answer to the question.
The question for today was, "how do uninformed people make decisions?"
In particular, he was talking about People Like us, Californians, who vote on the laws and propositions in our state.
We have been analyzing a lot of graphs that suggests that even though we are a lot smarter given our access to education now than we were a generation ago, we still sort of denounce participating.
We tell ourselves that it's not important to vote in small elections, we make ourselves busy, or we practice what we shouldn't. What we shouldn't do is what we THINK we are already doing. We think that being counter culture is what we should be doing but is it really counter culture is everyone else is doing it too? NO! ITS NOT!! We NEED to avoid groupthink! Groupthink is dangerous because that's how dictatorships happen but we as Democrats think we are above it. Ummm sorry but no, we aren't. Instead, we follow people, movements, causes, blindly like lemmings. We follow our political party blindly, and some aspects of them, we take to heart and say we would die for them. That partisanship, is not only what is dividing us now, not only as a nation, but as people.
See, the answer to the question from me was, to make a longer post short, was this:
that the more informed you get about a policy, the more polarized we become from other people.
Well, at the beginning of the study that we've been analyzing, people are uninformed, or misinformed about a specific proposition or resolution. They are asked a yes or no question about anything really like "do you agree with lower taxes?" and if it sounds good you say 'yes' or 'no' and the results were a lot closer than most people would think. Even on something such as a tax cut a Republican and a Democrat can be uninformed about what their chosen party thinks about the policy and they can both decide that having lower taxes doesn't sound that bad. But the second they go home and begin searching about it and reading the news and watching the news, seeing what their party wants to do, that's when the polarizing happens. I am still doing research on why it happens, but nobody goes into making a decision as a blank slate. We all have identities, backgrounds, experiences that shape and form the way that we make decisions. We need to realize that it isn't about parties at all, but it is about the people that make these decisions, that it is about holding those people accountable.
Tell me....what good is it being mad at Donald Trump while he is comfortable tweeting from the oval? I should be hearing silence because it isn't only his fault. It is our democratic party that ultimately isn't delivering. Even LULAC is sending letters asking for his fast action towards a wall...it's disorienting!!
But at the end of the day, I guess it has to be a "me against the world" mentality. Because ultimately the only ones that can create change are the people that understand how politics work. Politics isn't a bunch of people working together. It's basically small team of people "get it" and know how to work the system. It takes a special kind of character for it and I have been doing it wrong until now. I know that however we may feel, we must out our differences aside and find common ground because this divisiveness isn't going to end by choosing one side or the other. It's only going to change if we come together.
So...i guess I'll wait until you realize these things are true..and then we can begin a new era of empowered and informed Americans but at the rate things are going, I hope it's sooner rather than it being a cold day in hell...
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eternalscribbles · 3 years
(I jave done 2 prompts, botj of tje same story! I really wanna make tjis story a tjing, I like it a lot, but tjere are too many jurdles unfortunately, wjicj is annoying. Won't stop me from writing it till I give up on tje idea tji! Enjoy! Tjis is kinda far in said story. Prompts botj from @writing-is-ruining-my-life! I wonder wjat people could get from tjis, wjat tjey would tjink tje cjaracters are like and sucj witj a fuller picture... Oj well, if anyone reads tjis, I jope you enjoy!)
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"Highly, please!"
Hivemind's pleading eyes stare into the white sclera of her friend's. In her hand, she was shakily clutching a butcher's knife. "We can just... talk! I'm sure they can be reasoned with!" Her free hand waves about with her words, as if trying to cast a spell of understanding on Highly. But it fails, as they look forward with a frustrated glare. "They cannot. We have tried, you have seen and even done, our efforts are found wasted on that dangerous thing."
"They're not a 'thing'!" She snaps, her rise of anger quickly retreating. "Please, we could come to a peaceful conclusion together!"
"No, we cannot." Their voices gains volume, starting to echo. "You saw what happened to Unorthodox. Beaten and sickeningly snapped as we turned on our heels and ran like chickens. He cannot even walk anymore, bedridden, he is. He has not gotten better in days- for all we know, he could be dying! And to even try to befriend what could very well have caused his demise is but utter stupidity, and an insult. Not to mention how likely it is to spell out demise as well! We are to put it down while it is weak. It is our best chance of surviving." Hivemind shakes her head.
"There's good in everyone! There's good in them! And even if you don't believe me, I'm not gonna just hand over the cleaver for you to do the job either! I am going to talk to her, we are going to solve this all out, and Unorthodox is going to be okay!" She yells, her voice straining at the last bit. Her hand tightens it's grip on the handle. Her demeanor speaks her resolve as she begins to move past Highly to the door in which they were chained in. They grab her by the wrists and pull her back, only managing to push her a few inches away from the door before she starts to fight back and push towards the door. "Why does it even matter if I fail or not! She's chained up, I'll be fine!"
"But you do not know that, she could be faking it until we have our guards down!"
And there begun their screaming match for why they should or shouldn't kill her.
What was only minutes felt like hours, the two in a constant stalemate as they were matching in power. But not for long. Highly spreads out her wings, white with the tips tainted in black, looking as if paint was thrown on it, and flapped in Hivemind's face. She closes her eyes and her grip slightly weakens, her ticklish nature not coming in handy as she slightly giggles with the ebony tips brushing against her. Highly took this chance to take Hivemind by her lavender scarf, spinning and launching her into the wall. A loud thud, followed by a crack (fortunately from the wall), followed the pained yelp that came. The butcher's knife now laid on the floor, having slipped out of her grasp. Highly wasted no time collecting it, literally looking down on her. Her wings were spread out, highlighted by the lightbulb above. "No- wait! Please! Highly please!"
"You cannot do what needs to be done. You are weak." Eyes clouded with thought and no doubt a slither of hesitation, her head turns back to the door. With a quick glance to Hivemind, she mouths an apology. One she knows will never be enough for shattering her merciful world, and soon her friend from long ago even if they were long gone long ago. Despite everything, she does not falter in her steps, each one filled with confidence and resolve. Behind her, she hears the pleas and cries of ever so desperate friend, all tuned out into mere muffles. The door opens with a creaks, the tiny box if light shining onto the one the room help captive. And by their stare of utter fear, the two were too loud and they heard. But it mattered not. The door shut with a slam, and a scream if horror rang through the small space. Outside, Hivemind's eyes widen as tears pool but do not fall. In her minds, there's a moment of silence and mourning for her lost companion all over the multiverse. Too bad she already lost them long ago.
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"Wjy did you do it?"
"I got tired of letting my friends die."
Highly's eyes were stuck on the ground, a frown etched across her face. And beside, sitting in the rock 'bench', an all to curious Scribbles. "I did not have a choice. If they got out, it would have spelt our doom. But she did not understand that, she wanted to talk to them."
"And I tjink we all remember jow tjat went." Her eyes look away.
"Yes... Badly." They take a deep breath, it comes out as a sigh. "You should have seen her face. I saw it. When I walked out of that room. She was horrified, a sobbing mess."
"Not like tjeir scream was tje quietist tjing tje world tjougj."
"Yea... She will not even look at me now, though. I want to talk to her about what happened. I want to apologise. But I do not know how when I am treated like the plague! I... do not think there is any coming back from this. She always believed we could go through everything without fighting- without hurting people- but that is not how the world works! Everybody gets hurt, even if the intent was to save! We could not have done anything for her friend. She was already too hurt to fix."
"...You say tjat, but are ya sure?" Highly's head swiftly snaps to Scribbles. "Wh- yes I am sure! We have dealt with every other adversary with kindness and mercy, but we tried kindness and mercy here, and that got Unorthodox on his death bed! We cannot talk our way out of everything, and we certainly could not talk our way out of that!"
"I'm not sayin' tjat talking is our go-to ticket or anytjin', I'm sayin' tjat I don't tjink tjey was beyond jelp."
"So what, I have just murdered someone for no reason? That I have stained my hands with blood that could have been civil!?" They stood up.
"No- wjat I mean is- agj, I can't explain it! Just- listen to me, Highly." Turning to look Highly in the eyes as much as one can when the other person doesn't have eyes (or at the very least pupils), she also stands. "Nobody is beyond jelp. Wjat's done jas been done, but now we look to tje future and don't repeat tje past. Hivemind is very upset, but tjat doesn't mean you two can't resolve tjis. Jowever, Hivemind doesn't jave to forgive you and you can't force jer or anytjing. Like jow tjougj you could do tjis again, you aren't required to. But just remember tjis for next time, maybe: nobody is beyond jelp. Now I may not be good at giving advice, in fact I'm awful at it! But I just jope tjere's sometjing in my words tjat'll jelp you or sometjing. And no, I wasn't implying you killed for notjing, but tjat tjere was anotjer way we could've at least tried." She sighs. She knew she wasn't a very good advice giver, but she had to try, right? A pit forms in her stomach, but she doesn't know why. And she'd rather not know. She lightly shakes her head in an attempt to make sure Highly doesn't notice, before resuming. "I jope you and Hivemind work it out, but remember tjat sje is not obligated to forgive you. Especially since ya kinda murdered jer old best bud." Highly just stares at Scribbles in thought. "Well, I gotta go now. Cya later, Highly!" Scribbles turns and begins to walk, leaving Highly alone with their thoughts. One awful thought kept bashing at her skull though. 'You are a murder, and you did it for nothing. Hivemind will never forgive you.' And they don't move, they know it's true. Hivemind will never forgive them, they will never have the bond they had before.
They were kinda glad Scribbles left, they needed some alone time anyway.
(Altogetjer, tjat makes 1375 words!)
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